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Finally CSGO is good again.
>not liking the superior game
Objectively better compared to sources shitty hitboxes and RNG accuracy.
come back when you've played real tactical masterpieces
I think CSGO is a mess right now but I can appreciate its map pool and how they actually seem dedicated to changing their decade old maps for the better.
Not enough map traversal
probably not enough skins eitherr
shit map. bring back old inferno
>On console
I like moving around maps. I'm so fat. So fucking fat. I can't move around like run in real life, so my only escape is in video games. You move so slowly in RS it just reminds me how obese I am.
I'd wager R6S is still more fun on console than CSGO on PC, but I wouldn't know.
Stop playing 1 speeds then.
Call me when your game has as many players and prints as much esports money as cs
>muh player count
wew, I guess PUBG is a superior game to both then.
>playing it for the competitive aspect
1.6 and c:ss had the superior custom gamemodes and are therefore superior overall
worst map in the game
>he says defending his RNG shooter
CS:GO is bad too, bro. Still manages to miss 2/7 shots consistently. It's really just a problem with open internet hosting instead of LAN or hyperlocal servers.
de_castle is a better castle map than cobble and it was made by a single guy