>Kamoshida did nothing wro-
Kamoshida did nothing wro-
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wait they OUTRIGHT imply he raped Shiho in the manga??
they implied it pretty hard in the game too. in japan sexual harassment is basically a euphemism for rape
I thought it meant "Hello!"
they never imply in the game that he actually raped anybody. only that he was making obviously inappropriate passes at the female students. He was trying to get in Ann's pants but he didn't rape her or anything.
This makes him worse by far than how bad he looked in the original game.
video games?
Why is his nose so big
they very clearly did. he "called her into his office" then "sexually harassed' her, and she tried to kill herself as a result. what do you think they meant by that? inappropriate remarks and discrimination?
it's the persona 5 manga which is just starting
you are a cool dude
well i certainly didn't think it meant "don't make any noise while i rape you against the wall"
then you're retarded
>persona 5
also they stated he did those things to her because ann wouldn't let him get close enough and he was frustrated. suzui was someone he had power over that let him get her alone in a room after school
I can't believe Kamoshida is played by Louie CK
my guess would be something like forced fellatio given the context
I'm pretty convinced from Persona threads that being unable to read between lines is a trait of autism. They do everything but explicitly state he raped Shiho. You're an idiot.
>asks Ann to come to his apartment after school
>she refuses
>"I had her take your place."
Like holy shit, user.
Are you one of those Yea Forumsutists who go "unless it is explicitly said, no one shits in this universe" or "Those well adjusted and healthy cast of adult charcters are all virgins unless explicitly said so"?
He probably walked her home gently.
Maybe he tickle tortured her?
i'm sorry for not immediately noticing implications of rape? i just thought he was sexually harassing the girls not pinning them down
whatever it was, he had to literally beat her up to make her compliant
imagine being this naive.
>FYI when trump said "Grab em by the pussy" he wasn't talking about cats.
That’s why Shiho was shown with a beat up face user, to implicate that it wasn’t just harassment
in other words, you didn't think about what kind of "harassment" it was. I am honestly curious what you were thinking now. like do you think he got her alone in a room and said dirty words to her until the emerged covered in bruises and threw herself off the roof?
i mean i fully accept that i just wasn't paying enough attention then, because i assumed those were from him running the volleyball players ragged, mishima was all beat up too so it didn't really occur to me that kamoshida beat and raped her to prompt her suicide. i thought she'd just finally had enough of the harassment she was getting when he couldn't get ann's attention.
>this is what a girl looks like after getting brought to a lecherous teacher's apartment to get catcalled and leered at
In Kamoshida's (king) head, he thought that all females desired him, even if they were "playing hard to get". The official manga showed that he tried asserting his dominance over unruly male students (pawns) while conquering the female students (queens).
Kamoshida should've been a romance option
>anons like this are the reason for the constant flashbacks to the scenes we just saw a minute beforehand
Despite what some thin skinned group of people say, being called bad words isn't enough to make a person kill themselves
I bet he told her women belong in the kitchen too. that would explain her sadness
that is comically untrue
wasn't a woman literally jailed recently for texting her boyfriend to kill himself and then he did it?
Was Ann's vagina zipper really necessary for the design?
and not recognizing it again later when all the evidence is fed to you on a spoon
>in japan sexual harassment is basically a euphemism for rape
>being called bad words isn't enough to make a person kill themselves
How would you feel if someone close to you said half the stuff that was said on Yea Forums? You'd probably be thrown into despair. Four turns later, you'd disappear.
It obviously wasn't just that.
There might have been abuse/fighting to bring the guy to a fucked up mental state.
school bullies telling you to kys won't lead you to suicide. But if they actively start ruining your life, it's different.
their appearances and personas are the result of how the world perceives them, manifested physically. obviously everyone thinks she is a slut who needs easy access, as basically stated by her classmates ingame
Japanese society has a lot of dancing around sensitive subjects or anything that might be considered rude.
rape is pretty much never talked about there, at all, even to the police
What do you expect from a nation who is okay with blurring genitals in fucking porn?
