Street Fighter

SF5 aged like milk, its already looks worse than USF4.
Why is all except for music went so wrong?

Attached: usf4sf5.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Other urls found in this thread:

YOU looked like aged milk.

SF5 and SF4 both looked like shit when they were revealed. Street Fighter should have just died with 3.

If theres something that SFV is better than SFIV, is the graphical update. The models look more detailed and less cartoony and the stages are on the same level. Fuck everything else though

>4 years later
>people who dont play fighting games STILL bitching about sf5

USF4 is hands down one of the worst looking fighting games of all time. SFvsTekken improved that artstyle to something serviceable.

SFV looks good enough with the exception of a few nitpicks here and there. The saving grace are the well done animations.

i think it looks great my only issue is cammy kicking through characters without dealing any damage.

>retards like this actually post here

>less cartoony
implying this is good, lol

than stop posting, retard

You're right about the music. It is great. The game itself though was made for all the wrong reasons. Capcom wasn't looking to make a great SF game. They wanted to make something that could continually generate money for them and they wanted as many people as possible to be able to play it so they could generate said money. It's a bunch of microtransactions disguised as a SF game.

fuck off esl

unlike previous SF games where they sold you patches for 60$?
that was truly great.

yes it is. Some models like guile looked like shit in SFIV. SFV stroke a better balance between cartoony/3d realistic models

For me it's still Chun Li

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People are genuinely defending SFV here?

2d fighters are for brainlets, but SF4 is way better.

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If SFIV is so great, why does nobody play it?

>except for music

Nah Nigga, majority of the songs suck ass

takes a tekken nigger to make a post as abhorrent as this one

People are still buying into the "SFV is bad" meme?

Because we played it for like ten fucking years and the next installment literally has built in shilling

This, what the fuck? SFIV had a MUCh better OST.

That said, Chun has always been my main and she looks best in SFV.

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You guys agree that Kage was by far best reveal trailer, especially that OST?

>too damn stupid to know where the dollar sign goes on a sum

Also that never happened. The most expensive the newer versions were was like $35 at most.

>le ebin ken face
Every single time.

Nigga u deaf.

people still play ST and 3s.

that was a tough word for you, wasn't it?
not a meme.

Have they added Gen to SFV yet? Or someone who plays like him at least?

Could you make it any more obvious that you're a 09er amerilard that started fighting games with SF4?

Melee lasted for almost two decades. Literally not an argument.

..People still play SF4 too. Especially by that logic.
USF4 revival is a thing. Can you 09ers just not speak on things you don't know? Lol

Fucking 2d games man. Hilarious.

Niggers what the fuck? Djent is fucking great for Street Fighter
Ring of Pride\Power\Destiny
Main Theme
Kage theme

SF4 revival is a flop. It died. The guy organizing it made a long tweet about how people prefer to shit on SFV over actually playing SF4.

Dumb Tekken nigger.

Nice try, pablo. Piss back off to whever you came from.

2d fighters in general are dead. cope.

SF4 looked like shit.

This, Juri, Zangief, Balrog and others suck major ass

What is contex of this gif?

Nice work picking the stage whit the worst lighting and comparing it to the training stage.

Here is some actual comparison for you fagozoids.

Attached: 1511203250470.png (1400x1031, 2.37M)

The only good songs are the defaults like Ryu, and Ken and some specific others like Karen sounding like Ace Attorney

Bottom looks better.

none of the tracks from V are memorable. yeah some of them sound good but they have no lasting appeal. Then IV has incredible tracks like these.

tekken doing well only bc sf5 is trash with sf6 you faggots will be the history again

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this thread reeks of r/kappa

>USF4 revival is a thing.
Funny you mention it. The guy behind USFIV Revival put a stop to it citing the lack of players and general support as reasons. Way to shoot yourself in the foot, 09er.

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SF4 has the most forgettable soundtrack of all SF games free.


r/kappa is Yea Forums lite

Not evrione is in to mongoloids like you.

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Remix’s that aren’t Ryu suck ass

Brand new one like Rashid and Kage are great

SFV Cammy and Chun Li are a miracle of the universe.

I don't play this garbage lol

I tried the free weekend sf5 today on steam
It took me like 7m to find a game and 4m again afterwards and im from the eu, this game is fucking dead on both platforms, i can find matches faster in sc6 then this

>mongoloids like you.

what? did they become not asian in SFV or something?

>none of the tracks from V are memorable
Ring of Pride is literally a Tokido EVO 2017 theme, how is that not memorable enough for you?

Best looking SF game.
Only blind faggots disagree.

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Bottom aesthetically looks much better. Style over grpahics.

What exactly makes them "memorable"? I swear, you fags have no idea what you're talking about.

What you posted is nothing but a generic 4/4 stomping beat with scratchy synths playing the classic theme melodies. It's telling that the stage themes are entirely forgettable. Not to mention SFIV committed the crime of butchering the most iconic character themes, namely Guile's and Ken's.

If you say SFIV's OST is better than SFV's, you automatically discredit yourself as a tasteless pleb who should never be asked about anything.


nice "style" you got there. that skull doesnt even resemble a human.

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You can sum any song up like that by breaking it down.

