The verdict has been reached: the sonic movie is the fault of capitalism

The verdict has been reached: the sonic movie is the fault of capitalism.

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how is he still this fat?

Media: *exists*


He isn't wrong though. It took the entire internet, including you fuckers, to convince them to change the shit design.

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show me 1 (one) example from the video in which he blames capitalism

I mean he's not wrong
shit like this happens because of investors and marketing and shit

>it took market demand to convince them to change a wildly unpopular design that there would have been no demand for
What the fuck even is capitalism then?

Imagine being anti capitalist while dedicating your career on covering an industry that survives not on goodwill donations but creating and selling a product for money.

This fat fuck will gripe about it till the day he keels over. Insipid retard.

>small committee of people decided what they thought was the best Sonic design for masses

>huge swath of market demands new Sonic design

Literally did not mention capitalism once in the video.

Do you even know what "capital" is you dense retard?

I'm not listening to a fat person, I'll listen to a chubby person, a guy without a head, a transgender 'person', literally anyone except for someone that obese.

Everything bad is capitalism

>AND NOT MINE!1!1!!11! >:(
Why would it be his?

Your ability speak doesn't make you intelligent.

This is pretty much what he was banging on about though, Hollywood thinks it's some sort of cultural hegemon that knows what is best, when it's just filled with clueless inbreds detached from culture sitting at the top bungling everything up.

Imagine thinking selling a product for money is exclusive to capitalism.
Insipid retard.

>you have critiques of a system yet you don't live in a hovel in the woods. Curious!
Fuck off DDIQ

the design makes sense to me
you couldn't have those massive, unseparated eyes in a movie focused more on realism and the same for that "nose".
you've got Jim Carrey playing Eggman (not cartoonish at all) and then you're going to have a goofy cartoonish revision of this design
should just let it be but the entropy just has to rise

>sonic movie bad therefore capitalism bad
The autistic curse of Sonic the Hedgehog claims another victim

>Jim: does anything

>selling products for money isn’t exclusive to capitalism
What other system does this?

It's because he may or may not have put cold hard cash, the thing that actively supports capitalism, into a product which he proceeds to have a negative opinion about. I'm no economic entrepreneur, but that seems a little skeevy to me at least.

It's such a shame to see so many well-meaning people (Jim included) succumb to the infinite righteousness source that is the utopian fantasy that isMarxism. It's a clear sign that it was design in such a way, to be the antithesis to the thesis that is crony capitalism. And with the synthesis being sold as "a fair society where everyone is equal" when in reality the actual revolutions - bloody violent, dehumanizing, nation destroying societal transformations are the real, hidden objective behind the dangled carrot of egalitarianism.
It seems to consume the reasonable parts of their minds, slowly transforming them into propaganda obsessed sycophants that see capitalism as the fault of everything that is ever bad about anything.
Case in point, even some shitty kids matinee movie is a heinous capitalist crime to these people. They don't even catch themselves using the most blatant instances of logical fallacies. Communism always seeks to co-opt every facet of victimization ever, and seeks to deepen the pit of division to radicalize one side (usually a minority - not necessarily by number, but by representation) towards conflict, towards dehumanizing the other side - who will always be demonized - fascists, oppressors, greedy monsters. The enemies of communism very quickly lose their status as people. How else are those dumb masses going to rationalize killing each other in bloody civil wars (see every communist revolution ever) unless they're goaded to seeing anyone, even the people that are sympathetic to their cause but say, would not be ok with murdering the rich, as "enemies of progress". It's always funny to see ignorance be the easiest path to misery every time. Neo-marxism comes in the name of progress - even calling themselves "progressives" and "anti-fascists" - exactly the way it was at the beginning of the last century when this monstrous farce has been inflicted on the world.

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It's quite bizarre really.
In game threads you'll see people complaining about microtranscations, but then in threads like these the consensus seems to be 'fuck people who criticise them'.

>The Last Samurai is whitewashing
fucking how

this but unironically

This guy is only popular because some devs tried to sue him. If it wasn't for that this idiot would've never been as popular as he is.

>thought Sonic 4 was good

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the real guy was irish, and irish are potato colored, not white?

This specific industry it is. Dont reply to my posts of you dont have a functional brain.
You misrepresented my point entirely. Additionally, the industry does deserve proper critique. Not critiquing everything about exclusively from a biased anti capitalist standpoint.
Hes no different from a fat feminist who applies everything as a result of patriarchal inequality.
Also calling me DDIQ means nothing because nobody knows or cares about whatever you're referring to. Dipshit.

I like Jim's non review videos.

You've never read Marx lmao

Do people still think Samurai referred to Tom Cruise?

>Retard who has no grasp of theory: the post

Your pathetic lack of a rebuttal is noted.
Got any reaction pictures are or you done?


what? if you're somehow talking about William Adams, he was only Irish in Nioh for some reason. the real guy was English.

>muh theory

Imagine mistaking jargon for substantive arguments and profound insights

How much till lard boy goes full tankie?

And guess what? We're the customers. It's about time the entertainment business started listening to us.

If Enver Hoxha would still be alive, we woulda got a good Sonic movie. It only takes a pickaxe and a rifle.

So close yet so far
Communism is a product of jeudaism, its goal is jewish supremecy and one world government
Its a convinient tool in their quest to summon the messiah

Next Jimquisition: is Nicolás Maduro the savior of gaming?

Based and chapopilled

>9 minutes in

Why he is so fat?

What the fuck? I love communism now!

The unfortunate side effect of the miracle of capitalism is that it also allows Jimbo to survive

>we did it redit won again
Yeah, no, what happened was paramount got a phone call from the merchandising team that went something like this: "Hello? Yeah, fuck faces, how in gods name do you think we can sell this to mc donalds? They don't sell Mc Nightmare meals jackass, fix it"

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>Create absolutely terrible design no one likes and siphon Earth's resources in order to manufacture merchandise for movie that no one will buy, inevitably piling up in landfills and the whole failure being written off as a tax break so really no money is lost in process

The Last Samurai was Ken Watanabe's character and his clan, not Tom Cruise. He never even watched it yet feels the need to rip into it with false accusations. Nice research.
>I looked at he poster and made assumptions thank god for me

>Yeah, no, what happened was paramount got a phone call from the merchandising team that went something like this: "Hello? Yeah, fuck faces, how in gods name do you think we can sell this to mc donalds? They don't sell Mc Nightmare meals jackass, fix it"

Ah yes, the merchandising team didn't have a look at it UNTIL the trailer was released, right? Are you fucking retarded? They obviously thought they knew what they were doing until the backlash and are backpedaling hard now

ah yes this defense. Goes to show feminism is nothing but communism but with grievances based on gender instead of class. They're the first to accuse that you've never read/understood what feminism is all about even though you're criticizing the actions of their most ardent zealots.

Just like real communism has never been tried huh? Just keep riding that "bulletproof theory" and intellectual elitism. As long as it's never attempted it cannot fail. And when it does, just call it "not real". Idiots.

Marx was a bourgeois whore. He had servants that he consistently refused to pay, used to borrow money constantly. He was a hypocritical parasite just like anyone that follows him today. He was paid by powerful banking dynasties to co-opt the nascent workers rights movements that were appearing thanks to industrialization. He and that other whore Engels were to divert attention from bankers, who were creating inequality with their debt slavery. Start an intellectual movement that would blame it on the slightly rich, give the parasitical bankers to embed themselves as middlemen into every financial transaction and become creditors to nations. Russia was to be the first to receive the utopia that is marxism but for that the Tsar had to die - the Romanov were guilty of having the audacity to stop the initial attempt at a League of Nations, incurring the anger of parasite bankers and their ambitions to enslave nations through debt. Who knows without this delay we could all be already living under a global system of prosperity where antiquated notions of sovereignty and free speech have been done away for in the name of "social harmony".

I really wish you would stop shilling here. You are a negative contribution to the site.

I know brother. Its talmudic autoritarianism. But that's a pill too hard to administer on Yea Forums

>Yea Forums is one person

He's right you know. I'm pretty sure Jim doesn't hate capitalism, he lives off of it and supports it by buying games.
Shows what anyone here knows about anything.

He hates how shareholders demand more money every year to keep share prices up and so the industry has to milk people harder and harder every year.

sounds like a problem with being a publically traded company

Capitalism is a system where private capital responds to the demands of the market and adapts production to consumers needs and wants.

Socialism is a system where consumers adapt to the decisions made by government bureaucrats.

you can't trick me into watching this shit

Jim Sterling became shit after he left Destructoid

The system implicitly coerces individuals into working for it if they want to survive, so it's a useless exercise to point out the fact that everyone is forced to interact with it in some misguided and masturbatory attempt to point out hypocrisy. It cannot be meaningfully changed on an individual level (say voting with your wallet to stop bad or unethical products, whether they be games, movies, news media, platforms like steam or epic, etc.) people need to organize in groups if they want to make actual change. Blaming individuals allows capitalism to continue it's course unimpeded, and without a doubt you will see more microtransactions, more deliberately inflammatory bait-filled content like Sonic or lady Ghostbusters, soulless stamped-out trashed draped in "woke" platitudes to dupe both virtue signalling rage-filled unwitting marketers into loudly decrying them and virtue signalling self-serving liberals into loudly endorsing them.

Sonic himself is a product of capitalism.

but thats ok because inflation makes the dollar worth less every year. why would you even argue against it unless you got memed by gold/btc

Does people really think that they sound clever because they use words like capitalism or heteropatriarchy?

As much of an insufferable twat as he is, this video got a laugh out of me.

>I'm talking out of my ass but I used a lot of words so i'm right

jordan peterson pls go

When there’s no sonic movie 2, remember to thank capitalism for working as intended

>hates the rich
>loves the people who literally create money out of nothing

why do communists never go after the banks?
Is it because certain people are in control of those banks?

>why do communists never go after the banks?
lmao they do, retard. Even listened to Bernie Sanders?

This is in fact sonic movie 3

The first was the OVA, which most people like and sega japan absolutely hates so much that it tried to erase it from existence only to get BTFO by mania which is in the same style and universally praised.

