Discuss chickens & the new game, including lore, shottypes and patterns.
Touhou 17: Wily Beast and Weakest Creature
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Aborted fetus fears the blue wicked.
The cook fears the pink ball of death.
And the cow has her toy stolen by the pure MILF.
So Reimu’s going to hell? Did she already escape Kasen by the time the game starts?
Don't forget the new memes, user.
Makes sense that the one person who loves her son enough to turn all her love into fury is the only person who doesn't sink from the weight of the stone baby immediately. Turns out 2u had sad and evil characters the whole time like with the Seiga/Yuyuko pics above.
oh no
I like this fake title theme someone made a couple weeks ago more than the actual one
Oh no, you don't!
Canon Boobs! CANON!
But there is someone who can beat the cook and even eat it.
Reminder that Youmu Wolf is the way to go.
I fucking love the new game so far and find the music and characters to be great,
canonically attempts to drown anyone that comes near her!
canonically getting fed to fucking coelacanths!
don't fall for the youkai's tricks!
I love how, depending the spirit you choose, it changes the personality of the characters
>her name is kutaki
I mean come on, its just blatant now.
But, while that is true, is mentioned she gave up all that and now dedicates to raise "extinct fishes" and even sell them for profit.
I find the OST so far pretty underwhelming.
Maybe I just need to get used to it but Urumi's theme is just plain terrible.
How is the ultimate youmu fan taking this?
No, her official description says she no longer frightens humans and guides lost humans around her home.
I hope there's a large difficulty spike for the later stages
>cow yukai
Of course she was gonna have big tits.
mega ultra chicken
ZUN himself agrees.
The newhus fucking SUCK.
That's bullshit my dudes, fight her with Marisa otter and see what happens
no u
>not Marisa eagle
With what marisa?
Youmu without wolf is probably the worst shot. The charge has fuckall damage and range
Kutaka is a good girl and wouldn't do that.
Also, otter can be abused near boss to make the bullets not even exist. It's too cheap.
Shebisbgood with mulan sauce!
I'm glad people picked up Seiga's relation with fetus thing. It's so rare before, I think I've only seen one art by Zounose that shows her with fetus spellcard.
Just wait for the inevitable betrayal from your animals and now you have to fight against bosses with their own otter powers.
Doesn't otter meter drains faster the more bullets it erases?
Reminder that Kasen can control animals.
Kutaki working a KFC went?
Stage 1 themes including the newest one
At the End of Spring = The Dark Blowhole > A Star of Hope Rises in the Blue Sky > Night Sakura of Dead Spirits > Unforgettable, the Nostalgic Greenery > A Grief Only Known By Jizou > Eternal Shrine Maiden > A Soul as Red as a Ground Cherry > Deep Mountain = Romantic Fall > Mist Lake >>> Illusionary Night > Dream Express > Witching Dream > Eastern Wind
Not matter how heavy cowhu makes her doll, Junko doesn't have problems carrying it.
I don't know, I'm slowly getting addicted to Urumi's theme's weirdness the more I hear it.
I haven't played since like TH14, who's the qt chicken?
If you get full otter it's still long enough to erase an entire non-spell, and you can easily get it during boss dialogue so if you're planning to get full otter it's guaranteed that the first non-spell of a boss is completely nulled.
she's a chicken god who works as an aide to eiki
God of chicken whose job is to separate between humans and oni in hell, I think.
I guess ZUN did too, because I can't explain how such a mess of a song got in the game
Welcome to KFC, what can I get you?
Youmu is quite a fun shot, even if gimmicky AF
It doesn't help that I am playing Rising for the first time, so I am all for swords lately
How could our taste be so opposite?
I think Urumi's theme is the only memorable song in the game.
I'm starting to appreciate Jelly Stone but it's still low-tier because of the horrible synth guitar.
Not bad, but someone should actually draw her working in KFC with a "i have given up life" face.
so she's gonna be the extra boss right?
