ITT: Games that were known to exist in some form but never saw the light of day.
ITT: Games that were known to exist in some form but never saw the light of day
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Its still in development! You'll see
>Dead Island but fantasy
Nothing of value was lost
Dying Light but fantasy, so it would have been baby's first sir kicksalot game.
i wanted this shit to be Hexen as much as possible, but at this point i'm being delusional, techland can't make good games, let alone melee combat satisfying.
It would be like an open world vermintide 2.
god ... all the things that could have been... gone ... like farts in the wind.
Dead Island was horrible. A reskin wouldn't have saved it, let alone made a good game.
They're both published by Techland but the 2014 gameplay resembles Dead Island's shitty combat a lot more than Dying Light
Dragons Dogma 2 which became Devil May Cry 5
PC release of Red Dead Redemption
>Prey 2
Dead Island was terrible. Dying Light is when the studio finally started to get its shit together. The ending is garbage, but the first 75% of the game is pretty fun.
>DD getting released on Switch
>DMC a success
>DD getting a fucking Netlfix anime
DD2 is happening, user. Are you ready to fly into free?
Oh no.
Deep Down.
>Dragons Dogma 2 which became Devil May Cry 5
It was one or the other, DD2 hadn't begun development. Hopefully Capcom will allow Itsuno to get to work on it now.
>Dead Island
I'm playing the game, who the fuck thought designing zombies who knock you over and you needing an eternity to stand up?
It always ruins the flow of the game when I encounter those fuckers.
Cube World
>last update March 2017
It's dead user.
youre delusional
they released a bit of gameplay, it would play like a skyrim dungeon without even the keys, and the artstyle looked a bit stylized, i am glad it is canceled
Where in the flying fuck is it?
When they first showed this trailer, somehow I immediately knew it would be in development hell. I'm not sure what it was about the trailer, but I felt that way from the get go.
It doesn't need to be finished, I'll eat the fucking table scraps if I have to. Do a fucking episodic release schedule if they goddamn have to, just let me play it
Anyone remember waiting for this? It was double painful cuz it killed the dev who made Metal Arms
Was never anything more than a tech demo. I refuse to believe otherwise
Mega man legends 3. It hurts bros.
probably Half-Life 2: Episode Three
possibly Half-Life 3
Exanima 1.0
Meh until they let you actually make dfc I'll never bother.
The gameplay made it look decent
Prey 2
Fuck those asshats
Star Citizen
You can get pretty darn flat in DD, more so in DDO I think.
Hellraid looked fucking -perfect-
Now if they cancel Witchfire I'm going to press play for pumped up kicks for sure
That spiritual successor to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem.
Didn't Deep Down become MHW?
It kind of seemed like a modernized Hexen without the puzzle switch bullshit, so I was on board.
Small breasts != flat.
why did it have to be this way
I still have this on my wishlist, it was supposed to come out this Febuary.
It literally reads like satire from /pol/.
Deep Down was the poster boy of Capcom's new engine that never was, and none of it look like it made into MHW in any form.
And even then they got their shit together in The Following and gave it a decent boss fight and a kino ending.
Nope, MHW is just old MT Framework. Granted its MT Framework pushed to it's absolute limits.
Those cancelled Star Wars games.
Star citizen
Can't believe it's still in early access. Have the devs abandoned it? Looked like a lot of fun.
Looks like they've released an update a few days ago.
I do wonder what has happened to all the code and assets for these games. Are they still sitting on a forgotten CD or a folder on a server somewhere, or have they been lost forever in a clean out, wiped from dev machines as they're replaced or thrown out by new hires who don't understand what's on the media they're getting rid of?
>Megaman Legends 3 still has a demo somewhere in the Capcom vault
>Will never be released, ever
>lost forever
Unless it's a japanese publisher/dev, their western counterparts keep everything that might have value.
You'll never know when's a company gonna go bankrupt and having all the IPs to sell the better.
I'm still seething, Bitchford is the only thing keeping 3DR from release the (basically complete) 2001 Duke Forever build
Probably because the first Dead Island took forever to cum out of my dickhole too.
The real Fallout 3.
Starforge. I was so naive, so young.
yeah, it looked really promising. fuck blizzard.
