
Anyone not really satisfied as a chivalry player moving into Mordhau?

>INB4 get gud/better

Hear me out. Fov settings are trash, the battle royale gamemode is laughably bad, block timer is lowered with punishment to directional attacks (Good luck 1vxing unless you hit collateral directional swings through your attackers), horses and siege make full servers a clown fiesta, objectives are not nearly as creative and well thought out as Chivalrys team objectives, etc. It honestly just feels like I'm getting a modified system of combat that Chivalry did well but weighted down by their own combat additions.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Neither game is particularly good. These Hema combat sims are always pure kusoge.

git gud

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Literally every single thing you said was a good thing except
>objectives are not nearly as creative and well thought out as Chivalrys team objectives

I am good. Undefeated in both games.

Well I guess tbf, the objective keeps a steady combat pace in Mordhau which is objectively good. I just wish they were immersive like they were in Chivalry.

>I can't spin-to-win anymore, so I actually have to put effort into the game
>WaaH make it cater to ME!
Pic related is definitely (you) right now.

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That seems like a reasonable response to constructive criticism. Never change, kid. I would give you a legit response if it was warranted but you're pretty rooted on not being serious

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I meant the aspects you were complaining about were positives

Just go and play Chivalry then.

Everything you listed is an improvement.

>Good luck 1vxing unless you hit collateral directional swings through your attackers
Sounds like you need to git gud.

>Links clip of feint spamming
>"Git gud"

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Yeah your stamina is gone if you try feinting spamming like a retard in Chivalry. One button tactics really considered good in Mordhau?

literally this. why are you faggots bumping OP's shitty thread

Only downgrade compared to Chiv is:
>No javelin build
>Not a lot of stages
Especially the latter was one of Chiv's strengths.

Shut the fuck up and post your soldiers

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I like mordhau's gameplay more but the map variety is so lacking it's hard to play sometimes

That long coat + full plate makes literally anything look good. It's too aesthetic and it's not fair.

I fucking HATE camp. Every single time it's all bowshitters and catapult faggots raining down on the wide open center point, it's not fun at all. God I fucking hate ranged pussies

Use the Kite Shield, knigger.


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>get teamkilled by some retard just windmilling the executioners sword for the 100th time today

>avatar is an actual chimp

Can't get mad at that, at least he knows

I'm usually no good with character creators, but it's relatively easy to make something that looks "not bad".

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Yeah, camp is the worst map by far. The only people who like it are bowfags.

I spend all of camp just flanking around and dunking on them, usually end 1st or 2nd because there's so fucking many and they all panic like the shitters they are when an enemy is within 10m of them

what peak player count did mordhau hit now?


i need that long coat

can you show an example?

I had a lute dude on my team. He could play the starwars theme, some undertale, and a couple other songs. We won so I am okay with it.

i like jumping behind the enemy line and nothing personal kid like 3 dudes before being taken out

massive oof

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>objectives are not nearly as creative and well thought out as Chivalrys team objectives
This is the only real issue I have with Mordhau. Frontline is shit compared to Team Objective and basically just a Team Deathmatch reskin.

Yes because that's a much more grown up way of handling things

broke: cosplaying retards who don't wear helmets and getting your head lopped off

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>Wearing armor because it allows you to survive more than one hit

How's easy mode treating you? When are you going to join the rest of the men and ditch all that metal?

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Remember to go x/3/0 and stay sleeveless with as many accessories as possible over your legs to confuse enemies.

Big Smoke: Not cosplaying, but still not wearing a helmet just to give the enemy a chance

How do I improve my knight lads?

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Helmet is dorky but I like everything else

>visored barbute

Short spear is your javelin.
The amount of stages is disappointing but I'm sure there will be more

It actually reminds me of those knight guys in Vindictus. I like that footman look.

I've actually been thinking about this, but what if you wear a helmet just to bait headshot attacks and get really good at ducking? you'll probably die like a retard half the time but that's gotta make for some cool-looking plays from time to time, nobody expects the duck.

Feel like I got him the way I want him to be, but I know there's more to improve. The crude arms and legs are just too goo to part with, but I'm probably going to change them.
Also, is the battle axe fun? I love my poleaxe, but I going full slash sounds cool.

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Which helmet do you think would look better then?