You sound like the faggots who say music isn't music if it doesn't have a guitar in the background and some balding faggot on drums. It's vidya music.

Here's what makes them memorable - Being fucking remembered. I can't list a single song from SFV or hum one for that matter.

Are you going to do this with all the awful models in SFV? You dumb fuck?

>Are you going to do this with all the awful models in SFV?
no because the models in SFV arent awful.


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it's more memorable because it's catchy and has a familar theme for each stage or character. That's kinda the point.


>SFIV had a MUCh better OST.
I present to you Crowded Street, which IV has two versions of; both of which manage to make a banger like Crowded Street into sleepy generic buttrock garbage.

Depends on the character.
Some remixes are great.

But most of the new character themes are forgettable i do agree.

SFV is all over the place.
Some themes are amazing
but some are god awful.

Ironically its new character themes that are mostly great in SFV wheil the classic or returning ones are ether horrible or forgettable.
Only good in rare cases


she actually looks good ingame. but Yea Forums doesnt play fighting games.

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>They can't post a source
Dumb Capshills

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She still looks retarded on the win screen

so the model doesn't exist now or?

imagine being some dumb fucktard mentioning the sf4 revival while being completely clueless about it

Yea having one bad angle on the win screen is so much worse than a ugly character the entire game.

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>I can't list a single song from SFV or hum one for that matter.
Because you're a pleb and a faggot. SFV's soundtrack is objectively better. The tracks have actual progression, more layers, better production quality and are more varied in terms of instrumentation.

see above

I listen to music because I like how it sounds, not because it has more layers or whatever pretentious shit you tell yourself.

Yikes bro.

Karin = Cammy = Chun > Menat > Ibuki > Juri > everyone else.

>wining a match earns you 50 good goy points
>losing earns you nothing
>buying just a single stage takes 70000

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>while shilling USFIV

They love this shit. My friend spent his tax return on unlocking all the content in SFV.

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You might like Zeku. I would recommend piratintthe game, and getting a feel of the characters before buying anything.

This is hands down the BEST fighting game theme EVER

She is only ugly on the win screen.
Gile is ugly in SFIV all the time.

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IV's version of Spunky is kind of a miracle. If it wasn't for the completely limp sound they used for the main melody it would've perfectly captured the late 90's synth scuzz that weaved its way throughout 3rd Strike's soundtrack.

>*goes back to his nu-metal playlist*
You heard it here, folks. Knowledge is pretentious.

The majority of SFIV's soundtrack still sounds like shit.

09ers wouldnt know about the state of the SF4 revival because they literally do not play SF lmao

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I think Street Fighter V looks better than Street Fighter IV, but it's somewhat of a moot point as neither game looks very impressive. The art direction on the characters in both games ranges from "completely off-model" to "barely passable", and the graphical fidelity of the models does little to compensate for the poor art direction.

It's almost embarrassing to compare SF5/SF4 to other fighters like Dragonball Fighterz, and even the Injustice/Mortal Kombat titles. Capcom recently started to turn things back in the right direction with Resident Evil and Devil May Cry; I hope they actually put in some effort with Street Fighter 6 and it would help if they would start by firing Ono.

Anyone else feel bad for 2D fgc? Imagine having to resurrect dead games.

I think G has the best trailer

R u fukin kidding me? SF4's artstyle is so fukin ugly, sf5 is such a step up with its deeper shadows and greater sharpness

I haven't played SF5 and I didn't really play much of 4 either, just because I'm not that into SF, but SF4 is really hideous and 5 definitely looks better. Putting aside everything else about the two games, SF5 looks just fine but SF4 is one of the uglier fighting games around, people shit on stuff like KOF XIV but even that looked better than SF4.

I hate the looks of both games, but SF5 has big tits so it wins over USF4 easily

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Althou he does not change stance but his entire playstile.
Old form is original Zoner
Young form is More aggressive Guy from IV.

Only drawback is that he can only switch form outside of combos and in between special moves not buffer the switch like gen.

Also Vega now has clawlles form as a stance whit its own moves so Vega is also kinda like gen now.

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> like Dragonball Fighterz, and even the Injustice/Mortal Kombat

>STILL no no evidence

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This year will be the last for SF5? Game is already looks dead as fuck. Especially compared to Tekken 7.

>jive losing to the melee of fighting games

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Everyone wants that piece of the t-shirt you know

>r/kappa reject too retarded to read a thread

>Not using a trainer for survival and mode to get all of seasons 1-3 characters for free

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>09ers prefer this
>over this
Jam an ice pick into your ears. You clearly don't need them.

As soon as capcom dropped the game, it was death sentence

Everything went wrong because Capcom actually listened to their fans. Everyone bitched about option selects, crouch tech'ing, and a trillion other things when the only things that needed to be fixed were 1-frame links and chip damage that can kill. Capcom technically fixed Street Fighter going by a lot of player's standards before release, but the reality is that it resulted in a heavily neutered game that was made by the fans for the fans. It's just that the fans are to stupid to realize that they themselves were to blame.

SFV is still ahead of tekken at most events.

