Games in which the antagonist's plans completely fuck up?

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Do not be a kunken.

It's really not worth 2 threads, don't give the faggot any more attention.

Nincels are really trying hard to shit on this random guy for no reason huh.

>tries to be funny
>end up in hell

what went wrong?

>sony fags outing themselves as the cancer killing Yea Forums

>Sonybros and Switchbros come together to laugh at some underage faggot
videogames are saved

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kunken delete your twitter

t. cucken

>post something in public
>gotcha furfag we found you out!! xD
Yea Forums is so cringe

this guy's right

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Kunken pls

Don't ruin the joke

I'm so sorry. Not all us finns are like this.

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Well they spend more time on Yea Forums since the switch has no games

I don't see any Sony fanboys anywhere actually. If anything they are embarassed that this is the kind of person who IS a Sony fanboy on this board

honestly not a bad outcome. this twigger can serve as the sacrificial lamb.

Lol he gets followers because of Yea Forums trolling him.

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The weeb gave us a reason to not kill ourselves today.

Like a month ago, some user posted a screencap of him liking and retweeting when the tweet only has one like and one retweet. Some other user exposed him and he’s parent who had #PervertPride on his twitter bio. Not joking


>Giving him this much attention

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Yeah you sure got him, but what now? what is Yea Forums going to do? You guys never do anything

Yea Forums - Gender politics and general Twitter discussion

Will this kill wojak posting? It won't, sadly.

lmao. I love when retards doxx themselves.

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That was his plan all along.

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>"leak" information on Yea Forums
>Don't dox me you silly boys.

Why give this faglord any attention at all?

In a perfect world, posting wojaks would net you a permaban.

since when is having followers of any kind a good thing? can some twitter retard explain to me what's the benefit of giving random retards a window to your life?

Yeah... planned.

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>doxing Twitter
U idiot

Apparently some of his comments are starting to get wiped.

It's called kunken posting now.

>Classic WoW
Yup, that's your average Yea Forumsedditor alright

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not until Yea Forums find where the onepiece HxH shitposter live and literally skin him alive.

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>Yea Forums users amazed that some Yea Forums user also uses twitter
you guys are sure easy to excite

either you're retarded or cucken false flagging. he clearly didn't "plan" this. it was on one based user to reverse image search his shitty op image and he got btfo'd into the moon.
he probably thought he'd get a really ebin wojak thread. alas, the stars did not align.

Is he the next TJ """"Henry"""" Yoshi?

he deletes them to damage controll

This retarded shit has made my day better and distracted me a little from my current worries, thanks lads

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Its a zoomers thing


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Kunkken is a faggot. His tweets were always boring. I have been following for a while and dont listen to the faggot

Kunken has been a cancer on DMC threads since prior to 5's announcements.
Literally farms (you)s to upload to his twitter and discord friends.

If you cared about people knowing your life you wouldn’t be posting personal information on a public site to begin with you dingleberry. Getting followers is basically the same as getting friends on that site and that means more people are gaurenteed to read whatever mundane shit you post.


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>Linked a twitter post in which he knew he posted the exact same picture he was using as an OP in a Yea Forums thread

I'm sure.

watch black mirror and you will understand.

nice, my badly cropped image is spreading

Don't underestimate the attention whore.

do i get this right? someone posted Yea Forums content on twitter? that sure is amazing and has never been seen before.

this board has lost it. where is the joke?

>all this damage control
can he go any lower?

foh kunken