Mahjong soul


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Other urls found in this thread:

Ok get in.
Majsoul Friends Room 99487(4-Player South):

Anyone new here? I just started and I have no idea what I'm doing.

Attached: [Whales in Nippon].jpg (759x620, 73K)

Read this to start quickly.

Attached: 1535558613868.png (2600x1750, 577K)

I've been playing many games with CPUs on normal 5+20s, when is a good time to try with real players?

Read guides and practice with bots.

Don't let the Onee-sans intimate you nyaabros.

play with us

like now

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What do you call an animal which goes nya but is not a cat?

Attached: 20190506_21.32.49.png (468x246, 64K)

hags belong on a fucking cross

This is pretty fun actually

Attached: G Taste.png (720x540, 596K)

that riichi music is the worst shit and if you use them i will personally be very upset at you, but take no other action against it

I would but you don't mind a beginner do you?

That's what I'm doing.

always. bronze room is free (as are friendly matches) and you dont unlock paid rooms until you rank up three times

>local chink gets bullied

Attached: Screenshot (12).png (1387x781, 1.12M)

Already got 1 of the scenes.
Maybe I'll play more later and post some of it here.

Attached: G Taste 2.png (720x540, 298K)


someone with Aichi accent

imagine paying real money to dress you're waifu up, and then treating her like that

I only used it for the image, I took it off and play my own music anyway.

the art looks stylish. where can i find a playable copy of this?


Pretty sure they go myaa.

Fuck it. Come join and wreck this beginner. It's better for me to learn directly anyways.

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At the beginning focus on the easiest wins, meaning closed hands. Only open your hand if you have Yakuhai(see the chart).

As far as general beginner strategy goes, sequences are easier to build than triples because they combine better. Also 1 and 9 are worst, followed by 2 and 8. 3-7 are best. In reality it's more complicated than that but for a start this is a good guideline.

Use MANE emulator and just google for the rom. Shouldn't be that hard to find.

>game where everything is decided by luck

Attached: a09.png (680x708, 387K)

>MANE emulator

at least it's better than poker or, god forbid, other gachashit "games"

Attached: das it.jpg (218x410, 31K)

what is the worst tile and why is it angry bird?

Attached: 1-sou.jpg (776x1040, 177K)

>decide to play defensively like everyone says I should
>avoid discarding dangerous tiles
>fade into 3rd place every time because everyone else is in tenpai but me

Because it's trapped in a bamboo cage.

If someone calls Kan to get 4 tiles, how do they eventually call ron or the t-thing? Seems like Kan can hurt ya if you don't call it at the right moment.

what the FUCK is on top of its butt?

Attached: 1528689824924.jpg (2000x1684, 147K)

GG fellas

Attached: Mangan.png (1920x1020, 1.31M)

It's a peacock, user.

dumb cat

What does it say about my sexual preferences?

Attached: 4.png (389x255, 36K)

yeah, it's not the best strategy. defence fagging can go overboard. Need to find good balance.

That was a pretty gnarly last play, sweet game though.

>how do they eventually call ron or the t-thing
What? You called kan and draw a tile, that just restore the right number of tiles to get and you get on as normal.
>Kan can hurt ya if you don't call it at the right moment.
Yes, you reveal more dora which can fuck you over and boost your hand. Pray hard to the RNG.

Attached: meananimegirl.jpg (600x450, 44K)

Bamboo forest bg.

Disconnects should have a heavier penalty
Like one chombo per hand

Isn't it the West tile?

>call ron or the t-thing?
i dont understand
kan is calling 4 tiles to the side using a discard
ron is winning off another player's discard
what seems to be the problem here?

Attached: confused octopus.png (482x372, 191K)

> how do they eventually call ron or the t-thing?
not sure what you mean here.
But kan can definitely screw you over.
It opens up more dora/uradora tiles so if you call kan while other players are in riichi you're potentially giving them even bigger hands.
Or if you have a 123 333 setup and you call kan then suddenly your 12 is dead.

Why the fuck are these fucken bots so hard to beat

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Anyone for the hayai 3 sec gam?

fuck you

Attached: best tile.gif (418x290, 1.18M)

>spd and def
you like big butts on sporty, runner girls

Attached: nero sporty 01.jpg (1000x1412, 1.18M)

says you had sex only 1 time

Do you need a Korean/Japan Social Insurance Number for this game?

>can finally join silver rooms
>rather play with Yea Forums all day

dumb cat

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lads i simply cant win, i think it's the ''''''''strategy'''''''' i use and i need advice

basically i always go for the simplest yakus: yakuhai, tanyao, riichi,(learning pinfu).. all the basic boy, fast yakus but the thing is they only give me 1k-3k point wins... i'll also usually deal-in to some big 8k+ point ron and never be able to come back

whats the fix here? should i only play this strat when im dealer for renchans or......??

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Not him, but who doesn't

#21900, default rules

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It's bullshit how iipeikou and ryanpeikou don't count in a chiitoitsu.

Everytime I've seen someone call kan, they've never won. I understand the game is get 14 tiles in, and I presume that with kan it becomes 4-3-3-2-2 instead of the usual 3-3-3-3-2 (or 4-4-3-3 even all 2s, I've seen that hand before), but it just seems fucking difficult to get to where you need after a kan.