If you think that Street Fighter V looks better than Dragonball Fighterz, then I honestly don't know what to say to you. It doesn't even seem like a fair comparison, desu. Again, I'm just talking about the graphics here, not gameplay

SFV also has much better animations than IV.

They even went so far as to give characters post move flourishes you can only see if you dont move after an attack or win the round using it.

Sorry for posting the tranny era but its easier than uploading individual gifs.

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That doesn't work anymore. Right?

I had a bunch of costumes cause of that shit

Dragonball Fighter Z uses low quality models without any textures. The animations are also all terribly choppy and low frame.

>it looks better because it looks like anime
DBFZ sure catches the source material, but in motion it looks kinda iffy. Also, I always hated Toriyama's art style.

aged like wine

Attached: CAPCOM-CPS3-0011.jpg (600x600, 100K)

You're a retard if you think anything anime looks better than smooth animation. No joke.

SFIV was an ugly game the day it came out. How the fuck people defend it's visuals escapes me.

Like what events? Compare EVO reg for example

shame about the garbage roster and gameplay

Nostalgia and contrarianism.

Protip: Don't buy censored games.

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*nullifies pressure and frame data with F*

Its the Zelda cycle, all the people that were kids when it came out are now adults posting here and outnumber the people that were here at launch

>at most events
Jesus Christ, it's like you were born without a brain. Regardless, SF players always register late. And let's see the actual attendance.

Top/bottom labels for a left/right comparison. Son, are you retarded?

Honestly links where the only thing i hated about SFIV.
I welcome the change in how links work in V but i do miss some more extreme combos from IV.
Id want them to just revamp all the combos in season 4 or we the next version will be named.
Just go all out. Like make stuff that could not combo after a jungle before now an actual combo option.

I wish i was young again to pick up Street Fighter, i really like the gameplay and really like to watch tournaments. But game is too hard for me.

You can play SF no matter how old you are, user.

There's nothing really demanding in it.

SFV looks undeniably better than SFIV, but that's only because IV looked like garbage. Both look bad compared to 3rd Strike.

Its like you're some secondary that doesnt actually follow the FGC.

It's never too late, bro. You don't have to beat Daigo or whatever, just try to improve and enjoy the game at your own pace. Besides, if SF is too hard for you now, chances are it was too hard for you before.

They announced survival mode and trials would stop directly giving FM when Arcade Edition came out, but they still give EXP, where you still get FM from levelling up.

in their brain SF4>SFV so that means SF4>SFV in literally every single aspect.
its 50IQ thinking.

I picked up V as my first ever fighting game and have an 80% winrate by only holding crouch and using heavy kick when retard Ken mains DP on my block at random

The only hard thing in the entire franchise is Guile combos.

So I can just hop back into it, huh? Thanks.

I'm satisfied with most of those fixes. Most of those things made SF4 awful, especially focus attack.

>were 1-frame links and chip damage that can kill

I know you probably actually play fighting games, because you hate 1-Frame links, but that is actually the very first thing most people mention on why SFIV was better than SFV.

I never understood how having every combo / attack be a just frame makes anything fun.
It's honestly awful

>>losing earns you nothing
sfv haters confirmed for being shitters

fuck the "revival" I played usf4 nearly everyday the past few months and always found matches. I dont give a fuck about a revival I play what I want and there was still matches. I've been trying sfv and besides the horrible meta, how the fuck do you guys put up with the horrible teleporting lag?

You can do it but do not abuse the oneshot KO trainer, the game will tell you to fuck off if you finish level 100 survival in three minutes.
Infinite health is ok though.

its not even a SF thing. no other SF game has such a reliance on 1frame links.
its extra bad that they used delay netcode for a game with links as tight as that.

The rate is probably really slow isn't it? I can't imagine it being fast enough to get a character / day.

>implying that mattered at all during its release
People were desperate for literally anything to replace USF4. Nobody liked a meta revolving around low short option selecting, especially with Elena in the game, and people were tired of the mechanics in general. What's funny is that SFV ended up being worse, albeit for completely different reasons, but it was successful enough to ensure we might never see that high of a skill ceiling in Street Fighter ever again.

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Keep in mind it's not nearly as much, and if you want a new character, You're going to have to rely on the challenges and missions.

How is SFV netcode compared to Mortal Kombat?

its better than SF4s lag.
SF4s lag makes frametraps and combos impossible, its literally a different game.
it wont look wrong but its completely wrong because of the nature of delay.

SF4 online is also dead as fuck. last time I tried it out at weekend prime time and there were zero lobbies and just like four laggy shitters in ranked.

I'd rather play a game where it's hard to combo than have my opponent playing DBZ Fighters

if you have a level 1 character you can get them to like 30 with survival easily. so thats 30k FM and finishing three survivals will get you one new character.
I wrote a little bot that finishes level 100 survival in about an hour.

even with a 100% winrate it takes over a thousand matches to buy A SINGLE FUCKING STAGE. unless you want to post your 100% winrate its more likely it would take 2k god damn matches to earn that stage

Only tryhards.
Literally evrione else hates their guts.
Its literally difficulty for difficulties sake.
And not even good difficulty its pressing 2 buttons one after another in 1/60 of a second perfect timing difficulty.