Right, there are all of these mystery rapes that go totally unreported to the police that you somehow know are happening.
Also 20 of the female population has been raped or whatever.
I swear you faggots just make shit up about Japan to find some reason why their society is secretly shit.
I don't think anybody really knows. At first everyone claimed their mementos consumes was due to their own perceptions of how the world sees them, but people like Yusuke and Futaba don't make any sense. They end up as weird as Akechi
the text was just the remaining permanent evidence of abuse. like how they caught capone for tax evasion
She didn't just text him to kill hinself, she coaxed him into it, giving him details as to how to do it, staying in contact with him while he was going through it
Is being sex negative a sign of autism? I got this friend who I love to play video games but whenever anything is overtly sexual it completely goes over his head like he can't understand that humans desire sex
He's not that wrong. Most abuses of this nature end at touching and groping. There's very few cases of full-blown penetrative rape.
>make shit up
Nigger, I have zero problem with Japanese society, but the way they dance around shit like that is an observable fact.
they make perfect sense. yusuke is a complete mercurial weirdo, nothing would surprise me as far as how people look at him. futaba portrays herself as some chuuni cyber hero, even starting mysterious hacker groups. they are the best fits in the game
Asexuality isn't caused by autism but it sure seems to mimic the symptoms.
it is basically a rejection of emotional contact. whether or not you are capable of doing something, or willing to do something, the result is the same
rape doesn't have to be penetration
most abuses of that nature don't leave black eyes and end in attempted suicide
>lmao kil urself
is pretty different from
>yes you should commit suicide heres steps to seal your garage so you can die from car fumes, ill keep texting you through it so you dont get cold feet, dont worry im here for you
you monkey
Yes it does.
That is literally the legal delineation between rape and sexual harassment.
You forgot to account for the Japanese autism factor. If Kamoshida busted out his dong in front of her, even without penetration, she is no longer pure and is a tainted slut incapable of marriage.
Please tell me Anons can't be this fucking dumb. How the fuck do you even talk to people if you can't read between the lines?
oral counts as rape too
That's still penetrative.
You would be penetrating an orifice.
so he whipped it out so hard her face got smashed?
Why do you think they're on Yea Forums in the first place?
>How the fuck do you even talk to people
haha yeah
>and end in attempted suicide
Oh but they do though. Also, you can get by with usual manipulation if you're groping a vulnerable and gullible child, but a borderline adult? You need a credible enough threat to make them quiet down.
The nature of the assault isn't as clear as people here believe. Both rape and sexual harassment interpretations are equally valid.
>How the fuck do you even talk to people
Where do you think you are?
He hurt her honor, which left physical bruises because it was so brutal. Having seen a penis, she was immediately, physically injured by the trauma of having her soul's virginity taken.
The third good luck charm that I bought from you just broke. Are you sure there isn't a refund policy?
I'm on Yea Forums because subreddits are all filled with really shit memes and shit tastes. At least you guys talk about the games....sometimes.
Kamoshida is an olympic chad with a 14in, 10kg giga cock. He cannot be held responsible for what happens when you place that behemoth near an unprepared girl's face
so you believe that there are basically no rapes in japan at all because none get reported. japan. the land of constant train groping
Also the whole "posts update faster than every three days" thing.
so she is an american college student?
Yes, Asian countries would never lie about important such stats, just to be more desirable on paper. Hundreds of years from now, when historians only have records to go on, they will look upon China and Japan with great respect.
Everyone knew what he was doing and chose to do nothing. They were cowards and they deserved him.
Of course there's rape in Japan, but it would be impossible to talk about rapes that don't get reported. You literally have no facts to back you up. It's entirely your assumptions and guesses based on what you think should be happening based on reading shitloads of porn and living in a society where niggers rape en masse.
After all those randomly fired accusations, the reddit scum actually openly admits it without prompting. How ironic.
