Fixes all the issues with WoW in 1 patch

>Fixes all the issues with WoW in 1 patch


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Other urls found in this thread:

>When your barbar faction is represented by a fucking elf

>>Fixes all the issues with WoW in 1 patch
what the fuck are you talking about you absolute retard

Oh, so they fixed new content making old content redundant and a waste of time?
They fixed power creep making 90% of the content in the game trivial?
They fixed ability culling and homogenization removing most of the flavor and uniqueness of each class?
They fixed gear being so easily attainable that it all but falls from the sky and is completely meaningless?
They fixed the solo-centric nature of the game and are encouraging grouping through game design?
They fixed the playerbase's insular culture where they see no reason to even talk to another person playing the game if they don't absolutely have to?

No? Then why did you make this thread?

>Tauren Heritage questline is learning & accepting that the void is not necessarily evil
>Void Elves belong to the Alliance

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>They fixed power creep making 90% of the content in the game trivial
You know full goddamn well that Legacy Content was a deliberate decision made after years of listening to people bitch about how much of a pain in the ass it was their max level characters could still get slapped around in previous expansion raids

Look at the new gearing system in Nazjatar

Kek the only way all issues with WoW can be fixed is by taking all the expansions and dragging them to the recycle bin

>he thinks the copy/pasted relinquish gear vendor solves BFA's problems

Listening to player whining on the forum is half the reason the game is such a shitshow today, yes.

Even Asmongold says it's fixed and they're listening

>we're different, we don't use the void
>hops through a void rift
>we have learned to live without it
>gives into the void to increase damage
>can you say the same?

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Tfw no more class quests for skills or for weapons.
Tfw no more lock and paladin mount quests
Tfw no more neat shit like librams or idols
Tfw no talents past 100
Tfw no talent trees just rng talent gear

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They went with the alliance because void niggers cause demons to swarm the sun well or some lame duck reason

They're going to give BFA the credit when 20 million people resub in august for classic right?

What really makes me mad is how a new patch that introduces a new raid tier instantly makes everything below it completely useless.
I wish there were reasons to say, go to Uldir and clear it in say, mythic or something.
Also class homogenization. When everything is pruned to hell and streamlined the major defining qualities become "does this class have a combat res / stealth / mass stealth / deal the most single target / deal the most aoe / have the biggest burst / is the best tank/heal etc." It's fucking infuriating when everything becomes a numbers game and there are only 1 build for each class in each role in end-game.

>retail fags this delusional
Its getting worse

>bringing in 20 million
Not going to happen. It might renew a few hundred thousand peoples interest in the game, and might even bring in some new people who've heard tales of how great vanilla was. Then they'll get to level 20, decide they cant take it anymore, and fuck off.

It actually isn't, and that's the sad part. The gearing system is so fucked right now that what they're introducing in 8.2 is actually an improvement.

essences are not going to fix shit, they will only increase the powercreep and dumb down rotations even further

Literally everyone is talking about Classic

Even the chads at my university gym were talking about being hyped to go back. Blizz is going to be absolutely BTFO when millions of people crash their servers

>shit class design
>shit grind
>stupid fucking powercreep so they just crunch numbers every other expansion
Blizzard is dumb

>Blizz is going to be absolutely BTFO when millions of people crash their servers

Yes, they're truly going to be BTFO when they rake in billions in sub money from a game that they released 15 years ago and barely requires any effort to run

That doesn't solve the stupid story they are going for in 8.2

even if true, it definitely sounds like its about 3-4 expansions late and 4 or 5 years of sub time short.

Genuinely, how can anyone justify still giving their money to Blizz? I've been a Blizzard fanboy since WC3 and have spent god knows how much on WoW and merchandise and shit because i'm a dumbass- but even i can't stand the thought of giving them even one penny nowadays, they don't even pretend to have respect for their fanbase anymore

well if they balanced the classes it wouldn't have been a problem
but they needed to listen to little bryan and allow is pally to solo content no other class could solo

The retail team will get absolutely btfo yes.

Literally a renaissance

But user, is WoW Classic! It will fix everything!

>lose 8.5% of your playerbase in a single quarter

Why not something cool with the fucking centaurs or Grimtotem?

People in university now were in elementary school when BC was released

>Ever caring about the story

OW. WoW probably has more western players than ever right now

The fundamental problem with WoW is that they only know how to reward players with direct, numerical power increases and cosmetic items.

Remember when the devs couldn't figure out that player-owned houses are compelling on their own, and grafted on so much bullshit that they ended up being the most hated feature of the expansion? This is the fundamental issue of WoW, and Blizzard can never fix it because they don't understand it.

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You have said this every single patch since MoP. Seriously you make this thread every patch for 6 years

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Probably has something to with the Void Elves wanting to bad touch the Blood Elves.