The 2nd was Night of the Werehog, which is universally praised as good by everyone but im sure you retards will be contrarian to fit in.

This latest dumpster fire is quite literally a bunch of paramount execs fault for copying detective pikachu style and expecting money to rain from the sky because its a well known brand name. They are getting rightfully roasted and i hope they don't recover the budget. (but they will, thanks china)

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Man, fuck those bugman drones

>The first was the OVA, which most people like and sega japan absolutely hates so much that it tried to erase it from existence only to get BTFO by mania which is in the same style and universally praised.
What the fuck are you on about.

>Bernie Sanders
Try again, maybe Sanders can scam you some more.

why does he wear the mask?

Bernie isnt communist tho

Socialism would limit his choices so he would go on diet whether he liked it or not.
So kinda i guess.

Socialism is a system where the means of production are owned and controlled by those who work them, and where production is made for consumption.

Capitalism is where the means of production are privately owned, and run for profit.

>Yea Forums now defends hollywood because criticism of corrupt media giants is an attack on capitalism
the jewry won

i don't give a fuck about jim's sonic opinions.

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It's almost as if it is all because of capitalism, people demand change or they won't hand them money for this hack job, and they do it for money.
Works as expected.

Why is he so fat and piglike?

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no the other guy is right

Riddle me this then: where does profit come from?

Did you fuckers watch the video or you shut your brains when you heard "White" and "Black" lol

Funny, i thought the only ones to blame are the retarded mouth breathers who watch shit like resident evil, fast and furious or every other piece of shit with even a semblance of a known brand no matter how shit it is.
You would think is that you vote with your wallet not with outraged twitter posts, but nope, this fat fuck thinks somehow some rich white man in a suit is to blame not the moviegoer who refuses to watch anything that isnt marvel or 100mln advertised blockbuster.

Yeah, the textbook definition is great, shame it doesn't work like that in real life.
t. filthy pole that lived through socialism.

as always, Jim is right

This by far is the most hilarious misinterpretation of the Sonic character.

nigga marxism is nothing but a theoretical model that sounds good on paper. You cannot not talk out of your ass about it, since every concrete application of said theory was a horrendous disaster. The nerve of lefty faggots to use circlejerk academic references as if they were fact shows the rot in your brain. I have not met one lefty that is not a misanthropic self-hating faggot who is completely up his own ass, talking out his ass but he's quoting people that talk out of their ass with academic titles. It's a fucking cult of authority you're part of faggot. It's why every communist nation becomes a statist dystopia. Marxists are nothing but submissive faggots - for women it's implied - they're followers, treating the state as their fucking daddy. It's why, outside of demagogue poster-boys, you''ll never find a strong-willed, masculine communist, it's an oxymoron. They're always weak-chinned, bitter, envious, lazy rejects who are subconsciously supporting communism in the hope that you can equalize everything about man. You cannot, unlikable, bitter low-T faggots will always be bottom of the barrel rejects and no ideology will make them, or any of the other dregs (fags, trannies, pedophiles) legitimate and accepted in the eyes of anyone worth looking up to.

As for proof. It's called censorship for a reason. Lefty imbeciles are passing laws in the EU that make it illegal to look to some historical events. The search for truth apparently is hateful. So pardon me if I don't link any sources. The naivete you need to have to think that a historian could publish anything that's contradictory to the narrative and he/she would still have a career. It's adorable, really. College professors are getting fired for correcting students when they regurgitate some "critical theory" revisionist history crap about whitey=bad and you faggots still think that there's still a society where truth holds weight.

Where does usury come from?

Capitalists stealing the surplus value from their workers.

>sonic movie is the fault of capitalism.
underage faggot is in

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Its the clowns

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aww fuck I accidently clicked on it fuck you OP

Product of the merchants guild

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Fucking this. This is the same fat fuck that gave Sonic Colors a 3/10.

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No point in trying to make sense of communists brother. You're staring into a vortex of moral compromise where ego>reality.

A plutocratic billionaire who made his money by being a stock-market speculator, George Soros is funding many marxist NGOs but these morons cannot see the beyond their ego-driven rationalizations.

How the fuck, as a communist, you see the supposed enemy of communism fund communist organizations and not wonder if maybe I'm a useful idiot. What else could blind someone like that outside of pride?

>Decide to watch it
>Mostly just him flexing his thesaurus on Sonic and indulging himself in his gay little fetish costumes
>Midway through he goes off on The Last Samurai and Ghost in the Shell
I had to close the tab. I fucking hate people who shit on those movies. Ghost in the Shell has always had Kusanagi's origins be vague and possibly weird. There's nothing racist about her being a Japanese girl who got put into a cyberbody that looks like a White woman. Don't even get me started on the Last Samurai. People like to deride is a white savior story but it's nothing of the sort. The protagonist basically feels immense guilt over atrocities he committed against Native Americans and when he ends up captured by the Samurai clan, he grows to respect and love their culture and joins their cause, ultimately giving his life in a pointless suicide charge as a form of repentance for his actions back home. Anybody who shits on the Last Samurai and tries to make it sound like it's racist is a retard who missed the point entirely.

What a shame too, Jim's videos aren't all the bad when he's not virtue signalling or shrieking nonstop about corporate greed.

How many books on the subject have you read? For that matter, how many books endorsing capitalism have you read and how many books on the way capitalism influences culture have you read?
Are you familiar with the legislation you are actually talking about and have you read it yourself?

Because quite honestly, it sounds you just pull things out of your ass here.

>capitalism was at fault
it's not like he's wrong, but I don't see how you can dedicate an entire series of videos where you're essentially coming to the same conclusion over and over

People bitch all the fucking time about any game or movie, and even if the trailer gets like 98% disliked companies will still push onwards with it without changing a fucking thing
Why they actually bothered to listen to the complaints of the audience this time around is a complete mystery, because for movies that practically never happens


Capitalism is the only reason surplus exists.

Why do you believe that just because you accept someone's money you are their ally?
Why not march up to Soros' home right now and shoot him the face and redistribute his wealth?
That is what a true revolutionary would do.

The obsessive hatred, bordering on psychosis, against products — i.e. against man-made objects — seems to be the hallmark of the pseudo-intellectual today. Hatred of consumption, a problem which no sane, healthy person has ever had. As if food and clothes, as if eating or dressing were bad. Such is the pseudo-intellectual's craving to appear to be raging at something, that he will rage at life's basic necessitities if need be.

The "consumer society" should have been called the "slave society", since there's nothing wrong with consuming, it is indeed the basis, the prerequisite, of all growth. Marx was at least healthy in focusing on production; Baudrillard's obsession with consumption is neurotic. Why not reduce it to zero and die of thirst in a few days, you fucking nihilistic little prick? Better yet just stop breathing; oxygen too is something that we consume.

What is "capital"? It is simply another word for money, which is a medium that facilitates exchange. Capitalism, then, is merely a state of things in which individuals are able, and allowed, to enter into exchange. That's all it is. Capitalism = Exchange. And since it is impossible for any culture and civilization at all to exist without exchange (indeed exchange is the number one prerequisite for civilization, with language itself understood as a form of exchange, the exchange of feelings), we might as well say that Capitalism = Civilization. To be against capitalism, then, means to be against civilization — which is par for the course for the kind of subhuman dreck which perpetually champions this nauseating, decadent notion. Just take a good look at them and you'll see.

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the western release was
>reviewed as annoying and dull
>removed from sale
they sure loved that one

Correct, because capitalism just magically makes it appear out of thin air.
Have you ever actually gone through the process of calculating the price of a product?

Yea Forums:
>Everyone to the left of me is a communist
Also Yea Forums:
>wtf Bernie isn't a REAL communist

Either you have to admit that your concept of "the communists" contains a shitload of centre-right shitlibs or you have to stop bitching about them not being communist enough despite you labelling them communists.

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>every socialist country is an economically depressed shithole
>every capitalist country is a high QOL paradise

>Surplus value
>Of value

top kek


what are you trying to say?

tried and true communist coping mechanism. Defer to "theory", definitions, models, fallacies and other unsubstantiated crap.

Works on paper, try in practice, fails miserably. Reach the conclusion that the attempt did not adhere to the theory - > call it "real capitalism has not been attempted" -> try again.

Isn't that close to Eistein's definition of insanity?
Even when each attempt comes with one of more of the following civil war, political persecutions, famine, genocide. Who but psychopaths can still see it as legitimate solution. How the fuck can a normal human being rationalize the 80+ million that died because of communism in Soviet Russia and China alone. Oh yeah, it "wasn't real communism".

Why does this guy complain about companies doing dirty things for money when he literally makes his living as a sensationalist whiner who only makes videos about controversies to stir up shit?

Real capitalism has actually not been tried, because everyone can agree that it is a bad idea.

When it comes to the divides in soviety rulers, enforcers, middle class, and lower class, Socialism is the same as capitalism, except everyone is poorer.

100+ million dead because of communist revolutions. "How many books have you read on the merits of capitalism?"

You're delusional, get help

You are using big words, but you don't really say anything beyond "capitalism doesn't mean what capitalism means", which is quite honestly really stupid.
Are you a pseudo-intellectual?

Your criticism of Baudrillard is misguided at best and dishonest at worst. Baudrillard doesn't condemn consumption as a concept, but he speaks of it in analytical terms. He says "this is how consumption functions", he does not make a value statement, like you are implying.

Communism is retarded but saying "millions died because of communism" is also a brainlet argument. Communism only existed as an excuse for despots like Stalin and Mao to claim power. If it wasn't communism it could be anything else

You are describing idealized communism. Socialism has the state ownership of production. The state in this case is democratically elected. Thus due to practicalities production is controlled by bureaucrats.

How many people have died due to the horrors of capitalism?

>leftist retard gets BTFO, spergs out, humiliates itself then commits suicide

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Capitalism has no faults whatsoever
Corporatism on the other hand is a fucking plague

The one I replied to is not a leftist. He was vehemently defending capitalism by misrepresenting what it means.

None really, as capitalism slowly improves the living standards of the world.

You may not like it, but in even the most corporation loving capitalist system, you still need to pay people for their labour.

