It's actually real

>it's actually real

Attached: IMG_20190506_140702.jpg (1024x608, 126K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why wouldn't it?

What's the problem here?

Probably easier than asking for gender then asking what you look like

Pretty sure that's the same line from SUMO. What's your point?


they dont let you pick a gender. why do you think this is?

How progressive of Nintendo I'm glad to see them changing for the better! :)

>You can know play a trap

Huh? This is the best way to do it though. You avoid tranny hate without really catering to them in any significant way. Easy.

Pokemon used to ask if you were a boy or a girl followed by "now you're not a nigger, are you? Be honest..." I guess neither of those are acceptable in today's cultural climate.

its asking for your complexion not just your gender
"what do you look like" is shorter than "what is your race and gender"
stop trying to turn everything into gender politics bullshit just so you can complain about MUH SJWS when thats clearly not the case

they do?
boy or girl

They do though.
There's only a boy and girl option.

>the appeal to everyone in a non retarded way
>greasy neckbeards still complain
I wish I could kill you all

Isn't this the ideal compromise? Leftists won't be triggered by being given only two gender options and the Right won't reeeeee about non-binary/additional gender options?

Uh, yeah they do. Left side are boys and right side are girls.

trannies need to know they're not normal though

I want to be a boy and wear cute dresses.

Which one is chinese?

It seems they do. Left is boys, right is girls. But I see your point, that they don't explicitly ask you. I guess they designed it this way to avoid ruffling feathers with the trans/non binary gender crowd or whatever.

So...instead of letting you choose between male or female. you get to choose between CLEARLY a man or a woman? what's the problemo?

i dont see any yellow people
wtf nintendo

they can't pull that shit in pokemon or people would be up their ass about it
be glad they're in a neutral stance and not full on catering to the mentally unstable

>why do you think this is?
Autism. Your autism, to be precise.

>Finally allow allowed to customize your character's looks at the start of the game
>Just a handful of options
Happens every fucking time

>Are you a boy or a girl?
>I'm black

this man gets it

keep your fetish out of my videogames you degenerate
go jack off in your mom's closet and never tell me or anyone else about it

Attached: 1557150317314.png (423x287, 48K)

Sonybros aren't allowed to play Pokémon.

you can crosdress in Animal crossing since 2012
Nobody gave a single fuck

Attached: the real choice.jpg (800x600, 253K)

>shortens two questions to one question
I fail to see the problem

Yes Pokemon is real

there isn't a problem
people are just trying to make it one

Nah, they did it because you can choose a skin color now. I doubt GF knows about trannies.

good stuff

>They ask 1 question instead of 2, WTF
Careful letting trannies live in your brain rent-free, when they commit suicide it'll drop the property value significantly

Nintendo are a bunch of FUCKING KEKS

left is boys, right is girls? are you sure about that?

This is honest a good change. I remember how in pokemon red and blue the options were
>Are you a man, or a fucking slut good only for breeding and raising children?
With the follow up being
>Are you a spicy, a pajeet, a nigger, or a normal white man?

Those prompts might have been okay back in the 90s but I don't think they'd fly in today's more sensitive cultural climate. Good on Nintendo for toning things down a bit.


>no dark hair with blue eyes

Attached: 1554132852209.png (249x249, 67K)

Play animal crossing

yeah pretty sure

left are tomboys right are traps

>I made the thread again

considering who the Switch's target audience is, I don't see this as anything other than a business-related move


Truly this is NintendoGAF

traps are the property of straight men

Attached: Elf Boy by ToxxyKiss.jpg (640x1204, 113K)

Where do you think we are?

Attached: 1525054168179.jpg (212x250, 6K)

Man, they were fucking crazy to Sam Raimi to do the translation and localization for those early games. What a blunder on Nintendo's part.

Use your eyes.

the real test for pokemon to decide who you are

Attached: md.gif (475x315, 19K)

if they don't know anything else, they know that much. it's why they assert that they are normal so vehemently

nigger where
they avoided a question altogether to keep both sides happy so they can keep making money
what the fuck else do you want you picky little faggot?

that's pretty insensitive to people who resemble those on one side but identify as the other, and as we all know, being insensitive means you're wrong.

try again?

this is tastefully done, and so subtle that I don't think it's worth getting upset about.

>are you sure?
What, you aren't? Do you not know what a girl looks like?
When op is too clever by half and ACME Dynamites himself in the face

There has been genderless Pokemon since Pokemon had genders. Just those SJWs winning again, right?

why are you trying to force this shit
try again

>4 reskin of the same model

I'm offended that they ask "What do you look like?" and not "Which character would you like to masturbate to?"

>its another REEEEEing at nothing episode

>none of them are yellow
this shit isn't inclusive enough
no buy

Video games aren't a platform for sending messages or making statements

>unified gender and race selection
oh no!
the only problem here is that they let you play a nigger


if they changed it to that then they'd have to add a big fat nigger cock option for you to pick

>Muh gaymes are inherently political
KYS please. This retarded shit is why Western games are such garbage now

Jesus Christ.

You're an obnoxious prick, you know that? The fact that you'd even make a thread about something so trivial to stir up some controversy is what makes us all look like a bunch of irrational retards.

Because there are 8 options now, rather than just 2. If they wanted to as you your gender they'd have to fist ask for that and then prompt the nigger meter. Which is inconvenient when you can just have the nigger meter for both genders and show a preview at the same time.

Let's Go was a mistake.

Okay we'll remove gender from the question, let people put their own gender on the characters, and make the character design appearance based.
Isn't that what you wanted?


don't you think it's strange that a game which conspicuously asks what your sex is, no longer does? when literally 99.7% of the entire world agrees with this paradigm? what does that tell you about the so-called persecution of that .3%, when one of the biggest media franchises in the world makes changes to appease them?



If Sony did this shit you'd be spamming OHNONONONO threads every day.

Daily reminder this is the company brainwashing CHILDREN with tranny-normalizing propaganda in their biggest intellectual property - but it's okay when Neokikeshitfagtendo does it, as always!

Attached: transtendo.png (706x576, 192K)

tomboys or traps are cute

GBA remakes were better.

>this nigger is getting offended because he thinks someone is going to get offended
Congratulations you're officially worse than SJWs you're not even reacting to anything anymore you're preemptively offended

>Are you white or a nigger?

I agree but lets go isnt bad aside form a couple of things

what are you even trying to say? is that not what is being done already?
it tells me that they're tiptoeing around a sensitive topic so as to not have people throw a fucking shit and keep making money
what is so hard to understand here

None of us think it's strange. Makes total sense that a corporation wants to make money and finds a non intrusive way to satisfy their customer base. You have no leg to stand on here.

>don't you think it's strange that a game which conspicuously asks what your sex is, no longer does?
Do I think it's strange that a game that doesn't ask me what my gender is doesn't ask me what my gender is?

>when literally 99.7% of the entire world agrees with this paradigm?
What paradigm, requiring gender choice in video fucking games?

>what does that tell you about the so-called persecution of that .3%, when one of the biggest media franchises in the world makes changes to appease them?
The .3% that don't care about gender choice in games?

