Thoughts on Mortal Kombat? What do you think needs fixing and whos your mains?
Mortal Kombat
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have sex
the redesigns are fucking garbage
Really fun game. Just needs a balance patch so I can stop playing against exclusively Sonya, Erron, Geras, Scorp, and Sub.
I also really hate how Fatal Blows are 15 seconds long when XRays were 3 seconds at the longest in 9. if you're going to make them so fucking long give each character different fatals.
Sub zero and shao kahn are broken. sonicfox said so.
He also says erron black and kitana are weak and need buffs. People just don't want to believe him cause hes a gay black furry.
More koins for online fights
So is the game actually fixed now?
How is it possible that nearly half the cast in this shitfest of a dumpster fire are broken.
What's even more amazing is how Scorpion is actually a part of them, im pretty much used to rolling over every Scorp player as Subby when i go online.
Also, if NR """"""""""patches"""""""""" this game within the next two weeks it's already dead in the water.
The most they can do at this point is move the tiers around, there is too much fuckery in this game no that it has been even more streamlined for casuals.
>Wow dude you are so good for wiff punishing my jab from fullscreen with your designated fuck neutral button
For the most part, yeah. They nerfed the grind tenfold, some of the towers are still bullshit but they've been patching them steadily.
Now they just need to get some balance patches going for online.
Erron is weak? What the fuck is Cassie then?
hahaha thats funny
> sonicfox
And you don't think they'll stealth patch it back after more people buy? They way they said they could do small updates server side worries me. I guess I'll take the plunge.
I'm sure autists will realize if they did that and that would fuck them over more.
>I must consult with the Elder Gods (again)
Black people can have Trayvon Martin back if they just get rid of SonicFucks.
My god how any serious "FGC" representatives can talk about SF with a straight face when his twitter account is literally a furryfram safe space is fucking beyond me.
>Sonya, Erron, Geras, Scorp, and Sub
I feel like I'm the only Skarlet player but man do I see these fuckers a lot.
What game is this?
>hey guys, it's ya boy Raiden coming at ya with another crisis
Mortal Kombat can only be fixed when NRS and the people they've swindled over the years realize the gameplay is awful.
your not alone skarlet is wife
>been giving that fucking Shrine 75k everyday
>still no maskless gear
Hate having shit luck
its not the most balanced game but i think for kasuals entering fighting games its great and for kompetive its pretty fun to watch when theyre not spamming projectiles
>that face
you are lucky actually you just haven't noticed yet .
What's so fucking hard? Just amp teleport and combo, easily the most braindead character in the game.
t.scorpion main but wishes he had his boy reptile
you forgot noob and his annoying ass safe strings with the shadow clone
Imagine actually making a case for nerfing Sub-Zero.
I enjoy it.
I want to be "unlucky" to see her face fully. I like her lips.
Objectively the best Kitana in the series and cutest asian girl in vidya.
Just needs some balancing from what I hear I really want this game
"i lost to him online so he needs to be worse so i can win"
gameplay is pretty fun
roster is shit and ugly and stupid looking as hell
just glad sub-zero is fun and good
>That monkey jaw .
how is this allowed ?
I feel like the Roster is better than Deceptions at least
>best mixup in the game
>all his strings are safe on block
>32% krushing on a single amplified special
Yeah, I see no problems here at all :)
that face is so fucking ugly god damn. fuck mortal kombat and you shit eating faggots trying to pretend you didn't just throw $60 down the drain
Just get the 19 kharacters coming soon
Casuals are busy grinding towers with AI
I prefer the new face but she is still fucking ugly as sin.
that chick looks like one of those asian trannies
Absolutely disgusting
>try a Tag Tower
>no one tags out to heal themselves
Explain this
Cassie is objectively the prettiest MK girl now.
And i say that as someone who fucking hated everything about her in X,
Plus Kitana has negative ass, it's not even up for debate.
I couldn't think of a worse asian to model my non-asian character.
Tag deez nuts
based SFM community fixing fuck up models
>that faceblind NRS shill
just lmao
the asians don't even look like real asians. they look like half-asian half-mexican people they found in socal
it's stupid they even try to make the ninjas authentic at all desu. also scorpion looks like k-brad
No. Explain this:
are you referencing to the dlc kharacters
They did it with MK9 models and did the same here
nothing needs fixing imo and my mains are lui kang, sub-zero, raiden
It's awesome
Kung Lao
>Needs fixing
Grind and lack of Reptile and Ketchup and Mustard. (And Quan Chi.)
