Will Witcher 3 be the last western AAA with them?
Prostitutes in Vidya
cyberpunk 2077 will probably have cyberwhores of some kind
but that's only if the game even comes out
Besides GTA, yeah.
VTMB2 will be dead on arrival if it doesn't have prostitution.
Dude, no. Just no.
> 20
p good bargain
That's a good thing incels.
You can't just buy your way into having sex.
it will also be the last videogame where you can watch prostitutes getting sexually tortured
Sorry its too late, I'm aroused now
If there's a stripper or prostitutes in open world game that's the first place I go
Vampires don't usually have sex and they don't get much feeling from it.
Some thin bloods might and maybe even Toreadors
To kill them, right?
Why are they so sexed up then?
Best patrician ending
Too bad the price sucks in America.
In almost every other country you can get better looking ones at the fraction of the price and no risk of getting caught by the law.
Sexuality is a major part of WoD thematically and everything
What are the requirements for such an ending?
To seduce normies.
You know what I'm talking about, nigga. Paying prostitutes and taking them to a secluded location to suck their blood, whoring yourself out to the graveyard keeper to skip his quest or the existence of prostitute characters in general. I doubt we're getting snuff film studio level 2.0, but I'm a bit worried the devs of the sequel end up toning down the overall trademark raunchiness in order to appeal to larger audiences.
Be a good daddy to your little
Pretty sure every first world country(inb4) is taking steps to stamp out prostitution. I wonder (((why)).
>made by slavs
poles are the most western slavs on the map
we'll see about that
Gta will always have hookers.
Everything west of the Ural is western
I don't see why it wouldn't, its a easy way to get some blood by hiring some Hooker and leading them into a secluded alley. It's not like you'll actually fuck them either.
Sony doesn't gave a shit about western devs, only niche weebshit that purely fanservice pandering.
The newest Metro had bare tits and so did RDR2.
They wouldn't especially risk doing anything to GTA.
well see
Except America and a few others are the only major western countries that make it illegal.
I kinda wish it was illegal in my country. Fucking disgusting habit which wouldn't be encouraged. Let these animals fornicate in fear and secret like the filthy lepers they are
This but unironically
you just gave me a new kink holy shit thanks user
Have sex, or rather pay for it since it's obvious that you can't get laid
The sex-obsessed slavs will probably put prostitutes in CP2077, which will also make it one of the reasons for me to not buy it
Pretty fucking tired of appeasing thirsty virgins
have sex
>Why do you do this?
cringe. why would an incel be upset about legal prostitution? it's the only way they'll ever fuck.
>walk up to elf prostitute
>"You're an elf"
so this is the legendary witcher sense
Geralt is not her dad Emhyr is. So you can fap safely