PS4 games

So I got the PS4 mainly for Bloodborne which turned out great. I also played Gravity Rush 1 and 2, Journey and The Last Guardian.

What are some other games or franchices for getting into for the PS4? I did emulate PS2 and PS3 games (Nier and Demon's Souls) before. But will also play some PS3 exclusive remasters if they're good.

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Other urls found in this thread:

> Bloodborne

Waste of your money and time there unfortunately.

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

The game is painfully linear, incredibly easy, holds your hand every step of the way and is designed for millennials who want to pretend they’re hardcore gamers without the challenge.

Pic related.

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>I got the PS4 for Bloodborne which turned out gre-

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Don't you get bored of posting the same thing over and over?

God of War (2018)
Despite what most faggots claim here, there are multiple legitimate reasons it won GOTY

Oh my god, you're so cool, you can play a video game better than some people. Can I suck your dick?

It’s objectively a bad game.

> no story
> no music
> poor weapon choices
> armor irrelevant
> the least customization available in a modern RPG
> main story can be completed in a few hours comfortably without glitches or being a speed runner
> PvP is laughably bad
> painfully linear
> combat boils down to hammering R1 repeatedly
> Z targeting removes any need for accuracy
> spectres and notes every step you take to literally show and tell you what to do

If you can enjoy something like that, then fine, I just can’t contemplate how anyone can enjoy something so easy and basic.

Yes - I’ve slowed down significantly posting about it as the years have passed

Yeah God of War.

Horizon and Spider-man. Shadow of the colossus

Are you male or female?

>Waste of your money and time there unfortunately.
Maybe of yours. I played it once a few weeks ago so far and am planning to give it another spin soon. Became one of my top 3 favorite games.

>The game is painfully linear
This is pretty much a blatant lie. Just look at the bosses. Without even counting the ones in the Chalice Dungeons you've got 21 bosses, to beat the game you only need to defeat 7 of those.
incredibly easy
A game like Journey is "incredibly easy". The game is easier than the other Souls games or some games that followed like Hollow Knight but I don't see that as a flaw. Some of my favorite games like Planescape: Torment, Fallout 2 and New Vegas or Okami are a lot easier than Bloodborne and that doesn't make them bad.
>holds your hand every step of the way and is designed for millennials who want to pretend they’re hardcore gamers without the challenge.
Now you're just being butthurt for no reason. "Holding your hand" means late game tutorials, mini-maps, quest logs etc.

Will try it out. Might take me a while since I'd have to play the first three first.

How does the franchice in general compare to games like DMC, Bayonetta or MGR?

I would say personally that the PS4's exclusive catalog didn't start becoming good until 2016. Then in 2017 it it got great with 2018 getting even better. The problem isn't the PS4 has no games. It's that it took it forever to get the really good ones. (P.S. I'm a Switch owner who's about to get a PS4. What games aside from P5R, Spider Man and Nier Automata should I get? Bloodborne, The Last of Us, Death Stranding and God of War don't interest me.)

Just because you finished a game doesn't mean you can spread lies about it

> played it once a few weeks ago
> now in top 3 games of all time

Fuck me your standards must be awful.

*platinumed it

Destroyed its legacy in the process too....

Nah, they're really high.


Maybe what I wrote was misleading. I don't mean played it once for an evening or a few hours. Just that I did I finished my first full playthrough.

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

Pic related.

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You've been savescumming (two endings in the span of a few minutes?) and looking up guides, so that automatically invalidates it.
What legacy? Souls games aren't anywhere near the hardest games. Try doing a BL4 run if you want challenge.
>doesn't even save the image properly
Lmfao, at least save the image correctly before larping.

Stop criticizing games that you've never played

Nice larp, ant.

Spider-Man is pretty fun

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I know, you wrote that before. I mean if I took of time from work then all my favorite games could be fully completed in less than 10 days besides Morrowind maybe. I don't see how that makes them bad. All the greatest books can be completed in less than a week, most great films in less than three hours.

On the other hand The Witcher 3 took me over a month for just one playthrough, probably missing a ton of shit on the way and I found the experience rather mediocre and tedious.

Which one?

My original image, my trophies, my destruction of the legacy.

>Caring about the legitimacy of the endings when all it boils down to is eating dried umbilical cords and saying yes/no

Soulsfags really are a joke.

persona 5 although you might want to wait until persona 5 royal next year instead


It’s my original image, nonetheless.

My profile is Cloud__ffvii (2 underscores).

You’re welcome to send me a message and I’ll reply to verify this.

>>Caring about the legitimacy of the endings
What the fuck are you talking about, schizoid tranny?



I bought a PS4 for bloodborne alone and shitters told me to get god of war, red dead horizon, uncharted etc., never thought spooderman would be my second favourite game on the console.