>Tfw Asians aren't Asian enough to face-model Asians
What stupid world do you live in where that counts as ass? She's in a position that collects the ass and even then it's still trash.
>best mixup in the game
>>all his strings are safe on block
Yea except the ones that aren't.
>32% krushing on a single amplified special
Not even out of line for crushing blows.
As far as i remember Shao Kahn does 41% un amplified.
That was easy.
What reality is like
What Kitanafags think reality is like
Main is Jade. Scorpion really fucks my shit up, any tips?
So Sub-Zero has like 3 strings and can cancel them into ice ball, but his most damaging combo is the B, 1,3,4, slide amplified (amp slidex3 for krushing blow)
Does Sub-Zero actually have more to him than this or am I just a skrub?
ur in fucking sane to actually lie to your self and say he has a 41 unamplified
Block the inevitable amplified teleport then punish
As usual for shit cheap characters like noob and scorpion, always watch for the teleport and punish them.
if its the misery blade mix up then it gets easy when you know what to do. Go into practice mode and practice the two different strings until you can recognize the animation and know whats coming
the teleports should never be a problem if you play the way your supposed to play, which is block until they do something you can punish
Close enough for me.
In all seriousness tom brady dunked on him pretty good a few days ago in a tutorial video and openly called out how shitty fighters are for not promoting defense along with offense.
You do your mix, then I'll do my mix, but if your mix beats my mix then yours has got to go and be nerfed
Muchas gracias, muchachos.
did they reduced her nose and lips? its not that noticeable on the game model.
They adjusted it
Why did they giver her this dumb angle and pose for her kustomization screen? It makes her look awful
She's actually kute without that dumb face tilt
who /kollector/ here?
Getting my ass kicked but I really like him. Closest thing I'll get to Scarecrow for now.
she still looks good
Can I mute people online?
I really don't want to listen to some retard literally mouthbreathing into an open mic for the duration of an entire set
sadly no your forced to listen to some retard scream everytime you do a combo
Every player is trying for one combo every fight so I guess you're all good.
Getting really tired of Scorp's little crushing combo.
>amplify teleport
>get blocked
>still go for the full combo only to get punished hard
Are Scorp players the most unga?
Character design and gameplay need to be fixed. MK is one of the crappiest IP in fighting gaems.
Fuck you and your lows that combo into overheads.
same with noob players theyre so dumb haha after the 6th time theyve been punished they random teleport again
he hasn't seen how they massacred my boy, mvc
Just block, bro
Truth is I haven't touched Kollector or fought him a lot so I'm not used to his moves and how to counter him yet.
He's fucking weird and his range is impressive.
Yes they are
Who's the face model for this one? Must be some ugly goblina.
The Kollector is literally an Outworld Jew.
- All women need to have bare thighs
- Erron needs to get his crotch flap back
- I don't care about the gameplay
The grind made me quit. That is just out of order.
Played it with a friend. It plays fine but none of the characters I play are in the game, and some of the design work is pretty bad.
put the mask on please .
Who /raiden/ here?
Can someone post a high quality image like this using the outfit with the boob window?
That's the best part
Don’t mind me, just continuing to slowly kill off all of your favorite characters.
He looks so fucking cool in this game. I'm mad he doesn't yodel during his flying move but otherwise I think it's his best incarnation yet.
I almost want to buy it just for him and Noob but apparently the PC version is still fucked so I'll be holding out for a discount that gets me Premium for $60 or less.
Who /not bothering until it's like $5 for whole kollection/ here?
I really just want Erron to get his MKX look in general with the higher quality models from this game. As it is, he looks really clean cut and boring. He was my favorite thing about MKX but he just looks like some Texas ranger in this.
Based and Tittypilled
Im legit convinced that NRS has some dumb bugfugger storyboarding for them.
She just shows up to be an annoying cunt towards actual good staple characters.
I think skarlet is a cute
Give me customs. I know there is some jank in the customs, but I prefer variety to restriction
>game is bad cuz a girl doesn't look anime
based waifucuck retard
ahh the pure ugliness of MK11
>Posts 60% bad angles, one alternate costume, one bad front angle of kitana, and the bug lady who is supposed to be ugly
Nice bait
>ah-h-h u-h anime incel
You are retarded
>bug lady who is supposed to be ugly
Dworah was cute in the previous game.
if you have to make angles to make a face look good that's a ugly face
Samefag here, MKX D'Vorah is literally a waifu, but fuck her for killing off literally everyone, and I hope based Shao Kahn royally fucks her up to avenge his daughters death
ew, they're all so ugly
aii aii aii mamacita
this retard only has the one image
this is some good assblast fag
>What do you think needs fixing
female cast
oh did i hurt your feelings ?
