Your country have thousands of years of history, art, culture, heroes and rulers, tragedies and victory.
And it's not playable in CIV 6
Your country have thousands of years of history, art, culture, heroes and rulers, tragedies and victory.
And it's not playable in CIV 6
Other urls found in this thread:
Canada here. Worry not, none of us care about Laurier either.
>Were 6 Civilization Games in
>No fucking Adolf Hitler Leader
I want Belgium
>thinking they'd take the flak from nearly every fucking news outlet for Le Mustache Man
>+50% damage against african civilizations
There's still the third expansion that will come out
brace yourself for the african tribes expansion
Wolfenstein didnt get so much flak, whats wrong with it?
No one gives a fuck about a bunch of faggot Leafs.
Kekistani Leader when?
Firaxis hasn't given a shit about history for a while now.
Wolfenstein is about killing nazis though. If there had been even a split second of favorable portrayal of Hitler in that game it would have been a shitshow.
What big ancient civs still havn't been in a Civ game?
It's obvious from some of the their picks with 6 that they were trying harder to avoid just going with the same Civs as all the others have had
>my country
>never say what it is
hate this meme
tell me more about the canadian civilization
Civ games only get two expansions
it's all about hockey, tim horton's, and drake
because your country sucks
Why are we still pretending Canada is a country?
lmao so true
because Burgerlands didn't invade them yet
>get Canadian funnydollars from exchange
>their money is plastered with the leaders of other nations
No. That's not how you country, Canada. You country by putting your own leaders on your money.
Op was talkign about countries
Nobody wants to go against a country that can zerg rush literally everybody in a couple turns. Germany would be able to pump out units and conquer surrounding towns using fear instead of cultural conquest.
>people are afraid of NigGermany
I heard that they are going to take their first Prime Minister off their dollar. I don't remember who, but I think it is some Activist that probably isn't Canadian is going to replace him.
Reminder that Victoria is the ideal woman, she was vocally against women voting and remained loyal to her husband for her entire life, even wearing exclusively black for decades to mourn.
she was fat tough
The old Wolf games used to have a disclaimer plastered on startup that read something to the effect of "THIS GAME IS ABSOLUTELY NOT FOR SALE IN GERMANY".
Then the modern ones (that don't have said disclaimer) that actually did get released there wound up being pulled from the shelves by the govt.
but they can't do that
My province is bigger than every country in Europe minus Russia, cope yuropoos
>population: 1m people
>half of which are Chinese
Time to populate it with some migrants, eh ?
>Declaring surprise war grants +2 move for all units
>Capturing a city refreshes move for all units within the city's borders
>+2% stacking production for capital city for every city owned by Nazi Germany that was settled by someone else.
Maybe it's for the best
They've been in 6 for years
Dont tell him.
>le Hitler meme
Fuck off.
Everytime there’s a historical game you faggots start crying for him because of the le we’re epic edgy nazis meme.
user, I...
There's a rumor that this one will get a third. I forget why.
Yeah you told him, Schlomo!
I knew what I signed up for when I wrote that. Hell come to think of it I even played Civ 5 lmao
Epic joke XD
wuz Lisbon an shiet
No Inca yet afaik
Not yet, but too many mudslimes already. Chinese are less than 5% of population. Combine them with the other South Asians and that is 11% of population.
Natural Canadian, English, German, Scottish, Irish, French, Ukrainian, Chug, Dutch, Chink
Thanks for reminding me to play Civ 6, gotta fill up mu Hall of Fame still
Wrong, they were added with Rising Storm
In Gathering Storm you can play a Pachacuti
Yeah, it's not like they were at the center of one of the World Wars and essentially led to the current deteriorating world order.
Nubia under Aumt Jemima, though? Top notch stuff. Their +1 mov +5 Atk archer oozes personality and really is a cultural icon for modern civilization. Stacks up with the likes of Rome and the Huns.
Oh sure let's erase history because he was like evil and killed like 6 gorilion
Video games not including your favourite leader isn't history erasure
Oh yeah let’s shove him everywhere because I’m a edgy retard who wants to larp as a Nazi because I’m a failure irl.
Go kill yourself
Kind of funny how the UK had the only really good women leaders in Post Ancient history
Also inb4 you hit me with De Medici, Catherine of Russia and Jean de Meme, I am not denying their competence, but I'm saying that Elizabeth I and Victoria had really good reigns which saw the country prosper and expand in every field
>Your country have thousands of years of history, art, culture, heroes and rulers, tragedies and victory.
>And it's not playable in CIV 6
but it is
don knotts lookin nigga
Laurier is the only leader they could pick. Our founder didn't really do a lot, and the other choice would be Trudeau senior and that would've looked really bad now
It really doesn't, but it is though.
