Better than Spider-man 3, Amazing Spider-man, Amazing Spider-man 2 and Spider-man Homecoming combined

>better than Spider-man 3, Amazing Spider-man, Amazing Spider-man 2 and Spider-man Homecoming combined
How did they do it?

Attached: 4771929-l[1].jpg (477x600, 60K)

They got Insomniac to make it

Attached: off the wall.webm (960x540, 3M)

Unironically soul. It was made by people that actually like/understand Peter Parker.

Everything is better than Spider-Man 3 and Amazing Spider-Man 2.

such a pretty game too

Attached: Marvel's Spider-Man_20190505180501.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Sequel needs better boss fights and spread them out though, Shocker of all things seemed more of a boss fight than all of the Sinister Six besides Octopus and Mr. Negative who were decent as well.

j jonah jameson

Such a damn good game. I had a blast playing it. Will jump back in around October.


It had some pretty major flaws that oddly you seem to keep getting on PS4 games.
>Stealth sections nobody wants
>Character building of characters nobody wants
>Base clearing chores
>More chores
>fly through farts in the air chores
>Poor pacing, likely due to the characters nobody cares about interrupting constantly
>Terrible throw-on DLC

It's a shame since the slinging and combat were great, and the portrayal of Peter was pretty good.

Homecoming Peter isn't really a good portrayal of Peter but Homecoming is a far more entertaining experience than this game

>It was made by people that actually like/understand Peter Parker.
Why did they feel the need to completely change Mary Jane though? In her older years she wasn't much of a bitch anymore and understood's Peter's life, and sure as hell wasn't a reporter.

>spread them out
It just lacked one more boss between Shocker and Mr Negative 1. But yes I agree they should be a bit better, nothing inherently wrong with those fights but just a bit simple
>dodge shit, throw shit, press triangle, mash square
Hammerhead 1 and 2 were cool as fuck, don't know why people hate the DLC

hold R2 to awesome

does this look like a movie to you?

Attached: upswinging.webm (1056x594, 3M)

But it's not. It wasn't bad, but most of the story was a chore to play through, especially any section where you weren't Spidey.

>Hammerhead 1 and 2 were cool as fuck, don't know why people hate the DLC
Because it was cut from the base game, released one month after the game came out, had about 4 missions and 3 side missions, and took 2 hours to 100% and added absolutely fucking nothing to the game other than the aforementioned cut content at half the price of the base game

>Holy the play button and watch spidey do wicked awesome tricks!

>It just lacked one more boss between Shocker and Mr Negative 1
The problem was fighting the Sinister Six in quick succession after a huge gap with no boss fights in the middle game.

Attached: 74b.jpg (1016x970, 168K)


not to mention combining them into 1v2 fights and making them all generic arkham DUDE DODGE THEN PUNCH garbage

fuck off retard i platinumed the game and it basically plays itself for you with all the force speed boosts and canned flippy animations

Attached: 1547102280779.webm (1280x720, 2.1M)

thanks doc

did they ever put out a goty edition?

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Stop being dense, and fuck off with your stupid hyperbole. An easy game is still a fucking game

Attached: missile.webm (896x504, 3M)

>half the price of the base game
I bought all 3 DLCs for less than 15 shekels and had a lot of fun with them.
>it was cut from the base game
DLC story is completely different and has a different villain with no association whatsoever with the ones from the main game

How have you lot not realised that OP is comparing them to the movies?

probably not since they already had a deluxe edition for like $80 or $90 that came with the dlc and they haven't added anything else after it

here you go

Attached: (You).png (1751x1300, 1.52M)

Looks like a movie. Seethe more

No, and if it comes it will likely be a PS5 deal, Mark Cerny is literally using Spider-Man to test how faster than a PS4 Pro the PS5 devkit is.

DLC was pretty underwhelming, although I can forgive all the "chore" missions since a core part of Spider-Man is the "friendly neighborhood" aspect of it. Him dealing with petty crime and small issues is in line with his character

>better than The Room of Spider-Man adaptations, two pieces of literal shit and Spider-Zoomer

They wanted to make her a strong independent woman who don’t need no Spidey.

I found it really boring desu.

controls flow so smoothly. Swinging and combat feel like they thought it through and polished it so movements flow into one another.
I love trying to go DMC during combat with enemy step, canceling, and quipping. Battle tech, Scavenger, threat detectors = best build.

I'm not touching a single button in this webm other than holding down R2 and occasionally letting it go (although for the first several swings, I don't even let go, just hold it as the game plays itself)

Attached: 1532465214164.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>gm_bigcity with noclip

Attached: 1550370342464.jpg (259x194, 8K)

>They wanted to make her a strong independent woman who don’t need no Spidey.
Why did she always need Spidey to rescue her then?

