It's up
hey hey people
>spent all his patreon bux commissioning Godhand porn
>Get patreon bucks
>Spend it all on hentai commissions
Absolute madman
I'm downloading his shit now. Better be dolphin porn I haven't seen yet.
>almost $1200 of patreon bucks to commission Olivia lewds
how can one man be so based
sseth here
>linked God Hand with a widescreen mod and all that shit for free in the video discription
>Spent all his fucking money to get Olivia porn
Well, he did have those gobbos in HOMM vids...
sseth has great taste in porn artists.
I highly recommend looking at other works by these guys
This guy would be better if he wasn't a weeb.
>never got a commission request from Sseth
I am clearly doing something wrong.
Sseth is fucking awesome, been a patron for a while now. Don't join his discord though, its full of fags. Right now they're spamming mordhau bullshit
>Used his Money from the Merchants for all that Olivia porn
Literally the best
don't use discord in general
Absolutely based
>Used patreon money to comission olivia porn
>Put a direct link for a fucking rom in the video
Holy fucking based.
>Character with an partner in anything other than consensual love making
Its shit
>Yea Forums eceleb thread after the previous one was btfo'd
lol the shills are here
>spend more than 1k dolaroos to comission god hand porn for the luls
absolutely based
if this man is not /our/ guy nobody is
kys britcuck
kiss your sister?
lol ssethlet is triggered
>Spent all that just to give us Olivia porn.
Fucking based. We haven't seen enough Olivia porn. This man doing god's work
>all of these new Olivia porn
Truly a blessed time. Thank you sseth.
Also he didnt use the patron but the sponsorship money to commission the art which is even more based.
Time to go play God hand again
Sseth is a hack
Love him
Keep yourself safe user.
Hes just trying to look out for you.
I take back everything bad I've ever said about him.
more like seething here
he got too popular we have to hate him now
>that full nelson pic
>All that r34
>spent all of his money on Olivia porn
This man has made my week. Holy shit.
>Still have my Original copy and A PS3 download
How good is the Eumlator?
>western porn
>calls it hentai
what the hell is this
Fucking mad man holy shit
I haven't played this game, but Shannon looks hotter...
Almost looks like his discord is shilling this thread
That would never happen though right
wow dude I love porn
sseth is so based!!
are you the same faggot that started shiling La-mulana on Hollow knight threads as well?
hey hey people sseth here I'm gonna do nothing but spew the same stale old memes you've been tired of seeing on here forever but because they're on youtube that makes me fucking based.
I have no idea who this faggot is but he's doing god's work
3 and 13 are the only good ones
why can't westerners draw?
Are you one of those /pol/ users who call every event a False Flag?
>YouTube "celebrity"
>promotes piracy of PS2 classics
>promotes rape
>posts illegal content
>Yea Forums loves him
How the fuck hasn't he been banned from YT and why the fuck do you reddit crossies keep watching him?
I refuse to believe these commissions cost that much. It's mostly not even a good art.
this faggots voice is annoying
>not every artist is finished yet
>more will be uploaded soon
>was jacking off to oliva two days ago
>actually now realize sseth was behind all of this new drawings
i think i like him now
t. Reddit
>He doesn’t Know
Truly a man of the people
>commissioned Olivia porn
we're achieving new levels of based
he has good taste desu
The ssethtide on ss13 ruined many rounds and hours for me.
Fuck his retarded userbase
>be sseth
>steal footage
>get famous
>Yea Forumsirgins seething
>get sponsored
>use that money to commission porn
>us chads rejoice while Yea Forumsrigins seeth more than ever
holy shit, is there a man more based than sseth?
What a mad lad
>Commissioned fucking Legoman
He had to have planned this a decade in advance to actually get his commission.
>The size of some of those dicks
Fat cocks are the best
>God Hand
Nice. Re-release when Capcom?
Sseth is trully one of us
almost looks like there is a large overlap between people who like video games, people who browse Yea Forums, and people who like his content
9/10 didn't thank the merchant's guild for the support
hey hey sseth
people here
ExpressVPN equally based for not giving a shit about """Advertiser Friendly"""
do japanese artists deny a lot of foreign commissions?
half of these don't look worth any money at all
there are several furry artists who charge upwards of 5000$ for sketches, the shit he got done isn't too bad in comparison. the real question is who the fuck actually buys 5000$ commisions because they do sell
Tried several times but could never really get into God Hand. Still appreciate it though.
>Pls support me i need money to make videos
>Drops over 1k for porn
Fucking cringe
>people who like video games
Where do you think you are
The money used for commissioning was all sponsor money. He hasn't spent any of the patreon money on porn.
>makes mocking sponsorship of some chink mmo
>uses 1.2k dollaroos from it to to became and art patron of god hand porn
Absolute mad lad.
>game is about a dude who lost his arm
>the highlight of the video is to announce the influx of olivia porn
oh shit its godhand
this fucking guy
>Tel Aviv productions©
I think they know their target demographic pretty well.