What the fuck is your problem?

youre looking for problems that dont exist

if sony did it they'd deliberately make such a big deal about it that it would be cringeworthy.

would you be offended if someone stole something from you? brainwashed you? imprisoned and enslaved you?

well, settle down, snowflake.

>lets go isnt bad

Attached: pokeshit27.png (1348x1624, 492K)

Any other game : You can change the nose, mouth, head shape, height, etc.

Gamefreaks : Just add 4 color skin.

Left is boy right is gril. EZPZ.


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I know leftists are evil but your witch hunt in fucking nintendo games of all things is fucking retarded
Take your war to twitter

it really isnt a bad game though


Time to dilate, 40%er.

Ah so this is what is all about
Console war shitposting

Fucking kill yourself you piece of trash

yeah, Sekiro had such thrilling custom. And Horizon, wow.

Instead of going
>boy or girl
They lumped it into one choice. It's not caving to the trannies at all, it's just good management.

inb4 someone complains that niggers aren't black enough

are you saying that doing something is ok as long as it makes money?

>The .3% that don't care about gender choice in games?
no, the .3% of people who do not identify as male or female. why are fundamental changes being made in order to cater to this party? doesn't that seem odd to you?

4th down on the right, please and thank you.

Time to fuck off and die you piece if shit, you ruined this board with your stupid garbage culture war
I hate trannies and retards like you all the same

>lefties get angry when games don't completely cater to their political leaning
>righties also get angry when games don't completely cater to their political leaning
hey! you two should kiss!

You can customize every cars in Horizon, kys yourself.

Reee-ing sonyfag detected

>are you saying that doing something is ok as long as it makes money?
no I'm saying they're not out to get your ass they're just trying to not piss either side off and keep a neutral stance

Imagine getting so triggered over a character select screen that you angrily mark a red circle and post about it in a nigerian dirt scraping community

lefties don't give a shit, you're talking about centrist libs

Where's the correlation here?

>I hate trannies and retards like you all the same
BASED radical centrist! if two sides say opposing things, they must BOTH be wrong! Truly enlightened!

They're using the touch screen to condense two questions into one. Are you so deep into roleplaying in this kids game you need the game to explicitly tell you that you're Male? Just pick the portrait that's a dude

This is you, absolute freaks of nature.

Attached: Nintransdo GenderSwitch.jpg (1697x1135, 303K)

>this thread again

It looks more like a way to combine the gender and appearance selections into one screen.

mentally deranged election tourist

>Okay we'll remove gender from the question
It's literally right there.
Boys on the left
Girls on the right

You tranny freaks need to stop injecting yourselves into shit that has nothing to do with you.

the options still separate the genders I don't see the issue

No, no. You misunderstood him. He's saying he hates mentally ill people. OP's pic isn't politics. It's literally schizophrenia.

Boys and girls are not segregated, you incel piece of shit. It's a neutral selection for players.

What's the problem

are you the enlightened centrist type

>why are fundamental changes
FUNDAMENTAL CHANGES? You call this a FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE? It's hardly even a change in a series stubbornly resistant to ANY. They didn't change combat, exploration, world design, fucking anything, anything, ANYTHING that would actually FUNDAMENTALLY change Pokemon, but to you, the lack of the words ARE YOU A BOY OR A GIRL is a FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE to the Pokemon series.

I'm truly shocked at what you consider important in video games. Unsurprised since this entire thread is bitching about cosmetics, but still. Fuck you. Pokemon could actually do with some fundamental changes. It ain't coming if we have little bitches like you crying over the loss of one sentence.

>It's okay when Nintendo does it: The Thread

Attached: soytendo17.png (624x582, 396K)

>it really isnt a bad game though

Attached: pokemons_great_animation.webm (640x360, 2.48M)

that picture really should be comparing FireRed/Leafgreen with Lets go, since theyre the same fucking region.

>you not think same as me! you is bad >:(
Okay grug

>Boys and girls are not segregated
Did you even look at that image?
It's not
Boy boy
Girl boy
Girl girl

See that's the beauty of how they did this. Angry Yea Forums types can gruffly moan about how it's CLEARLY a boy and CLEARLY a girl on either side, Trannies get to pretend, everybody wins except OP.

You're wrong

>they're just trying to not piss either side off and keep a neutral stance
do you mean that a neutral stance is the morally superior one? what about people who sign their name in crayon? statistically there are more people who sign their name in crayon than people who choose not to identify as male or female. where is the neutral stance for the thing that's not sexually perverse? why is it that a small number of sexually perverse people has control over aspects of culture, but people who have innocent, inobjectionable quirks do not?

now post seismic toss

T.D.S. now stands for
the inability to handle the existence of girls(male) without freaking into hysterics

If anything that only proves that Nintendo isn't pandering to them.

you're jumping to conclusions mate
did i assign a moral value to being an enlightened centrist in my question

And then they took all of them down.

If I can't put the short hair in a dress, I know which one is the boy. If they did this to allow for that, then there isn't a problem.

>Just pick the portrait that's a dude
interesting, that you think 99.7% of people should "just" do what .3% want. have you ever considered why your thinking is like this?

So are there only 8 possible looks for your character in the game? Cause if so that's a lot worse than M-M-MUH TRANNY PROPAGANDA IN VIDYA MY UNBORN SON IS GONNA RIP HIS DICK OFF

laughs deus ex

Nice mental gymnastics, tranny freaks


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>do you mean that a neutral stance is the morally superior one?
no but it sure as fuck keeps people from getting pissy over HURR GENDER AND SEX TWO DIFFERENT THING
didn't bother reading whatever you were trying to say with the crayon analogy

I think there's some clothing options but don't quote me on that. I haven't played lgpiss

Don't have it, but I have this.

Attached: pokemons_great_animation3.webm (672x378, 2.38M)

>more threads on trannies
When will this shit stop?

ever since XY, they've allowed you to customize your hairstyle, hair color, and eye color in-game.not sure how LGPE does it, but its how it worked in SUMO and XY

W-what game?

Thanks for making that decision on behalf of video games user

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>stay stupid shit
>get stupid prize
every time

you care a lot about identity politics, maybe tumblr or resetera is more up to your speed

because the change being made here is so innocuous. as you might've noticed, a majority of the thread sees no significant problem with this change. it's just you, who hates that the liberals are winning the culture war. and now you're trying to frame it in a democracy way, as if every decision made by private corporations needs to be approved by the Board of Gamers.

I wish political discussions like this were completely banned altogether
/pol/ is a containment board for a reason

post your favourite poke nigga

Attached: 250px-214Heracross.png (250x250, 50K)

Attached: IMG-2669.png (1200x1200, 56K)

Niggers aren't inteligent enough to become the best there ever was

>are you saying that doing something is ok as long as it makes money?
I don't know how you constitute what I said as meaning such an open statement.
Here is what I'm saying on this particular issue.

-Any business requires a revenue therefore, the goal is to make as much as possible.
-In this said instance, a business has acknowledged a controversy by eliminating the possibility of finality in said decision of gender meaning that the consumer (you) may establish whatever suits you most comfortably.
-Although it is influenced by controversy, it does not make a statement of any sort leaning in any political direction.
-This in turn should create the most optimal way to gain favor with any potential buyer THEREFORE creating a stronger potential of revenue.