What was that isometric Die by the Sword style game?
Sui Generis/Exanima.
Ghost Song
I gave up on it long ago
I just wish I could get my money back at this point, don't even care how the game turns out.
Van Buren kind of evolved into New Vegas
If you really want Fallout to go back to top down, good luck with that.
The fact that people on Yea Forums actually fell for the scam will never stop amazing me.
>release date 27 March, 2018
It's never coming out, is it? ;(
Would love to bust some patriarchy.
True, I don't care if Fallout is top down or first or third person, but I do wish that the devs from 1, 2, and NV were the ones making the games. Bethesda can keep publishing rights but Obsidian should have creative control.
hey friend
what's the point in remembering thing that didn't happen
Interstellar marines shark edition
5 years after, I still hope...
>Finally makes a post saying he's going to be more communicative
C'mon now. That's just mean.
That reminded me of a similar looking trailer I saw like ten years ago of a game that was supposed to have good first person sword and bow combat. I think they showed off a teaser of the character on a bridge? I'm probably remembering it wrong. I'm not sure if the game ever came out or it just looked completely different to the trailer.
I forgot about this, and now I'm sad.
It looked mediocre and blizzard made the right call back when they still had a name for themselves
i wonder how harmonix stays in business
>get BTFO by alien isolation
>save face by simply going silent
its for the best, user
they actually released this as a VR game to compete Beat Saber. Audica
Must be Rock Band DLC. But god knows how much longer that will last.
because harmonix actually isn't just a game company, they're sound engineers who just happen to come up with a couple super cool game ideas.
so they do other shit too.
You know this game kind of got my attention despite the YASS QUUEENN SLAAY meme bullshit, this authentically felt like the story of a shield maiden going through a norse myth inspired souls like game.
But development and updates are so slow Ive started to lose hope.
Ah yes, it would have turned out swimmingly. Just look at The Quiet Man.
Fuck Microshit with their microdicks for cancelling this and giving Kamiya mental health issues.
I just wanted my game dev tycoon but with movies
goddamit fucking poos ruining everything fuck
Eitr "should" coming this summer.
Are you playing alone? the only reason I enjoyed that game was because I played with friends.
At least we got the very good Prey instead. Prey 1 was a fucking mess and I don't think Prey 2, even if it had some really cool ideas, would be much better.
Netflix DMC is confirmed to be a part of Netflix Catlevania universe.
Kamiya wanted to cancel it too. They just couldn't get it to a workable state.
We may see it next-gen when consoles are stronger.
>he doesn't know
God when I was an edgy little teenager I wanted it to be real so bad. I wanted the funny weed smoke movie to really have a real game come out of it.
I played a good chunk of it with friends but we all started to stop playing it eventually. Coop was really its saving grace but even that couldn't carry us the whole way through
There was dude posting on here that knew the dude
Wonder if he still lurks
This is coming
One of these days
It'll leak out
Midnight animal
>come up with a couple super cool game ideas
you mean rip off guitar hero and meme saber
interstellar marines
I have a suspicion Blizzard ripped Bastion from Swingin' Ape's concept artbooks, Metal Arms had so much damn soul and it's a shame we'll never get that sequel.
I swear now that if I ever win the lottery I'm investing every dime in the development of Metal Arms 2
I'm sad about Deep Down. It could have been half the game they showed it off and I'd probably still play it.
MP dungeon crawlers a la Vindictus or even Warframe are ridiculously rare and not one of them is good, they're all deeply flawed in one way or another.
Nah man, that was Wavegroup. I'd know, I worked there.
>you mean rip off guitar hero
Guitar Hero 3 was the first _true_ guitar hero game. I and II were basically tech demos. Neversoft perfected the formula which Harmonix ripped off when they made Rock Band.
Imagine canceling a game 95% of the way through development, because your publisher arbitrarily decided that no one plays that type of game anymore.
I really wanted a Kicksalot Deathboot spiritual successor. Why do we still not have one?
>That Battlefront 3 dev who said the game was 90% done and they just needed to iron out the bugs
Don't know if he was exaggerating or not, but it's a shame the real BF3 never saw the light of day.
Anyone remember a cancelled horror game that was played in first person, set in a snowy forest? I don't remember much else about it, just that it looked cool as fuck in the gameplay trailer and that it never came.