>$1k in commissioned porn
based seth
Fucking based
But he is OUR hack
It is indeed, he truly knows his stuff.
2 and 14 are the best.
>Gonna bust a nut into the milky way (MILKY WAY)
>Seeing lewd pics of Olivia is a ball-buster (BALL-BUSTER)
>singled out Bradford again
I feel so ashamed.
>all these zoomers that worship this faggot are going to ruin Godhand's community now
name more based man
you literally cant
its impossible
speech impediment here
thief here
t.peaceful ogre
is there a single sseth fan over the age of 18?
What god hand community you jackass.
>wahhhh people are going to play my videogame this can't be happening bros only the select few are allowed to play this PS2 game
>he actually linked the PS2 bios too
What a chad
>porn on the front page
I've been on Yea Forums for years and I can count the number of times I've seen God Hand threads with the fingers of one hand.
fucking kill yourself my dude
what the fug
I have never seen this guy's videos before. Is he running a script through a voice synthesizer?
there used to be god hand threads all the time like 5+ years ago
Imagine babies comparison is Yea Forums-core image and spawned tons of discussion.
thats profile pic material there
I miss League of Legends era sseth
It's Shen Free Week will be my favourite video forever
Can someone give me a quick rundown?
someone post the full porn
i shouldn't have to say this but that link is not safe for work
yes he's actually from africa with an ugandan accent but he masks it through voice synthesizers in order to appeal american for us in the first world
>Samefagging this hard.
Hit me with the (You)s
Literally who the fuck is this guy and why should I care besides "lol he used patreon money on porn"
>he commissioned sinensian
fucking based
Yeah I'm think he's pretty based and redpilled.
THAT'S where all of that God Hand porn came from
he used the sponsor money tho
leave newfag
The future of Yea Forums is a sea of eceleb threads posting links to videos of Yea Forums meme compilations all fueled by fanboys and eceleb whiteknights on discord shutting down any criticism and just saying BASED over and over and over again
>commisioned all of the guild's neetbux for god tier prawn
one of us
also can't wait for the Legoman commision
His league vids were pretty funny.
Real talk, do you take back any bad things you said about him Yea Forums?
he talks about v approved games.
He reviews old cult classic games and his videos are usually on point and funny. That's about it.
>All these fags complaining all these new olivia porn just because its sseth
Absolutely disappointing, Fags will always be fags i guess.
No. Because I never said anything bad about him.
his claim to fame is league of legends, which is not a Yea Forums approved game
>t. simple carpet merchant
i've never said anything bad about sseth
I don't care about e-celebs but goddamn commissioning that much porn for a review earns my respect
On one hand, the art is pretty good and her body is at the very least a solid 8/10. On the other hand, a good portion of it is gangbang which is pretty gay. Overall based but bluepilled.
Lol. Why couldn't you guys get him to commission porn of something people want.
Kudos to him though on getting some talented artists atleast.
I like this guy.
>frogposter reveals his single digit IQ again
wow what a shocker
on the other hand is my dick jerking off to this
That's fucking amazing
Now I forgive him for stealing content from others
Is this game actually good? Should I download the emu
imagine being so insecure you feel the need to trashtalk him
The fuck are you talking about? God Hand is crazy popular here. One of the definate Yea Forums core games. I'm saying this as someone who hasn't even played it.
Saw Sinensian's art the other day.
Shame its the only good artist he comissioned, there are plenty of good artists accepting or were accepting commissions like @by_spoon but he goes with all these garbage western artists, still funny nonetheless
I pay money for someone to put memes over other people's footage on youtube, and joined a club of likeminded people on discord.
I advertise their channel on Yea Forums daily and whiteknight for them every chance I get. I just love memes so much I had to jump at the opportunity to pay to see them again.
what content did he steal
I thought he was dead. I checked his channel not that long ago and it had no new videos. I take that back, he's more alive than ever
to be honest I think a lot of us haven't played it, it's like the undertale of Yea Forums
western > eastern
Comissions usually cost even more, especially for more perverted shit.
t. Has a friend doing BDSM hentai about soviet cartoons.
Greenpilled perhaps?
It's extra hilarious he managed to get one from incase since he pretty much always uses his art whenever he talks about goblins.
guaranteed [You]s from butthurt ass-drinkers
What do you mean? A ton of people have played it. It's not exactly hard to get your hands on.
I haven't played it though, funnily enough.
>for years
>t. newfag
It was a lot more popular in the past.
Just screenshots in his Dwarf Fortress video that’s literally it and the Situation has already pasted but people will still beat the dead horse just for the sake of it
>uses his shill shekels to commission more Godhand 34
Based Sseth.
Isn't that Incase? Is the joke that he draws nothign BUT dickgirls?
ok ok i will ask
what content did he stole?
old memes?