Can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh McChicken
>chicken is selling fried chicken
I'm tired of this dumb logic in choosing mascot. That's not how it works.
Crazy pole dancers!
No returning characters. Save it for 4th oni or something.
Hell has so many potential myth creatures we haven't get yet and so far we only get obscure stuff. Don't waste it by adding already existing characters.
Any general tips on this game? How am I supposed to concentrate on dodging the bullets and figuring out the patterns if I have to go around collecting wacky items all over the screen
Prioritize not getting hit. Use bombs a lot. Often dodging while moving as little as possible is easiest.
The items last for a long ass time, just focus on dodging
Just focus on dodging/survival and only get items if you have the chance. Remember picking up items isn't the main objective of the game.
Only if you're good enough that you can focus on collecting items for score play.
What does the cow goast do?
Remember that unlike in UFO, the bouncing items last longer, don't go away when a boss appears, and slow down to a crawl when you're near them. Also erroneously picking up an item you didn't want doesn't screw your item rotation. It's very lax in a sense so you don't really need to worry too much about them when you are avoiding all the bullets
Unlock an archivement.
Can change the weight of everyday objects. Discount Suika
Too bad there is no holographic Myon at her side.
What makes them so crazy?
>cairn buddha aidoru is surrounded by souls of miscarried children
>there's an achievement for not killing any
Reimu (Wolf): They were not human beings as embryos so they're not human souls.
Reimu (Wolf): Guess they deserve to be aborted again.
Shit, ZUN isn't fucking around this time we're getting Raimi levels of KINO.
She's holding a cock you know
Dork goasts leave this place!
>if you kill all of them as Youmu she switches out her sword for a sniper rifle
What did ZUN mean by this?
>youmuface is the new kanmari
oh fug
If you have that many on the screen is it possible to get them, use beast mode and repeat until you get them all?
Do they stay that long?
Fuck, now that achievement makes more sense, I feel bad for getting rid of them now....
>not Kasen
>Reimu Wolf is literally the crimson slasher
God I can't wait for the full game and the translation coming soon
don't lewd the cock
Name 1(one) touhou who isn't lesbian
Teller of fortune
There are no lesbians in gensokyo
Which version though?
The oni one
I could name literally anyone from the whole cast
This one
Doujins tell me they all love faceless male's huge penis, if that's where we are going.
>dream express this low
>nostalgic greenery this high
Oh shit. English patch already out? nice
Literally all of them. Per Word of God. Get fucked.
I have a feeling that Otter is gonna be the most evil one and is the true final boss.
Is it just me or does this game blow? Why do all the bosses reuse spell cards?
We don't even know if we're gonna go down that route yet.
I think it's more likely that one mastermind is controlling the beasts.
>At the end of spring that high
shit taste
>bully dork til she's on the edge
>she goes postal
tale as old as fucking time
Most likely to be Kasen if there's any preexisting character, and it'd be in the extra methinks
My wife.
You posted her.
They change into each other so it's probably Nue again.
More like your husband, you lesbian.
>kasen ends up being extra midboss
id be really mad
then again, that could mean 4th deva is extra
my wife Alice is heterosexual and is in love with me
Alice is in love with Marisa, and there is NOTHING you can do about it.
In fact, they're getting married soon!
>tfw LoLK os too hard, but I don't wanna play pointdevice mode because it feels like I'm cheating.
The first two newhus look like shit desu
But you're meant to use it, LoLK spellcards are completely different from the rest of the series
I want to make Shanghai my cumrag.
Can someone give me the demo download?
Ah, glad to see Youmu finally went full edgemode.
Play a good game instead.
>get called a dork one more time
>yuyuko asks for one more stupid meal
>one more person asks to see if she's as soft to the touch as they say
>go nuclear
Holy shit Youmu fucking snapped
Actually, that is just the wolf goast making her a complete asshole.