You're the only one who cares.

They combined 2 prompts into a single prompt. Nothing to REEEEE about.

>a majority of the thread sees no significant problem with this change

That's because you Nin10dicklickers will defend your corporate overlords at ANY cost.

Attached: soytendo.jpg (960x720, 144K)

>no but it sure as fuck keeps people from getting pissy
possibly. i think its more important to do the right thing than to try not to offend people. i am glad you at least do not make a moral judgement.
are you saying that caring about issues like this means one should no longer be on this website? are you willing to hold yourself to that same standard, as a person who took time to post in this thread at least once?

I'd rather stay here and lecture people like you who need to hear it most

We have to do something against this..

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newfags aren't going to get what this is; unless the developer has suddenly revived by a miracle

This isn't what tranny freaks want, retard. Trannies desperately want to be validated because they know their whole invented identity is bullshit. This doesn't validate anything, it does the bare minimum so Nintendo games don't get pulled into political discussions which is all Nintendo wants

They restricted which Pokémon could appear in flying battles in Gen 6 based on which ones they gave a flying idle animation to.

not my favorite poke nigga, but my favorite design
so fuckin' cute I'm gonna cry

Attached: espurr.png (250x250, 48K)

super deepthroat?

Normal people will just look at the question and go "hmm I look more like the character on the left" or "I think I look more like the character on the right," and then proceed to just play the actual game because they're out to catch Pokemon, not worry about some boogeyman gender agenda

Attached: 1534095338680.gif (390x357, 2.95M)

Holy fuck, Stadium came out like 20 years ago. What the hell are they doing?

right. and there's more of us than you. isn't that democracy? we're voting you out on the issue of whether or not this change is important.

it means u suck dicks faggot

>/pol/ shitfest AND console wars
truly the greatest thread up on Yea Forums

ranting and seething about gender, sounds familiar right?

>and now you're trying to frame it in a democracy way, as if every decision made by private corporations needs to be approved by the Board of Gamers.
im not trying to do... whatever that means. i'm saying that it's very strange that people who claim to be persecuted are actually the ones in control. doesn't that make you curious?

I hate trannies as much as the next guy but this is reaching

No. The game didnt have more visual options than two before. Are you surprised that more options required a different dialogue

drowning in cash

triggered white supremacist gets mad at other skin colors, i cant wait until whites go extinct thank god they have negate birthrate and are dying faster than being born.


it was a gender argument not race argument but have a (You) anyway

I agree with you that businesses want to make the most money possible. you're making a mistake, however, if your point is that businesses should be able to do whatever they want in the pursuit of money, when in fact what is happening here is morally objectionable.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny

there wont be any video games, for you since you will be either a starving nigger or dead

Seethe harder incel wh*toid

maybe you should join that percentage

>i think its more important to do the right thing than to try not to offend people.
>looking for political approval in a fucking kids videogame

it will be peace on earth, and blacks will video games instead of nasty inferior crackers like you.
i praise god for white genocide and crackers going extinct.


Defend this.

Attached: pokeshit26.jpg (1920x2160, 730K)

>Trannies desperately want to be validated because they know their whole invented identity is bullshit.
I agree, but don't you see how the example in the OP is ceding ground to their wishes? is there a point at which mutual parity can truly be reached? of course not; they will just keep complaining and people will keep "compromising."

I think those dudes are trying to say, by not asking specifically for boy or girl, they're acknowledging the gender nuts and trannies existence and throwing them a bone.

>No more western vidya

to be fair, it's not like transpeople signed the final word on whether or not this feature should be passed. you can think of it as more like the lowly trans people are making a reasonable request on twitter and the people with actual power, the developers at game freak, realize that such an inclusion is relatively benign and easy to do. therefore, there is not too much reason not to do it other than a purposeful statement against trans issues.
in other words, trans people aren't in control, not really. they just have an argument that is reasonable to accommodate and was accommodated based on how reasonable it was.

thank god shitskin homicide and suicide rates are high enough to offset their increased birth rates

>It is morally objectionable to present a set of two-sex portraits with a gradiente of skin colors and ask "what do you look like?" Instead of "Are you a boy or a girl?"
Where do you live to make such a cyclopically stupid claim?

>Game makes a tiny insignificant change in language to accommodate more people
>Yea Forums gets triggered

Are you idiots for real? Why does the removal of the word "gender" make you angrier than the trannies ever were?

...For taking down the degeneracy? You okay kid?

So then they'll stay at the same rate while whites die out?

Dude just cave in to the Leftists that want to destroy your whole race and way of life, it's not a big deal lmao

Attached: DeZiI-XWkAUcEwS.jpg (901x749, 77K)

wtf are you talking abut racist? show me where they did this?

wtfffff I want to kill all niggers now

>some boogeyman gender agenda
interesting. are you saying that gender identity concerns are merely a phantom which no one actually talks about, that there is no wide cultural debate going on about how to think on the topic?
are you saying that the tone in which a person presents their points makes their point correct or incorrect?

Trannies seem to be raiding Yea Forums today.

Attached: 1556765411880.gif (116x116, 484K)

You're a fucking retard. "What do you look like" is simply a broader question for the same thing, because there are other races in general. It's more customization without extra screens. It's a 'good' idea.

And even if this were somehow more 'inclusive' to ONLY trannies, they historically envision themselves as the other gender anyway, so even in the older games it wasn't an issue.


you gotta make your shitposting less obvious, its obivous you dont believe in the shit you're spouting

>they're acknowledging the gender nuts and trannies existence and throwing them a bone.
no they're simplifying a character select screen and staying out of politics
but if they want to interpret it as a win they can go right the fuck on ahead

Does that level 65 pidgey not have a single offensive attack or something? Why is the other pidgey's hp so high?

west really is shit at video games and media in general, but at least they make cheap food water and electricity

They're still up though. Dozens of them. Nintendo is promoting this degeneracy like crazy and you cheer them every step of the way, you fucking tranny freak

Attached: soytendo13.png (642x326, 48K)

>Pokemon not saying gender is going to destroy the white race.

What am I supposed to see here?

your argument tactics suck

Attached: b62.jpg (596x505, 40K)

>interesting. are you saying that gender identity concerns are merely a phantom which no one actually talks about, that there is no wide cultural debate going on about how to think on the topic?
In the Yea Forums outrage perspective, yes

thtas not true tho, see you white supremacists got nothing but lies, we humans got truth, you crackers are doing all the crimes all the meth epidemic drugs heroin, raping all the kids and ll the animals, you are the only ones going extinct you inbred cracker piece of shit

>Hillary was bullied out. But you can still save the day, Mario
I can't fucking breathe

You have to understand that /pol/cels are the SJWs of the right wing.

The left one is a boy and the right one is a girl regardless of what you look like.

Attached: 1557007095118.png (283x268, 126K)

haha fuck this faggot shit

you already did you inferior white supremacist bitch, your hatred for blacks comes form nowhere but you being inferior to them..