Thanks la

>objectives are not nearly as creative and well thought out as Chivalrys team objectives.
This is the only real complaint about the game. Frontline kinda sucks.
They should remake it so that only one team has an active objective, while the other only defends, then have it work on a timelimit and not ticks. Having fixed attacking/Defending teams makes it a lot easier to create good maps, having to cater to both sides just makes both objectives trash.

Sure fag

*pokes u*

Shame that weapons with weak stabs are completely useless.

Bascinet Visor
Greathelm (cloak)

*kills you in one hit, ease of which is only increased by you using an axe of all things*

Asymmetrical objectives are impossible to balance.
The asymmetrical landscape is already a big factor, adding objectives will make meta extra cancerous because choosing a team will have even higher inpact on your success rate.

>Getting killed by rapier and spear fags
They have one good attack and it is the easiest to dodge, parry, or chamber. Sounds like you need to git gud.


git gud.

Short grip spear is actually insane.

Any weapon with fast spammable thrusts is easy mode

thanks doc

Typical response from Pasta Builds. If you aren't showing your nuts on the field then you need to reevaluate your life.
My favorite build so far is light armor dagger and 2 throwing knives.

>Not only an armorbaby but a metafag as well

Truly a vile specimen

How does Frontline actually work as a game mode? What is the number counting down for both teams? Is it number of respawns they have left? What's the benefit to actually doing the objectives?

>all these knight larpers
Where my levy soldiers at?

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>having a weapon

How's easy mode treating YOU?

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I just made a build that is exactly this last night, haven't used him yet but your post makes me more excited to try him out.

Tried it after Chivalry, it just feels too clunky and slow.

Short grip spear can also slash quite decently so it becomes chamber viable. Not to mention, it also gets a combo and a riposte.

You faggots whine about everything.

This game is fun as fuck.


T3 armor is a crutch

Some dude in DM kept trying to do some weird move by running away as he started his attack and turn around to get the hit in, but all it did was exposes his back and gave me free hits. Is this some old Chivalry gimmick that's been fixed in this game or was he just a retard?

You guys killed your game with glitches and exploits. Your opinion is fairly fucking worthless.

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You fucks said Grad was pretty much insta win for the blue team. WE got out shit pushed in for us after our entire team fucked up protecting the objective.

>has Brawler which is by default stronger than quite a few weapons
>says something about weapons
What an absolute fucking pleb

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I regret nothing

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How come noone made Chosen Undead in this yet?

come say that to my face faggot not online and see what happens

Fists are actually really easy to overwhelm someone with, though. Doubly so if you run Dodge. And they get comparable damage to one handed weapons with Brawler. Their only downside is the fact that you cannot parry, which is alleviated immensely by Dodge.

All in all, I'd argue that killing someone with a weapon is actually harder than beating them down with fists.

Agreed. I love the fighting but the maps are already feeling old. No real objective/siege mode makes it worse

>This game is fun as fuck.
So it's reddit shit and casual


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>He believed the fucks on here
Mountain is the only map where Blue has a great chance at winning.

I love it. Slogging uphill with the wagon while the enemy charges and a hail of arrows falls.

I'm sure getting killed is more comforting when you always have the fallback of "I wasn't even really trying!!!!!!" like a little kid

I take my instadeaths like a man and don't make the game protect me from my mistakes. You are pathetic.

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While Camp does have an insane amount of bowshitters, at least it's not immensely favouring one side like some other maps such as Mountain. I've literally never seen the red team win Mountain.

>I take my insteadeaths like a man
It shows, with you coming here and immediately seeking support.
Literally "cope"

>I'd argue that killing someone with a weapon is actually harder than beating them down with fists.
False. I can just blindly slash around and get multikills easily with a weapon. With fists I have to actually observe my opponent before I do anything.

Feint isn't broken in Mordhau like it is in the dead game Chiv, mate.

your team must have been complete trash then. blacksmith is an extremely defendable position and the final objective literally defends itself

Oh fuck what happened to that sentence I need to get some sleep

I'd like to thank you fags for wearing no helmet.

Stfu meta faggot and let others enjoy the game their way

>I can just blindly slash around and get multikills easily with a weapon

If you can do this, the opposing team must be clinically retarded.

I'm trying to make a cool wanderer style knight, am i getting there guys? Also before you ask, no I haven't even played dark souls, honestly I just enjoy the aesthetic of damaged cloth covering armor. Also the estoc is a great middleground between polearms and two handed swords for me.

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you also can't parry with fists, user.