Reminder Tenhou has two official phoenix-level bots. It's not Go but still there's shitload of math ans statistics in the game to make it bot-friendly.

no. english release only needs email

2 places.
Majsoul Friends Room 99487(4-Player South):

You probably don't understand what's a safe tile to discard or focus too much on your hand that you discard randomly

>yakuhai dora7

Attached: 1557146194233.png (120x120, 8K)

Get wind/dragon yaku and then honor tiles, if you can't get that kind of yaku then tough shit keep everything closed.

kan is just a triplet++, counts as a triplet but better

1 place still

>what do you mean no yaku, I have literally only one tile left how can I have no yaku

Attached: Ichihime-9.png (100x100, 25K)

When you kan, you get an extra tile from the dead wall. So you have 14 + (number of kans) tiles in the end. They just count as a pon, except for in yaku that specifically require kans.

>mfw too dumb for this game

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I think the worst part is how there's no time to think unless you set the timer to 60s since they just slam a tile down as soon as they draw.

I need the "steel is heavier than feathers" skit with dumb cat and tiddy hag, but they're talking about Yaku instead.

Attached: 1557093108894.png (120x120, 8K)

>mfw too slow to join games
rooms fill up too fast

Attached: too many doras.gif (275x319, 1.88M)


How do you sign up? I don't see anything on the site and I can't find anything on their twitter

>Log in
>Insert email
>Get code

Alright, my game is nothing but blank now. Should I stop now or just let it go? Also is there anything I can do to prevent or stop this other than closing and opening it again?

All catfags, or nyaggers as I like to call them, deserve to die.

Mahjong Triple Wars is also really cool.
Seems like it's your typical medieval fantasy rpg but the fighting system is playing mahjong.

Attached: Mahjong Triple Wars.png (720x540, 203K)

You literally just type in your email, they send you a code, you put in the code, and then you're signed up.

Any friendlies

So it isn't as difficult as I led myself to believe, and I'm just retarded?

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I've started myself yesterday. I am a massive brainlet and I assure you I am dumber than you. Start slowly, as a fellow newfag, I'd recommend you learn step by step. Things I've been told to do/been doing so far:

-Totally ignore Chii and Pon, always Richii and keep my hand closed. If you Richii, the game will also play itself so I guess it's less for you to do?

-Learn a few Yakus. I've learned All Simples and Yakuhai so far because they seem mutually exclusive (I think?) so you'll always go for one or the other. I am now trying to learn Pinfu but it's too hard for me.

user, they can't be pairs and sequences at the same time

>If you Richii, the game will also play itself so I guess it's less for you to do?

Riichi is you declaring you have only one tile left to complete your hand, and it forces you to keep that hand. So you can only discard/tsumo/ron

I fucking give up. This isn't fun anymore. It was nice playing on here though. Thanks for that.

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Fite me 1v1 no calls.

Yes I understand that. What I meant is, I think it's good for beginners and idiots such as myself because when you Richii, the game starts playing itself. It's weird, but that is why I recommended Richii.

Majsoul Friends Room 31359(4-Player East):

East-Only, 60+0s, 20000-30000, 3dora, Open tanyao

come join frens

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are those from friendlies?

The ride is finally over for you. Never look back.

>Three fucking riichis on the same fucking turn after only like 6 turns
>No fucking idea what their waits are from so few discards and no safe tiles
>Deal in
I'm starting to learn you shouldn't take this game too seriously.


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Don't give up now. Play a couple easy bot games to get the rhythm back on.

you absolutely shouldn't take this game seriously, it's very heavy luck/rng based, by all means someone calling it asian poker was 100% right

>tfw I'm too much a pussy to join any server
I want to play but I don't know how

kan is love, kan is life

Attached: rinshan kaihou.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

Pinfu is a natural shape your hand will usually gain if you prioritize tile/wait efficiency. Dual sided waits > middle waits > pair waits

Yes, it's from a friendly match. The ranked one is just as bad, with two 4th places in a row. I know how to play the game and I know what it feels like to have my hand exposed. I also know what tiles are safe, but I'm forced to discard them if I declare Riichi. And when I don't declare Riichi, I'm forced to break my hand.

To sum it all in one statement, it was bad luck.

I have no idea what waits are sorry


I won first place in one game of mahjong, and suddenly I realized my tie was wrapped around my forehead and I knew Japanese for a brief moment. What's happening to me?

Just join and press buttons at random
no one actually knows how to play this

it's ok literally nobody knows what they're doing just get out there and press PON

I-Im going to try

XD I just started playing this game and I really wuv the cute cats!~ ponnya! Uhhmmmm what do the tiles do thoughhhh I don't get how to play this game one bittttt xD

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>hand must be closed
>pair can only be numbers or a valueless wind
>groups have to be sequences
>winning wait must be double sides (34 waiting for 2 or 6)
pinfu can be daunting at first because of the seemingly arbitrary requirements, but your hand will nearly always gravitate to it if you're maximizing efficiency
3-7 > 2,8 > 1,9 > honors
double sided waits (34 for 2,6) > closed waits (35 for 4) > edge wait (12 for 3) > pair wait (any tile for the same) > triplet wait (11 for 1)

How is it fun to call everything and win with 4 2k hands

based catplayer
Who is the trap?

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>(34 for 2,6)
for 2 and 5, rather

or they're adding traps later

whats a valueless wind? not round wind or my seat wind?

Make sure to always press the free sex button and you're golden

Anyone know where this chart comes from? Edited it, sorted the yaku and stuff to make it more clear to myself. Thought it'd be neat to share, but I'd like to include a link back to the original or something on it first.

It's called playing smart retard. Better quick and fast wins to major defense than waiting for one big dick hand against newfags

They already have stupid restrictions like they can't be open. Also ryanpeikou is rarer than most yakuman. It should be something like 4 han closed/2 han open at least.




