is it morally wrong to pirate a game when it is handed out for free ?
this comes in light of continuous hostile and anti consumer practices made by epic and their free game releases
i dont want to inflate their numbers but i would gladly take their free shit
but if i pirate it would i still be considered a good boy ?
Is it morally wrong to pirate a game when it is handed out for free ?
>is it morally wrong to pirate a game
Pirate whatever you want, only Sony, Nintendo, and FromSoft deserve your money so pay them. /thread
>is it morally wrong
Who gives a shit? Fuck off moralfags
Imagine having such a cancerous ego that you think that your individual action matters to the industry when you don't have any kind of audience to influence or probably even friends.
It is never morally wrong to pirate a game as long as you eventually pay for the ones you enjoy.
>is it morally wrong to pirate a game
Devs got paid anyway
And fuck the publishers
Do whatever you want OP
>searching for moral wisdom on fucking Yea Forums
Morality is an agreement between people of similar power levels.
If you go all-out and win by any means available, and your enemy is doing the same, then you'll both end up sabotaging the other so hard that in the end, neither of you will win.
If you both agree to show some restraint or abide by restrictions, then you both have a better chance of winning overall.
If one person has a lot more power than another, then morality doesn't apply. The person with the power can ignore whatever morals are inconvenient to them, and can decide that the weaker person must obey whatever morality is given to them, and the person without the power can eat shit and die.
Morality is only secured by your ability to fight back. If you cannot fight back, then morality might as well be toilet paper.
So yes, piracy is moral. It's how you return fire against publishers who'll ban you for calling their developers faggots, their moderation staff niggers, their monetization practices kikeshit, and their female characters roasties, even if all of that is true.
Morality means nothing if people don't abide by it, and if Epic games or Steam can get away with banning you for perfectly valid criticism on the basis of it being "bigoted", "trolling", "in bad faith" or "antisemitic", then morality has clearly gone flying out the window and the rules no longer apply.
When Games As Service becomes commonplace, Piracy becomes revolutionary.
Well put, user.
Kids dont have problems. Hence.... this..
why the fuck do you care? just pirate something. if you feel bad then you're a fucking retard. you aren't hurting anyone and these big corporations that look at people as nothing more than piles of autistic money don't give a shit about your feelings.
good post
Ideally what should happen is that publishers recognise that their customers do have the power to fight back, and as a result agree to make some concessions in exchange for their customers not RISING UP.
But given how most tech corporations nowadays don't understand why free speech is an important check against abuse of power and how abuse of power escalates, they're going to keep going until it boils over.
Just pirate bro, what are you? gay?
Maximize your own benefit.
>might makes right
I don't know what's cringier, this post or the two lobotomites who agreed with it.
The only morally excusable pirating is in the case that it harms china in some way
>Caring about morality of piracy.
I'm a buyfag but that's only because I'm so behind the curve that it's easier to just pay $10 for the complete editions of games then pirating them.
Might does not make right.
But a lack of might results in a lack of right.
>Not knowing how to pirate
Why live?
is it morally wrong to download a picture or video or to copy any combination of 1's and 0's without the permission of the creator?
is it morally wrong to download a picture or video or to copy any combination of 1's and 0's without the permission of the creator?
>my vote doesnt matter fallacy
Kindly kys sir
They didn't lose a vote if I wouldn't have voted anyway.
>ethics are meaningless without strength to enforce them
Why is basic reading comprehension beyond the average v poster
>anti consumer practices
No such thing. They have a product and are offering to sell it to you. If you don't want it for the price they want to sell it, then don't buy it. They don't owe you a video game.
>brainlet wojack.jpg
Nice defeatism there bucko.
>anti consumerism doesnt exist
What term would you apply to practices that are considered below industry standard in terms of their negativity towards the consumer.
>inb4 hurr durr theres no such thing as a consumer negative practice theyre just offering you a service bro
To be specific, you need roughly equal mights to get roughly equal rights. Whoever has enough power to disregard return fire has enough power to disregard morality.