>You have to understand that /pol/cels are the SJWs of the right wing.

what does it mean to protect the white race, and what is your way of life. what is the way of life you are describing that you would die to protect.

>Ceding ground to their wishes.
It's two genders.
Pokèmon games always had two, the only difference now Is that they don't ask It directly.

Besides, how in Hell can you """blame""" tranners for such an insignificant change? Were Pokèmon games biometrically locked and I missed that all these years? What did stop trannies from just putti g their preferred gender, according to your bizzarre Logic.

i live in texas. do you have any more questions for me?
it is reasonable in your estimation, but not in mine. so unless you think your opinion should supercede mine, but neither of ours should supercede trans interests... this is not a refutation of the charge that it is morally objectionable.

It doesn't help that literally all of his filenames follow a pattern. It's clearly blatant trolling to elicit a response and it makes it too obvious to know who he is. Fucking amateur hour over here.

Well, what DO you look like, Yea Forums?

Attached: sekiro.jpg (1000x739, 260K)

rent free

That's just an ordinary British woman

I just don't see where you're drawing that conclusion that I'm arguing that though.
You seem like a fairly nice person, but you shouldn't draw up assumptions like that.
No, businesses shouldn't be able to do whatever they want, but there's a simple line drawn in whether or not their decisions are harmful and in this case, the impact towards anyone's lives in a negative way is so minute that the output of contentment far outweighs the minority who may feel negatively affected. Think of it like this

Before change
:) :) :) :) :( :(

After change
:) :) :) :) :) :(

you could pick different races in the more recent games and who fucking cares if it doesnt say boy or girl nintendo's just trying to avoid outrage which might cost them sales or pr.

Ah, so the level 5 pidgey was roided out on candy and was able to beat the much higher level one. That's retarded.

I see that the nintendo defense force is working overtime today.

They tried coding in trannies at one point, but they just kept hurting themselves in confusion.

wtffffff I'm going to finish dr deaths work. i'm going to make a virus to kill all niggers on earth

Casuals and those who unironically decide to call themselves gamers really add to the decline of video games.


Attached: slippery-slope-comic1.png (1083x285, 70K)

>He says after claiming Pokemon will kill all whites and make your kids trannies

>i live in texas. do you have any more questions for me?
Is this a very subtle way of telling us you're not even white?

ultimately i think more people are in support of this tiny ass feature change in pokemon than opposed to it. gamefreak would not have done this if they knew they would get significant backlash for it rather than praise. i'll appeal to democracy again and say that so long as the majority of people are at least tolerant of the change there's really no reason why it shouldn't happen because it raises the utility of the product for a small group of people and doesn't effect the utility of the product for a majority.
of course, for the right wing /pol/sters, the utility goes down. but really, i don't think gamefreak cares much about you guys or sees you as a significant market.

if pokemon doesn't cater to my need to brutally murder trannies and niggers despite that being unrelated to the game's premise, then its an outright attack on my beliefs


Attached: Laughin James.gif (190x200, 2.56M)

a thread with a faggot tranny that should neck himself AKA (You)

Attached: 1548723181973.png (194x217, 76K)


Because it's way more convenient? God forbid Pokemon have a decent interface for once.

>Strawman argument comic
Not even going to read it

Which would you rather do: pick a gender THEN pick a race, or just do one A press to do both at once?

I don't really know what your problem is here when that's about the only way you could word a question like this without needlessly extending the scene.

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I agree with this but anyone who gives a fuck about who they're baking a cake for should choke on frosting

>Pokemon not saying gemder is the same as gay marriage,trannies and child molestation.

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Have you ever read statistics lmao

Attached: 1557006667400.jpg (525x311, 28K)

oh, i forgot to mention the morally objectionable part. i see things that increase the utility of a product as morally beneficial. transpeople are not threatening to me like they are to you, so advancement of their causes does not bother me. i'd like you to demonstrate the reason why transpeople are morally degenerate. i presume it will have something to do with corruption of children.

not an argument.
>the impact towards anyone's lives in a negative way is so minute that the output of contentment far outweighs the minority who may feel negatively affected
that's a fair utilitarian (still not morally relevant) point, were it true. what is your evidence that more people are more happy with the change, than people who are not?

you read it (you types can't help yourselves), and this is not an argument.


Hi. Im the man who raped your dog, daughter and dad. I would like one cake please.


lol fuck off autist

I never got that one. What if I buy the cake claiming it's for my heterosexual wedding, but it isn't? Does the baker go to hell by technicality or something?


>Plot twist
Nintendo just decided to word it differently.

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so they didn't put in gender buttons with symbols.
big deal.

Neither is a strawman comic

No? Jesus at with sinners does that mean he sinned because he handed someone bread?

He didn't want to bake a cake with gay shit on it.
The premise of the case is that he's not denying a service he'd offer others.
He doesn't make gay cakes.
Want a regular cake? Fine
Want one with men with dicks in their mouth?
No game

Literally impossible

>comparing two adults diddling eachother in the privacy of their own home to a rapist
I don't like fags but if they respect my boundaries I'll bake em a giant dick cake or whatever the fuck they're asking for

have sex

Nice schizo thread.

When will mods finally ban election tourists so we can have our board back? I remember when the biggest problems were tripfags and summer, now we have to deal with this bullshit.

Literally who gives a shit. Left is boy and right is girl.

And the cake bakers boundaries were broken.


Let's ban politics from Yea Forums.

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what boundaries
its a cake for a wedding

reactionaries are pathologically always persecuted in their mindset. they're really not too different from the liberals in this sense. a constant fear of the Other encroaching on their territory.

Then what is the baker's issue here?

>He didn't want to bake a cake with gay shit on it.
Was there a little cream man tossing another cream man's salad at the top or something? A cake is a cake. You eat the fucking thing after it gets to the table.

He's autistic, if they don't tell him something explicitly he gets confused

I agree. /pol/, gamergate, and whatever fucking else brought people here from 2012 - 2016 was a fucking mistake.

Nigga dey all chinese

He's autistic

I don't look like any of them.

Their beliefs. That and the business owners right to refuse service

my issue at this time is not with trans people. it is with the fact that we are told they are persecuted by us, when in reality we work hard to appease them. I don't like being lied to.
>strawman comic
are you saying that gay people don't get married, force people to bake cakes for them, and use the incorrect restroom?

>and whatever fucking else brought people here from 2012 - 2016
Aww come on man. Don't throw the fappening under the bus like that. That was pretty cool.

Okay, but what is your opinion on Twitter banning people like James Wood, for example? It's the same thing, but even the fucking president threw a fit about it.

From what I understand they wanted a specialized cake and were free to buy the cakes on display, I can't imagine what they wanted custom made was kosher for a Christian man to make.
I realize some are like "Hurr but u get money"
Business should be allowed to deny service.
But not if they're subsidized by the government, like Twitter, for example, using the US president for revenue or having US services broadcast alerts on it

why even bother with this at all and not just make a character creator

it's not like the trainers are so fucking complex in the first place

Many bakers would object to baking a cake for a NAMBLA meeting, or a Horse-Fuckers of Tennessee meeting. People tend to take issue with contributing to something they find morally abhorrent.

why should their beliefs get in the way of making cake

It's forcing someone to comply with something against their own ideals. Fucking liberals need to learn they can't "thought police" and should be stopped at every single attempt to.

