Days Gone outsold MK11, and there's nothing you assblasted trannies can do about it

Days Gone outsold MK11, and there's nothing you assblasted trannies can do about it.

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An untalented singer like Ariana Grande outsells just about anyone. Doesn't mean shit

>AAA game beats pure kusoge game thst didn't cater to its core audience.
Fighting games don't sell fuck all anyways, so that's no surprise.

OP bought the most generic game ever and is pretty proud about it, from the looks of his post. Jesus christ

I wonder what will be the next buzzword

have sex

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>popular = good
You people are a broken fucking record.

10% of a tree and a skybox

truly an epic screenshot

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I never said that. I just said it outsold Muslim Kombat. It is good, though. Just not AAA. Feels more double A, which honestly makes me like it more. Not polished enough for full price though, unless you're a huge zombie fan.

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It's beautiful and you are a brainlet who doesn't understand photography.