Socialism and Communism requires literal slavery to function as a society.

I was referring to you, mongoloid

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>call some anonymous poster on Yea Forums a communist
thats used as an insult based on them having some similarities with communists

>pointing out that a public figure isnt actually a communist because he's not
statement of fact

Jesus Christ the fucking state of political discourse on Yea Forums

corporatism is inevitable

communism is theft and therefore a sin

Who was defending the banks though? No communist (or "communist") in this thread.

yeah you're really pulling the wool over his eyes.

Do you idiots actually think that he has not considered that? Are you really able to tell yourselves that the elite a a bunch of out-of-touch crotchety old men who you can hustle? If you do you're beyond delusional. It's like you've substituted superhero movies for reality. The psyop is beyond effective. His money is helping to disarm law-abiding citizens with your help as parrots and populist agitators. But yeah once you're done with nazis you're totally gonna pull one over them.

I fear that if I face-palm any harder I'm going to pop the capillaries in my eyes

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When literal slavery was legal in the US it was under capitalism. Incidentally you can use that as a starting point for calculating the victims of capitalism.

Except capitalism is theft and communism is fairness

>None really, as capitalism slowly improves the living standards of the world.
Yes, by murdering innocent civilians to keep your good oil deals, by invading countries under false pretenses to get more oil, by enabling gruesome military dictatorships.

>Socialism and Communism requires literal slavery to function as a society.
You mean like capitalism does too? Just because you don't call it slave labor doesn't mean it isn't.

the people committed those atrocities in the name of a utopian paradise that they were promised. How are the ulterior motives of politicians relevant at all?

What are you trying to say?
That nazis are a dangerous threat to our society? They're not, no matter what /pol/ tells you.
What you need to recognize is that neolibral capitalism is the problem.

How is the particular version of a utopian paradise relevant at all? People commited atrocities in the name of their religion or nation or race aswell. Or are you going to say because more people died under communism that lie must somehow be worse than the others

Capitalism doesn't actually function well under slavery as if you have slavery you don't have a free market of labour, the core princepts of capitalism.

The exchange of labour value for profit doesn't exactly work when the labour market is slavery.

This is why the most successful capitalist systems do not run on slavery.

>Capitalism doesn't actually function well under slavery as if you have slavery you don't have a free market of labour, the core princepts of capitalism.
you misunderstand what I am saying.
I am saying that the lowest capitalist caste may as well be slaves, despite not being slaves in name.

forcably taking someones wealth and redistrubuting it is theft

>Capitalism doesn't actually function well under slavery as if you have slavery you don't have a free market of labour, the core princepts of capitalism.

sure bud

is that why the invisible hand of the free market is keeping wages fair

capitalism thrives off of the labour it can steal off the labourers backs, and when you pay them nothing, you profit the most.

Why? Because they're at the bottom of a hierarchy of values?

If you want to improve the life of the working class, you don't do that by erasing all of the value of their work.

You do so by putting in checks and balances to ensure the value of labour can freely be bartered.

Wow, so the market solved it. That's it, I'm reading The Fountainhead now.

We dont have capitalism
We have corporatism
The fact that its legal for large corporations to bribe politicians to make laws for them means we dont live under capitalism
We live under corporatism

how does leftrash cope knowing it lost everything because of Yea Forums and will now be rounded up and dumped in mass graves?

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Fuck Paramount and fuck this fat retard

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The word theory should've stayed exclusive to real sciences.

I'm not going to argue with an armchair marxist who thinks rewarding hard work and having the power of negotiation in the hands of the working man is somehow less power to the working man than a faceless society that kneecaps them.

Capitalism is a system that has had hundreds of years of knowledge poured into it.

Socialism and Communism are effectively kneejerk reactions to a system of commerace that only end in disaster.

the invisible hand knows that most labor is not worth shit

You sound like the same sort of socialist retard who thinks Unions are a product of socialism and communism.

Correct, but the labor is still necessary, so you may as well get yourself a slave to do it. And if possible, a capitalist would buy or lease a slave, instead of hiring a person.

Imagine basing your ideology on a toddler concept like fairness.

Which is exactly why capitalists are criminals. Their profits rightfully belong to the workers who produced them.

>Their profits rightfully belong to the workers who produced them.
If I invent a machine that produces gold when you pull a lever and I get someone else to pull the lever, do they deserve the gold instead of me?

>constantly decries capitalism, yet rolls in patreonbux donated by his throng of brainlets
>is literally mentally ill, lives with a woman and her son
>so fat he needs a seatbelt extender
>calls out the "hollywood elite" yet doesn't have the balls to name the jew
>constantly plays the victim and yet tries to project a confident demeanor that is above it all, and holier than thou

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>free exchange of goods and services has led to the existence of a bad movie
this is why we need to abolish freedom

So Jim Sterling has a gimp fetish?

And I didn't think this fat fuck could get anymore disgusting.

Not how value works and not how capitalism works buddy.

Nothing is stolen from you when you are given a wage.

No, it means that capitalism is shit. Those large corporations hold the capital, and they work to preserve capitalism. That is what you are seeing.
>having the power of negotiation in the hands of the working man
That's socialism, bud
They are indeed

Can a redesign save the movie?

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Why can't anyone critique capitalism without the shit for brains redhats having a internet version of a stroke?

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He's making all the gold, yeah

what do you think a paycheck is? In a capitalist system you don't work for free, you sell your labor.

>apply for a job
>show up at interview
>tell them you'll only work there if you are given all the company's profits
>remain unemployed
Almost made me think for a second.

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no, the machine is

It's exactly how both work, actually. What's stolen from you is the surplus value that you produce effectively without getting paid for it. Wages must necessarily be lower than the value produced in order to secure a profit for the capitalist.

>gives you the resources to make product
>you use your labour to make product

The items you used to make the product never belonged to you

>user, who is that old man tattooed on your back? Is it a dead relative or something?
>n-no it's the head of the FBI

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hi discord!

In a fair system everyone would share equally in the profits, or at least according to their contribution.

>advocates of market regulation blaming capitalism
that's like enslaving someone, breaking their limbs and then punishing them for not working

> "However, the previous legacy of antisemitism was continued by the Soviet state, especially under Stalin, who spread anti-Jewish conspiracy theories through his propaganda network. Antisemitism in the Soviet Union reached new heights after 1948 during the campaign against the "rootless cosmopolitan", in which numerous Yiddish-writing poets, writers, painters and sculptors were killed or arrested.[2][3] This culminated in the so-called Doctors' plot, in which a group of doctors (almost all of whom were Jewish) were subject to a show trial for supposedly having plotted to assassinate Stalin.[4]"

>Sonic is done. He's past it. He doesn't need more games, he needs help. Specifically the kind that involves taking him out behind the shed and tearfully putting both barrels through his confused oblivious skull
-- Yahtzee 2011

>or at least according to their contribution.
you cant judge and enforce that in reality

>That's socialism bud.

No, it's not. the bartering of the value of labour is literally the core of Capitalism.

But then again, you think Unions are socialism and communism, despite Unions being literally unable to exist without Capitalism.

There is no such thing as surplus value though. The value of your labour is determined by what YOU and your employeer determine.

And wages will be lower than the value of the production due to demand.

This is your brain of communism, it knows fuck all about how things are bought and sold.

how large is the contribution of giving you the resources and raw materials needed to make the product in the first place?

The fact you're making shit up that aren't in the video to shit on the dude shows that you have no real argument against him.

that is not quite how it works.
ownership of the means of production also implies the ownership of the costs of maintaining the means of production and their use.

If I was paid fairly for my work I could afford the materials myself

down with capitalism!!!1

*eats a huge burger from mcdonalds*

>Unions being literally unable to exist without Capitalism.
what does the U in USSR stand for

I'm actually of the mind that his eyes are still too fucking big if they were going for realism

This shot is probably the only one from the trailer that isn't repulsive, and it's because his brow line comes back down to his eyes where it should be, (instead of just floating above where his larger eyes used to be, since the model has clear evidence of constant eye resizing) and his proportions look noticeably shrunk because of the perspective, which looks better? If they gave him big gloves and his expression was more consistent with this, he might actually look 'ok'.

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Okay, let me know when that system ever works, and I'll come check it out. Until then I'll just enjoy the fruits that capitalism have bore me.

>resisters push this guy as the second coming of Christ to wash Trump away from the white house
>they don't find out until the end of the investigation that you can't even indict a sitting president

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I can tell that the CEO deserves shit all, at least

Trotsky was the jews guy
Stalin usurped him and then persecuted the jews

Communists are retarded, who knew?

But Unions exist as a group of workers to barter with their employeers on a more equal footing.

That is very capitalistic as it has the workers actively controlling the value of their labour.

some do, some dont, many CEOs built the company

Apparently they don't have the right to it since they're not getting it.

People have had worse things tattooed on their back like Roger Stone's Nixon tattoo and barcodes

CEO salaries are based entirely on the value the stock holders allow.

Ironically, this is more akin to socialism than actual capitalism.

>No, it's not. the bartering of the value of labour is literally the core of Capitalism.

Yeah, sure bud, when the miners organised, when they fought and died against the company thugs for their right to unionise, they were inspired by capitalist ideology, against the communist captains of industry who dehumanised them. That's what happened. That's why every socialist is against unions and capitalists love 'em.


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No need to hear what he actually says, just make shit up and get irrationally angry about it. Brilliant.

whining about "workers" and "labour" sounds like socialism to me

>The value of your labour is determined by what YOU and your employer determine.
But in reality you don't have a real bargaining position unless you unionise, and that inevitably leads to fairer wages. Imagine arguing that unions aren't socialist and then also that any wage "agreed upon" between employer and labourer is by definition fair.

Why are communists always rich spoiled kids who never worked a day in their lives?

Let me guess; you think that /pol/ shitposts are the one reliable source of information on the planet.

Did you work for it?

This. Socialism sounds good on paper but in reality socialist regimes always fall to US-backed coups. Look at the facts.