Youmu best 2hu confirmed
reimu pro-abortion confirmed
doujin fEAT koishi when
I think that while the goasts are exaggerating their personalities, they aren't outright changing them. Reimu still talks about how she doesn't really want to go to hell and Marisa still acts fairly the same as normal, so this might be Youmu's repressed edgy phase
>I'm saying that JACK IS BACK
It's a meme, you dipshit.
>that bit in stage 4 where the entire stage freezes and is replaced with a 20 minute monologue from Reimu about the Miko's Burden and how the day of the Gohei is coming, and all Youkai shall burn in cleansing fire
You know I'm all for bold new storytelling, but I think ZUN might have been a bit too drunk when he came up with that one
>was a priceless masterpiece
I see that the tranny is still taking a lot of liberty with his "translations".
>~250 runs of UFO Extra
>made it to Kogasa without being forced to restart by the UFOs ~50 times
>made it past her first spell (usually having to use a bomb) ~25 times
>made it to Nue 6 times and nearly beat her each time
This stage is fucking cancer.
I hope Reimu Wolf gets a bad ending where the Wolf fully takes control of her and simply lives out her life. Except nobody notices since she already acts like an asshole anyway
what does it mean, then?
I thought it was a well written speech, though I concede that tarring and “refeathering” the tengu was in bad taste.
Is ZUN trying to tell us something
>Playing LoLK
There's your problem.
Is this game going to be KINO?
Do NOT bully the fetus
>I hope Reimu Wolf gets a bad ending where the Wolf fully takes control of her and simply lives out her life. Except nobody notices since she already acts like an asshole anyway
Spoken like a true yokai
At least it is a good sign a song with Zuntars isn't a disaster
where is your translation patch, user?
you're not just a little bitch that complains about people working for the community without contributing yourself, are you?
What's wrong with LoLK?
/vg/ autists
This but unironically. I'd like a good translation for once, please.
Casuals get pissed off because they can't easily clear it without cheesing it.
An intended feature isn't cheesing
>that part where wolf Reimu cuts off an onis horn and eats it
guys what happened to Reimu? It's scaring me.
I cleared it and I was still pissed off. Reisen comes back as a playable character and it fucking SUCKS.
DDC did it first
>what happened to Reimu?
user that's basically just classic Reimu
>that moment when Marisa ate the chicken on Kutaka's head raw in front of her
Really didn't expect ZUN to go that route
newest zounose should be a ebisu doujin
all this stacking stones and heavy baby shit reminds me of that fight in Saint Seiya, Shaka vs Ikki
It has the most soulless gameplay in the series.
Is ZUN having some repressed rage towards his kids or something?
>that moment when Marisa ate the chicken on Kutaka's head raw in front of her
You act like that isn't normal
Zounose lately has been making fun of his own edgyness so expect a complete twist.
Her bombs are god tier.
what the FUCK is her problem?
Is this shit real or what.
she a bitch.
It's like we have gone full circle. We get edgy touhou fan fiction and now the 2hus are being edgy
Good? yes. Fun? no. Also LoLK was meant to be played in point device mode or whatever mode you retry over and over again but it doesn't feel right like that.
If I pull that chicken out of her hair will she die?
Pointdevice mode feels like it's cheating, really.
Like, an actual trainer type of cheat.
Reimu just needs a good dicking, possibly by multiple ones at the same time, possibly by large oni ones.
So basically the "goasts" affect the characters' personalities like:
Wolf - Aggressive, bullying
Eagle - Pompous, arrogant
Otter - Timid, apologetic
Is that about right?
>futa yuugi
She needs an otter
>Otter Reimu actually says thank you and sorry and doesn't act like everyone is a bother
Why does Reimu hate men?
Rinnosuke is alive and fine.
she's a raging lesbian.
Not with his crippling autism he isn't
Rinnosuke is not canon anymore
I know my word was wrong, but yours is too.
the what you on about? You see him in the background of one of the fighting games.
Shut the fuck up, I don't want no males in Gensokyo
Unzan exists too
Looks fine to me
What's the problem with males in Gensokyo?