Naw that looks like Legoman I think
nah incase did this one
all/almost all his stories from the Dwarf Fortress video are from a guy named Kruggsmash
dwarf fortress memes
nothing wrong with that, though you likely have a bit of the gay, just make sure it doesn't become reach to the next level
Is he getting more active? I watched a video years ago of him playing farming simulator with dubstep playing and seeing the occasional video pop up afterwards every few months. What has changed, patreon?
Yea plus the lack of coloring the fag still hasn't bothered to do it after all these years
I'm playing the emulator and how do I make it not run like shit?
wtf i should have listened my boss saw this and he gave me a promotion
Oh, yeah, I saw it in the video and recognized the art, but I guess I forgot it again two minutes later.
Where is Sseth from?
It's Legoman talking shit about Incase, if word gets out that he's open to commissions if the price is high enough even though his commissions are officially closed 99% of the time, fetishists will bombard him with dickgirl commissions.
Patreon and he found his niche.
maybe purple pill since while he used advertiser money for non advertiser friendly products, he used it on low tier porn making it both redpilled and bluepilled
We only know about Dwarf Fortress, but any shitposter will tell you that every single video he ever made is stolen footage.
>the ones he uploaded to the site are the ones without smearing
Based desu
>eceleb threads
I don't care if he started from here, all eceleb threads are cancer
>yet another ironic weeb, memespouting game reviewer that is totally unique and wacky
This whole thread is so tiresome.
he is a human being from planet earth
and he's also doing this full-time now, I believe.
Yea Forums is overrun with Reeesetera trannies and Neofags, this is to be expected.
so it's fucking nothing, wow
Then why are you here tiring yourself out?
He finished university, got into a full time job, decided he fucking hated it and is not doing videos full time with the help of patreon.
He's a black guy living in Britain.
y-you're not supposed to say that
so what about the game? god hand? anyone? or is this an eceleb cultist thread?
Based non-contributing member of society
worth every penny
Never thunk it this way. Pretty based.
He lives in the milky way
Once you're paying for memes, nothing will convince you otherwise.
Can you give an example of something Sseth could do that would actually make you give a shit?
God hand sucks tho
Hey Yea Forums, who are the best western porn artists to commission? Surely, you guys know the best ones!
Does this thread look like it's about God Hand discussion? Watch the fucking review this thread is about if you want to hear about God Hand.
How much does Sseth pay the jannies to allow blatant e-celeb shill threads?
He is a warlord from congo.
Then try posting some criticisms beyond
We're discussing Olivia porn
God Hand is a fantastic game that not enough people bought and played. But sadly, there's not much to talk about anymore when it comes to the game itself, aside from posting quotes. We really need some kind of re-release with new content or a straight up sequel to generate new discussion.
if he expressed left wing opinions unironically a lot of people would be mad as fuck. aside from that, he'd have to actually kill children to make Yea Forums zoomers consider dropping him.
It's kind of funny that literally the only thing people on Yea Forums find unacceptable is expressing left wing opinions. I'd like to see what would happen if Sseth actually did this, but we all know every "fearless" "offensive" eceleb follows the money and doesn't dare rock that boat, gotta keep the paypiggies happy
but user, we need a reason to ape out about him
>Becoming this salty and insecure over someone else getting Yea Forums's praise
Jesus fuck the cool kids club mentality is real, no one with a mental age above 12 or not having massive aspergers would act like this. END your sad existence my man.
God Hand is ancient and well-loved, it would be like having a thread about Final Fantasy VII.
>used to play ss13
>sseth vid drops
>servers turn to dogshit
I won't forgive this, even if he commisioned 1.2k dollarydoos of porn using money from shilling a gook MMO. He is neutral in my book.
But we are discussing a /pol/ bred e-celeb right now, dummy
Everyone worth their shit has played it and loves it.
All thread would be asking for more lewds, but this thread actually delivered on the lewds everyone kept asking for.
Good fucking lord. Spending patreon bucks to fund porn. What an absolutely based individual.
Why the fuck do people love him so much?
I just watched the God Hand video, it wasn't particularly funny or in depth.
This guy isn't Ross, he's not even Civvie or Dunkey, what's the appeal?
>Seth isn't ourgu-
>servers turn to dogshit
Yet most of them were already shit to begin with most of them being dead
They work under the same few merchants, it's all very incestuous.
Nobody really knows, some say he's from scandinavia others say he's from russia. personally I think he doesn't have a strong enough accent to be european
the whole "I'm some nigger from Uganda" is just part of the act he puts on
>This guy isn't Ross, he's not even Civvie or Dunkey
Fuck off reddit
>This guy isn't Ross, he's not even Civvie
> donkey
I love how ugly both him and his gf is, really gives his videos something that boogie also had
It's not legoman
Imagine actually watching that fat cuckold's videos. He sounds like carl weezer too.
It's Yea Forums-core for sure, but how many dedicated threads have you seen for it in the past couple of years? I don't think I've seen any.