I’m gonna be in university when wow classic comes out and I was in university when vanilla was out.

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How do you make dozens and dozens of old dungeons and raids with the gorrilions of equipment they all have relevant? Or do you just want a scaled mode to run them normally?

Remember when players bitched about Garrisons but in the next two expansions they wanted Garrisons back?

The current expansion content should be relevant.

>player housing
>shard zone you can't costumize shit
>with forced dailys
>with absurd amounts of gold reward which everyone who played the beta exploited the first 2 months till they gold capped

>dance studio
Remember when this was a WotLK feature?

They tried to correct a perceived "flaw" of houses, the lack of rewards, and ended up making something worse than houses in every way

Help guys, I'm considering resubbing after 10 years of being free. Convince me not to.

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>some idiots are actually getting excited over Blizzard offering them shiny pebbles
Everything's fine now u guys!!
Nevermind the god awful story, noone gives a shit about that in an RPG, right? top kek
Oh and the gameplay, I mean come on, give them a break, they're but a small indie company, you can't expect them to fix everything at once!
Just wait for 9.0, they'll hit that one out of the park, this time I really mean it!!

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Not going to happen until Bliz feels they've fixed, or at least stabilized the perpetual trainwreck that is modern WoW. It's plain to see they've shifted gears into pushing players as hard as possible into new content that's """"fixed"""" and """"improved"""" in order to save face and salvage what they can.

>noone gives a shit about that in an RPG, right?
you are right

fuck off tranny

Play vanilla on a private server instead. Join Kronos 2, my dude.

It's the same brainless skinner box as the last time you played it. If you have time to kill then play it I guess but I'd pick a good single player RPG over it even then

play eso

>guys it's a Faction War Expansion
>pre-patch was great and actually felt like a Faction War
>after Battle of Lordaeron factions go their separate ways
>Warfronts are fucking PVE
>patches take forever
>pull the big ancient evil button before any actual war because progressions systems suck and people are leaving the game


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Here's what you can expect out of modern WoW:

>Top tier Raid content
>Top tier Dungeon content (Mythic+)
>Top tier collectibles (transmogs, mounts, toys, achievements)

Here what you shouldn't expect out of modern WoW:

>Good or even decent PvP
>Good progression systems (Azerite is a shit system and itemization is currently shit)

PVP was good besides Discipline Priests being fucking unkillable

Noone gives a shit, didn't you get the memo?

It's over m8, both sides already has faggots preaching for peace and whoever is against it, is deemed evil or get the deathflag.
Dazaralor should have led to an escalation in war but since Golden's pet characters lead the show, we got the inverse.

>WoW still has the most new player unfriendly experience ever
All the fixes in the world won't stop the game from dying the slow death. It's completely impervious to new players with their only two choices being to jump in the deep end and overwhelm themselves with modern WoWs endless flow of inane bullshit, or kill themselves from the monotony that is leveling in modern WoW without exp boosts. Or both, since new players rarely make the correct decision on their character the first time with the single use trial boost.

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everyones fucking tired of this pretend conflict that gets fanned for fuckall illogical reasons just so we can have blue vs red scenarios

Don't forget
>Faction war expansion
>Oh by the way we're turning all servers into PvE servers

How to farm Darkmoon tickets?
I need 220 tickets for the shaman transmog

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>he didn't learn after MoP

>The fundamental problem with WoW is that they only know how to reward players with direct, numerical power increases and cosmetic items.
>Remember when the devs couldn't figure out that player-owned houses are compelling on their own
With player housing you run into more issues than it's worth.

They can't figure out how to reward players with anything else but direct numerical power because the people who play MMOs these days aren't exactly what you'd call "nerds" who care about fictitious stuff.
15 years ago you could reward players with for example, being the best known tank on your faction because of your skills and personality but that was possible only because the game allowed for something like that to happen. It was emergent gameplay based on social interaction which only a certain type of player cares about. Tanking was more difficult, dungeons were longer, the time investment required was greater, every single QoL change wasn't there to flatten differences and all possible ways in which players could distinguish themselves. The game in general was more unforgiving but if you succeeded you were rewarded with loot yes, but the bigger reward was other people.

t. plays with warmode off

I hope people do this so I can finally sell my Blizzard stock I bought like a dumbass before BfA

I'd like a better rpg but what? I've tried ESO but it didn't do it for me.

wow pvp has always been fucking terrible and you're a faggot if you disagree

you just know blizzard is going to do exactly this because of the shared sub

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World PVP on invasions is great

>Fixes all the issues with WoW in 1 patch
Is it still an online-only massively-multiplayer RPG with a subscription fee?

>Fixes all the issues with WoW in 1 patch
What patch are you talking about? 8.3?

I'm positive turning water into wine using nothing but your hands would be a more feasible feat.