He's here and he stole you're waifu.
>ZUN, the man so drunk that misspell the name of his Characters.
Vast amounts of rape
I still can't track down this doujin, goddammit.
This dude is canonically gay. Otherwise he'd do something cool like fighting instead of talking about dragons and tending to his shop almosy nobody cares about.
Achiebement : DDDDDD
I love that type of silly hat.
fuck off arisu
>Being afraid of some nerd boi
kek, what is he going to do fuck your waifu?
Don’t do it, I’m warning you
The power of tanoshii
Only if it's Marisa.
What about MtF like Miko?
What animal do you think the final boss will be? I'll be safe and bet on dragon
>Hating based Rinno
Shut up secondary
Kasen Ibaraki, duh.
>liking Rinno
Shut the fuck up, closet secondary.
cringe and gaypilled
the weakest beast. physically the strongest but a neet that can't get out of bed.
fuck of animal
YES. This is the shitposting I enjoy
Her series was fucked beyond recovery, she already has suffered enough.
Please, but I would be better with seeing other youkai or oni
iirc she just says the children "did their best stacking them". That's a terrible translation, who made this?
Tell me how to make a translation patch and I'll do it.
What? But I honestly think is funny and I hope someone actually draw parodies of it instead of just getting shops. I never intended it as "shitpost" when I uploaded it.
pic related: (You)
Where is this pic from?
Eh it’s just me thinking it’s shitposting. It’s a good nod still
If is not something trying to destroy the thread then is not shitposting.
>the miko know
Why do you keep posting a downscale?
Because I got it from twitter.
Was she just pretending to be a moralfag the whole time?
Her objectives are ambiguous as fuck.
Don't die on me.
Where the fuck is everyone?
Are you free for dinner tonight?
Fried Chicken don’t come free
rinnosuke has to be gay
any other man would have fucked marisa's brains out already
Translation when?
According to my empirical studies of exactly six run attempts so far, Reimu fucking sucks, Marisa is alright and Youmu is fucking sick
>yfw you enter wolf mode as Youmu
>He's never used eagle reimu and marisa
He may not be gay, but Marisa sure is.
it can't be helped
Uh oh
Smug youmu best youmu
I wonder how the second part of the game will look with the wolf ghost...
Let's talk new Touhou music. What do you all think about it so far? I have a hard time remembering the stage themes for the most part, but the boss themes are cool. Give it a couple weeks and I'll know them all by heart.
Rinnosuke isn't gay, he's just fed up with women
Someone please make a Youmu version of the "My name is not important." copypasta.
The stage themes so far are... subdued? Melancholy? compared to the previous game. The instrument sets used definitely bring HSiFS to mind, but comparing the two games' styles is kind of like comparing Dr. Latency's Freak Report to Dateless Bar Old Adam.
Post old-school Touhou flash games boomer you played a decade ago. Just played this again for like the first time in nearly a decade and got 6 and a half minutes. I didn't even know about the purple amulet crystal color!
>Having flash installed in 2019
>tfw Eagle
"My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do... I just fuckin' hate Gensokyo. And the fairies worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. And I always wanted to PICHUUN violently. This is the time of vengeance and no small fry is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill. And it's time for me to die. My yokai extermination begins here."
It applies to Reimu too
Hey man, I like me some good old flash game!
Here's another old one I fondly remember where it's Dr. Mario parody where instead of moving the pills you move the viruses. Got 5 minutes and 43 seconds. Turns out I've gotten way better at puzzle games compared to almost 9 years ago. Go figure!
Latest CoLA chapter was released just two months ago and in case you didn't know Rinnosuke is the main character of that series
Thanks, user. I might try to get it into the game dialogue box later.
You don't understand, having adobe flash installed is literally like leaving the front door of your house open to anyone
Good night Yea Forums
Praise Okina
Wait thats still going on?
Please do
Does Marisa sow her own clothes?