I comply with the law of the land, but I'm downright racist and prejudiced in my heart. But because I know how to keep them to myself, I can function in society.

These fuckers refuse to function. Fuck them.

>That and the business owners right to refuse service
So exatcly what Facebook and Twitter does

well, imagine being a trans person and coming across this thread, and reading your posts. reading the stuff you're typing, like how we shouldn't capitulate to them. would this transperson be justified in saying that you are persecuting them? you are after all saying their feelings shouldn't be listened to because they are a minority.
more to the point, you or i probably don't personally go around beating up transpeople or misgendering them on the street. but others do, enough for transpeople to feel unsafe. there is of course the possibility that some transpeople might be imagining aggression from the public in some cases, but judgement of transpeople as weird or alien or wrong is certainly not uncommon. i think you know this. trans people are certain persecuted for their identity more than cis people are.

Dont know who that is. But: twitter is owned by someone. They refused service to someone it sounds like.

>using the US president for revenue or having US services broadcast alerts on it
Wouldn't this be the president's fault, since he keeps using a social media app to not only give out orders, but also contradicting statements, announce policies and even fire members from his own cabinet?

What is Twitter supposed to do here, exactly? Ban him so he can't enact US policy from their servers?

>It's forcing someone to comply with something against their own ideals
you're not complying with jack shit you're making a cake for someone who wants to buy a cake
someone could buy a cake from me and tell me they're planning on eating it out of someones ass and I couldn't give a fuck
why should I give a fuck? I'm here to make cake

I think he's sayimg it has nothing to do with Pokemon whatsoever. Comparing the game not saying the word gender to child rape is so damn stupid

Iunno. Maybe their belief says "dont make cakes for these people.". I dont care.

>So exatcly what Facebook and Twitter does
You mean when they host government employees and are a means to contact government officials in your area?
Or when they said Trump blocking people on Twitter is unconstitutional, but Twitter doing it is okay?
That's really fucking weird.

you should be killed white faggot tranny bitch, you are pushing your tranny shit on my people death to white people no tranny shit gtfo with that bullshit

We get it, boomer. You browse Facebook.

>Many bakers would object to baking a cake for a NAMBLA meeting, or a Horse-Fuckers of Tennessee meeting.
Aren't both these things illegal anyway?


Nintendo is lost, just use a PC.

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If they're hosting any government officials, or being subsidized by the government there is no discernible difference between them being a government service, the moment you could message local officials on Twitter, it's no longer a private business.

to deny money like that is retarded but y'know what, you do you
be stubborn
(not you as in you, but the hypothetical cake salesman)

the central problem is whether the government should be able to conscript a person's labor against that person's will, or if a person has a sovereign right to their own labor. you do not, SHOULD not, have the right to force a person to do something they have not willfully agreed to do.

>they host government employees and are a means to contact government officials in your area
Twitter doesn't employ these people. These people are using Twitter's services to do their business, not the other way around.

of course. what is your point? progressivism has always moved culture forward thereby changing what is ok for the baker to be morally outraged about. this is the course of history taking place, and the people who stick around on things like not baking homos cakes are derided online.
you think yourself unique for complaining that your way of life is under attack, that your fundamental moral values are being ransacked. you and your ilk are just another iteration of the conservatives that have existed and opposed social progress for thousands of years. eventually, pedophilia will probably be accepted. will your brain explode when this happens?

No? I meant them banning people for stupid ass political reasons or for beimg conservative.

Pretty much. Being free to choose means being free to choose badly.

I don't know what's worse. The trannies who want to ruin your games with more faux inclusive crap or the /pol/tards who call anyone who just wants to play their Nintendo games in peace a tranny.

>Dont know who that is

Attached: 1546311056929.gif (300x181, 550K)

Good lord.

If snoy did this, you fudge packers would be applauding them, like they did with The Last of Dykes and Spidercuck.

>If a government official takes their time and attention to a platform a business uses they can now use said business to take your right to convene with them away, unless you're Donald Trump
Imagine being this retarded.

Where can I find an uncensored version of this? It's not an any of his profiles.

Your board is already here, the filter system is here for a reason. You just need to filter a few shitwords and board quality will improve for you immensely, there's probably a comprehensive list of image hashes and words to block out. Mods and janitors are sadly the only ones who actually have to deal with all that shit in case somebody decides to post something illegal with the filtered word

>Government officials use service
>Other people use service to convene with them

Well except they still only give you a binary, the characters depicted are clearly male or female, so it’s not really pandering to “nonbinary” turbofaggots.

Don't worry obesity options are next, I'm sure.

Dilate 41%er

Fags are just as disgusting as any other perversion, Fudge-packer
So what if something is illegal? Would you refuse to ever bake a cake for someone who went to jail? Moral abhorrence is what gets people uncomfortable with selling to others

good, so don't pander to trannies then.

>the moment you could message local officials on Twitter, it's no longer a private business.
so the starbucks where i meet the president is also not a private business? not a good argument. for the real reason, with actual legal precedent, that big platforms like facebook and twitter's selective censorship is indeed criminal (and morally wrong), please see this:
this man is alex jones' attorney.
>I couldn't give a fuckwhy should I give a fuck?
you are not that other person. the reason they give a fuck is because they consider their god's will to be superlative to a homosexual couple's.

When I get a bf, I'm gonna go to the most christian and far right baker I can and buy a cake off of em and lie about what its for, then I'm gonna send them a thank you card from me and my husband's wedding of us kissing!


Yea Forums
why are pokeniggers so retarded?


leaving shit neutral isn't pandering to trannies, its pandering to neither side

are you blind or just retarded?

>>Government officials use service
>>Other people use service to convene with them
>this means the government is subsidizing Facebook
The grasping of straws here is unbelievable. Some would call a bald ass lie.

as opposed to strawman arguments like you made before lmao

>Comparing a chance meeting with a service specifically used to network with people the President uses.
"Hurr not a good argument because I'm a fucking retard that can't into an actual working analogy"
Government's going to have to jump into this shit one day, retard.
Can't host the god damn POTUS and ban people, and then have SCOTUS officials say the POTUS blocking people is unconstitutional, you're a fucking retard with 0 grasp of anything speaking with someone much more versed than you, idiot.

not an argument
keep crying

This, not being able to mix and match hair, eye and skin color like in Sun and Moon is stupid.

>unironically linking Rubin
What the fuck is this thread?

They just side stepped the gender bullshit and let them have their gender head canon. You still get to pick an obvious male and female just they didn't use the words.

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Literally dilate lmao

If you think for 5 seconds that Trump using Twitter isn't generating revenue for them you're being willfully ignorant.

whats it say in the jap version?


>don't you want to be unique???
No, I want to be a normal, productive member of society like most people. What's wrong with you that you need to be super unique and not like anyone else? Did someone touch your no-no place when you were a kid, you faggot?

There's nothing neutral about deliberately forgoing the accepted sex determination system in humans.