SFV has a low skill ceiling but stuff like setups and mix-ups are much better in V than in IV.

I think what SFV needs to do is just add more options for existing character in the game make them more sneaky.

The only songs I remember from SF4 are the training stage ones. Everything else was forgettable to me.

MK handles it way better. essentially the only thing it does better than all the japanese fighters.

>but it was successful enough to ensure we might never see that high of a skill ceiling in Street Fighter ever again.
I wouldn't count on that. Ono got slapped down, so 6 could go either way.

Absolutely not. At this rate, you will have to do missions regularly, play and win a whole lot as well and you might get a character in a few weeks. Provided you don't waste your fightbux on stages or some other shit.

This one is really regrettable. Earning characters and cosmetics through Fight Money was one of the most advertised features of SFV and they essentially removed it.

since day one I never liked SFIV's models, they all look like they have a degree of visible retardation. SFV is alright tho.
Also SF series it's like the only franchise in this industry that isn't afraid to make pretty women with muscles. Even MK, as woke as it is, all their female are still very skinny. Nothing more hilarious than hearing Sonya's tough talk while also looking so physically weak.

All Japanese games have terrible netcode compared to western ones but its not unplayable by any means

its impossible, faggot.
you sound like someone that cant even do his bnbs.

What's sad is that one of the most basic combo structures that would add a lot to the game has been ignored for four seasons now: make EX moves V-trigger cancellable.

That's still better than fighting someone teleporting. No idea why you're so angry.

Get a job or something, bro.

play melty

I'm angry because you're being a retard that clearly doesnt play fighting games.

Yea that should be a thing in this game.
Some characters can acualy do this.
But i think all of the triggers should have this option.
3 bar ones should retain cancelabilty even after normal special no just Ex.

Not him, but why is it better? Both are unplayable for different reasons. At least with teleporting, you can immediately chalk it up and add the player to the blacklist.

uh many ex moves are vtrigger cancellable.
its just not the same for every character.

Here's a guide for shitters, shitter.

Go cry about fight money back in the shitpit

>Akuma lost his ability to add a DP AFTER his Super
I miss it.

What's wrong with you guys? Lol.

You can probably still hit someone while lagging. It's probably hard to hit someone teleporting while you can't. It's not complicated.

At the end of the day, if you run back someone with lag you're a fucking moron. This is a really stupid hill to die on.

You guys need some cash flow, bad.

fuck off

send me your resume bro i gotchu

>You can probably still hit someone while lagging
What's the point if I can't perform a combo or a setup consistently? I can "hit" someone with rollback, too. And what has cash to do with it?

You're being retarded, my man. Sit down for a moment and breathe.

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You guys have a lot of free time to argue about shit that never happens and be so passionate about it. Jealous.

wtf with that top texture?... thats modded isnt?

oh my mistake, i thought you were crying about how you're so garbage at the game that you can't earn any fight money. i was just trying to help shitter-kun.

the only fruitful discussion you can have with street fighter involves complaining

Uh, SF4 OST is league's ahead of SF5, SF5 OST is trash. I don't like SF games, and the music is why I get excited for the games, and SF5 just sucks at every department, just like most modern Capcom games.

I'm fed up of anything this cunt says being taken as gospel. He's doesn't even have any position in the group anymore because he had a tantrum when he got beat in a set.

He literally says shit because he doesn't get any attention otherwise and you fucks lap it up.

its not fruitful, its just a lot of FUD and then people try to correct them but it doesnt ever matter.

can you point me to any recent SF4 revival tournaments then?

I'll take the word of SFIV Revival's initiator over some random faggot's on the internet.

2/10 bait
apply yourself

my winrate is like 80%, having to play 1400 matches AT THE FUCKING MINIMUM to earn a stage is ridiculous. Imagine actually defending this level of Jewishness in a paid fucking game

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maybe cathartic is a better word; this franchise just pisses people off

if only there werent other ways to unlock FM

The game is at a state any other game that's not in the limelight is. It gets decent numbers if you pay attention, most recently at Headstomper as I recall.

Just because one attention whore declares the game dead doesn't mean it actually fucking is.

>my winrate is like 80%
Whats your rank? You're probably in top500 atleast?

encouraging people to play against the AI instead of actually improving by playing against real human beings shouldn't be encouraged

I promised my friend I would learn 1 crescent moon combo. How hard are they usually?

Let me assure you as someone within the group that he's pretty much insufferable, and probably set it up for personal gain in the first place.

What were they thinking with that title?

Attached: title.jpg (380x50, 11K)

I like moving goalposts too, especially when some of the rewards come from playing lobby and ranked.

You still get 1000 FM per character level up.
And XP from fighing online.
After 1400 matches you would be able to level up evry character in the game to lvl 30+.

Wich is 35 X 30+k FM.

Why are people trying to revive USF4 instead of experimenting with Omega? Was it already attempted? It feels like there's more unexplored territory.

not really. 5 looks better than 4 imo.
but i generally don't like the 3D SF look. i just don't like the proportions.

SF4 was too hard on the tryhard esports train to give a fun mode like omega any attention.