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stop being poor

I already pay for my Internet connection, why should I pay a monthly fee just to play a video game? Server costs are trivial.

just because you have money doesn't mean you need to go buying shit

Play for a month.

If you legit still feel like keep playing for a second month I will personally pay your sub for the rest of your life, but you HAVE to play the game at least once a day.

This is how bad the game is, and there's no way to explain it, you HAVE to play to see for yourself.

So they removed dungeon finder, flying mounts, warmode, blood elves, and spells that are identical across classes?

And Blizzard does not understand rewards like that, which is exactly why they streamlined them away.

8.2 is going to be huge

New raid. The Eternal Palace
New mythic+ mega dungeon: Mechagon (basically Kara 2.0)
More Heart of Azeroth customization
New customizable trinkets
New customizable rings
Two new massive Zones
Mount equipment
Plus a fuck ton of more content.

>posting in a paid amrketer with obvious responses

goddamn /v, you're getting more and more retarded from these twitter screencap threads

Blame Alliance players lol

not going to fix much though aside from giving players chores to do
>azerite armor is still a thing
>essences are role based instead of spec so they manage to be both stupidly overpowered and also really boring
>still gotta grind to unlock them
>AP is still a thing
>first half of mechagon is tedious garbage
>customizable rings are only good for certain specs, worthless for most melee dps
>islands are still a thing
>warfronts are still a thing
>m+ is a lot easier and efficient for gearing up than mythic raiding
>gear catch up invalidates anything that isn't mythic

Faction war is always bullshit because they don't have the balls for either team to really win

>classes are still simpler than classic
>RNG is still there
>the horrible "azerite" system is still there
>pvp is bollocks
>the story is atrocious

>Tfw Alliance on what was a PvP server
>Mfw if I turn off Warmode I see 10x more people wherever I go
Disgusting. Thanks Blizzard.

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All of this is avoided if you play a Hordechad
Literally no one has warmode off because we have balls of steel

fuck off marketing shit
>new raid
Like, show me actual "new" raid that have some really new mechanic at isnt reskinned lootfest filled with no-names until 2 big lore characters
Boring as shit muh mechagnomes dungeon, even if this is finally something new about gnomes
Hello newfuck who thinks flying is ok
>HoA customization
You mean shitty artifact nobody asked for, filled with bullshit powers, that made huge backslash and yet improved by adding more bullshit powers? Are you double retarded and missed the huge backslash because of HoA mechanics?
>customizable rings and trinkets
It was possible back when you could put mut more enchants and other things from proffesion. But okay there's something new after they gutted reforging
>two massive zones
You mean another WQ zone to clear 15min every week to get some story? We get this every xpac retard
>mount equpment
You mean they fucked water striders and many similiar buffs just to make "equipment" that was 50% baseline in some mounts and 50% shoudl be avaible many years ago, vide getting stunned and dismounted when passing shitty trash
>fuckton of more content
You mean fuckton of 15min GATED content every week retarded nigger

>Mount equipment
Nerfing the water strider isn't really a feature.

i tried to switch to horde but zandalar is a hot mess to navigate and i ain't got time for that

What are they fixing? Are they making the endgame revolve around something other than HAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRD MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODE?

Nah, even if my faction is entirely composed of bitches, I still prefer Alliance because there's always Horde around waiting to be dumpstered, and with battlegrounds I'd rather have to try and sometimes win, than ez wins without trying after queuing for an hour.

How does that fix any of the issues that have been piling up since cataclysm?

>alliance player thinks he's hot shit while having warmode off

>>first half of mechagon is tedious garbage
Stopped reading there. Impressions for Mechagon have been incredibly positive just about everywhere. You just sound burned out and addicted to the game so everything looks like shit to you.

Good luck in life

You may just be retarded.

t. addicted tranny furious because WoW isn't a braindead grind like in Vanilla/TBC

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My point is that you were left behind by a company chasing bigger profits with another class of payers. The people instabuying the newest pet or mount or virtuesignal by instabuying the pink mercy skin in OW - that's their new payerbase, not you, which is why they're switching to mobile.
I'm surprised the few people left at blizzard who care about their game as devs managed to pull classic off.

>was positive

Blizzdrones, blizzard forum and e-celeb/streamers cocksuckers doesnt count

>alliance player thinks he's hot shit when he and his raid group camp WQs and Blizz gives him free gear

Of course a Bowsette poster is retarded.

>Everyone's opinion but mine and my Yea Forums safe space doesn't count
You're just proving that you're a mentally ill NEET who is bitter about everything.

