500 hours in Demon's Souls

>500 hours in Demon's Souls
>700 hours in Dark Souls 1
>500 hours in Dark Souls 2
>800 hours in Dark Souls 3
>over 1000 hours in Bloodborne
>only 75 hours in Sekiro and got all achievements

What went wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:


hours in Demon's Souls
hours in Dark Souls 1
hours in Dark Souls 2
hours in Dark Souls 3
>>over 1000 hours in Bloodborne
>>only 75 hours in Sekiro and got all achievements
prove it

The game was rushed as fuck.

>every game must have insane replayabilty

No variety.

Sekiro is all about reflexes and speed.

based basedlet.

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having no multiplayer takes a big chunk of achievments so theres that

>What went wrong?

you din't had sex, please do something about this

Bloodborne is the only one with replayablity thanks to Chalices.

>1000 hours at bloodborne
literally how? the fuck are you doing? idling? jacking off in chalice?

>What went wrong?
You have autism, buildbrony

>3575 hours
>a year and a half of 8/hr a day 5 day a week work
you could have been making some serious cash

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yea pretty much farming chalice all day depth 5 FRC was the shit.

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>Every game must have that much replayability.

It's called play other fucking games.

>~80 hours is not enough for an single player narrative
look at this gibbering retard

fuck off normie

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>3500 hours in a series where all the games are basically the same
>Don't want to play anymore
Seems fine to me

I took me 50 hours to get all achievements in DS2.
60 in DS3
Took me 70 to get all in BB.
DS 1 is the only game to have annoying achievements.
Whats your point?

I beat sekiro 2 times now and will beat it again at some point in the future.
DS1 has aged like Milk cant play it anymore.

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i pretty much lost all brain cells savescumming, fuck chalice, i'll never do it again (okay maybe sometimes)

Souls fags think mashing R1 with a different sword model is variety lmao

No covenants takes a big chunk of farming away as well as no equipment besides the shinobi tool upgrades.

What the fuck is there to do in DaS1 for seven hundred fucking hours? Are you fucking autistic?

You can experience everything a single souls game has to offer in less than 100.
Unless you are literally retarded and believe its multiplayer is anything but a laggy glitchy novelty novelty.
How the fuck does anyone get over 200 hour's in the games.

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I never understood this shit. I've given all of them multiple playthroughs and still haven't broken 200 hours on a single one, how do you guys do it?

Doesn't require grind

jokes on you, i play BB by mashing R2 with my stabby MLGS

dude pvp lmao

>game has aged like milk
pvp try new builds do challenging runs try mods.

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Build fag autism.

I still revisit ds1 all the time. The areas in that game just really do it for me. Honestly good levels are more important in souls than good bosses, though both are important

The fact that you have put that amount of hours into some games is what’s wrong, get a life ffs! Surely it’s a good thing that you didn’t need to spend a shit ton of hours to experience everything the game has to offer, you’ve got autism on a whole new spectrum my dude!

He probably is.
Its the i like what i like and anything not what i like is automatically bad syndrome.
You will find its usually autistic people who spend so much on a single single player game.
Having over 500 hours in a game is only acceptable if its a competitive game that gets constant patches.

Just playing it again because it’s fun? I’m no build fag I just enjoy running through the game

>DS1 has aged like Milk
>a near 8 year old game has aged like milk

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1. I wake up at 7:15
2. We've been dressing since toddlers.
3. You don't brush your teeth every day? Your teeth must look like Boogie's before the surgery.
4. You don't piss in mornings? Wtf
5. I don't own a car, I sit on a train and shitpost on Yea Forums.
6. I make tons of money too
7. I'm grateful to have money, instead of being homeless.

Souls games were created ENTIRELY around the concept of invasions. It's LITERALLY the ENTIRE point of them existing. It is the REASON they were created. The entire gimmick of "its tooo haaaarddddd ablooo bloooo" is the invasion mechanic.
>Lets take that out lol

You can do this whit pretty much any RPG.
But id rather play 20 different games than spend 20X as much time on a single one.
DS1 doesn't even have the best game-play anymore as stated it aged like milk.

The whole point of aged like milk allegory is the fact that milk goes bad fast (unless pasteurized).
Not saying DS1 is bad but its just so clunky and predictable after you beat it 2 times using different game-play stiles.

>implying all jobs make you get up at 6:30am
night shift is where its at my dude, work at night, game during the day, sleep in the afternoon, and have money to spare.