People just want to relive the good old days, which is why they spend so much time trying to resuscitate a corpse instead of trying something new.
Also I'm pretty sure Omega has easy infinites

Because they are banwagoners that "play" whatever non-SFV game is popular this month.

>tfw no Karin gf

Attached: kanzuki_karin_street_fighter_v.png (720x900, 177K)
sweet fucking christ

Did I fuck up by picking Guile as my main? Never played a fighting game before yesterday and picked him because his theme was a meme

>which is why they spend so much time trying to resuscitate a corpse instead of trying something new.
I wouldn't say that is true, cause a lot have moved onto Tekken. I'm glad that SFV has been such a dud as people are trying out way more things than before. And those games are actually doing well, I don't think stuff like the UNIst boost would have happened if everyone was happy with SFV

I think that one specifically got fixed.

09ers BTFO out!

Guile is fine and easy enough. The VT1 combos can be a bit too heavy for a beginner but you can just stick to VT2 which is strong and easy to use.

Why doesnt SFV have an announcer anymore?

Yes put the pictures side by side and caption them vertically.

Attached: revival.png (731x1104, 115K)

Those both look really bad.

Once the internet sets a target, they'll never let it go

the top has better poses

same here except the chick on the left

>SFvsTekken improved that artstyle to something serviceable.
I really wish SFxT was better on the gameplay front (even after that one balance update), since it had everything I wanted in a character cast.

it's not bad
it's fucking awful
most frustrating fighting game I ever played, winning does not feel satisfying and losing doesn't feel like your own fault. if you like it that's fine, but don't pretend that the vast majority haven't dropped it a long time ago

Tekken x Street Fighter when btw?

It was supposed to be after "the next Tekken", and Tekken 7 came out since then.

SF6 is going to be a launch game for the PS5. You heard it here first, folks.

Just apply crack and use unlocker profile and steamworks or goldberg emu and play if you're really want to play this trash

Seriously though no. Vega and Juri's face are better looking in SF4. Only them though.

That would be a smart move because it would mean sales for the whole generation but who knows how long they will actually need to finish it

Nah, SFV prints money, they don't need to do anything

SFV has serious issues. One of the biggest being the H > M > L priority system, which encourages you to mash heavies at every opportunity. The other being the shit ranges on many characters buttons. Fireballs are only useful against 33% of the cast. Throws being shit for 50% of the cast. 50/50's out the ass. V-trigger balance being all over the place etc.

Basically you look at Ryu who's straight up a Street Fighter character, as his moveset has barely changed from his previous entries, and he's fucking low-tier. Bottom 10 if not bottom 5. The guy who encompasses core street fighter, is shit in SFV, and has been for years. That's telling.

What exactly is frustrating about it.
Seams to me you are just parroting the popular opinion.

Its way more frustrating to lose in SFIV because the net-code made me drop a link and i ate a 360 grab or a shoryuken that my opponent was mashing while i was trying to do my link not to mention that links are so strick you will often drop them even offline just because you didn't spend 100+ hour hammering the exact timing of pressing 2 buttons one after another in inhumanly precise timing.
Or wining or losing online because the net-code makes it impossible to consistently punish even -8 on block moves.
Half the time inning in IV felt like it was down to luck than skill.
Not to mention SFV has some of the most satisfying comebacks in fighting games. The removal of chip damage realy makes you earn you win.

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The new guy only took over last year, so if it was launching for the PS5 it would either be half developed by everyone who fucked up SFV or be a huge rush job like SFV.

>SFV prints money
So much they had to add in game ads, And capcuks lap it up

I guess I can say I've adapted to the lag because I have no problem doing short short jab type links that dont exist in sfv constantly in 4. I don't really have a lot of laggy matches either anyways. Pc btw

diaper post of the day

Fuck you, SF V looks really nice

everything else about it is shit

Attached: s.png (1390x1222, 1014K)

I dont think we need a SFVI just yet.

My theory as to why we are not geting a season 4 for SFV is because capcom is planing something big.
Like insted of jsut a season pass they are singles a entire expansion and its gonna be like all of the new content Day one not a season pass.
Kinda like anhybrid of how SF used to relese updates but as a DLC expansion.
Kinda what Iceborne for monhun is gonna be.

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>SFV prints money
it was free to play last week and still didn't get over 3600 concurrent players

Ryu is fine in SFV, he's just worse than Akuma in every way. Just like Ryu was worse than Poison in USF4.

>is shit in SFV, and has been for years. That's telling.
He was top tier in S1, but only cause he was unga bunga. Notice how Guile also dropped down the tiers when his rushdown was nerfed, almost like it wasn't his fireball game that made him strong. Really makes you think.

> Fireballs are only useful against 33% of the cast
Not even desu, everyone has fireball ignoring tools. Respecting fireballs is your own fault in SFV.

welcome to fighting games retard

>mash heavies
>get caught during recovery, half of the healthbar gone
Are you seriously complaining about different characters having different strengths and weaknesses?

>mash heavy button
>get jumped on/whiffpunished

>it was free to play last week
Again? They really are trying to give it away, just make it F2P. Wish more fighters tried that in general.

For the love of god LET IT GO ALREADY!
You're bickering about a 4 years old game and comparing it to a 12 years old game, it is pure insanity. Any normal person would have moved along by now.

