I just got this game on the ps3 and the resolution looks like dogshit

I just got this game on the ps3 and the resolution looks like dogshit
wat do

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Playing on PS3 in modern day

emulate it

Attached: pcsx2_2019-01-13_21-07-31.jpg (1920x1080, 271K)

>playing PS2 games on an HD widescreen TV


I love Yukari!~

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you are playing a ps2 game

Are the anime movies worth watching if you've played the games

Not really. Maybe but only if you really like Aigis.

I love Aigis

They are nice, but time management fucked up some good moments. Like awakening of upgrade Personas.

I might go ahead and torrent them then, along with the Persona 4 animes. I heard they're alright too

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>paying money for 12 year old games

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I have P3P but heard FES is better
Should I get that instead? only played a little bit of portable


Yes. You will ruin your experience if you continue to play PFP.

However I'm going to be contrarian and say just play Persona 3. The Answer really isn't worth it.

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Theres WAY more to ps3fes than just the answer dude. don't tell him that.

Alot of social link issues are fixed, you get the aegis social link, you get to craft items. You get more persona's to fuse.

p3p has a completely unique story tailored to the female but the proper story is fes

go play a real shin megamy tensay game

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Not liking The Answer is the opposite of a contrarian opinion.

FeMC isn't "completely unique", the base story is the same they just shuffled around a few social links and changed a handful of SoL scenes.

Like SMT x #FE right?

Ok yeah completely unique was a bit over the top, but you do get entirely new social links and stories. Femc has a different social circle than the boy. Even Theodore if you don't like Elizabeth

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that game legit hurt me inside. especially all the weebs complaining about the swimsuit outfits being removed, because that's the closest they'll ever get to a girl.

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You need to burn your dread and just PLAY THE FUCKING GAME OP.

What the fuck is this? I never saw this when I played through Persona 3 FES.

swimming club

You probably chose running or taekwondo or whatever that was

P3P is the best version of the game. Avoid PS2 versions.

Emulated FES is the best version ya mongrel

Hell no. Play the PS2 version to play it the way it was meant to be played and then play the PSP version for the female protagonist.

This game is great for screenshots

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Are you retarded in any way?

I love Fuuka!

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Spring of Birth is genuinely amazing and a really good movie
The other 3 are just meh with good moments sprinkled here and there.

Persona isn't just my favorite game, it's one of those games that changed my taste in videogames. I fucking love it, but I can't take it anymore

I haven't had a girlfriend in 7 years and playing this game just makes it burn all the more. Pretending I'm a teenage chad just makes me feel empty now. I have to change something.

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btw there's a Controllable Party Members mod for emulated P3


I never understood why that was such an issue. I've had a party member seriously fuck up once or twice, but 99.9% of the time I can get them to do what I want when I want. Controlling party member just felt like a step down for me. It takes away that bit of the tactics and just follows every other rpg ever.

the tactics option might as well have just been a party control in every way except you cant choose which buffs. All it does is hide those options behind like 5 button presses instead of the normal 2

At this point it's just retards repeating an old meme for no reason. Originally it was just a bunch of retarded kids who never bothered to change the default tactics settings.

If 3 remembered the tactics options from the previous battle and let you set them in the main menu like you can in 5, there would be a lot fewer complaints. A lot of it is "shit I forgot to put Mitsuru back on healing, that's why she's Marin Karining when I'm almost dead."

but it does remember and I'm pretty sure you can change the tactics if you talk to Fuuka outside of battle

that's the point of Fuuka who replaces Mitsuru