It's the shape of the hand and what you wait for. Double wait is when you have 2 tiles next to each other and wait for 2 next to them. For example, you have 5-6 pin, to complete it you need 4 or 7 pin (8 possible tiles).
Middle wait is when you wait for the tile in the middle, you have 5 and 7 pin and wait for 6 pin (4 possible tiles).
Double pair wait is when you have your hand complete except for last 2 pairs. 5 pin twice and 7 pin twice, waits for either 5 or 7 (4 possible tiles)
Single wait is when you have 4 triplets complete and wait for the last tile to complete your pair (3 possible tiles)

Pair waits are generally worse efficiency-wise than side waits since you have only 2 possible tiles remaining after completing a pair. That's why you can Pon from anyone but Chi only from the left. Of course everything depends on your particular hand and other tiles you can see.


Idk sorry, I saved it from this threads. I'd like to have it with the Japanese names in big instead of the English ones.

I just want to make a hand
I'm tired of discarding the wrong dangerous tile
I can't remember the last time I won a hand

>even all 2s, I've seen that hand before
Look up chiitoitsu and kokushi musou, they are special hands that don't follow the normal pattern.

>cat deals the missing white dragon to complete big 3 dragons when the other two have been open ponned

please eradicate all cats

Does Ryanpeikou works in this game?
I remember trying to get that and I got seven pairs instead in Tenhou.

share your match stories
>be me
>bronze room
>try to play defensively, lose to a whalefag's lucky riichi on turn 2 with tsumo
>fuck it, it's time
>get 3 dirt cheap fast hands (1, 3, 2 han each) in the following rounds
>first place
chink with annoying waifu status: [_] not told | [V] told

Attached: my shortest 'yeah boy' ever.png (746x539, 431K)


Not dealing in to hands is more important than winning them. In most of my games second place is someone around 25k.

>first turn of first game
>double riichi
You have 1 turn to explain why this game isn't entirely based on luck. You kan't.

Am I doing alright Yea Forums

Attached: Capture.png (1043x561, 625K)

Mahjong is a game about ups and downs, user. You win some and you feel like you finally understand the game, then you lose some and you go back to the books.

it do be like that sometimes

>100 speed


Is there nagashi mangan in this? I was close to a cheeky one at the end there

>disconnect on first round
>get to see my discard of East wind while I desperately click on another wind
>reconnects and I draw another fucking wind
>okay, whatever discard
>terminals are bad, right? and I only have this one bamboo
Fuck tile efficiency memes.

Attached: tile efficiency.jpg (1169x647, 247K)

Yeah, keep that streak.
>4 games played.
>all wins.

It's what I expected.

Attached: I have no idea what happened.png (1357x620, 825K)

GG, would play again but gotta work

Attached: Z.jpg (210x240, 6K)

ended up just buying the app

but this situation here, im assuming the riichi would want me to discard my 2pin tile which would mean i'd be waiting on a 2-bamboo tile to win... but if you check my discard pile you can see i already discarded two of those

is this furiten bait?

Attached: Screenshot_20190506-143207_Mahjong[1].jpg (1080x2220, 1.01M)

Come on faggots,

Can you get Pinfu and All Simples at once?

Can you get Pinfu and Yakuhai at once?

GG, it was great! (Nice win btw)

Fren room is open again I guess

Attached: 1512629804393.png (747x686, 58K)

>Can you get Pinfu and All Simples at once?
>Can you get Pinfu and Yakuhai at once?

if you declare riichi there, not only would you be furiten but there is only one more 2 bamboo left



whoa are you hotwheels user from /tg/?

>win first ever ranked game with a mangan

feels good

Attached: akarin.png (1298x1077, 1.22M)

After 10.000 thousand years, i am free

Attached: upgrade.jpg (1511x849, 174K)

Yes, and it's a staple.


>those characters
Disgusting. Except the dog.

Is there any reason to not always be on auto call win in this game ? Unless you want to be furiten for some reason.

Why the fuck is this the most popular NA mahjong app? Id rather waifufags than fucking furries.

I'm watching Akagi drama. Washizu being cucked out of his 12 dora hand was so hard of a blue ball I felt it myself.

>watch akagi for the 2nd time after playing on here

holy shit, did he just really steal from the pond in front of the yakuza? goddamn, i woulda shit his balls off if i were them

Attached: 1547223807682.png (649x649, 296K)

> Free
>You can drop to Novice again.

if you're aiming for 1st and don't want to call ron on the player with

room #12147
60s play time
east only
kuitan ari

Attached: nyaagers.png (641x481, 276K)

Depends on the case.
If you are aiming for the first place and a player has low points, you don't want to RON on him.


Attached: fuckyou.png (1757x987, 1.45M)


so you can drop a smug emote before winning

Any of you faggots have your own mahjong set yet?

No im fren user from Yea Forums

>Manage a few all simples or a basic 1-3 han reachy
>Game decides I actually know how to play.
>Get curbstomped by moonrunes
>Back in the special corner.

This is literal agony.

Attached: FUCK.png (829x795, 325K)

Absolutely do not open this image.

Attached: sdfsdf.jpg (283x336, 46K)

At least you got your sanbaiman.


please do not lewd the pussy

>30 seconds old
>already full

>Get to 7 pairs tenpai without even paying attention
>Draw dora. 3 others already discarded so toss it

God I want to destroy her

Sorry, I mistyped

Is my call rate too high? what should these numbers even look like if im trying to get better?

Attached: stats.png (215x182, 26K)

There's Hangame Tengokuhai for phones, rarer avatars are sexy and giveaway money is enough to roll them from time to time. Menus are Japanese but the sigh up is easy with facebook login as a variant. Well since it's an app there are quitters, but the online is pretty big.