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I seriously hope you are only bating.

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>night shift
never experienced that shit, but i think it could be very boring or frightening depending on your location

Every mechanic, every level, everything was designed around invasions. The ghosts moving around you, the signs, the lore, it was all about invasions.

the sort of people who post these are the people who leech off their parents and are generally a disappointment to their family

You have money and not a car.


Explain what I would use a car for.

Even the friggin FOG GATES were because of invasions and cutting off levels into sections for the invasion mechanics.

Inhumanly stupid people thought it was supposed to be like a soulslike. I wish the fad would die, you're basically one of those faggots that hated shooters that weren't like call of duty.

Imagine attributing a game's quality to the amount of hours you put in it.

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Imagine not getting at a MINIMUM 1 hour of enjoyment per dollar.

Sekiro respects the player's time. The Soulsbourne games don't.

Pretty sure invasions are just a gimmick a cool side content to the game.
If the series was about invasions they would have kept them in BB and Sekiro.
Hell they acualy made sure invasions in BB are impossible unless you specifically want them to happen and even then its an RNG.
You are just convincing yourself something is true because you want t believe it.
Its the equivalent of Muslims interpreting kuran verses as scientific documents.
Or people trying to interprit the Piss sink as art when the artist himself later stated it was not meant to acualy be art.
Its like me calming that Witcher 3 is designed around gwent.

Souls is and will always be just Kings field/ Shadow tower in third person.

imagine being such a kike you try to measure the exact monetary worth of your enjoyment

Worked night shift for about a year now, 7 days on, 7 days off, and I’ve got so much more energy than before when i worked 8-16. It’s so quiet all night that me and my colleague get so much free time to spend at whatever. Studies, watching shows and movies, and to a degree playing games. Night shift work is based if you’re capable of changing your sleep schedule once a week.

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And chalices fucking suck. You get a total of 8 room types, wow, such replayability.

Face it, only autists and tryhards play chalices because they are obsessed with farming specific gems.

>mfw i pirated this day of release and still haven't played enough to get to the first boss

weebshit is absolute irredeemable garbage

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Imagine preferring to eat 10 pounds of bread.
Over 1 good pizza.

Imagine wanting to fuck 10 used up sick hookers.
Over 1 nice healthy girl you love.

I own my house but don't own a car.

>force feed

You can do that with any game. You could play super mario bros ten thousand times and say SMB is 1000 hour game.

It astounds me that somebody would write that during peak boomer time. That dude could've gotten a job anywhere he wanted, with just a high school diploma and a "go-getter attitude" and they would've paid him the 1970's equivalent of a $20/hour.

>over 1000 hours in Bloodborne
Ain't cha retarded

>side content
Start up any souls game and see 800 signs at your feet 2 seconds into the game and 45,000 signs on the ground during ur adventure.

>people will love it if we get rid of this side content for our next game.

Imagine not buying 10 pizzas.

Shitposting aside, I do wish the game had more replayability value, replaying DS2 rn and having a ton of fun whereas I don't think I'll ever feel the need to pick up Sekiro again (unless dlc)

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get a life, holy shit

yeah you retards realy overhyped this boss. It was good, but that 5 hit guaranteed kill spear/sword combo is just fucking stupid. Owl is 10x more fun, fair, thematically relevant, and his battle theme is the best in the game. And his death mock, reciting the Iron code of the shinobi was a lot more interesting than "hesitation is defeat," which is just a randomly generated stockphrase that had nothing to do with nothing.

Basically, Owl>>>>>>>Iishin. There just wasn't the same connection to Ishin as there was to Owl. Honestly I would have preferred they kept Genchiro as the antag and ended it with him. Tengu Ishin should have been a secret boss, and Prime Ishin should have been DLC, if anything.

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I played Sekiro more times than any of the others because it was more consistent. Get fucked

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If you're measuring them all by how long it took to get achievements then what the fuck took you so long with the others?

BB was just as easy to plat

hours in Dark Souls 2
Your opinion means nothing to me now. 500 hours jesus christ

>500 hours in Demon's Souls
>700 hours in Dark Souls 1
>500 hours in Dark Souls 2
>800 hours in Dark Souls 3
each takes ~100 hours to plat, all of the also have annoying as fuck "collect all spells/weapons/etc." achievements that bloat up the timer
>over 1000 hours in Bloodborne
takes around 70 if were counting actual playthroughs and like 40 hours if you're achievement hunting
>only 75 hours in Sekiro and got all achievements
seems about right
no multiplayer garbage, no shitty collect all X achievements so it doesn't take that long

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>Retarded covenant reward tiers
I sure hope you like killing Silver knights for ears.