Sold great, reviewed great, regarded greatly, but I care about an anonymous poster saying it looks like a movie.

Yeah, man. Seething.

and here is a webm of me literally just mashing square on the hardest difficulty

granted, this was made before they added the newer harder difficulty, but i'm sure it plays the exact same.

Attached: 1531349298275.webm (1280x720, 1.24M)

you dont get one

>but I care about an anonymous poster saying it looks like a movie.
Yes. That is why you replied twice with shitty webms.


To ironically show the hypocrisy of her ways.

>Looks like a movie
That's literally just the graphics. If it had the exact same gameplay but downgraded to PS2 era graphics and animations (along with a much shittier camera), it would suddenly look like a videogame to you.

Attached: throw-cancels.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

>enemys stand around and watch while I do cool stuff
Yup. Movie.

Why on earth are you pretending this is deep combat when it is very clearly bamham combat

>retard mashes all the buttons at once making an absolute mess and calls it "cancelling"
Lmao see

nobodys saying the game is hard. You have to handicap yourself and intentionally not not use any gadgets, most suit powers and some unlockable abilities to make it fun, or you are just way too OP. Also you have to expend your focus meter on needless takedowns so you can't just heal any damage away anytime and so you don't do 2x normal damage every punch

>literal sonyggër

Attached: file.png (759x629, 101K)

>"I'm not touching a single button in this webm other than holding down R2 and occasionally letting it go"
>but obviously steering him throughout the entire video
>"literally just mashing square on the hardest difficulty"
>literally first mission
>unarmed enemies
yeah try doing that later with enemies with machineguns, rocket launchers, whips and the ones from the DLC with miniguns or shields

you forgot to mention this is the first mission lmao

Or just play a game that isn't a movie

>>"I'm not touching a single button in this webm other than holding down R2 and occasionally letting it go"
>>but obviously steering him throughout the entire video
genuinely didn't touch the control stick at all after the first swing to get out of the way of the building and into the main road. cope, retard.

>yeah try doing that later with enemies with machineguns, rocket launchers, whips and the ones from the DLC with miniguns or shields
oh when does he stop magnetizing to enemies from half a room away user? i forgot that part in my play through

it's literally as complex as mashing square and pressing dodge when you see the big blue PRESS DODGE button

Why were the DLC's so dissapointing?


But I'm not? When did I say it was deep? And how would I even know what your personal definition of "deep" is when every autist on Yea Forums has their own? Arguing about game depth on Yea Forums is maddening.
And yeah it's very much like bamham combat, but I think it's more fun with all the aerial moves, and it is 10 times more flashy

I mean they do do that and wait around between attacks like in batman, but in that webm they were mostly getting shocked, stunned or out of melee range and trying to get in it. It's a superhero game, it's easy

I get it, you hate Sony and everything they make is automatically a "movie". Now fuck off

Attached: Scarlet-Spider.webm (960x540, 2.97M)


It’s actually really boring. Story is very uninteresting and combat is bland. Arkham games are 10x better.

>I bought all 3 DLCs for less than 15 shekels and had a lot of fun with them.
ok? congrats?
>DLC story is completely different and has a different villain with no association whatsoever with the ones from the main game

right except for all the black cat shit in the base game that basically ends with WANNA FIND OUT HOW THIS QUEST ENDS? BUY THE DLC, and the tombstone mission talking about him, and again the fact that it was done and ready to go before the game came out

>9 second webm of the first fight in the game.
This proves nothing. You were out of their melee reach doing an air-combo for half of it.
Show me you beating all of them by only pressing the square button and I will be impressed

The only modern AAA game with fun traversal

Attached: spiderman.webm (768x432, 2.99M)

MJ is cute! CUTE!

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Attached: Marvel's Spider-Man_20190415224829.png (1920x1080, 2.85M)

She looks pretty bad.

Attached: 1552449229739.png (2500x1645, 197K)

I am not coping, I loved the game, you are the one who bought it and is trashing it due to a natural hatred towards anything fun

Why do you have such a problem with games being easy / easy to pick up? This is a licensed superhero game; the combat isn't meant to be like God Hand in difficulty or complexity. It is to be flashy and fun and make you feel like Spider Man (who would not just so easily get killed by a few random thugs).
The swinging is more just your primary means of getting around, with the idea being it should be as easy for SM as walking.