I think ZUN starting writing them again a few years back.
Post cowhu art.
It’s sew
New chapters being released inside Strange Creators since 2015
Marisa is a sow
The music really has gotten worse in the more recent releases. Saying that it just takes time to grow onto you is a meme. I only recently listened to double spoiler, StB and GFW soundtracks for the first time and immediately loved a lot of the songs, whereas there isn't a single tune on th15-17 soundtracks that I'd put even in top 20, except maybe DDC menu theme.
DDC had some good tracks besides the title: Benben and Yatsuhashi's theme, stage 5 theme, Seija's theme, Shinmyoumaru's theme and Raikou's theme is just killer. The ones afterwards tend to be more forgettable, I only really remember Junko and Clowpiece's themes from LoLK and both of Okina's themes from HSiFS.
Raiko deserved more...
>shows up in pretty much every manga
>not canon
He just doesn't get a lot of screen time because of his job. He still exists man
So it's not just me
She doesn't even get that.
what am I looking at?
Really? Is simple; Koishi spanks Jo'oh, Raiko appears and wants some but Koishi ignores her and keeps spanking Jo'on, leaving Raiko sad and jealous.
>The Rabbit Has Landed
>Mysterious Shrine Maiden Flying Through Space
>Frozen Capital of Eternity
>The Sea From Which One’s Home Planet Reflects
>Pandemic Planet
>A Star of Hope Rises in the Blue Sky
>A Midsummer Fairy’s Dream
>Illusionary White Traveler
>Does the Forbidden Door Lead to This World or the Next
>Lost River
>Everlasting Red Spider Lily
>Seraphic Chicken
>Nightmare Diary
>Egoistic Flowers
There are other songs I personally like from the newer games, but you can’t tell me you don’t think any of these are great
>Cirno is just a forced joke character!
>in reality has easily one of the top 5 best games
Why you suddenly bring this up? Nobody was sbittalking Cirno or ever talking of her at all.
Cirno is just a forced joke character!
I hate her
because I fell for the meme and put off the side titles until now. I just wanna say GFW is fun
Those with the ears of unpopularity must remain together.
As a character she is overrated. Her game is fine though.
There is a bunch of great pieces in every touhou, new ones included, you telling me you don't like great pieces like;
It is undeniable that the way that ZUN composes the tunes is quite different now then before though, he's relying less on the kind of Jumpy pedal tones to hold down the harmony in his earlier stuff like
and is trying different instruments and tones, so it's understandable that not everyone likes it.
His DDC pieces are still the best,
His melodies are just straight up weaker. Since DDC the appeal of his music has been much lower because the new shit he's exploring is nowhere near as interesting because melody has always been his foremost strength.
I know what you mean. hopefully it gets better in the second half of the game once it's finished
If we go by genuine appreciation for her characteristics, I think she deserve a lot of praise. Her nature and personality make her stands out and she is also more fleshed out since she appears in a lot of canon works.
If you mean the memes, man "overrated" is an understatement.
Her personality just doesn't work well with others for such a recurring character. The "I am a proud dumbass" shit gets old fast and she has zero chemistry with Reimu and Marisa. Even on the fairy manga she was a one trick pony who got exploited by the three onaholes.
her dumbass personality makes it easy to fit her into any game
based and volcelpilled
Why doesn't Zun ever hire anyone to make the games with him? He could use an artist. I bet there's a million obsessed secondaries that would do it for free.
People who don't like LoLK ost probably just don't like the festive and clownish atmosphere ZUN went with most of the music in the game, because other than that LoLK music has great composition and catchiness, but I admit it took me a while to get me warmed up to them too.
Some people simply don't like that ZUN got more experimental and no longer make the same kind of OST ever since UFO.
but he does. that's what he does for the fighting games.
I like the ZUNart, it has a certain charm to it in it's bad, derpy-ness.
>pony image
>talking shit on his art
>wanting anyone else to work on mainline games
Go back.
