Kept getting rekt today, then this happened. My keyboard survived a wall through amazingly. About to go shopping for what's likely to be my 50th gaming headset in ten years. Last year I destroyed my 1500 dollar PC, I posted that here some may remember that. I wish there was a way to channel my searing hatred and anger towards something useful
How can I stop doing this?
>Last year I destroyed my 1500 dollar PC
seek anger management classes
That's a sound suggestion, but I dont believe in spending money to talk to people.
Jesus whats wrong with you?
Record yourself doing it. Then watch it when you calm down, you'll find it hilarious. Over time you'll end up laughing at yourself when you get mad at video games.
I also dont have sex. It occured to me that maybe if I got laid I wouldn't be easily ticked off
Turn off the game and come back later.
MP games are for fags anyway.
This. Use a cam and put it on youtube. You will get more thancthe cost of gaming gear.
learn to control your emotions you fucking sperg
count to 50 and breathe deeply
maybe stop playing the games that set you off until you have a lick of self control
Well, then you gotta keep spending money for new PCs every so often, I think the classes would be cheaper.
Have sex
Get a punching bag, punch it whenever you get angry instead of destroying valuable things. Not only will you get valuable muscle and cardio exercise, but also save money in the long run.
OP confirmed for teenager.
>i don't believe in spending money to talk to people
>seeking usually horrible advice from autistic manchildren is ok though
Have sex and I'm not memeing
good advice. Will be impossible to take your anger seriously after seeing how foolish it looks. Used to be the same myself
Neck yourself, fag
kill yourself unironically before you kill someone in one of your subhuman nigger rage tantrums
You are better off staying indoors than being around real people. You seem like a wife-beater.
>instead of destroying valuable things
not OP but that's why it's satisfying when you're angry, destroying something (it doesn't have to be valuable but it helps) is what I find relieving.
>I don't believe in spending money to talk to people.
>destroying a $1,500 PC because of gamer rage is perfectly fine.
Pick one OP
>believes in spending money to literally tear it apart in your bear hands
>oh but talking to people about my issues is gay
Have you tried not being a fag?
How do have $1500 to blow on a PC, yet you're this retarded?
Try venting your aggression on other people, at least you won't have to buy new headsets/PCs any more.
Try russian roulette next time you get really angry, it'll save you a lot of money.
>I dont believe in spending money to talk to people.
then why do you keep buying gaming headsets to talk to people?
Accept the holy blessing that is 2D and never be phased by 3DPD issues like bad performance in a video game ever again.
>bear hands
So I always felt like I have emotional problems my entire life, but I couldn't ever imagine going tard rage and breaking my shit because I'm sucking at a game. What's the thought process?
Seek professional help.
Worst I've done is deleting all my saves when I've gotten mad enough at the final boss of a game.
imagine being such an impotent little shrimp with no outlet that you need to literally destroy your own property just to get your rage out.
next time try jumping off the roof of your home and look to aim head first onto the concrete
wtf is a "wall through"
Shrinks cost more than that and he's not wrong, they're shit. None of those therapies actually work.
>Channel my hatred and anger
Or you could grow the fuck up and not get fanny flustered over shit like video games.
Jesus christ, I'm a hyper competitive person and I've never broken anything in my life.
Losing control is a sign of low intelligence, hence as you said 'tard rage'.
And nothing of value was lost
There's this huge untapped market for tard-strength resistant products, I see.
made me kek
You could grow the fuck up.
I guarantee you aren't even playing a game worthy of anger like a fighting game.
I have a friend who spends the ENTIRE session raging when we play Call of Duty. Then he gets back on later, over and over and over.
You people are fucking retarded manchildren
The times I wanted to throw something it was because I wanted to actually destroy it, not just feel the rush of punching something or whack at something.
>The times I wanted to throw something it was because I wanted to actually destroy it
Dude, you need mental help ASAP. This is the kind of shit that will let you kill a loved one in a fit of rage. Stop being a fucking faggot and at the very least do what this user tells you. ---->>> Either that or turn yourself into a mental hospital, anger problems like that can grow worse over time and will eventually end very badly for everyone involved.
Sorce: My cousin used to be a violent alcoholic that would lose his shit very easily while not drinking and lose it immediately something went wrong once he got drunk enough. It ended with him nearly beating a guy to death at a party and breaking his own arm in the process. Luckily, he got help to get over it to the point where he isn't a danger for himself or others anymore and stopped drinking.
Yeah nah I don't have anger issues. And I would never punch someone.
>I have a friend who spends the ENTIRE session raging when we play Call of Duty. Then he gets back on later, over and over and over.
jfc anger management isn't going to cut it for people like this. they need to convert to buddhism or something.
Thought you were OP, once you start breaking shit with actual value too you (key thing being ''value too you''), you'll know that your anger have escalated to the point where you can be a real danger to yourself and others. My cousin used too tell me some of the things he learned in therapy while he was in jail, and that was apparently one of the things they talked about.
If OP is willing to tear his 1500$ PC apart over something as trivial as games, he either has a very poor sense of worth or he has gotten close to the point I'm talking about. It's probably a poor sense of worth since he is probably a teenager, but that is something he should really nip in the bud before it grows into something more violent.
if you're a paranoid nigger convinced that everything will fail before you even try then no shit nothing helps you.
at the point just kill yourself or live with the fact that you'll be a misanthropic waste of skin.
>i smash my PC when I'm mad
>i don't have anger management issues
I'm afraid it's terminal, you can't fix a problem if you don't think you have one.
I'm not OP. At most I would smash a glass or something, something that shatters properly. I've never destroyed hardware.
>$1500 PC
>at least a dozen gaming headsets (OP's 50 is probably very exaggerated)
>probably has broken other things, wall, dishware, etc
>probably affects OP's life in more than just breaking his gaming shit
Of course therapy isn't some miracle cure with 100% success but it's better than just accepting being a fucking sperg the rest of your life. A good outcome also depends on the patient actually complying with the behavioral changes the therapist recommends.
I swear you're one of my whiny patient's that wants their shit fixed in one session without doing anything on their own.
>t. works in physical therapy
>I wish there was a way to channel my searing hatred and anger towards something useful
have sex
Typical savage white supremacist.
Why are gamers so violent?
lack of interpersonal skill development during adolescence.
what games are you playing
more like manchildren
>gaming headset by fisher price, for your "big boy"
$50 says it's either Overwatch or a Moba.
Literally have sexual intercourse.