What did he mean by that?

What did he mean by that?

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Other urls found in this thread:


don't install linux, then i can't spy on you or sell you games.

we had this thread yesterday
yes he's a retard and he deserves to be mocked but i fucking hate people just repeating threads over and over

uh oh... he's really making fun of orange man... orange man GOOD. GOOD. ORANGE MAN GOOD. HES NPC.

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>we have to fight a corporation
Yeah let me just go and vote for the next leader of MS. Oh wait I have no power over that.

But Canada has a higher quality of life than America, so Linux is actually better too?

Holy fucking BASED

Why do I have a feeling he is talking about wanting more immigrants or some bullshit, not something that actually matters?

I called 60 psychiatrists offices this morning that all don't accept insurance because insurers dictate how they medicate. This is not a problem to California, but needing more brown people is?

But I'm not a citizen of Microsoft.

I couldn't give less of a fuck about Linux but Tim Sweeney is a fucking retarded. Windows, unlike the United States, isn't a democracy. Said this, wtf I love Tim Sweeney now.

>But Canada has a higher quality of life than America
i wish this was true, but here in even Alberta we live like poor americans

unless you think the only basis of qualify of life is access to healthcare

>United States

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t. butthurt commiefornian

>everyone has no life like ME

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>t. Eurocuck that can't deny the Holocaust without going to jail

He isn't wrong. The United States is a republic, not a democracy.

>FUCK the consumers, DEVELOPERS are the ones that matter and if you don't like it you can FUCK OFF
>Oh hey guys remember to keep paying M$ to fuck you in the ass, you have to believe they'll listen to you as a consumer
What a terrible excuse for a man.

they're not mutually exclusive

I have literally no idea what he means.

At least people don't get shot in schools...or malls, or in a killing spree every 2 months..m

>Vote for this politician
>She wins
>Other one gets presidency anyway
American "democracy". You cannot say you live in a democracy if this is how you handle elections dumb burger

it's a representative republic with democratically elected officials, so it's both technically

representative democracy is still democratic, the founding fathers just wanted to avoid pure democracy

Democratic republic is more appropriate, but as user said they aren't mutually exclusive

>She wins
She lost though. The winner isn't determined by the popular vote.

>the founding fathers just wanted to avoid pure democracy
Thank god

There's an electoral vote as well. Imagine thinking a state like California should have more sway than a smaller state.

yeah instead we die from hypothermia behind a tim horton's while tripping on Fentanyl

canadian pride is a joke, i hate this shithole

trudeau is a buffoon and not even his cultists still defend him

Whats this mean?

>anime poster makes retarded buzzword post


>She wins

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>Tim desperately getting in Microsofts good graces in hopes they get the MCC as well
nice try Timmy

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Steam partially supports Linux, Sweeney's slant-eyed overlords demand he does the opposite of everything Valve does.

Probably becsuse there's more cattle than people in bumfuck nowhere

We've had three at least


This was previous to that annoucement.

>She wins
this is unarguably the best timeline ever, these fuckers have been triggered for 3 years now, i cant wait until he wins again so i get to see this meltdown for another 4 years


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I like how everyone keeps saying that she won the popular vote, as if they didn't also take a civics course in high school and learn that the popular vote only informs the electoral college of how they should vote in order to reflect the vote of their constituents. To the best of my knowledge, there were no faithless electoral college votes and Hillary still lost.

What am I meant to take away from this, except that they're trying to move away from the ruleset that's served the country well for the past two hundred years?

All those niggers and wetbacks in California have to eat something, so California ships in water and food from bumfuck nowhere. The only state that could feasibly survive totally on its own without interstate commerce is Texas, but that's because they'd probably go full Saudi with the oil down in the Permian Basin and west Texas and buy whatever they wanted from anywhere else.

>implying the streets of major cities in the U.S aren't littered with used needles and junkies lying around.
San Francisco alone is a shithole. Before another NPC blurts out commiefornia, this isn't exclusive to just San Francisco.

Burger fat here who frequently visits Canada, we both have evils and it's nice to see a Canadian not blindly believing their country is better. In my years of experience we're nearly identical in every way except you guys watch a shitton of our television and for some reason (at least in the areas I've been to) you love the NFL. Your food absolutely destroys ours, even the fast food is better. I'm a whore for poutine and no one can get it right in the states.

Platforms aren't nation-states so this analogy is retarded.

>imagine thinking everyone in a certain state thinks and votes the same

There's no discussion to be had Tim as you won't listen.

>You guys got any more billions of dollars I can just throw away?

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Sorry I don't want to excuse Canada's shitty condition just because the US has problems as well.

Canada is in its worst state in over a decade while the US is objectively doing better than ever.

and I'm tired of seeing other canucks excuse it as "hurr but things are bad in the US!"


>Installing Linux is sort of the equivalent of going to Burger King when one doesn't like McDonald's marketing trends.

>Nope, we've got to fight for the promotion of the McNuggets we have today, where we have them today.

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Tennessee could make a pretty strong play for independence, as well. They have plenty of hydroelectric power and some pretty rich automotive industry due to the lack of unionization, not to mention the untapped oil reserves and natural gas deposits.

where do you think you are?

That metaphor makes no fucking sense.

He saw Network that night.
>You get up on your little twenty-one inch screen and howl about America and democracy. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today.
>We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies, Mr. Beale. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of business. The world is a business, Mr. Beale. It has been since man crawled out of the slime. And our children will live, Mr. Beale, to see that perfect world in which there's no war or famine, oppression or brutality -- one vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock, all necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused.

Now that I think of it, this movie predicted the globalist neoliberal nightmare we live in.

This man is single handedly going to take down a monopolized gaming industry. Absolute fucking based, I'm rooting for Epic all the way.

Fuck Steam shills and Reddit niggers.

>have a shit ton of negative press come your way due to shitty business practices
>reddit and ResetTranny at your heels
>make a fuck Drumpf post
He knows what he's doing.

everyone always hates [current Canadian politician]

>a healthy discussion about the relationship between gamers and developers
we've had that, the only thing he do is take the actions he wants to and then act like he's making gamers a favor

check the date at the bottom retard
god Yea Forums is dumb as shit

That he loves the taste of small Chinese penises.

Texas receives even more Federal funding than California. I don't think it would be one of the states that would thrive on its own. Maybe Illinois because it receives a little to none.


for some reason USA, Canada, Aus/NZ, and the UK elect the biggest retards ever

Actually, there were some faithless elector votes. Only 2 defected from Trump, but 5 defected from Hillary.

Sweeney has a small weeney

>listen boi
>I can't spy on you and can't use stolen data to sell the games through my little botnet/cryptominer if you'll sit on linux
>so get yo ass back to windows which I hated but it benefits me so here's your shitty analogy
Here anons, translated it for ya from chinktoolean to english.

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>Tfw I will call them shills even more now

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but Epic is just trying to replace the current monopoly with their own monopoly. They'd be no better, and probably much worse because they're owned by China

Anons California has 39 million people in it, the next closest state is 28 million, Texas. 11 million people to the next biggest state is as much as some states have. It would be asinine to think popular vote would be the right way to go.