It's called SOUL, dumbass
Well, it's not BAD i suppose. It's just that there's so much stuff that's miles better and more interesting, that they do feel pretty bad in comparison
If it's so full of SOUL how come no body copies it? Check and mate.
She is never meant to interract with other playable characters, though.
Her role in the series is as representation of fairies which is always a side thing from the main theme of the series.
Eh I'm not so sure I agree, it's obviously down to pure opinion at this point but a piece like Crazy Backup Dancers is just such a great piece to me because of the driving rhythm, the messy cacophony of it but that there is still a structure, a great melody and a harmony behind it all and is one of my favourites of the New pieces of music Zun has created just for an example.
Okinas 2 themes both illustrate the respective fights extremely well with how they are structured as well as being enjoyable to listen to.
I don't think that ZUN has really lost any sort of skill, it's just being used for different purposes, to illustrate different things in the music.
The artwork SUCKS
I think we can all agree that peak ZUN music was the period from PCB to MoF where he also spun out four soundtrack CDs in rapid succession.
Honorable mention to Seihou era music and DiPP
Is it bad if I think the music is okay? It’s at least better than VD
MoF to TD era is peak ZUN music for me.
I guess it's best thing about Religion arc.
Wolf Youmu is acting like drunk Youmu. She needs to be punished, anally
It's got the best ZUNtar IMO. Works well in gameplay at least
extremely good post
almost all of zun's music is great, it's just a little different based on the theme of the game.
i think it's pretty obvious why 17's music is more dissonant, it's hell.
I love VD soundtracks, is it wrong?
Old Adam is great.
HSiFS is my favorite soundtrack since SA. The 16 demo got me really excited for the full game specifically because Stage 1 was such a banger.
>he didn't like the lolk soundtrack
the fuck is wrong with you?
I think most Stage themes in HSiFS are amazing. Boss themes not so much but still good, even Nemuno's theme.
HSiFS's first half conveys that grassroot feel better than DDC desu
All I can hear is Warning x Warning x Warning.
Those ears were because Buddha wore really heavy gold earrings when he was a prince.
Narumi is a mistake.
If ZUN knew he would make another jizo, he shouldn't have come up with Narumi.
>that Raiko
I want to perform Led Zeppelin's Moby Dick on her
can someone please explain to me how the fuck youmu eagle is supposed to be viable
It’s a pretty good unfocus shot, yeah? Great spread, good damage
she too fast
What is a wily beast?
A man
>Definition of wily - quick to think of things, having a very good understanding of situations and possibilities, and often willing to use tricks to achieve an aim
>Definition of beast - an animal, especially a large or dangerous four-footed one
Here is the wily beast
>often willing to use tricks to achieve an aim
Betrayal confirmed
Redpill me on Cannonball, is it going to be mere gachashit? It's not canon but ZUN approved it, would he really allow such a a thing if it was so soulless?
How would you improve youmuwolf?
There was a battle with damage numbers in the hundreds in it. It's going to be soulless gachashit with stats and progressively more overpowered and broken released touhous.
no, that's a dead franchise
Nothing, it's perfect.
Isn't cannonball a party game?
give her a NUmetal shirt
18 seconds in. There's clearly an RPG battle part of some sort and that's 100% a sign of gacha powercreep crap.
I hope it won't be as bad as it sounds
>there is an anime-tier animated scene
Damn this is serious. Looks like it is backed by rich company.
Aniplex, you tell me
I wonder what the nature of this game is.
Is it doujin? Approved company project?
How is the right management?
I don't know, i just hope they don't fuck it up too bad with the gachashit mechanic and put the fateshit in the trash were it belongs
wow! junko is talent!
Has wbawc gotten more excitement in 2 days than hsifs got in 2 years? I think it has.
I have a hard time believing a project with that big a budget would get made without working out an agreement with ZUN. Just because he rarely defends his copyright, doesn't mean he can't do it at any time. It'd be a waste of money to make a game that would enrage ZUN.
