Do you collect video game merchandise?

Do you collect video game merchandise?

Pic related, my Wide(Doll)

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how often do you fuck it


The face tho... does the mouth work?

What do you think?

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I think I need to save up 10 years to afford one

Besides looking cute can you fuck it?

>it's less risky to fuck a kid than shipping one of these to my house

These dolls aren't kid size.

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Post privates

To females they might as well be kids.
In my country there was a big news case about a "child" doll that was stopped in customs.
Her face looks young enough.


Jealousy makes people do stranger things i guess

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>chink made
is it safe to put your dick in it?

safer than putting your dick in a woman


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No matter what happens, the doll won't leave you if she gets bored or finds someone better while taking half your stuff.

Is it smooth down there?

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Don't post that please

>I'm supposed to pretend to be mad because a bunch of neckbeards think they'd "anonymously" leak the source code before giving it to blizzard and think they wouldn't get fucked into the dirt

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Based and dollpilled

>giving it to blizzard at all

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>being a corporate bootlicking faggot
>trying to call other people losers

"I'd take a lawsuit for my bros on the internet."
Yeah dudes, you're so heroic, you'd stick it right to the man

>Marie doll is ready to fight

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Bra is a bit off

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>In my country there was a big news case about a "child" doll that was stopped in customs.
So what happened, did the doll arrive safely to her owner?

nice doll.

Safely with a police escort.

>Own stolen property
>"B-but I bought it from the thief"
You're a special kind of retarded

You can upload it and let some third world user seed it. It's an old game blizzard wouldnt travel to some middle of no where country to get the source code

Well of course, are not those dolls priced in around 2k dollars? Imagine if the mailman lost the package



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i heard it was a pain in the ass to clean those dolls, is it true? also how much do they cost?

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what stick is that on the left?


i dont own her but i dont think it's harder than washing an onahole

i think i remember seeing them for like 1500

Dolls with onaholes are as easy as washing the onahole. But they do need mineral baths(TPE)

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Cute! Got any more?

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>mineral baths
Wat why, because the rubbber?

mineral baths?

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When I move out the, first thing I'm doing is ordering 2 dolls, 4 hips, 8 oppai toys, 16 onaholes, 32 dakis, 64 figures to cum on lewd or not.

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>Has stains from previous seed applications

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Yes because of the material, you have to wash it in a mineral solution.

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Absolutely fucking based
When i move out i'm gonna buy a doll and then dress her like marie!

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Dear friend
Our materials very safe to use please place order if you like product

Chiu Long

how heavy are they? have you slept with one?

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They can run much much higher in price too. My friend owns a cheap one that ran him $3k. These things can easily run $20k

This is how a proper mancave should look like.

I think he likes ro-kyu-bu


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Holy shit that's fucking adorable

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>those stains
Fucking gross. Just Jack off to a tissue like a regular person

Blessed image

what a cute and funny room

$20k wtf. Are those models sentient and make your food everyday?

No its because they're not sentient, get it?

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Cute and funny size, best size.

Attached: weeb_doll_battlestation_05-08-2018.jpg (1920x1020, 1.3M)

>a keyboard, mouse and a game

fucking christ what a jews

Please recommend some websites with anime dolls, budget is not an issue

Anyone got a better picture of the image at 0:04 in that?

do you live in canada or something.... or with your parents?

I took me a minute to realize that the "kid" playing on the PC was a doll too.


Once I get some money imma buy a sex doll too

>All these chestlet dolls

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>All that extra weight not including the metal skeletons...

Too bad you will never be able to have the best sex position of all with your cow tit dolls, cowgirl position.

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Good taste.
As nice as those look, I think I'd eventually lose interest and end up with these giant dolls that are hard to maintain or store.
Even character creators in porn games eventually become boring after a while.

These dolls make me want to improve my life and finances just to buy one. Logically getting one makes a lot of sense too.

Show her ass

OK I cringed
What would your mother say to this?

No user, dolls have feelings too!

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Shut up fag


>be a "corporate bootlicker" give it to blizzard, get free shit
>be a community bootlicker and get nothing
Fuck off loser

>Logically getting one makes a lot of sense too.