Right now, corporations have more power than their customers, and as a result the customer can get the product they paid for denied from them if the customer complains about the product or the business practices in the "wrong way".
If the customer had all the power and the companies couldn't fight back, I expect the situation would be just as bad.
Enough cells put together make a person. Enough people put together make an army.
If corporation fuckery inspires enough "individual action" then it ceases being individual.
Do you know why Epic Games doesn't allow users to have forums, and says that complaints can be handled directly between user and developer?
Because one user can't do shit. A whole bunch of users together, though, that's a whole other story.
Forums are how users realise that yes, they all have similar complaints, and organise their individual action into an effective pushback.
That's why 1A mentions right to assembly in addition to just speech, and why 2A references militias rather than lone gunmen.
People can work together to achieve mutual goals, even if those people are individuals.
this, but unironically
>They didn't lose a vote if I wouldn't have voted anyway.
Only if you keep your opinion to yourself and don't inspire others to non-vote like you're doing.
You seem to be the type of person who keeps their opinion to yourself though so you have a point.
>if something is free then youre the product
Youre stealing from them by not allowing their chink dataminer on your system
>They have a product and are offering to sell it to you.
And access to that product can be revoked for any reason. While it's true they don't owe me a videogame, and I also don't owe them my money, I will say that I'd be a lot more willing to trade my money for their game if I had sufficient power to resist them should they try to deny me access to the game that I fucking paid for.
Oh wait, I do. It's called Piracy.
Moral or not, it does get you the game without EGS, which is what matters.
The rest is just whether or not you can live with yourself after the decision
Morality is a spook and so is copyright. Paying for a non-tangible product, such as a movie or a video game, is a donation to the dev and to the publisher.
If you don't feel they deserve a donation, don't "buy" it.
That's literally might makes might, you stupid fuck. Not being able to defend yourself against a group of gang rapists does not magically transform the act of gang rape into a meaningless jaunt. I know you think you're being all edgy and 4D chess and shit, but you're just a shallow faggot with 16 year old levels of awareness.
If it's in your moral system to let other people fuck you over for no reason maybe you're just a cuck.
You see, this is what you're advocating for if you're saying that morality is irrelevant and the only thing that matters to a corporation is money.
You're saying that they can stab each-other in the dick for profit, trampling linux ports in the process. They can also stab the paying customer in the dick too, denying the user access to modding, LAN support or offline play because that would mean a user could be "toxic" without getting punished.
Even if you yourself would never backtalk a company, you could still enjoy linux ports, custom servers, and a game that still runs when your connection to the internet doesn't.
You can easily call a dog good or bad because it's not a moral question but if the dog follows their master's will. This let a dog owned by someone evil still be a good dog.
Dealing morally with immoral actors is for suckers.
>if something is free then youre the product
Not true! My love for my waifu is given freely.
Oh my god. Oh no! Has my waifu been DATAMINING my affection this entire time?
Morality is a spook.
it's the exact opposite actually
without might, you don't need to worry about right
I know how but by the time I get around to actually playing a game, it's easier to just buy it and get cloud saves and shit then hunt for a complete version.
Still pirate or ignore Ubisoft games because fuck UPlay.
the concept of spooks is a spook
based and nonspooked
>That's literally might makes might, you stupid fuck
No it fucking isnt you tard.
>Not being able to defend yourself against a group of gang rapists does not magically transform the act of gang rape into a meaningless jaunt
This is what I meant about reading comprhension. The original user wasnt saying that those in power get to determine whats right. His point was that screeching "Uh dont you know youre violating my human rights sir!" as Jamal is balls deep in your ass doesnt do shit.
Theres a pretty big fucking difference between saying might is right and that without might right is meaningless, but thats clearly lost on you.
>I know you think you're being all edgy and 4D chess and shit, but you're just a shallow faggot with 16 year old levels of awareness
Coming from someone with a 5th grade reading level this doesnt mean shit.
Your right to your anal virginity is not secured by a document, or common decency, or the concept of justice, or the deeds of your ancestors.