They have the combat and worldbuilding down perfect, for the sequel they just need to replace the stealth/walking simulator sections with actual gameplay and avoid SJW plotline (including Miles). Could legitimately be a classic action game.

>More control BAD
>more animation GOOD

If you just watched this game and gave zero inputs with the controller, either nothing will happen or you would just fail. Sounds like a video game to me user.

I don't understand why it got 10/10s out the ass, but it's a damn fine game. It brings absolutely nothing new to the table, it's a bit repetitive but it's very well made, plays great, traversal is fun and there's a ton of suits for comicsfag. It's no masterpiece but it's a solid 7.5/10.

You talking about the auto-targeting and auto lunging to punch close enemies? Targets are still selected based on your movement stick or the direction spidey is facing.
It works well for this game and the combat is fun. Not every game has to be the same

>You talking about the auto-targeting and auto lunging to punch close enemies?
yup and auto jumping from web to web and the weird physics breaking speed boosts out of nowhere and the canned flippy animations

The combat has potential but it is way too easy once it clicks ( ).
They need to revamp gadgets and powers for the sequel so they are not so overpowered. And also the automatic leveling-up system needs to be removed. Level should not be tied to your max HP, your melee damage, your swing speed or your focus meter. Those should be the same all game

Seriously Yea Forums spiderman was a blast how can you be this sour at an almost perfect spiderman game. What else could you have hoped for?

Spectacular Spider-man was better

Well, decent combat that actually engages you instead of being braindead for one. And some decent swinging physics.

You're fighting a pointless battle. Yea Forums hates games, especially popular ones.

Combat was a bit easy but fun. Many skills, gadgets and different webshots. And the swinging is the best part you atleast have to admit that! Come on even you smilled the first time you swing acros the city!

If you control it the right way, you never see any of that shit and it looks + feels great. Like steering your swings so they look like they would with natural physics, and only doing the flippy animations (which look fine anyway) intentionally and when you want to. You have to make your own fun, just like with the handicapping yourself in the combat

>weird physics breaking speed boosts out of nowhere
yeah like shooting a gadget in midair stopping you dead in your tracks. I fucking hate that. I just never use gadgets anyway, they take out enemies way too easily

It's a fun 8/10 game

Why is wall-crawling so unbearably clunky?
Why is there no option to turn off in-combat button prompts?
Why bother adding QTE's, when you are just going to add the much-loved ability to turn them off?
Why make a House of Mirrors segment when the mirrors don't work?
Why make it possible to see through windows when there are only four comically nonsensical rooms to look at?
Why does it take so long to unlock the Quip ability?
Why does it need to be activated and not just a passive ability that adds new lines during gameplay?
Why was MJ such a relentless bitch?
Why were there MJ and Miles stealth segments?
Why were the boss fights so short?
Why were their button prompts to tell me how to dodge during the Vulture/Electro fight?
I enjoyed the game, but there's a lot that really irked me.

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>thinking Yea Forums will ever universally like a game
how new are you? even deus ex threads have shitposters in them

Just so amased people need to be the contrarian this hard on a anonymous image board. It is a casual fun comic book game that got almost everything right about spiderman. Why can't they just be happy about it.

Okay. What you find fun, I find to be unengaging and boring.

>It's easy but fun
Sure, so is pattycakes but I'm not looking for pattycakes when I'm playing a video game. What part of that dont you get? Why do you need to plug your ears and start screeching LALALAL ITS FUN ITS FUN ITS FUN?

Some people don't enjoy things being too easy. It's boring.

also why does spiderman have reflections on a building, but the distance of the reflection only renders half the length of his body so his reflection just stops mid way through

Because not everyone has standards as low as you do. You'd have clapped at anything with nice graphics and an open world. Not everyone likes piss easy games with very little content.


Last Stand

Combat would be better if special enemies (ones that require 2x focus bars for a takedown) were more common. Regular dudes with guns, rockets, batons and fists are way too easy. Thugs are the only common ones I see. Fights on ultimate difficulty against multiple katana / whip guys can be pretty hard if you don't rely on your gadgets / suit powers

is spider-man was multiplat we could have a healthy discussion on the games flaws, and what could be improved in a sequel but because it's an exclusive the sonyshills cancer every fucking thread about it and praise it as the 2nd coming of christ

i hate this fucking board

This game was fucking boring and the writing was marvel movie tier, which is not a good thing

There's plenty of healthy criticism in this thread, but you didn't read it.

Real Iron Spider or Kaine's suit.