Federal funding is not an indicator of potential stability as an independent entity. People forget that some states do not have a state income tax at all, Texas being one of them. If the Texan state government received the federal taxes, the gibmedats people point to when chimping out about all the poor niggers and mexicans would not dry up.

everyone hated Chretien too

suck gabens dick some more faggot

I don't even live in Canada you fucking clown. I'm just telling you that the grass isn't greener. We're not in any better shape. If you want to move to a country where there aren't a bunch of drug addicts on the streets try Japan.

t. guy who lived in Japan. Cleanest country in the world

cali has like a 10% income tax, though you pay the feds 20% and cali another 10% of your pre-fed tax income

>Epic Store means more competition and choice for the use-

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Oh, fascinating. Well, it goes to show you how little I paid attention. Almost makes me wonder how many Trump would have won by if they'd finished the count instead of calling it when he got over half.

I also still have to wonder what one's meant to take away from it, except "We don't like these rules that are meant to keep massive urban sprawls from dictating who becomes president to the rest of the country."

He is trying to say that installing Epic Game Store is a waste of time. That us gamers got to fight for more freedoms on Steam.

wtf I love Epic Games now.

If your industries rely heavily on federal funding than yes it is an indication that you aren't going to thrive on your own. The momey doesn't just grow on trees.

If by "the country" you mean white males and literally no one else, then sure.

Prior to 1965, it was primarily white and thus any decision made would have statistically affected more whites than anyone else in the country. Why do you say that like it's a bad thing?

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>The CEO of EPic then compared championing FOSS software over corporate software to dodging social duties of helping marginalized people

You heard it here first boys, using free software makes you a MAGA shitlord racist.

that's just what the federal funding index says. California is on the lower end in comparison to Texas. So the money's gotta be going into something.

Is Sweeney a schizofrenic sosiopath or something? Nothing that he says makes any sense.
Why would anyone trust this man?

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Watch out OP mods have deleted this earlier.

no idea, it's actually quite retarded the more I think about it

>Yeah no fuck you no Linux support
What a slimy fuck

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suck Epics dick some more, Chinese faggot

How is Windows a monopoly?

based retard

honestly it is more /pol/ than Yea Forums so that makes sense

What else is there? Mac OS?

Multiple anti trust suits.

Temple OS

>Texan industries rely entirely on federal funding
Have fun going down that rabbit hole.

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Is he in bed with Microsoft to take Steam down or something?

Why do liberals always want to move when we elect a president they don’t like? Conservatives never do that.

that we need to kill all conservaniggers and polcels

He just parrots what his Tencent overlords say, seasoned with some social justice memes.

>inb4 liberals are rich and conservatives are serfs who cannot afford to move to canada

Is he saying that Canadians aren't free

Thousands of Linux distributions.

I see you've never been to Switzerland

If Microsoft really wanted to take down Steam, they wouldn't have Steam as their exclusive third-party store.

Also education, and infrastructure, and better functioning political systems, and stronger civil rights, and economic mobility and security

California has a net loss in terms of taxes they pay towards the fed compared to what they get. Texas gives more back to the fed than what they give.

Trudeau is a far sight better than trump by just about every possible metric

That is a completely nonsensical comparison.
How the hell does moving to Canada because politics relate to installing linux?

>we need to fight for our freedoms
>b-but not the freedom to choose our OS! fuck that!
What the fuck?

Good one user, the funniest joke I've heard all day.

His reasoning was: Moving to Linux because Windows policies are bad is the same as moving to Canada because American policies are bad.

But that's stupid because windows is genuinely worse than Linux while Canada is an inflationary shithole with some of the most pozzed laws in the world.
Why the hell would anyone move to a country where you will get fined for 'misgendering' someone and can be prosecuted free of cost for not waxing a man's pre-op 'vagina.'

thats pretty much all you can take away from it. When democrats lose something their reaction is to blame something other than themselves and they try to destroy the institution that didnt bend over and let them have their way. You can find articles during the campaign talking about how "the electoral college will be a firewall against trump", but the moment he wins it needs to be abolished forever.

Because there are at least a dozen developed countries more liberal than America that also have equivalent or better quality of life.

Meanwhile there are no other countries as conservative or more conservative than the US which don't have a lower quality of life.

Truly causes one to ponder...

It used to be even worse in the 90s and the law needed to intervene so that Windows won't be the only OS out there besides BSD(lmao) and Linux. Also, didn't Sweeney hate Microsoft?

It's easy to fight a corporation. Don't give them what they want. (Money/data)

Find me Tiny Weeney tweet that makes sense

But those are all objectively true.

If you go by the rankings of personal freedom developed by multiple conservative think tanks (Cato institute, Fraser institute, freedomhouse) canada is more free than the us, too.

>Mac didn't existed back then

I just said what was his reasoning.
Say that shit to him, not me.

I don't get this analogy I'd like to think not too many right leaning people actually think canada is better than the united states in terms of political freedom

>What did he mean by that?
"Make more news articles and forum posts about me and Epic."

>Meanwhile there are no other countries as conservative or more conservative than the US which don't have a lower quality of life.
Austria, Switzerland, Italy, (the homes of right wing populism)
That's off the top of my head.

I can tell you for sure that there are plenty of left wing countries with worse quality of life than the U.S.
Venezuela, virtually anywhere in the Commonwealth, Spain, North Korea, China, etc.

>playing chess
>get checkmated

>(Cato institute, Fraser institute, freedomhouse)
These companies measure primarily economic freedom, not political freedom. IE your ability to create a business and compete, to enjoy trade and regulations favorable to entrepreneurship.

You can't just list indices without understanding WHAT THEY ARE ACTUALLY INDEXING.
It's a weak appeal to authority.

>rich guy thinks living in US is easy

>To the best of my knowledge, there were no faithless electoral college votes and Hillary still lost.
There were a few this time. Ironically, it was mostly the Democrats virtue-signalling by voting for Sanders and some native American chief, lol.

FPBP. Linux is fucking based, but I wouldn't expect the average retarded underaged Yea Forums user to understand. Anyone with a modicum in interest in computers should unironically check out . The only likely reason this guy is trying so hard to kill Linux gaming is to because his parent company's Chinese spyware is so tightly integrated to Windows.

It's sad that people can't put two together and figure out what it means. Election = electoral. Popular just means popularity. You're not gonna sign Bieber into office just because he's popular. These people are retarded and shouldn't be allowed to vote in the next election.

He means he's full shit.

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Dude is a total hypocrite.

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Your short term memory is amusing. You don't remember conservatives in 2010 vowing to stonewall obama with obstructionism and let him accomplish nothing whatsoever?

I also recall trump himself disrespecting our political institutions more than any other president, what with him trying to subvert congress with his comically bogus emergency declaration, instructing people to ignore congressional subpoenas, eviscerating the department of state, etc.

It's also the GOP who has been gerrymandering congressional districts to an unprecedented degree and otherwise undermining the normal democratic process in states like north Carolina, west Virginia, and other states.

Isn't he pretty much saying epic store is a waste of time with the logic?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding him

>even in Alberta
Alberta is an oil dependent shithole and the taxes aren't even low. BC and Ontario offer the highest quality of life in Canada but yes it still isn't on par with the USA.

>You don't remember conservatives in 2010 vowing to stonewall obama with obstructionism and let him accomplish nothing whatsoever?

Name three elected officials who did this. Should be easy, if it was so prevalent.

Fast foward to today.
>In an in-depth article, Thurrott explains that “I think it may be game over for Microsoft’s Universal Windows Platform apps platform,” and how the failure of UWPs could spell trouble for the Microsoft Store.

>2 party system
you clowns dont know the word

Here's an analogy that you might understand:
>team gets most kills in match
>still lose due to score


>IInstalling Epic Games Store is sort of the equivalent of moving to Canada when one doesn’t like US political trends. Nope, we’ve got to fight for the freedoms we have today, where we have them today.

