/ourguy/ finally shed the weight

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"Borderlands 3 is on epic store first so that's very TERRIFYING for us. Let me repeat this, very TERRIFYING"

I know you are joking, but really, why isn 't he at least making an effort? I'm sure he could buy a treadmill.

lmao someone post his new teeth

how can he be proud of losing weight when all he did was pay to get it sucked out
i dont get how you can be proud of that like it's an accomplishment
why even bother with before/after if it's just paying for it it's like taking a picture of my graphics card then upgrading it and taking an after shot

He did not have any fat removed. All that happened was they shrunk his stomach to make him eat less, which would've caused weight loss. Most people at his size don't lose as much as he already has. This isn't a get-skinny-quick thing, it takes a lot of effort.

didn't he lose like 250 pounds the photo on the left looks nothing like him recently.

>stomach staples aren't get skinny quick

Keep deluding yourself Boogie

>This isn't a get-skinny-quick thing,
thats exactly what the surgery is for you retard

you'll be dead at 40, boogie.

why u have problem


reminder that he is unironically a sociopath

You mean Shed: The Weight

>literally gets surgery to make it so he can't eat as much
>"that took a lot of hard work"

How delusional are you? His stomach was literally cut into the size of a quarter. He had no choice but to take in less than 1000 calories per day or he would:

A. Throw up
B. Be in extreme pain
C. Die from a stomach rupture

At this point he's restretched his stomach back out, which is why he isn't losing weight (and or gaining wight).


Youtube crossover show where boogie goes to the gym with ltg when?

>All that happened was they shrunk his stomach to make him eat less
how low must you be to do that instead of just DECIDING to eat less. jesus fucking christ.


You just need confidence

at least he did something, most fatties just stay fat

I weighed like 270 lbs at one point, but now I'm 165 because I work out daily and eat properly.

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whoah slow down
he DECIDED he's eating too much
that counts for something right?

He's just gonna get fat again by the end of the year, surgery can't fix a shitty mind

You must not be American. Have you seen what "normal" is in this fucking place?

>tfw Americans literally have so little self control they would rather physically alter their stomach than summon the willpower to just not eat the whole box of Oreos

>it's common for them to eat so much anyway that the stomach staples break

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holy shit bros... he freaking made it

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He’s suicidal bros. You were all wrong, he’s not manipulative
Skip to 1;27

>eat properly

why doesn't he smile with his new teeth



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Oh yes he should have got down to 99 lbs like you before he posted.

How do you know what eating properly is for him when you don't know his height?

I wouldn't be surprised if he's histrionic disordered

Is that the body of the guy they based Dr. Manhattan off of? I forget his name now. I just remember that he was a fitness model, and got hit by a train because he was running on the train tracks while wearing headphones...

Hell always be a fat fucking piece of shit to me

above 160 is fine for a non-manlet :^)


Don't worry, he's still over 300lbs

When you're this fat, food is like heroin.

Now tell me, is it easy as pie to stop being hooked on drugs such as heroin?

He’s not losing that weight especially how deep he’s in

will you guys freak out when he gets his skin surgery too?

well yea I know the brize of freedom is periodic table in your food and garbage habits as part of culture

Have you ever experienced an addiction before?

Stop lying. Fat people don't lose weight because of working out, or eating “properly”. Thats all maymays beyond maymays. Thats all marketing for the food industry. Fat people lose weight by keeping track of the total calories they can consume, keeping active is only a plus. You can still eat whatever the hell you want but if you keep the calories in check, you'll be fine

I'm like 6'2". This was a year or so ago, my dude. Not incredibly swole, but I've definitely gotten better. How about you?

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I thought he was exercising

looks like something's in his mouth
oh it's a bunch of fake teeth that are too big.

Keep it up user.

how long before he fucks them up again?

no memes but his face looks way better

But it's nothing like that at all.

t. lost 200 pounds this year by just not eating and lifting heavy things (not even weights, i don't go to the gym, just lift heavy things i find around the house/outside)

There's no chemical dependency, you don't go insane, you don't vomit. You're just hungry because you're fat as fuck.

Fat people should be degloved alive

ITT Yea Forums justifies eating buckets full of fried food each day due to a level of ignorance about how the human body works typically only found in small children.

>Stop lying. Fat people don't lose weight because of working out, or eating “properly”. Thats all maymays beyond maymays. Thats all marketing for the food industry. Fat people lose weight by keeping track of the total calories they can consume,
and how does eating properly not include calorie counting you fuckint loon

That's not quite it either, there are extremely unhealthy habits even on what's considered a normal diet.

What you must do is simple.


>Eating properly
>Plus working out
>This doesn't keep calories in check

He's definitely not doing the best he could, but props to him for getting where he did.

