Can we get a PAYNE thread

can we get a PAYNE thread

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I think Max Payne 3 was decent

fuck you kino

I agree. Lacked the polish and charm of the first two but was a perfectly fine TPS, unskippable cutscenes notwithstanding.

I think so too, I'm actually replaying it right now . I want them to make a max payne 4 but I don't know what he would even be doing

>le constipation face

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no wonder he's so miserable

Prequel set back when he was NYPD before he met Michelle?


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that would be cool, that's probably the only thing they really could do
I'd play it


we wouldn't really have his painkiller addiction, nihilism, and one liners though


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Any way to disable the obnoxious screen shaking in Elements of Style? It literally gives me a headache.

Max Payne 3's gameplay was great. Just everything else about it was bad.
The story, Max's butchered charm as a character, the lack of comic book storytelling, the generic writing, the unskippable cut-scenes, and the overall unlikeability of all the game's characters

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That’s cuz you Know how to have a good time with a good game

They'd have to hire Sam Lake to portray a young Officer Payne though. It'd be the only right thing to do

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the soundtrack was really good
also I thought max was fine in the game

My issue with Max, well one of my issues, is that one of his biggest flaws, the alcoholism, was only introduced in this game so that it could get rid of it by the end. I think Max's apartment in 1 or 2 showed a lot of bottles but it was never something that distracted him, mostly because it's a boring cliche.
But in 3, they introduce it as being some big factor just to have his arc being quitting drinking. It'd be like Max Payne 4 introducing that he's a sex addict just to get rid of it by the end.
Plus his writing was shit. As far as I'm concerned, 3 starts Max Payne's brother, Pax Mayne.

what I didn't like was that in max payne 2 he had managed to overcome his family's death, but in 3 he seems to just have fallen back in again. and considering he's a drug addict that could be pretty reasonable. I think you're right about the alcoholism though, they make it really big in 3 compared to the other two. 3 is just so different compared to those

That's another issue. It kinda felt, specially with the big change to Brazil, that they had no idea what to do with Max so they just kinda retread the idea of him trying to save someone and failing, but now in Brazil.
One of the endings for 2 has Mona still alive. But even if that's not canon, since admittedly is not as strong an ending, there was so much more they could've done for 3. The New York sections were, while too scripted for my liking, pretty good at setting the mood.
Also, the fact that one of the big things that separates Max Payne from other noir type stories is the Finnish mythology influence. It's subtle enough to not be a focus but it's there and it allows the franchise to have a more mythical level.
But no, gotta get that City of God crowd.
I sincerely hope that after Control, which I doubt will catch any big attention, that they get a deal with Rockstar and get Max Payne back.

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Beat 1 and 2 recently on PC. I only want a really solid TPS with Max Payne emphasis on projectiles rather than hitscan. Worth buying?

I agree, it worked much better as a subtle character flaw in 2 than as a major story point lie in 3.

Yes. The gameplay itself is good. One of the big issues is just how often the game takes control away for the sake of a cutscene. It's a lot more scripted than anything in 1 or 2 but when the game actually lets you loose, it can be pretty fun.

I also found it just as difficult as 1 on my first playthrough, which was a plus.

And really, they had the painkillers thing right there. If there was any addiction they could've pushed harder on is that. Adding alcohol just felt like lazy writing.

I don't think rockstar plans to make another max payne, they seem more into micro transactions now and you can't really do that with this game. that would be the best case scenario if remedy managed to get it back

If that's their only criteria they could always try pushing more on the multiplayer aspect, I guess. Not sure how it could work in a GTA/Red Dead formula though. But at least Red Dead did make a good effort with the single player part.
But Remedy still needs to be involved. At least Sam Lake since his writing is without a doubt stronger.

Any recommended mods? I played 2 entirely on a hardcore mod and loved the hell out of it.


>3 is just so different compared to those
you have to remember that Remedy had no involvement in the character of Max in 3. Nor did Sam Lake the main writer of the first 2 Max Payne games.