Even if the presentation is a major step down from Civ V. At least the Minas Geraes is cool.
Hey guise want to be our colony again
What about swastikas?
Butthurt fags grasping at straws. Well erase Mao, Stalin and Leopold of Belgium because they have higher kill counts.
we already knew the third though
Hitler and anime tits are the first two mods developed for any civ game
No one's being erased. Hitler and the swastika certainly aren't being erased.
Video games based on crazy historical setups should not be relied upon to preserve history.
But the guy that leaked Gathering Storm said there would be a third expansion
The leak was
>undetermined Native American
>civ 6
>still no hebrew civ
Into the trash it goes
I don't play civ, but do they have other WW2 leaders, or is that too recent for the games? I can understand not having Hitler if we also avoid other WW2 powers like Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt, Mussolini, ect. If not, I don't see the harm in having Hitler in one time, he was a pretty big part of history. I don't think that is equal to glorifying him or his actions.
Not a spic myself but I'd like to see Mexico as a civ, more than Canada for sure.
that's even less likely to happen than hitler
Nice. Aztec, Maya, Inca are back together again
Neat. Fall of Rome/Crusades scenarios, I hope.
>more literal whos
America needs buffs to economy and production.
>you want your country to be in
>several leaders and important figures to pick from
>firaxis would probably pick some random who woman
I rather not. Portugal here, they would probably pick D. Maria
They did her for civ 5 so I doubt they'd use her again.
Well, the USA are in...
God damn you. God DAMN you.
Italy led by Garibaldi when?
Charles V alt leader when?
>They did her for civ 5 so I doubt they'd use her again
there's two of them
>not Macdonald
they really are unpersoning macdonald, taking his statues down too
You say it like its something bad
Macdonald was r*cist
She was against everyone voting she was a monarch
as a torontonian the stories i hear south of the border sound absolutely horrifying. i am glad canada is a country because it means we don't have to be a part of your country, which is fucking awful.
"The Negro deemed unsuitable to the climate and requirements of Canada" - Wilfrid Laurier
You can play as fucking GENGHIS KHAN, mass murderer, pillager and rapist
but we can't have the most well known canadian prime minister because he didnt help the natives one time jesus fucking christ
this too
They had bismarck before but I dont know if they had any more recent european leader than that.
I'm surprised there hasn't been one yet. Are they worried about losing Muslim sales or something?
Wilhelmina was Queen during WW2
everyone was racist in the middle ages so it doesn't count
also Genghis wasn't a whiteoid
Dildo has a huge happy merchant nose
>Still no CSA outside of the single scenario made for the game.
>remember i bought civ 6 at launch
>"Oh I wonder if expansions made the game better"
>go to steam store
>$100+ dollars for all the dlc
What the FUCK
I don't see anything wrong with having genghis in civ, we've already had sweden,norway and denmark, it only makes sense finland gets to join.
>as a torontonian
You didn't have to type anything else we already can tell youre a faggot
pay up goy
a faggot with a tenfold higher quality of living than US sure
Wait, you paid for that game?
mmm i sure do fucking love my country
i don't care if he's in there i just don't like the hypocrisy of tearing down macdonald's statues and excluding him from canadian media just because the Left doesn't like how he treated the natives once
>Our founder didn't really do a lot
MacDonald did a ton of work while simultaneously being based and drunk off his ass all day. Everyone on the left is constantly butthurt about him which is why Civ will never use him.
WLMK is the only sensible alternative and it'd please libtards too because he was a homosexual.
gathering storm made it a bit better, the rest is mostly just civs.
I struggle to figure out whether gathering storm is trying to be climate change aware or climate change deniers though, because even at max climate change it's not really that much of a factor. Tiles don't become more arid, you don't really get affected much by water levels and disasters are pretty inconsequential except if you settle right under a volcano.
>John A
>Didn't do a lot
Cause forming a country is no big deal right?
Plus he's one of the only interesting leaders we've ever had.
>Notorious drunk
>Railway embezzlement and bribes
>Fuck Indians
>Fuck francophones
Canada is a middling country filled with nobodies content to ride the coattails of others. There was a time where we actually stood for pioneering and exploration. But that time was short lived.
Its just a gameplay changer, not everything has to be political you nigger
Were natural disasters in sim city games politically charged? Give me a break
We don't see any depictions of Mao and Leopold either, and this is the second time in a row that Firaxis refused to put in Stalin as leader of Russia. Hitler is not unique in that respect
It's very clearly about climate change, did you even see the opening cinematic?