You can't make your own character with a bunch of varied weapons but there is nothing to really fill that gap in Sekiro when even the control scheme is so inefficient that it limits player expression.
Fucking dedicated button to hoover up Sen but only one combat art at a time and even when you can't do anything else during a deathblow you can't use more than one Ninjutsu at a time either.
A control scheme so retarded that use item requires a claw grip to use if not rebound.

>Argue a nonsensical point to get people to reply to you (that the invasions justify the game's difficulty)
>Argue a similar but different point (That invasions were a core part of the games) once they do reply to you since they are already invested in attacking your position but the bait and switch has given you a more secure argumentative position
The game has the player interactivity as a core part of itself since the games were about the player's journey as well as who they would meet on the way but they can maintain an uncompromising difficulty even without that. And Sekiro is a different game.

Doeesn't make it wrong.

t.leech on their family


just don't live in a shitty area with crackheads user. It's that simple

>make direct aggresive combat the focus
>can't make a decent combat system to save their lives
>can't optimise a game to save their lives
>have animations take 2 seconds too long for everything

should've been a corridor hack n' slash or an ARPG
it chose somewhere inbetween so soulsfags could transition easier and the game suffers immensely for it

>And Sekiro is a different game
A worse game

lads can i get some help please?
idk if i'm just shit at the game or doing something wrong
i killed the yelling gate man, then cleared the whole ashina memory and killed grandma
then i've cleared through the outer castle, killed the bull and made it back to the start of the game where both the guy in the well and the spear guy just fucking rape me. (idk if i need to get good or if im not supposed to be here yet, they 2 hit my posture and 2 hit kill me too)

so i go the other way, cleared all the rooftops and now im in the castle and these samurai are fucking impossible to 1v1 and theres like 10 of them next to each other. i killed the general dude on the stairs and opened a door to a lake behind the castle - should i be going there next?

Also couple questions
>I have the phantom kunai but it hasn't unlocked any upgrades for my shuriken and i cant use it, what gives?
>What does the Sakura droplet do? It says increases ressurective power, but i'm still only getting one ress per life and it wont even let me use the little babies to get more

based. is /bbg/ still active? last time I was doing stuff with them was some fightclubs around early 2017.

I have 50 hours in bloodborne and I got all the achievements. To be fair I did just reload for all the endings.

>I'm grateful to have money, instead of being homeless.
Take note, kids. This guy is the real cuck.

It's only been a month, you couldn't have played it more than games that have 3+ years on it. And you can't even explain what you mean by "consistent."

>play non linear RPG with create a character and stats that limit you to a few weapons by the end of a playthrough
>only play it once


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Rich people aren't normies user they're autists with priorities.

Cope. Also
>having poor parents
>not having a trust
Heh moneylet

God bloodborne was so fucking kino

How though? I'm a hungry NEET and I wish I had work at the moment.
It's fun to shitpost but come on.

your mom and dad likely hate you.

higher quality
also, wish we had our weapons displayed like this too

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>guy in the well and the spear guy just fucking rape
they're tough early game and they're completely optional so you can ignore them for now
>samurai are fucking impossible to 1v1
either unironically git gud or run past them, there's another buddha statue in there
>should i be going there next
you can go wherever you want but the next main story thing is on top of the castle
> phantom kunai
I think you have to upgrade your shuriken up until a certain point first, it actually sucks btw
>Sakura droplet
main story stuff you'll use it later

>The game was rushed as fuck.

So its just like their other titles then?

>500 hours in dark souls 2

whatchu talking about?

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Yet they still give me their money so it evens out. Calm down son, I can feel your SEETHE through my monitor.

any further play throughs of sekiro will play the same way you played the first time. it isn't like a souls game where you can play as a knight dude in your first run, a wizard in the second, and some weird gimmicky thing in the next. you could probably mix it up some by investing in different prosthetic tools or skills but it isn't the same. that doesn't mean it is a bad game though. i honestly don't even consider sekiro to be a "soulsborne" game. it is too different from the others.

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>it's hard so it's unfair
the shitter's battlecry

not him but soul memory fucked me and made it painstakingly hard to get covenant items for spells which probably doubled the length it took to get the platinum

>gets every achievement
>didnt even play the game
I feel bad for you. You will die having never been a rat fucker.