>MvC:I didn't include Gene
>probably for the best
civvie is certified cringe
browse aco for a while and find out
Memes, like Ross too though, mostly for Freemans Mind.
Yet there has been almost no threads for the game back then and even IF one does shows up it just ends up dying
>Godhand porn
The hero we don't deserve
>Ross, he's not even Civvie or Dunkey
to be perfectly honest I have no fucking idea who those people are
>This guy isn't Ross, he's not even Civvie
He's better than Dunkey.
Not to say Dunkey is shit, he's been quite good too.
>Didn't thank the merchant guild at the end
Welp it was fun while it lasted. RIP sseth we'll always remember you for the contribution of more Godhand porn.
The face is slightly less sameface and the lineart is cleaner than usual, but everything else about it matches his style.
>watching this faggotron when mandalore exist
but he is based or now only for the porn
okay, this is unironically epic
>caring about which eceleb fag other fags watch
>your fag is better than their fags
you're are the faggest of fags
But user they're the same person.
redditlore is a ratfag
yeah user do it
>but everything else about it matches his style.
No not really and if you look closely you'll even see that legoman uses a different brush
>Civvie or Dunkey
He is exactly like them, he makes semi-serious "reviews", except his persona is a Yea Forums-racist African Warlord instead of a retard or a retard in an MST3K-lite dungeon.
Mandalore is for when you want an actual review, a well structured and thought out one
Sseth is for when you want memes and politically incorrect jokes disguised as a game review
I genuinely like both but It's not a fair comparison
Well fuck. Sseff, if you're here, thanks for the spank bank deposit
Master of Magic review when?
He has actual balls and humor
Reviews toaster friendly stuff
Doesnt relies on exxagerated reaction
Is not a literal who like the people you mentioned with the exception of Donkey
If people still hate sseth after this it will be the final proof that Yea Forums is just contrarian central
>t. legoman falseflag
Everyone knows it's you even if you didn't put your name on it.
The God Hand video wasn't his best, but if his style isn't for you then that's still okay, friend.
Did he manage to commission ShindoL?
Of the ones I've personally interacted with, RadLionHeart (he does watersports if that's not your thing), Rush_zilla and Treeofbless/JayceAUA all mostly for how much I like their styles, the quality of it and their communication with the customer.
>No pic made by shadman uploaded with Artist:Man of Shad tag
Missed opportunity tbhfam
Despite not playing it I was miffed he alerted a large amount people to a seemingly niche, tightly-knit multiplayer community and raping it in the process.
This absolves him though.
only western artists
I get watching his videos but how on earth do you justify spending your money on meme montage videos? It's just le funnay zoom le funnay hardcut and memes you've heard a million times before on Yea Forums. Why pay for them? And don't deny you're here, we all know the discord faggots made and samefagged for the whole thread. Explain your reasoning.
How do you rank video game meme youtubers?
Or which do you like?
Sseth>Killian>Fitz>Dunkey for me I guess
Any other decent ones that make their type of content?
So you came here in 2017?
Fuck off
He only went with western artists for the shitpost potential
>he literally said do not play this game
I mean he knows people will try anyway, but he warned us
Stealing content for the dwarf fortress video was a pretty shitty thing to do, but I'll let it slide.
I've been on Yea Forums for less than a year and I've seen more than 10 God Hand threads. Fuck off you fucking faker.
Sseth can't be racist, he's black.
>tfw you're a drawfag but sseth didn't give you a chance to draw porn of your waifu for a God Hand video
Sseth, I would've given you a discount...
youtubers ruin everything they touch
Got my hopes up with that tweet only to crush them
I'll confess I used to be in the guild but I left it when it became clear how little original work goes into his videos, which I still enjoy. Also the discord was even more embarrassing than you imagine it to be.
And I can tell you that if it looks like Sseth has actually come up with an original joke or idea for a video, it was really just discord members telling him the ideas. He really hasn't got an ounce of creativity.
I left the guild and started supporting one or two people who create actual OC instead, and that feels much better.
>$1200 on porn
>its all trash
I dont know if hes too stupid or if the scamm- artists are too smart.
I'm on no seth discord, I'm no member of the merchants guild,but I think the reasoning is quite simple.
People like a thing, and want more of that thing or want to show appreciation for that thing, so they send money to whoever makes that thing.
Sometimes people simply pay to get access to a thing, but access is easy, piracy and such, so despite access being free people still pay, it's the same thing.
>Nothing shows in Hell after red photo
Both hands here desu, anal piledriver is fucking kino.
>Hates Sseth
>gives Dunkey as example
Thanks for making me vomit a little
Now fuck off
$800 of that went into one legoman sketch
Yeah I'll keep watching his stuff, but that was very shitty.
you honestly think they don't know?
the absolute madlad
there are people who would happily pay hundreds of dollars a month to twitch thots and you're surprised that faggots with disposable income are willing to pay for meme montages?
