Would Sekiro actually be good if the protagonist was female?

Would Sekiro actually be good if the protagonist was female?

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Only if Genichiro, Isshin and Own were females and Emma male.

No, I can't really imagine that kind of selfless honorbound devotion to a master from a woman.

you can't?

what esl nigger made this shit
maybe we should nuke your rice-patty-squatting motherfuckers a few more times till you learn to respect the lingua franca, eh?

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Only if you're a thirsty beta autist.

you don't care about the answer
you just want to post genderbent fetish shit


I didn't buy it because he was a dude.

>Would Sekiro actually be good
it's literally the best game ever made

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I honestly can't imagine it from a man.

Thats why its fantasy game.

Pranked Genichiro should be canon.

>absolutely mistake-ridden

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>big boobs
trash. small boobs are justice.

Wouldn't really matter.


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artist is gothic taco on twitter
you can all stop replying now

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I prefer Kuro as a sissy boy than /ss/
besides it's more fitting to the time period

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>besides it's more fitting to the time period

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Oppai Daisuki motherfucker

> wants to force autistic /ss/ everywhere
Go back.
Just fucking go back


Certain periods of Feudal Japan had the big gay

How big was it?

Look up Shudo

>it's more fitting to the time period
Japanese mothers raping their sons were not uncommon in that era

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Samurais were very found of boys

look in the mirror and you will find your answer

how come you never heard that in Japan during the sengoku jidai era male homosexuality was seen as more pure and honorable than heterosexuality, especially amongst samurai

See the Greeks and their little thing with teaching young boys ?
Same in Japan

Would Sekiro actually be good if all the characters were animals?

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I don't give a shit about your shitty weeaboo game.
Please post more boobs.

NOW we're talking

Post the rest of them

Sekiro is already good but I'll take a Moribito game as well.

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Pretty big.
Not quite ancient Greek "we made an entire military unit of homo lovers who will defend eachother to the bitter end" big but pretty close.

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I don't know about the time period, but yes. Women were for making kids, your brothers in arms were for loving.

>ywn get your own personal loyal cocksleeve

Oh my sweet summer baka

>owl is an actual owl
>wolf is just a wolf
>Emma and Isshin are the same

>Fromsoft Presents: Kung Fu Panda

So disappointing.

>From the medieval period, if not earlier, the Japanese considered homosexual acts and relationships as simply a matter of taste or preference, and as something which simply varied from person to person, and over time. While Confucian teachings place a strong emphasis on family, and on proper relationships with one's parents, spouse, and children, there was no parallel in Japanese tradition to the biblical bans on such activities. The specific mode of shûdô male-male relationships, particular to the samurai class, emerged in the medieval period, and by the Edo period was likely seen as a firmly entrenched traditional custom
Any games with this feeling?

>Sculptor is literally an Orangutan

>Sekiro mechanics in a Balsa game

Holy fuck I want it.

Alot of Sekiro feels like SnB, especially where Tomoe is concerned - it seems to be implied that Takeru was a child too. I wonder if there was some inspiration.

>yen command fem Wolf to get pregnant so you can nurse from her morning and night

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Emma is a monkey

That is badass as fuck, other than the retardation of putting your sword away in the middle of a fight.

How is Wolf going to achieve immortal severence if you keep her pregnant you dumbass.

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That already happened. Her name was Tomoe instead of Sekiro.

Whether From will make a prequel about her is something else entirely.


>All my knowledge from Japan comes from anime
Fucking retard.

Big Boobies :D

ugh yes tell us more armchair master of the sword and battle

God i fucking hate waifuffags

Ummm, it's called Iaido sweetheart, look it up

This any good?

me on the left

Looks actually somewhat cool

where do I get the rest?

>has girly shota
>wants to make him straight
I LITERALLY don't understand this mindset. I mean the reason you have to specify straight shota is because the default is gay. Who the fuck wants a little girl (male) to fuck a woman? Disgusting

Sekiro would actual be good if kuro was a little girl pretending to be a boy, They elope in one of the endings

How improve anything 101:
Make protag female
Make anything a cute loli

> 10 yo hypefags really are the worst

The only thing gayer then female protag is being gay yourself

It's basically a less angry Baiken from Guilty Gear trying to find a hubby to settle with. Yeah, it's kind of funny too, she's really (initially)shallow when it comes to men.

imagine being this gay and still in denial

Just post a link to the second half then.