>Or are you going to say because more people died under communism that lie must somehow be worse than the others

If there is ever a metric to how worse something is, the number of people that died under it is about as relevant as it can be. If the whole point of communism is to be a system of governing society toward its well-being, yet the end-result is misery and death I would say that it's an utter failure at being what is claims to be fundamentally. And to be able to justify in your mind millions of dead people because "well people died because of other beliefs/ideologies" should be a wake-up call that you're heading on a slippery slope towards complete dehumanization of man. No other movement in the past two millennia has put such little value on human life. Add up all the crusades, sacrifices to gods, petty wars between despots, you'll still come up short on body-count and level of cruelty. The holomodor for example is unprecedented in misanthropy and cruelty.

And to close, all the things that you mentioned (religious extremism, chauvinistic nationalism, racial supremacy) are rightfully considered contemptible and the people that promote them are shunned by society. Yet communism, that supersedes them all combined has mainstream support - academic, financial, political. Go to most colleges in the west, they're churcning out marxists every day.

Nobody deserves anything and no one will ever agree on what fair is.

He's a communist

The Bolshevik revolution was a US-backed coup

Either I or one of my ancestors earned it and then passed it down via inheritence

You arent against inheritence and helping your family are you user?

lol, no they didn't, their employees did.
In today's episode of "capitalism is actually communism and vice versa"

No wonder you people can think capitalism is good when you think every victory gained by socialists is actually capitalism working as it should, and every excess of capitalism is not real capitalism.

Socialists like Unions because they can abuse them to push for their goal os Socialism.

Hardcore Unionists utterly hate Socialism because Socialism removes the ability for the working class to negotiate and empower their labour value.

You cannot become richer in Marxism.

>communism is bad because people starved
>you deserve to starve if rich people don't want to give you a job

>Either I or one of my ancestors earned it and then passed it down via inheritence

You'll get what you deserve


>They don't sell McNightmare meals jackass
About that?

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>under capitalism some starve
>under communism everyone starves
Welp obviously communism is the way to go guys!!

>comparing millions starving to thousands starving
Brilliant. Ever heard of soup kitchens?


Does he bring up the theory that it's a marketing gimmick used only in the trailer and they really have the better design ready to go? This has generated a ton of publicity for the movie that otherwise would hardly get talked about beyond "They are making a Sonic movie!" buzzfeed articles. The controversy has spread the word like wildfire and now everyone knows about the movie because it's being circulated in facebook memes and instagram instead of just the microscopic sonic fanbase and the dozen normie gamers that will actually go out and pay to see this movie in a theater.

Not watching the video because he is very whiny and stating the obvious, seen one of his vids, you've seen them all. I believe this was calculated. They lose nothing doing it this way. They gain tons of publicity. They already have 20 variations of Sonic since pre-production ready to go that can be pumped into the movie with a few tweaks and polish.

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>If there is ever a metric to how worse something is, the number of people that died under it is about as relevant as it can be.
Many more people died and continue to die under capitalism than even the most inflated numbers anti-communists can come up with.

itt: people who either never read Marx or only read manifesto give their opinions on an author whose books they never touched

>capitalism is bad because people starve
>you deserve to starve if you disagree with communism

>rename communism to capitalim

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>Hardcore Unionists utterly hate Socialism because Socialism removes the ability for the working class to negotiate and empower their labour value.

this is beyond delusional, brah

Yeah, they're socialism.
Ever hear of private-owned soup kitchens? Me neither

>willingly reading books for retards by retards

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>All actions of the worker are socialism

When you have no concrete argument to the point of confusing both workers exercising their capital and any form of checks and balances designed to keep the market free as socialism is why socialism as an ideology is universially a joke.

Liberalism has solved the issues Capitalism faced centuries ago. The issues we face today are the erosion of liberal values by corporationists and socialists angry that their doctrine is an complete and utter failure on every front.

The Working man earns nothing under socialism, they lose freedom and power.

I just know that anyone who posts whole cloth wikipedia copypasta is a brainlet that is not worth debating. I appreciate your future (You)s though.

>shit like this happens because of investors and marketing
You mean movies?

>willingly letting other people formulate your opinions for you

>you lose
>We kill you

>you win
>you kill us
>you starve to death anyway

You will get what you deserve either way

>being against unregulated capitalism means you're a Marxist

OK, I guess that every country in the planet is Marxist then.

Reminder this is just a marketing stunt. People actually care about this movie now. Everyone knows about it.

Reminder that communists have no working example of communism EVER working outside of Star Trek.

You cannot name one single successful communist country. You literally cannot.

>If there is ever a metric to how worse something is, the number of people that died under it is about as relevant as it can be
Not really
When communism took over it took over the two biggest countries in the world
the world was alot smaller in the past, and the cruelty commited by communists on an individual level wasn't any greater than atrocities commited in the past
Communism was a tool for the power elite like religion or any other, you've attributing some false mystique towards it of being the ultimate killing machine, you sound like Jordan Peterson

All you display is a hilariously inept worldview to the point that you don't even understand what socialism IS anymore.

How is a Union, that negotiates the value of labour to a corporation, at all socialist?

A union doesn't remove the means of production from the corporation, on the contrary, it galvanizes it's role.

Everyone starves together

>lol, no they didn't, their employees did.
depends on the company you idiot

>You are paid X money for your labour.
>The profits made from that labour are worth 5X.
>This is totally okay and you should be glad that all these capitalists are letting you 'borrow' their equipment and materials so you can make them tons of money.
This is what capitalism is about, a relatively small number of people owning the means of production and using that to exploit everyone else.
It's in essence pretty similar to feudalism except without explicit "nobles" based on birthright and capital representing anything with value rather than just land. Even though rich families remain rich and poor ones get up to the middle class at best barring very rare exceptions. The workers are also able to choose who exploits them, which is nice.

Socialism tries to get around this in various ways, one of them being a more powerful government entity that picks and chooses who gets to own what from on high. This type of planned economy is what most westerners would call "communism" even though it technically isn't. The flaw in this idea is obvious, there are no checks and balances for the ones doing all the balancing.

Pure Marxism is doing away with governing entities like the state and means of exchange like money. Some of it can be applied to small communities and work very well but it falls apart immediately on a larger scale(like a country).

Socialised welfare systems are supposed to provide for those who most need it from the pockets of those who have the most. It doesn't control the economy but controls the wealth.
The general problem with it is that those who have the most also have enough power to avoid paying taxes alltogether, meaning the poor are fed by the middle class. The difference between the profits made off your labour and the wages paid for it is supposed to be made up from the proportionally higher taxes on those who make the most profit from the labour of others.

>workers exercising their capital
Jesus Christ read Marx you twat
>Liberalism has solved the issues Capitalism faced centuries ago.
Oh my God

You can't actually believe that people just want to abolish a perfect and flawless system for no reason other than spite

>Ever hear of private-owned soup kitchens?
Yeah they're called charities

Reading Marx would mean having your opinion formulated by someone else.

>he thinks Bernie is not a communist
That's what he wants you to think dumb goy

Define successful.

100+ million dead because of communist revolutions

Prove it, name all of them

its the fault of autistic jews

Correct, "communist country" is an oxymoron

>Pure Marxism is doing away with governing entities like the state

You need the state to enforce your gay marxism in the first place. Retarded society for retarded people.

>Read Marx

Why? He doesn't understand what value even fucking means.

He thinks labour has a set value and not one that fluctates on demand.

>Sonic movie under Communism
has been cancelled. The Committee for the Safety of Rational Mind has decreed a talking blue hedgehog unfit for exposure to the minds of young children. Youth are not to engage in unrealistic thinking for researched evidence of mental illnes. Youth are recommended to look to the leadership and biography of Leader Xi Jinping in regard to engaging in imaginative roleplaying.

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No, it's spite mixed with brain washing.

> buy a lemon
> make lemonade
> lemonade actually belongs to Schlomoberg Goldsteinowitz, who owns the land the lemon was grown on in the first place

He pulled the lever, he deserves the gold. If you want your gold, pull the damn lever yourself. If that's too much of an injustice, build more gold-making machines and sell them to people.

Congratulations you managed to basically repeat what I wrote(immediately falls apart on a larger scale where enforcement is needed).
Good job.

I guess EU is communist as well

user, please look into the history of the labour movement, hell, look at where the modern labour parties fall on the political spectrum, read some fucking Marx or whatever, read a summary on wikipedia if you must, but do something to educate yourself.

>donate $10 to "charity"
>$.50 goes to the poor
>$9.50 goes in Schlomo's pockets
You mean scams

It has to be repeatedly constantly because communists have learning disabilities.

As would reading anything else.

The point is if someone tells you something, and you just accept it at face value without even trying to confirm what he said then you literally don't know anything about that thing, outside the opinion of that person.

>being middle class isnt good enough its literal oppression
Seems like you just hate anyone that has more than you

Oh bother Piglet, we should censor the internet before I get a rumbly in my tummy

>Communist doesn't understand that by buying the lemon he has already paid Shlomoburg his dues.

Mate, just because our liberal movements are corrupted by socialist retards who read a failures book doesn't mean they're correct.

Socialism does nothing to help the working class, this is a fact.

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>Does he bring up the theory that it's a marketing gimmick used only in the trailer and they really have the better design ready to go?
Of course not, because he's only on the very base level of understand the current cultural condition.
He doesn't recognize that marketing has shifted from "this is a thing you should buy" to "this is a thing that exists and we know that you will buy it if you know that it exists"

>straight up making shit up
Seems like you have a bad case of communists living in your head rent free.

>He pulled the lever, he deserves the gold.
how? Anyone can pull the lever. You are contributing very little value compared to the person who invented the machine. If you won't do it I can easily get someone else to

I'm going to formulate my opinion on quantum physics without ever touching a book on quantum physics. I think it has something to do with teensy tiny elves pissing about in an alternate dimension. This is my opinion and it is more legitimate than any "opinion" formed by reading what other people think.

Tell me marxist.

How would you produce anything without incentive?

How do you motivate the workers in your factory mr Marx?

How does reading Marx mean that you have your opinion on what Marx says formulated for you by someone else?

