0 incentive to go forward unless you want different textured blocks

>0 incentive to go forward unless you want different textured blocks
>boss fights require you to be absurdly OP to stand a chance
>need a wiki open all of the time
>lose everything if you die
>mobs spawn in the same room you're in out of nowhere

terraria thread

Attached: FA5D2370-57F0-4EBC-BE35-F3B5B02610BB.jpg (310x163, 11K)

if you want to make a good thread, you should'nt post an image that is not relevant and/or is better than what your topic is, OP

minecraft is too hard for you huh

Attached: good_job_retard.jpg (600x522, 24K)

You just got r/WOOOOOOOSHED

Terraria isnt that similar to Minecraft other than the fact you can build. The entire point of Terarria is to get to the end, but with Minecraft, the end is whenever you get bored.

It's really annoying when people try to argue whether Minecraft or Terraria are better. Gameplay-wise they're so different, with Minecraft being a Sandbox game with survival elements, while Terraria is a 2D Action Adventure game with Sandbox elements.

How autistic can you be to even compare a 2D game with a 3D game?

fucking get out faggot

I really just want to play Hytale already so I can know for sure if all Minecraft clones are shit or not.

The end is whenever you get bored for every game.

Every one of those assertions is wrong bar, arguably the first. Even then there's armour/weapons to get

>0 incentive to go forward unless you want different textured blocks
or maybe getting better weapons/Armour, its called progression.
>boss fights require you to be absurdly OP to stand a chance
you just suck shit, multiple ways to beat bosses without good gear.
>need a wiki open all of the time
takes like a week to learn what materials you need and what drops what.
>lose everything if you die
its called punishment you faggot, learn to lose or play on softcore if you cant handle loss.
>mobs spawn in the same room you're in out of nowhere
this just tells me you haven't played the game and im wasting my time writing all this.

Yet it's still miles better than shitcraft at basically everything other than sandbox simulation

incentive to go forward unless you want different textured blocks

The answer is to that is a resounding yes. Hytale, ideally, should transcend Minecraft. There's a difference.

This is now a Dragon Quest Builder's thread

Attached: DQB.jpg (742x1200, 282K)

>tfw you have to practically beg your friends to play terraria with you

In fairness the co-op experience is only fun once. Then it's repetitive unless you all have the exact same flavour of autism

>play co-op
>have no idea what to do
>the one autistic friend carries everyone

I can't wait for hytale. I hope its good.