>Satisfying comebacks
that shit happens in every round, having a life lead is meaningless

the absolute state of this retard

I've been playing fighting games since champion edition, you little zoomer faggot
your gorilla game sucks ass, enjoy your rootkit and in game ads on ryu's ass lol

oops, this wasnt meant as a reply to anyone

Try turning off motion blur.
If looks are your biggest complaint about sfv, you don't play fighting games.

>wah wah why dont you play all these exicting new AAA games
fuck off


>satisfying comebacks
artificial comebacks you mean

Ono and Harada share ideas all the time, he probably just wants to announce the whole pass at evo and release 2-3 characters instantly.

SF6 wont come out before next gen there's no point in making one early.

Guile's theme was good in IV, but they injected so much soul into it for V

And thats a good thing.
Your health bar should not reflect how likely you are to win or lose but how many mistakes you can afford to make.

You're not allowed to have an opinion until you're at least platinum user.

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>actually enjoying chip damage kills

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>Ryu is fine in SFV
No. Every shoto bar Akuma who has a ton of bullshit in his favour is bad in SFV.

H > M > L isn't a strength or weakness, it's literally built into the core game.If you have good Heavies you're top tier, if not, well down you go.

>Jump in on a button
>Whiff punished mainly by a heavy
Great argument.

Top tier argument my friend.

welcome to Yea Forums retard

Shilling SFV on netcode is a pretty dumb idea

ken is totally fine and makes top 8s semi-regularly
sakura is underrated but too honest for her own good
ryu is fine

akuma is just better

>implying anyone here has ever played a Street Fighter game before and isnt just using what they learned from watching EVO to pretend they do

yeah, as we know all the heavy CC buttons are great anti airs lmao.

the absolute state of Yea Forums talking about fighting games

well the one good thing is it should be easy to be a top 100 player in the world when there's only about 200 left

its still better than SF4s netcode.
amazing isnt it?
the only netcodes that are better are made by western devs. skullgirls, KI, NRS shit and MVCI thanks to combofiends input.

no but seriously
have you ever watched any sfv high level match

>implying removing a consistent way to end a round is a completely good thing to remove

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How can such a "bad game" be perpetually the center of all attention and always the game that the new entries in the fighting genre are set to compete against?

Ever since the beginning of 2016 everyone has been shitting on SFV, every new fighting game that came out was going to kill SFV, and yet it keeps being the most important one of them all, despite all the hate it gets.

>its still better than SF4s netcode.
It isn't, equally as bad in different ways.

chun is hot in both

god. the girls in SFV are so hot bros.

I have to disagree after having put over 3000 hours into both games at this point.

SFV is the SFIII of this generation and Arcade Edition is the 3rd Strike of this generation.

The worst rollback is better than the best delay.

Brand, money and competitive history of the franchise.

But that spot isn't what it use to be. Regularly has less entrants than other games, hasn't been first at EVO for 2 years running maybe even dropping to third. Which is already pretty humiliating after they had to beg people to enter last year with free tshirts. The only thing SFV really maintains top of is views, which drop every year. It loses that to smash as well but we just don't make the comparison much.

SFV is the dogshit of this generation and AE is a cocktail umbrella (with ads on it) stuck into the dogshit of this generation

I dont actually play Street Fighter but just from lurking the threads it looks like another repeat of SF4 to me
>everyone hates it at launch and talks about how much better the previous game was
>after years of updates consensus turns from pure hatred to divided
>by the time the sequel comes out the consensus will finally change and it will be accepted as a good game

The better question is, what could they have done to make Street Fighter X Tekken good?

there's two things that broke peoples trust. first one being DLC gems and the other being disc locked characters at launch.
if they kept the gems out (which were clearly last minute corporate meddling because beta versions didnt have them in it) and the characters on the server the game wouldve survived easily.

>Bash the priority system
>Yeah but CC buttons are bad anti-airs
Jesus Christs you are actually illiterate.

Yeah, buttons are king.

you are so retarded you cannot follow your own conversation

Remove fucking tag team would've been pretty good

When did I mention CC buttons you retard? Not every Heavy is a CC.

you mean heavies right?
also absolutely fucking wrong by having punk and tokido being the top players kek

>by the time the sequel comes out the consensus will finally change and it will be accepted as a good game
Doesn't seem like that is happening. Just look at comments on sites from when ads got put in. Everyone still had the same opinion of the game that they had a launch, most didn't even know it got updates. In the public eye SFV is still a mess. Even those who shill it only go for stuff like "it is in a pretty good state right now guys" cause at best the game is nothing special.

Which is why it will never claim 3S or SF4 status, it is a bad game they have forced to hard to try and be a normal SF game. Autists won't have much to obsess over once support dies down, game is too basic.

ok are you now implying that spamming heavies doesnt open you up to jumpins or whiffpunishes?

post your CFN, you cant be above bronze.

>SF4 status
mostly forgotten and unplayed?
shits dead lmao and the only people who still talk about it never played it.

Yeah Akuma has such bad heavy buttons that Tokido never ever uses.

Yeah why don't you post yours on Yea Forums you faggot. Show us how much of an expert you are with 0 arguments.