>pay $10 in tax
>$.50 goes to the poor
>$9.50 goes in the politicians pocket

He covers an industry that survives on the labour of workers. What's the problem?

The Soviet Union defeated hitler and got to the moon first

>I clearly state why Marxism doesn't work on a scale beyond a local club where peer pressure can do the job
>you call me a marxsist anyway
You're projecting insanely hard.

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It is synonymous with helping the working class, in actual fact.

Oh shit he took the elfpill

Hitler did nothing wrong

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>Its another Jim makes a clickbait video days after a controversy so he doesn't choose the "wrong" side episode

Which is the biggest lie ever told, because Marxism does nothing but destroy the economic freedoms of the working class in engage for a system that rewards nothing.

epic post

honestly the first time this has happened in a long time

how come we couldn't change battlefield 1? or that one wolfenstein game? or any of the other trainwreak SJW games

>all political parties disbanded
>united federation of planets
>one univiersal government NWO
>a fictional TV SHOW

Because I didn't say that.

And all it took was a race of space elves to come down and give us tech that eventually lead to literally creating food from nothing.

Right, such as the uhhh... "economic freedom" to fuck off and die

Every protection the worker has has been fought for by socialists.

>They already have 20 variations of Sonic since pre-production ready to go that can be pumped into the movie with a few tweaks and polish.

what if some random artist who nobody has ever seen or heard of before suddenly releases a shadman tier 3d model to sfmlab and smutbase 1 month after release like what happened with zootopia and judy hopps

that was really convenient too

Jim has been a retard since he was on destructoid, I am surprised that they people dumb enough to follow him.

the one on the left is from the 20th century and the Picasso one is fake. The 19th century one is probably also a 20th century one and the ancient one probably isn't a jew.

Again, your statesments just show you know fuck all what socialism means and your history on workers rights is fucking hilarious.

A hint: Socialists didn't give a shit about them Waaaaaaaay until after Liberalism did.

yeah because "under capitalism" accounts for hundreds of years and many (most) nations. Yet communism manages to carnage millions during the revolution phase and starve million more after "utopia" has been reached. All of it in short span of time (relative to capitalism) and concentrated in a handful of nations.

Marxist cannot into math and logic. Who knew...
The number of people dying because of time relative to time, relative to the total population subjected to it will always end up with communism and the most anti-human ideology there ever was. Famine, misery and genocide.
Communist are quick to hold capitalism accountable for the suffering and death it created - even though it has measurably increased the standard of living and the innovations brought by competition (inexistent in an egalitarian society) has brought up society from the huts made of mud.

Capitalism.It's successful in practice, yet not perfect therefore capitalism=bad.
Communism. It's successful only in theory and it's wiped out entire generations in the span of a few decades. Communism=perfect.

Communist are delusional psychopaths. You cannot justify that much suffering and still pretend to care about people. A brief look into any communist sympathizer will always reveal an ulterior motive (sometimes unknown even to them) towards their beliefs. It's pure, destructive nihilism. It's a cowardly suicide cult - only willing to leads themselves into the abyss if the rest of society comes with them

You keep saying this yet you never explain why lame things wouldn't exist in communism

Did they skip the "facts and opinions" lesson in your school?

The right to actually work where you want is probably a big one.

They didn't have that in Russia.

>Again, your statesments just show you know fuck all what socialism means and your history on workers rights is fucking hilarious.
I really can't do better than a "no u" here.

> *get* someone else to pull the lever
> you, the inventor of the machine, personally brought someone in to pull the lever and thus participate in the production of the gold
> yet you deserve the gold he produced for wasting his time on such a menial task

So bad art would not be produced in this other system (that Jim of course never specifies at all)? Why?

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>The right to actually work where you want is probably a big one.
But you do not have that under capitalism. You have the right to prostrate yourself and beg for work.

Every construction union is filled with people who are as far from socialist as possible.

I wish Digital Homicide won against him sometimes.

Communism improved the standards of living in the USSR and China immensely, with unprecedented speed and far more effectively than any projected trajectory for capitalism. The USSR went from an ailing and backwards empire to one of the great superpowers of the Earth. It is the capitalist who justifies suffering, often without even the pretence of caring.

The person who was hired could be replaced with a chimp. He only gets what the market decides his position is worth.

I don't see anyone arguing that bad art (bart) would disappear, merely that without the profit motive or corporate hierarchy workers would be free to explore the ideas they want to create without a creative dampening for the sake of marketing.

>say you'll pay someone X to pull the lever to make your gold
>They agree
>You pay them the amount and get your gold

That's capitalism.

I don't know what you want me to do? Point out your entire argument is based on a false idea of what socialism and capitalism is? On your inability to understand how Liberalism is a capitalist system older than marxism that is based on observations on how a market can flourish?

You can blame an erosion of liberal values on that. Importing dozens of low skilled workers to tank labour prices and dozens of attempts to control the labour markets isn't exactly capitalism friendly.

>the messiah
You mean the anti Christ(s)

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Yeah because if we had socialism movies would automatically be better

neither the holodomor or the chinese bird famine had anything to do with the tenets communism
Stalin ordered partisans to steal food from the ukraine and they did
Mao ordered everyone to kill birds and they did
Do you think they did it because they just believed in Marx that much?

And that is due to capitalists doing everything in their power to disempower unions as much as they can.

>limey jabba the cuck
fuck out of here

The machine produced it, not the person pulling the lever

Most social programs benefit the middle class in every country that isn't burgerstan. You also strengthen the tax code and close the loopholes. We did this prior to the 60s

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We do have evidence for this, look up soviet era russian animation, it's beautiful.

It was however, plagued with the production time of a dead snail.

>durr hurr why does v not like an obnoxious lardass who posts pictures of himself with cum on his face married to a bearded woman whose literal black boyfriend lives with them who makes videos asserting he knows everything and video games are bad if they have boobies in them

Imagine being this fucking retarded. Imagine being a stupid fucking buttgoy, still holding onto a retarded jewish ideology decades after the jews themselves concluded it was useless and abandoned it. It's so hilariously pathetic.

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Liberal Capitalism doesn't benefit from a plutocracy.

>I don't know what you want me to do?
Read theory.
>Point out your entire argument is based on a false idea of what socialism and capitalism is?
What, again? No, I'd like you to understand what you're talking about first so you don't keep confusing these fucking antitheses for each other. I don't give a fuck about liberalism. It was not liberals who fought for the right to unionise and that's historical fact. Marx himself praised the unions and their ability to give workers the ability to demand the full value of their labour.

>the one on the left is from the 20th century
wrong everything post 2000 is the 21st century
Year 1 AD would be the 1st century
>Picasso one is fake
>The 19th century one is probably also a 20th century one
You have already proven you dont know what the 20th century is. Victorian england was not the 20th century.
>ancient one probably isn't a jew.
Its from egypt its a portralial of a jew, you know about the jews in ancient egypt right?

If every man(and chimp) agreed to not pull the lever for less than 90% of the gold made there would be no problem. The owner of the machine would still make way more.
This is essentially what unions try to do but the prisoner's dilemma is a bitch, there will always be someone willing to work for less to ensure they get the job.

when is still so fat?

>you don't agree with me? that just means you haven't read our propaganda texts. Read our propaganda texts.

Emphasizing individual responsibility is what encourages people to change their habits. Insisting that people need to organize in groups just makes them do nothing, as they'll diffuse the responsibility to everyone else.
If prominent figures like Jim Sterling actually care about these issues, they need to set an example for everyone else to follow.

Most people didn't give enough of a shit or were afraid of complaining and getting doxxed. Sonic got everyone together

You're saying this under the assumption that the man who invented the machine can't do it himself. He can, he'd just rather not and have someone else do it for them. If every human being on the planet demands a ridiciulous price to do it, he can do it himself

Fuck off you corporate cuck, there is no fixing the system, it's not "broken", it's working as intended. The capitalist class is definitely benefiting and it doesn't give a flying fuck about the rest.

very intellectual post, myfellow liberalisticist

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wtf stalinism, maoism, and marxism aren't the same thing?

So your entire argument is I don't understand Marx's theory?

I do understand Marx's theory; it's shit, it's the work of a useless retard who didn't understand how a factory works yet thought he was a big brain enough to say a factory could be producive without management or be started up without investment.

The core arguments Marx makes proves he doesn't understand how value is determined by scarcity and demand.

Marx literally did not understand the very thing he was trying to critique.

doesnt bernie sanders own two mansions?

Yeah, capitalism is pretty fucking dumb

>he can do it himself
Only if there's just one lever and then he's making 100% of the gold for that one lever assuming he works 24 hours a day(kinda impossible).
If you want to scale that up in any way delegation is needed.

It is broken though, because a Liberal Capitalist society understands that a "Free" market is one that is kept open by correct checks and balances to prevent capitalism collapsing into a Plutocracy.

Stalin also believed Hitler escaped the bunker

>Educate myself? And risk being BRAINWASHED by the PROPAGANDA of actually convincing arguments against my worldview? No thanks!

liberal values are not integral to capitalism.
importing cheap labor is the rational thing to do if you want to save money.

inb4 some dumbass tries to compare das kapital to mein kampf

Oh yes, Jim the person who makes fun of ''tryhards'' that don't want games to be casualized which is basically the majority of Yea Forums since they're from elitists. I really value his opinion.

>Pure Marxism is doing away with governing entities like the state

And replacing the state with corporations. Now it is technologically feasible (complete surveillance, social media enabling high-level, untraceable manipulation of public opinion, internet of things, automation, AI, technocratic supranational organizations, ) to exert influence globally without the compromise of "middle-man" hierarchical structures (governments) the world will finally taste the "paradise" that is pure marxism - a prison of the mind, where any ounce of individual freedom has been sacrificed to the altar of common good.

Now you're changing the analogy. The point is you're generating a large amount of value for a small amount of work due to the invention of someone else

Your mindset literally thinks the exact way. You somehow thing saying "READ MARX" is an argument.

I have read Marx: His critique of Capitalism is naive and retarded.

I'd say it is, otherwise Capitalism devolves into a plutocracy, which in of itself is toxic to a capitalist system.