The fact that I have every achievement means I literally played every part of the game, just not at the extent that an autist would. Dark Souls 2 is my favorite souls game, which is why I took the time to get every achievement. However, I don't get how people can spend hundreds of hours on From games. After trying all builds, which can admittedly take hundreds of hours, there's nothing else to do. However, I had that experience with the first Dark Souls so I never did it with the second one.

>20 fucking 19
>people still brag about getting all achievements in a Souls game
Every souls game takes no more than 3 NG playthrough to get all the achievement with one save file. With sekiro being the exception because it has 4 endings. 100% achievements doesn't mean shit

But it's le superhard user!!

>mfw invading pve fags and dumpstering them


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I have over 1000 hours both in ds2 and ds3. invading is pure kino

Fromsouls fatigue is finally setting in. By mass consuming a game genre with no competitors and thus no innovation, you've over saturated your brain with it.

You not only overhyped yourself, you burn yourself out on a level where each new release in this style will slowly do less and less for you.

It happens to people who one-track a game series/genre.

It's time to move on and play something else for a change to cleanse your pallet, otherwise fromsouls is going to get evermore stale for you from now on.

I literally lost faith in humanity

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Sekiro's combat is fun tho
t. pirate

>my monitor
you mean your fathers monitor

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>Yea Forums is so full of normalfags that don't actually play games that they think 500 hours is a lot
Get the fuck out.

have sex

>Play multiplayer game for multiplayer
>Play multiplayer game for multiplayer
>Play multiplayer game for multiplayer
>Play multiplayer game for multiplayer
>Play multiplayer game for multiplayer
>Compare single player game lifespan to multiplayer

>What went wrong?

>75 hours to complete Sekiro
holy fuck are you me? I got the last achievement at exactly the 75 hours mark too

You don't feel like breakfast but you eat it because you're supposed to

>5 hit guaranteed kill spear/sword combo is just fucking stupid
based retard

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I only finished ds1 and sekiro. ds2 & 3 were way too long and it didn't help for my backlog

What's that? I can't hear you over all this no bills, no rent, free food, free car and drinks.

No but a game should have enough content to make me wanna play more than once. Theres no point to most games these days even having a NG+ cause theres not jack shit to do in them and its linear or repetitive enough to where you dont wanna do it again cause theres no payoff. It's sad how much more life the game could have if they had items or weapons you can only get on NG+

Well that and doing it with a different weapon. I actually had fun doing it a 2nd time with an endgame weapon.

>500 hours in Demon's Souls
>700 hours in Dark Souls 1
>500 hours in Dark Souls 2
>800 hours in Dark Souls 3
>over 1000 hours in Bloodborne
>what went wrong?
Your autism.

dark souls doesnt have enough content to replay it as much as op unless you have severe autism, 99% of weapons play the same and the rest are gimmicks


You probably can't hear over the sound of your parents crying about what a failure they've wasted their lives raising.

I snapped it in two today. It felt so good.

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It's an oldschool action game like ninja gaiden with no online, you're clearly not going to get hundreds of hours out of it.

he literally says hesitation is defeat multiple times in the game

its his motto, faggot

More like:
>200 hours in demons souls
>70 hours in das1
>40 hours in das2
>60 hours in das3
>50 hours in bloodborne
>35 hours in sekiro so far but not finished it yet

What the fuck were you doing for all that time? Thats so highly unnecessary that you very specifically went way the fuck out if your way to play for an extra 500+ hours in every game for what, pvp?
Did you somehow never get better between playing each game, and actually struggle in any game after your first one?
Did you play bloodborne first?
What the fuck point are you trying to make here.

do you feel hollow?

I went in blind and platinumed Bloodborne in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

I don’t know how in the world you could have racked up 1000 hours given how limited and basic the game is. The PVP is woeful too.

Simple things for simple minds, I suppose.

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Difficulty doesn't make a fight good dipshit. And I didn't say it was unfair. Are you dyslexic?
It Is though
I know it's his motto fagtron but its thematically irrelevant to anything going on in the game. It was a random line with no coordination with himself, Genchiro, Owl, or Wolf. It's just something they thought sounded cool.

>he can't deflect the 5 hit combo that ends with a free counter

based scrubotron
here dude, you need this

You're autistic

>Owl is 10x more fun, fair,
it's literally what you said

He can't because he is lying