Wait hold on...if Fortnite is confirmed canon in the Avengers universe...

Wait hold on...if Fortnite is confirmed canon in the Avengers universe, doesn't that mean they added Thanos as a playable character in there as well? That's a bit fucked up don't you think? Glorifying a man that wiped out half of the population?

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That would be like saying any representation of evil is considered as glorified. You're retarded and made this post without considering media as a whole.

almighty infinity stones,grant me a 5

At least he was dispassionate and not racist.

They had a DC event with Darkseid instead.

Sorry I was using it for a bit

You say that as if fortnite added hitler people wouldn't swarm to the game for the memes.

If Thor dabbed on Thanos with a fully loaded infinity gauntlet why couldn't Thor + the entirety of the Avengers cast beat him when all he had was a Darth Maul sword?

>Glorifying a man that wiped out half of the population
I mean, didn't stop the muslims.

This. Everything that happened after they unsnapped everyone made no fucking sense.

They still put McDonald's in things and they've done the same thing.

Thanos' motivation in endgame was pretty lame too

They didn't add him to the game in the MCU. It's like how Tony referred to Thor as Lewbowski despite his killing Jeff Bridges in Iron Man 1.

It was Thanos with all his character development stripped away so it makes sense.

>guardians of the galaxy collectively used the purple stone because one of them couldn't handle it alone
>lol let's just make hulk use all of them alone
why didn't they just make a gauntlet for each stone and have several people snap together?

>>lol let's just make hulk use all of them alone
Why not? He could take it.

Endgame Thor was fat and useless.

I liked the movie despite its flaws. There, I said it.

It still fucked up his arm. I'm just saying why wouldn't they even consider the option especially since rocket knew it was possible?

Its almost like hes mad


And.....that makes it not lame?

you think thor gets ptsd when he sees thanos floss on him

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So his power over lightning is determined by his abs?

Directly holding one was a gamble and only possible because Quill was part god-like being. No idea if everyone using one and snapping in unison would work or even kill everyone involved.

You could argue he was displeased with himself being killed off after the fact thus going full create my own universe like a god thing. Makes Loki's "You will never be a god." line before he died more meaningful.

Worst thing about the film was Cap Marvel. Rocket should have saved Nebula and Tony, and Hulk should have busted up that ship and went toe to toe with Thanos and went through that headbutt. Wasting such a cool moment on that cunt was one of the worst fucking things in the film.

Don't worry
no one liked captain marvel

I thought about this myself.


And muscles.

The first Iron Man, GoTG, Captain America, and Winter Soldier were the only good movies. Having a fuckload of characters isn't good it just makes the story a mess and the characters underdeveloped which is made worse by the movies being only 2 hours long or whatever.

I'm going to assume Fortnite in the movie lacks Thanos, just a hunch. I don't see why people are mad about the Fortnite thing anyway. Seemed more like a joke at its expense than anything. Thor blamed himself and went full self loathing NEET getting drunk and yelling at dumbass kids on a videogame.

>The first Iron Man, Captain America, and Winter Soldier
>Good movies

God, I can smell the goblino-stink from here. No movie in phase 1 was good and that's a fact.

Thor was wildly out of shape, and Thanos was at his A-Game. this is Thanos before he had to murder Gamora and personally track down the Infinity Stones. He's not as strong as he was with the stones, but he's more ruthless and doesn't give any fucks. This Thanos promises to literally destroy the entire universe. The other Thanos was OK with half.

Why is Hulk such a cuck in these movies? Banner isn't as interesting without Ross or any of his rogues gallery and Hulk is severely underutilized. The Hulk movies with Eric Bana and Edward Norton were actually good so why can't Marvel do anything of note with him?

So you actually like Iron Man 2 and 3? Are you fuckin stupid?

>That's a bit fucked up don't you think? Glorifying a man that wiped out half of the population?

Thanos spared Epic Games from the Snappening because he appreciated the cameo.

Favorites: Ironman 1, GotG1, Avengers 1, Spiderman, Ragnarok, Dr. Strange, Infinity War/Endgame.

Liked: Ironman 2, GotG2, Ultron, Cap 1, Antman, Antman 2

Didn't like or didn't care: The rest of them.

Infinity War Thanos was fucking around because he already won. He straight up casually strolled through Wakanda like "lmao Wakanda shit is this" and beat everyone effortlessly

>Didn't like or didn't care:ALL
by 2012 I was already tired of this shit, all the movies were so similar

What I thought is strange is how everyone watching the movies treated thanos as this god-like being who was invincible who couldn't be defeated
I'm glad they showed Thor instantly killing him to shed some light on that

you can't handle my 5

That's fine. Perhaps my taste is just that shit. Wouldn't be the first time. Still to enjoy 2/3rds of the 22 films seems like a decent percentage to me.