In order for Capitalism to be healthy, it needs to be kept a Capitalist system. That means the "Free" market needs to unironically be unfree.

>his actual argument was "you don't like new game?? old game still exists!! just go play that!! wow you are all so dumb"

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>So your entire argument is I don't understand Marx's theory?
Well, yeah, considering the one thing you keep saying is that unions are the most capitalist thing in existence and as anti-Marxist as possible. Marx himself did not agree with you. The history of the labour movement does not agree with you. Thinking you can convince socialists to your side simply by saying "ah but that's actually capitalism! What you think is capitalism isn't REAL capitalism, you see!". It's actually kind of sad that you think that would work.
>Marx literally did not understand the very thing he was trying to critique.
Funny because that's you on Marx.

Different branches of the same communist shit tree.

When your brain is big

You've simply been lied to, user. Your "Liberal Capitalist society" is a myth.

>Pure Marxism is doing away with governing entities like the state
>And replacing the state with corporations.
Excuse me? What the fuck?
>Everything is Marxism except Marxism, that's actually capitalism
- Yea Forums, 2019

Marx was one of the worst economic critics of his era and ours. it doesn't matter what he thought of the Unions.

And if you want to talk about labour movements in history, I'm from England.

Where we had socialists and marxists constantly try to infiltrate, sabotage and outright bully Unionists within our labour party.

But go ahead, prove me wrong, show me that my arguments on Marx and his incomplete naive worldview was nothing short of pathetic.

Worked for the British Empire mate and the Roman Empire too as a prototype.

user, for the last time, it's not a bug, it's a feature. The plutocracy is just late stage capitalism. Capitalism will indeed destroy itself if kept unchecked, just like Marx predicted.

If we lived under Communism, We wouldn't have video games. For all it's faults, Capitalism brought us the vidya industry, As shit as it may be.

When it boils down to it, Communism is absolutely against heirarchy. "This belongs to EVERYONE at once!" "The workers should have all of the money and thus there will only be workers!" etc. etc. Marx and Engles' philosophies both revolve around the destruction of hierarchy, but, sadly, that is impossible, because humans are BUILT on hierarchy.

The endgame of Communism and Marxism, as has been clarified around here, is the elimination of the state. An anarchist utopia where all live and work as one for one another -- what they fail to realize, is that eventually some of those people are going to take on jobs that put them higher above others -- the merchant who goes from town to town trade excess grain, for example, or the sheriff who keeps people from killing one another.

As that person's influence in his community grows, so too will his power over it. He will become a leader, and as the community grows his leadership will need people to help him. So he'll bring in underlings he can trust to help him out, make laws, enforce them, and boom, hierarchy is restored, just like in primitive human tribes. From it, the rest of the building blocks of modern civilization will follow. Oh, it'll take a few generations, long enough for the old timers who enforce the marxist system to up and die, but eventually the youngin's will realize there is so much more to gain by having a leader.

Because of that, Communism is what it always is: a pipe dream.

I was an anarchist when I was really young, but I realized during little thought experiment (literally just NEET online roleplaying) that people would try and rebuild any kind of anarchism they were forced into, so you'd need someone to enforce it -- which entirely defeats the point. Even if people willingly gave it up, though, adult me realizes that a few generations down the line those youngin's aren't going to have the same "perfect mind" that their grandparents did, and the same thing will happen again.

Read mein kampf

He's a democratic socialist. These types don't push for a absence of capitalism but restrictions on it to keep it from fucking it's employees over
He's also made it clear that he believe that him and other high wage earners need to be taxed higher. He's made this arguement for years

>Marx was one of the worst economic critics of his era and ours. it doesn't matter what he thought of the Unions.
Yeah, the most influential Socialist thinker of all time doesn't know shit about Socialism. Leave it to user.

But both parties are needed. The inventor and the worker. The change in analogy is needed to demonstrate what actually happens in an economy, not just a thought experiment.
The balance of power comes from the fact that the inventor doesn't have to work or agree with anyone. This gives him power over any single individual.
On the other hand, the group of available workers only have power if they're 100% united and there's nobody willing to go a bit lower. This is nearly impossible in practice but a very strong union can give its workers great deals on their labour. Workers without a union will be making far less in comparison. In a real economy there's also a third party, the government. They can implement a minimum wage and other balances to ensure the workers can't screw themselves too hard.

Son have you heard of freeware?

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>The Plutocracy is just late stage capitalism.

Sounds like you've not actually read any Adam Smith.

Capitalism is a system designed to avoid a plutocracy.

Capitalism is an inherently destructive force. The imperative of interest is not just to optimise the modes of production but also to expand markets. This means that there is no other way but to globalise and thereby homogenise the modes of consuption. Capitalism will eradicate borders, it will eradicate language, culture and race. The commodification of gender, sexual orientation and all the degeneracy we see today is a direct result of Capitalism. Any good conservative, anyone who wants to preserve the proper order of things, anyone who is not a degenerate must also be an enemy of Capitalism.


No, he didn't. Because he was a fucking fool who knew fuckall about anything.

Then hire a chimp and stop wasting the time and energy of a living human being.

> the gun killed him, not the man pulling the trigger

> you're paying the gold producer an agreeable wage

Getting there, but consider the following long-term scenarios:
> you didn't invent the gold machine, you're descended from the inventor and have no idea how to build, maintain, or operate one yourself despite owning hundreds of them
> you have investors that want you to constantly increase your rate of gold output, as fast as possible, year after year, by any means necessary

Jim plz go

Communism brought us the perfect video game and decided it was enough. Capitalism brings us a new CoD and Madden every year with minor tweaks in order to convince you you have to buy it.

Attached: Tetris[1].jpg (600x800, 172K)

anyone else hyped for the great removening?

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I hardly think that's relevant to the conversation.

I doubt it's any better than what capitalism brought us over the years, The only nice thing i will say about communism is that they made some nice weaponry, Although most of it is just a copy but still good none the less.

Yeah it was a free publicity ploy and it worked

Reminder that this is a guerilla marketing campaign and they always had the real model ready to go

But he didn't defend communism you obsessed retard.

>Sounds like you've not actually read any Adam Smith.
Why would I read your propaganda, I'll just form my own opinion on it :^)

What a person agrees to give their offspring is not a manner of capitalism, it's a manner of what freedoms you have with your own capital period.

As for investors, I agree, infinite growth is unsustainable and inherietly bad for capitalism.

why do western people hate attractive women so much? whenever a woman has the slightest hint of sex appeal they go into a fury.

not all games have to be marketed to you.

Attached: You mfw what k m k m.png (229x328, 66K)

Why can't every single fat fuck just start a diet and an exercise plan?

The capitalism is akin to a cork keeping the plutocracy and kings from happening.
While this cork is failing, the marxist solution is to pull the cork out and politely ask the demon that will pop out to share his resources in a communistic fashion, and then get surprised when the evil king just behead him.

Sorry, Comrade. I want something with a little more 'depth' than Tetris

>I instinctively think Hitler is a bad person without reading his side of the story
Do you know anything about pre ww2 germany?
Do you even know what the treaty of versailles is?

capitalism allows them to be fat.

>The change in analogy is needed to demonstrate what actually happens in an economy, not just a thought experiment.
This analogy happens in real life all the time, people invent amazingly valuable technology that requires very little work to run, the value of the invention does not correlate to the value of the workers needed to keep it running, and every worker getting together and refusing to work for less than X amount of money is just as corrupt as any captialist stealing the actual value of what workers produce

Why not, scared you will be seduced by his arguements?

Read mein kampf

>> the gun killed him, not the man pulling the trigger
terrible analogy
Murder is about intent, production is not

I'm not the person who argued against Marx, I have read it. it was tripe.

For more the school of Capitalism I approve of, I suggest John Stuart Mill.

You sound like you're not even a real socialist, but one of those confused by Marx co-opting the works of Utilitarianism.

Their instincts are right, Hitler is a bad person even if you read his side of the story

I have to admit, it's rare to hear "that's not REAL socialism" arguments from the capitalist side. If you'd ask them, they'd have told you they were socialists, influenced by Marxist thought, but you know better: they were actually true disciples of Capitalism.

To be fair Hitler could have tried a more diplomatic approach, but he turned Germany into an ethnic powder keg and that's where it all fell apart.

That is reactionary, off to the gulags.

t. was told hitler is a bad goy and hasnt read mein kampf because its (((hate speech)))

I have no idea what argument you are making here?

Many of the things people claim are "Socialism" today are Classical Liberal ideals.

And Classical Liberalism is based entirely on Capitalist economics.

>Why not, scared you will be seduced by his arguements?
No, not at all, they are complete rubbish. It just doesn't really factor into the conversation at hand.

I blame the art jews

t. my feelings are facts and the objective actions of a person don't matter because I like them for whatever reason

While the Jewish people did have alot of middle class dicks in it, there were many other ethnic germans who were at fault for Germany being on the verge of collapse with all the loans.

Hitler just needed another angle than the regular socialists due to all the competition.

>To be fair Hitler could have tried a more diplomatic approach
He tried to offer peace to Britain at least 50 times. After all that Britain was the one to start WW2 by declaring war on germany

Why yes, that's the point. Those with power can easily do something corrupt for their own benefit.
But a 100% united union is nearly impossible so you most often see corruption from the capitalists because it's much easier for them to have more power. Doesn't mean the workers wouldn't be corrupt if they could.
This is why "self-balancing" systems are fucking bullshit. The "totally free market" is bullshit, in a truly free market those with more power will mercilessly exploit those without.
People agreeing on the value of their labour sounds nice but it just doesn't work as intended.


No, he could have tried not turning his country into a racial time bomb and instead focused on civic building instead of wanting landgrabs.

If Hitler had say, allied with Poland to repell the Soviets he wouldn't have been assraped on all sides.

But he campaigned on jingoism and jingoism is what they demanded of him.

Burning it all down for a fairytale based on a literal moocher isn't much better.