>steam thread
I have a 50 dollar steam gift card for reasons I need not get into, any good games out? I like dungeon crawlers (Wizardry and the like), turn-based strategy, RTS sometimes, FPS, management games/sims, games that can be modded to be lewd, and games about boats.
If it is a gud gaem and I'm able to get two copies with my 50 steam funbux, I will gift you a copy as well.
I know there was a download of one of their builds dropped here at one point, but I can't remember if it was playable or the most up to date before its cancellation.
>Hexen without the puzzle switch bullshit
So not Hexen at all.
Fuck off. Fallout new Vegas was boring af. Sure the RPG system was good but the quests and the world was so underwhelming. It’s better if fallout just dies
It needed some finangling but it was made playable by dedicated hackers. Problem was it was either not the mostly-complete build, or the progress was heavily exaggerated.
i-its not dead yet anons I swear
I was mostly interested in it for it's VR compatibility but the devs cancelled that feature so it would just be redundant anyway.
Oh fuck I forgot about this.
double kys
>tfw people hated the endings in the following because "wtf all the endings are bad endings why can't the game end with sunshines and rainbows"
fuck the haters
Stop pretending you cared about a shitty broken sequel to a shitty unmemorable shootan.
Remember that Dead Island moba?
It was real. I played it.
I hated ending in following because it kinda turns whole main game utterly pointless. You're supposed to prevent the city from getting firebombed, and in dlc best solution is just nuking it anyway because lol fuck you.
zoomers wouldn't know Hexen, friend
>not turning into the proto-Volatile
The sequel better have an infected faction led by Kyle.
Dead Island Epidemic
I played it too. It wasn't much of a moba though from the very very little that I remember of it
was it PvP? I just remember doing co-op through some areas with randoms and boss fights at the end of the stage in a top-down perspective
they know everything about having shitty taste though
Yeah I only remember PvE
Looking forward to this thread having that shitty porn game in a few years
Boomers help me remember the name of this game
It was a third person action adventure
It was gothic fantasy like Hexen
The protag was this elf dude in leather pants
You had a sword and could cast magic and shit
Controlled like classic tombraider
>Look for D
Yes, look for Dick, David.
One of the Heretic games I think, 2 probably
its not on steam but i thought i drop you the link anyways since its p good but many people never ehard about it
Don't remind me
Honestly it's for the best. It was the Alien game we always wanted and the Alien Isolation did it and was released earlier.
It's such a shame really, it looked and sounded great
Why do you shill for a dev that holds such contempt for the people who backed his game?
Just play Liberal Crime Squad
Go away pu ping
Wat dis?
>nuCOM trash
No. Fuck off. nuCOM is garbage. Play pic related. No steam game for faggots, sorry.
exactly this op
Dind't this became darkbornw
That hotline miami fangame which slowly became a persona game. Very strange.
Whatever the first draft of Metroid Prime 4 was
It would be interesting to see what made it get scrapped.
A big flaw or overall low quality?
Too soon, executus
>Hexen with nuDOOM's style
Jesus I fucking wish. Imagine being the Fighter and going full punch demons in the face until they are mush mode
It wasn't the mostly complete build, it was an earlier build. I suspect the mostly complete build will never EVER get leaked, it's probably on a file somewhere where nobody will get it.
It's coming, but we won't be alive when it's ready.
He just needs another 200 mil, come on guys
I've been ready for several years
You guys ever see that game that was in Steam Greenlight for a little while (although I think I found it somewhere else originally) that was all about making your own custom superhero/villain? Was called Project something I think.
The devs had only ever really worked on a couple mobile games before from what I remember. They had shown a bit of gameplay but I don't think they ever really did anything with it besides make some cool tech demos.
Not enough "pssshhh".
The card game Dropmix is the best thing they've made in years.
Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun? more like DED Sun, amirite?
Maybe that's because Bethesda gave Obsidian what, 18 months to make New Vegas, and they weren't able to flesh out a lot of the world and add everything they wanted to, yet despite this it's still one of the greatest RPGs released in the last 10 years, so imagine if Obsidian had at least two years to make a Fallout game.
I was super hyped for this too.