Look, the game is built around making comebacks, they are so desperate for it to happen they upped the damage and created an incredibly volatile game. They included 3 very obvious mechanics purely about comeback potential. Its not special or satisfying when it happens every other game, much like how getting multiple kills in a shitty game like overwatch is an inevitability and likewise not special or satisfying.

so you admit that you dont play sfv

People hated every iteration of SFIII on release, and it wasn't until Evo 2004 that they started liking 3rd Strike all of a sudden.

At least SFV got me into anime fighting games. Thanks Capcom!

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So you admit you have 0 arguments?

Frankly i am not very good to begin with but it felt like with USF4 you had to really put in the lab time to reliably pull off good strings especially with rekkas and the charge inky thing that lets you cancel your attacks and absorb projectiles, whereas SF5 is a bit more simple with how you can deal damage reliably.

tokido straight up doesn't use heavies outside of combos/meaty situations
just fuck off already mongoloid

also I guess you just conceded punk also pretty much never using heavies lmfao
the absolute state

I asked you a question but you jumped on me asking for your CFN and didnt even show it lmao.

You're clueless.

*grabs u*

I think you're mixing things up. Left is SF5 and right is SF4.
Left still looks better.

I see alot of dodging in fightan threads but I dont think I have ever seen a double sided dodge before, wew lad

SF4 is a lot of fun to play. I like how moves aren't segmented away with the V trigger system and every character seems to have more moves. Also some high execution characters keeps it more interesting for high execution players. The Sony funding the new game really hurt it since Sony only cares about casual markets

be sure to remind all the Ken mains to how to grab and that DPing against a crouching Guile is not a wining tactic

last time I called for a guys CFN on Yea Forums I beat him 10-0 but this guy clearly never played the game.

even ryu has more moves in SFV than he had in SF4 and thats outside of vtrigger.

Problem is that SF4 retained a lot of legacy characters and move sets. SFV didn't and I feel the new character moves are still throwing off a lot of classic fans

Ryu was like the exception in 4. He had few moves in 5 until the patches too

Moves are not segmented away because an average there are less of them there is nothing to segment.

>post your CFN
>no post yours
>no post yours
>no post yours
sounds like a double dodge to me

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chun li, guile, balrog, nash, birdie and mika all have more moves than they ever had.

My problem isn't so much less moves, bloat isn't a good hing either. But that by design Wosige wanted everything to have a specific use and only that use. You can't really play around with your moveset much. You can only do what you are supposed to and if that isn't useful or doesn't fit the meta then sucks to be you. They don't even leave in tech that isn't that useful but could be something neat.

>vappa doesn't exi-

explain this /vg/ meme

show me an example of how SF4 did that better

the unholy mix of Yea Forums and r/kappa. both dont play fighting games, share the same userbase and ideas.

Sonya is so weak she got bodied by rocks

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/fgg/ has so little going on they invent their own boogiemen and shitposter their general to death

Real Street Fighter Artstyle you fucking zoomer babies

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awww lil vappa feeling angry he got btfo by the fggchads???

nobody ever said or even implied that either of 3d mainline titles could complete graphically with any of the SD titles

alpha had some garbage sprites, like Birdie.

left is a mod, right is a store costume.

Pretty sure Mika had far more moves in Alpha 3 if we account for her Super variations

I honestly think SF5 is fine but what baffles me is the way Crapcom does balance patches. After my 2 mains kept getting shit on despite not even being near the top for 2 fucking seasons I was done.

>Shilling for fgg
That's sad, even for bait.

we dont want you there lmao

Other way around. There isn't a general for every fighting game for no reason. fgg is straight trash.

They ruined juri's theme is 5 so hard. Just like they ruined Juri

>for no reason
persecution complex

why does Tekken have its own general but Jive gets bunched in with the other dead games?

I enjoyed ultra street fighter 4 on my old xbox 360 when they gave it for "free" more then SF5 but i ain't no good at fighting games but i enjoy them alot

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Jivers aren't insecure enough to need a safe space

If that's not at least sfa2 revision 2 _korea version, than you are a fucking retard.

Because FGG and SF are linked.
FGG was originally Super SF4 General on Yea Forums way before vg was a thing.

They don't actually talk about SFV there outside of calling each other vappa

Though you wouldn't think so nowadays. fgg doesn't play fighting games, fuck most of the time they barely even talk about fighting games.

fgg has weekly tournaments and daily lobbies.

I actually agree with LTG. SFV is a garbage game where all you have to do is pick top tier to win. There's so many fraudulent characters that it's damn near unplayable especially if you use an honest character. That and all people wanna do is just throw over and over again because they have no footsies.

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>picked urien when he was top tier
>didnt win

>low tier god
>picks high tiers
didnt this nigga play Rolento in 4? He doesnt have any right to call other characters fraudulent

Doesn't he usually pick high tier picks? And somewhat suck at them? He is probably the only one I've seen to play almost the whole roster, only to call the other characters broken, pick one of the broken characters to play, and calls the previous character he played broken.

Yet people win tournaments not using top tiers.

Pretty sure people where tier whoring in SFIV as well.