>one confidant is a teacher who whoeres herself at night
>other is a country pumpkin that was slave of a sex cult and is a scammer
>other is a journalist that sucks dick for the latest scoops
this game is fucking great
At least I'm not the dumbass that thought Shiho just got tickled.
so you agree with me then. its a clear fact that japan doesn't talk about rape anywhere and it is almost never reported, and you agree that rapes happen. thats the entirety of my argument.
>Futaba doesn't even know what it feels like to have a crush on someone and learned everything she knows about sex from internet porn and doujins.
Every country has unreported crimes.
Why do you believe there are more in Japan than anywhere else?
As a followup, what evidence do you have to back up this claim?
>country pumpkin
I lold a bit
You forgot Futaba's friend who had her parents making CP with her.
>and it is almost never reported,
then you're an idiot and deserve a wake-up call
fucking nigger autocorrect
Great Britain told me all about it.
>tfw a chihaya fag
Life is suffering
Even if you doubled or tripled the ones that are reported, that shit is still lower than most other countries.
>jap jew molests kids
based nippon
>they never imply in the game that he actually raped anybody.
I understand now why some people say the sub isn't good in P5, it's because no one can read between the lines.
according to a japanese government survey, only 4% of women who were raped reported it. and thats only the women who were willing to admit it in the survey. even if you are right, there is still a clear culture of concealment
I hate how Ohya and Chihaya are heavily hated. They're not even bad persay. Ohya was fun to hang out with but the only reason people say she's the worst is because of her design. Chihaya is just forgotten to the wind.
This dude was pure scum compared to the later villains, why'd they blow their load with him and Goro's pops as pure scumbag villains?
They needed a more personal villain to get both you and the characters invested in the whole scenario
>anecdotal evidence
Oh shit, I was just BTFO by the jew york times
Also read your own article.
>In 2016, the most recent year for which government statistics are available, the police confirmed 989 cases of rape in Japan, or about 1.5 cases for every 100,000 women. By comparison, there were 114,730 cases of rape in the United States, according to F.B.I. statistics, or about 41 cases per 100,000 residents, both male and female.
They immediately follow up with speculation by 'scholars,' but remember that these are THE ACTUAL STATISTICS.
because they needed a hook to make the protagonist give enough of a shit to risk his life in the first place
How is the new content with her going to be handled with how autistic Japs are over VAs?
>"get in"
would you get in?
wat happen
the actual statistics of _reported rapes_, and that's the ones the police chose to believe. you seem to be confusing that with the rate of actual rapes, for which no actual statistics exist, except for that report which states that they are under-reported by more than a factor of 20.
What did you think would happen if they rolled out the McDonald's dungeon first? Persona 5 would be considered one of the biggest flops in history.
You still need to go back.
Jap VA died
>Tries to rape Ann, beat and raped her friend instead
>Cripples Ryoji for life and mocks him to his face for it
Man, Mitsuro was in the wrong town, had he been here and killed this piece of shit he'd of been seen as a hero instead of what he did to King moron, who despite his demeanor wasn't actually a bad dude, some of the kids of Yasogami even said positive things about him when you talk to them in the hallway but this asshole? Even the adult teachers wished him dead
Seems safe enough.
I'd take out my gun and shoot him in the face.
Probably because hating your shitty teacher is relatable to most, while not many will get blackmailed by a fat gangster or get involved with a burger factory
She died.
She also played Hisui from Tsukihime
(Tsukihime is written by the same guy who made Fate Stay Night. You may also remember the Fate series because it's a very famous gacha.)
>the only reason people say she's the worst is because of her design
She is also hated mainly due to her confidant skill. Unless your purely awful at the game, its borderline pointless.
They'll probably use her anime VA instead.
>except for that report which states that they are under-reported by more than a factor of 20
And how do they get this number if they're not reported?
They already replaced her VA in the anime. They'll probably use her as well for Royal.
No shit, you can't really get reliable statistics for unreported crimes.
>the actual statistics of _reported rapes_, and that's the ones the police chose to believe
No, the ones the police chose to believe are the ones that get PROSECUTED. Reported means reported.