>WBaWC sounds like wa-bawk
>Stage 3 boss is a chicken
what did ZUN mean by this?
He's advocating equal rights for chickens.
I'm naturally wary of any gacha or gacha-like thing at this point, but I'm still kind if hoping it'll turn out to be a discount 100% OJ. I'd play the shit out of that
Marisa's broom should turn into her rocket during the wolf shot.
>three months until I can rip and tear to the full extent
so wolf makes you
>lol get fucked
otter makes you
>sorry lmao
and eagle makes you
>[navy seal copypasta]
What was eagle's thing again?
People dislike HSiFS that much? Why?
being haughty and arrogant, i think
Cocky and arrogant
If a certain group of players dislike the scoring in a game they shitpost about the whole game being bad and idiots eat that shit up and parrot what they said afterwards.
WBaWC scoring is even worse than HSiFS atm btw
Couldn't you abuse the releases in HSiFS pretty badly for survival aswell?
If you go by that then every game becomes easy and ''bad''
I've noticed that you get a cow/chick spirit if you beat the level 2/3 midboss really quickly using the trance mode. (You also seem to a get one of those in-game trophies for getting them.)
Does anyone know what exactly these do, like if they have a gameplay purpose besides just being another spirit?
Also wow, abusing otter mode combos and bombs makes the game SIGNIFICANTLY easier than I remember touhou to be.
check the achievements descriptions, they tell you how to get them and what they do
most of them drop extra ghost or lives at the end of the roar
I figured as much, but I can't read japanese.
Is there an english patch for this game already?
How is this drumstick so powerful?
She is a god of wild chicken/rooster and you don't mess with them.
I bet she's finger lickin' good.
>the real reason why sakuya wasn't playable in WBaEC
>played off like she's going to be a big shot like most of the other extra bosses (except flandre and nue)
>lol no here's your percussionist for an irrelevant band
The game isn't even out yet
This bullying has to end.
thcrap/read the wiki
Wasn't Eiki originally a jizo as well?
It's developed by an Aniplex subsidiary called Quatro A, so definitely not doujin.
However, one of the reasons why ZUN approved of the idea was most likely the involvement of doujin circles:
The character illustrations and designs as well as the music are created by doujin artists.
I think ZUN sees it more as a platform for doujin artists than a mobile game by a rich company, similar to the companies publishing console ports of doujin Touhou games or music.
So it might be like how FGO gets guest artists all the time for the gacha?
I can be on board with that, I suppose.
Means we might get Imizu cards or Morino Hon cards
That's very interesting. Still feels unprecedented in a lot of ways. Aniplex better not fuck this up.
>Zun actually did a titty cowgirl
Well, it's similar enough to companies using freelance artists for the illustrations, but to also include doujin music is unprecedented.
I just mean as far as Touhou licensing goes.
I'm still surprised ZUN finally approves big corporate to use Touhou characters. It's not even the same case like Touhou characters being in Nendoroid PSP game, rhythm games and that Nintendo game I don't know. This is a corporate's own Touhou game.
At this point other big corporations doing the same is possible.
Well in the end it's still all up to ZUN. Maybe they'll fuck it up and he never lets a corporation touch Touhou ever again. Maybe he really likes it and we start seeing higher budget Touhou stuff.
Does all of the FGO art just clash really hard then?
chicken vs wolf
I haven't actually played it, but from what I understand the actual gameplay stuff is done in the same style, and it's just the card art that's done by the guest illustrators
Only a few (Raita and Danganropa guy) feel really out of place
I hope Imizu get to draw Yuugi.
Imizu should do everyone
Imizu should get a fucking writer.
Save that for DmC style AAA game
Don't forget guys, KFC is having a 2 for $6 deal right now
Famous bowl all day
What about the fangames that are supposed be released during Reitaisai few days ago? Has someone uploaded them yet?
They look like kirbies with actual bodies that go with kirby roundness.