As someone with this setup and believe it or not, in the past having multiple live-in long term gf relationships, it is better. There is no way I would have been able to afford my "gamer" setup with all those screens, a psp, psvita, ps3, ps4 pro, 4k pc gaming had I still been with 3dpd girls as they cost so much to maintain.
Granted I tended to get girls that were young, dumb, and didn't work, (but were hot looking), but in the end, I spend way more time having fun with vidya games then even when having sex with a real girl. The average couple has sex only once a day for maybe 1 hour, but I can easily game for 12 hours straight.

Also some of the "cons" of dolls are actually better, like not having some stupid bitch drool out some nonsense that is so retarded that it makes you wanna punch her in the face.

And once we get robot dolls, they will even take care of the other """pros""" of real girls like doing dishes, cleaning, and cooking.

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Where do you get them?

It seems like a waste to build a robot then make it wash dishes when a dishwasher machine already exists. It can't be too long until we have robot dolls that can dynamically hug/cuddle you back though.

Can you post pics of your loli dolls? I want to compare them to the "adult" dolls posted here.

>dishwasher machine
nothing put them in/take them out yet

Living the dream.

Figures, gotta wait 3 more months for the next one.

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Nothing. She doesn't speak to him.

How the fuck is this videogames


link where you bought it senpai

Where do you buy them and are they customizable?

how heavy are your dolls?
do you cuddle and sleep with them?

Panzer 3

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God I love fate series

2 (two)! Doll threads!

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from japan, genius

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How fucking weak are you?
Anyway even if someone starts out as a scrawny little fuck like you they would gain some muscle moving their dolls around and fucking them

now that's a good way to get fit

I know right, it's lifting and cardio at the same time

that legendary thread

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>Want to get high quality doll
>cost more than my life
Every time

>how heavy are your dolls?

A fuckton less heavy then full adult sized dolls. And this is why getting loli sized dolls is better. Even if you aren't into loli get a loli height still, if you want tiddies, you can still get shortstack build dolls.
Loli sized dolls are still more heavy than a real loli, but then so are adult girl dolls compared to real adult girls, in which case you might as well try to survive having a 500lb landwhale try to cowgirl position you...

>do you cuddle and sleep with them?
Yes, almost every night I have not just my dakimakura on the edge of my double bed, but both of my dolls in bed laying side by side and still fit in the bed myself.

Attached: perfect weeb loli cat doll NEET life and battlestation setup.jpg (4095x2315, 804K)

Where can I buy a loli doll without having to take a seat?

>tfw to poor to sleep in a loli sandwich and doze off with your face buried in one dolls tits while you feel the other dolls arms around you and her tits pressed against your back
Why even live anymore

Living the fucking dream

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>tfw want to experience this but with full adult sized dolls taller than me so I can be squashed in between them
>would be even more expensive and difficult and heavy


>not getting fit as you work to position them
would be worth the giant tit sandwich

Why is nobody answering how they acquire these travel size dolls? I see a lot of talk and no backing it up

based and wheres the other doll thread?

use google

Nowhere if you live in the UK
>Don't want to break the bank
>Don't want to break your back
>Buy smaller size doll to prevent those problems
>Police open it at airport
>Judge think it's 'Obscene'
>Police take computers and phone in raid
>They put you on a pedo list monitor your internet activity

Fuck this country.
>“Importers of such obscene items should expect to have law enforcement closing in on them.”
They have literally used the height of the doll as proof in court that it's made to mimic a child so no getting away with it by choosing a shortstack option.

nightmare fuel

>search "mini sex doll" or just "sex doll"
>get dozens of results from assorted online stores
>pick a store and browse their stock and check their prices
>most have their dolls organized by heights
You're a fucking retard

how far gone are you? do you hide your powerlevel and live a normal life outside of your room?

The problem is that most of them don't look like lolis.

So find the option on the set that let's you order a custom doll, be prepared to spend a little more since most won't do A or B cups on the under 4ft dolls, but a 4'1 doll with A cups is basically a 10 year old
Fucking pedo

I got this one on pre-order too.


Deeply contemplating buying one.

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>so are adult girl dolls compared to real adult girls
Looked at a few adult size dolls and so far they are under 100 lbs. Since when is this fucking heavy? My dumbbells weigh more and I'm not even /fit/.

You're not even giving me what I want you faggot. I want something that looks like Chibiusa not some creepy mannequin shit.

Quit being so fucking unhelpful and provide a means for others you cocksucker.