>Canada got buffed
>still strictly worse than Russia
Give it another 50-100 years and their will be shit tons of games with him in it. Just like people forgot Napoleon was considered a war criminal or how we have games with the genocidal huns or mongols. Hes an almost untapped resource for media so much entertainment to be had.
Kievan Rus
Minoan Crete
I don't think a Prime Minister loathed by two of Canada's three fouding peoples would be a good idea, bruh
>Minoan Crete
Barechested ladies or I'm not buying.
I don't count the natives, and any Canadian or immigrant to this country worth their salt should fucking hate the french. The bureaucracy in our government favours the them by a fucking huge margin, despite french speakers being a minority in this country. Sure do love having to placate a bunch of entitled children all the time because they were actually relevant back when the country was formed.
Based JAM dabbing on the natives and francos
Why the fuck would Hitler be in Civ?
Utter failure, ruined his country and offed himself like a bitch
I dunno we already have Seondeok
French people fucking suck.
Most of Europe hates the fuckers too.
Well, both of them have more history within Canada than us English speaking Canadians do. Besides, you shouldn't see the whole "you have to learn French to get a good position in federal government" as an obstacle, but rather as a boon. Most people in Ontario and Quebec can already speak both languages, it's only sensible to expect the same of Westerners.
Civ4 had all the allies from ww2 plus other historical leaders from the same civs.
>bonus to building in cold climates
sure is great that the entirety of our culture is known internationally as just "it's, uh, pretty cold in the winter"
But americans did invade Canada before, they just got blown the fuck out and failed to gain anything, as usual for americans in war.
>inb4 not historical
They added fucking Dido, might aswell add Athena or Aeneas and go full age of mythology.
>you should mistreat your country's original inhabitants in favour of newcomers
Let me guess, you're either Chinese or Punjabi?
fucking faggot
>no Assyria, Byzantium, Carthage, Babylon, Mayans, Armenia, Ethiopia or Italy
>monkeys, kangaroos and leaves in
We just need new zealand and south africa under mandela now
Kek will americans ever win a war on their own?
Considering how weak the US was at the time it was pretty sucicidal to even bother. The US could have taken Canada any time after the civil war. No one had an interest in Canada back then and no one still has an interest in it. Either way, kill yourself.
Like 90% of those are in the next expansion
>ancient, highly advanced polar civilization with massive architecture and lore of a mythical lost race.
I would buy a game like this in a heartbeat.
couldn't even beat fucking mexico on their own. had to literally be dragged to the finish line by a mexican general lmao
Canada confederated because of the American threat they wanted to take BC and the prairies into the union.
>hehe I’m funny and stupid
I assume you mean long after 1814. Americans or Canadians didn’t even live close to the west coast for either side to claim anything
>Most people in Ontario can already speak both languages
Nigga, I live here. Most people most certainly can not and do not speak both languages.
The quebecois not only lost the war for the country, they were flat out abandoned by their founding nation. They had three choices, go it alone and inventively get swallowed up, pair with the Americans and likely lose the lions share of their culture and language, or pair with the Brits using the Americans as a mutual enemy for favourable terms.
The whole "English Canadians have no history meme" needs to end. We had the history and culture of the British Isles, but we tossed it trying to chase some nonsense Utopian pipedream of multiculturalism.
>Be the natives
>Be primitive as fuck
>More advanced civilization shows up
>Proceed to ignoring any and all superior elements of this new foreign culture
>Desperately stick to outdated traditions that are actively holding you back
>Lose wars
>Make shitty treaties
>Take up ghost dancing because you think it'll save you
>Can't unfuck yourself despite getting land and free gibs
Natives had some bad shit done to them, but their current state is of their own making. I'm for giving them their own country and leaving them to root instead of letting them leech from the system.
>The natives country
>Implying they weren't largely just a bunch of disparate and bickering tribes before Europeans showed up
>Implying Canada didnt burn down the fucking white house
nah, you're just stupid, burgerboy
maori is new zealand.
re read your idiotic YouTube comment tier posts. Unless of course you were just joking or pretending to be retarded.
>implying Canada existed at the time
Her tits bounce and are squished by her arms and she moves around in the diplomacy screen.
Americans aren't taught this in school. Too butthurt
correct, it wasn't canada
gringo mad? go watch wife with negrito dick, gringo will calm down lmao
Joke's on you, faggot.
Probably because the WH isnt valued as high as you imagine. Or since we won the war it didn’t matter
>hitler is in more Persona games than he is Civ games
Technically Canada did exist as a province
>Ay tone you know that 11% of the population is responsible for 52% of the math?
>Only thing of note from your country is ice hockey
>Haven't even won the penultimate ice hockey championship with a team from your country in 26 years
Canada is like a joke party member
>Mad that the founding fathers of Canada burnt down burgerlands seat of power.