Barely anyone in America gets shot

>on a completely different note, what if drumpf doesn't concede the election when he loses 2020 guys!?!?!?!?

Install Linux. Then I can spy on you and sell you games

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>tiananmen square

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>any current country
Only ancient greece tried their hand at REAL democracy

>Barely anyone in America gets shot

It's almost like familiarity with firearms helps lower the likelihood of people misusing them.

>go ethnically replace another population
How about you fix your own shithole

Austria having better or equal QoL to the US is HIGHLY debatable. Switzerland is probably one of the 10 most liberal countries in the world. Italy is in the shitter right now. Your counterexamples are lacking.

Who cares that there are left-wing shitholes with lower quality of life? There are plenty of right-wing shitholes that are the same. Difference is, there are ALSO left-wing countries with a higher quality of life, which is why American liberals can say they'll move when conservatives are elected, whereas American conservatives can't say jack shit.

Do they not teach you retards about electoral college in school anymore?

It's still a 2-party system.When was the last time there was a 3rd one in congress?

Mac was a complete different architecture back then. It's not like today where it's just a walled garden PC.

No, they don't. The cato institute measures both. The Fraser institute has rankings for both economic and personal freedom, and Canada outperforms the US on both. Freedomhouse doesn't really look at economics at all.

Looks like you're the one who doesn't actually understand what they're indexing :^)

>It's also the GOP who has been gerrymandering congressional districts to an unprecedented degree
Lol, both parties are fucking guilty. Dems are probably worse


Attached: gerrymandering.png (1080x1508, 198K)

Okay faggot, tell me how they're actually measuring personal freedom and I may or may not give a shit about their assessment.

So? Still is an alternative OS.

Why not go to their websites and read about it in depth?

>>She wins
But she didn't win. She got most of the popular vote, but as you know, that doesn't constitute winning in the electoral college system.
>You cannot say you live in a democracy
I don't say we live in a democracy. I say we live in a constitutional republic, because that's what it actually is. When people say the United States is a democracy, they're using the term loosely.

>why not just make my argument for me?

How was it an alternative when it has to run on a different platform?

PCs are still PCs. And, like you said, people still had Linux and BSD to choose. By the way, Sweeney likes Microsoft now, keep up with the news, old man.

Oh you sweet summer child

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>Dems are probably worse
HAHAHAHA fuck no.

And FYI, one of the two parties consistently supports anti-gerrymandering bills, while the other party consistently opposes them. Now I wonder which could be which?

Do you have to lobotomize yourself when you make a Twitter account? Seems like a competition for making the most inane comments possible.

I'm citing sources in favor of my argument. You're citing jack fucking shit. Now you expect me to spoonfeed you like a little baby? I think not.

>completely avoids mentioning Maryland
Hmm, really makes you think

No you're appealing to an authority.
I'm asking you what you think personal freedom actually means, and how these countries supposedly exhibit it better than the U.S. and you're just saying (without in any way explaining the position of these authorities), fuck you these people agree with me.

>Mac didn't exist back then
They did and were 1 step from shutting down if it weren't for the gouvernment going after Microsoft and forcing them to help them out of "good will".


just stay away from niggers and your life expectancy rises to 100 year old

A republic is not a democracy.
I'm ashamed of my fellow burgers for not knowing the difference.

that's pretty much what I said, but it's okay, it's easy to make mistakes when mass quoting

I literally dont understand what he means.

If you are dissatisfied with an operating system use a different one? How is that like moving to Canada. It's even the same "territory", being the same PC.

Am I a brainlet?

Which in hand makes them anti-chinese, racist fucks

is this gonna be a GFWL situation where all the games people bought on GFWL disappear?

Only simpletons and racists defend the EC
1. It was made to allow slaveholding states equal footing without having to count slaves as citizens.

2. For the most part, red and blue states aren't of equal importance now: A plurality of "red states" are tax-sinks, put plainly. Texas is a producer state. Florida is, marginally, as a shipping and tourism destination. The border midwest, some. But for the most part the agra and industrial sectors the bulk of the populated red states existed to support are on life support subsidies or are done, so even if I WAS going to entertain the argument that citizens of a low-population state should get artificially-inflated votes to account for how important their state is to the lifeblood of the country... dude, it's not 1973. It's 2019 - we're not using that shit anymore.
You're basically arguing for Nowhere County, Trumpsylvania to get 20 votes to every ONE person because they supply our nation with the precious resource of avocado-green shag carpeting.

Yeah, but worse. I still have my downloaded copy of the only game I only bought there and still works with a local profile.

So glad I'm a linuxchad. I automatically boycott everything from epic without even trying.

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Their methodology is too complex to squash into a single Yea Forums post, so I'll provide you the links.
CATO institute:
Fraser institute (they actually use the same report for personal and economic freedom):
Freedom House (doesn't really measure economic freedom at all):

He meant this isn't video games.

>conviniently ignores the lefts love for immigration, when the vast majority of immigrants vote left

That's a deal, gaben!

Based but also gay

I wonder why they're tax sinks. Really, truly wonder. The majority of blue states are only net positive because of tech companies anyways, many of which could be based literally anywhere but insist on SV because they're run by degenerates. If they were more spread out it wouldn't be nearly as clearcut.

The way things are going the US is going to balkanize anyways so you don't have to worry about the EC for much longer.

Okay Tim, can you please install Windows on your servers?
Show us how much of a man you are.

It just means his tactic of making a strawman out of the issue doesn't work on you.

linux doesn't have the same support and backing, it's moving to something inferior and letting your opposition steal something better from you just because you can't be bothered to fight them
he's also right, even if everyone bailed to linux and built it up they'd just come for linux next, there's no way to avoid a fight you can only delay it

yuropoors are far-left nutjobs just like california. of course they think california should get to make all the decisions for our entire country.


Canada has 100x less freedom than the USA does though so I dont get this argument.

>everyone is a leftist but me!

What the fuck does that have to do with gerrymandering?

And I'll remind you that there's no credible evidence that illegal votes have any tangible effect on election outcomes, whereas there's plenty of evidence showing that the voter suppression tactics of the GOP (in addition to their gerrymandering) are tangibly effecting outcomes.

you need to go out for a rip, bud

>talks about freedom
>No, don't use that other platform or os, or you'll suffer
Epic needs to fail and die already. This retard is drunk on power.

notice how nobody ever actually moves to canada like they claim they will. it's just something drama queens say when their party is losing in an election.

If you think so, feel free to read and provide counter-evidence.

Europe loves to proclaim that the US doesn't have a real Left wing because they're so much further Left than the US.

California existing is already proof that this is blatantly untrue. What's worse, after importing tons of votes and ruining their state beyond repair most of them are just leaving and trying to co-opt other states like Texas.

Proof of steam spying on you?
>inb4 chink faggot tey to claim that steam sending users statistics, like everyone else the world are doing, is the same as reading private files from other vendors without your consent, mess with browser dlls, and peek into your certificates

Most of us Americans don't even know how PC-riddled Canada is. They just think Canada is exactly like the US, except they talk sort of funny.

> should unironically check out What if I'm checking it out ironically, constantly smirking to myself "haaa, damn gentoofags"?

so we should use linux instead then?

Does he have stockholm syndrome or something? Windows as an OS is fucking garbage and only getting worse. The only reason to use it is the 20 years worth of win32 software that has been developed for it.
If you wanted to fight for your freedoms then you would be funding Wine development like Valve so you can keep using your win32 shit without microsoft's cock up your ass.