The article fails to meaningfully substantiate the idea that there are more unreported rapes in Japan than any other country. All they have is anecdotal evidence and vague statements about culture/the media.
honestly you are just as bad as the guy above who doesn't believe rape was implied in P5. its like unless you see a blood and semen covered cock you don't think rape happened. there doesnt have to be solid evidence for a crime to have been committed
Madarame stood and watched and did nothing as a woman violently seizured herself to death in front of him because he wanted to capitalize on her artwork. Okumura was happy to more or less sell his own daughter to a scumbag because it would give him prestige and access to power. Kaneshiro turned people into debt slaves and then literal slaves. Out of all the palace rulers, only Sae was remotely redeemable, except Futaba, who was more a victim of her own palace than anything.
And another thread that no one gave a shit that Kaneshiro's VA also died despite being a palace villain lol
I kinda wished that from Kamoshida they would start escalating their targets until they hit someone that wasn't doing any harm. Thinking about it, they did do something similar with Okumura, but they backpeddled on it HARD.
That's true too. Her personality and sidequests were pretty fun. Chihaya's still forgotten despite her confidant skill being pretty good.
By actually surveying people?
>inb4 "but that's anecdotal!" by a retard who thinks being anecdotal automatically disqualifies it, especially in the case of large sample sizes
read the article, moron
and an official government survey, where disproportionately huge numbers of women admitted to not reporting being raped
>its like unless you see a blood and semen covered cock you don't think rape happened.
No one asked
My only problem was the shadows are heavy exaggerations of people. After replaying Madarame's section, he's not too bad of a father to Yusuke. I'm pretty sure he harbours some guilt of shame over what he did. Same with Okumura. I assume it's something like "it had to be done" approach. Of course, we don't get to see it from the other side
Link me this survey.
you seem to believe that japan's reporting rate is the same as any country. that is purely in your head, and goes against plenty of evidence, even if there isn't any "proof"
What would the palace of a tranny look like?
Well yeah, that's kind of the point. The feedback loop of the Metaverse that made the shadows exaggerations is also the same feedback loop that created Yaldabaoth and made him so powerful. And not being able to see things from the other side was an intentional part of Yaldy's plan to have you stuff them all back in their cage.
The whole point of the Shadows and the Palaces is that nobody is straightforwardly pure evil or good. Even Kamoshida has some shades of grey hidden away in there, he's just not given much development because he doesn't have a personal presence in the party's lives outside of school, whereas Okumura and Madarame are intimately familiar to Haru and Yusuke. But they're ALL pieces of shit. The fact that Madarame took care of Yusuke when he was sick and Okumura used to read Haru bedtime stories doesn't erase the fact that they behaved like monsters.
Sae was a weird one, she never did anything truly henious but was teetering on the edge of it and it seemed to be causing her mental distress rather than her being willing to go along with it, it's weird how P5 shows some pretty awful things yet still feels like they played it too safe with our protagonists, no matter how vile someone is they refuse to kill them, you'd think with how they know of Japan's justice system and how well connected people can get away with things, they'd realize to only way to stop these people is to kill them, but if they did that sort of ruins Goro's purpose as a foil, still, the whole changing their hearts so they confess their crimes in public and as a result completely humilates that person feels like an out to keep the protagonist's minds and hands clean, what's even weirder is P4 and P3's groups have no problems taking lives if they have to or feel they have to while P5's group flat out refuses no matter what, there's no Namatame, or Ryoji choice for them at all
Who knows, maybe Kasumi will fix that, she won't be a bad girl but to get themselves out of that dream world she has to die, that is, if the theory about her is true
>you seem to believe that japan's reporting rate is the same as any country. that is purely in your head,
No you dumb faggot, I know for a fact that it's actually LOWER.
the whole concept of shadows makes it clear he didn't feel any shame at all until you come along and force him to. in his mind, he was flaunting the fact that he stole the painting, end hiding away the truth even from himself
No kidding, I was thinking they'd get arrogant off the power they've gained and end up crossing a line because they got too drunk on their own power and lost sight of why they did what they did with mister rapist in the first place and as a result they hurt an innocent person
It's because of the Gnostic theme of the game. The idea of Yaldabaoth is to keep all these people in his cage, the cage of the living world. The entire thing was a conspiracy set up to have the Phantom Thieves reel the rebels back in.