Again you're not being helpful at all. Just provide a name for an accurate source or shut up.

holy crap! wait! what is this real?!?
tell me right now how you did this!

Get some random from japan to wear a kig for you.

I want a anime loli doll but the ones they have are just 3dpd, no way could I ever order one

>spoon feed me because I'm a fucking retard that doesn't even know how to shop for things online
You still live at home don't you, does your mother do your laundry?

>y-you want me to take it off?

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As somebody who's also been in live-in relationships, it's not even the money that bothers me, it's the lack of freedom and the pressure of always having to be on call for her, having to be her emotional support, and all of that shit. I don't think I could ever do the doll thing though, most of the appeal of sex over masturbation for me revolves around it involving another real person.

Just get a cosplay gf. Have sex.

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I had a cosplay GF, a really hot/cute one too. It sucked. She was a neurotic bitch whose entire life revolved around making and wearing costumes, we rarely had sex, and she was never willing to do it in costume.

I tried, they all said no

>spoon feed me

Oh my fucking god either shut up and quit wasting people's time or be helpful without hiding behind this gatekeeper bullshit. You're not protecting the secrets of the Illuminati you fucking faggot just say where the right kind of dolls are or stop being a useless grandstanding faggot.

fuck I

>being this much of a raging sperg
>get told exactly what terms to search and to shop around the stores for what he wants

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>get told exactly what terms to search
>Things that never happened

Just say you don't know you fucking faggot. I'm sure this is the most powerful you get to feel without your mom getting in the way but seriously fuck off. You're nit actually being helpful to anyone you're just being a smug piece of shit. Kill yourself.

>Things that never happened

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God I wish I was a sex doll

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when I grow up I want to be like you user

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Yeah and neither of those things explicitly bring up results for anime type dolls. I'm looking for a specific type of doll in a market and it would be assumed if someone ACTUALLY knew anything about the market they'd be able to share at least something more specific if not the right name of a place. So others wouldn't have to scrounge about and try and figure out who actually makes decent dolls, who makes the right type of dolls, and if there are any sights that aren't reliable.

You obviously don't know any of that information, so you need to shut the fuck up. You're worthless in any sphere of hobby/collectible markets because people are genuinely curious as to what or who is reliable and you're just being a dishonest and/or withholding piece of shit.

People like you aren't welcome in any community because you don't actually bring anything of value. So fucking kill yourself.

Kashima is top cutie.

go to Yea Forums check catalog for the daily doll thread, ask there

Take a break from the internet you fucking sperg.

Inspiration and heroes can help you achieve.

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Do you just use these for putting them in poses?

Have one and cosplay sex is literally the best. She's heavily into it as well.

Just typed in mini sex doll
the very first link took me to a store page with 80cm dolls with anime girl faces, you didn't even try and look on your own

Or I could ask here. In this doll thread. Because one would fucking think you'd know a thing or two about the topic in a fucking doll thread but obviously you just like pretending to be some type of authority. Just give a referral to whatever place you find best or quit wasting time of people actually interested.

>that face
Are you the fag from Yea Forums who has an Alice/Gwen doll?

But is it a reliable source. Can you tell me that fkr certain or are you just being intellectually dishonest.

Of course you are being intellectually dishonest.

that looks horrifying wtf

This is the kind of shit people are afraid of unboxing because faggots don't like sharing quality sites.

Over 900 reviews, but you'll disregard that because you want to rage like an autist after being proven wrong

I haven't BEEN proven wrong I'd just rather someone who actually knows what they're talking about show me a reliable source. You obviously aren't reliable you're just a faggot.

Ugh gross and she looks too young. To each their own I guess

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>that face
jesus fuck

Seriously how hard is it to just say:

>I use [site name] and it costs [some odd thousands of dollars]. It's best if you get [certain feature] and pay extra for [specific delivery service] and [insurance].

It's increasingly evident you don't actually know and are just being deliberately unhelpful and obtuse. So what good are you in this discussion?

>I haven't been proven wrong
You haven't proven yourself right either, all you've done is shriek about not being spoon fed enough even after anons tried to set you on the right path, at its absolute best your stance could be called fallacious which still makes you a faggot

i thought Yea Forums was supposed to help eachother when it comes to porn/fap material..................................

