How the fuck am I supposed to beat this shit

how the fuck am I supposed to beat this shit

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Stop being retarded.

easier said than done you fucking retard

>ad hominem

Wait, but you used ad hominem towards him in the first place.

Do you accept spoilers on abilities first?

yes, I can't beat this dude

>having problems with that onionsboy
OH NO NO NO NO you're not gonna make it bro

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Bring a friend.

>equip sharp shadow
>learn how to dodge
gg ez

Git gud? It's pretty much a test of whether you can manage your dashes. That's it. If you're really struggling then sharp shadow makes the fight completely trivial.

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you seem kind of dumb since this boss is easy, but I'll lay it out for you:

>Cloth his very hard, you can play like a total bitch and he'll do a lot of the work for you if you're a huge wuss
>he's literally just an XL version of the male corrupted mantis, the main attacks being the fly forward or the jump up and dive
>BOTH attacks can be dodged simply by dodging through him with shade cloak

boom, 80% of the threat of the fight is gone

His ranged attacks only do 1 while his melee do 2 so if you stay in front of him and just dodge through all the melee the fight's already over

Use quick focus if you're a shitter and need to heal a lot

When he jumps, walk under him.
When he prepares to dash, shadow dash through him.
He only does ranged attacks when you are far away, always stay in melee range. If he backsteps to do a ranged attack (he rarely does), prepare to dash the shockwaves. You can dodge boomerangs by walking between them.
He's basically a little bitch filter. If you try to run away of heal, he kills you. If you play agressively, he dies.

I will never finish the pantheons

Feels bad


>Use quick focus if you're a shitter and need to heal a lot
Don't encourage this. You're setting the shitter up for a bad time.

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>can beat any boss first try
>always lose focus and quickly spiral out of control into death during the final few before Pure Vessel

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Just jump over its attacks and use shade cloak to dodge its shockwaves

>the backer who designed Cloth intended him to be male
>tranny devs change the gender to fit their agenda
Cloth is a he.

>You're setting the shitter up for a bad time.
Lack of skill and partial retardation already did that

Have you tried dodging his attacks?

>needing help with traitor lord

user they're already a shitter, if they're THAT deep in the game it's already too late for them

>stuck on traitor lord
You've got some giting gud to do if you're ever going to see the true ending, OP.
You're never going to see the true ending.

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I've lost count of the times Zoto btfo me

You are not losing focus, you dying because the last two parts are the only challenging ones. Don't think yourself a good player just because you beat everything before - it's completely trivial.

he's literally the only non-dlc or last boss I have left I think, I don't fucking get him. I have 4 lives and he takes me out in 2 hits. Is there a way to upgrade your nail or something, sometimes I play against him for like 15 minutes and nothing. Jesus.

>Is there a way to upgrade your nail or something
Please be joking.

You can't have 4 masks of health since you start with 5. Even an unupgraded nail kills him in less than 15 minutes.

It's not that it's challenging, I can easily do NKG multiple times in a row normally, but after around 30 mins of fighting nonstop I lose focus and die in no time at all in a boss that after you perfect you should never have troubles with him ever again

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>I have 4 live
> Is there a way to upgrade your nail or somethin
You poor soul

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Lost a life getting through the spike shit

I assume you’re talking about lifeblood. If so then it’s absolute bullshit, just like all two mask damaging bosses. You literally just have to grind it out.
t. Someone who did it without Cloth

yeah, being a bit too optimistic looking for an easy mode lol. I know there isn't a way.

That's not an ad hominem, he's not leveraging your retardation to fallaciously discredit your argument, he's tacking it on as an insult. You retard.

An ad hominem would be along the tine of "you're retarded yet you were able to do it".

I'm stuck on The Hollow Knight

Shot game and worst map implementation I’ve ever seen. 3/10 would not recommend.

Whoever was responsible for the absolute radiance should kill themselves immediately.

I realy want this to be true OP, we changing your life today

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Yea Forums is absolutely stupid enough for this to be 100% real.

Take a break between fights, when I finally beat the pantheon of hollownest I had set the game down for a few minutes after beating NKG. Not to mention that it was the first time I had tried the pantheon that day, so I wasn't already burnt out from previous attempts. Maybe the rest helped.

I can MAYBE believe the nail part (although anyone who managed to beat Hornet 2 with the old nail should have no problem with Traitor Lord), but getting to the endgame without ever upgrading health is impossible unless you do it on purpose.

>Laughs invincibly, fearlessly, sensually, mysteriously, enchantingly, vigorously, diligently, overwhelmingly, gorgeously, passionately, terrifyingly, beautifully, and powerfully
If you don't like bosses you can't just strap on stalwart shell and facetank then perhaps you should git gud, friend.

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Absolute Radiance is fine. Radiant Markoth, on the other hand, can fuck right off.

if he can't beat Traitor Lord then he is objectively retarded, that's not an ad hominem, it's literally one of the easiest bosses in the game.

Ho ho! This little lady lad right here has trouble with radiant Markoth. Why dont you let the grownups talk. Now radiant pure vessel, that's a real boss.

Ha! Radiant PV! Now, radiant Moss Charger is where the tears start rolling.

lol senpai? just equip slashy boy and proud bro

nightmare king grimm broke me bros
I haven't touched the game since I got my ass handed to me by that fight

NKG is easy compared with what's to come

My bad, I thought you were joking and joined in. I guess you are an actual retard who thinks radiant PV is difficult.

Equip sharp shadow then
just walk slowly to the side
wait a split second then dash
jump then dash
short hop over the first bat then dash
>ground spikes
don't get hit
>bullet hell
short hops forward then back off a little over and over till it's done

how is it not hard

uppercut is probably the only thing I seem to have trouble reliably dodging for some reason but i'll keep this in mind

More like
Time them right and get 3 hits in.
Jump and pogo once.
Jump and pogo once.

All attacks have clear tells and reliable ways to dodge them. For pattern-based bosses like PV the amount of damage they deal barely matters at all - you learn their moves and you never get hit anyway. To state he is harder than the obnoxious RNG-fest that is Markoth is plain wrong.

keep to the sides and keep spamming dash after the first one, if you have dash+sprintmaster the flames won't reach you

it's the tentacles I keep jobbing against, you can shadow dash everything else but with the tentacles you have to jump instead

Just jump against every attack. If it's triple slash or lunge you can pogo, if it's spikes, the hitbox is smaller at the top giving you more time to reposition, if it's knives, you can shadow dash in the air.

>the pogovirgin
>the shadowchad

>you can shadow dash everything else
If you shadow dash the knives and he immediately does the triple combo, your shadow dash isn't recharged in time, btw. Jumping is the only 100% reliable strat.

fuck jumping

Shadow dashes through everything missing free damage because he is too dumb to time pogo.
Pogos the entire fight to assert dominance, does so much damage bosses die under a minute.

sharp shadow does about the same damage as a nail hit

>sharp shadow does about the same damage as a nail hit
Sharp shadow doesn't benefit from Fragile Strength, pogo does. That's extra 50%.

I found Radiance way easier actually.

with dashmaster it does exactly the same amount of damage

that's not Radiance

>wasting 4 notches on crutches
Jesus, just fucking learn to pogo already and equip Shaman Stone or something else that's actually useful instead.

last time you told me it was not a crutch