Up until recently, if you did it up the butt it wasn't rape.
>On paper, Japan boasts relatively low rates of sexual assault. In a survey conducted by the Cabinet Office of the central government in 2014, one in 15 women reported experiencing rape at some time in their lives, compared with one in five women who report having been raped in the United States.
>shiho about to jump
>muffled FOR REAL?! amongst the crowd noises
Sae's shadow made it seem like she was willing to cross a line to get what she wants which is at odds with how she behaves in story such as the bad ending where she leaves Joker alone because the beatings and drugs the cops did to him makes talking to him pointless, if she behaved as her shadow, she'd just chalk it up to easy work and move on to the next without caring. Still, why did the anime focus on her shadow's ass so much?
I assume it's like the shadows in Persona 4 where they just say exaggerations over their real thoughts.
Yeah I need to replay the whole metaverse stuff still. That stuff just slide by me.
Yeah, but again I was hoping more grey area moments where the phantom thieves start questioning if what they're doing is right. They started to....but then the fucking cat decides to whine and they all sweep it under the rug. Even more so, the main reason why they wanted to stop was that they were getting too much attention.
I may be remembering wrong, but didnt he invite the mc too?
Also, man, he is ugly.
I forgot to post a suitable reaction image.
No, he hates Ren and actively shit talks him as soon as they meet.
Everyone knows that anal doesn't count.
Oh he did.
Somewhat. He only starts actively hating him after he starts sticking his nose into everything. He hates ALL the male students.
P5's theme was changing society, not annihilating it. It's not a Chaos game, it's still Neutral. Murdering people does not change society, it just makes people more afraid and pushes them back into their mental cages. That's why having Okumura's death pinned on them was so devastating. Encouraging people to confess their crimes and atone for them helps heal society.
>Yeah, but again I was hoping more grey area moments where the phantom thieves start questioning if what they're doing is right.
I understand where you're coming from, but at the same time that's not what the game was about. If there's grey area where people aren't really that bad, then there's no real impact in changing society by helping those people. They specifically only go after the major targets who are too far gone and need the help to get their minds back on track. Sae is a good example because Makoto says she had known Sae had a palace pretty much as soon as Makoto got the app, but they only go after her because they absolutely have to.
>Yeah I need to replay the whole metaverse stuff still. That stuff just slide by me.
It's like this
>The human desire for structure in their lives creates a small distortion in the Metaverse, a baby Yaldy.
>The Metaverse affects the real world because it's just a reality in the human mind.
>Baby Yaldy's nature of control feeds into the minds of the people who created the distortion in the first place, strengthening their desire for control.
>This feeds back to Yaldy and makes him even stronger. Repeat forever until he's literally a god in the realm of the human mind.
The same process happens on a smaller scale for all the Palace rulers. Once Kamoshida had a shadow of his lechery and arrogance, by the nature of the Metaverse it began to feed and affect his real self which fed the shadow.
>It's not a Chaos game, it's still Neutral.
And that's why it sucks
Shut up Walter
You're never going to get a Chaos game in Persona when a major part of the overarching series-wide themes, even in the early ones, is understanding yourself and each other.
Bullshit that’s from the manga.
What the hell are you trying to defend, user? That's still a shocking number for a society that tries to keep their noses clean and claims superiority.
They didn't even have an army
You do get a chance to do the chaos like thing and you always suffer for it in P3 and P4, kill Ryoji, everyone but Aigis forgets the fall, forgets being friends and forgets everything prior to what happened meaning Aigis gets to do nothing but watch as everyone dies.