Attached: iron.jpg (1920x1080, 136K)

"Yeah its a flaw i guess but not really cuase i like it and its fun wow just fucking like it already jesus" isn't a healthy criticism

Absolute brainlet analogy. Pattycake is not fun unless you're a 5yo girl, and even if they could make a hard version of pattycake you still would not think it was fun

>constantly bitching at a guy for not wanting you to be killed
She's such a cunt in this. I get the indepedence angle, but for fucks sake the guy with super human abilities doesn't want you to get shot cut him some slack.

"If you don't hate every aspect of this game then you're a sycophant with no real criticisms of the game"
You're literally retarded, the post literally above you gave legitimate criticisms of the game but you're too blinded by your paranoia over le epic Sony boogeyman

"I didn't read the thread."

What's with all the retards ITT bashing the game like it's a 3/10

How about providing specific examples of that happening, instead of just fishing for (You)s?

Wierd assumption but sure il bite. So whats a game you like?

>Absolute brainlet analogy. Pattycake is not fun unless you're a 5yo girl
Guess what I'm trying to say about the brainlets that find spider man engaging.

>still worse than any Batman game

Still waiting for price drop.

So tell me what is a good game then?=)

>The god awful boring MJ and Miles stealth that plagued most of the 2nd half of the game

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This. People shouldn’t have to be forced to play as them. Especially when the game is called Spider-Man, not Nigger-Spic.

obnoxious douchebag go away, nobody likes you and nobody wants to see your condescending opinionated shit.

Attached: 8.6 userscore.png (806x379, 111K)

>Do not dissent. Going agsint the hive mind will cause desyncronization.

Vintage Suit, though I still really like the default/advanced suit.

This is why people hate you, sony pony.

hate to say it but is right.
its a good game but it still cant capture the magic of 2's movement

this game LOOKS nice for sure but what made 2 great is that it took time to finally get the good movement down. there was more you could do and it felt good doing it

Attached: basic-sm-combat.webm (640x360, 3M)

no need to get racist

>Think about replaying this game
>remember MJ
>remember least sexy back cat ever
>never mind

>Nintendies still seething that Spiderman outsold BoTW in 3 months


Felicia was fine. MJ, not so much.

>black cat teasing peter about having a son
pretty funny

Yeah. It made me laugh.

It's really fun and they actually put care and attention into it. Traversal is great, combat is a huge step up from Bamham button mashing. Very well-written story too. I'm excited for a sequel and I wish they'd get more actual developers working on some capeshit. An Iron Man game in the same style could be incredible, or maybe a sequel to Hulk: Ultimate Destruction

Attached: inspideyac.jpg (1200x800, 108K)

throw cancelling is a real thing in the game

Attached: Marvel's Spider-Man_20180914134920.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Reminder the Dark Suit is best suit

Attached: Spider_DarkSuit.jpg (1920x1080, 438K)

Too bad he died after he got it in the comics.


yeah haha wouldn’t that be funny

Using that web swing to kick enemies off the top of buildings will never get old.

Yeah. Then they brought him back, but he never wore the suit again. Guess that costume was just bad luck. Fitting that Felicia made that for him in the PS4 game.

Attached: 8EFC4B63-4FAC-45D8-A2E1-79D4B1AECF6A.jpg (720x1107, 182K)

the hell are you looking for? quick time events? Spidey has been doing his thing for 8 years at this point. The devs wanted the swinging to be flawless and natural.

I can see where people didn't like her, but she's better than MCU MJ and I get why they'd make her a reporter as it makes her tied to the plot

>not enjoying that abrupt tonal shift where you're playing a civvy watching innocents getting gunned down at you and you're suddenly in survival horror mode.

Really helped give me that "oh shit" moment when I played

That webm is also the most boring way to swing around.

I found out you can do the off-the-wall tumble attack immediately after doing the L2 +R2 zip-to-perch move onto any railing or building edge. You can just zip+smash into a group of enemies from quite far away and send them all flying like bowling pins

no, it looks better than homecoming actually.

MCU is Spidey is embarrassing.
He ruins the movie just by how much of a bitch he is.

Spider-Man The Animated Series had the best Peter.

have either of you ever read the comics
peter is supposed to be a little bitch seething incel nerd
that's why he flipped out at ben and let him get shot
the fucking first comic ends with him saying the bullies will regret picking on him or something liek that

>Why is wall-crawling so unbearably clunky?
Jesus Christ this. I get they wanted to push the wall-running shit, but even PS1 games get the wall-crawling right.


All the original Marvel comics ran by Stan and Kirby are pretty silly and cringeworthy tbqh.

>can't reply correctly
hothead out

so is everything since. they're comic books.

Rewatched the Raimi films recently and christ they hold up pretty well.

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