Europe isn't one country.

lmfao you wish

Rip American Free Speech

Attached: land of the free.png (1040x733, 420K)

>even if everyone bailed to linux and built it up they'd just come for linux next, there's no way to avoid a fight you can only delay it
How is Microsoft going to fuck me if I exclusively use Linux? I've been Linux-only for 5 years now and completely botnet free. It's great actually having control over your own computer.

I don't wish to disparage linux, but he does have a point. Linux is good, but you should also be pressuring other companies to not limit your freedoms on their devices. hypocritical coming from this dude, however.

>Combating European Anti-Semitism Act of 2017

That's only overseas politics. Americans still have the First Amendment. You still are Jews' bitches, tho.

At least you're learning something rather than just understanding computers as magical boxes that produce entertainment


This law becomes null in any court. So yea free speech is still in play.

>California existing is already proof that this is blatantly untrue.

And most of California's biggest problems, even including wildfires, can be traced back to NIMBYism.

So you read my link, right? And you acknowledge GOP gerrymandering was worse than the dems?

It really depends on a lot of factors that determine if a state can make it on its own. For instance, the tax disparity between Texas and California is immense, and it's starting to bite Cali in the ass as more and more businesses are bailing to Texas to avoid them. The federal grants received by both states are comparable otherwise, the difference is that Texas is simply collecting far less in state taxes than California in order to attract more industries to itself.

California would have an exceptionally difficult time standing on its own without federal aid because they're already drawing so much from their own population they can't really afford to take any more and not drive people away in droves. Texas has a similar situation in where they've enjoyed the low taxes for so long, even if they raised to California's level, people would still be abandoning ship. Both the states are cheating the federal government out of grant money to justify their useless expenses or lack of taxes.

If states were ever to go off on their own, they'd have to do some massive restructuring for most places because those who could be self-sufficient are suckering the fed out of whatever they can and the ones who can't are essentially getting drained of cash to justify their place in the union.

if linux got significant market share they'd just make hardware proprietary and tell linux users to make their own hardware, there are thousands of things that they could do to easily push linux out of viability

China has been generous.

Based post.

I'm too afraid of compatability issues to install a GNU/linux based operating system on my gaymen PC, but I installed Mint on my old laptop and its fun to play around with the console sometimes desu

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Why has political shit flinging gotten worse these past couple weeks?
It's always been bad, but it's so much worse now, especially considering nobody has a clue about what they are talking about.

Gerrymandering is just reactionary to dems literally buying votes, both parties attempt to play the same political games. Coasties are the only ones migrating en-masse to progessivize different areas of the country, though.


Valve's face with proton.

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Epic Store is banned in China, so it doesnt matter all that much.

>This law becomes null in any court.
It will not, because it only means that the United States compromises to make Holocaust denial illegal ONLY on European countries. So, it doesn't mess with the First Amendment.

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Unfortunately we can't seem to teach the blacks proper firearm use and safety.

There is a concerted effort to divide the common man through a myriad of minor issues. Of course there's larger issues mixed in as well. But the point is that a divided populace will never be able to stand against the current system.

Americans think they have a choice if they can vote for 2 right wing authoritarian governments.

Most hardware IS proprietary and yet Linux runs on pretty much anything out of the box.
Are you implying that MS is like Apple and they have direct control on exactly what kind of hardware PC users use?

> United States compromises to make Holocaust denial illegal ONLY on European countries
...How is that going to work?

We do the best thing we can do in that regard: keep them shooting each other instead of us.

Is that why you see stories about peoples kids dying to their parents guns?

You know that Dems are quite with the commies on social issues, right?

"European government, make Holocaust denial illegal or we will take some measurements" -t. United States Department of State.


I misunderstood your argument because I didn't think anyone would seriously propose something so stupid

So basically the gerrymanderers are good boys who dindu nuffin because da ebil DEMON RATS are importing hordes of darkies to steal elections.

You should have told me we were going full retard, then I would have argued the Republicans are deliberately sabotaging our schools and colleges because undereducated people are more likely to vote conservative.

they could easily use patented encryption to prevent linux from running on whatever hardware they wanted, right now there's no point because linux has close to no consumer marketshare, but you would see that type of thing start to crop up if linux started to catch on

PC Bros live in Canada?

Fuck Google Translate.

This is retarded. Windows is a program nothing more. Stupid people think all computers run off of it.

equivalent my ass. Linux is free and open source, Windows costs money and smuggles your data.

Attached: 1553022462456.png (336x259, 77K)

It was "measures".


Yeah, we use intel/ATI builds to warm our houses

You'd lose that argument anyways since "educated" people only vote progressive policies because they have infiltrated all the schools to teach critical theory in every liberal arts major, and then people end up with completely worthless degrees and high debt and will do things like clamour for student debt forgiveness because of it. STEM degrees don't have the same progressive slant for obvious reasons.

>guy gets arrested for calling his daughter a girl

Who is this (((they))) and why do (((they))) have a stranglehold of all hardware that is being released?
You have no idea what you are talking about now do you?

>imagine thinking that everyone's vote should count equally
Yeah that's a stupid idea you're right

it doesn't have to be all hardware, just enough to make linux unattractive enough to not gain marketshare

Yes, it might be the dumbest thing anyone's ever thought of.

Steam has no quarrels about scanning your DNS cache "to catch cheaters".

Also it keeps detailed track of what you play when, how you play, what you look at in the store, when you are using your computer or when you are AFK. Probably keeps track of a lot more. You are installing closed source software from an American company on your Linux machine after all.

Is that supposed to be an achievement?

>You are installing closed source software from an American company on your Linux machine after all.
Fuck off to Stallman.

>Democrat City filled with non whites is shitty, and is on the par with Socialist Non white countries as hellholes

God how can this be

But which hardware vendor would even want that? Microsoft doesn't make CPUs or GPUs, why would people moving to Linux make Ayymd or Intel suddenly delete all their mainline Linux drivers and force people to use Windows?
Sounds like you share the windows stockholm syndrome with mr. sweeney.

Microsoft = BAD, never forget it.

And here I am moving from Canada to the US.

I know that much. The guy is arguing that people moving to linux would make ""them"" lock down all hardware to only work on windows.

>Defeating the point of using Linux

Oh yes, I forgot about the conservative persecution complex where you think every institution or organization responsible for either discovering or communicating the truth (the scientific community, the free press, higher academia, public schools, the Congressional Budget Office, international thinktanks like the World Health Organization, independent fact-checkers, historians, NASA, etc etc) is part of a big mean conspiracy to oppress you. Gee, it's almost as if truth and knowledge are incompatible with modern American conservatism. :^)

>Election = electoral

if you use linux how will you use the epic games store or play fortnite?

Because intel and ayymd have shares in software companies user please.

If over night everyone switched to linux those companies and many more that ONLY make hardware would lose a ton of money.

epic rapidly turned into chaotic evil

i mean they've been shit since they made GoW but fuck this

GNU/Linux has shitty GPU driver support, I checked it just too many times.
Until this changes, the gaming on GNU/Linux will always be secondary.
I'm using GNU/Linux as my main OS since 2008 and I love it, but it just sucks for games, not even because of the OS design, but the hardware support is just bad.
On the other hand, I don't find it hard to imagine, since it's about 1% of all desktop OS users.

it's really simple
microsoft waves money at them and they come out with a new product line, linux is dead for a socket

Attached: unknown.png (566x137, 25K)

That would only matter if they only invest in ms and the switch happened over night.

Mob rule in a federation spanning multiple natural environments really is a stupid idea and promotes secessionism. Thank God we had the foresight to avoid it.