Wakada Civ when
>since we won the war
Last time I checked, Canada wasn't part of the United States.
>The whole "English Canadians have no history meme" needs to end. We had the history and culture of the British Isles
IE: No culture of your own. At least the Quebecois, Acadiens, and Maritimers managed to create something unique during the 500 years they were on the continent. Anglo-Canadians westward of Ottawa are pretty much discount Americans.
John A. did nothing wrong
Fuck the french and fuck natives
They burnt down Jerusalem?
Sir John did a ton, you monkey
Plenty of Anglo Canadians WERE Americans who fled the colonies in the Revolution or during the civil war.
Last time anyone with a brain checked, the war wasn’t about invading “Canada” you should look at the prelude and historical background. I know you have >British education but it was a little more complicated.
Gökturk. Parthia. Kushan.
>thinking the French Canadians got favorable terms
Nigger, they were pretty much an ethnic underclass until recently
Imagine being Argentinian...
>earth map
>true start location
>play brazil
Australia is so good in TSL it usually gets banned in MP.
The British Canadians did have a culture unique to them. Was it heavily influenced by British? Yes. But it was also influenced by the Americans as well as their own frontier lives. As I said before, it was heavily focused on pioneering and exploration.
The problem arises in the 1900's with the political class attempting to erase the idea of an English Canadian identity. Pearson was arguably one of the major starting points with this due to his immigration reform and rhetoric. This was continued and redoubled by the likes of Pierre Trudeau and even the Conservative Mulroney, resulting in the shitshow we have now of 'anyone can be a Canadian'.
The void this caused, combined by the geographical proximity to the cultural powerhouse that is US let to the Americanization of large chunks of our culture.
Every level of government and every office is required to have french speaking bureaucrats in it. The french hold a disproportional amount of influence when it comes to day to day operations, as well as policy creation.
Not to mention he deliberately mutilated German culture too, and was planning to destroy the old capital for his egopolis. No one cucked Germany worse than Hitler.
War of 1812 is taught in the US.
Fucking Bosnians.
leave $5 Laurie be, witless cad
>Every level of government and every office is required to have french speaking bureaucrats in it. The french hold a disproportional amount of influence when it comes to day to day operations, as well as policy creation.
Yeah, since the 60's. Before that they were treated as no better than niggers, hence the "Speak white" insult lobbed at them for centuries. The disproportionate amount of power held by English speaking Canadians is also blatant in the way that wealth is partitioned in Quebec. All of the wealthy neighborhoods are English-speaking, all the poorest are still French, and have been for hundreds of years. The fact that you're required to have French speaking Canadian in your federal government doesn't undo centuries of oppression at the hand of the Anglo-Canadians and the Catholic Church complicit in keeping the French subservient.
You might be having a giggle, but because a lot of people (including Canadians) genuinely don't know this, the Queen is still our head of state. Canada is technically a constitutional monarchy. That little 93-year-old lady has the official power to dissolve our federal government if she feels like it.
Only as Fuck year bombs bursting in air rockets red glare USA USA USA
Belgium isn’t a real country though
We already have Kongo though
Moses would be a pretty dope leader for a Hebrew civ
>Muh past oppression.
You drop the ball right there. This grievance shit gets to me, since instead of actually growing the fuck up, playing effectively with the deck you're given, and improving your station like that, people waste their energy bickering over the actions of people who, in most cases, have been dead for over 100 years.
You ever notice how the Jews, Chinese, Koreans, and Japs all seem to be doing alright?
Another thing. You're forgetting that...
The french were the minority in the nation. This could and should, directly effect their ability to project power and influence on the rest of the nation.
The rampant corruption within the government and the church crippled and stonewalled Quebec development for years, with out without interference from English Canada at large.
>probably the most prominent German throughout history
>not in a single civ game
I cant even remember which Kaiser is which
dimply ebin upboad
She's Queen of Canada, too.
And Australia.
And New Zealand.
And Barbados.
And Jamaica.
And Tuvalu.
And so on and so forth.
Most Commonwealth nations kept the monarchy after dissolution of the Empire and they have Governors General who represent the Queen in Parliament when she's not physically present.
dumb phone poster
Listen guy, I'm in Ottawa and you want to know something? Yes it fucking sucks that we bend over for what is basically the California of Canada, with an obnoxious population constantly telling us off, but they control the majority of our electricity. All the lakes are in Quebec, you try to take that away and we're left with nothing.
At least I didn't go though the American education system so I can't be that dumb.
haven't heard that one before
>I heard that they are going to take their first Prime Minister off their dollar
Literally no chance on that happening
>bureaucrats have to be bilingual
>cries about them speaking french,perfectly fine with them speaking english
Tommy you need to do some growing up soon.