Is the Xwitch Console in the store for the cat?

thanks guys, and also i made this meme to accompany the post

it's basically the only one that checks the right boxes like mahjong soul: riichi, english, decent UI, noob friendly etc

Attached: furiten.png (600x578, 238K)

They need to add an in game chat and a lobby where you can chat with people without a timer so I can erp with nyaggers

It was fucking beautiful.

Attached: fresh_from_the_oc_microwave.jpg (1920x1080, 403K)

There is.

i would never touch mahjong in my life if not for cute anime waifus

the developer is genius

Curse of the second place.

Attached: second.png (577x168, 36K)

pairs tenpai without even paying attention
nigger pls

>played 12 hours today

Attached: trash.jpg (533x532, 56K)

>play a dozen or so matches of east
>lose repeatedly
>have no clear idea what's i'm doing wrong
>ok let's try south
>long, exhausting hour long match
>manage to get my first win so far by points
Also if i can do a low value (like 2k or so) ron, should i go for it or no?

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newfriends welcome

I think I should read the rules slowly this time, niggers fucking Ron me every time is not fun.

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If you're thinking a lot about what tiles to not give out to others this might be a good sign rather than bad.

If you're going "WHY CAN'T I NOT GET FURITEN?" a lot, then er, keep at it champ.

If you can win, win. This isn't pro mahjong where you have to be autistic about scoring.

Amateurtip: the other reason melds/open hands are "bad"/less points is that the can sometimes tip your hand to others. See a player with absolutely no honour tile melds and only 2-8? That faggot's going for all simples. See a dragon meld early? Watch those terminal tiles. There's only 20-tiles left in the pot and you haven't seen a single prevailing or seat wind? Don't fucking let go of that single wind you fucking have unless you can win by doing so.

Fuck Ron-ald weasly.

>Stayed until 3am playing Mahjong
>Slept 3 hours
>Back home
>Keep playing mahjong
>Keep delaying errands and things to do

Attached: 5120177-kitano.png (728x1140, 959K)

It's the first. I used to furiten but got out of that shit pretty quickly.


Well then, that's good! Probably.

>enter south silver room
>Win first hand with an weak tsumo just to get a bit of advantage.
>Hand 2 have a strong hand on tempai
>Some nigga ron my ass for 24k points
>Struggle to survive for 6 more turns, losing more and more points to random tsumos.
>Last hand i have a metric fuck ton of dora and am on tempai at the start of the hand
>Enough to go to first or second place
>Just need to riichi as i dont have another yaku.
>Dont have 1000 points for riich.
>Watch as people discard my winning tiles multiple times
>Some random fuck tsumo for 1000 and end the match
The pain. It sears my soul

>riichi rate

>call riichi
>next tile you draw is live dragon tile
>get ron'd
Fuck this game

>The "making a sandwich for half the game" player.

>Play late into the night
>Read rules and lists of yakus in bed
>Sleep only few hours
>wake up and start playing
I'd like a game for a handheld so I'd have no time out of mahjong anymore.

Attached: honda.png (769x715, 625K)

Richi rich is a fucking whore who will break your heart as much as make you cum.

This is mine, just got Adept 2.
I didn't choose the cat life but it's the only life I know.

Attached: stats.png (313x282, 49K)

>one guy is in tempai
>let's call the riichi anyway
>i am not bad myself, just BAD LUCK

Playing mahjong in real life is a lot more fun. You can tell when people are in Tenpai by how they act.

You can kinda do the same online by checking how long they take to play a tile, but it's not the same as having physical tells.

>double riichi off the bat
>lose because no winning tiles

It's become my goto-when botting in a MUD for fishing, because the admin are sneaky buggers who will check if you're actually auto-fishing.

kemono mahjong app is furronically the best mahjong for phone

needs the gay hissing sounds meme pic

I'm nowhere near the level where I could take the guiderails off. The hover on tiles that shows if its been played yet is especially a fucking lifeline.

>start playing 2 days ago
>visit this thread
>90% of it is unreadable, i cannot comprehend what is beind said
>spend 2 hours reading about mahjong today
>now only 50% is unreadable

holy shit i think i am making progress bros, i can understand what you're saying, maybe i should start learning japenese if this is how it feels

How do you know someone is in a closed tempai? Magic?

>double riichi
>but it's furiten

Isn't it the dumb europoor rules?

>m-maybe it'll pass and ill win out first by pure luck!

Attached: cute.png (599x560, 405K)

Not talking to you fucking newfag.

You can actually see if he discards the tile he just drew or if he discards something from his hand. If someone takes 1 sec every draw and drops the draw, he's in tenpai or 1 piece away usually


Attached: gold.png (480x372, 370K)

Mine sucks ass, novice 2

Attached: suck.png (507x202, 51K)

What, were you waiting on something that showed up on someone's else triplet / dora indicator?

doesnt east give the same amount of points as south?

Attached: wait_how_did_get_work_out_captcha.jpg (633x477, 50K)

My vision is pretty bad so the highlight is especially useful for me. I'm not gonna make it bros...

I can hear the nya coming from that image

No South gives more.
Also South is less luck-based so anyone with a brain would play that instead of East if you actually care about winning.

Literally impossible because you'd turn1 tsumo instead


Attached: Kemono Mahjong (1).jpg (512x512, 66K)

arent those dumb europoor rules what mahjong soul uses?

I will never play IRL Mahjong because knowing how many of a tile is left instantly is a godsend and I always piss everyone off with how long my turns take whenever I play boardgames.

That interface is garbage.