>tfw we don't live in the world where germany and poland joined forces against the commies
we do indeed live in the wrong fucking timeline

The unions that exist in reality are just as corrupt too. People are corrupt on either side of the equation. The more authority someone has, the more corrupt than can be

IIRC poland did absolutely nothing to help when hitler asked when polish jews were killing germans

Remember when the Classical Liberal party of Russia overthrew the Tsarist regime and established the Union of Classical Liberal Republics. I love that Classical Liberal song, The Internationale. It's gonna be great when the Classical Liberal revolution comes.

It's not a dichotomy. There's a VERY wide range of options between a pure, unregulated, "self-balancing" free market and a 100% controlled planned economy with wealth redistribution. Neither extreme is a great idea.

Ironically the biggest failing of Hitler was pushing to hard into jingoistic patriotism.

If he made less promises about retaking land and more about building a German utopia he would have been able to strike deals with Poland for the resources and lead Germany into a golden age.

But Hitler didn't know much besides speechmaking.

that's because it literally didn't happen lmao

>Hey just let me invade your allied nations k, nbd
>wtf why are you declaring war on me

he didn't help it by inciting German/Polish rhetoric did he?

>believing literal war propaganda
jesus christ /pol/tards are stupid

Of course, that's why I am a classical Liberal. Checks and balances for the maximum amount of liberty

He tried diplomacy it didn't work, The jews wanted blood after their loss. Also, Didn't a few country's welcome him with open arms when he came to "invade"?
>If Hitler had say, allied with Poland to repell the Soviets he wouldn't have been assraped on all sides.
I heard the polish hate was blown out of proportion and that he actually had a lot of respect for the polish, That said he was fucked in the end, But he gave the world a good fucking going down.

marx was a protestant though,

>he actually had a lot of respect for the polish
must be why he destroyed warsaw

No? Where are you getting these hilarious claims? Hitler was pushing Anti-polish rhetoric almost from the get go.

Hitler wanted Polish land. That's a simple fact.

Well, the general idea is that the more opposing parties you have trying to keep each other in check the closer you are to some form of a happy compromise.
And that's why burgerland's gone a bit to shit, it's 100% legal to bribe(lobby) politicians to get them to stop regulating your power. That's why known taxation loopholes and obvious failings have existed for multiple decades.

He admits to being a jew, A self hating jew at that.

>I see you're wearing clothing and have had enough food while being a peasant, why are you against feudalism?


>neither the holodomor or the chinese bird famine had anything to do with the tenets communism

Again with deferring to pointless definitions and "theory". An all encompassing theory on how society should be organized, such a marxism/communism holds no intrinsic value. It becomes valid if it can be applied successfully. The fact that all these communist regimes committed so many atrocities in communist nations yet you separate them from communism because 'they had nothing to do with the tenets" you're exemplifying the fault in communism. It's a theoretical system that cannot enforce its own principles. Who the fuck cares what the book says, or some stuffy academic shitdick has written in book #153 of kvetching about "how great real marxism would be". It beyond me how people can find merit, and legitimacy in an ideology that bases it's truth in wishful thinking.
This moron compares a political theory (which in practice was always a miserable failure) with hard science. It's beyond delusional. These refuges you've made for yourselves in the endlessly elitist self-referential theoretical work and all the "books that people need to read to understand why marxism is the greatest thing ever" show a serious disconnect with reality. The only book necessary on the subject is a history book. The fact that in your mind, theory (fiction) holds more weight than application (reality) is the reason why people see lefties as mentally ill. And the fact that every time famine, genocide, starvation, political prisons, the Gulag or any other atrocity enabled by the delusion of a communist utopia is brought up they can separate them from the ideology "because see here in the book it says the they shouldn't have done that so communism is still valid" leads people to believe that you're misanthropic psychopaths.

The many faults of unchecked capitalism will never make communism valid
Communists have no voice of conscience.

So you want more in life, But you don't want to work for it? Typical.

Wait but I thought he would defend the fuck out of Jim "Babysnakes" Carrey

He respected the British too, But he fucked up london as well

I am not defending communism
I'm saying that communism wasn't special and the economic theory that is communism is not what caused people to commit those atrocities
communism is a bad economic theory which enables totalitarianism as you pointed out, but it's not unique in that regard, the real problem is totalitarianism
stop repeating jordan petersons bullshit

I see no fault with communism that cannot also be applied to capitalism. Especially with this cuck arguing for "classical liberal capitalism" ITT. Yeah, nice "theory," champ.


That's literally what "investors" and "shareholders" do. Their "value" comes purely from what they own and not from their work.

he gave london a light peppering, because the british were fighting him
poland didn't stand a chance and he wiped warsaw off the fucking map

>Marx was one of the worst economic critics of his era and ours
who was the best? of his era I mean?
like name one or two without googling.

>asking people to actually read what marx wrote and not circlejerk about the writings of a butthurt russian expat from the 50's are asking too much.

you can read a translation of "capital" online for free,

also marx was quite influential in pointing out market cycles as well as helping to jumpstart sociology/sociological theories.

What is your point? That he focuses on an industry that exists through capatalism like every other industry in a capitalist system? Is he supposed to just not like anything ever if he wants to think capatalism is a shit system?

So in your own words, What caused the reign of terror in France? And the rest of Europe? Because i can safely bet my life on it that liberalism has a hand in it

>listening to a fat faggot who ejaculated on his face just to show it to a game dev

Yeah but you’ve never read Marx

Why are commies all so ugly?

whining about capitalism like he does mean you favour a state-controlled economy which is even worse

People in glass houses, user...

Reminder that neoliberalism and communism are pretty much in tune regarding social issues, no matter how commies hate to hear it.

I'm willing to bet that nobody in this thread is uglier than Jim

I don't know much about German history but i think they had conflict with Poland going back hundreds of years, Like the Irish and English

poland has been spitroasted by its neighbors for most of history and rarely got the chance to even exist as a country

There are 134 people here. 134 Yea Forumsirgins. The odds are against you.

nigga I could give two shits about Jordan Peterstein The notion that " Insert idiot that said x makes x invalid" is retarded. And if you buy that you're outing yourself that you value appearances more than truth. Anyone that makes an argument that something is stupid because it's asociated with someone, and not because of the validity of the argument is a manipulative propagandist. Objectivity exists. Facts don't become lies because they're out of the mouths of people that we're deemed unsavory. In other words, even Trump can be right, he's not automatically wrong because "orange man bad".

Totalitarianism is enabled and its the de facto compromise of all communist regimes. The fact that it's not the only system that enabled it does not make it's consequences (famine, genocide, persecution) separated from it, the way you seem to absolve communism from those atrocities because they've existed in some degree before communism?

Worthless argument.

They can relate to us Irish pretty well.

Elaborate. Define neo-liberals. Do you mean social issues like equal rights or what? Why would commies be upset to hear that

Fuck this fat fuck. I don't know how people watch his videos at all.

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You're making exactly the same fallicious argument as he is, that leads me to believe you aren't thinking for yourself, maybe you are
What is communism? You share resources based on some sort of common ownership. This can actually work at a small scale (like you know, actual communes). It's when you scale it up to a country and try to enforce it through totalitarian rule that it becomes a problem. And that's because you are trying to force a system that doesn't work upon the populace under threat of death - not because of the particular system you are trying to enforce

Yes, and? What about the part that makes him an idiot because he likes games that are sold in a capitalist system? Besides our system IS very state controlled. You know all coastal homes are provided state subsidized flood insurance to ensure a proper housing market right? You know we bail out major corporations with tax dollars constantly so we don’t have entire industries crash over night. This idea that free market works is retarded

>Define neo-liberals.
Absolute free market and very minimum government interference.
>Do you mean social issues like equal rights
Ya, and immigration, abortion, gun control, tearing down national borders, no free speech, censorship of foreign media, deplatforming of right wingers, special rights for minorities, LGBT lobby.
>Why would commies be upset to hear that
Because it makes them realize they're the useful idiots of the ruling class.

>Jordan Peterson is the first person in the world to criticize communism
>if you say the same thing as this person who makes me seethe then you're w-wrong
Stop being underage. He doesn't really say anything new that other people criticizing communism haven't said before.

>Define neo-liberals.
>Absolute free market and very minimum government interference.

You are so clueless it’s astonishing. Not to mention an absolute free market is incompatible with a lot of the social issues you just listed. How the fuck do you have an absolute free market and restricted gun sales, fuck your dumb.

By your own definition neoliberals cannot be in agreement with communists on social issues. And indeed they are not. The neoliberals merely pay lip service to social issues when they can afford to do so without upsetting the status quo. They will never allow the effective changes to the system that communists desire and thus never actually address any real issues. It is not the communists who are the useful idiots of the ruling class, but the milquetoast liberals who are placated by half-measures.

>Absolute free market and very minimum government interference
Those are libertarians and not liberals you dumb fuck

>Jim makes video ranting about Sonic movie
>OP says 'captialism'
400 gorrilian post thread of apes shit flinging about economics

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Imagine if Sonic design was decided by the party officers

>By your own definition neoliberals cannot be in agreement with communists on social issues.
In which social issues commies disagree with the neoliberals?

Either they disagree or they are not neoliberals by your definition.

>Jim Sterling
Back to >>>/reddit/ with you.

Economic ≠ social.

You assfaggots are literally the worst. The movie is about a blue fucking hedgehog that runs at supersonic speeds. Realism was never even in the fucking ballpark my dude.

because all the posturing about equality is actually a cover for their own grievances (that have nothing to do with politics). Communist want everything to be the fault of capitalism because they desperately want every facet of society and human interaction to be "nurture" as in the result of society, a construct. That way, their ugliness (inside and out) and the resulting discrepancy in the way they are treated versus the way they want to be treated can entirely be attributed to learned behavior tied to the politics of society. Thats why since the beginning and for ever, marxism and everything coming from it has gathered every reject, deviant and degenerate under it's tutelage - you'll always find individuals that are on a superficial level rejected by society - sexual deviants, fags, lesbians, trannies, man-hating feminists etc. They're secretly hoping that by bringing equality ( in reality egalitarianism - completely different concepts) all their faults can be "equalized" and the people will not reject them once they forsake their regressive, authoritarian mentality that was brought upon capitalism. This is obviously retarded, but pride is the death of conscience and there is no depth to the corruption of pride. So nothing is objectively true, reality is perception and everything is political. Science is settled, except when it settled on two genders, or when it documented the miserable lives of homosexuals, or when it held gender dysphoria as a mental disorder. They support communism despite its catastrophic track record because secretly they hate society and want ti destroyed. They're mentally stuck in high-school, they hate their parents, especially their fathers and their fantasy is to make everyone that has wronged them suffer. That's why most communists are not part of the poor working class, most are white, middle class, self-hating and lazy.