>tired of it
this,i was pretty hype when i first saw thanos on an end credits scene on one of the movies but then this shit kept prolonging for 11 fucking years since the first iron man movie that i didnt even want to watch the movies anymore,i watched both infinity war and endgame this week just cause my brother wanted to watch endgame on the cinema,i'm actually glad it ended

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There's an alternate timeline where Tony, Vision (unless he was never created), Black Widow, and Loki are all still alive.

If anything Thanos is underdeveloped other than just wanting to gas kikes or whatever. Okay he's a "bad guy" but why? What's Thanos tax policy?

In the MCU that was the case at the time, no one could step up to him. And I mean that at the time he was introduced, not when Thor got a power up or dr strange existed

When I heard their time travel explanation (magic lady particularly "we are going to win then bring this time stone back"), I figured they meant you could dick around as long as everything ended up happening the same way. On that basis, either the past now has no thanos to perform the original snap or their universe ends up losing the infinity stones. Unless someone wants to tell me I didnt understand the time travel correctly?

I don't see why not. You can play as the Allies in all sorts of WWII games here on earth.

Need a 5 user?

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I think it's probably a circle now
the entire mcu and what happened so far will keep happening in a circle

Was Thanos worthy of wielding Stormbreaker? There was a small scene right before Thanos tried to kill Thor with it and before Thor touched it where he lifted it up slightly.

I don't think it was make sure everything is the same, just make sure it didn't turn out worse. She knew as long as they brought back their stone to her that their timeline would at least turn out the same. This is just me speculating but she perhaps figured as long as they succeeded and brought it back that everything for her timeline would go along the path of them winning. If they didn't win and their stones were fucked, her timeline would at least not get dusted. That alternate timeline also still has a few characters alive that were lost in Endgame.

I don't think Stormbreak has a curse that requires one to be worthy, just strong enough to handle it.

there you go


Im confused with why the actors 'dont want to do it anymore'

What he said Thor's daddy made his hammer that way to test him and control and even pass his limits

Stormbreaker has no worthy thing like his hammer. Anyone can do it.

Wait what was new thanos motivation in endgame?

Did new thanos know what Happened to his past self?

Wasnt dragonball time travel like that? Makes me wonder if there is some sci fi out there that plays with that idea. Some guy travels forward and discovers every few years forward things are radically, impossibly different and the story is trying to piece together what the fuck happened.

Sorry about that, here ya go man. A 5, just like you wanted.

>Did new thanos know what Happened to his past self?
Exactly that and he came to the conclusion since that people wouldn't be grateful and appreciate what he did and actually understand they all needed to die and restart

In my mind millions of dollars to play a character you have been for a long time over and over seems like a good deal. Like a paycheck but on an insane grander scale. That's just from some random guy though. To the actor maybe they've got so much money from the role that they don't have to care anymore and are just tired of doing it. RDJ may be that way but before Ironman he was in a really bad spot. Saved his life, didn't it? Wonder if it was hard for him to end it or if he just wants to chill now.

This is what didn't make sense to me. If he had no stones, why was he still so powerful? If he's that powerful without stones, then how the fuck could anyone even stand a remote chance against him in Infinity War when he had at least one stone for the entirety of the movie? Sure, they ultimately lost, but they held their own for a good while before then.
Power creep levels all over the place.

and with that
All is balanced

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Maybe the developers all survived the snappening and started worshipping him for wiping out their competition?

Based on what the actors have stated, it's a contractual obligation. You're free to sign up for other movies, but you are obligated to keep showing up for shooting the movies regardless of your schedule with other films. It can get tiring. At least they all seem to not mind it as much as before.

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I think the justification was that he wasn't trying. To him he already won and just needed to gather the rest of the stones. They only almost got the gauntlet off of him in Infinity War because antenna lady was putting his mind to rest. After he wakes up he's just toying with them. Like for instance he couldn't outright kill Strange because he had the time stone. Once he gets the time stone he's out of there. He gets to Earth and passively makes his way to the stones.

I mean maybe it doesn't make much sense but that's how I see it after the fact. In Endgame past Thanos is going all out desperately to ensure he wins whereas IW Thanos already felt like he won and was just going through the motions.