Niggers ruined fighting game. It's to help them to beat gooks in tournaments Capcom made SFV so shitty

>Well done animations
Are you for fucking real here? Those garbage overacted motion capture movements is better than the ones in IV?

sf4 was so fun, too bad there was never matchmaking but you had to deal with the lobby system
Otherwise I would still it to this day

Just because some user meme'd that SFV was going to suck and everybody would start playing USFIV again like with Third Strike doesn't mean you can actually will people to play either of these terrible games.

I honestly don't want Capcom to ever make another fighting game. No one at the company and none of the degenerate "Professional" Fighting Game "Experts" that they bring in to handle the gameplay development have a clue to what the fuck they're doing.

>Pretty sure people where tier whoring in SFIV as well.
Not even "pretty sure". They did.

Not the guy, but yes.

Does it really matter?

I hate SF5 to the core but in the end of the day it is the game that will be played until the next comes out regardless of quality.

The only good thing about sf5 is that it made me try other fighting games. Everything else is fucking garbage, it is not even fun to watch.

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wow so you mean you have to play the game to unlock things? damn....

>do all training modes and missions
>suddenly have 800k
>do story
>extra 300k+

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Ken's the only one who looks better in IV out of these four.

Out of every Street Fighter game released, SFV is probably the most demanding in terms of needing fast reaction times. Most people just don't have fast enough reactions to whiff punish normals, check dash ins or even just anti air consistently, and so they get upset and convince themselves it's them game that's bad and not them.

I dunno, SF3 divined people because it really did not play like a traditional SF game at all + loads of old characters were now gone with these weird new guys
SF5 plays like a weird modded SF4 and it's mostly veteran cast is almost entirely dictated by character polls taken during SF4's lifetime, although many characters in general were heavily reworked I suppose

SFIV has the better heads models but SFV has the better body models. Except for Ryu who has better both in V.

As someone who has an unironic fetish for giant gorilla women, SFV is great.

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Plus SF3 was abandoned for most of it's life, then had a spike in interest it couldn't really take advantage of till much later. While SFV has squandered the position it inherited, it has been widely played in the FGC. Entrant numbers stay the same or slowly drop but the opportunities with stuff like SF League have come along. It also still lacks that real moment that turns the general opinion around.

3S carved a niche for itself, SFV has been begrudgingly support and come closer to a more normal SF game over time. They really aren't comparable at all

Can someone explain to a casual like me why SF5 gets criticism? It just looks like SF4 but a bit different. I played SF4 a lot casually and SF5 looks similar but shifted towards offence. the charge characters don't look underpowered.

People are still upset that it was released in such an unfinished state. Even though as it is now it's probably in the top 3 behind ST and 3rd strike, there are some people who just can't get over the butthurt it generated in them at release.

It was putrid since first day

>Can someone explain to a casual like me why SF5 gets criticism?
Well read the thread? From the poor launch, small normals, lower combo variety to weak fireballs it is pretty easy to see why it is disliked. SF4 was a much more defensive game in general, but also allowed for a lot of play styles and characters played in different ways. Problem was it got bogged down in option selects and how high the execution could be for simple stuff. SFV is the other end of the spectrum, very few characters can play defensively and those that do are still required to get offensive at points. The game is very good at creating situations where you have to keep guessing, SF4 could suffer from this but option selects occasionally gave you a way out. Just go look at how many SFV matches come down to a corner mix up where someone gets thrown 5 times. Even with throw loops gone it constantly happens. Then there are issues with how vtrigger is a guaranteed comeback factor, every match you have a comeback cause by using it your character suddenly has amazing pressure and can make them make risky guesses multiple times in a row.

Just look at how the defence for the game is always snarky shitposts, serious love for the game is rare.

I wish there was more SFM

Assuming you're just counting special moves. If not, then man are you all kinds of wrong.

nobody gives a shit about prox normals

Or forward/back jumping normals either?


Well I guess you're right. If you ignore the 12 normal moves removed, SFV does have more moves.

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you don't even play fighting games if you care about shit like this.

>Yea Forums
>playing fighting games

Are the extra battle cosmetics going to be unobtainable indefinitely if you missed them?

Not when there is money in your pocket goy. The costumes go up for sale eventually in bundles.

The training modes do not give you that much.

SFV is an ok game, but the bar was set high by the previous entries so people say it's shit.

some of them rotated already.

>someone finally porting SFV girls to honey select

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they usually go 2A > anything > sweep > launcher > j.BC DJ.BC air throw unless you play one of the like 4 characters that can't do that

Anything other then Top 4 for SFV is boring as shit to watch.

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I only like watching Tokido, Sako, and Infiltration play SFV honestly

most events are so stacked that you have great matches early already, as long as the events decide to stream the right ones.

>no argument
seems about right

>except for music

Are you fucking retarded? SFV has some nice songs, but it doesn't come anywhere close to the themes of SFIV



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Most people would say SFV aged well since majority of people who play think the game is in a good place.

While SFIV started bad went good during the middle of it's lifecycle and ended poorly.

>that sfv juri theme

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SFIV had room for improvement. SFV was boring from the beginning, and you can't spice up those mechanics since all these changes and characters feel hollow because it's built on the most boring fighting game on earth