>he's unaware

This is why I deliberately take longer to discard sometimes when I'm in tenpai.

Now imagine having to count Fu and calculate the score manually.

>accidentally furiten myself
>it didn't matter

Attached: chrome_2019-05-06_12-19-27.jpg (1920x969, 824K)

classic whale disconnecting after I hit her with a haneman only to get hit by another one after, at least the chinese catbros stayed all the way

Attached: firefox_2019-05-06_15-02-16.jpg (2560x1440, 607K)

i will not imagine this

>Is this ron?
>No stop fucking ASKING.

This would be my life.

What's this sphere of light?

Attached: sphere of light.png (1691x1068, 1.55M)

It's not that hard coz it's always rounded up.

Why can't I hold all these dora

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-06 Mahjongsoul.png (1280x873, 843K)

And that's why I stall the 5 seconds every time, and replace from my hand when drawing duplicates.



Still don't know 90% of the hands because it's all in rune and sounds the same

This. Especially also to avoid counting points manually and having less trouble realizing which discards will put me into which waits.
Although I'm still struggling to figure out the best tiles to discard when I'm one or two tiles away from tenpai with tons of tiles around the same sequence.

so close but i should be going to sleep...

Attached: soclose.png (504x317, 157K)

One of the items needed for the extra costume once you hit level 5 bond. May or may not be for your character though. Check dorm

That's some Washizu-tier luck.

Fucking seppuku me i need to pee already

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-06 Mahjongsoul.png (1749x984, 1.78M)

Start with learning the sequences and points value instead of the names.

I'm playing defensive but I just get tsumo'd and no-ten'd to 3rd or 4th place every time. Even without dealing into other peoples hands I'm losing.

the chinese majsoul client has an android beta version

Then you're playing the wrong kind of defensive.

When defending remember that you should also win sometimes.

why do you play east only?

Press all the buttons on the left and go pee. You might even win a hand.

dont show your hand user :(( just run and piss when its not your turn


You're supposed to win a big hand before doing that.

There's such a thing as being too defensive.
Don't stick your tail between your legs if there's only been one riichi or something. As much as possible try to assemble your hand, but learn when it's best to retreat.

I'm getting my hand to tenpai too. I avoid dealing live dora and honor tiles. Not going for complicated hands, just yakuhai/pinfu/tanyao, not even keeping my hand closed all the time.

if you glue your ass shut you're not going to get raped, but you won't shit either

reminder that the game objective of the game is to win hands and sessions, not to make grand plays that seem amazing in your head but actually are gross misplays given the situation

No shit user

Someone post the tenhou webm where the guy accidently furiten daburiis instead of tenhou and still wins the game.


that's why i pon nya~!

Yup. Now to learn how to score...

Last thread there was a daburi chiiho fail tsumo ippatsu in the chinese majsoul video. The meme was detroned.

NICE yum

Attached: 1549689219519.png (568x509, 254K)

>be dealer
>1-4 wait
>get a riichi pursuit
>fucking nigger retard toimen riichi pursuit
>he's on a single tile 5 man wait
>he fucking gets it


Poor Layton.

If you're already trailing in last and need to catch up quick, the right call is to go for a Yakuman or go broke

That's a lot of copper.

Attached: 1st game in gold.jpg (886x730, 112K)

I'll never get this lucky ever again.

Attached: 20190506144948_1.jpg (1280x720, 187K)

We can work together to win more often. You and a partner get on some chat program, or stream to eachother while playing the same game, so you both see what is in each other's hands. You'll both make sure not to score off each other (unless you both agree to end the game early) and will coordinate discards to take down specific players.

I guess there's not a whole lot to gain from this. I suppose if you and your partner are playing ranked matches, you can alternate who wins, so you can both get your rewards every other game, and you'll have better odds than if you were playing against three strangers. You can still lose, but with a partner, you have more knowledge of what tiles are available, and that's one less person who will ron you. Much greater odds of avoiding 4th.

Didn't mean to quote

Attached: 1465191762322.png (500x500, 147K)

Loo at this fugly haneman, it's my first one

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.92M)

>tfw can't slam the winning tsumo tile on the table

>-5600 copper

what happens when you run out of copper?
what if you're in expert rank? can you no longer play?

Everyone still laughed at you.

Check the events tab.

you get some copper per day if you're near bankrupt

Attached: 1510113245636.jpg (658x1010, 80K)

Attached: daily copper.png (744x475, 87K)

Yo star personally deletes your account after a few hours and sends an email laughing at you.

I certainly hope you would. It's a good hand but it's not THAT good

Post stats

>tfw hit a wall and loss several games in a row
I'm slowly but surely improving

Attached: Capture.png (630x227, 84K)

Ah shit now my youtube feed is goign to have Saki shit all over again.

At least I hope it's Achiga since it's the better Saki.

>and replace from my hand when drawing duplicates
I think this is supposed to be a bad thing. Don't remember why though.

>Had little 3 dragons tsumo
>Pass to try for big

Attached: 1527811034157.png (267x328, 60K)

That's 1/3 of a roll per month!

Stolen from a youtube video, but valid points.
Also if you're the dealer and east you can get double points because set and round win combine.
Also honor tile sets give you extra points in general too, so don't hastily discard them.
Other than that you can try small stuff like hoarding doras or go for double pure sequences and shit if you have the tiles for it.

Attached: furiten1.jpg (767x424, 42K)

2 winds, 5+20 no open tanyao

post mahjong reaction images

Does this mean if I go to Aichi, I can get a real catgirl gf? This is just the kind of motivation I needed to continue my Japanese studies.

What can you roll with copper? I only see pheres and gifts.