Your right to your anal virginity is secured by the promise that, should someone try to take it from you, you will FIGHT BACK. With WEAPONS.
imagine being restricted by morals and emotions
For what purpose?
Seemed a perfectly valid response.
Now who's shit at reading comprehension? Did I say LET? Nice goalpost moving, you pathetic primitive. At least even you know how patently absurd the bullshit you thought sounded deep 5 minutes ago is actually bullshit.
>It's actually the exact opposite of might makes right. Y'see, right is simpy contingent on might. Right is pointless without might. But that doesn't mean might is right. It means the opposite.
About the level I'd expect from someone giving that sophomoric edgelording any amount of defense.
I tried fixing a typo and literally reproduced it because I am retarded and got distracted by a second post.
You never argued what guarantees your right to a pristine butthole. You argued that without guaranteeing it, such a right is invalid/indefensible morally. Which is a circular, incoherent position. You would only be defending something if that thing existed independent of your efforts to defend it. You don't lose your right to life just because some dude with nukes moves on your dirt farm.
There is a huge difference between what you personally consider bad (e.g. bum rape), and what other people consider bad.
Your personal view of good and bad aren't determined by might.
But if you want society to agree with you and protect your ass, then there needs to be the potential for retaliation from people with violated ass.
Just to clarify, the first person you responded to didnt make the reading comprhension remark, thats
>You don't lose your right to life just because some dude with nukes moves on your dirt farm.
Unfortunately, if your rights are not backed by anything, they can be taken from you and your only option is to eat dirt and die.
I agree that this is obviously not an ideal situation, and that in a perfect world you could walk down the street without worrying about being banned for disrespecting a moderator or getting your rump rogered.
But this is not a perfect world.
corporate cocksuckers make me sick
No, I copied all my GameCube/Wii games even though Daddy Nintendo would think that's wrong.
Now, if you're arguing, "How do we determine what personal wishes society should defend, and what personal wishes society can disregard?"
Then the answer to that all throughout human history is "the wishes of whoever will fight back if you infringe them". It happens that a whole LOT of people will fight back if you try to bumrape them, and there are far fewer people who'll fight back if you tell them to not rape.
The morality we end up carrying tends to be that which is beneficial for our extended family's long-term survival. This is why we don't shoot the medic and poison the food - in a war without survivors, nobody wins.
I argue that our long-term survival is much better served by being able to tell people when their game is shit, because a good game teaches you the mindset of getting good and coping with hardship through personal growth, handy for many other problems in society.
Also a good game doesn't tell you to respect women and minorities merely for existing. A good game will tell you to respect them if and only if they've learned their parry timings and spacing windows.
Assuming this, you can see why a developer who has anti-consumer practices would be a bad thing for society and why you might want to resist them.
Unfortunately, our long term survival is not really part of the agenda to people who are shorting the Euro, or to people who want to get rich off of gachashit.
But the way you fight back against this isn't writing a letter to Epic Games telling them you feel that allowing the user to call people faggotniggers would be beneficial to society (even if it would be), because they aren't gonna listen. They could not give a flying fuck about society's benefits.
The way you fight back is to not give them money, to tell other people not to give them money, and if that doesn't fail, to roll up to their office with a carbomb and scream GAMERS RISE UP. It's ugly but it's necessary.
Spending money on video games is morally wrong for me and my wallet.
I'm not goalpost shifting because I'm a different person. My stance is . If you're thinking about morality in relation to an actor that has no moral code or one that doesn't match up with yours in any way, then you're being played for a sucker. Epic is either immoral or amoral and as such you and I have no obligation to behave morally with respect to it. Moralfags can pirate Epic exclusives with no guilt.
lrn2friend/enemy distinction
>lrn2friend/enemy distinction
This is a basic life skill that is deliberately not being taught to people in favor of inclusivity / diversity.
It's a rare sight on Yea Forums to see a first post, that through forces unknown, also happens to be the best post.
i wish we could get posts of this quality more often