>because they consider their god's will to be superlative to a homosexual couple's.
theres no proof their god is real

>it's another cake case thread
The bakery has the right to refuse service to anybody for any reason. Had they just said "no" to the gay couple, they'd have no case. But because they said "no, that's a conflict of our beliefs", now that is grounds of discrimination, because you are selectively refusing service to one specific group of people.
And this discussion is irrelevant since the SC sided with the bakery anyways.

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dilate transtendie

they didn't forgo it
the genders are still very separate and on either side of the screen you blind bat

self-mutilation and disease spreading isn't unique and isn't forward its just a slow suicide

i've always wanted to play as a morbidly obese, hoveround riding lard, who goes on a magical quest to save the land from a dragon.

I think the real problem is that people aren't reporting reportable posts. Racism outside of Yea Forums, low quality, instigating a flamewar etc. If enough people did this then you could get rid of these posters by and large.

Well, there's no random battles in that game, that's a drastic change, but op is an exaggerating incel.

Sony is worse.

Attached: uA3Xjsf.jpg (1011x690, 180K)

>imagine being a trans person and coming across this thread, and reading your posts. reading the stuff you're typing, like how we shouldn't capitulate to them. would this transperson be justified in saying that you are persecuting them?
i don't think so. i'm stating my opinion, and i'm doing it in a reasonable, hopefully convincing, and polite way. disagreement is not persecution.
>you are after all saying their feelings shouldn't be listened to because they are a minority.
there is a difference between listening to, perhaps even validating, a person's feelings, and being forced to by a much larger and more powerful entity than either one of you. my rejection of this, and more importantly the larger problem it represents, has almost nothing to do with the trans individuals themselves, rather the evil people who are lying to all of us about the actual state the world is in, for nefarious purposes including but not limited to the subjugation of all humankind under their will.

Trump could always keep his social media addiction at bay and stop enacting policy through private services, thereby avoiding a clear conflict of interest. He won't, of course, but if you wanna blame anyone, blame your retarded commander in chief.

dilate bootlicking tranny janny faggot

It doesn't matter either way, gender retards still go 'my squid is trans UwU' in splatoon even though the game makes you chose gendered characters with the words 'Girl' or 'Boy'. They don't think straight

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not an argument

They literally forewent it, retard, since it doesn't ask you anymore.


This must be the worst argument I've read today

it does ask you, just not verbally
boys on the left and girls on the right
it just also asks for your skintone so they have to broaden the question to cover both of those

I'm amazed /pol/tards are mad about this, holy shit.

the aim that you're describing here is completely non-sequitur to the movement of social progress. trans people gaining social ground has no real effect on your ability to be a normal, productive member of society. no matter how much ground they gain, if you are a cis person, you are still normal. you do not need to worry about becoming non normal. the thing that you have to worry about for your status as a productive member of society is capital flight, which is obviously distinct from homo or trans issues.
and no, i do not want to be super unique. i am saying that the people who are different, who are not normal, are historically always oppressed by people who fit the conservative ilk, and that these conservatives eventually always lose. what is accepted as normal changes as a result of social progress. the adversity here to this pokemon feature is just another instance of that resistance to change. the fearmongering that you're doing here has basically no substance is what i am saying. society as a whole decides what is objectionable, not bakers. you, a single individual in a smaller collective of conservatives than the whole of progressive society, will bitch and whine endlessly about these changes. what i am trying to tell you is that it is useless. you will lose. historically this is always true. if you stop being so mad all the time at this sort of change you'll probably be a happier person.

Wait a minute, you've been a tranny this whole time?

It's not a conflict of interest for Trump to use Twitter you fucking moron, it's a conflict of interest for Twitter to host him.
But they'd rather take money from blue checkmarks that want their gut checks at trump to be at the top of the reply list.
You're actually a fucking retard if you don't see why this is a constitutional issue, you're either a moronic lefty or a foreigner, either way, you know JACK SHIT about a U.S. citizen's rights if you don't see the far reaching implications of banning someone from a service the President uses to disperse info, and other US government services use to disperse alerts.
Illiterate faggot.

>unironically supporting your "enemy" for the sake of the argument

back to discord, tranny

Now we're talkin

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they got spoiled by the amount of retardation the left pulls, now when they experience withdrawal they have to pull shit out of their ass so they have a reason to bitch

>screenshot of character selection from a kid's game
>over 400 replies

I hate /pol/ so fucking much. You all know that this never happens with the supposed "discord trannies" or alleged liberal presence on the board. Whenever politics is brought up it's always from the right or a conservative LARPing as a lefty.

Attached: 1534730220203.jpg (600x900, 106K)

go back to discord, tranny

there's no proof that homosexual couple is real. therefore, you are not required to bake their cake.
yes you sound very knowledgeable indeed. lol
>And this discussion is irrelevant since the SC sided with the bakery anyways.
yes, thankfully, justice was served in this particular instance. but what should have been a trivial issue in fact was elevated to the highest court in all the land, and the resolution was not reached for the correct reasons. did you know that the stated reason for a ruling in favor of human rights is because the homosexual couple "was not sufficiently sensitive" to the baker's predilection? this should alarm you, because obviously we are nearing the precedent wherein core human rights are less important than so-called "sensitivity" to people's feelings.

They can't even get anyone on the thread on their side because it's such a simple yet easy change that satisfies everyone across the board. It's crazy to watch, to say the least.

If it's anything like SM, you can change your eye color

go dilate transtendie

Like, they used to have two choices of very particular girl and boy. Now they have four of each, not making a separate select screen is logical.


>yes you sound very knowledgeable indeed. lol
Thanks for admitting defeat bud, can't argue why a "private" service is taking kickbacks to use US alert systems or for retarded leftytards to give money for their bad jokes to show up whenever Trump tweets.
Maybe brush up on your constitution reading, moron.

Guess I was Asian all along.

You know, when I saw OP's image, the last thing that came to my mind was that the is representing transexuals. To me it looks like a character creation screen that saves time on the usual Pokemon drivel.

Seriously, you have to be thinking about how much you hate trannies to be making these conclusions like that.

This is a non issue. There are absolutely cases of obvious pandering to an annoying degree but this is not one of them. Choosing your pronoun dumb. This is not

Go shoot up a school.

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tell transtendies they need to go back to discord where they belong.

>cant play as a trans girl who is too shy to dress feminine but has a really girly face and hair from the hrt

When will I get some representation in video games?


>It's not a conflict of interest for Trump to use Twitter
lmao, the motherfucker uploads snuff videos about 9/11, boomer porn against Omar, outright propaganda and all of this using their private services (clearly against their ToS too, but imagine banning Trump from twitter lmao). THEN he gets to complain about said private services banning conservatives for breaking these rules, knowing he can't be banned or all hell breaks loose.

What is wrong with picking your character's gender and skintone? Its just a shitty little cosmetic thing.

Hahahaha what the fuck is this thread its a meaningless change that doesn't force any politics or agendas down anyone's throat
Jesus christ I swear the fucking whining about irrelevant bullshit all the time is making me go towards the left

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ITT /pol/ continues to be more obnoxious with their outrage than SJWs and are bigger faggots than guys that willingly suck cock and and swallow cum

no argument still

He's false-flagging to stir shit, it's not even good bait man, just dont reply.