This is objectively bait

> when you don’t have a counter-argument

>no story
>no music
I stopped reading there but yes, it's objectively bait

guys i just ordered spyro, am i in for a gud time?

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Lore =/= story

Only music is in boss battles - the majority of the game you’re walking round in silence.

He had several counter arguments in this thread and never answered them. Why should anyone care?

>playing games for the story

Which counter arguments did I have that I didn’t address?

>Only music is in boss battles
>No music
And besides, I can think of at least two places that have music in the environment
So eat shit, bitch

>Only music is in boss battles
So why did you say there wasn't any music? Put effort into your bait, retard. See

Why does it matter?

You didn't address the obvious fact that you were savescumming two endings

It’s not critical, albeit you would expect some form of story for an RPG, as long as the gameplay was fun.

That was the problem though; it wasn’t. It was repetitive, old school hack n slash nonsense - it was akin to games 20 years its elder, Zelda OoT springs to mind for combat similarities.

At least if there was some beautiful, emotive, atmospheric music and a riveting story to keep you engaged, you’d make the most of it, but no, there wasn’t. Just boring, corridor-running, dull, R1 clicking nonsense.

The majority of the game you’re walking around in silence. That’s a fact.


The boss battle music is just stereotypical, orchestral, crescendo shite. No heart, no soul - they’re all interchangeable, no distinguishing elements.

the nu game plays differently then the first 3
GoW 1-3 while definitely more "simple" still hold up today due to the fact they play like actual games as opposed to games these days being crafted as some cinematic experience
(nu God of War doesnt suffer from this dilemma)

If your a fan of DMC, Bayo &/or MGR you should find the GoW series quite enjoyable

I wouldn’t want to put my dick in the mouth of a male. I’d be happy to put my dick in the mouth of a female, generally speaking.

I’ll be honest, it’s been covered at least 200 times already in threads as old as 2 years ago. Let’s see if any of the other newfags in this thread can answer on my behalf lol

>comparing a souls game to a metroidvania
opinion discarded

You defined what “holding your hand” means, literally, when it’s used as a metaphor. I don’t know where to start to deal with that level of stupidity lol

>riveting story
>in video games
The only thing that really matters for immersion is atmosphere, world building, and art direction, (all of which BB excels in) given the interactivity of the medium. Forced expository dumps are a poor and cheap excuse for immersion in video games, because they all are horrible and are on the level of shitty flicks.

>stereotypical, orchestral, crescendo shite. No heart, no soul - they’re all interchangeable, no distinguishing elements
There is a surprising amount of variety to the OST. Many don't even employ choirs or orchestra. None of them are interchangable, objectively speaking.

> when you don’t have a counter-argument

> first point

> second point



So, you wanna know about PS3 gems..

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>> first point
I'm right. There has never been a good story ever told in a video game. All of them are derivative garbage or pale imitations of better works.

>> second point
No, it's correct.
>Mergo's lullaby
>Hunter's Dream
>Hail the Nightmare
>Living Failures
All of each of these are distinct to each other.

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Final Fantasy 7

> second point

Speedrunner getting assblasted, lmfao.

>Final Fantasy 7
Wow, truly original.

>> second point

The only thing that I’ve done akin to speedrunning is the E2 run in FF9 on PAL with no FMV skips, glitches or PS2 double disc speed / external HD.

Just straight up vanilla.

Most satisfying thing I’ve ever done in vidya and an actual challenge, unlike this hand-holding garbage.

> NB pic not the original

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>one word responses
You lost.

Your lack of understanding re FF7 storyline doesn’t help your case.

Im not listening to that bullshit crescendo, orchestral nonsense anymore.

Thanks for your input, you’re welcome to now leave the thread

> bullshit crescendo, orchestral nonsense
Lmfao, cope.
Looks like I won.

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> when you don’t have a counter-argument

>orchestral nonsense
Listen to at least the first three retard.

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>I'm right. There has never been a good story ever told in a video game. All of them are derivative garbage or pale imitations of better works.
Planescape: Torment

> whe you cope so hard that you resort to one word replies

The only exception to this constant.

> when you don’t have a counter-argument


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Do you retards not realized I’ve heard all the boss battle music in the game? I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

I didn’t enjoy it then, I won’t enjoy it now. After having gotten the platinum in 10 days, I was very happy to comfortably draw a line under the whole experience to never worry about it again. I traded the game in the next day for No Man’s Sky.

>Coping this hard

Attached: tremors.gif (420x214, 742K)

Get the rope

>I was very happy to comfortably draw a line under the whole experience to never worry about it again
Didn't work it seems.

I don’t think you 2 realize that you’re not arguing with me here lol

>when you don’t have a counter-argument

>I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days
Savescumming suggests you didn't go in blind, used guides, and played it beforehand. Even then, what's your point? That a souls game is supposed to be hard? Try doing a SL1/BL4 run then you might find some good challenge. Until then, you're just another shitter flaunting his plantinuim, as if it was his first souls game.