>live in Ottawa
It'll be a sad day when she dies and that idiot Charles gets the crown. I can already see all the crazy people protesting to dissolve the monarchy in Canada when that happens.
I'm fine with the bureaucrats and politicians speaking french in Quebec, where french speakers are the majority. I have a problem when bureaucrats or politicians have to fucking speak french in every other English speaking majority province.
Get your head out of your own ass.
Canuckistans can get free posters of her too.
If you want to make fun of the $20, you should instead point out that the maple leaf window is a Norway maple and not a Canadian maple
>Be Sweden
>get cucked by getting a leader that betrayed her homeland
Fan jävla fitt hora skit piss FUCK
your point is so painfully weak. french is an official language, if you want to administer to the public you'd have a greater chance if you spoke it.
I still mad that our bonus is tied to some shitty meme mechanic and not something war relate
>muh past oppression
Breh, it's been barely 50 years, it's still incredibly common to work in French Canada and have an English-speaking boss and an English-speaking foreman in a mostly French speaking industry. Hell, it's the norm. Until very recently, French Canadians were an ethnic underclass, and it still shows.
Also Jews, Japs, Koreans, Punjabis, and Chinese were not militarily subjected, they chose to come here out of their own volition, and were treated more kindly by Anglo-Canadians due to the fact that they spoke the same language. Also, I'm sure you'll find plenty of them complaining as well.
And yeah, the French represent about 30% of the nation, and effect it accordingly. The fact that we don't all vote reliably for the same party makes us an attractive group to court. Maybe Westerners should think of voting for another party than the Conservatives if they don't want to be taken for granted.
French is an official language, if you want to work on the federal level, you'll have to learn federal-level languages. The Quebecois did it, you can too.
Are you actually this asshurt that you're monolingual?
I still don't understand why Kristina for Sweden and why great works.
GOD I fucking hate French niggers and all their nigger offshoots.
They did right by me with Teddy. Too bad I'm never playing Civ VI
You only have to speak French if you have federal aspirations, no one will stop you from being a local politician in Alberta or BC if you only speak English.
Are you trying to cover up that after the French lost claim to Lower Canada, in a war no less, that the French weren't allowed to just exist as they were before it took place? I know Canadian history is a mess even in Canadian schools, but maybe you should give it another once over.
What could she possibly do the get an order for military merit?
>Hate the Natives
>Hate the Quebecois
>There is literally a race where they combined together to form the worst ethnicity of all time
They wanted to go with big, memorable personalities. And Kristina had that in spades.
As for great works, it's because she was obsessed with art. Not Sweden art, mind you, but still.
>Kristina, some fucking nobody
>Not Charles XI that turned Sweden into an Empire that all of Europe feared.
What bunch of cucks made this game?
>big, memorable personalities
not karl XII
Not gustav III (bigger culture personality than kristina)
not G II A
no, kristina. Very good.
I wouldn't call Kristina memorable when you have Vasa, Gustaf II Adolf, Karl XI, Karl XII and Gustav III.
>they were allowed to exist just as they had before
The French ruling class was expunged and replaced by Englishmen. The Catholic Church basically served as an intermediate power to control the French populace, which the British thought could end up being unruly. Read up on Durham, retard
Theres more to life than just military conquest user
Good, French niggers aren't allowed to exist.
>It's alright that the rest of the country has to bend over backwards to appease a fraction of the population within it because of ill-considered legislative decisions made to suit very specific circumstances in our history.
Wew lads. I bet you think the charter of rights and freedoms is a good document too.
>they chose to come here out of their own volition, and were treated more kindly by Anglo-Canadians due to the fact that they spoke the same language
Yes, because getting forced to build railroads with no health or safety standards and then being shipped home is so kind.
Military conquest > Art
But he also made sweeping economic and governmental changes that allowed Sweden to retain Its position as an European super power at the time.
I might also add, she is the only memorable Swedish Queen on the other hand.
>fictional characters in CIV
hahaha, you jews crack me up
Art is all that remains of military conquests of the past. Literally no one would remember all the great conquerors if no one cared to document their story.
Karl XI established his time's welfare society. Probably the best time the swedes had prior to modern society.
Gustav III adored art and made one fucked up attempt to declare war.
And that really is the point isn't it? That they needed to fill the diversity quota and have a lot of female leaders, something Sweden never really had. I mean even Kristina wasn't really a leader of sweden, axel oxenstierna was the leader for most of her time until she grew old enough and then abdicated shortly after she got power.
Gilgamesh is in the game though.