Go peg my tent, knave.

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You're the one coping in-game by adding two or more mistakes to your allowance.

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>Just run a firebug build with three firebombs
>Don't care who gets damaged (but I try my best to make sure the enemy team is getting killed or burned)
>I just want to see the fire rise

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>attack someone for being a "meta faggot" by wearing armor
>get called out on how you're just garbage looking for an excuse whenever you lose
>"waaah shut up shut up shut up shut up stop bullying me!!!!!!!!!!!"
Don't throw stones from glass houses.


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That's why you run dodge. Backwards dodging is literally better than parrying.

The slow descent of frontline into walls of shields either side has been tangible. Really funny to me.

I can't play this game, I just get so fucking mad every match.

*pokes you in the head*

Thine skull cracks the same as any, milord.

>resorts to cope
Shut up faglord. Not every faggot wants to be a tin can, and not everyone wants to be made of wet tissue. If you actually think people are playing the game wrong because they don’t follow your views, you’re a filthy metafag and need to learn to have fucking fun. I bet you unironically use “have sex” as a comeback.

wastes precious stamina

>tfw you realize none of the plate armors are modeled properly because they had to leave gaps for red/blue to show through

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just a game la. I honestly don't even get upset anymore when a catapult teamkills 5 of us on a capture point, I just laugh and make sure to chop his head off when I respawn

Why would anyone ever get mad in this game? Even losing is fun in it.

You are literally tryharding in a GAME and are trying to bring down people who are simply trying to have FUN. You know, the main fucking reason games were created in the first place?

Reevaluate your life.

But worse than chambers.

It does get extremely tiring to die to someone else than the guy you are actually fighting 100% of the time.

Great game and probably my GOTY but I have some constructive criticism.
>Not enough maps
>Maps are unbalanced
>Chambering and Morphs are mostly useless
>Horses are an unsatisfying mechanic and their hitbox seems to be broken
>Horde mode is absolutely retarded
>Balance is surprisingly good but short spear and rapier are a bit too powerful
Thankfully the server issues seem to be fixed and the game runs perfectly.
Hyped to see what modders can cook up and possibly Eastern Invasion.

Who here /gendarme/

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The draped cuirass and its variants are pretty alright, almost every other chestpiece is cut too low.

I don't think you've played enough to really know. In 1v1's your going to get constant block and counter spams unless you change up your timing. It's so easy to fuck scrubs that just wait on that exact same timing to block each time.

But that's the part of the game. Avoiding one vs many and trying to gang up on people is how wars fought.

holy shit read the reply chain
he literally attacked someone first for "playing the game wrong" by wearing armor
you don't get to play the victim here

It comes with the territory.

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and kill yourself you oversensitive baby

>I just laugh and make sure to chop his head off when I respawn
kek that's been the response from everyone that I've seen. Funny to see someone get team killed by some catapult user, respawn, and saunter along to him to smash his head in for his incompetence.

>fullscreen makes my monitor go flickering neon green
is this a driver thing?
borderless windowed is a workaround but still

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*oneshots u with a maul headshot*

Shield rapier bloodlust

Maybe for you cause you're used to losing, cuck.

I realize that, but that inherently makes the game feel like it rewards individual skill much less, and thus frustrates the fuck out of you when you know that you would have been able to kill your target if his faggot-ass buttbuddies didn't show up.

You said
>I'm sure getting killed is more comforting when you always have the fallback of "I wasn't even really trying!!!!!!" like a little kid

You're literally saying you're tryharding in this fucking post.

I don't get chambering. I chamber pokes all the time only to have my poke blocked. I thought the whole point was it was unblockable?

lol liar

War of the Roses was a better game, shame it died because normalfags found it too complex.

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I tried out making a quick boi with a recurve bow and no armor at all. Recurve bow deals shit for damage and the quick boi wasn't very quick at all, now I'm deep sad...

You should take a look at the post it was in reply to as well before getting on your high horse.

>broke: cosplaying retards who don't wear helmets and getting your head lopped off

That's why you always unpredictably attack the cunt that's trying to interrupt your 1v1. Don't even look at him until your sword stabs him in his eye

>Chambering and Morphs are mostly useless
unironically, git gud. without those 2 it would just be parry-riposte-parry-feint etc. chains, chambering and morphing allows for mixups which can really catch enemies off guard both in duals and in 1vX

Map (alright, surroundings) awareness is an individual skill, user.