>Imagine being the Fighter and going full punch demons in the face until they are mush
refreshed my memory with a video, the ettin gets killed in 3 punches.
3 fuckin punches. presumably one punch kills the weaker head instantly and the stronger head takes 2.
It doesn't have to be a 1:1 copy, user. Maybe now you can just punch/chop the heads off, maybe you punch him in the stomach enough to make him a throwable enemy, maybe now you slash at his legs and it drops on its knees for a brutal kill. If you played nuDOOM (quite possibly the only thing that isn't absolutely ruined by the prefix "nu-") you'll know there's a lot of potential
fuck bethesda and fuck publishers
OG mother 3
>prey 1 was a mess
You are fucking retarded. Prey 1 was fantastic and the new Prey is absolute garbage. You have shit taste.
Comes out in 2022
Probably it just not being anything except a pile of stuff. It's difficult to have a directorial vision on a game that everyone knows was announced before the dev team for it was even assembled.
That looks kinda bad, man.
I still have their site bookmarked just in case
nah hes right, the new prey is the best fps that came out in years
I love this meme.
You can go and play Star Citizen right now, you've been able to for years.
shut up idiot. prey is total drek. i got it day fucking one and it was a mediocre quake 4 reskin with dead multiplayer and no consequence for dying. utterly devoid of anything of note. all people ever remember from it is the opening scene with the playable jukebox and the segment where you went into a box portal.
the prey we got is 10000x better than whatever generic cinematic-focused shit prey 2 was gonna be. its the closest thing to a new and decent syshock game we'll ever get but you got your head so far up bethesdas marketing asshole that nothing less than another generic cinematic bethshit shooter would satiate you. imagine being you crying shit taste while literally having this opinion. fuck prey2 tards are so fucking stupid
daily reminder that this was cancelled and they greenlit Diablo Mobile
Lurk MOAR faglord
Speaking of Dead Island, what the fuck ever happened to Dead Island 2?
died when dying light became a thing.
someone redpill me on this game
what's all the hype about?
Made me chuckle
I remember reading this and being excited. I would regularly check Lionhead Studio's website for updates. Sadly, it was all for naught.
There does exist "gameplay" of it
Bloody Roar 5 will happen someday for real. Konami will remember it owns the IP and revive it.
It still hurts...
>waiting for almost 5 years and counting
I'm convinced Maxi is actually fucking dead
This seems like a precursor to the Stomping Land/ARK.
I wish
Every now and then I think of how amazing it'd be to have a reboot that took the best gameplay aspects of 2, 3 and extreme + 2's artstyle
>but never saw the light of day
I swear there was a game in which the player had to fight a giant dragon with magic or arrows or something. He shows up to this arena and there's a woman ready to be sacrificed to the dragon, she dies and then he fights the dragon.
You are a monkey-brained double nigger.
There was this marble rolling game like Monkey Ball. The floor was even textured like a monkey ball game, but I remember that different tiles had different properties like grass, water, and dirt. In fact, if you rolled the marble across water and then dirt, flowers would grow. Been trying to find it for the past couple of years but nothing doing.
Nah it's gone forever
went through the entire thread expecting this to be posted earlier
what is bandai scamco even doing?
>Netflix DMC is confirmed to be a part of Netflix Catlevania universe
If that's the case how the fuck is Dracula that much of a threat if Sparda and later Dante exist
They’re doing a bunch of RPG stuff in the new dying light, so it’s likely after that they’ll remake Hellraid into a more RPG game. Maybe with a new engine.
I really wish this came out instead of audica.
Right afterwards?
that Wolverine game based on the 90's wolverine comics that got changed at the last minute to be based on the garbage movie
damnit I wanted that fucking original wolvy game
>revealed to promote the PS4
>PS5 is almost announced
According to a quick read on Wikipedia, the game was officially cancelled and the features that the game had were eventually implemented into new sims games; Sims 3, technically, being the final product of what Simsville could have been.
This also technically applies to My Sims as well.
>Game takes place when Norrath had experienced a mass extinction where life was almost wiped off the planet. The races have drifted into an age of darkness/silence left to ignorance, origins erased, and old civilizations couldn't sustain themselves.