Exactly. That's why I asked "why".
be honest you saw a youtube video saying the french are cucking you by making your public servants have to pass grade 12 french and it became a cause du jour for you
>Never played Civ 3
She's the Sovereign of the Order you numpty.
She grants membership of the Order to meritorious individuals and gives the order its legitimacy.
That doesn't refute what I said.
Ah, a fellow intellectual.
More Canadians play Civ than shitskins
If you call having to court votes from a specific population "Bending over backwards", then I wager you've never understood politics beyond what they taught you in high school, bruh.
I'd unironically like to see Nazi Germany in a Civ game. I'd also like to see Israel too, but I think both of these would be too controversial.
he was most likely real as he is not one of the antedeluvian kings of sumer
>Lose a war
>Wonder why the same people who ruled you before the war don't rule you after it.
What do you think happens when you lose a war over territory? You just go on governing yourself as per usual, with no changes at all?
So could Moses have been, but some nutjob down the street.
Thats what america does.
Man, I'm not even that anti-French but holy fuck am I ever anti-East. Case in point.
>Hurr, well obviously you should endeavour to be more like us superior easterners. I mean, that's what it means to be Canadian after all, amirite?
Go fuck yourself.
I'm sure there was a big difference between aristocrats 250 years ago and the Anglos were big bad meanies compared to the French. There's a long history of French aristocracy treating their people so much better than the English.
Sure does sound like they just walked in and kept them under heel for no reason at all and played puppet master to the Catholic Church, one of the largest institutions on earth, ensuring they were kept in line, completely at fault for the English and nothing else.
Also, for future reference, citing a super common name that's also a city in nearly every province as some kind of resource does you no good in an argument. Maybe learn to use their full name or the book they wrote if you want to school someone on how English oppression is so evil.
He was the leader of an unsuccessful regime for a total of 11 years you stupid fuck.
Nazi Germany actually was in the Civ 4 "Road to War" expansion, led by Fuhrer... Franz Von Papen.
Is it better than Civ V yet?
Is it better than Civ IV yet?
Canada is a dead country. My family has been here since the 1600s but even I can acknowledge that this time there is no going back. We are on the fast track to america and there is no return.
There is nothing holding this country together except being "america but not" and that isn't enough to be a country. NAFTA 3.0 will have a customs union, and that will be the end of Canada.
And then we won't be in any more civilization games.
De Medici was 100% right to go full deus vult on the Huguenots
My city :(
my dumb lezbo mayor
this post gave me a little pride
our Frontier Culture is now Panjeet and niggers
and whoever else wants to come fuck up our shit
It's ok. Too many leaders missing, but has some key ones. I'd like to see a doge, tho.
Missing several key people, but is mostly missing an emperor of the Byzantine Empire.
Looking mighty bad. Where are all the muslins?
>N. America
That's what you're going with? I'd be fucking fuming if I were mexican.
>S. America
Retarded. Guess at least they're in the game.
>doesn't know what Durham refers to when talking about colonial Canada
You just exposed yourself as someone who's talking through his ass. Lord Durham, you know, the Colonial administrator of British North America after the takeover of New France? It's basic fucking history, man
not all of us have came here with champlain, matey
You can't claim to know anything about the treatment of French Canadians under British rule if you don't even know about Durham's conflicts with the Lower Canadian administration, man. Hell, not even recognizing his name is show of being woefully under-educated on the topic of Canada as a whole.
How hard was it to add a Lord in front? No wonder every ten feet you find something named after the guy and a multitude of children generations later sharing the name.
And to be perfectly frank, no one mentions the colonial administrators in the history books I've read. They're like a footnote considering how many of them were just a puppet. And as already noted, Canadian History is a joke even in Canadian schools. Gotta keep rewriting it to placate whatever the public feels is right.
>no Denmark
>no Iceland
>no Switzerland
>no Italy
>no Austria
>no Romania
>no Bulgaria
>no Philippines
>no Argentina
>no Bolivia
>no South Africa
>no Nigeria
>no Kenya
>no Morocco
Durham only came to power nearly a century after the French lost Lower Canada, held the job for a few months and left. In that time he mentioned unifying the colonies and giving them all local governments would be good. Sure he thought French Canadians were uncivilized, but this is also a century after letting them carry on doing whatever after becoming an English colony in essentially name only.
So basically you're conflating events a century after becoming an English colony as having an impact on the moment they did, and saying others are woefully uneducated on the situation. Sounds about right for people claiming the French have it so bad. Not that I won't deny there is a rift, but they've been treated with kid gloves far longer and far better than many other Canadians.
He called them an inferior race in need of complete subjugation by Anglo Saxon masters and led to the founding of the Canadian Confederation, which was led by Anglo-Saxons. He basically tried and wrote the guidelines to eradicate French Canadian culture, and he failed. His appointment and influence over Canada is a major reason of the antagonism the Quebecois feel for the ROC.