>he's so mad he responded to the same post twice
You are the one being unhelpful and obtuse here, even if someone were to spoonfeed you what works best for that person won't work best for you due to things such as shipping costs and whether customs will crack down on you buying it and so on, that's why you were told where to start and to then shop around, you fucking retard

they're the ones that crop porn in the first place

how heavy are the packages? i live in an apartment building without elevators

Yeah that would be if anybody could actually provide proof of any of these sites being reliable. The only one who is outright fallacious is your dumbass because god is going to kill your dog if you dare be the least bit ACTUALLY helpful instead of going

>muh spoon-feeding

Because again, you obviously don't know what a good site is. You're just grandstanding and trying to act like an authority because play Sex Doll Gatekeeper seems so empowering.

Fucking die

I'm more concerned about how I can order a loli/midget/shortstack doll from asia without looking too suspicious.

someone in the thread earlier said that a normal girl sized one is heavier then a real woman.

They also come in crates so there's the weight of those too.

And how is that "your" problem if "your" way doesn't help? I say that because I seriously doubt "you" can actually give a concrete answer as to what place is reliable because you've never done this before yourself and are just being obstructive.

If it doesn't work for "me" is something of consequence going to incur upon "you?" No? Then why the fuck are you so hung up on being so obstinately withholding? Because you don't know shit and are a fucking troll.

pedonigger larps as a nazi, imagine my shock.

Nigger no one wants to help you now because you immediately got abusive and went on a raging tirade for hours when people tried to help you before. Not that user either, I just wanted to look at some dolls.

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I'd want a shortstack doll like this, but really the face is holding me back. I'm assuming that sexdolls aren't universal and head swapping must be discussed with the maker if they are compatible or not?

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I wasn't immediately abusive. And don't give the baldface lying string of shit of "oh well we totally were but now we won't" you scumbag leandro piece if shit.

check the fucking reviews and decide if they're reliable dumbass

What kind of doll is that on the desk?

I don't trust reviews. Why is it so hard for you to provide reliable resources other than you not actually being honest about having any knowledge and are just trying to ruin the thread by being unhelpful.

>point out why people aren't helping him now.
>instead of responding like a normal person gets immediately abusive to an impartial third party.
You deserve to stew in your impotent rage.

This guy really likes females

you can order custom ones i know that

>I don't trust reviews

Attached: 7829378655364.jpg (400x381, 39K)

>current year 2019 """"4channer""" triggered by PEDO LOLIS and EVIL NAZIS

imagine my shock, faggot


>buying a doll only to get one that looks like a ugly realistic child
what a waste

>sexdolls aren't universal
Not universal but parts are generally easy to swap if it's from the same manufacturer, which includes heads
A lot of sites will have a make your own doll option and let you select body and cup size, what head you want, what color eyes, a selection of wigs for it, nipple color, removable vagina for easier cleaning, and so on

I want a widowmaker sex doll but they're aren't any sites that could make a custom doll to the proportions and dimensions of the character but scaled down. In addition to that, I'm sure they wouldn't make the face accurate either. Feels bad man

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So when I get called a fucking retard off the bat it's a-ok but when I call you all out fkr being charlatans that's way off base? What the fuck are you talking about. Read the reply chain dipshit. The first person to be "abusive" was some withholding Gatekeeper you fucking nitwit.

That's called banter, everything you've said is clearly from a place of anger. Also what was that ridiculous "I don't trust reviews" reply to that other user, based on that then you can never trust anything people will refer you to and will just remain sad and angry forever.

>ywn ice bath your widowmaker and have hot sex with her cold wet pussy.

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>That's called banter

That is just a fucking lie. Banter is making fun of a guy's doll because it's creepy and doing hitler poses. Calling a person a retard because YOU don't want to share information you obviously don't have is just being a faggot. The fact you're using such a bullshit justification is plain idiotic, hypocritical and cowardly.

>Oh I wasn't being abusive I was just teasing you by insulting you and being unhelpful! :^)
>What? You calling me a faggot? HOW DARE YOU NOW I DEFINITELY WON'T TELL YOU!

Go fuck yourself.


90 for the gigantic 5'9" J-cup phat-ass versions

If you have a bad back get a 4'10" - 5'2" doll

>fantasy room

I wish I could just make my own properly made sex dolls.

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>guy can't use google.
>gets called a tard, some light banter.
>has hours long meltdown in a thread abusing every single person that tries to help him and wonders why he isn't getting help.
You unironically don't even deserve something as sad as a doll, you would fly into a tard rage and destroy it for looking at you funny.