>anyone who criticizes modern wow is a discord tranny
Nice attempt mr marketer, buy i played from tbc to legion and stopped like 2 months into bfa, after like first warfront, so you could call me retarded blizzdrone for eating shit for so long

trolls be trolling haha


>using Yea Forums while addresing someone on board
>especially on /v

lurk more retard and go watch your streamfuck telling you what should you like. The funniest part is that you retards are so starved for good content that just a bigger turd is enough for you to drop panties and money for blizzard

>this entire thread

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> i played from tbc to legion
thanks for confirming that you're an addicted tranny who is furious because the game isn't what he wants it to be. no one cares about your opinion.

then everyone clapped right

Uldir is a timewalking raid and wow is by expansion

WoW is 15 years old. Its time is up. There's not going to be some magical perfect expansion that "saves" it. Let it die.

>nooooooooo stop having fun with retail you can only have fun with vanilla nooooooo

Rope is cheaper than a retail sub.

Really? Are my professions actually worth something now?

>be an addicted mentally ill NEET
>burn yourself out on the game because you've been playing nonstop for the better part of a decade
>sperg out when others are having fun with the game and aren't a burn out failure like you

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besides herbalism and alchemy


Nobody is having fun in retail you delusional faggot.

>be a blizzdrone tranny
>call someone other a discord tranny because he doesnt eat shit like you do

Imagine unironically writing such bullshit and getting buttblasted because someone pointed this out. If these changes are so awesome, tell em why there's less and less people and why queue times spikes up more and more.
My point stands, blizzard just made a bigger shitty dungeong and that was enough to make you and other retard ejaculate. The truth is, that even if bigger, that dungeon is still piece of shit

>Elf is so barbaric that she makes both sides REE with how based she is and becomes the literal avatar of death

Threadly reminder to praise our lord and savior The Dark Lady

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>n-n-no it's just Yea Forums ur just autistic
Meanwhile plebbit and wow forums also hate this shitfest of an expansion

lol no

>being so new in the game that you dont know how things were before and being angry becaus epeople dislike changes makign game worse


>stop having artificial fun!
Did Yea Forums give you schizophrenia or were you like that when you first came to this shithole?

>noooo I'll stomp about until you cease playing retail you think you have fun but you don't!

>Hello, I am a literal autist who can't deal with retail being shit and therefore I must call everyone who disagrees with me a classicshill.
Keep it up, I need my comedy fill this evening still. :^)

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ill bet my life savings shes way too deep into deathh and void shenanigans and players will have to save her in 8.3
screencap this


Nope. Opinion has changed massively since 1.5 and 2.0 will make the game even better. You're just a Yea Forums incel stuck in the past.

>muh Yea Forums hivemind
Shut the fuck up and lurk more newfag

>thinks wow was good in the early days
lol whatever you say wrathbaby

>Stop enjoying what I hate!

no way, most people i play the game with are skeptical as fuck still

Do you honestly think you aren't? This shithole is nothing but NPCs. You're all bugmen with the exact same opinions lol.

People who bought Fallout 76 have more brain cells than people who bought BfA. Retailfags deserve the rope.

Todd stop posting

>will give money to Blizz to play an inferior version of the game

Anyone who thinks WoW is better now than it was in late vanilla/tbc/specific moments in wotlk truly is a braindead retard and should be sectioned off.

Sure, boss encounters have more depth nowadays, but this is only natural as the game is closing up on 15 years, but this and cosmetics are literally the only aspects that improved (and with cosmetics it is very arguable as how your character looked used to be a direct representation of how good you were) and everything else suffered.

Back in the day I'd get friend invites for doing exceptionally well in a dungeons and would make genuine friends I kept in contact with for years even if we didn't play WoW no more. Contrast that with cunts in WoD dungeonfinder wanting to kick me cause I would pull from boss to boss and solo the instance because they kept dying to random avoidable AoE shit.

What's the point of playing an MMORPG if there's no community, no exploration and no meaningful progression?

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Ion stop breathing.

>muh incel
>muh Yea Forums
>muh wrahtbabby

I really start to think there's some marketing bullshit going on, because /v i spammed with evidence against wow for years, even blizzard bastions like reddit just shits on bfa, and yet there's always a retard from whatever site/company that comes here barking off even after being PROVED and then lashing out with such obvious shits like muh Yea Forums. You cant even imagine how retarded you look just now, idiot

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Nothing short of Christ himself could fix WoW

>if you don't repeat that vanilla was God's gift to man like the rest of the drones on Yea Forums you are a shill

Its shit since 2015, but calling someone Yea Forums when boards like /k /a /v /pol /tv and /tg exist is like thinking europe is just a one big country with same culture

Vanilla WoW was a grinding simulator with almost nothing but tank & spank bosses.

TBC was much the same except there was an even bigger grind at end game and classes had literal 1 button rotations.

WoTLK was the first time WoW reached a genuinely good state and that's because WoTLK started the modernization of WoW.

