Is this game series good

is this game series good

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Yes, but it's a furry gateway drug.

Also, get it on sale and before the cartoon comes out in the fall when it all goes to shit.

Honestly not very. Sucker Punch never made a truly good game, but I guess Sly is the least bad


Sly 2 is the only game worth playing. The 1st is basically ps2 Crash Bandicoot, and the 3rd game has too many playable characters.

Yes. With that being said the first game is weaker than the sequels.

>implying 3 is the best.

based. I fucking hate people dick-riding 2. The only redeeming factor is Dimitri and Clockwerk.

3 is more refined in gameplay but the writing is baby tier.

Yes, also new game when?

3 and 2 have fairly similar gameplay except 3 decided they needed to throw in more Sly 1 tier gimmicks

Has anyone ever made a list of how many missions in 3 use the trio's normal gameplay instead of being gimmicks?

if its like 4 then no thanks

Only the first one is good
They added shitty hub worlds and minigames that ruined the series

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I don't get the hate behind 4, other than the same cliffhanger ending they did before.

bad writing

Quite a lot of threads of this franchise on Yea Forums lately, isnt it?
Anyway, with the TV show coming in some months, one would think that they'll announce a new game soon.

Whats the chance that the new game from state of play is Sly? We are getting a new cartoon series it would seem appropriate to release a game for it too. I would assume that its not sly 5 but a remake like R&C2016.

>Crash clone
>Better then 2

That's exactly what's going to happen, unfortunately.

3 = 1 > 2

Haven't played 4, the entire trilogy is like a 9/10.

>I would assume that its not sly 5 but a remake like R&C2016.
With the change of the characters design in the upcoming show and the dead end cliffhanger of the fourth game this would make sense.

No but I'm sure it be a decent amount. Off the top of my head therea
>more RC car segments
>more helicopter segments
>trap based defense game
>pirate ships
>Dimitri underwater FPS
>Panda King autolock TPS
>More hacking minigames
>Carmelita TPS
>Venice boat gunners
And I'm probably missing some

>tfw I have the trilogy collection
>no PS3 to play it on

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The problem I have with 2 is how repetitive it gets, its the same missions in nearly the same order. The only time they changed things up is when you played as Bentley for the first third of the spooky stage. After Sly is rescued it goes back into the same formula. This compounds with the fact that the stages are getting much larger and more intricate and complex to travel around, normally a good thing but I was just ready for the game to be over with. I thought I was going to hate sly 3 but they managed to fix the repetitive nature and the stages flow much more seamlessly.

Shit writing, ugly character models, ancestor gimmicks weren't the greatest, load times, worse bosses, and it left us on a worse cliffhanger than 3 did.

>no PS3 to play it on
These things are dime a dozen in your local flea market these days

>and it left us on a worse cliffhanger than 3 did.
One that will probably never be resolved as well.

Play assassin's creed: Origins

Yes but because it is a Sony platformer game series its fate probably hinges on how the cartoon does and whether they'll give it the N. Sane Trilogy/Spyro Reignited treatment or the R&C reboot treatment

Sucker Punch probably wont do it, with them going on the "cinematic" train.
If there will be a new one it will be made by a different studio.

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Probably the best platformer of its generation. 2's the best, play on ps2 if you can but the hd collection isn't that bad.