Was Black Flag the peak of pirate games?

Was Black Flag the peak of pirate games?

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Yes. Pretty sad actually.

Yes. By a mile.

Unironically, yes, it's a shit ACfag game, but a good pirate game. The best (classic) AC games were 3 and Unity, ezio faggots should hang themselves

The new games are trying to copy Witcher 3, and they aren't that bad, pic related

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It's the only thing I do in this fucking game.


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Kassandra is perfection.

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are origins and odyssey actually good games?
i liked tw3 and i usually love these games with loot and shit
where's the trick?

>The best AC games are 3 and Unity

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Should I buy her game, Yea Forums?

>wojack poster

Reddit is to down the hall to the left

Hur dur I like running for 2 hours to press one button to kill some guy, then punching the pope and returning to hear ezio flirt with some gril because I don't know how Now that's retarded, also, revelations was shit

I played and loved Odyssey but couldn't get into Origins. Origins just seemed like a beta for Odyssey and I didn't give much of a shit about Bayek.

>Should I buy her game, Yea Forums?

everyone knows the only assassin's creed worth playing is 2.

>and I didn't give much of a shit about Bayek.
My problem with Bayek is his personality
>half the time is happy go lucky guy having fun
>the other is him being a vindictive cunt (for reasons)
The tonal shifts in his personality are too jarring.

I wish it wasn't

>>Should I buy her game, Yea Forums?
Okay user, I'll get it, thank you for your advice

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You should just wait for a new edition with all the DLC, you know it's coming.

>best tier
Black flag, origins
>Good tier
Unity, Ezio trilogy, Ac1, Rogue
>Meh tier
Syndicate, Ac3
>Bad tier
Odyssey, mobile spinoffs

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While I agree that Unity is kinda underrated in the actual game department (even though it is pretty deserved since the game was like a big tumor when it came out), I honestly don't understand why someone would like 3.
I feel as though it took the worst parts of the Ezio games, combined with crappy level design, mind-boggingly boring story, and just all-round crappy, shallow gameplay (not to mention the amount of bugs and shitty performance that after all these years still haven't been fixed.
Please tell me what you like about it, I genuinely wanna know.

No, there were lots of games far more pirated than this one.

Just wait until Skull and Bones comes out. It's supposed to be Black Flag without all of the worthless Assassin shit and improved sailing, but this is Ubisoft we're talking about so who knows if they can deliver what they promise.

that's not how you spell brotherhood.

>Just wait until Skull and Bones
>implying it wont be an epic exclusive with a trillion fucking microtransactions
user, did TD2, Siege and Wildlands teach you nothing?


That siege is good and wildlands is comfy?

There's no boarding or island exploration though. It's ALL ship combat.

>siege is good
>microtransactions everywhere
>wildlands is good
>lootboxes in a singleplayer game
dont reproduce

what the fuck is wrong with Syndicate's combat system, it feels like it's x2 speed, the animations reminds me of The Sims everything is so fast

I´ve only played AC:2, Black Flag and Oddysey. LIked those 2 and disliked AC2.
Oddysey is a wierd mix between Shadow of Mordor and Witcher 3 with better combat system and worse secondary questlines.
Pretty enjoyable if you like ancient history and it uses to be around 25-29 euros.
9/10 to me

>Was Black Flag the peak of pirate games?
>peak AC

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To be fair to assassins creed games, they're well made games (sometimes) and created UBISOFT TOWERS that most open world games copy, so it was at least innovated of its time. Plus its climbing system was pretty good too.

However because every game is open world now, the open world fatigue is setting in really hard for the past 2-6 years, so you can see why AC games aren't as liked as they used to be on here.

To preface this, I haven't ran into a single bug.

>I can relate to Connor feeling disconnected from his dad, his people and the colonies.
>He's just betrayed from every angle till the very end
>cont. Connor only gets married to continue the lineage, with his only focus in his entire life to avenge his mother and lash out against buttfuck everyone
>Connor is canononically the strongest Assassin: doesn't use meds, is brutal in his attacks, bears the cold like a beast
>We get a short but sweet modern day section which lets us check some freeroam in the future out
>Chill story for me to relax to, just go from point to point and enjoy the nature
>No shitty cities filled with crap, simple towns (and this one is because my first AC game that I owned was Revelations)

>The first AC game I ever knew about
>I enjoy the area, and the time period
>WHERE IS CHARLES LEE is honestly a funny and quite brutal quote (re; Connor's only focus on even existing is a plot point, re; Connor hates existing more than we do)
>The trading and ship mechanics were fun

My only complaints are that we didn't get the tracking camera views from Unity, and in that I firmly believe that Arno is more charismatic than Ezio.

Based Clancyposter
Faggot who's never played the games
MTX in Siege are cosmetic only
MTX in Wildlands are multiplayer only, and are earnable fairly easily

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>MTX in Wildlands are multiplayer only, and are earnable fairly easily
why do you lie, user

This is the correct answer and everyone above it is a filthy, disgusting zoomer.

If you can play the actual game from start to finish without needing anything from the boxes, it's fine.

Stop complaining about that 1/1000 chance pepe skin you didn't get.

>AC3is one of the best AC games
The only redeeming quality of this game was ship combat, and Black Flag improved these mechanics in literally every way.
How can you sit there and tell me you liked the mission with Paul Revere riding bitch on your horse shouting directions in your ear
Also, Connor as a character is a directionless husk. He has no motivation except

>newer updates add emotes, chute skins and more skins
>that can only be available through lootboxes you have to pay for
why do you keep lying?

>you can play the actual game from start to finish without needing anything from the boxes
There are weapons and vehicles that are behind a paywall.
Sure, you dont need all those skins to play barbie with the operators, but there is a blatant p2w aspect with some things.

>No shitty cities filled with crap
But user, New York and Boston were boring as fuck

Fuck off.


That was the point of what he said, retard

Who gives a shit about that? Cosmetic microtransactions are literally meaningless. I could give less of a shit if I can't get a dab emote or some retarded looking edgy weapon skin

>It's the Ubishill again


This is why Yea Forums is shit, you can't just talk about what you like without some faggot trying to ruin it all

Only reason Black Flag beats this for me is I don't really like the Disney aesthetic and you can't walk around on your own ship or sail from behind the wheel. Other than that, yeah it's the better game.

I could feel everyone's erection in the room completely being killed once they noticed that you were controlling a ship, not a character controlling a ship during E3

You do make your captain, but it's nothing else, you play as a SHIP, you can't move around your ship and parkour around, you can't leave your ship as captain

it's terrible and boring

>I could feel everyone's erection in the room completely being killed once they noticed that you were controlling a ship

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