Well it makes sense since the current Swedish Government is betraying their homeland 1000000X worse than what Kristina did.
If Swedes actually had a nationalistic Government and culture Firaxis wouldn't have had the balls to put in a shitty leader like Kristina
I'm still waiting for:
What do you think vros?
Canadians actually play Civ though, so it made sense to put them in over all those smaller/poorer countries.
isn't Civ supposed to use rarely known leaders as well? I'm waiting for a Civ with James K. Polk
Based on lies really. We have no identity other than 'Sorta like Americans but Not'. Most urban Canadians aren't anything like the rugged lumberjack image and are instead latte-sipping faggots who don't even know how to drive in winter weather. Mass immigration is transforming the country fast because we're too cucked to defend what could be considered our 'culture'.
>300 000 people
>known only for their geysirs
>be shit tier third world country
>only ever get leaders that don't even represent the modern standard of the nation
fuck this shithole
Mass immigration is your culture and has been for a decade now
>we have no culture
>these basedboys (not me :)) won't even defend our kultur!
seems like an even scale then
>Eastern Canada
Well there's the first mistake right there
What a surprise that after 100 years of rule trying to actually organize leadership over a people who were allowed to do as they please as if they were ruled by no one would get a bit messy. Not surprising that a country that's been at war with and constantly at odds with the French viewed them as antagonistic, especially when they're not actually living in Quebec to relate to the people as different from mainland French after centuries of disconnect. Add to that the fact the guy was only there for a few months, saw a reasonable method of governing that was more progressive and left them with some control still, and then left them to do whatever because he didn't want to babysit a bunch of colonies arguing about nonsense. Note it wasn't just Lower Canada that was disorganized, but multiple colonies all making a mess of NA.
And yet you're tossing all this aside because the French Canadians are an oppressed minority that is an anomaly in colonial times and needed even more baby treatment. It's understandable that French Canadians will blame him for everything though, because for nearly a century they did whatever they wanted and then he suggested maybe the colonies should be organized to stop constantly fighting over small things and let them deal with problems on their own without constant need of the UK stepping in. That autonomy the British let them have for generations being slightly eroded suddenly woke them up to the fact they actually were a British colony.
This is sort of Unrelated, but if the U.S. was split into the South, Mid-West, West, and North-East, what would their country names be?
For the South it would obviously be the Confederacy, and the North-East would be New England, but what about the West and Mid-West?
For Mid-West I think New Germany would make sense, since the amount of German settlers there outnumbers any other group. It would also be similar to New England in how it is named.
For the West I'm not very sure, since the coast is very different from the inner Western states.
The Wild West
What were you expecting? If your country isn't at its greatest now, it makes no sense to use the inferior modern form.
The Wild West would make sense if it was formed back in the era of cowboys and pioneers, but it currently doesn't represent that at all.
State of Deseret
A mormon controlled West would be pretty interesting, although I suppose they could just use the name without having to have the mormon part.
maybe in major cities
those shitskins hate living anywhere rural
Khmer is in the game already
>devs add a smiling, goofy, pixar animated Hitler
Civ 5 had a fully voiced and animated Hitler mod. One of the most if not the most advanced leader mods I have seen.
Also, if you guys bitch about shitty leaders, why would you want Germany's worst?
Only war
Only bland shit
Racists and oppressors
Dictatorships controlling the will of the people.
Enslaving an entire race
>Eradication and conquering Innocents.
It's always fags from unimportant or shitty countries who know they'd get shit on if they stated it.
>be italian
>have Rome
I'm in every strategy game guys, sorry about the greatest empire that ever was
Indeed, and we spent most of that time being occupied by someone else.
Well that didn't take long, must be a record.
>had really good reigns which saw the country prosper and expand in every field
And Catherine didn't?
>this fucking art style
why? CIV V was kind of ""realistic"", but it's a game so it's okay. also, so many waifus there like pic related
also Boudicca
>Not Charles XI
Literally who?
They replaced John A. on the 10 with a poor man's Rosa Parks who wasn't a celebrity 30 years ago.
It wasn't Canadians, they were British regulars, mostly from England.
>Not playing as best nation America lead by BASED Teddy.
>Playing literally anyone else.
>be Italian
>claim some other countries accomplishments were yours
Don't blame her for seeking out the true fate, Sweden is a country of filthy protestant heretics.