If you live in America you're fine.

I'd jizz all over that Tracer figure. Would you watch me jizz on it?

Cute crossdressers.

That's a life size statue and yes, though I'd prefer if it could actually be fucked.

I never said I couldn't use Google you impotent sack of shit. I said I don't know which fucking site is worthwhile of the dozens of pages of results you get and which have the best quality.

You're not being helpful. You're not being playful by insulting people. You're just being deliberately dishonest. Go fuck yourself you spineless sack of shit.



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You can't even stand on half a fucking leg in this conversation. Better just hobble your ass off a cliff you useless cock polishing cunt

You're both being retarded faggots.

not gonna lie the meguca in the bottom right looks like ISIS flag from thumbnail

This wouldn't happen if people would just exercise some fucking honesty. If you know a good place, share it. Don't be a useless pissant. Simple.

You just know

God I wish that were me.

There's about (1) website, more of a forum really, that is widely accepted in the US as being the official doll site. Manufacturers actively post there and there's a bunch of other websites off that main one where you can branch out and do your own research. Most of the forum is just for discussing maintenance practices. It's not a generally well accepted hobby to keep and only because of the internet has it really begun to take off a bit. So the info that is out there isn't all that abundant to begin with. Anyway I more or less named the site in this post here but I'm not gonna directly link it because you did act like a fucking sperg and probably actually have autism so tough luck. :^)

And I have actually ordered one before, it's not a fucking trip to the moon.

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>I'm not gonna directly link it because you did act like a fucking sperg and probably actually have autism so tough luck. :^)

So for all intents and purposes the site is made up. Good to know you're still a fucking lying sack of shit.


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>ywn have a Chen daughteru

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I'm just peachy, son. I just have principals that make me hate sniveling little faggots who think they're going to stand a bit taller by pretending to know something others don't.

I don't even care about finding the dolls myself actually. I just think it's pathetic to act like a fucking bitch because people have the audacity to want to know something and ask for it.

I don't even care if you are the most helpful so far. Because you're still a fucking faggot.

I should probably just join ISIS at this point. I'm republican, MAGA, Pepe and all, but I really like Islam's take on women's rights. Properly none.

but they have forced marriage right? you'd end up with some ugly shit

Don't they get multiple wives or some shit? If I don't like her, I got options. Either way, 72 virgins in the end.

I dressed my doll in this today
hoo boy

Attached: zzzz.png (519x683, 189K)

You should probably worry about getting some therapy sessions to manage that anger better. Instead of trying to find out info on how to order male sex dolls so you and your boyfriend can have threesomes that smell like cheap Chinese plastic and machine oil.

Dolls make good musicians

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>this thread
Why is there always Playstation products in these pics?

This is what happens when you play vidya gems all day

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More like Dollstation

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>What are we going to do on the bed
>by we I mean you who will have to do everything

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Fucking wow, she looks fantastic.

Meido dolls are always qt

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First she scrubs you're cabinets

Then she scrubs ur dik

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everyone knows that exdoll why block it out?

If only these dolls were self heating. I'd buy one in an instant if I wasn't a canadacuck

Are they illegal in Canada or something? Or are you just too poor to pay leafbux+tip+tax?

>Are they illegal in Canada or something?
Pretty much. You'd be thrown in jail so fast trying to buy one. Remember that this is the country where a guy got his life ruined just for having this pic on his computer.

Attached: anime-sex-positions-guide.jpg (950x630, 217K)

legit what I did. Got that fat ass doll that's like 60kg and trained for 3 months straight before it was made and shipped since I had a goal now. Got a minimum to maintain now too to keep moving the doll. Getting a sex doll legit fixed my life

Didn't realize there were so many doll fuckers on Yea Forums. Explains a lot.

This country won't ruin my dream, literally all I want in life is one of these dolls (unless they come out with android bitches) and a place of my own which is currently in the works. I'm so close

seems like a better option than femboys at least
easier to find too

If you get busted you should fight it in court and become a martyr to get the laws changed

I already openly say I would rather a doll than a real woman so sure. Also, why the fuck would they be illegal?

I'll believe in you user. Die for our sins

I reached that point and got too scared. Hope you're braver than I am.

I didn't realize there were people with some taste on Yea Forums doll fuckers unite