>World is completely barren where the players are the one who create the world, make the stories, and determine the wars. Origins are wiped so players are literally at the whim to create the origin stories for every race to make them culturally HOWEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT, from Dark Elves being the do-gooders, Dwarfs being nature worshipers, or Ogres being genteel knowledge seekers, and cities to represent that new identity.
>The world is barren, but the entire planet is absolutely filled with ruins underground that reach for miles in subterranean passageways representing a time forgotten, incentivizing players to unearth ancient powerful relics of old.
>SOE partnered with a studio that specifically specializes on artificial intelligence to program the NPCs in EQN. AI no longer are programmed through commands but act according to a non-linear visual editing system.
>The game was to have a transient and emergent AI that reacts to the how the players move through the world. NPCs have seasonal/migrating patterns, Orcs are no longer fixed on position and will make bandit/raiding camps according to how the players are moving. If players decide to make a trade route from one player city to another, NPCs will notice and will react on it, creating bandit looting camps/hideouts to pilfer on passing players.
This game needed to die, Everquest Next was so ambitious in it's intent that it would have imploded the gaming market to the point of no return taking an absolute shit on anything that was to come afterwards from MMOs to weeaboofags and their shitty Japanese games. This game was just too ahead of it's time and didn't need to be release at this current moment.
I forgot to mention a building system so advanced that we haven't seen anything like it, almost rivaling the sims.
>yfw bannerlord gets an actual release date
Blog still update, but will it release
>tfw no first person fantasy medieval game to fill the void of Dark Messiah :(
Do you think people shitting on AGONY scared them away?
Apparently they made a post about a month ago, so they're still alive somewhat
Came here to post this. Development for six fucking years.
What was that FPS series Konami made for the PSP like ten years ago?
I remember it was going to have a PS3 version but got canned
i love weed
Fucking hell I remember this, that initial trailer of the robot booting itself up after centuries was really cool. I always remember being perplexed since there was no clear indication on what the game would actually be, apparently it's an open world puzzle game.
A game that is exactly that already exists. Search up The Movies Game. Great game, even lets you film the movies yourself using the assets.
>I know people who pre-ordered this for $90
we're never getting HL3 until they have some fancy new gfx engine and revolutionary tech to show off. HL1 and 2 were nothing really more than tech demos with a storyline.
netflix DMC got canned because the director jumped the gun on the announcement
Still mad about this one. I would have loved to see the bosses for it.
I still remember a game where you would play as a bounty hunter in some sort of a procedurally generated universe with changing situations and dynamic settings. It reached the point of having a trailer and such, but got canceled for some reason, I can't remember it but the whole thing probably took place around 2012-2015, although I could be wrong. Man if anybody here knows what I'm talking about...
Pic related v1.0.
that fucking feel when the update that was supposed to come out this February was literally delayed a year because of the American healthcare system (or lack thereof).
Dev's brother got nose cancer. The dev is fucking paranoid that he'll have to cancel development of the game if he ever gets sick too (he rarely leaves his house and lives on a diet of pringles and soda) so he's sold half the rights to some Canadian Indy games company run by a Discord drama woman and the community's "#1 Modder".
The #1 modder has never actually made a mod in his life and literally got famous for stealing other people's mods and assimilating them into his modpack and now the free game is on fucking Steam for $30 (a good portion of which goes to those fuckbags).
yeah that whole fucking fiasco practically broke my soul
Goddammit I found out I was talking about prey 2 and just misremembered...
I'll never stop being mad
wow that looks legit good. amazing since i assume it was from the xbox grimdark bomberman era
>corridor shootan with cutscene executions
I spent $120 and made some oc for the cash shop. I was literally trying to make a living off this game. Any good games to create paid content for? I can do blender!
Weirdly enough it was being made by the Metroid prime crew. I think it was supposed to go along with the Maverick Hunter series which got canned after the first one
This is underrated. The new art looks nothing like the original amazing trailer.
Screencap this right now, CD has bent the knee to trannies. The game will be trash
If the rumors are true, it may or may not be in production again, but whatever we end up with most likely isn't going to be the same as was originally promised
Parts of 3 got released as Elite Squadron. It's not perfect but you can see the glimpes of what they were going for
>reveal trailer uses my favorite song of all time
>devs go completely silent like a month later
fuck this gay earth
Back then, a survival horror with 80s scifi aesthetic is a rare and fresh concept
>shitty unmemorable shootan.