It's mom and dad's credit card, why should I care? zoom zoom
What do you need
agreed, he should've had incase add a penis to olivia
It's not about knowing something exists or not. It's about doing something for them to retaliate against and then giving them a target they can use to signal their virtue once they take it down.
Damn, u rite.
>Hating on /ourguy/
>Loves the retarded fat manchild
>b-but he stole gameplay from some irrelevant fat retard
Both are vidya flavored stupidity with barely any thematic merit, what's your point?
absolutely fucking based
Learn to use "Inspect Element", you baboon.
>Boy I sure hate discussing my favorite videogames
That's what you sound like.
I hope sseth saved some of that money to share among his discord members for the amazing job they do shilling and damage controlling in every thread
Im too brainlet for that
of course not, they'll do it for free.
>literally a nigger
absolute madman
You could do it for free
>not being a cross watcher for both
Imagine being this pedestrian.
Was he commissioned too? Does this have any relation to sleepless?
>And I can tell you that if it looks like Sseth has actually come up with an original joke or idea for a video, it was really just discord members telling him the ideas. He really hasn't got an ounce of creativity.
Seems plausible.
Remember years ago how I thought his videos were pretty simple and unfunny, but now there great. Makes more sense that he's gotten better writers than that he's gotten that much funnier.
I've always found dunkey to be a boring unfunny faggit, can someome explain his appeal to me?
nobody needs to pay me a dime to call out jealous losers who are salty somebody is making buck over their 'culture'
yes i just watched mandalores god hand video
>He didn't commition as109
So close sseth
so close
This has to be some of the most blatant e-celeb shilling I've ever seen.
Can anyone recommend other good youtube channels? Or did sseth instruct you all to only talk about him and shit on any other channels that get mentioned in order to protect his ego?
liberal sseth who's a fat and ugly bastard with a ugly bastard GF
basically it's their guy and reddit loves him
There are no good youtube channels, not even the channel this thread is about.
Ross Scott from Accursed Farms and his Ross' Game Dungeon, top notch shit
>person does something liked by the community e.g. commition porn of an obscure favorite of this board
>Community responds well to this
Yeah, clearly we're all paid off
Does anyone know any good vanilla artists
I've seen worse shilling in Matthewmatosis threads
mandalore,civvie11,accursed farms,angry joe(you might already know about him but whatever)
Mechagamezilla. It's not memey though, so I don't think sseth kiddies would like it. He's excellent though.
what a fucking legend
Did this dude actually spend all of that sponsorship money on making godhand r34?
My fucking nigger.
>when people talk about something I dislike it must of course be paid shills because who on earth would like what I don't like?
I hope karma doesn't bite me in the ass but literally get cancer and die
Did he commission man of Shad?
> tfw you'll never get so popular that people defend your brand for free on a mongolian quartz chiseling forum
I've never said anything bad about him
$0.00 has been deposited into your whiteknight account
Mandalore is the only truly good one you posted.
Civvie is ok but accursed farms and angry joe are bottom of the barrel shit tier and you should honestly kill yourself for watching them.
He didn't steal content though
Thanks, I'll spend it on porn commission of your childhood crush
>accursed farms
I think you should kill yourself, dilbert
>pissed off pedro
>drops over 1k for the exact thing his viewers want
It's not actually pronounced that way, is it?
Tierzoo, Atlas Pro
Because some people value being able to laugh that much.
people who watch Mangalore might be some of the most milquetoast niggers i've seen on here, the literal golf YouTuber of chan culture
accursed farms bad,really ? game dungeon and freemans mind are great,joe is good dont know why you hate the guy
>he stole the contents of the Dwarf Fortress video
I don't want to defend or shit on the guy but clarify me on something, did he actually "stole" all the stories and what not shown in that video or did he ask for permission to use those stories in the video albeit he claimed them as his?
both are scummy practices, true, but there is a world of difference between those
Commissioning 1200 USD of essentially vanilla porn from every artist that would respond for a game everyone loved isn't going to make many enemies. Now I really hope he does the same for an AC game.
>Take a commission to make a video about a crappy F2P MMORPG
>Spend that income on porn for your viewers
I never paid a single dime to him and he provided me with entertainment, porn and redpilled hundreds through dank /pol/ memes, he's allright
>talk about xy
rent free
>Ross, Civvie or Dunkey
where are the fucking MEMES and jumpcuts?
>every video games reviewers need to make "Despite making up X%" jokes to appeal to my sensibilities
Variety is the spice of life, faggot.
You want to kill ACFag?
honestly only good for high level ancient fps playthoughs. Wish he'd drop the fucking larping.
I don't hate the guy actually I just really think his sense of humor is shit tier and unfunny.
Some of those were fucking anonymous stories, no one has any "credit" over those, what he really stole was footage.
He studied in Amsterdam
Second Tierzoo.