What does this have to do with the videogame?


>they skipped one two-option menu and put everything on one screen instead
>cringe and bluepilled
at last I see


They're election tourists, they don't come from Yea Forums originally.


Go overdose on fentanyl

Attached: 1551314419288.png (489x771, 115K)


You're clearly not too bright in the first place if that's what informs your political beliefs.



tell all transtendies they need to go back to discord where they belong

NO! Let them be angry!!!! That makes to much scents!!!!!!!!

I sure hope these 40%ing DILATErs are falseflags and not this retarded

i don't mind being obnoxious if i'm correct.

What the fuck are you talking about it's a boy and girl like always God I fucking hate you bizarro sjw fucking freaks

>Trump holding the website hostage, knowing they can't ban him or he can go full authoritarian on a private company and online media
>this benefits Twitter
Based retard.



>all the people playing retarded itt

neither is what you're saying.


shouting dilate doesn't make you correct it makes you obnoxious and argumentless

that dude kinda cute tho

Of course all things will come to an end. Eventually we will all die, all that has been built will crumble to dust, humanity will become extinct, the earth will be destroyed in a supernova. Your beliefs are way more useless than mine in your scenario, you're supporting something that never needed you in the first place. Opposing an unstoppable force is infinitely more impactful than supporting something that can't be stopped anyway. Everything in your life is pointless, why do you even continue to exist?

cope and concede

Low quality bait for a low quality thread

>he thinks I'm joking

To bad you aren't correct

o the irony

>xhe doesn't know


Yeah, I'm sure it's not because everyone that makes their "writing careers" wouldn't just flock to wherever he goes next along with his followers.
This is a parasitic relationship, Twitter would get dusted if they banned him and not because of anything he did

>how to lose Yea Forums in a single thread: /pol/ edition

Attached: 1556062658511.png (402x400, 241K)

>mfw white birthrates are still falling and there's nothing you can do about it

Attached: 1528213324040.gif (400x400, 1.25M)

>all this people who needs to dilate ITT

can you quantify that objectively?

The /pol/tarded can only communicate in memes and buzzwords, that's what happens when you lose your critical thinking ability

Ah yes, the false flag larping is by rightists, meanwhile have you seen this entire thread?

Whats worse is some of these people are very dedicated and serious keyboard warriors.

Attached: 1445349353826.jpg (420x472, 18K)

seethe 40%

The question is toward the fictional avatar. It has nothing to do with the player.

> gender

you mean sex

well, the reason why i support progressive causes in the present is because i would like them to happen faster. though it is true that conservatism always loses and progressivism always eventually prevails, the speed at which this happens is heavily dependent on the tugging of both sides in the tug of war of culture. viewing things in a very long timescale of 1000 years, you're right. eventually everything the right opposes today will be more or less normalized. however, if i want to affect people's lives right now for the better, it behooves me to be a part of progressive causes however i can.
and it is that drive, that drive for a better world, that gives me reason to exist. for the right, it's the drive to return to an idealized form of a bygone era. we are eternally opposed. but you guys always lose.

Japan got two atomic bombs in the head and was put on its knees for the jews, you thought it wouldnt be happen someday?


Writers HAVE to follow Trump on Twitter because that's where he enacts his fucking policies, retard. It's not so much a choice but the consequence of electing a social media-addict, Adderal-snorting fiend.

this is why pills should be taken in moderation

Sorry had to make a phone call.
I base my evidence on the controversy itself. At this point in time, people on the internet are influenced towards one side or the other on the debate of gender (and the sub-topics revolving it). If you google "are you a boy or a girl Pokemon" and look at results from left-leaning sites like tumblr or reddit, you can find that there is minority who feels offended and/or uncomfortable by how the question's structured so instead of risking such a menial thing blowing up (at things often do on the internet) they just restructured things.

I believe more people will be happy (satisfied) rather than unhappy because Pokemon has a large audience and a number of users are influenced and participate on sites with a history of becoming upset over these sorts of things and have respect in the eyes of Western media. The potential for emotional stress is eliminated so inherently that should influence some people to feel comfortable playing the game and as this thread has shown, doesn't necessarily bother most who may have been offended if they'd had formed left-leaning opinions.

Took a random screenshot of the first example I could find of discomfort towards the issue.

Mind you, this isn't my personal opinion on the issue. Just my answer

Attached: Untitled.png (1125x793, 54K)

so it does not ask you, nice attempt to move those goalposts.

Objectively you are a fag getting ass hurt over a streamlined character creator that has all options presented to you from the start rather than asking questions for each category which slows down actually getting into the game
Pride parades are less gay than you are right now faggot, fuck off

Guys come on this is like day 1 advice.
Dot feed the trolls.
You know this.

Case in point

It doesn't inform my political beliefs, it just makes me tired of the right in general for the constant bullshit.
I guarantee you that the majority of people here was led into the trump train and the right because of sjw outrage which everyone saw as fucking crazy
You go against these bullshitters, which leads you into groups also thinking their fucking crazy, then you are exposed to certain political beliefs
It's not that crazy to grasp

Now give me this but with tomboy for male and we're talkin

Attached: 1545082914856.gif (471x349, 688K)

You have no arguments and care about gender as much as the SJWs.


There's no practical difference, shut the fuck up faggot

They want to btfo /pol/ very desperately so they pretend the 40%er poster is being genuine.

>Admits Trump has a massive wad of people that "Have" to follow him, including his haters
>"Twitter doesn't benefit from this"
>Twitter is allowed to ban people
>But Trump isn't constitutionally allowed to block people
>Dipshit retard can't see the implications for the use of the service because despite probably sucking fag dick for the cake shit he can't see why when the government intermingles with a service it becomes a constitutional issue
kys retard

Welcome to nu-Yea Forums. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. We can't go home again.

Attached: 1556751502845.png (1930x526, 636K)

>(the choice isn't actually real)
Very videogame-y.

maybe this will help

Attached: player select.png (896x746, 50K)

>all options presented to you from the start rather than asking questions for each category which slows down actually getting into the game
you think the reason for not asking the gender of your character is so that the game starts faster?

Based and redpilled

What's worse is white men cucking themselves this hard to crypto-kikes in these insect creatures

didnt read tranny

>Why don't you motherfuckers understand that trannies are not normal. We shouldn't be supporting them and doing the opposite. This world is for white Christians only. Deus Volt my brother. Honk Honk.
Turns out if you greentext and post a mocking image no one knows if you're serious or not.

Attached: 1557028360629.gif (480x272, 722K)

>>Admits Trump has a massive wad of people that "Have" to follow him, including his haters
This isn't their fault since it's Trump who chooses to direct and enact official business through a private server. You'll always be stuck here because it's Trump's decision to enrich said private company, not the other way around.

based and optimaluserinterfacepilled

this pic needs an update with 2019 pepe clown

>thinking their fucking crazy
Again, you're clearly not bright. Anybody that comes to political beliefs based on people annoying them online is an emotional reactionary. The next time leftist beliefs enter the spaces you spend your time you'll be going right again, I'm certain.