You have no idea what's coming or what you're abetting. They're going to eat you first since you'll be a softer target, it is already happening.

>the scientific community
That marginalize people who dare to say that the average IQ of Africa isn't higher than the American one or that there differences among the distribution of IQ between men and women.
>the free press
>higher academia
>World Health Organization

some people's votes are simply worth less, or simply worthless

>everyone's vote should count equally
That's fine. Just mail out a sample quiz two weeks before voting. Everyone that fails the real one on election day has their ballot shredded.


You don't have free speach in Canada, you can be imprisoned for hurting people's feelings, you have no right to bear arms; it's literally worse than 1800s Britain.

This. And I say this as someone currently trapped in Canada.

To bad they get paid by my taxes anyways

are you not familiar with uefi secureboot making it impossible to boot anything other than windows 7 back in like 2010?

let me guess, its gonna one of those "umm actually its a representative republic" arguments that I heard about a million times already isn't it

maybe you should ask nvidia to stop being fucking faggots

I envy your naivety.

yeah you die from peaceful trucks

>Opinions of the Chinese puppet
I don't think I'm supposed to care about their opinions, nor do I.

Attached: 1545287947969.png (1039x1212, 145K)

That backfired horribly. Do you expect them to do something that retarded again now that x86 is a fucking dumbster fire with more holes than swiss cheese and open architectures ala risc-v, openpower are slowly moving away from meme status?

Tbqh AMD and Intel mesa drivers are really nice.
Even novidia's proprietary shit has been improving a lot recently. I think Valve is pressuring them behind the scenes because some nvidia devs have been active on the DXVK issues section for example.

it doesn't have to be microsoft, it can just be windows software.
It would take too much money, manpower and shilling to sell a new product on linux

>Twitter for iPhone

People who say "you should stay and fight" never had to live in a truly terrible place. Relatively justifiable stance in case of war, where you can at least actually do something. Not so much of a solution for regular economic woes. Voting is your only legitimate way of doing anything, and you most likely already did that. Little else to do other than pack your bags and leave if you truly don't like where shit is going.

You'll find little argument over measured IQs between groups, and tremendous debate over the causes and significance of those measurements. As there should be.
>Elon Musk
Is this a joke?
Your almost-immediate regression into a conspiretard is disappointing, but not unexpected. Shouldn't you be off somewhere campaigning to stop children from being vaccinated?

>That backfired horribly.
it didn't backfire, these companies suffered no consequences

>Do you expect them to do something that retarded again
yes, particularly in this age when machines other than phones are waning in ordinary consumer popularity and everything's rather up in the air

Why should I listen to someone who looks like they've never touched a girl?

>>>>>>>>>>>tremendous debate

At least the other cities try to do basic shit to not be shitholes (even if they are incompetent as fuck). San Fran on the other hand decided it was a good idea to decriminalize public deification because muh homeless, then again, commiefornia seems to do the exact opposite of what is logical. There is a reason anybody with two brain cells is fleeing that shithole

Feel free to read the papers and their methodologies and rebut

>sweeney talking about ethicsÇ
basically the bikelock fugitive

Feel free to read the papers and their methodologies and rebut

Loli laws.
That is all the rebuttal you need.

Switzerland is as democratic as it gets.

Literally all of those papers rank canada as more free than the US

If only there were more elements to freedom than loli laws

Also the only way you're getting busted for loli is if you have real CP too, or if you're a massive retard and try to import it by mail or read it in a public library

I've been on linux for a year now, Xubuntu to be exact.
In my case, the pros vastly outweigh the cons, but it's different for everyone.

>stronger civil liberties
>just don't say anything mean about muh oppressed group

>it may be illegal but just don't get caught lmao
The absolute state of bootlickers

Now crawl back into your hole commie or talk about video games.

>bows down to Trump's trade deal
>gets cucked my Mexico
is this how leafs cope with having a cuck as a leader

"I'll just pretend like Obama didn't happen, the post, the sequel"

Isn't that the point of state government

Anyone can develop an "index" and make it say virtually anything they want. I'm not going to bother to dig deeply into that propaganda but I guarantee you it counted Canada's hate speech laws as pro-freedom. Your measures are meaningless when your definition of freedom is equity.

You mean the trade deal that's completely stalled and going nowhere, meanwhile Trudeau successfully renegotiated a new TPP sans the shitty american bits?

>doubling down and whataboutism

Man Yea Forums sucks

Canada is America

Cry more, fgt. I don't browse 4chin on weekends.

Constitutional republic is correct.
Democracy has nothing to do with it.
Admit it, commiefornian tranny socialist, she lost.

>not even in the top 14

Attached: quality-of-life.png (815x899, 58K)

I just checked the Fraser methodology and they explicitly penalize hate speech laws. Turns out there are meaningful aspects of freedom other than being able to screech loudly about NIGGERS AND JEWS

It's a type of virtue signalling neckbeards direct at each other online to garner cred with other neckbeards online. He does it, Gabe Newel does it, Indie devs do it.

At the end of the day, it means nothing and does nothing and no one gives a shit about Linux gaming except other neckbeards.

>Gabe Newell does it
No he doesn't.

I bet they punish everything that isn't consistent with extreme equity, which is the more important thing underlying. Of course Canada is going to rate higher if you use that "index, they have ideologically bent laws to favor equity over individual freedom. That's to say nothing of how disingenuous it is to call your index one that measures freedom and then tie in unrelated ideological and IR-based measures.

unironically yes, only reason its preferred is that it makes some guys attempt to run a totalitarian dictatorship much harder, that was until mass messaging made it easier to fool people into not only accepting it but loving it

>I bet
Nigger I linked it, just fucking read it.

If you have to make laws against people questioning you you're probably up to bad stuff

Until Trump leaves office it's literally impossible for the US to come close to doing anything better than Canada.

>U.K. is more free than the U.S.
I'm calling bullshit, sorry.

>ransoming access to other companies' products is highliy unethical
>actually taking away games from people is fine
Remind me again, Epic shills, what's your case here?

>Linux is actually being mentioned in video game discussions

>ignore the rules of the game
>complain when you lose
I bet you're the type of person who brags about their k/d ratio in Capture the Flag or Payload.

He does look like he has touched a lot of little boys though.

I think when educated people say American democracy, they're referring to how our government ultimately derives it's power from the citizens. But most people hear it and think it means everything is decided by popular vote.

Who needs gerrymandering when you can use demographic change?


B-but Valve has a Monopoly Plus! Nooooooo! President Xi HELP ME!!!

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1518x706, 359K)

Let's break this down in a way you can understand. You do not vote for the president. Your state does. When you vote, you are voting to influence which way your state votes. The president is the leader of a federation of states, elected by the states. You want to affect your politics directly? Vote in your congressional, state, and local elections.

Nice democracy you got there, lads

He means he will do anything to hinder valve's projects until his senpai gaben notices him.

We're not a democracy. We're a Federal Constitutional Republic.

The USA is a federal republic, retard.

Ooo, the vague boogeyman of civilization collapse, why's it gonna happen now instead of the last times you tried predicting it

You actually have much more control over who runs the company that supplies your operating system than you have over any democratic office.

Direct democracy is just mob rule. We learned a long time ago that mob rule is a very bad idea, hence pretty much every modern democracy using a representative system.

>Who needs gerrymandering when you can use demographic change?
Politicians. Gerrymandering produces huge results instantly. Demographic change needs multiple generations to produce comparable results. Politicians are generally only focused on the next election and maybe the one after it. The biggest reason dems are pro-immigration is because they have an EXISTING base of pro-immigration voters they're appealing to.