He has my permission to do both.
I just hope it will get fgo levels of popularity... without turning the franchise into soulless shit like fgo did
Imizu should get the rest of his fucking doujins scanned
Did you know he drew a yuuka doujin once? Because I fucking didn't until I found just the cover on danbooru
I don't get it.
Okina is a goddess
praise her!
I see Aunn, Shion, Letty, Minamitsu, etc.
Looks like this game will.really have every single character.
>gets beaten by onaholes
Cripple ass god
Its funny that she's still holding onto the train handles. Like getting douche raped is bad enough it'd be even worse if she fell over
We will see, next chapter.
I am Tempted to retweet this to the artist but (unlike the Kagerou artist) we haven't meet before.
It’s this guy
I know the artist, what I mean is that we haven't talked.
>gensokyo bogdanoff
Clowncun. Clown pussy is so addicting apparently.
nice cock
That's the Watatsukis
>"Watatsuki-sama, the fairies are spreading impurities"
>"they invade?"
>"dump our rover into Gensokyo, so we can pit them against each other"
You replied the wrong user, user.
literal "how to draw mango"-tier, explain to me why people love this shitty series again
What this guy said
What's the best shot type for Reimu? I keep finding myself come back to Eagle for her but I'm not sure yet
Otter because Otter
I love the way this artist draws faces.
Here's your extra boss
I hate you so much.
ZUNart is charmingly shit.
>this post
He can draw you know, he's just shit at digital.
Chicken leg!
>Where the fuck is everyone
Tired after playing the demo, and I think we had discussed everything about the game after having two threads in succession since it's just the demo.
That's why this thread is a slog. I need to rest from the series for a bit.
Why you replied to an old post that is now irrelevant as activity came back?
wrong picture whoops
Shit, wrong picture again
Well that's true.
Still this thread has been up for a whole day. That's abnormal for Yea Forums thread.
Stop being such an antisocial autist and just do it
I'm going to try to finish my remix before this thread dies, don't let it hit bump limit.
keep going people
what remix are you doing?
I really want these to come back, i feel potential in them.
Imizu's on a long journey, did participate on other doujins circles, some for touhou Light Novels illustrations. most of it forgotten from the Pencils era. the newer stuff sells pretty fast, or it is how I've heard. the best database is still doijinshi.org
What kind of Yuuka doujin? I hope it's battle versus.
>doesn't want to practice
>just use the music room
The menu theme has a really pleasant loop for some reason
God I want to pop a cumturd in that cocks fart box
HIrasaka needs to be released from his shackles. The man is desperate to unleash his power
So how would you rank Touhou games based on the mechanic alone, including the new game?
I want to fuck the cock
Copying SOUL makes it soulless
cock fucking is pretty hot desu
Comm gauge>team>releases>spirit>border>faith>auto collect bonus>chapters>ufo>trance>hidden ranking
Where is beast mode?
Hirasaka should stop drawing fairies and give us more of Marisa's cute tummy.
What's the verdict on thcrap? I've recently returned to PCB and tried thcrap translation and I've noticed it's missing Reimu telling Chen to go get herself put down at a vet.
It's supposed to be my turn!
Someone save the fetus girl!
>Comm gauge
>hidden ranking
which one are these?
Please, clown posters we don't want any trouble.
Leave it to me!!!
I wonder if Sakuya was originally intended to be a hideous monster with a giant eye. She’s certainly not the calm and cool maid she’d eventually become in EoSD dialogue.
She changed. Remember in PoFV when she said she only touch human in cold blood or something like that? She doesn't seem to be that kind of person now.
Isn't Gensokyo also inhabited by Gods?
Even if gods exists, that doesn't mean I believe in them.
azuma aya's marisa is cuter and better
Maybe she doesn't believe that gods doesn't exist, she just doesn't give them too much credit.
SA and EoSD.
They are so shit so atheism is perfectly justified
I would like to taste that sample