In Max Payne 1

Max was a cheesy self aware cliche. Extremely likeable and his dialog was poetic

In Max Payne 2

Max was a lot more bitter and miserable, but artistically miserable. He was played a lot more seriously, but still had that poetic cheesiness and dialog that stood out

In Max Payne 3

Max became a lot less unique. No more poetic cheese. Just generic "I'm fucking dying inside and angry and need to drink to deal with the PAYYYYNE" and swearing and shouting. At that point you could have just literally called the game anything and not make it a Max Payne title.

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>Enemies act surprised but they actually got a bead on you.

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>"you'll walk... WITH A LIMP!"
I can agree with most of your post, but the link you posted is peak kino.

>They were all banned
>The final cunny picture was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point.
>I released my finger from the report button

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Is this the Faden residence?

The best way I'd describe the games is
>Max Payne 1
Max's quest for revenge as he stumbles onto a bigger conspiracy
>Max Payne 2
Max's relationship with Mona, overcoming losing his family as he stumbles onto a bigger conspiracy
>Max Payne 3
We focus on a brazilian politician's family's dirty secrets as Max stumbles through it
They might as well have called the game The Bodyguard and change Max's name to Tom.
Tom Hurtz.

it was better than decent, it was a fucking great sequel THAT NEEDS TO BE BACK COMPAT NOW


>and then it was a a rhetorical question

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Ladies and gentlemen, it's the faden in the butt.




But Nordic God Tier is the random conversations the guidos have in MP2.

>What about movin? Put one foot in front of the other.

We're still on for poker Thursday, riiIIIIIGHT?

Nah it's a 9/10 vanilla and 11/10 upon replaying with the skip cutscenes mod

>No more poetic cheese.

>I had a hole in my second favourite drinking arm, and the only way we were likely to get Fabiana back now was in instalments.
>I might have written the book on bad ideas, but Passos wasn't afraid to quote from it.
>I'd killed more cops than cholesterol and still no sign of Becker.
>Look at me, i'd been contracted to protect two people, one was being held in some hole and the other was sitting at his desk with a bullet in his head, and the company that had it's logo on my pay check was burning on top of my head.
>There it was, the soundtrack to my life, and, for a few seconds, came harmony, finally.


Like taking candy from a baby

The problem with these is that while they're clever, the lack that desperate, fatal tone that the first two games had in spades.

They feel very clumsy lines, like the writer was really forcing to get that noir writing across instead of being either more poetic or insightful.
>I had a hole in my second favourite drinking arm
This one's alright though.

Allowed limited exploration, rewarded that with funny goon dialogue to stumble upon
Shooting gallery railroading.
Goons are now incomprehensible

>you can't keep your eye on the ball through the bottom of a glass
>theres two types of people in this world, those who spend their lives trying to build a future, and those who spend their lives trying to rebuild the past

That second one is fantastic. 3 had mostly forgettable lines but when it got it right, it's great.

Passos: "I'd like to see you handle that thing sober"
Max: "You're alone on that one. I'm still hoping I don't remember this tomorrow"

he says that in New Jersey


>not "it's the fad-in the butt"


cant wat for the day ss*th makes a max payne video

>The past is a gaping hole. You try to run from it, but the more you run, the deeper, more terrible it grows behind you, its edges yawning at your heels. Your only chance is to turn around and face it. But it's like looking down into the grave of your love, or kissing the mouth of a gun, a bullet trembling in its dark nest, ready to blow your head off.
the difference is that sam lake was english philology major and houser is just some greasy hollywood jew.

>"hey hey people max payne"
>next Payne thread everyone spamming jews and wojak images
why would you wish that fate on anyone?

that's funny because originally MP3 was supposed to take place in Russia

is this the PAYNE residenz?

It takes a while to get used to cutscenese but MP3 is pretty good, gungame is fun and i personally liked how everyone you tried to save died, expected classic holywood bullshit where everyone gets out alive and claps.

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dont answer that....its a rhetorical ..question


"WHACK THE SUCKA" is God-tier though.

swap WUT THE- and YO and this is perfect