Atlas Pro doesn't know what he's talking about and is wrong enough to disregard him.
oh no, stealing!?
thats reeeeeaaaaally bad isnt it reddit bros?
maybe we should call the internet police or cucktaku to write an article about him uh?
edit: thanks for the gold!
Sounds about right.
there aren't that many jokes in his video and he provides great explanations and descriptions of videogames while reviewing them so if a little joke is enough to tip you off, then you're an autist
Dude pulls Dunkey numbers and is actually funny (well, his clan is) but I never see him mentioned here for some reason.
tierzoo based
>all of these commissioned Olivia lewds
actually based. thank you, Sseth.
Good job to the people that gave money to Sseth
he should do ace combat instead
fuck planefags
tierzoo is the most reddit thing i've ever seen
He's ok but you can kind of tell he rushes some of his videos
fair enough
He did not ask for permission, and he did not even link their channels until called on it.
One of the guys he stole stories(and video footage from) was Kruggsmash who's a fairly popular dwarf fortress youtuber. He tells stories of his forts while playing and makes art to go with it.
Later he linked to a few of those he used footage from. Not all though.
> ask for permission to tell a story
do I need to ask permission to call you funny names or can I just go ahead and do it now
he stopped being funny like 2 years ago
even fitz is better than him now
That's sponsor money, not (((Merchant Guild))) money.
I'm 90% sure he lives in Denmark unless he stole the footage he had where he's at some online store page showing Danish.
His accent is not of a typical dane though. I can't quite pinpoint it.
nah, Seth has taste
Sseth being unoriginal and creatively bankrupt is part of the appeal. Thank about it, we're talking about a fanbase that loves wojacks. Original content isn't what they want, they just want recycled shit again and again and to clap when they see it.
serious: lemmino, fredrik knudsen,
memes: internet historian, e;r
He once showed GOG site in polish and seems to have a fixation around poland and vice versa, there's a fuckTON of polish viewers watching him so he could maybe live in Poland, like Ross Scott?
t. polack i know what im talking about
anything you don't like is reddit, huh?
Wtf I love Sseth now
finnish friend said he was 90% sure sseth was fin
patrician taste. the infinite review is a pleb filter.
God Hand is literally on the "generic" Yea Forums 3x3
>His accent is not of a typical dane though. I can't quite pinpoint it.
Maybe he just travelled a decent amount when growing up, and lived abroad.
Scandis in younger generations can have a very varied accents, especially if they study a few years in the us or uk early on, and they're not rural.
Well considering him and Mandalore are the same person and we know where he lives, somewhere in Massachusetts.
>we're talking about a fanbase that loves wojacks. Original content isn't what they want, they just want recycled shit again and again and to clap when they see it.
Pretty accurate description of modern Yea Forums honestly
He mentioned him on twitter so maybe yes he did
This entire review seems to not be in the regular style of content and just a chance to show off the porn he paid for.
What has Atlas Pro been wrong about exactly?
>trash western "hentai"
I'm glad I've never gave a penny to this normalnigger.
Truly, we do not deserve Sseth.
>even fitz
The womble for 14 year olds? I couldn't stand him or his crew, half of it is forced crude jokes and the other half is them being obnoxious.
Shit how do I get in the game then? And get money but never have my porn artist history go public? I'm not a bad artist and I could use some more money to pay the bills.
Fuck you Yogscast.
I don't remember what exactly.
Probably something about rivers or something, I recall listening to a couple of videos and stuff started to sound wrong so I fact checked him and he was wrong. Came off as a guy who asked his blind girlfriend to google geography facts for him and then used that info to make videos, then I quit watching him.
if I was you I'd have some weird mutant hand that could play 10 different games at once
Are Harris Teeter and Publix in Mass? And what about the path of hurricanes? I remember Mandalore mentioning all of these and I only picked up on them because I live in NC on the coast and I could have sworn he did too.
Just when I thought I couldn't love this guy any more.
>literally who
>link to some kind of porn page
>over 300 replies
>>literally who
hao new?
keep saying it
And still better than any of the gorillion trap / tranny threads that get over 500 replies that we get regularly
Good bait tho
>>literally who
wish I could be this ignorant and discover him all over again
>commissioned all those artists
>the only one with good art is Sausage
Fucking Sseth.
The video was good tho.
Didn't he say once he lives near Boston?
When's the last time you gave us free godhand porn?
His river video was like his second video, and he's only a uni student I think so he's bound to get some things wrong but I'd say he's gotten better
What's the difference? Both showcase a lack of creativity, the bottom one just showcases a lack of effort as well.
>His river video was like his second video,
Ah okay, maybe I'll give him another shot then
Depending on your PC it's probably better than on either PS2 or PS3. It's not that hard to run it so I'd give it a try
my man
ok retard
Accent doesn't match. My guess is that he is an eastern euro who studied in Amsterdam.