Idk man but whenever I play with people here they try to hold onto big hands more often instead of chii poning their way to a quick hand.

>he doesn't want to high-speed ERP

What's the difference between east and south?

It's not called a risk for nothing.
Buy gifts, turn them to dust, buy summon tickets with dust.

It's 3 hours, but it slides along just fine at 1.25 speed.

too late.
I'll do that next time.

Attached: teekyuu330.jpg (1900x3000, 768K)

Attached: Yakuza (1).webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

Don't be a naughty boy user, your waifu will be disappointed.

Attached: VAC.png (721x648, 283K)

No we do it like we play mahjong, fast. What are you a casual?

I'm at 2:30, pretty sure the dude is a major weeb. But the video is not bad so far, learned a bit so far.

>get 4th everytime i play neko
>play ara ara twice and get first by a large margin
Does cake have more luck with richii's?

Attached: neko haet terminal2.png (300x300, 5K)

I am on my 5th game winstreak.

Attached: stats.png (622x217, 88K)

emotes are good enough to communicate

Attached: Yakuza (2).webm (1280x720, 2.06M)

post either webm please

It's only cheating if we get caught, otherwise, it's just a technique.

girls pissing is my fetish please do not post that here id like to focus on winning mahjong games

>D 1: Clueless, can't beat the AI. Take the riichi only pill, keep fucking up pinfu's
>D 2/3: Discover efficiency trainer, oh I understand waits now, only play for efficiency and get ron'd to death
>D 4: learn honor tile open hand Yaku, forgo pure efficiency, pon train to victory or chi train to tempai to avoid losing fu
>D 5*: Understand 4,5,6 danger, have an idea what my opponents are doing and when they're in tenpai

Feels fucking good man.

What the fuck

He definitely is, but the information is well put together and you're likely to find out something in a viewing.

big milkers are luck storage.

Attached: 30169653_p0.png (750x1058, 934K)

best girl

Attached: 14.png (667x1024, 171K)

Normal mahjong is cool and all but I kind of wish there was a special mode with bullshit mahjong superpowers since the characters have such unique designs

Attached: __reisen_udongein_inaba_komeiji_satori_hakurei_reimu_izayoi_sakuya_kagiyama_hina_and_etc_touhou_draw (1000x800, 360K)

east: 1 round before winds rotate, at least 4 rounds
south: 2 rounds before winds rotate, at least 8 ronds
longer games means averages are more likely, basically.

>Understand 4,5,6 danger
What is this?

>finish tutorial
>feel i understood the game
>start bronze game
>feel like i don't know what the fuck this is and what im doing
i-is there hope for me bros?

Attached: 1550767500838.jpg (1016x774, 338K)

Is it possible to uncensor the browser version?

the saki games for PSP has that, and you can play them online multiplayer with emulator.

How many coppers do people usually put as their entry bet in silver and up?
Should I just go for the minimum fee or is that gonna put me at a huge disadvantage?
+ the provided flashgame will help greatly for the basics

It's censored?

Just keep playing looks at a chart if you're confused on a play.

this worth 65 bux? im not exactly the richest person so thats a lot to me but i really want to mess around with these in real life

Yeah look at the oneesan's cleveage, then look at the twitter banner of their twitter.

>become adept
>this happens
How do I get good at weeb poker?

Attached: crash.png (853x685, 268K)

try orphans?

Attached: file.png (1246x201, 215K)

Mahjong sets are typically pretty pricy. Before you buy, make sure you have a playgroup and understand the scoring rules.

Where the hell are you going to find 3 players anyway unless you want to start a club?

Hag got her tits covered

My inner entrepreneur thinks it was to make people roll for tits instead of giving them to us right away

Probably understanding that those tiles are desired since they aren't terminals / next to terminals and can be used to build straights for All Simples

esp. with an open hand, 6's and 4's will be the end of a (2,3,4) or (6,7,8) run

Attached: Majsoul_Plus_2019-05-06_23-03-24.png (586x207, 80K)


Do it fgt

Is that your starting hand? I'd say go for it

Hell yeah.

The real answer is every hand even if you start with win-ready tanyao.

post other stats

Edited that yaku cheatsheet to make it a bit more retard friendly for people like myself.

Here it is if anyone wants

Attached: yaku.png (3575x1027, 726K)

post the stats below it

fuck went into draw only missed red dragon

i happen to have 3 friends who i know will be extremely reluctant to play but im hoping i can bribe them in some way to just get their toes in the water then let riichi mahjong work it's magic on its own

they're all bigger weebs than me so im hoping it all works out

Attached: theres-pizza[1].jpg (400x400, 89K)
Hanchan 5+20

Attached: stats.png (792x315, 120K)



hand No 2

Hah, fuck you boys, i'm out of here.

Attached: fuckyouboys.png (583x350, 146K)

I watched a three hour tutorial and watched both seasons of Akagi. Do I watch Saki, before i'm ready for playing Mahjong?


Attached: file.png (1236x227, 238K)

Garbage hand
Just call Pon on White and try to rush something out

got tsumo cucked out of the door

I don't think Yea Forums is good enough for throne but jade room is probably doable. Go for it.

I keep losing quite a bit of copper but hardly any rank points.
What does that mean?

any beginner room open?