Nobody said that vanillia was better retarded nigger, learn to read

>tfw actually got interested in wow again when sylvanas became warchief because I was always THAT faggot undead rogue who would chain cc you making you miss your boat to the other continent, gank you when you are fighting quest mobs/low and just general dick moves because Im playing an evil zombie
>everyone cries my queen evil zombie is being evil
>remember horde is predominately elven faggots now

why do you fags say this every time theres a patch/expansion
are you just an easily impressed retard or an actual shill


noice strawman brah

>Nobody said that vanillia was better
LOooool nice retardation

I'm almost impressed at how BfA managed to completely kill any desire I had to play the game. It's like they systematically went through every portion of the game, and deliberately implemented things the community said they hated from Legion. Expansions have been bad before, but BfA is the first where it seems they've intentionally set out to frustrate players.


You really should go back newfuck, since not only clearly you dont know where are you, but also you imply that someone said something even when a word you're angry about doesnt exist in his post
here's (you) 3rd world shitter who get paid for being dumb in internet

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>deflecting this hard
ahha lol classicunt

>Take out PvP from the game
>Re-introduce PvP, call it "warmode"

What a switcharoo

>newfag kicks himself in the balls again
Expected nothing else.

lool some wotlk kid is mad ahhaha

go and stretch out your axewound, retailfriend.

Stop posting about dead games you scrubs.

Are feral druids good again? If not I'm still not coming back.

lol that's a new for vanillafags
>if u don't like shitty classic wow u r a tranny!

>if u don't like shitty classic wow u r a tranny!
Where's the lie?

that people like vanilla lol

I've forgotten about that
sad retailcucks

So what's your deal; Are you getting paid for this or are you just addicted to the shitfest that is retail?

Alright buddy, it's clear that you've never done any of the harder instances if you think that tank&spank was all there was to it. Literally the first boss in BWL which was the t2 raid in vanilla proves you wrong. Kiting in UBRS/AQ. Another first wing boss in Naxx works the same way, TBC experimented with some mage/warlock tanking throughout all tiers of raiding. You had chess, you had the legendary weapons from Kael where a bunch of different roles had to do extra shit. Safety dance came in vanilla. The funny part is all of this was gone when 'modernization' came and shit got streamlined.

You're free to eat shit all you want, but I've played every expansion but pandaria and bfa on the highest level possible (as in 3k rating in arena, server first pve guild etc) so please don't tell me it's red velvet cake for both our sake.

BfA was a disaster but even then it is miles better than vanilla lol

>plot armor thicker than the fur that covers your mom's back is based

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too bad all those things you mentioned weren't any harder or more challenging than the tank&spam

A fight is as challenging as a fight is you concave brain, your statement however is patently untrue

>The void is not necessarily evil
>Beings made of it are hellbent on taking over reality
>Beings born from it are one half of the reason why planets dies
>Overflowing with power and beings influenced by it become overconfident cunts or living bombs
>Often causes backlash that kills or maims the user
>A fuckton of tentacles and there's a yandere knife hopping around killing everything with it
This isn't convincing at all. I mean, Australia isn't inherently evil, but that place is salivating for spilled blood every day. I just hope those retard cows don't try to asspull some dumb shadow druids like they did with the paladin asspull.


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Thank you for this post. Every time I see some retail addict defend this trash I always think of a big list like this of reasons why I would never fucking touch retail ever again.


What about that resto shaman afking in ghost wolf while 3 players cant kill him?

Explain to me how players WONT just rush through all of this content in days and once again be bored?
Time gated grinding for more power points AKA azerite? Oh boy!

>Top tier Raid content
What is so top about using addons that tell you what to do, so you can dance around a room for 10 minutes straight while bashing a scripted loot pinata?
>Top tier Dungeon content (Mythic+)
What is so "top" about running heroics on a timer with a bunch of modifiers that make your character take more damage or heal less?
>Top tier collectibles (transmogs, mounts, toys, achievements)
Is this all this game has to offer? Collectibles?

How am I expected to be excited about any of this shit? This is trash. I'd rather play some fucking mobile game than this shit that is modern or classic wow.

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They got rid of the 4.5s gcd?

it's been increased to 5.5s, actually.

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I guarantee you by the end of the expansion they will finally add the mechanic that lets you play alongside the other faction. We already out PvPers on their own instance and made all worlds PvE baseline. Lore makes it seem like were going to remove Sylvanas, team up once again the defeat a big cosmic baddie and then finally come to peace terms. You'll most likely be able to group, guild and trade/mail to one another but not enter capitals.

>World of Peacecraft
All stats, races, factions, etc etc are normalized, no more edges just rounded corners.
I habeeb it.