>God Hand community
How the fuck can anyone ruin it for you you retard
I'd recommend pcsx2 if your pc is beefy enough, iirc the vid in the op has an already set-up emulator
>Spending 1k dollars for just 20 fucking pics
God damn
sseth is only good utub on platform if u dis a gree then you poo poo head
I think I originally found out about mecha years ago because sseth was a fan
No one can be this new even if they tried
Art's expensive and rightfully so. He paid some of the people with a waiting list lol
just shill your shit everywhere
post your art in art threads or discords or whatever cesspool artists go to and ask "what do you guys think of this art"
things like that
>This guy isn't Ross, he's not even Civvie or Dunkey, what's the appeal?
He's gotten tame and child-friendly. He went from "anything goes" humour, to ringing a bell whenever someone says naughty words ffs. I was pleasantly surprised with his latest video that he still does have some dark humour left in him, but his main videos are vanilla.
Doesn't ShindoL cost like thousands of dollars?
HentaiFoundry is a good place to start. Get your name out there, twitter too. Have a personality of some kind. Speaking English is surprisingly sought after
>spent all sponsor money on Olivia hentai
Sseth has officially overtaken Mandalore for me
>commission shitty arts
You had one job motherfucker.
>Reviews God Hand
>Glances over the game
>Gives us more porn
He is playing us like a damn fiddle and I love it
You do realize the bell ringing is a meme, right?
Did you see his most recent video too?
Not saying he isn't more tame, but he's definitely not totally gone
Anybody else feel that dunkey's videos have become worse this year?
Is Mandalore worth checking out? He seems pretty normal, surprised so many around here love him.
donoteat01 just his franklin series, don't watch his other stuff
spirit of the law
>not game
Neil Cicierega
historia civilis
kings and generals
armchair historian
Some artists are like that goy. Just wait till you see their patreons
Dunkey hasn't made anything I want to watch
his streams with Leah can still be really good though, wish they would play more Mario Party
Shut the fuck up, your game was dead already. Enjoy your new income of players.
>Did you see his most recent video too?
>I was pleasantly surprised with his latest video that he still does have some dark humour left in him, but his main videos are vanilla.
This until Sseth inevitably fucks ups and makes us mad
>takes your own shitty memes you've seen here a million times already and feeds them back to you with ADHD editing so you don't have a moment to think about how shit it is
>earning good patreon money from this regurgitated talentless shit
Sseth is Yea Forums's guy because Yea Forums doesn't deserve anything better than this.
I get it if you're underage and lap up "board culture" because you're still at the age where you're desperate to feel like you're part of some kind of club but if anyone over the age of 18 likes this, they're definitely just fucking braindead.
actually though why didn't he just commission japs
is he retarded
actually even koreans have better artists than the shit he paid for as well
what was he thinking
Which mandalore video do you recommend watching?
Olivia isnt 14 so that chink wouldnt do it even for money
Unironically didn't know the one artist was Incase because the main focus wasn't a dick.
Mandalore injects a light amount of personality and humor, but his reviews are just so high quality and like Sseth he picks interesting games to review.
Also like Sseth he makes sure to give guides on how to get games working on modern systems, the effort is appreciated. Also Sseth has apparently helped him do work on videos before.
And he's certainly better than autistic twats like Joseph Anderson and Matthewmattosis who fucking make garbage with zero charisma or personality to even let you know they're human.
more like seething
Mandalore is one of the few reviewers who can actually play games and properly formulate his views on them. Sseth's main appeal is the humor value.
Seth is the hero we need. This man is fucking based.
>mod that instantly deleted all the threads for the video 2 weeks ago is gone
>don't see the thread until its close to dead
what a shame
>mfw after almost a decade and a half of Yea Forums i can't enjoy non-edgy humor anymore
>masturbation material
user... These 2 don't mix well.
Just because their ethnicity is Japanese doesn't mean they're automatically better than Western artists. And for the most part, the good Western artists are leagues better than the sameface that reigns over Japanese porn.
i havent been keeping up, why did as109's art regress so badly? his earlier works were so much better
Limbo of the Lost is the most popular and for a reason, if you like kusoge it's a great video to start with.
Vangers and Darkwood are my favorites though as the games are insanely interesting and I would never have known they existed without.
>all these shitposters refusing to enjoy things
Kill yourselves.
Pretty much the only reason I watch Sseth is that I poke around here once every year, he keeps the shitty memes flowing out of this shithole without the time waste.
Time to buckle in and look through the backlog
>paying for porn
>paying for CENSORED porn and not uncensored porn
you can't force me to have fun
Yeah, how dare he give you free porn.
You're a humongous faggot and an entitled fuckwit.
I bought a dakimakura.
remember, you're here forever
Based Seeth, I'm going to give my money to him and you should too!
how else are you going to get (you)s
I'd get that if I didn't have a gf
>if he expressed left wing opinions unironically
I'll tell you one thing. Even unironic communists don't like the "muh opression", "muh poor black ppl" and "muh feminism" crowd. Especially ones from former USSR.
fuck you then i'll pay for my own Olivia porn
It's strange, I can only enjoy politically-incorrect western stuff, but any Asian stuff, I prefer it to be a gentle, predictable, innocent humour. I guess I don't view the Asians as corrupted as the West.