Prey was great, you dumbass
I still remember it and stuff like the tiny planet, undead children, cool bio weapons and astral projection despite playing it only once 13 or so years ago
wow cool you remember the 5 setpieces it had and forgot the forgettable gameplay
I don't know what this is but what I'm imagining is VERY interesting.
this supposed to be the mmo?
>Still in alpha.
>Updates come out on a yearly basis.
I-It will come out soon ... r-right?
Almost there boys. H-Haha.
he was murdered by the sjws
Never ever.
im late to it but if you like tbs games then check out battle brothers. especially if you like mount and blade, its very similar in theme but less about taking over the world and more just adventuring and shit
CDPR hired a hit squad to take out all cyberpunk related devs.
>Look for D
Lmao so his wifey uses her dying breath to call him a fag?
I hope not, it didn't seem that bad.
Techland has two divisions- Wroclaw and Warsaw. Wroclaw is focusing on Dying Light 2 while Warsaw is working on "AAA fantasy game". Maybe Hellraid.
Heretic 2, probably, but he had a spear instead of a sword.
Generals 2
Its not a game though, still just a tech demo.
The game was playable too
It's the new Ni-oh. Ni-oh was unveiled with the PS3 and didn't become a game until PS4.
I remember some Nintendo Power magazine showing some picture in an upcoming section of a taxi cab with a creature hanging from the roof. Dead Drive/Death Drive or some shit like that, I could never find whatever the hell happened to it, anyone else remember that shit?
Also toward the back of some other gaming magazine about a Christmas-themed fighting game, during the 16-bit era. I remember the ad itself had santa shoving some dude into his bag. Thinking back to it now I know it was fake, because one of the screenshots had a reindeer taking a huge shit on someone. Definitely had some effort put into it though, what with the sprites in the screenshots and everything.
W-When was the last RTS released?
Got 56 hours of playtime in it, waiting for new dlc.
>Prey 2 was a first-person shooter developed by Human Head Studios. As the sequel to 2006's Prey, it would have put players in control of a bounty hunter on the alien world of Exodus who is trying to recover his lost memories. But on October 30, 2014, publisher Bethesda confirmed that Prey 2 was cancelled due to the game not being up to its standards.
Stuck in development hell. Sumo Games picked it up some time ago, so maybe it'll come out eventually.
I'm still mad
Check out Grimrock
>5 years in dev hell
I hope it comes out someday...
They forgot what could have been.
Fuck Kamiya for failing to meet even basic milestones because of featurebloat and horrible scope
It's a fun game, really want to see it finished.
It's just so weird that this game is *done* but they will never release it. Granted it really doesn't look that great, but still, it's a complete game, just like... throw it out there some day.
I wonder if they remember.
only the name really
This is the spiritual successor to Dark Messiah I've been wanting.
Wonder what it would have been like.
Steel division 2 is good. Cant wait for campaign mode.
To this day I still don't know how I managed to beat Hexen without a guide and found the 4th weapon before the last world. I usually suck at finding secrets and switches. I think I might've cheesed the first world on accident.
I don't think I could beat it blind anymore.
You will never play as victorian batman.
>game series you always wanted to have a sequel or continuation
>you Would play pass games for hours hoping what will be in the next game
>You speculate with friends daily when the release date is and share each other's fan theories
>X years later
>Game gets a continuation
>it's complete shit
All modern batman games are absolute shit
>Asscreed 4 without the Ass
Redpill me on Steel Div 2. Not entirely certain if want just yet. Bought the 1st one and enjoyed it for a bit until I lost interest 2 months after.
I just checked the site and ran across this:
>Update 08-1-18: Ghost Song rebooted its development in early 2018 and a lot of the info and imagery on this site is out of date. I’ll be updating it as I can, but for now you can stay up to date via Twitter or Discord.
This one really stings, more than anything else for me. It makes me writhe in agony that it was so close to being finished, that the "last" version of the game will never be leaked to the public so that the public can tweak it and make it playable, and the closest we will ever get is the Elite Squadron game which is blatantly built from this game's scraps. And we will never get Battlefront 3, we will never get the game we wanted, and we will have to put up with EA/DICE's fucking awful interpretation of Battlefront/Battlefront 2 that are just not as fun.