So what if I am? Why are you trying to bring me down for not being a coping faggot?
Git gud, or keep crying on here about how le meta fags keep killing you :(((((((((


I'm fucking shit at this game too.

>not using the spear
poke poke, swordlet

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>Even more canned phrases
Get an actual argument. All I said was that people can play the game whichever way you want. You’re mad, it fucking shows. Can’t wait to get either another “kill yourself” or “cope” as a response.

war of the roses was fucking trash mate take off the nostalgia goggles.even end of life chivalry was better than WotR

just like real life. I don't mind it too much. Makes tactics all the more important. And when a gank squad gets cocky and rushes you and you slice one of their heads off its better than sex

cope harder, mad cuck

Oh, I usually know that they are coming. But that does not make the ensuing stabfest any less impossible to defend against, and fleeing is pretty much impossible due to the chase mechanic.

I think they didn't differentiate themselves from chiv enough.
They needed to have a skirmishes mode where two teams square up on a battlefield not this tiny ass map bs.
I think it's mainly the maps that I'm just sick of especially taiga

>treats shitflinging as one of his /pol/ debates with muh arguments
>calls the other guy mad
yikes, calm down


Why are you trying to bring me down for simply trying to have fun?
I'd have no quarrel with you tryhard faggots if you let me be as well.

Wow, what a contrarian nigger you sound like. War of the Roses wasn't that good, even though I had a great time with it. Fuck off.

>precious stamina

this game is incredibly generous with stamina. you can trade parries back and forth all day and if there's any break in that trade you're back to full in seconds.

Devs are adding two new maps.

I mean you're fighting in conditions that'll put you in a disadvantage relatively soon. To figure out and deal with those conditions is an actual skill. When I get overrun, I pretty much always realize I made a wrong decision by going to that particular spot.

War of the Roses died because someone who had played the game for longer had access to the expensive plate armor which made them LITERALLY invincible to anything but pinpoint arrows and stabs and blunt weapons to some degree, while those new to the game had to grind game after game against those veteran juggernauts, which eventually made them all quit.

>mordhau players already bored by the game
lmao I knew it wouldn't last a month

>Chivalry babies they think can talk down to anyone

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>I think it's mainly the maps that I'm just sick of especially taiga
I think it's mainly that frontlines is way shittier than whatever chivalry called assault

Change the Blue to something else. I don't know if it's an enemy or my teammate covered in blood.

That's great but mod support when?

I want to play as a big breasted kitsune fighting on a giant castle shaped like a dragon dildo and I want it NOW

Excuse me for wanting actual discussion. And look at that, I was right. You do know that you look and sound less intelligent when you’re mad, right? So, going by this logic, you’re mad because I chose a middle ground.


well you can't block weapons and if someone has a shield you are more or less fucked

>they come at him only 1 at a time
I wish my 1vxing was always this easy.

I've gone in to fight someone with three teammates behind me and somehow the next thing I know is an enemy stabbing me in the back and those three allies are nowhere to be seen. You cannot trust your team to have your back most of the time, so making the call whether or not going in is a good move is especially hard.

Kicks should be buffed just enough to make backpedalling them from point-blank distance impossible

nice crotch skirt you sissy

join Discord

>mom I need this to be le reddit debate so I can win MOM I NEED TO WIN I NEED TO WIN I'M NOT MAD I'M NOT MAD I'M NOT MAD
seething lmfao



Where's my lotr mod where all the orcs are female and want to rape me
Yeah I really dislike it.
It's everything I hated about latter bf games just with fixed spawns
The maps are waaay too fucking small for 64p as well

All they need to do to fix kicking is make it so you don't stop moving forward when you do one. That's it and it also makes shields way less effective as well.

yeah, i feel like shields are a bit bullshit just because of how bad the kick is

>call of duty but with swords is so fun!
>beyond criticism of any kind!
the OP wasn't even aggressive about hating on the game
you guys need to take a breath

I've seen red win Mountain, but not from capturing the whole map, just from getting max kills. So that really says something.
As a red player I've never even seen blue's final cap.

>mfw morphin a strike into a kick and the shield fag eats it and blocks
>gets stagger, teammates stab him from the sides and finish him off

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Hold up. You can morph into kick?