Fuck off m8, a true neoliberal would argue that the market can take care of racism, for instance, because people will rationally decide not to shop at stores owned by racists. If they are not proposing free market solutions to social issues, they're not neoliberals.

>Jim "Crossdresser" Sterling

Attached: jim sterling mistakes a console for food.gif (330x258, 2.64M)

Different methods for the very same objectives.

>the have not's gather together to take down the have's

who would have thought user

its funmy that here, in the anus of the internet, home of the social misfits,neets,deviants and so on people defend the status quo who alienate them every day

when the have-nots overthrows the haves all that happens is now you have a different group of haves and have-nots

Except they're not because neoliberals don't give a shit. Whatever the market dictates is how it should be. Their objective is just to remove government interference.

>we should fix society
>oh? Well you’re living in one right now. Hypocrite much?
>I’m very intelligent *claps*

Real talk, what is even the reason for this movie? No one asked for it, no one even expected it. It's clearly a movie for kids but they don't even know about Sonic. Is it some sinister scheme like Adam Sandler movies?

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So how come when the Genie for Aladdin got revealed, Disney didn’t back down and everyone went about their day like it never happened???

Some versions allow you to increase the depth STFU capitalist pig

Yep he fully transitioned to your average "culture commenter".
Bad thing happens under capitalism: "It's capitalism fault!"
Good thing happens under capitalism: "It's thanks to the efforts of those fighting against the system."
There, I just made every single future Jim Sterling future video ever, no need to watch the fat fuck anymore.

>neoliberals don't give a shit
Intentions aren't worth shit.
All that counts are actions.

>everyone knows sonic
>buy sonic
>make a movie
>fuck it I don't care everything's riding on the title so do whatever

So then neoliberals are in fact the useful idiots of the communists.

At this point you seem to keep backpedaling yourselves into defending a ridiculous non-argument

>What is communism? You share resources based on some sort of common ownership

This is where the goalpost has been moved, really? The co-op is now the quintessential example of communism? What the fuck...

My parents, brother and grandparents lived under a communist regime. Most people, especially in the west, have such an detached, almost arcane concept of what communism is they don't even associate it with the people that lived under it. It's astounding to me. What is the difference between a system that kills people because genocide is one of the tenets or one where genocide is the usual unintended consequence of the people trying to hold to the power communism granted them in the face of the failures of said system. Fuck all. The result is the same. The second one is worse because it gives people initial hope which I'm sure is used by the revolutionaries to rationalize the awful things they "had to do for progress".

>its funmy that here, in the anus of the internet, home of the social misfits,neets,deviants and so on people defend the status quo who alienate them every day
And that's good thing. It means not every deviant is a homicidal maniac.

how did you get that from post are you fucking blind? the whole point of it was that economic inequality was a pretense for most communists

Well, it's not really false...

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Sounds about right. I've noticed the way these people argue for communism is essentially saying shit like concentration camps and your family members becoming government informers don't have anything to do with the tenets of communism, therefore real communism hasn't been tried yet!

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Retarded mutt. Neoliberalism is about economic policy. Thatcher was a neoliberal.

I'm not moving the goalposts by telling you what communism is
>My parents, brother and grandparents lived under a communist regime
Literally "I have a black friend so I can't be racist" comment, my girlfriend grew up under communism too
>What is the difference between a system that kills people because genocide is one of the tenets or one where genocide is the usual unintended consequence
Putting totalitarian governments into power was the intended consequence of all communist revolutions, my only point is that you're placing the blame in the wrong place, the blame is on the people behind it and their motivations and not the particular ideology they're preaching. The ideas are merely the tools used to bring the despots into power, not the cause of all the suffering

I'm not arguing for communism you moron

reminder that modern day leftism/communism is just neoliberalism

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I know. I was making reference to the people that do.

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so everyone who ever bought a sonic game is responsible for this movie? that's what you're saying?

I keep seeing these twatter anarchists with a black flag emoji and their preferred pronouns on their profile. This is the face of modern day revolutionaries lmao.

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Fair enough.

all commies must fucking hang

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I like this

I'm taking this

Why do redditors type shit like this?

I don't use reddit schizo

I remember when it was:

>"They want social programs! Socialists!"
>"Haven't social programs isn't the same thing as socialism."

Now it's:

>"You want police, school, and roads? That's socialism bitch!"
>"Countries with extensive social programs like ones in Europe are mixed economies and are not socialist nations."

I think that's one of the main reasons Yea Forums /pol/ and the like are hated by lefties. It's not that they're the most virulent racists/facist or whatever. It's not even close. Most /pol/acks struggle to live up to the standards they hold for society. I think that this is what bothers resetera and the like the most. They have a lot in common with the 'alt-right" - age, interests, socioeconomic status. The difference is that resetera has altered their principles to indulge their shortcomings (hence the degenerate clown world they promote) where the "alt-right" still puts principles above their shortcomings. No wonder one of the main argument of the left is to show that /pol/tards are hypocrites by putting up a picture to show that he's fat, uneducated etc. They're trying to build a straw-man that the only way your principle is valid is if you are it's embodiment. Just like you're only allowed to be a christian without being a hypocrite is if you're without sin (lol). It's an roundabout rationalization for the fact that /pol/acks remind them of their insecurities, and by being similar to them them whilst holding on to a higher principle that is held despite personal failures is a constant reminder of their own personal failures. This is why, I think, they're obsessed with consensus. Everyone needing to be on board with everything the hivemind dictates. Zero tolerance for dissent. That's why there's no moderate anything when it comes to the left. To the left, there is no centrism anymore it seems. Anything to the left of Lenin is the right to these people and I dont think it's an exaggeration anymore. Forget about actual right-wing ideology, you can't even be conservative anymore, - about any issue, you can be liberal about 34/35 issues - but if you're not down with late term abortion, you're a fascist who wants to control women's bodies. Tell me this is exaggerated. Just go on twitter, or any college campus. See how it works.

wasting people times and post with your pedantic faggot nonsense

Who cares

I don't think you know what pedantry is. I'm not arguing the definition of communism. I'm arguing you are blaming the gun and not the person pulling the the trigger. There is nothing magical about communism that makes an ordinary person commit genocide

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>They're trying to build a straw-man that the only way your principle is valid is if you are it's embodiment.
It's not a strawman, how can you take someones ideas seriously if even they themselves can't live up to them?

Seek help

Attached: soygrug.jpg (637x445, 53K)

Nah, it was after he was given a talking to (presumably by his wife) for going attack dog against AnnaAnthropy and her girlfriend. It wasn't more than a few months later that he began to become more interested in social justice (around the same time he said his wife was getting more involved in social causes and politics).

"Among all the large and small nations of Austria, only three standard-bearers of progress took an active part in history, and still retain their vitality—the Germans, the Poles and the Magyars. Hence they are now revolutionary. All the other large and small nationalities and peoples are destined to perish before long in the revolutionary world storm. For that reason they are now counter-revolutionary."

Friedrich Engels

now fuck off

I have zero idea what you say, the saying that a picture says more then a thousands words doesn't mean much if the 1001 words are just thrown together and doesn't form a proper sentence.

My parents, brother and grandparents lived under a communist regime. Most people, especially in the west, have such an detached, almost arcane concept of what communism is they don't even associate it with the people that lived under it.
My parents also lived under communism, they loved it. My father still thinks that communism is the way to go that capitalism will fall

oh wow you blew me the fuck out with that quote
can't argue a subtle point so you resort to getting angry and name-calling
people like you are the types of people who fall for commie bullsht in the first place

>all these boot lickers

A rich, enormous blob of a """man""" ranting and raving about the evils of capitalism will never not be funny to me. The spitting image of the fatcat stereotype he and his noodlearmed fans LARP about guillotining every day of their lives.

Any shareholder with a large enough share to make demands can be easily named with a modicum of research. The majority of investors never even interact with the company in any meaningful way. What do you expect investors to do "Looks like this company is complacent and lazy but they've plateau'd nicely so I'll just give them some money and when they start to fail and make that money worth less for no reason at least I was helping:)".
Using investors as a monolithic bogeyman is the surest sign that a person knows the problem is the executives or the internal corporate culture but for one reason or another really likes the people within and wants to pass the buck to an "other" who typically won't defend themselves because they don't care about the screetching of some execs and their personal cronies . On to the next, you stupid corporate fuckwits apparently forgot the best part about capitalism. Once you forge a path to success there's always someone waiting to take your place.

Yeah unfortunately socialists want to flood the job market with workers that have such low standards of living that they'll pull that lever for a penny an hour and completely dismantle any bargaining power unions have.

Because that's the nature of a higher purpose. It sets up a impressive model to aspire to. Some of which - like physical beauty, have biological constraints. By your definition, beauty should be abolished because not everyone is pretty. Which is ironically something the left believes in. You can value strength if you are weak, you can value courage if you are a coward. man is not the measure of all things. if we limit our reachh to what the lowest common denominator can attain we'll die as a culture, and it will be all so that nobody has to feel bad about themselves.

Just look how female athletic competition is turned into a farce so that the under 2% of the population (Mtf trans) can feel like they're accepted as real women (they will never be).

>The verdict has been reached: the sonic movie is the fault of capitalism.
Well, it is? They made it to make profit. You don't have to watch it, though.


>muh boot lickers
People who say this just got through puberty and that "fuck you mom and dad" phase. It's baby's first revolt. You aren't impressing anyone with that basic bitch opinion of shitting on corporations. People just don't want the baggage that leftists bring with their hyper-individualistic snowflake labels, safe spaces and naive views of equality.