Kill Namatame, Nanako dies in the hospital, the brutality of your act leaves you and your friends unable to talk to each other anymore out of depression and guilt at killing someone especially with the rising doubt that the man deserved it to point you leave on a train back to the city as the fog consumes inaba and eventually the shadows come and slaughter all who remain.
Yeah, chaos sucks, even the protag of P2 is suffering now because he was forced to choose chaos, poor bastard is the sole human alone on a dead world with nothing but shadows as a replacement him lives out the life he fought for in his stead
>and claims superiority.
Did you actually look at the magnitude of that difference?
1 in 15 vs 1 in 5.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this sounds like there are more unreported rapes per capita in the U.S. than there are in Japan.
Her social link. You find out her friend from kindergarten's parents were making CP of her and selling it.
this sounds like a very horny game
That's pretty much how it always goes in Megaten. Chaos is literally a hell of your own making, a brutal and unfair life of suffering and no joy. Whereas Law is a more predatory form of hell, that promises to keep you out of that Chaos hell in return for total subservience. So you wind up a thoughtless pawn, safe and sober but sapped of all spirit. Neutral isn't so much its own counterpart to these stances but a rejection of hell altogether, insisting that neither choice is a choice at all and that humans will find a better way without the unwanted wisdom of Law and Chaos. Persona is Neutral personified, a rejection of the guidance of higher authority in preference to the human spirit.
>Game is about rejecting the "masks" of stereotypes and presumptions society makes of you to show your true self
>Only two gay guys are completely stereotypical embodiments of Japan's stereotypes and presumptions of gays, with nothing more to be seen of a "real" self
I'm not gonna whine about it being bigoted or whatever, but that scene really felt like it undermined the message of the game overall.
do you happen to remember what level is it?
They very much implied he molested/raped her. Did you even play the game?
gays are a joke
t. someone who's never been to Japan. Those two are tame as fuck if you ever wander around Shinjuku for real. If anything Shinjuku in the game was too sanitized.
So are furries but Morgana got to be a main cast member
Nope, I don't think it was too far in though
If it's almost never report why do you know about it?
Reported to police where they have to put their name on the line and testify in a public court =/= reported in anonymous surveys
What did they do to Ryuji?
My father participated elaborationg polls, the thing is that they(My father and his coworkers) didn't want to work asking people so they just filled the polls randomly
If it's anything like it would be in real life Japan, then they would have eventually realized he's just a high schooler and not gay so they would've left him alone, then when they spot him perving on girls on the beach they intentionally play up the act to teach him a lesson.
Yup, just look at the things offered to you by Nyx, Izanami and Yabadabado
Nyx offeres eternal rest from the stress of life
Izanami offers a world where lies become truths
Yayabathoh offers a caged society where everyone does what they're dold, and not an ouch of individuality remains
What's odd to me is that the P4 group and P5 groups didn't have to lose anything where the P3 group lost a treasured friend to eternal suffering and loneliness of staring humanity's death wish in the face and it still hurts them even as young adults to think about it
Shoehorning in another sacrifice in P4 and P5 just to have a trend going doesn't really make sense in the themes of those games though. P3 was about facing mortality, so that sacrifice came naturally to its story.
their shadow would be them as a real woman, all feminine and cute and accepted and loved by everyone even by themselves. The Palace would be a bit like a castle, with a room for it to give audience to potential husband (who don't exist). The Treasure is hormone pills
That's not how shadows work user. Shadows are the repressed parts of yourself that you don't want to showcase. A tranny's shadow would be masculine, made from the refusal of what they know to be true about themselves but won't acknowledge.
Anonymous surveys aren't a proof
I know, I'm just whining those guys get to have their protagonist around still while the P3 team had to deal with life without him it feels unfair but that's life for you
This is a good thread i made
reminder that kamoshida and all of his backers (ironic or not) should be lined up in shot in the head. he's insanely lucky ann didn't agidyne his faggot ass in the first palace god i hate this stupid nigger
With the Gnostic themes of P5 and those dream world theories, it's very possible they might have to make some kind of sacrifice to escape in Royal.