>"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

>federal republic
We're a republic federation (of democratic states) you knobs.

You can't govern a country as large as the United States with a unitary system.
regional representation is necessary.
The people in Maine don't want to be governed in the same way as the people in California.
If the electoral college were abolished, the population centers would be able to pass laws that are completely incompatible with regional political cultures and would create the seeds for secession and division along GEOGRAPHIC lines, which let me be clear is much more dangerous than division across an evenly spread population.

Imagine thinking these institutions are incorruptible and infallible.

Isn't that part of a reason why Canada has it's problems? People who live in bumfuck provinces can't get their voices heard?

Pretty much.
Toronto makes all the laws which is why the entire country seems like an SJW pit when in fact most of it is about the same as america.

Fucked if I know the first thing about those fags.
To the extent that I care, Canada only exists for me to occasionally visit and flaunt my precious American dollars in front of.

Nothing is perfect. Fortunately perfection isn't required for something to be valuable and useful.

Why can't I move to Canada if I dislike the direction the US is going? I never get a good reason outside "I CAN'T DO IT SO YOU SHOULDN'T! FIGHT WITH EM!"

Sorry you didn't get dual citizenship, bruh.

Nigger just look how they've been 'communicating the truth' about russian hackers for 3 years non-stop before they had to give up because it was fiction from beginning to end.

Why do you have unwavering faith in organizations that are practically just lobbying for policies favorable to their organization and their donors?

Not at all.

Well nobodies stopping you but one day you'll run out of places to run.


Let's just be clear, the intention of ANY organization in politics is not to the unredacted truth.

>We've got to fight for our freedoms people!!
>btw, you no longer have the freedom to buy these 12 games on steam as of today. EGS only, goy :^)

>What is California?

What, russian hackers and shitposters did compromise the elections, the problem both you moronic groups don't get is that you're both right in parts and wrong in others

>Tim Sweeny
>equivalent of moving to Canada when one doesn't like US political trends
I think this guy hates blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, and the LGBTP community.


The guy is an idiot arguing for blind faith in institutions run by people. Science has been wrong before on many occasions, NASA can barely get a rocket off the ground anymore and the "free press" is basically owned by a few individuals.


Attached: 374747474747.jpg (261x193, 9K)

Has it finally begun?

Attached: 1552301586712.png (500x600, 10K)

Fiction? No, there just wasn't enough evidence of conspiracy/coordination to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, aka the highest possible evidentiary standard. There was still evidence, and Russia's involvement is beyond question. They just couldn't find enough to definitively establish Trump's knowing cooperation, in part because his obstruction (which they found enormous evidence of) was so extensive, particularly his witness tampering with Paul Manafort.

Moving to Epic is sort of the equivalent of moving to Canada when one doesn't like
US politicla trends.

Nope, we've got to fight for the freedoms we have today, where we have them today.

How does someone like this end up owning a company that develops software?

Attached: HeWasRightAgain.png (1420x970, 947K)

No one compromises an election by posting things on the internet. The idea that the Russians somehow did something that had a tangible effect on the 2016 election is absurd.

Everyone posts misinformation on the internet. Russians were just urinating into an ocean of piss.
Give me a rest with the fence sitting, the Russian narrative is unequivocally bullshit.

fuck, that's gold, someone ask him what he thinks of android

>. There was still evidence, and Russia's involvement is beyond question
Post it.

>it's beyond question
>except for the whole "evidence" bit
>but trust what cnn tells you

>russian hackers did compromise the elections
despite no proof ever backing this claim

it's been LGBTP(lus) for a while my guy. Gotta include all of the snowflakes.

Okay. You can fight microsoft all you want but what if they don't see eye to eye with you on how they should commercialize their OS? Where else are you gonna go to? Apple? Because there's only three choices, Microsoft, Apple and Linux. If the other two won't play ball then why not make Linux better for pc gaming? It saves a fuck load of headaches trying to reason with microsoft plus it'll actually give them an INCENTIVE to rethink their whole view when it comes to selling OS and all thatj azz.

>your operating

Glanced off the head of the nail there. Even if every consumer on Earth told MS to eat shit tomorrow, businesses which rely on MS due to software compatibility (either a genuine need or not being principled enough to make the switch because it would affect their bottom line in the short/long term) would keep them afloat until the end of time.

by being smarter than you

Pedo will have to wait for after Z and N
And then they will just call it M for 'minor' anyway.

>Hating on Canada despite it being a chinese colony

Is Sweeney taking a jab at his masters?

>using windows
is this what DOS fags genuinely believe?

I will continue to boycott Epic Games, even on my Windows machine. I want them to die. I want them to lose money hand over fist, and I want Sweeney to take a .45 caliber handgun, put it in his mouth, and pull the fucking trigger.

Also, Fortnite is shit.

DOS was nice. Setting up IRQ ports for sound was kind of bullshit, but outside of games it was lovely. I like Linux because I liked DOS. Windows 95 was where it all started going wrong.

>If only there were more elements to freedom than loli laws
It's still a great way to test if a country cares more about saving face than about actual problems.

DOS was great for it's day even if it was just an OS/2 knockoff but I'd struggle to justify using it now

I'm not arguing for blind faith at all, I'm arguing for a reasonable amount of credulity being given to any institutions that have, more often than not, demonstrated their trustworthiness. NO INSTITUTION is perfect. But the entire modern conservative worldview is built around tearing everything down to the same level, making their bullshit just as valuable as someone else's knowledge. They get absolutely buttdestroyed when someone debunks their dumb wordpress blog or youtube video with a peer-reviewed journal article, so they say
An environment where bullshit, conspiracies, and low-brow fearmongering is just as good as research, investigative journalism, and rigorous analysis is the only type of environment where 2019's brand of popular conservatism can thrive. Because it's an ideology for FUCKING MORONS

anecdotal, it happens occasionally and when it does it airs on every news station for several days.

>the entire modern conservative worldview is built around tearing everything down to the same level, making their bullshit just as valuable as someone else's knowledge
That is everyone with internet access. Twitter has been the great equalizer. Except everyone is equally retarded.

Read the Mueller report, or his first 2 sets of indictments against Russian nationals.

The evidence that didn't meet "beyond a reasonable doubt" was that trump conspired with the Russians, not that the Russians were the ones who interfered in the election.

>while the US is objectively doing better than ever.
r/The_Donald hands typed this post

>making their bullshit just as valuable as someone else's knowledge
Wow, that sounds like it applies exactly to the critical theorists that are so ubiquitous on college campuses.

And hey if you only trust academics, what do you have to say about something like this?
These are academics who repurposed portions of Mein Kampf and got them published in the most respected grievance studies publications.

Osaka would like a word with you.

>while the US is objectively doing better than ever
Fucking lmao
It's certainly not Doomsday like most retarded leftists claimed it would be, but you are fucking insane.

>Read the Mueller report, or his first 2 sets of indictments against Russian nationals.
No, you tell me what they're actually guilty of, cunt.

That face. I've seen countless of faces like his in my days at university (compsci). They're always autistic, brash, laugh way too loud, but have good grades and often run linux and love vidya/anime.

>vote "right" - "conservative" - "authoritarian"
>all they do is suck Israels dick while decreasing taxes for the rich without making the country better in any way

>vote "left" - "liberal" - "progressive"
>all they do is suck Israels dick while decreases taxes for the rich without making the country better in any way

Even Obama went harder against migrants from the south than Trump did and because both sides are filled with people who care about nothing but power and positions nothing ever gets done thanks to one party constantly blocking the other party.

