Buy a game

>buy a game
>Terms of Service are normal, nothing weird
>ToS revised after purchase
>rules are now full of ridiculous or draconian shit you dont agree with
>you either agree to it or you lose your game
>no refund

Defend this

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I like cock.

you dont own your games and never did

I'm assuming this is overwatch you're talking about? I dont know. I boycotted blizzard games.

>play a game
>meet online buddy

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I pirate all of my games so the TOS can say whatever it wants.

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fippy no bippy

who even has the time to read the ToS??????

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That's what you get for buying multiplayer games, Faggot

Furries get the rope

honestly, how in the fuck are you faggots getting banned so goddamn much?

KSP situation was pretty shitty

The ToS changing is part of the ToS that you agreed to

>playing a game with ToS

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try not saying the n-word so much you altright chud

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You sure that cat was feral? It looks well groomed.

>buy game
>game tells you to accept terms of service before starting
>you don't accept
>game refuses to let you use the product you paid for unless you agree
>return game
>leave negative review saying it's unplayable
>pirate game and play on your own terms

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>leftist practices shooting defenseless housepets for his civil war

We have a bunch of ferals in my neighborhood. Unless they have FIV, they look just as nice as any domestic cat. Also I don't live in Australia so we don't fucking shoot them.

>Also I don't live in Australia so we don't fucking shoot them.

Welcome to Australia, mate

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>reading the ToS

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