Captain Marvel is pretty shit, yeah.
>Absolute fucking cunt for no goddamn reason as she proclaims herself more important than everyone else because she can fly in space and has Superman levels of stupid power
>So broken that the only way she can be used is as a deus ex machina
>Used in the final battle for a GRRL POWER scene
>Still couldn't beat Thanos because despite being the strongest ever, it'd remove the tension from the story if she just killed him herself
>This useless bitch is gonna be the face of the next phase of MCU
After Guardians 3 I'm done with MCU, it's downhill from here.

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You wanna know another thing about her
How she acts all cocky and bitchy in the movie - she's the same in real life
Well, I can't say for her actual life but in interviews she is.

I know people like to be doom and gloom but Marvel/Disney like to make money. If they think this bitch is unliked by enough people they'll change something up somehow. At least that's what I like to think. Nobody likes her outside of a minority of shithead sjws. The average person sees her as a bland uninteresting person and hero. Not saying they'll fire her but I don't think she's going to be the face of MCU now. I'd bet money on them going with Spidey or if it has to be a woman, Pepper Potts. Both are much more well liked characters.

>in every other marvel interview without Larson, the actors are chummy with each other having a good time

>Hemsworth wants to do some banter as he usually does with Larson
>Larson takes it personally

>Larson wants to do some banter with the others
>no one wants to go along with it

I actually had hopes for Captain Marvel after Infinity War, but the more they showed in the trailers the worse it looked. Then the movie itself came out and all hopes were shattered. Such shitty writing and what a terrible person to cast. It's almost poetic.

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What's a 5?

So is the hulk technically dead? Banner is now the only mind in that body seeing as he was the only being to come out from the magic punch.

They probably didn’t do that, outside of the avengers and some in wakanda, no one until probably sometime when the avengers told people who Thanos is; they didn’t even know who he is.

Would the avengers even say something so world breaking was caused by a purple chin sack man

>all of that greentext
Jesus. It's like that one friend everyone has had.

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Theres an interview where the actor that plays war machine (i forget his name) looks at her in disgust and moves his shoulder so she can stop touching him immediately

Nothing but a miserable pile of secrets

>I told you not to touch me
don cheadle is usually not the type to be uppity in interviews, but here he was downright not having her shit.

shes an unlikeable cunt and no one likes her


Not only would most major world religions have been dropped in favor of worshiping the dude who just snapped half the universe out of existence, but a ton of radical vegans and environmental activists would argue in favor of his actions.

At best, he'd be a divisive figure. Not universally hated. Possibly popular.

This is why I feel Cap Marvels ship and Thanos scene needed to go to Hulk. Banner under the building and unable to really "wield" Hulks strength. Banner starts to go unconscious and Rhodey's trying to keep him awake. As Banner passes out and the building starts to fully come down; HULK... SAVE BANNER! HULK SAVE FRIENDS! He tosses the building off, carries Rhodey out, proceeds to launch his ass into the ship where he just puts one massive hole in the damn thing "TINY MAN GET BIG!" then lands by Thanos as Antman demolishes the ship from inside. Then Raging Hulk beats the ever living fuck out Thanos, takes that headbutt like a champ maybe with a nosebleed, headbutts Thanos back, and then eventually gets hammered with the power stone.

There, "Hulk" is shown to still be a thing and not just shunned by Banner. As Banner explained it you'd think they'd have a more codependent sort of thing going where they can swap spots when needed but that's not how it played out.

That explains /so much/. I was involuntarily dragged to see Captain Marvel and I did not like her then. Went to see Endgame and disliked her even more then. Personal consensus was literally SJW Goku, except with none of the fun or good personality and all of the smug self important egotism, with the broken by design powers to match.
The actress being kind of a cunt behind the scenes makes way too much sense.

This. I don`t think things on earth would be as shitty as they depicted after the snap. Humanity would just move out of the cities and become more agrarian. That sort of thing has happened before in our history, and we came out of it stronger than before. I noted how they showed NYC with no lights on and no one on the streets as a bad thing.

>he doesn't know how Professor Hulk works


i'm just hoping they pull some bullshit and sweep hulks arm under the rug and do a new avengers vs hulk, since they haven't "adapted" world war hulk yet

If they are going to shove out another 20 movies its time hulk got one so his shit can get unfucked. As it stands now, his only job is comedy or to be the worf (someone to point at and say is strong but ultimately only as set up to show that this weeks enemy is super strong).

Because that's what modern people associate with a hellscape. We're so terrified of nature that we can't stop deforesting. We're so scared of the dark that we need cities so bright they fuck up your chemistry. We've become such creatures of comfort that not being at your exact preferred temperature can ruin your whole day.

It's pretty sad.