It would take just one hero to find wherever the files are and upload them to the Internet, get them on MEGA or something.
But it wasn't modern user, it was set in the victorian era.
oh so that's what was going on
im probably the only bastard old enough to remember this bullshit...
First time hearing about this game, it's going to come out eventually right? Looks cool.
wait? it was cancelled?
this indirectly half killed eve online
what happened?
>Opus 1 is an indie, oldskool, retro-inspired, open-world shmup/visual novel/rpg hybrid with deep and satisfying combat
What sucks is that the C&C3 team got canned, went on to form Petroglyph, and then when they're making Universal Combat SEGA forces them to drop the human faction from the game because EA restarted C&C3 with a new team and marketing thought the games would be too similar if it was humans vs. aliens.
What's the story behind it?
Good. If 2 was any indicator this would have been fucking atrocious.
Speaking of Might and Magic, I really wish we'd get a real successor to M&M6,7,8. I don't know what Ubi was thinking with 10.
they need to work on those meele animation other wise looks cool
Would probably have been shit, but would have loved a decent 40k MMO.
>we never found out why the robot has sad
that´s the worst thing about it
idk about blender except the porn. maybe vrchat models?
Yeah there's a video on his youtube, too. It's just really strange. Fucking Hollow Knight came and went, and its sequel is on the way.
Project awakened.
Came here to post this
Half-Life 3 has been built and scrapped three times now.
i actually got to play this for a few days. it was shit. one of those games thats cool on paper but plays like total garbage. when your entire game is based on 1 gimmick, what else is there? it gets boring.
And without boarding ships, fuck that
I would've taken it 100 times over Eternal Crusade, which is his successor, despite it being an MMO.
No, that's a good reason to hate it.
You're doomed to a bad ending in real life, why do that in a video game when its whole point is for you to have fun and enjoy yourself? People that think bad endings are good writing are supreme idiots of low intelligence.
Alucard was fighting on Dante's level in the anime (Minus devil trigger) and Dracula hadn't fed in something like years so he was incredibly weakened.
>Alucard was fighting on Dante's level in the anime
he really, really, really wasn't. Dante and Virgil are incredibly ridiculous. His sword is the metaphorical concept of cleaving things together, which is why he can parry *anything* with royal guard.
Same with Starcraft Ghost, it was completed as well.
Blizzard occupies some zealot like philosophy that they can only release PERFECT (in their eyes) games which is another reason why Titan was cancelled despite the years of work on it.
And yet they put out trash like Diablo Immortal. Maximum yikes, that last Blizzcon was so weak and depressing...why even have the thing if you have nothing to show? They've really been fucking up over there.
It was delayed because the positive feedback they got from the extensive demos they did internally convinced boardroom people to give them more money to make the game even bigger.
Today I will remind them.
Play Cyberia if you haven't. Closest you'll get to that.
>tfw too good for this world
>Mutated Bryce
I miss him.
>Barkley 2
It's never gonna happen bros
I disagree, I think a reskin was one of the only things that would have made sense
guns NEVER felt right in Dead Island, they felt like shit and were pretty crap all around, so having them 100% removed for a fantasy game sounds ideal; also zombies in dead island could end up far too tanky for something that is already decomposing, but it might have made sense if you were fighting a magic demon or someshit
2001 never existed as an actual game, that was just a mockup based on their latest engine
t. someone who had been waiting since 1998 for DNF and religiously followed it over the years
the final release broke me, I am a shell of a man who can never get truly excited about anything ever again
Nah, Deep Down was supposed to be developed by the same Capcom branch behind Monster Hunter Frontier and Dragon's Dogma Online, COG.
I know I'm a few hours late on this but yeah that's the game,thanks user.
Coming close to a full six years since the initial alpha release.
>World of Tanks: Age of Sail Edition
lol this game looked like shit
Still hurts bros. Just want working ecological systems and to transition seamlessly between sea and land, is that too much?
>tfw you realize that minus the water stage its really not that different than what came out
Reminds me of Hellgate: London, it had potential and became a trainwreck at launch because they didn't listen.