American "democracy" is a complete joke.

Who says I only trust academics? I mentioned a litany of various institutions and organizations. All of whom have made mistakes throughout their histories, and all of whom are, nonetheless, deserving of trust. Because even if you tirelessly compiled a list of every mistake ever made, the list of every time they were correct would be much longer.

I'm aware of that study. It demonstrates one such mistake by sociologists. But that doesn't change the fact that peer-reviewed scholarly articles and studies are one of the best sources we have for acquiring knowledge about the world.

The russians? That would be their mass influence campaigns carried out primarily over social media, the hacking of DNC and Podesta emails, and the attempted hacking of state election systems.

>and all of whom are, nonetheless, deserving of trust.
Hilarious. You shouldn't trust anyone who doesn't even bother providing evidence of their claims, and many of them don't (IE 5 intelligence agencies say Russia interfered with the election, but won't tell you WHY).

>are one of the best sources we have for acquiring knowledge about the world.
Because you can use the methodology to reproduce the same results yourself. NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE PART OF AN INSTITUTION.

DOS certainly wasn't nice for the developers.

The protected mode bullshit from the old 8086 days meant having to code around 640kb chunks unless you paid out the ass to license an extender like DOS4GW. Having to account for every different video card was an absolute pain in the pre-OpenGL/D3D days, even when the cards were more than a framebuffer and DAC. VESA tried to standardize things but even then it was ineffective, hence why most graphics cards were painfully simple. Creative's Sound Blaster was essentially a monopoly in the sound business.

Because of how dumb and simple PC hardware was you had to do EVERYTHING on the CPU, requiring users to pay out the ass for expensive Intel CPUs.

>they posted things on the internet
>the hacking of DNC and Podesta emails,
>and the attempted hacking of state election systems.
Post evidence that they did this.

>That marginalize people who dare to say that the average IQ of Africa isn't higher than the American
No, they marginalize people who conclude that race is the main or sole factor in IQ, and ignore that other factors such as nutrition, social status and quality of education were shown to be much more important.

>and ignore that other factors such as nutrition, social status and quality of education were shown to be much more important.
False, scientific consensus is that IQ is at least 50% heritable.

More so even than height.

>babies first america isn't actually #1 thread

It could be the first or the hundredth, they all look the same.

user, you can't divorce the question of trustworthiness from history. People and groups can earn trust by behaving in a trustworthy way over time... or establish themselves as bullshitters by peddling bullshit. Reputation matters. Sensitive information is often redacted from intelligence reports for security reasons; that doesn't mean the FBI, CIA, and NSA are just... making shit up. Particularly when the only reason to believe the opposite is because daddy putin promises he dindu nuffin.

And methodology is one good reason to trust a source, but not the only reason. I don't trust the Associated Press because they have a reproducible methodology, I trust them because they have a demonstrated history of fairness and accuracy.

Attached: 1555475107838.jpg (1280x1084, 218K)

>the CIA has proven itself to be trustworthy
>the organization that literally admists to having performed experiments on unaware american citizens during the cold war is trustworthy.

You're a fucking dunce if you think reputation means anything in politics.
Don't believe what you can't test yourself.

And it wasn't legal to do so.
Page 36
>Post evidence that they did this.
Page 50.

Yes, that certainly explains why said African countries have had their average IQ rise quickly and steadily over the past decades, or how ethnic groups did complete 180s in IQ measurements in America.

When scientists use the word "heritable" they're not talking just about genetics, they're also talking about everything that comes with being raised by a person, the same way you inherit wealth.


He approves of using state run surveilance systems

No they don't.
>Research on heritability of IQ implies, from the similarity of IQ in closely related persons, the proportion of variance of IQ among individuals in a study population that is associated with genetic variation within that population.
>Yes, that certainly explains why said African countries have had their average IQ rise quickly
Obviously selection pressure for intelligence means a rise in the average IQ of Africans.

Yeah, that was fucked up. But their intelligence work is about as accurate as can reasonably be expected. And every other intelligence agency agrees with them. Meanwhile the evidence supporting Russia's side is... absolutely nothing.

The sources for the hacking claim on 36 are redacted under IT, as are the sources on page 50 claiming the hack of machines.

In both of these instances "attempted" is very clear, succeeded is not even a claim.

You know, call me crazy, but I don't think this thread is really about video games.

>Meanwhile the evidence supporting Russia's side is... absolutely nothing.
Burden of proof is on the person making the claim.
First it has to be demonstrated that the election was actually hacked before we even discuss blame.

You can't just point to someone and say 'look you're guilty of what I can't say, but you're guilty I know for sure,' and expect people to believe you.

If Linus told them and they still don't give a fuck, then there's nothing we can do.

Nah, XCOM for example, the one from 2012 I think. More or less smooth on Windows, about 12 fps on Linux. 12 fucking fps. Until this changes, I'll keep my computer game OS as dual boot option.

He's a very smart guy who one upped john carmack and id back when it mattered. He's just gone crazy in his old age.

What's worse a political analogy or a food analogy?

No, American leftists are the worst leftists on Earth and are gonna undo us all.

t.northern europoor

No, the successful hacking theft of emails and other democrat documents is stated on page 40; it's hacking the election systems they tried and failed at (which I said).

Yeah that's not how burden of proof works. When you're debating someone and they give you a fucking 400 page report from the highest investigative authority in the country, you can't reject the proof because the source has redactions for sources and methods. Please learn how burden of proof actually works.
Their sources and methods were good enough to convince multiple judges and juries to issue warrants, indictments, and convictions. If it's good enough in a court of law, I don't see why it shouldn't be good enough for you.

Also meant to quote

>I don't see why it shouldn't be good enough for you.
Why should I blindly trust the judgement of any of these people?
I don't know them. They aren't providing primary sources.

If they are convicted by a public jury in a public trial, I will look at the facts of the case and decide whether or not I agree with the outcome of the trial.

Most normies don't want to use linux specifically BECAUSE terminals remind them of DOS too much, fag

>Burden of proof (also known as onus probandi in Latin) is the obligation on somebody presenting a new idea (a claim) to provide evidence to support its truth (a warrant).
Evidence has not been presented.
A claim has been presented in the report, we do not have access to the source that acts as evidence to support the claim.

meant for

How the hell do you fuck up making a Monopoly video game?

Appeal to authority fallacy

Because they're the fucking FBI, you nitwit. The kind of information you're demanding won't be made public for decades, nor does it NEED to be for laypeople to make an accurate judgement.

Yeah, try this part:
>If they have considerable and well-tested evidence, the burden of proof may reasonably be considered to be on the person claiming that the evidence does not hold.
Where's your counterevidence? Why should I NOT trust this evidence that has convinced multiple courtrooms and come from an extremely trustworthy source?

All I see here is another attempt by dunces who see something they don't want to be true, then proceed to try to drag down the source using unmeetably high standards. You're like some nut who refuses to believe the US has nukes because they won't share precise instructions for making one.

I've more than supported my positions in this discussion; it's time for you to do the same. Let me remind you how this discussion started:
>I said conservatives get butthurt about trustworthy sources and try to tear them down
>some user says they're not trustworthy because the russian hacker stuff was "fiction from beginning to end"
>I reply with the most extensive piece of evidence that's actually possible
>anons proceed to get butthurt about trustworthy sources and try to tear them down

She literally won and Trump only stole her place because he had russia supporting him

>Because they're the fucking FBI, you nitwit.
Appeal to authority fallacy again

You can't run from trouble. Ain't no place that far, user.