Just play Mahjong already

Attached: 1557144700150.png (240x240, 105K)

>tfw stuck at novice forever

how do you practice with bots, I can only play ranked


>american education

create friendly match, add CPU


>tfw yakuza got me interested in mahjong but never did a good enough job of explaining it
>finally applied myself and learnt how to play for MS
>Kiwami II out on thursday so can finally win at mahjong in Yakuza

Attached: good zhit.jpg (591x594, 69K)

Get bullied, cats

Attached: [sheline][Nozomi] Saki - 18 (BD 720p).mp4_snapshot_11.38_[2016.02.24_23.46.57].jpg (1272x720, 450K)

This is interesting, anyone making a room?

but what if I'm retarded and don't learn from failure unless I know all the fundamentals. I'm still a bit fuzzy on the yaku concepts and which types of winning combos I need with the 4 set and pair.

Attached: 1443619972088.gif (260x200, 62K)

Beginner room
Room 58667(4-Player East) 60s

I'm pretty sure a lot of chink players have made accounts on JP and NA just so they can observe games down the line.

>start game by dealing straight into two closed hands within 10 turns of the first two rounds, putting me >10k
Fantastic, I love it

>My inner entrepreneur thinks it was to make people roll for tits instead of giving them to us right away
That's some retarded mental gymnastics. China has very strict laws considering lewd content and that's why pretty much all chinese games get hit like they were american saturday morning cartoons and the same applies to MS.

there is no voice in chrome for me why is that?

If you put black borders around the concealed hands (or inverted the colors), it'd be perfect. As far as making them stand out more.


any beginner rooms?

Could you make a vertical version that's print/phone friendly? I would love to use this!

Chinks get more uppity about loli stuff from what I've heard. But they'll get mad about a voluptuous woman in a thong too.
Needless to say, Sanzang in FGO showed about the same level of mad breast action (cleavage, dimple) and the most they did was change her name.

don't worry. from the way you act I can tell you're a proper retard already and it's terminal so just do whatever.

It's just mahjong dude.

Majsoul Friends Room 16960(4-Player East):

beginners please,no bully

Attached: 1542622160635.jpg (722x960, 168K)

whoooo wheeee

Attached: mahjong rollercoaster.png (302x129, 7K)

white dragon is the worst tile

>he didn't bust out in two rounds

my bad. I'll just print out a cheat sheet to consult while I play.

Attached: Casual.png (259x288, 10K)

>Chinks get more uppity about loli stuff from what I've heard.
Wrong. They do it just as much if not more for big breasted women.
What does a japanese game have to do in a discussion about chinese games?

Fucking dead walled, but orphans is fun to make.

Attached: file.png (1278x728, 899K)


>hey bob, have you designed the last dragon yet? We promised it to be ready for production tomorrow.

Can't find room

Absolute truth.

Attached: tier list.png (362x432, 111K)

here u go
Majsoul Friends Room 39783(4-Player East):
went to lookup the tutorial again

>Only smart people can see the white dragon's picture

Don't be afraid of starting and not knowing what to do. Everyone goes through that, and you start by playing with people as bad as you

Attached: kimoi.png (600x455, 111K)

Majsoul Friends Room 39783(4-Player East):

beginner bros come join


You can change the bet?

Absolute ants.

up again 1 slot left

Can I somehow play with the same account on my mobile phone? When opening up the page on my mobile browser I can only create a new account. Also who whale here?

Guess I'll post the edited versions I made too then since others are posting their edits 1/2

Attached: YakuTypes.png (4409x1597, 1.06M)

Watch Saki Achiga-hen first. It's the best Saki with the best team and the best mahjong skills.

Is using paypal broken? I get a never ending loading screen when clicking the option.

Attached: yakumob.png (748x4535, 642K)


Attached: YakuGroup.png (3247x2316, 1.05M)

If you're still there can you share ?

What is the optimal use of these items? IT seems I won't be able to get my girl to level 5 bonding.

Attached: 1543764222553.png (766x783, 435K)

Any catboys in this game or just girls?

Other yaku sheets

Attached: 1556745188609.jpg (3000x2400, 1.39M)

just did, haha


Attached: 1556807609517.jpg (900x8204, 2.16M)

fags out

Ok lol didn't see, thanks.


I play with the game muted

Is this game going to be released on any other platforms soon? I'd rather play multiplayer games anywhere else than a web browser.

free cat sprite is better than the upgrade 100%


I hate it...

>Cat player tsumos 4 times in a row in his dealing turn

Attached: 1514667822665.jpg (372x268, 13K)

Save the purple ones for girls you want that bond unlock for at the very least. Purple gifts are very hard to come by

Afraid of getting tilted?

Attached: 1557122012580.png (255x255, 98K)

Attached: yaku.png (3575x1027, 723K)

You gain bonding points by playing games in silver+

Join us MJbros.

Attached: SegaMJ_logo.png (1200x640, 734K)

No way in hell.

Attached: 7V61OOw.png (949x1024, 207K)

Thanks. You missed pinfu though

login, enter mail. enter verification code

Also is the webviewer on mobile not shit?


Attached: chrome_2019-05-06_14-50-15.png (1661x928, 1.72M)

Watch in order, get saki first season 1 out of the way first

discard 1 sou

I was denied my all pon all terminal/honors. T . T

Attached: 2019-05-06_14-51-34.png (1668x946, 1.75M)

>chink makes an orasu charge that brings him from 4th to 1st, dropping me to 2nd
>in 3 turns nobody can stop him

>tfw you style on some guy but then realize that he had no idea what he was doing after watching the replay

Attached: ded toki.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

good thing I didn't listen to you.. not that it mattered cause someone else tsumo'd

>watching the replays
Please don't, I sometimes have brainfarts and fumble so horribly that I am glad if someone else wins and spares me from showing my hand in the end.

I'm often chatting with friends and playing absentmindedly, don't judge my non-attentive play!

