Why call it Prey if it had nothing to do with the original...

Why call it Prey if it had nothing to do with the original? Just because of the industry word about Prey 2s years of failing development, they kept the name a lot of people have heard?

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Because beth had the rights to the name and slapped it on the game. Should have been called typhon or psychoshock honestly.

Prey still works as the title of the game, at the end of the day both Prey games are about alien threats.
Does it really matter?

Guys it was all a simulation! You are the Prey! I HURRTTTTTTT MYSELFFFF TODAY

system shock 2 goes underwater then goes back into space

because they'd spent money on the IP and it had some easy brand recognition that helped with marketing

>buy rights to a IP
>not using it
Wew lad, way to broadcast to the world how retarded you are...why do you think sony pictures keeps making dogshit movies using super heroes?

>Dishonored 2
When will Arkane's winning streak end?

Literal children man

Its still a good game. I bet you never even played it.

The studio is basically dead now because their shit games sold like shit. Wow. A shit game selling like shit. No surprises here. Oh and that Moonworks DLC is pure cancer incarnate. The definition of garbage.

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>shit games
okay but i enjoyed them therefore they aren't shit

There was already a playable build for Prey 2 which was a sequel set in space. They canned it in favor of making something new anyway. My question was why bother using the name of a failing IP other than just to have the name alone. The game was good enough it didnt need to piggyback on a mediocre game that had a sequel in development hell.

I mean this is only true to an extent. Everything that happened to Morgan was real and you did live through it. There's only the one Easter egg bad end that really separates that from just being what could have been the journey of Morgan, followed by a flash forward to them doing simulations on a Typhon in a non first person perspective. Only one detail needs to change to make it not "all just a simulation"

Ah a fellow sonyfaggot

It was Bethesda's choice to use the name of an IP they own.

This, I'd bet money they wanted to name it something like Neuroshock but were worried about 2K throwing a shitfit over it

Neuroshock sounds rad as fuck

The naming "debacle" is only ever discussed on Yea Forums I've noticed.
Sane people have moved on but the turboautists of this place cannot get over talking about the name Prey as if it had some important legacy to it.
It really didn't.

>costs money to register a new name
>not spending any money and using one you own

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prey 2006 is beloved and i cant believe bethesda did this, no i didn't play prey 2006, nobody fucking did.

There's this running theme that it's a good game, but I'd say it's just okay. It felt very... design by consensus. No big risks, no real vision. Well done within those bounds, however.

>Spending money setting up a new interesting 'Shock'esque IP.
>Using a name you own that was shadowed in nothing but medocrity and failures.