Cope tranny

living with aids must be hard on you

>fem protag
Only in noncanon stuff


Reminder that literally any media where you have an asskicking ""badass"" girl is pushing an agenda and a viewpoint by definition. in reality, women are not strong. women are not fierce. even the toughest women fighters would get beaten by an average (trained) man, barring steroid use or hormonal freaks of nature who are half-men to begin with. the simple fact of nature is that women have weaker bone structures, weaker builds, weaker muscles, weaker fortitude (both physical and mental - can't take a punch, etc), and weaker stamina than men. so please, bear in mind that literally any time you see a chick fighting competently or kicking loads of ass physically without using stealth or trickery, you are having an agenda forcibly shoved down your dumb fucking throat, you just might not realize it.

Can someone please dump Kuro art?

>he doesn't like cool amazon girls

Pretty fucking cool not gonna lie

i want to fuck his footpussy

oh boy another shitty internet artist
hope that guy kills himself eventually

What is this faggot on about

Unbased but truthpilled

It's fiction you dumb faggot. Of course women are weak and retarded in real life.

who are you quoting

Iaido was more of a ceremonial art than anything else. Even then it was more about quickly unsheathing a sword to attack never about sheathing it again.

Putting women into high fantasy combat-capable positions is literally rewriting historical context and inventing shit that never could be, is, or will be possible.


/ss/ is a garbage fetish and pollutes the milf/tall girl tags with endless trash

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that's because you're a soicuck

how's that wrong opinion treating you

Just imagine them ninja tiddies flopping all over the place.

The only way shadowbringers won't be a major disappointment for me is if they've added all new animations to the base races and jobs.
I'm talking about fixing DRG, WAR and MCH's base run animations.
Remove sprint from an active and make it an actual toggle, and finally add in the cape data from odin.
There's no reason this game should still be this ugly.

Not at all. I'm tall, fit, and love sport violence. But fighting for some jew lord or jew country and wanting to fling yourself on your sword? People are retarded.

Yes but only if Kuro was female as well.

I don't hate or love /ss/ but you're still right about the pollution. Sometimes you just want sexy older women being given the pleasure they deserve, instead of wringing it out of some idiot kid. Seriously, they're always dumbasses who don't even know what a boner is.

Be forgotten.

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You having sex could never be possible either, nerd LOL

a huge titty milf sekiro would be a motherlike figure to kuro and it would be a different interaction but it would work

Be gay

have sex

>prosthetic is on the wrong arm

Ricewife > all

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>in reality
no shit, but video games aren't reality
of course i'd prefer if the setting gave a reason for the disparity rather than just having a 5 foot woman overpower grown men, but it's not important

Shut up Elyse your shot hair makes you look like a man.

>Who the fuck wants a little girl (male) to fuck a woman?
Straight people

I only like ss when it goes from shota fucking to shota getting ntr'd.

>superpowers are not real marvel btfo

pretty good, read the first volume, the art is great, the protag is cute but is a bad judge of character

Sex isn't just a mechanical in and out that provides the pleasure, my friend. First and foremost it's squeezing and tugging on the clit, as well as pushing it from the inside, that provides that kind of stimulation. For me personally what I enjoy with the /ss/ fantasy is the idea of corruption and the power dynamic: You have a child that's dependant on you and you reinforce that dependency by fulfilling his needs as a mother or older woman. He would eventually become incapable of having a normal relationship with anyone else. This fantasy is much better than the whole 'lol big dick in hole feels good' act. There's just way more than that to sex and pleasure.

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>first and moremost it's squeezing and tugging on the clit
have sex

seek help

it's okay if it's fiction because stronk yet cute women who can handle her own but is always ready to cooperate to go forward in life is my fetish and I can't have that in real life

Yeah, that stimulation can come from anyone or anything but you clearly focus more on the boy anyway.

>not a new IP
stop samefagging first

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No shit, Sherlock. Look up submissive or subservience.

>virgin beta bitch cries out in his insecurity
have sex


MiniGTS is a kino fetish and is fucking dead because of these /ss/ faggots and their Oedipus Complex


Absolutely based.

God amongst men. (Kami no ningen)

its an actual martial art, you are a kid on the internet


the only retarded part is how close together they get. you attack at maximum range with a sword, or your opponent does first


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do you use tweezers during sex?

>no breast milk ranged attack
I'm surprised

>posting another reply in a thread is now considered samefagging
fucking yikes

do you require parental assistance when grabbing a pencil from a table or are you just pretending to be retarded?

That sounds cool, any examples?