Is there no chat? Only the emotes?

just witnessed a poor chinamen get double ron-nyaa'd for 29k points


1 slot
what winning limit do you use, default 30k ? I feel like it's too short.

Attached: chrome_2019-05-06_14-56-29.png (131x134, 31K)

>its the user forgets what hes going for and discards what he needs only to realize a millisecond after the discard animation starts episode

yes, we can't force the chinks to disconnect with the pasta

Don't forget, you're here forever nya

>login, enter mail. enter verification code
When I try to login it says the email is already in use. So no login for me. Can't send verification mails to email accounts already in use.

Yeah. For obvious reasons. You can chat with friends though.

guess you were right about needing the boxes

Attached: yaku.png (3575x1027, 719K)

Attached: Nikaidou_Miki-1.png (100x100, 20K)

Attached: mpc-hc64_2019-05-05_20-53-29.jpg (1683x941, 935K)

The first season is slow whereas Achiga is full of hot mahjong action with that girl
literally dying for playing too hard but release order is fine I guess.

That bird never pays out for me. I'm starting to get superstitious.

mahjong version of BLACKED

Poor little chinese cat.

The Double Ronnya was ear shattering enough, I can't imagine the power of the triple Ronnya

Games with quitters suck anyway. That's why I don't play mobile-only mahjongs anymore like tengokuhai (and why most of the multiplayers are cross-platform now)

Brainlet here, why is this furiten?

Attached: furiten.jpg (1193x637, 264K)

tags: futa, gangbang, mindbreak, impregnation

A cat-eats-cat world.

>dropping a hot 5s with two people in riichi
he had it coming

You discarded a 7 that got pon'd.

Check the replay, you probably discarded the 7-man that West cat pon'd. You can't win from a tile you discarded.

You discarded a 7. The guy in your front took it from you. Check his tiles, the horizontal one points to the guy he took it from


I don't know who you are, but I've had your most current spreadsheet up on a second monitor all this time and it has helped tremendously. Thank you.

noob here - what makes 5s 'hot'?

>5 times 4th place
Fuck this game. I must be retarded or something.

Attached: 1539605226093.png (858x725, 361K)

dumb cats :^)

Attached: mah jangg.png (1287x686, 921K)

Furthest away from the edges + red dora chance

based and 24 year old milfpilled

You can tell who discarded what in an open meld by the position of the sideways tile. I like FFXIV's way of showing it in your normal discard pile, but greyed out as well

it's more versatile cuz you can stick a 4 or 6 to it to make a sequence

Oh thanks didn't know that.


ayo, hold the fuck up
5 second turns??? no wonder open tanyao is the name of the game

>4th place even though me and 3rd place have the same points

based brainlet

5+20 seconds.

oh no you don't

akadora that are good in almost any hand

single pair wait on round wind, fuck...

Attached: chrome_2019-05-06_15-08-50.png (1661x906, 1.7M)

You have the entire time around to think and candidates for tiles to cut are usually extremely apparent

It's mostly luck but here's a hint to not getting fucking destroyed. Play as safe as you can getting to tenpai once you "feel" the table heating up. Sometimes you just can't make an opening hand work, but sticking around 2500 until you DO can shoot you to first. Everyone want to be a big dick yakuman slamming g but if you wanna win you gotta let the mommies slut it up only nyaa~ at the end when you do get that amazing opening hand.

Good to hear, keep it up bro

Actually, I got done playing Mahjong in Yakuza 0 not too long ago and the rules were just as basic as any other client. The only thing they do not explain are the non-common Yakus, specific strategies, or the Japanese Meanings. They make it perfectly clear you're on your own learning that by leaving it out.

how to give gifts to big titty onee-san?
>implying draw-go isn't a much quicker strategy

how fucking dumb do you have to be to throw that?

Attached: i_view64_2019-05-06_15-10-45.png (1669x938, 1.79M)

so i can RON off anyone even if im using my ron to complete a chii?

>but sticking around 2500 until you DO can shoot you to first
How are you supposed to know the points you are going to get? I slam a good set but get like 1000 points tsumo.


holy kek catshits confirmed retarded

to get this straight to win i only need 4 sequences +1pair or triplet +1 pair?
so if i pon'd a triplet at start i should only keep my pair and throw away the rest until i get yaku?

oof I thought I'd gone into furiten for doing this before but I never realized the orientation is used like

go for tanyaos and pinfus
only go for big hands if you're 2-3 shanten from the start
fold if anybody riichis or has made multiple calls

ye but you need to be in richii

Nah, you're just plain unlucky.

Whenever I win with a ron on a bullshit wait, I tell myself it was thanks to my brilliant suji trap and not luck.

horrible advice. play onee-san and win on the motherload hands. nyaaing is setting yourself up for failure.

That could work but your hand is going to be slow, you won't have any way to defend and everyone will be able to tell which tiles are you waiting for and the best part is that your hands would be cheap as fuck.

Nah, he sux

no, you don't have to be in riichi, you have to be in tenpai. Riichi implys a closed locked hand. You can have an open hand and be in tenpai (1 tile away from winning), and call ron to complete a run meld.

your luck won't last forever

Attached: akagi nose.jpg (1000x746, 62K)

why would you need to be in riichi to ron?

>tfw you get second place without even doing anything
just like the pros

so what should i do? and defending from what?
sorry new here

You opened it didn't you user?

Attached: Yoshikosg.jpg (234x335, 19K)

>want to play more than one game in a sitting
>but don't have the time to commit

>Didn't do shit for the whole game
>Tsumo Baiman
>1st place.

Attached: 4EV_Jkrg.png (100x100, 22K)

Opened what