>Because they're the fucking FBI, you nitwit.
The FBI makes recommendations to the court, not convictions
You don't even understand the FBI.

He means they're not going to spend money on developing games for Linux when Microsoft continues to spy like his company does.

the left with their "diplomas" couldnt get the
most qualified woman in to office

meanwhile a bunch of frog posters
managed to get the most unqualified candidate in 2016 as president

you have no excuse

Conservatives ultimate boogieman

>trustworthy sources
Including the fucking CIA and NSA.
Give me a fucking break.

That isn't how that works. If you are an American you should be ashamed of not knowing how the electoral college works. I am not even a Trump supporter. There is a reason popular vote doesn't choose the president. It means that dense population centers get to dictate rule over areas they never have been to and have no idea how their votes would affect those living there. This is the reason the United States is not a pure democracy, but a constitutional republic.

Also Russia had nothing to do with the election, other than people memeing. If your vote would a choice based on memes you should also be ashamed of yourself. You need to make educated choices in our elections. Then vote for what you think is right. A 2 party system is only ever going to lead to "lesser of 2 evils" and that is a terrible outcome everytime.

Also the state where knowingly infecting someone with AIDS isn't a felony any more because that would be homophobic.

>How the hell do you fuck up making a Monopoly video game?
Found the culprit responsible. Ubishit.

Attached: 1557178111839.jpg (768x149, 13K)

>what did he mean by that
He means that when you start crying "WOW FUCK MS FUCK WINDOWS ITS TRASH" and then install linux, you're like a retard who cries about muh basabdsldasluuuumpfffffff and flees the fucking country instead of trying to fix what you perceive as wrong.
If you don't like the epic store, don't buy games on it, tell other people not to buy games on it. If they respect the market enough, they'll avoid buying even titles they want to "protect it" from exclusives.

But as we see it now, people are actually fine with having another storefront. So all these people crying are like pic related. Lots of whining, lots of bitching, but ultimately they don't do anything to make the market think it's actually a bad thing.

linux needs to have games support it natively and not through some bullshit like wine or proton. If that doesn't happen, nobody will ever go to it.

Attached: the classic.png (1572x1316, 1.73M)

And Trump gets cucked by Israel
Good job, reddit

Does he even know there's a world outside of the USA? And that the USA isn't as free as many think?
What a stupid comment

>You're like some nut who refuses to believe the US has nukes because they won't share precise instructions for making one.
I believe the U.S. has nukes because the scientific theory behind them is totally sound, and WE HAVE USED THEM.
>, then proceed to try to drag down the source using unmeetably high standards
Providing evidence of your claim to the public of criminal misdeeds is not an impossibly high standard.
In fact it's necessary to get a criminal conviction in the vast majority of courts around the country.

I haven't bought Metro and I really wanted it, I'll wait for steam's release because I have tegrity.

This. I love Epic because they pay devs even if their games get pirated. Isn't that nice of them? It's like a 100% discount.

Idiocy again. Please explain what kind of evidence COULD exist that would convince you.

Read: logicallyfallacious.com/tools/lp/Bo/LogicalFallacies/21/Appeal-to-Authority
>Dismissing the council of legitimate experts and authorities turns good skepticism into denialism. The appeal to authority is a fallacy in argumentation, but deferring to an authority is a reliable heuristic that we all use virtually every day on issues of relatively little importance. There is always a chance that any authority can be wrong, that’s why the critical thinker accepts facts provisionally. It is not at all unreasonable (or an error in reasoning) to accept information as provisionally true by credible authorities.

I explicitly said >Their sources and methods were good enough to convince multiple judges and juries to issue warrants, indictments, and convictions
Please read.

>Just mail out a sample quiz two weeks before voting. Everyone that fails the real one on election day has their ballot shredded.
You would literally fuck over almost every single conservative. Are you dumb?

>Their sources and methods were good enough to convince multiple judges and juries to issue warrants, indictments, and convictions
The Russians haven't been convicted of anything so far as I've read.

That's what people need to do, you're standing by your beliefs. Most people aren't.
You're free to do that too, but if you pirate it, all you're doing it making devs more likely to go because you know they're retarded and equate piracy to lost sales. "Imagine how much they would have lost if they didn't have that check from epic?" being their tagline going forward.
You're playing yourself, but at least you're not buying it, I guess.

Who creates the questions on the quiz, what is the authority behind it? What type of questions would they be?

>make the market think it's actually a bad thing.

Imagine being that bluepilled.

Well if you're implying you don't have control over it, why bitch like a little girl about it at all?

>The appeal to authority is a fallacy in argumentation, but deferring to an authority is a reliable heuristic that we all use virtually every day on issues of relatively little importance.
>The appeal to authority is a fallacy in argumentation

He means that doing that might be valid as an individual action - although it will have a period of transition of variable length - but that it's not a realistic group action and that the only realistic solution is to improve what is by far the biggest player out of the two when it comes to setting trends that others follow or use as an excuse.

>Does he even know there's a world outside of the USA?
>Americans knowing this


>I don't want people to move to an operating system where I don't have a Chinese spybot client for people to install

Attached: 1541373727003.png (412x387, 172K)

>as if they didn't also take a civics course in high school

If you're 40+? Sure. If you're under 40? No, you didn't take a fucking civics course in 80% of high-schools and you're fucking lucky if you did.

US Government isn't taught in history, and is an elective. Most kids don't take that.

Still no proof of that yet, is there?

So this is the power of educational indoctrination.

>Please explain what kind of evidence COULD exist that would convince you.
Actual evidence that isn't redacted.
No primary evidence has been provided by the authorities you're falling back on. Your argument is based entirely on "if the courts and FBI say it's true (even without evidence) then it must be true" which is an appeal to authority.

On issues relating to intelligence and espionage? Absolutely. Feel free to provide the slightest shred of counter evidence, though.>I believe the U.S. has nukes because the scientific theory behind them is totally sound, and WE HAVE USED THEM.
Scientists? Can't trust those guys. Did you hear they made a mistake once? :^)
Can you prove we've used them? I didn't see it. :^)

It's an impossibly high standard because the evidence you want can only feasibly come from an intelligence agency, who are going to be using sources and methods that need to remain secret, and you're insisting that secrecy invalidates the source. There is no realistic way any source could be provided that would satisfy you. You've degraded from reasonable skepticism to denialism.
>In fact it's necessary to get a criminal conviction in the vast majority of courts around the country
Funny, the fact that this source HAS been used to get warrants/indictments/convictions in court is something you've continuously ignored. Should I just go ahead and assume that the court system is also part of the big mean liberal agenda to oppress your poor, innocent god emperor? :^)

that video is cathartic. All those pathetic professors that fueled the fired for however long finally got theirs. Beautiful

>Scientists? Can't trust those guys.
Again, we're talking about publicly available methodologies and papers.
Spare me your passive aggressive bullshit.

>Funny, the fact that this source HAS been used to get warrants/indictments/convictions in court is something you've continuously ignored.
It HAS NOT BEEN USED as of yet to get convictions.
Way to move the goalpost you disingenuous faggot.

If the courts don't take it why should I?
They're far more reliable when discerning the truth of the matter by my judgement.
The role of the FBI is to provide evidence (that they have not provided US), the goal of the court is to make JUDGEMENTS (which they have not made on the Russians).

So IF WE'RE APPEALING TO AUTHORITY, the right authority agrees with me on this point.

>poor, innocent god emperor? :^)
Also don't get me wrong, Trump is a complete faggot for not lynching you queers after a good three fucking years.