Yeah and how dare they put in some weakling cowards like Roosevelt
>he motherfucked the indians so bad let's get rid of him NOW
>replace him with a POC woman hairstylist
at least they didn't put a turtle islander on there
Hungary has a nationalistic Government and culture, didn't stop them from putting in a nobody that nobody has heard of.
hes in
if its any condolence they're trying to do the same thing with our Andrew Jackson, being replaced with Harriet Tubman
At least they were, no idea where that shit is now
I fail to see the issue
>add railroads
>no railroad wonders
>no railroad unique bonuses for america
>and they're mostly useless
My first civ was 4 and 6 has been a let down. the first two expansions didn't really add anything and gathering storm is underwhelming. looking forward to this games version of vox populi
>no railroad unique bonuses for america
Why the hell would America get unique railroad bonuses? And when are they going to add highways
I would if they didn't make America a boring vanilla Civ.
America should have been a generalist civ like Australia, but instead we get a mainly Culturally oriented Civ with a minor combat and Diplomatic bonus.
However I might try them again to go for a Diplomatic victory.
Are you kidding? They put the best leader they could have for Hungary, someone who made Hungary into a significant regional power while he was in power.
That's a huge difference compared to a literal traitor like Kristina.
The same could be said of Russia with the Trans-Siberian Railroad which is even larger.
California =/= Niggerland =/= Northwest
Not putting in Hitler is understandable.
But putting in Mao and Lenin, isn't.
Do canadians really do this?
Charles is set to abdicate immediatly to make way for William to be heir to the throne, and pretty much every political parties, other than the old liberal guard (including Trudeau) want to get rid of the constitutional monarchy.
If he did abdicate the good will the younger ones have been building will go a long way. Shame so many people want to burn any ties to our past when they are literal figureheads and benefit more than harm by ensuring closer ties to other nations.
the games called civilization not barbarism you nigger
>tfw America and Canada, the two countries that are the absolute embodiment of European exceptionalism, aren't going to exist in 50 years
>If they do, it will literally be el goblinos los atrocidads LARPing as Americans/Canadians
I used to get angry about it, now I just drink
Europe isn't far behind them, with Muslim and African migration quickly turning European capital cities into 3rd World shit holes, while quickly out-breeding Europeans.
In 50 years there will be no such thing as a white country, aside from maybe a few exceptions with some small Eastern European countries.
I still wish for a day were frogs and angloshits would get along
Too bad we'll all be Muslims before that ever happens
>Khmer Empire
>walk outside
>mexicans, niggers, asians everywhere
>go to Germany to visit a German friend
>walking around the city
>niggers, middle easterners, asians everywhere
It seems like nobody sees anything wrong with this
20 years from now we will have francokebabs and anglokebabs shitting on each other the same way burgers do the "muh Euro heritage" thing now, so it's not like Europe getting browned will end any feuds
That's why hitler isn't in there sweetie ;)
People in cities have been conditioned into thinking this is normal and beneficial, even though actual data points to non-whites being causing the most crime, and leeching the most from welfare.
The main exception is Jewish people, who are also the ones who are in control of most media, and constantly push pro-migrant and anti-white propaganda.
It was Jewish and Communist influence that started the spread of these self-hating globalist ideas that have infected European/American culture.
In general there's a disgusting lack of civilizations from the Americas in civ. Obviously having more from Eurasia makes sense since there's a lot more to pull from, most people are more familar with them, etc; but Civ is also a great source of education for a lot of people and it's a shame that there's litterally only like 1/10 the amount of civs included from the New World then the old .
Worst of all is most of the ones they include are litterally tribes, when there's like dozens of actual civilizations, empires, and kingdoms they could draw from other then just the Aztec, Maya, and Inca. Here's my attempt to try to balance it out a bit, using a roster of 45 civs, and limitng it to only actual "civilizations": No tribes, everything at least has proto-cities or proto-goverments.
An Iron-age Scandinavian civ, such as Danes or Norway
Celtic, Germanic, or some other Indo-European group
A Southeast Asian civ, such as Suhkothai or Khmer
>Middle East
Neo-Assyrian Empire
A Bronze age Mesopotamian civ, such as Babylon or Sumer
Abbasid or Ayyubid Caliphate
>North America
SW conglomerate of Pueblo, Hohokam, etc
>South America
Musica or Nazca
Thoughts anons?
I do agree with replacing the literal tribes with actual civilizations. The Mississippians are especially deserving with their impressive mounds that they built in their cities.
Having civilizations with unique features like that appeal to me quite a bit. It's why I really like Civs like the Dutch with their polders, even if they aren't as significant as France or England on the grand scale.
Also I wish the Aztec could build cities on lakes to reflect Tenochtitlan, and I wish we similarly had Venice able to build cities on the coast.
I don't know enough about those other Mesoamerican civs to decide whether I would want them over certain European civs that I already like, so I'm unsure.