By all means he should have been dead years ago

haha yeah bro bread is poison name one civilization that ate bread as a staple

How do I stop being skinnyfat? I'm 5'10 and 160 pounds. I have man boobs. Zero muscle. Most days I only eat like 2 meals so dunno why I weigh so much.

he looks like dunkey lmao.

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He's already like 43

>He's definitely not doing the best he could, but props to him for getting where he did.
Yeah dawg mad props for buying yourself thin and rotting your teeth to the point that you need ridiculous veneers that could take down a plane if the wrong light hit them at night

>What is the majority of Asia.

>gets fake teeth
>has surgery to lose weight because he can't do it himself
>makes numerous self congratulatory videos about it
He's a useless fat cunt who can't do anything by himself. He's a manchild who just cries about how unfair life is and gets upset when the universe doesn't bend to his will. Fuck Boogie.

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You fucking moron. I literally posted progress of myself here. You can quite literally see stretch marks and whatnot from when I was overweight. What have you done?
Walk/jog and do some abdominal exercises. Doing compound workouts helped me quite a bit as well.


>not by eating properly but by eating properly
>working out doesn't help

>you'll be dead at 40, boogie.

He's already well over 40, dumbass.

Same user
6'3" 190 but i feel fat as shit, have to work out more but i just cant motivate myself

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i think he is getting at the fact the most mass produced bread is loaded with FUCKING SUGAR and other nasty additives.

>it takes a lot of effort.
getting surgery isnt effort
he was literally laying on his back unconscious

wait a minute I recognize those gay teeth

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>props to him for trying to fix the mistakes he made
I don't see what you're trying to say here?
He admits and acts on it, something that not many can do these days

Just saying
>lmao just don't do the bad thing in the first place!
is of course easier when you're looking at it all from a sideline, but to keep going and trying at least a bit, instead of just ending it all, is far better


because you eat only 2 meals per day

But shouldn't I be thin then?

>at least he did something, most fatties just stay fat

Doesn't he still weigh like 350 pounds? Is that considered neat and trim now?


boogie bad


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he didnt act on anything if he did he wouldnt need the surgery

Jesus christ what a poor fucking job they did on his mouth. Those teeth are too fucking big and they should be a bit further back. It just looks like he's trying to hide a fucking golf ball in his mouth in


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Why doesnt he ditch the awful beard?

Look, I don't wanna say "muh depression", but muh depression FORCES you to eat the whole box of Oreos just to feel alive, even though you're killing yourself.
Even the most suicidal people can't help but feel good when eating, have you ever seen anyone crying while stuffing their mouth? It's a goddamn curse.

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Porcelain teeth eheh

Again, you're just saying
>lol prevent this thing earlier

He's acting now, of course he could've done it earlier or better, but the fact that he overcame his own condemnation to succumbing to it and dying off is still present, the fact that he's seeing it through is still impressive

250 off of 600 pounds is still 350 pounds. But it's a start.


He has layers of ugly hanging skin beneath it, why would he?

America has perverted what is normal bread. Don't even fucking insinuate that what passes for bread in America is even worthy of a fucking trash bin in a proper european bakery.

Why did he get fake teeth?

>proper european bakery.
*Only in France

I started to dispise him when he used his free healthcare that came from people's tax money to get himself new teeth and began to make that eye wrenching smile on his timestamps.

Because his teeth literally were rotting away like seriously all his teeth were fucked

and rice.

I started keto last week and already lost 5 pounds. Started walking and lifting weights at home too. Wish me luck bois.

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people are starting to catch on to his bullshit

Someone post his teeth.

Keep going bro. You got this.

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apparently he “came out” as a furry
what is it about furry stuff that attracts extremely unattractive people

Cut your sugar intake to nearly nothing and go to the gym

Nigger all starch becomes sugar when you eat it. Just stop fucking gobbling wonder"bread"

no you should eat often in little quantities

>what is it about furry stuff that attracts extremely unattractive people
I'm an insult to the human eye and I still feel repulsed by it.
...Does pic related count? If so then you're right.

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Thanks Honkler

If I had to guess it's because they are able to cover up their ugly bodies and face. Pulling on an animal costume allows them to be something they're not.

>ITT bunch of fat incels complaining that a fat e-celeb isn’t trying to lose weight


who are you quoting

Imagine defending an e-celeb

Why did his caregiver divorce him?

>21yo, 240 lbs
>big brother goes "Jesus Christ, you need to lose weight, you're fucking obese" all the time
>after a while actually decide to do it
>22yo now, went from 235 to 170, now starting to get /fit/
Based brother

>Why yes, I do manipulate people.

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most people dont lose weight by counting calories because they just count them wrong and eat too much
just eat less, you dont need to count calories

Rogue is based

manlet or stick detected, you can be 180+ depending on your height or muscle mass and be healthy.

No, he cut off part of his stomach and didn't do fucking anything on his part.

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