Mandalore and Sseth are the same.
it doesn't mean they're better
but for the most part they are
they have literally worked together
Then hurry up and do it you giant homo. Go be a fag somewhere else.
$50 for colored, well done porn is a steal user
the problem is when non-artists and the commissioner have no idea about art so they think “oh just add like an extra person and two more panels thats easy right???”
>website ded
He's good. He's not quite as funny as sseth but he does equally interesting games. His EVE and star citizen reviews are quite good.
I didn't say I didn't like it
Been here for years M8. Sorry I only manly follow Vidya centered topics.
Fitz is dead user. And the best is MechaGamezilla although he doesn't do exclusively video game stuff anymore
Nigger what, the reason he joked about using every tileset is because he just stole footage from random people
based Sseth
it's gonna suck when he gets shitcanned off the site like Mumkey
>steal footage
>get mad cash
>Yea Forumsirgins seething
based sseth is based
If Sseth ruins Mecha by telling his shit fanbase to check him out I will never forgive him. He's like the one thing left in my life that hasn't gone to shit.
He's a faggot normie, what did you expect? He only gets support from retards here because le subtle jew jokes le subtle nigger jokes.
>steal footage
>get mad cash
>Yea Forumsirgins seething
based anita is based
damn literally our based boy and messiah
pick one sseth hater
Probably the reason he made the site
why were his videos banned? dont see anything offensive
it's only going to get worse, isn't it?
>pay 1000 dollars
only 2 of them aren't shit
Keep seething tranny
>Fitz is dead user
Maybe he'll be back one day tho :)
>he commisioned w*stern '''''artists'''''
welp, 1000 bucks to the drain
hard to commission e*stern artists when most of them don't speak english
>Be newfag from the early 2010's
>Remember how Yea Forums was constantly going about "REDDIT IS BAD BECAUSE THEY SPAM RAGE FACE MEMES" around the time I first got here
>Yea Forums has now turned what it used to get mad at
good day for /aco/
also at least it isn't censored
He won't, he already confirmed on Reddit that the character Fitz was getting old and he didn't want to run the joke into the ground. Too lazy to find the exact post but it's out there
>be argentinian
>brits took the islands
>but i can freely watch any kind of fucked up porn i want
give back the islands tho its in our constitution
I'd take a small black line any day over these "faces"
Watch a different video, one of his might and magic reviews probably, those are pretty in-depth.
my constitution says i'm entitled to fug ur mom
>I'm not a bad artist
proof or gtfo
I honestly forgot that board existed
well so much for activating the bell icon..
naeh I heard about that
Not sure I get it really, his jokes weren't necessarily tied to the character so I don't think it would get old, at least not compared to any other youtube funny men, Maybe he just had enough other interesting stuff going on in his life that the youtube channel wasn't worthwhile.
yeah, you're a newfag alright.
>Be british
>Come to Argentina on holiday
>See falklands plastered virtually everywhere, their money, massive statues, posters, some shithole checkpoint going to chile.
>Laugh at Argentinians for being the fake Italians they are
> Falkands will never be your property
Kizuna AI
Ain't no cure for the weeb pill.
>fucking retard thinks japanese artists draw commissions with censorship
>its in our constitution
his unbearable dicksucking fanbase will be the reason everyone gets sick of him because they won't stop spamming everywhere they go. it won't be the "haters" it'll be the fans.
>that billy herrington figurine
pretty based t b h
fucking baste he even got krekk0v
that porn thing never passed mate and even if it did VPNs exist
it's quite nice
not enough old western stuff though imo, like stanton
So was it Sseth that decided on the niggers or was it Speedo?
obviously Sseth
>t. Nintendo s-oysipping faggot
>give back
can't give back what you never had
It's the epitome of "do I fit in yet", you dumbfuck.
All the good artists are very expensive. If I recall ShindoL is like $5000 for example.
>I'd also like to clarify that the sponsor money will be used for the next video.
'For upgrading your fire hazard of a PC?'
I'm commissioning every hentai artist.
Shadman, legoman, whatever.
Come and take my money.
>the mad of shad
how dumb do you have to be to give Shad money
his art hasn't improved at all
>his art hasn't improved at all
is this a meme?
>memelord Sseth is gonna commission porn from the man of shad
oh boy, Yea Forums won't be forgetting this one soon
no its the truth
I can look at his older pictures and they look exactly the same as the new ones
Commissioned porn paid for privately doesn't have to be censored
please be animeflux holy fuck
>all these replies furious at the truth
you fuckers don't even know why you're upset, shut the fuck up and enjoy the exposure this unironically underrated title got