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nostalrius was badass partly because it had 10k players on at once. how many players are gonna be on a classic server?

sharding was confirmed so who the fuck knows

You liked that? I played a bit on Lightforge and they had similar numbers. I spent all day waiting around for mobs/quest items to respawn. And the amount of gankers was ridiculous, half the zones were locked down 24/7.
Too much of a good thing imo

They didn't fix leveling or story consistency
They didn't fix the awful story and uneven pacing gated by rep
Reps are even less rewarding now
WQs are just an even worse iteration of daily radiant content
LFR still exists
Sharding is still a thing
Servers are still mostly dead
Player customization has managed to not improve in 15 years
Raids are difficult mechanically, rather than structurally. The fun part of raids was organizing 40 players, and the actual mechanics were pretty simple
Flasks and food have only gotten worse, which I thought was impossible
PvP is still a mess
Gearing is all sorts of fucked up, titanforging
Class core rotations are absolutely shit, HoA abilities don't fix that at all
New sets look like shit and just promote more transmog
GCD changes still in effect

What did this fix? It just added more, which was never the problem. There's just too much shitty stuff.

nostalrius only had that many players near the end, when those fucking e-celebs started making videos about it, so the retards flooded into it.

before that they had only 2k average, with half of them being chinks and at least 500 being mexicans or other mud-skin variant.

i don't know why so many people bet on the popularity of this server. the actual amount of people interested in classic is pitiful in comparison to retail, even taking into consideration the absolute shit state retail finds itself for the past few expansion, the -actual- amount of people who legit want to play classic is almost insignificant, most are in it because of the e-celebs who will play there for a month then quit.

Citation needed: the post

>And the amount of gankers was ridiculous, half the zones were locked down 24/7.
>Too much of a good thing imo

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Because it slows down gameplay.

Less actions per minute = slower gameplay. Slower gameplay = less damage and less skillful end-game. Less skill and damage = shitters being able to compete with veterans.

The game has been cramping down on veterans having an advantage ever since they removed legendary quests from the game. Shitters want to feel powerful, but they don't want to get better because that demands investment, so they just opt to keep bitching and moaning until blizzard makes everything shit for everyone, so shitters are on an equal playing field with good players.

Why do you think they're constantly resetting your progression and giving out free raid-quality loot for killing 10 boars nowadays?

>Asmon is playing ESO

Its over lads, he gave up...

>Fixes all the issues with WoW in 1 patch


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Sounded great to me too, until i actually had to put up with it. Waiting for respawns made quests take forever, and constant ganking(by people in groups or far higher level) was just the norm. It made the most boring aspects of the game exponentially worse.

The Faction War for BfA was stupid contrived shit in the first place

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wait which patch are we playing classic on?

more like:

>kickstarts the chain of events that will end up with the game's own demise in 1 patch

by that logic when they started development in 1997 they kickstart the chain of events that will end up with the game's own demise in 13 patches

expansions were a mistake

>being this wrong

I can't believe I also fell for this master baiter.

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they're both equally shit, but in different ways.

everything wrong with bfa is pretty much everything classic got right, and vice versa.

no shoes hordelets and alliance furfags eternally buttblasted that our queen mommie gassed all those orc niglets

Fuck this game.
Fuck this game.
Fuck this game.

GCD hasnt been increased at all you retard. Why do you subhumans eat up anything somebody says when WoW has a billion actual issues you can already dig at

guaranteed replies

Fucking hell your posts seriously sound like you're paid to sit here on a board you hate to bullshit to a bunch of bullshitters

>more of the same shit
this idiot is why wow is shit
because they can squeeze out a sloppy turd and people like this will lap it up and say thank you

Sharding is only "confirmed" for starting zones in the first few days, but you know, slippery slope and nu-blizzard

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So where is the mmo for people who liked the middle M in mmos?

cant wait for the bait and switch
>sorry guis sharding is staying lol

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Nobody's going to play if that happens, I know Blizzard is stupid but it would be hard to imagine them being THAT stupid
They've certainly surprised us before though

People need to realise retail and classic wont save WoW, its time is up, western mmo's are a thing of the past.

Oh shit, they got rid of LFD and LFR?

>before that they had only 2k average, with half of them being chinks and at least 500 being mexicans or other mud-skin variant.
ur a fucking moron, quit spreading misinformation
nostal had a constant 6-8k pop before it jumped to fucking 15k every day

So basically it fixes nothing. Okay.

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>I know Blizzard is stupid but it would be hard to imagine them being THAT stupid
IS it though?
>BfA being worse than WoD
>Shit going on with Diablo
>Pretty much pulling the plug on HoTS right after Blizzcon and their announcements
>How OW is being handled
I don't know much about Starcraft so no comment on that, but you can't honestly tell me it's hard to imagine Blizzard's total incompetence at the moment.