Testimonials are taken as evidence in every scientific and legal field provided steps are taken to either a) ensure it's being taken from a reputable source, or b) ensure the sample size is large enough that any individual biases are drowned out by the noise.
are you sure? I just began getting into Persona and from what I saw, Kamoshida Shadow is how he sees himself, as the king of a castle. But it also fits your description as, as a king he is a violent pervert
>a thoughtless pawn, safe and sober but sapped of all spirit.
It's called irrumato. Learn your hentai terms. Where do you think you are?
>P5 groups didn't have to lose anything
Akechi died
Haru’s dad died
and they all lost something before the story began.
Yeah, it's how he sees himself but not how he openly presents himself in real life. The shadow is the part of your personality that you hide.
No it won't just like with how golden had the option to let Marie die to contain the fog of Izanami, instead, Joker will do something like steal Kasumi's existence from the false world and implement it in the real one making her able to live as she did there and continue being with them. After all,they managed to save movie-chan at the end PQ2 and now she's a person in their timeline where as Rei and Zen are dead only P3 has to deal with sacrifices and death such as Chidori, Makoto, Shinji and Metis and to Sho, Minazuki, he dies to give show the Tsukiyomi persona near the end of ultimax and that guy was the closest thing sho had to a friend
honestly with how light the game's tone is for 90% of all cutscenes and how retarded the characters are I can't blame people for thinking there was no rape
like holy shit, even p4 did a better job at pacing itself when it wanted to
The most threatening villain in P5 was your own fucking bed
I haven't played Golden or the Q games, but I still have some faith for the writers to properly implement the Gnostic themes to give it a good conclusion. My ideal situation would be something involving Door-kun since he's already a Messiah figure that could grant them a path to Gnosis.
This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
No, American college students have been having sex for a minimum of 4 years before even attending.
To be fair Shiho is pretty hot
I figure it would be more like you said then
>weird blend between man and woman, more leaning on male with unflattering features and body hair
>use a huge dilator has a weapon
>is an emotional wreckoh wait, they are not hiding that
Fuck off Kamoshida
You should read the texts. She told him to do it. He even said "not tonight" and she said "if not now, when?" It is very fucked up emotional manipulation of a guy who already had suicidal thoughts.
Lets make it clear, what you're implying is that Japan is full of rapist because some survey said so
Source of an statistic being used in Criminal Law as a proof regularly pls
I expected him to have a much deeper voice desu
Only Persona 3 didn't have that unnerving feeling.
I suppose its not that far off from real life, shit happens and people go on like its nothing.
>implying gays have a personality besides being faggots
The absolutely based and true ending in my book is when Makoto and Sae are whored out and drugged up and end up dead in dumpsters. Wew, when I found out about that, I had a lot of fap material for a long time. Surprisingly, there's almost no real porn for that though.
It does because Persona as a series is generally not that well written
The Phantom Thieves want to change society but they still fucking care about popularity.
The way every character after Yusuke has at least one major flaw that hamstrings any message they’re trying to have or thematic through line.
The game’s story is a mess, not least of which because the game tries and fails to balance the Phantom Thieves’ rebelliousness and individuality with Japanese culture’s demand for conformity and social approval
They already implemented the Gnostic theme. The PTs were the messiahs granting humanity freedom from the Demiurge. This is why Joker's final persona is Satanael, the Gnostic Lucifer.
>The Phantom Thieves want to change society but they still fucking care about popularity.
They are caught on the peopularity because they're a bunch of teenagers that suddenly were handed otherwordly powers able to change the world, It's literally set up since the start of the game and the reason for their downfall after Okumura dies
actually autistic
>The Phantom Thieves want to change society but they still fucking care about popularity.
they enjoyed the popularity because it let them know their crusade to fight corruption was being appreciated, its only later on when they let it go to their heads and use it to pick out their target that it is used against them and they realise it right after, also they are teenagers, teens tend to be attention whores.