>God I fucking hate you bizarro sjw fucking freaks
The person asking this is doing so specifically because they are anti-sjw, you vehement fucking retard. It was the "sjw" who were asking to have the gender thing removed. Further proof that people screaming "sjw boogeymans" are literally just screaming at shit they don't understand.

implying they were the ones shoving politics down everyones throat and politicizing games


See this post, stupid faggot

>The next time leftist beliefs enter the spaces you spend your time you'll be going right again, I'm certain.
Do you honestly think everyone's as easily persuaded and brainwashed as you were?

I sure can, I can fuck your mom right now and help it become higher

>447 replies

Jesus Christ I knew there was a reason I stayed on VG.

A literal kids game asking people to identify themselves without gendered language makes all the "totally-over-18" zoomers literally fucking melt down.

Fuck you, Yea Forums, seriously fuck you.

The company has the option to opt out dipshit
I know this is difficult to wrap your tiny brain around


there is literally a scientific difference between biological sex and gender. its not even a debate. you're just retarded and grew up in a culture that was too afraid to use the word "sex" outside of meaning intercourse.

Right back at ya, mate.

Fair. you've made a solid utilitarian argument. i don't have any evidence that there are more people who have a problem with it than people who don't. but there is a higher concern than mere business utility.

>there is a difference between listening to, perhaps even validating, a person's feelings, and being forced to by a much larger and more powerful entity than either one of you. my rejection of this, and more importantly the larger problem it represents, has almost nothing to do with the trans individuals themselves, rather the evil people who are lying to all of us about the actual state the world is in, for nefarious purposes including but not limited to the subjugation of all humankind under their will.

there is a reason, a very evil one, why vast attention is being given to an issue that should effect only a very small number of people. there are more people who sign their name in crayon than people who do not identify as male or female.

gotta word it real specific or else the autists can't follow
>"what is your gender and race"

hello im a transgender and i believe were are all equal and belong one race.
i also think all this hate should stop we should get together and love eachother (preferably on my furry discord server)

Attached: equality.png (413x549, 142K)

>xhe browses /vg/

With all the other Discord trannies like you, pottery

tranny detected

>The company has the option to opt out
lmao, Trump is already crying because James Woods wouldn't deleted a tweet where he threatened to hang liberals. They obviously can't, and even if they did, you'd be crying censorship faster than your orange idol would be able to tweet about it.

Sure thing, cope harder.

user, considering what you're projecting onto me there is exactly what I spoke against in the post you're replying to, I must again come to the conclusion that you aren't very bright. Stop embarassing yourself.

Things will never get better, but society can crumble slower. Have you done maintenance on your car? All of its systems will inevitably fall apart and it will become unservicable, why slow down something that can't be stopped right?


interesting. so if I condense the multifaceted loadout screen in a first person shooter, into one button that says "kill all niggers," you would similarly applaud this time-saving optimization?

>You little nigger. I was here first. I've been online before most of you fuckers. You're supposed to adopt my beliefs and repesct your elders. This progressive shit needs to go because people don't know their fucking place anymore.
Haha who thinks like that. Huh wow.

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>you must be the same user i was talking to
The mark of the redditor.

You want a (you) right?

Here you go, phoneposter.

>They obviously can't
That has nothing to do with why they can't, you disingenuous turd.
Can't wait until you're forced to hear me talk about killing niggers because the government will have to be in charge

>"reee stop giving me logical reasons just let me bitch about nothing"

>Nintendo pandering to trannies


yes, now go dilate, tranny

Are you okay user? Anything you want to talk about baby girl?

>not being a Chad phoneposter

lmao @ ur lyfe you freak of nature


>they obviously can't-
So this is the Trump voter.

>no option for 300 lb neckbeard
2019 and they still can't pander to their target non-pedo audience

>are you a boy or a girl? btw there are only 2 genders.
>on a scale of 0 to 3, how much of a nigger are you?
>what is your age?
then if over 10, brick the nintendo toy, for pocket monsters is a children's game.

>Let’s pretend this isn’t about politics and SJW!!

Okay retard.
Tip: Nobody is buying your bullshit.

a button saying kill all niggers wouldn't offend you? aren't you concerned for the feelings of a large number of people who would be offended? if not, why are you concerned about this?

>a phoneposting
magapede electionfag tourist detected

Imagine thinking your word is worth a shit.
I provided a SCOTUS case, retard, you provided conjecture.
God why are lefties so fucking stupid, you live in Seattle?

>leftist belief is represented by sjw bullshit
lmao you are the definition of an emotional reactionary

sounds like your a nigger loving tranny

And this post is the mark of someone who's lost an argument. Poor dipshit user, if only his personal beliefs weren't affected by things like the room temperature and retards on Yea Forums.

Nintendies literally plays the field in a way that can satisfy EVERYONE.

Magapedes can't handle their video games not being like they were when they were ten, so they STILL GET UPSET



I hate niggers
I hate SJWs

but I still think this is a non-issue and OP is a falseflagging tranny or at least a fucking retard

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>Yea Forums always wants to be a cute and funny girl
>game lets it
>reeeee tranny

really makes me think

Imagine if were this mad about his weekend-long trips to Mar-A-Lago.

Never implied that old boy, good to see you cant argue with my assessment of your teenage nature though. You used the term 'left' in the first place after all.

This thread is the perfect example to prove why the phrase “it’s okay when Nintendo does it” is entirely true.

Look at the nincels trying to defend Nintendo avoiding the gender question, pathetic, pathetic and sad.


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Damn, he managed to do that and get the economy going?
Obama must have been a really stupid nigger

>heh i won the Yea Forums after all..........
Oh, reddit.

Boys are on the left, girls are on the right.

>avoid a political issue
>engage a political issue

lmao electionfags are literally the dumbest

This isn't a sociological discussion faggot, gender only differs when comparing different cultures. Take your autistic garbage to Twitter, they love that shit there


autists need it explicitly said or else they screech

You people will complain about fucking anything.

Attached: tired.jpg (500x360, 111K)

that is exactly my point you see. it is the right wing who is slowing down what can't be stopped. i don't see the point in being on the losing side.
of course, i wouldn't frame it as 'things will never get better', rather i'd frame it as 'things will inevitably improve.'

first off, BASED enlightened radical centrist.
>but I still think this is a non-issue
it kinda is but it's been a while since we had a political shitposting thread. gotta let the pressure off sometimes.


boys on left girls on right

Who are you quoting retard?

Yes you lost and now all you have is your boogeyman. I certainly never asked for your faggot ass to reply to me.

They've done that since SM. It's an easy way to ask "are you a boy or a girl" without getting SJWs angry.

>it's shorter
yea no shit what does that matter, did you think they're limited by a Twitter character limit retard? there's enough space to fit both questions easily

>pickpockets the average American to enrich his shitty resort

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Your're a faggot

>Boys are on the left, girls are on the right.
are you sure about that? check your cisgendered privilege, please. This is literal violence.

What the fuck are trans rights?
What fuckin "rights" do these people have/want that are different than other people?