>cross realm still exists
>sharding still exists
>warmode still exists
>LFD and LFR still exist
>Titanforging still exists
>Azerite still exists
>catch-up gear still exists
Reminder that no matter how much content Blizzard adds in a patch, the game will still be objectively shit because they refuse to take their heads out of their asses and remove the above things.

You can't fix current WoW, it's just a broken game at this point, the hilarious damage control devs do like remove portals to make the world feel more real & cut down on the quality of life abundance, that sounds good, but ultimately doesn't address many other problems that are far more critical, dumbed down classes, too much RNG, free epics being thrown around, LFR still existing, etc

Bring on Classic WoW

>no classic wow thread
is doa, isn't it?

>nostal had a constant 6-8k
You're delusional.

You probably never even heard about nostalrius until those e-celebs started making videos about it. You are the one spreading misinformation here, you fucking autistic drone.

Go lick sodapoppin's balls since you're at it, fucking idiot.

2 seconds of googling
Nostal was the biggest private server in forever
2k is for scrubshit ones like feenix
fuck off with your downsyndrome
I probably farmed ur ass in WPL

>linking reddit shit
thats a yikes from me dawg

>Tranny mods deletes the previous thread because of PIC

and he confirmed that this week will be more ESO, he loved it!

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Why not just instead of increasing the lvl cap - rendering the previous content obsolete - they just release an expansion that actually expands the 120 content ? They could have done this all the way back in the 60 times.

WoWfags should go back there.

Whoa did they finally remove the AP grind? Its only been what 3 years of doing it?

>instead of rushing shit he went to read all of the details and quest dialogue
>fell in love with the voice acting and quest lore
>fell in love with Morrowind itself
>its going to learn the basics of real cancel anim combat as every classic wowfag knows well

Blizzard lost him, BFA is done.

>nostalrius had 50k simultaneous players because some random on reddit said so
I don't even know why I waste my time replying to reddit scumbag like yourself.

Go watch some cuck porn since you're at it, fucking degenerate scum. You're not worth the time I'm wasting replying to you.

wow bad becaus my favorite e-friend from youtube said so hehe he said me name when i donate to him so based

How does this game has 20k people watching it? This is just absurd, how can TWENTY THOUSAND people watch somebody else play THIS game?

You'd get more enjoyment out of watching paint dry.

No and everyone here knows that is bullshit.

0,005 shekels have been deposited on your account.

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Methodfags, bots, private server streaming.

So they removed all the retarded shit they added after TBC?

no wonder people say mmo players are mentally ill


Classic may not save WoW, but at least it will be a last adventure before we let the genre die

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>stream game
>get money
>all you need to do is answer some retards questions one in a while


the genre is already dead, and you will never have classic the way it was. ever

blizzard will make changes, they will make "balance" fixes, they will change spawn times, they will change loot dynamics, and they will allow battle net integration.

plus, you have auto-queue addons that will make the game a bastardized version of classic with pretty much every shitty element (and people) from retail.

if you believe you'll have a "classic experience", you're just delusional. the vast majority wants changes.

I'm thinking of coming back and try a holy paladin. How are they in mythic+?

Wow retail and blind classic players are, and blizzard doesnt care for pirate server streaming on twitch because it helps on the damn game's revenue marketing, and marketing itself is a felonious activity.

But they didnt counted that today's stream would cause such shift


A satisfactory conclusion to a faction war is not possible within the framework of the game. They're not going to have one side flat out win due to that pissing off half the playerbase, and with dwindling subs, it's the last thing they should do. Focusing on the factions was a mistake to begin with, and I'm starting to hope BFA is the last hurrah for them before they put that shit in the background for the rest of WoW's lifespan.

that's only at the top 0.1%.

the vast majority are autistic incels in their 20s and 30s desperately begging for money just so they can avoid getting a real job.

Those 20k views probably come from less than 10 people.

I've eaten 9 salads today can you justify my actions?

Yes, they may ruin it. But I'm willing to give it a try

>adding caverns of time portal to SW

Thank you blizzard I still love you

>they may ruin it
You do understand those are the same people who created the last three expansions, right?

did they fix the writing????????

is it still fanfic level trash, where every hero dies and is replaced by his daughter.

Is anduin a human character with flaws or just his majesty mary sue.

How about the worst character ever shoved down my throat, nathanos "self insert" the invincible.

Did they change the plot or is it still a sad rehash of the voljin rebellion.

Sure bro, ill go back just now so i can spend 6 months waiting for a new patch with 8 bosses of content for just 78 bucks.

>Play WoW from just after the start of TBC to near the end of Cata
>Come back right at the end of Legion
>Unironically enjoying BFA
What am I doing wrong? It's not as good as launch Cata or TBC, but I'm enjoying it much better than Wrath outside of Ulduar/ICC

it's inclusive now.

they even added literal kang niggers and obese women into the lore.