How would Sae become involved, exactly
Blackmail always seems to work in h-doujins
You're right buddy. you cant be wrong if you make up a statistic that can't be proven. What an educated scholar you are.
>claim superiority
The absurd difference in the crime right is something to brag about, yes. Instead us Americans, like we always do, try to look at what that a country is doing wrong instead and make them more like us because how could we be an inferior country in anyway?
Popularity isn't the reason why they went after Okumura though. They didn't even want to go after him initially and only did so after they found out about Haru's forced wedding.
>Popularity isn't the reason why they went after Okumura though.
But it literally was, the phansite even had a poll that pushed the PT to start investigating him
>The game spends hours telling you how evil Kamoshida is because he wants to date a student
>Turns around and lets Kawakami date a student
You numbers, user. Popularity means numbers. The way which they fight is based off cognitive powers and people's perception. If someone perceives their strength in the real world to be of a certain quality it's reflected in the other world. If the mass populous perceive them as a threat and that they have mighty power, they'll be more powerful.
Yeah and when it was time to decide if they should go after him they had their doubts and wanted to lay low. If it wasn't for Morgana's tantrum and consequently finding out about Haru's situation they wouldn't have done anything.
Kamoshida did not what to just date that student user
>Yeah and when it was time to decide if they should go after him they had their doubts and wanted to lay low.
Only Yusuke had doubts and he gets swayed pretty quickly, the others wanted to jump to Okumura's neck since the start
you see user there is this thing called CONSENT I don't know if you have heard of it
Are you guys just shit posting this?
It is an obvious bait. Or at least I hope nobody is dumb enough to actually struggle to understand something that obvious.
>Don't get to bring Shiho into your circle and help her recover, she's just banished into side character territory the rest of the game
Missed opportunity desu
You'd think so, but most of every Persona 5-related discussion involves people struggling to understand something obvious.
Ann agrees with him and suggest letting things calm down first. No one really argues against this and even Ryuji let's the poll argument go after no one supports him. This doesn't look like letting popularity go to your head.
Were Gnostics the first hipster contrarians in history?
>God good? Me want be individual, God BAD!
>God hate devil? Devil GOOD!
Shot in the dark, that could work if she didn't decide to do gif related or you was able to save her moments before the rape
Well, that. Though you could really make that "most of every Persona-related", since people struggle to understand Shadows to this day, for example.
>inb4 Kanji is gay or Naoto is trans
Absolute brainlet. I'm sure she threw herself off a building because he flirted inappropriately.
>The shadow is the part of your personality that you hide.
This is incorrect. P5 shadows are not the same as P4 shadows. Kaneshiro and Okumura aren't hiding anything, for example: they're blatanty shit people and everyone around them knows it. And that's actually the same for Kamoshida. Remember, they let his shit slide because of his status as an ex-Olympian and the "good" he was doing for the school.
He always reminded me of this guy.
It's the personality that they're hiding. Yeah people know Kamoshida's abusive, but in public he acts like a nice guy who's just training the team hard so they win. He doesn't act like a cackling abusive cunt in real life unless it's in private.
lmao fags aren't people though.
>American college students have been having sex for a minimum of 4 years before even attending
the demiurge isn't the true god in Gnosticism, the true god is good but the demiurge is evil
>muh harassment
>muh effin kamoshida
>muh persona 5 thread
I thought that if you failed the first palace you get Makoto in, the bad ending was Makoto and her sister getting whored out by that club guy and the police find their dead bodies in dumpsters full of drugs and semen. They come to the coffee shop and tell you that they both died with aheago faces and you start to cry.
I meant female ones specifically, I'm 27 and a virgin myself.
Really? Then why is Makoto the post apocalyptic biker girl instead of a robot? It does make sense with Ann, Ryuji, Haru, and Yusuke (because of how autistic he is making him a furry) but Makoto's is probably the exact opposite of how everyone perceives her
Should have made her the new party member
>the result of how the world perceives them, manifested physically
What about Akechi's true outfit?