>You have a child that's dependant on you and you reinforce that dependency by fulfilling his needs as a mother or older woman
So in other words, fucking disgusting and may as well be father on daughter rape.

>He would eventually become incapable of having a normal relationship with anyone else. This fantasy is much better than the whole 'lol big dick in hole feels good' act. There's just way more than that to sex and pleasure.

Wew, a lot to unpack there, just gonna ignore that for now.

Nothing in that rambling explains the necessity of the male participant being a child. You could easily achieve the same thing with an adult male and giant female, without the casual dismissal of predatory sex grooming on the child's behalf.

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Somewhat big, but they aren't the only ones. youtube.com/watch?v=GCNF5J8L9m8

You mean the shota gets his bitch stolen?


>ricewife:the game is in development hell

Why it gotta be like it do lads

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women being lesser than men is true. But not every piece of media where women are OP are an agenda. I mean look at all the kickass women in anime.

>Protagonist single-handedly slaughters entire armies by himself, can shake off sword and gun wounds, heals by consuming food and drink, never sleeps, and returns to life after death
>But it's realistic because it's a dude :)
If you want realism in games you'll turn off the console after taking damage once and then never playing the game again, you narcissistic twat.

What happened now?

anime girls act like women, they just happen to have high power levels

western "strong women" are just all the personality traits sjws classify as "toxic masculinity" in a female body, weirdly enough sjws eat this up and hate anime

>anime girls act like women

No they don't they act like pre-pubescent children.

Anime at least makes them cute and feminine when they aren’t being OP.

They ran out of rice.

>sekiro will never mikiri counter your dick

>He thinks the kind of person who writes anime is credible for depicting women

atleast they love like men.

what is this?

kunoichi were typically used to gather intelligence and perform assassinations up close in their target's private quarters. they didn't really do battlefield infiltration or combat.

i think a kunoichi game would be pretty sweet actually, if it were done right. Or give us more Ayame, she's pretty awesome.

>Seriously, they're always dumbasses who don't even know what a boner is.
And that's what makes it hot.

So I guess Metroid Prime, one of the best games ever made, was a forced political ploy, then.

>father on daughter rape.
Not him but that's pretty hot too

/ss/ is a God tier fetish alongside femdom. Suck my ass faggot.

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because alot of them are pre-pubescent or adolescent
They act feminine is the point

This coming from someone with little to no interaction with IRL women


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>he thinks being meek and submissive is the only criteria for "feminine"

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I wish I had a king to follow into battle.


level 6 a shit
everything else can be great


>best girl is a little boy
what did miyazaki mean by this?

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watch manyuu hikenchou

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Tips on 2nd Corrupted Monk?

We've all watched the ovas a million times now user, it's not coming back...

Have some literal SS

As someone who actually participates in HEMA, I can tell you that there absolutely are situations where you want to get all up in someone's space like that during a fight.

is it sad that this image got me to play the game?

>dom turns sub
kys asap

Nah, gameplay is still shite.

No, being able to romance Lavenza is getting me to play P5.

t. got filtered

t. eats shit and defends it

We must demand the mangaka to give up his fucking gay ass fixation on feudal politics and focus on tits again.

Sekiro of course

I like this art but the artists fucked up with Kuro's chests.
Man doesnt have boobs for fuck sake.
If you are gonna draw a boy at least do it right.

Japs have always loved sissy gay shotas they're just very open about it

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go find a woman in an abusive relationship
she'd gladly kill her own parents to please her man

Who's the girl on the bottom left? She's pretty cute.

Who's that fat piece of shit?

>"Hey, lets take Dark Souls combat, which involves a hundred different weapons, some that are unique enough to be part of their own builds, and cut all that shit out and just leave the main character with a katana for the entire game!"
>somehow From Software thought this was a good idea

What kind of retard disease the developers catch that they thought this would be fun?
Sekiro is the most boring From Software game ever, and the fact that it came after Dark Souls/Bloodborne is mind blowing.

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no wonder a literal brainlet can't even use tag filtering

Would you eat the rice ball that he prepared for you?

The only people who pretend to like Sekiro on Yea Forums are PC players who need to pretend that it's okay that they never got Bloodborne

Only if he ejaculated on/in it.

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Well that's bs. I have platinumed Bloodborne and I think it's the best Soulsbornekiro game but Sekiro is still a very solid action game and in the top 3 of the modern FromSoft games for me personally.

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nurturing/mothering is a good one too
another trait that western "strong women" dont have



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I would disagree on that one.

it already is good
but it would be even better