A new team is handling Classic and they have done a good job so far

Ignore the autists, most people love BFA its just the loud minority as usual whining..

In 2 expansions time they will say they loved it

What are you enjoying exactly? Grinding bullshit nu-currency or farming 15 different reputation flavors?

Blizzard intern please go

0.05 cents have been added to your account's balance.

thank you for your shilling

>shilling a shit company that made a dying shit game

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Better than the absolute nothing that Wrath offered me outside of its raids. Rather do the emissaries or even the island expeditions than the 7 dungeons a week thing, given that the dungeons were mediocre at best and outright shit at worst on top of being piss easy.

>try mythic+ everyone is raving about
>its literally just a 5 man but everyone REEs at you if you pull a single mob more than you have to

Real talk.
What kind of bullshit Blizz will pull to get another xpac? What's left in the Lore?

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>playing WoW

Oh so they just said fuck this expansion and made everything non canon? Because this expacs story is convoluted as fuck and quite frankly, written like shit.

Good job, Pajeet. Your shilling is on fire today.

More 0.005 cents have been added to your account.


You shouldn't speak like you played the game if you never have

Hurry up and post about how good FF14 is so you can get paid and leave the thread

I fucking hate nathanos even more after seeing that image collage of the fuckwit writing who doesn't even try to hide the fact that it's his self insert

>paladin asspull
say what now

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Holy shit. Imagine actually believing this. Wows subs are at an all time low you mouth breathing faggot. And another 8% just left too. Jesus just neck yourself blizzdrone.

either something with bolvar flavored lichking or lichqueen sylvannas if she doesn't die in this one
regardless it will be lichking related in some way

A co-worker of mine is hyped for this Wow Classic. He's even getting me to play the game. I might decide it's not for me, but I will try it out just to play with him.

Make up a bunch of shit? Seems like they mostly did that with MoP.

the whats?

tfw no magatha raid where it's just a big flat plain and a heard of grimtotem and you get cool extensions of the weird beasts of kalimdor like a one of those stubby but long necked dinosaurs but it shoots lightning out of its mouth and you get to fight Magatha in massive tent whose interior is obscured with a shitload of weed smoke while spooky native american music plays.

So they fixed it? I haven't played since pandas. The game doesn't even feel the same from the lvl 20 trial. Seems like it could be alright though

whats stopping people from ccing the shaman

Blizzdrones are like dogs returning to their vomit.

There are still too many left that those people can truly be viewed as a vocal minority.
Imagine that if the 3 million MAU figure I've picked up somewhere only made up 8% of Blizzards player base, that would mean that they had 37.5 million MAUs before and still have like 34.5 million left right now.
We have no idea about the distribution between all their games of course and if maybe Blops4 and Destiny 2 are part of this as well, since they're accessed through the battle-net launcher. I personally don't think so, but it's not unreasonable I'd say.


MoP had the best lore because they made new shit instead of dumpstering old shit.


>>Top tier Raid content
6 hours a week when all guild online
>>Top tier Dungeon content (Mythic+)
25 minutes a week for box
>>Top tier collectibles (transmogs, mounts, toys, achievements)
wow this is worth 180 dollars per year

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The Mantid and Mogu were great. And while I get how they handled the Pandaren weren't for everyone, I liked them enough.

Not him but the guy who played on Nost from the start
>inb4 projecting
Just google or find nostalrius forum archive. Nost started at 4k cap, folllowed by 6k after 2 weeks. For like year they didnt raise cap so much because they said its impossible to write a stable core for vanillia that can hold more than 8k. So yes most privs aka moltencuck lie about pop.
The nost reenginered sharding, it was visible mostly in stonetalon/barrens border. There were a invisible wall and you culndt see any mob player or npc past it unless you crossed it. Cap was at 15k and with this players got heavily reduced view range, mobs getting lasg from 0.5s to 2s between attacks/skills. In saturday at 12 EU time you got 15k players online + around 3-4k in queue. Thats around 20k players playing/trying to play at one time. I think it was like month before shutdown. Also there was a big population of chineese people.
>inb4 nostcuck
Just trying to state facts, if you do not believe me try googling nostalrius forum and check section about problems and suggestions where people were angry about 15k people and even more queue times, asking for 2nd server or to solve chink problem

all the way back in cata they introduced sun worshipping among tauren to give them paladins/priests
but because race/class nuances are dumb this immediately translated into tauren in human themed armor using light spells all the other paladins use

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Flynn Fairwind is pretty great. There’s a sort of escort quest where he’s hammered and stumbling around, had me cracking up

>classes simpler than in classic
Slowmo 1 button classes were truly based

You whining rep babbies - rep is so easy compared to vanilla and tbc. It takes a month to get exalted with all factions in BFA

>Horde player thinks he's hot shit when he and his raid group camp WQs and Blizz doesn't give him free gear