/ourguy/ finally shed the weight
"Borderlands 3 is on epic store first so that's very TERRIFYING for us. Let me repeat this, very TERRIFYING"
I know you are joking, but really, why isn 't he at least making an effort? I'm sure he could buy a treadmill.
lmao someone post his new teeth
how can he be proud of losing weight when all he did was pay to get it sucked out
i dont get how you can be proud of that like it's an accomplishment
why even bother with before/after if it's just paying for it it's like taking a picture of my graphics card then upgrading it and taking an after shot
He did not have any fat removed. All that happened was they shrunk his stomach to make him eat less, which would've caused weight loss. Most people at his size don't lose as much as he already has. This isn't a get-skinny-quick thing, it takes a lot of effort.
didn't he lose like 250 pounds the photo on the left looks nothing like him recently.
>stomach staples aren't get skinny quick
Keep deluding yourself Boogie