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>I don’t think you 2 realize that you’re not arguing with me here lol
I'm still waiting for your arguments. I'd also like an excuse for you lying so often.

If your response is anything else than the both of the two mentioned above then I won't care to give a response.

Ratchet & Clank. It's a pretty-looking shooter with platforming elements. But it's only 8 hours long and not as good as previous games in the franchise.

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It's at least better than Tools of Destruction and Into the Nexus though.

Neither of the 2 above were me, that’s my point. You’re arguing with someone else, thinking it’s me lol

> manufactured difficulty

Cool, I could play FF7 and not use any weapons than the original ones given and don’t collect any materia. It doesn’t mean it’s an inherently difficult game. It’s manufactured.

>> manufactured difficulty
Post discarded. Get better, etc.
Plenty do SL1/BL4 runs, these are popular games to speedrun. It's not impossible, if you're not a shitter. Come back once you do just that.

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>I could play FF7 and not use any weapons than the original ones given and don’t collect any materia. It doesn’t mean it’s an inherently difficult game. It’s manufactured.
Nothing would help the garbage that is FF 7.

Going in blind how could you get all three endings so close to each other?

10 days fag BTFO'd

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The absolute definition of manufacturing the difficulty lol

Inherently it’s not a hard game at all.

You should have seen my surprise when I discovered that you’re able to summon 2x people to do anything remotely difficult for you, if you do desired. Not that it’s even necessary based on how simplistic the game actually is.

You can also just run past every single enemy too without them reacting quickly enough to damage you.

Millennial detected

3rd ending I had to do in NG+ because I’d already eaten the cords. I just thought to save in the cloud myself, to reduce the amount of tedium I had to put myself through. I discovered the secret ending requirements by googling when I was near the end of the game and saw I only had a handful left to get the platinum. Aside from that I just went in blind and played it through.

Adjusting the difficulty slider is manufacturing difficulty too, right?

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>definition of manufacturing the difficulty lol
Tell me what that term means, or is this a journokike buzzword?

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Choosing a predetermined higher difficulty that’s build into the game isn’t, in my opinion.

Deliberately restricting yourself throughout and playing completely against how the game was intended is.

this is what seething looks like

>Inherently it’s not a hard game at all.
No game is truly hard if there's any way to adjust difficulty.

Of course it’s not literally the definition.

You yanks really can’t gauge sarcasm can you?

>Millennial detected
It's called not having shit taste. Fallout is from the same year as FF VII and is leagues better.

>Deliberately restricting yourself throughout and playing completely against how the game was intended is.
>how the game was intended
Kek. Souls games have no restriction., if you're good enough and build some skill There's a reason why they are so highly replayable.

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Uncharted is legitimately a good series of third person shooters. Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy are the best but the Nathan Drake Collection is good too and worth playing first.

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if you like ARPGs or action games in general, pick up Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far. it's six games for $30. The plot is goofy fanfiction but it's a fun ride. Lots of bosses, great music, and tons of content.

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>I was only pretending to be retarded
Sure thing, higher difficulty in games always sets imposing restrictions to some extent. Soulsborne games are actually far more liberal, and all you have to do is get better at timing your attacks and spacing, i.e. gitting gud. Come back when you've done a BL4 and then you can talk with the big boys.

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I think you’ve confused yourself user

Get Yakuza 0. There's Persona 5 R coming out too.

Let me track back for you, you’re getting yourself confused.

When I said it’s the literal definition of manufactured difficulty, I meant because it’s such an obvious example of manufactured difficulty.

It is manufactured difficulty that you’re referring to.

Do you now follow?

FYI I have zero ambition to ever play this game again.

I platinumed it in no time at all, I had people claiming I must have cheated and every step of my development in the game telling me: ‘he’ll never be able to do this part, he’ll never be able to do that.....’ But I did, in 10 days I did it all.

I have nothing left to prove.

My point isn’t, and never had been, that I’m some pro gamer, it’s the fact that the game is inherently very easy.

>he can't SL1/BL4
I guess, DMCV is pretty easy because I can dial the difficulty back and just mash without really caring for ranks. If I do otherwise, it's manufacturing difficulty.

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I’ve never played that game.

Never played a DMC game before? Recently got to play DMCV on DMD, pretty brutal, but that's where the game shines. Coincidentally, soulsborne games are like this too (surprise). Going in at a low level throughout the game makes you more tactful, builds on your timing proficiency, and punishes greed severely. Truly feels like a seperate game and experience, but it isn't impossible, and many, many people do it for fun. Only a shitter would complain about """""artificial difficulty""""".

>still doesn't explain what he meant by "manufacturing difficulty"

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Semi-reltaed i guess but, any jrpg recommendations for PS4? Aside from P5 (waiting for the royal edition) and DQ11 i can't find any other good ones.