>I support the Epic Games Store because they give more money to publishers/developers
You realize that this does absolutely nothing to benefit you as a consumer? You get less features than the competition. The prices aren't going to be any lower. You're literally playing yourself.
I support the Epic Games Store because they give more money to publishers/developers
There's a pretty good benefit in watching steamfags freak out. That's immediate satisfaction.
>le reddit wojak
But yeah fuck Epic.
Even Origin and uPlay offer more and better features than the EGS.
>You get less features than the competition.
What does Steam even offer besides a shitty profile you use to bait anime avatar teens for a quick erp session?
Family sharing
>have 1500 games in my library right now because I'm sharing with 4 different friends
Gamers look for any oppurtunity to cuck themselves, its their natural state in the current world of ally culture
Epic Games as far as I know doesn't even have cloud saves, which is detrimental to me considering i've been through so many computers in my nearly 10 year run of PC gaming. Without this, I'd have lots of progress gone.
Just pirate, same shit, it's not like you can play online games together
Linux support (Linux a shit but still), leaderboards (Dangerous Driving couldn't implement them on PC because of this), dedicated multiplayer middleware, forums, reviews, Workshop (this is absolute cancer but still), automatic updates, dedicated servers everywhere, tons of paying methods, et al.
Can pirate or I can just download a fully legit copy of the game @ 30MB/s and play it right away. I used my friend's account to play MORDHAU last night while he was offline.
>What does Steam even offer
Reviews not controlled by the dev, forums, a goddamn shopping cart, wishlists, steamworks
Tonnes of stuff, but most importantly? Actual prices that have competition from 1000 retailers they do not control, unlike egs only having controlled competition they dictate prices to.
Workshop is absolutely essential for games like XCOM2 and L4D2 though. They wouldn't be nearly as much fun without the mods
As a bonus, epic shills accuse "steamdrones" of "sucking corporate dick"
Hilariously enough they don't see the irony, when they're LITERALLY defending the fact that consumer has to pay more and publishers rub their hands
>now you need Workshop to have mods
This is why I say it's absolute cancer.
You can still mod games without Workshop but I don't understand what's so cancer about being able to one-click install the mods you want and have them all kept automatically up to date
One of the most basic features is cloud saving. How a digital storefront in 2019 can get away without such a basic feature is beyond me. There's also stuff like user reviews, community forums, mod tools and community workshop, family sharing, leaderboards, good international payment options without fees, Linux support, etc.
Who honestly cares of the developers make a few extra dollars? It doesn't benefit you as the consumer in any way.
You literally defined Humble Store, besides the Linux support.
Humble store gives me Steam keys, though.
>Convenience is cancer
virtue signaling is everything to these peer-pressured, social-media-using curs
>a monopoly is great for the consumer
It's not about "supporting" Epic you Steam sheep.
If games go Epic exclusive then it's Steam's fault for not giving competitive incentives. Steam will adapt or die. End of story.
Epic is being competitive and Steam is lazy.
I don't have a problem with any launcher. But, you tards direct your anger at devs and Epic when it should be directed at Steam for not incentivising devs to release on Steam.
They don't have to. They have the biggest share of the market, multiplayer middleware, international servers everywhere and several payment methods.
>competition is implicitly good for the consumer
How is it any different then a monopoly if competition brings literally no benefit to the consumer and both companies act exactly as shitty as each other
Then, they'll keep losing games. They got lazy by being a monopoly.
Steam had competition pretty much always. Non-Steam'd retail, GameTap, Direct2Drive, GamersGate, Games for Windows Live, Desura, DotEmu, Origin, Uplay, GreenManGaming, Stardock Launcher and surely I'm missing something.
Brainlets don’t understand that exclusivity is not competition. If you install 2 different launchers and buy from both, they don’t need to make themselves better to be the one you choose.
The only reason this hasn’t been a big deal in the past is because Origin, Uplay, etc. had exclusives that were first party - developed BY them. It costs millions and years to make them and they had all the rights. Now that any games can be bought with money, no cash is going to be invested in being the better store.
I mean, how do you think Steam is going to respond? They more and better features already, so they’re not going to change there. No, Valve is going to start buying up devs too. Then you’re forced to rely on Steam and Epic, with their money being funneled into giving you no choice. That’s not competition.
Epic's method of taking hostage 'exclusives' is not valid competing,
it's literally removing the need to compete by forcing customers to choose an inferior platform.
I'm glad Steam is getting pummeled by Epic. Finally, maybe, hopefully, Steam will make new Half Life, Portal, and Left for Dead games because they have to compete again.
That is how competition works. Offer something your opponent isn't. Dipshit ass zoomer.
I'm going to be autistic and say that weren't developed by the publisher, but they did fully PAID for it.
Also, Ubisoft and Electronic Arts sell some of the old-ish catalog on DRM-free stores.