Skarlet give me crippling anxiety. Everytime I see that heart attack fatality, It gives me chest pains and makes me remember my dad's death. I always played gore related games and it's just not fair that I get ptsd every fucking time that fatal happens. Panic attacks fucking suck major dick.
Only character that looks better in 11 is Cassie, and only because they changed her haircut from the worst cut possible to a very generic cut. Everyone else got uglier.
She is
don't answer it,he's 100% an assblasted tranny shill
It's in every mk thread,it always call you retard when you say something bad about the "girls"
Why would they bother? You can't even whale
yeap he is
Join the 40% :)
Is it Raiden's fault he's the blundergod, or was it all Kronika's fault all along?
MKX had terrible character models, especially the faces. I don't know what the fuck you're on about.
The costumes are uninspired, sure, but MK9 and MKX both looked awful when they came out and aged even worse.
Because they are all top tier.
Seems like a bit of both. Kronika would exploit Raiden's retardation in each timeline to ensure he and Liu would always eventually clash but since it was always Raiden who went the Blundergod route, I assume it was a weakness he already possessed since she was never able to get Liu to turn until after he died in any given timeline.
I don't really get why Raiden suddenly saw through it in this run though. I don't think they explained that.
So how many kompetitive presets are allowed online? Only the 2 default ones?
Why did young Kabal have super speed?
Nothing. Liu Kang is perfect.
I like to think that old Kano gave young Kabal some left over Shang Tsung Magic he had in storage.
Reminder that in MK9, Kano was the guy who turned Kabal into the character we know, so it's bound to be that he made Kabal into what he wanted, which was a killing machine.
I'm still wondering why male chars look like greek sculptures while the females are all shit tier [spoiler cassie is cute [/spoiler]
>They are going to bring her back for MK12 and STILL will not be killed off while killing off other veterans from the 1st to 3rd games
So does the game play well or not, I keep hearing that it's great, and sucks.
netherealm games are hard on the eyes for me
because sjw propaganda bullshit has bled into even fighting games
>while the females are all shit tier
so you want the manbodys from mk9 back
>What do you think needs fixing
Fucking hell Liu looks cool as shit in this game though.
Disagree entirely
>t. TERF
Fox is the best thing that’s ever happened to the FGC. He’s making fighting games relevant again.
I promise you that he's not. I know tons of people who stay away from the games that faggot plays.
nop i want then to look good . what kind of question is that ?
The single player content is a grindy slog, so if that's what you're after maybe not. Most of the modes used to earn things have cheap and unfun modifiers so you can't even use them to train for online play. Mostly, they're designed for you to leave the game running with AI bots fighting on your behalf. I don't really understand what this gains NRS/WB but there you go.
Moreover, once you've finished the Krypt you've generally only unlocked 33-50% of characters' content (skins, equipment, Brutalities, etc) and the only other known ways to get items is via a slot machine and an RNG based merchant in the Krypt.
Similarly, the custom movesets are moot if you want to play Ranked Online at all since if you practice with them, you're nerfing yourself. There are only certain set variations which are allowed online ranked and many don't include the characters' most useful moves.
Basically, the game goes out of its way to undermine all of its headline features (character customization, explorable Krypt, custom variations, etc.) by making them contradict each other constantly. There's no way to buy your way out of these issues so there's no logical incentive for the decisions they made.
That said, if you literally just care about using this cast in their base forms for online play, most people say the game at its core is fun as shit and maybe the best on the franchise. They just buried it in mountains of unnecessary shit.
It's has solid base but current variation system is compete garbage. Which makes every character very boring and dull to play
Shut the fuck up you furry faglord larper.
Nobody cares what you and your twitter bubble thinks.
You obviously do, otherwise you wouldn’t act so assblasted.
He’s making fighting games relevant again.
LMAO . no
>hype already dead
Yea lock me up with all the other people that hate furries.
Im guilty alright.
>still no sales numbers released to the public
That's a big yikes from me desu senpai
Who has the best fatalities?
Probably Kabal and Johnny
Kollector, Johnny, and Deborah
I’ve enjoyed the game and playing online is better than previous installments (latency wise)
But the roster is so imbalanced. Several characters just have no options outside of a 5-7 hit string.
I main Scorpion but he is one of the top 5-7 characters.