>Get millions for basically hanging out with friends and doing cool stuff for a movie
>Just have to workout and you get pay for that
>Somehow it's horrible

painfully obvious that you've never experienced death. maybe a few neets who have no relatives or emotional attatchments to other living people wouldn't care either way, but the vast majority of humanity has emotional connections to one another, or at the very least a dog or something - and the vast majority of these people will have had one of those things brutally severed in the blink of an eye.
Imagine the peter parker/tony stark scene from infinity war except with billions of people, and with no understanding of what or why was happening. the only group of people guaranteed to profit off of that situation would be therapists

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He hasn't gotten one (and won't get one) because Disney/Marvel don't have the rights to make a solo film.

It's just a promotion, you knob-gobbler.

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According to the fit actors (Hemsworth, Evans, Pratt, etc), the exercising and meals to get their figure is agonizing. They don't even wash the suits.

They nerfed every dude to make her seem more important than she really is.

Thor can go toe-to-toe with Thanos, but he was fat, out of shape, and literally had panic attacks (btw, where are my SJW's? They just raped my Scandi culture). Hulk was badly wounded and wasted on keeping everyone safe.

I can respect Wanda being OP, but Carol's "baddassery" was just sad.

It's funny to think that you could also cutout Marvel's appearances from the movie and it would actually help improve it.

I wasnt talking about how the people act to each other you sperg, I was talking about physical ruin the planet was showing, like the ruined suburbs when antman came back, and the implied economic ruin and dysfunction shown everywhere.

>guy kills half of humanity
>let kids play as him and dab on their enemies as him
>not glorified

Yeah I bet having accesses to best steroids, the best doctors to dose me and the best chefs is agonizing. I definitely wouldn't want to be paid to work out.

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>Implying the Chinese wouldn't take full advantage of the universe-wide tragedy in order to rake in more kiddy money

Kek. Look at Mr. Edgy "I know death" over here.

There are people alive today who lost relatives in 9/11 that'd still join pro-Islam demo's.

There would be loads of people out there who'd view Thanos as a god and rationalize what happened. It's pretty clear that you've never talked to a therapist or studied psychology - that's what people do. They rationalize and repress. They might even come to see it from the opposite perspective.

Thanos wouldn't be universally hated for what he'd done - especially not 5 years down the line, once people have started getting used to it, as well as seeing the benefits.

I mean, fuck. There are religious parents today who'll watch their sick kid die and go; "Well, this is happening for a reason, so it's alright." You clearly don't understand people.

IW Thanos wasn't trying to kill the heroes, he just wanted them to be defeated and watch him win more or less. He's essentially a lawful evil type of villain. EG Thanos said fuck it everyone is dying and went all out.

As for Thor, well IW he was peak strength and just came off the biggest workout pump of his life (forging stormbreaker) and in EG he became fat and lazy

They have never mentioned once about any steroids, chefs, or doctors. Is this what they call projecting?

It'd be so much better.

you mean this 5?

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Thor, he's back, that kid on the TV just called me a dickhead again!

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They had one throwaway line to say how not everything was bad. Cap said he saw a pod of dolphins on the way in to the Avengers base, because there were less boats in the water.
They clearly didn't want anyone to get caught up in the thought experiment aspect and just want you to want the good guys to to fix it

>No one:
>God: Kills all the innocent first-born's of Egypt, infects the population with a plague, starves them.
>Christians, Jews and Muslims: "This being is perfectly reasonable and deserves everyone's absolute loyalty!"

Let's not pretend that both Hitler and Stalin aren't pop-culture icons at this point.

People will glorify powerful individuals - it's just what they do. We love violence and death.

They said keeping their figure is agonizing. Agonizing isn't making easy gains because you have a doctor dosing your roids and a chef making you meals with the perfect macros. Don't tell me you actually believe that they aren't on roids and don't have people making them meals.

He wasn't trying at all in IW. Strange is basically the only one who even put up even a remotely decent fight against him. Tony managed to get a whole "drop of blood" from doing everything he could to hit him. Thor literally just got lucky near the end by ganking him. Keep in mind in IW he had also been spending years without rest trying to find and obtain the stones and he had just killed Gomorrah so that also plays into his state of mind.
EG Thanos is at his A game, he never had to sacrifice anyone, never had to even look for the stones, and basically sent everyone full force to fight. Sure, he doesn't have the Power Stone or the full capabilities he could have had like in IW, but look at how ridiculous he was. The man held off pretty much everyone singlehandedly, Carol was the only one who could even scratch him and JUST DO IT had him fearing for his life.

>carol was the only who could even scratch him
>had him fearing for his life
Did you even watch the movie? Actually, I know for a fact you didn't because only a lying gay retard would forget "AAAAAAA CORVUS HELP ME AAAAAAAAA"