>tfw thanks to dark souls playing reddit faggots you can no longer dislike a game

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>some naked retard playing on guitar in the middle of the battlefield
>no one attacks him whatsoever

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chambering a stab is extremely ez


Mordhau devolves into a clusterfuck because it's laughably shallow

What's morphing exactly?
Is it faint (q) then a different attack

>Asymmetrical objectives are impossible to balance
That isn't true, look at Dust in CS, or many of the A/D maps in TF2, which have a near 50/50 winrate.
Besides, it doesn't matter if it's not perfectly balanced so long as it's close enough. And though I'm all for balance I don't really give a fuck anyway because I care more about having a proper siege map.

And does nothing against a spear if the spearman knows to stab from max range

There was one madman doing this dressed as a bard and he was playing actual music on it o idea how the fuck he did it
It's so dull on front line it's just group cluster fuck scum mainly because there isn't any big fields just small areas to battle on

Morphing is doing an attack and morphing it into a different attack.

For example: stab then immediately do a different attack and it will morph into that attack

i think you'll find battles were clusterfucks

so you backpedal spamming stab until you get raped lol shitter

>why yes. i do lay traps near the ballista. what gave it away?

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Found the baddie

Oh yeah I like doing that left right Spam with executioners sword
>mfw I was the first cunt to main it

>what gave it away?
killing our men of course

Morph is changing the type of attack during the wind-up for a swing or stab. Say you stab, then click LMB when the stab is still in its wind-up animation, and you will change the attack into a swing instead. Or you can do the opposite and turn a swing into a stab.

It's a faster, more fluid feint that flows directly into the new attack and doesn't actually require you to use the dedicated feint button.

It's awful. They fucking spawn basically on the fucking point. Having teleporting dudes materialize on your back is dogshit.

I fucking hate rapier and shieldfags so fucking much. I now play this guy most games as the chemo. I can't tell you how many times you can chamber and destroy these mousewheel spamming retards. The rapier is also broken at getting around the shield, and lighting the dumbfucks on fire is just the icing on the cake.

The only way to beat cancer is more aggressive cancer. I still play my billhook guy a lot, but I'll leave horsefags to my bros.

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Thankfully they said in the forum post for this week's recap they plan on rebalancing the maps.
And also adding new ones. This one looks great.

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>check where the fuck is our ballista
>on the other side of the map behind enemy lines
are you fucking serious

Why are Crossbows such shit?

They literally deal 5 damage more to armored enemies only, for like 10 other downsides. A naked faggot with a rapier rushes you, you hit him square in the chest and deal 50. "Banned by the church" my ass.

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Before I knew it, 100 minutes passed. I think I'm having fun, but I haven't bought a video game in over 2 years and i'm reluctant because I might end up hating the game in a day or two. Fuck.

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>proper team objective never

you can't morph a swing into a swing, user.


city map would be great

Thanks, my guy. And for what it's worth I really don't think Mordhau is a bad game. I think on a level of sitting down and wanting to bash someones head in with increased fist damage perk, I'm extremely satisfied for a casual game night.

you sound a bit __x_

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I hate this fucking game. Fuck bowniggers, fuck shieldniggers, and most importantly, fuck you_______

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Jack chains when?

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from what I can see so far it reminds me of Vermintide's Ubersreik
also of Duloc from Shrek a little bit

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UE4 bug, might be driver related. if not then it's the devs fault

Play duels for a bit then
and dont forget to parry bowfags and not engage shieldfags
update ur drivers

That rapier getup is fucking stylin

Using big weapons in these city maps is going to be impossible

How the FRICK are people playing songs on the lute? I swear I heard a guy play a melody, am I going crazy?

I just got it and already figured out that to beat thrust spamming rapiers you can simply riposte


>I'll just rush down the archer, they don't know how to handle feints and have bad weapons so they're easy to kill!

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So far I'm loving the Camp and Mountain Peak maps the most.



lmao these animations are so disconnected to the actual hitboxes its kinda funny

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it its if theyre feinting thrust with a good stab weapon

Funnily enough despite that being true I always pick my Kern swordsman (0/0/0 Zweihander Bloodlust) and get top three on the leaderboards there. If archery is getting way too obnoxious I just pick my ninja with extra damage on throwing knives to bowman’s heads and it works well too. But really it doesn’t feel that bad to me.

I felt like the voice acting wasn't quite as good as Chivalry's when I first started playing but it's grown on me and I can't really decide now. They definitely stole a few lines from Chivalry though.

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I get it when switching above 1600×900 fullscreen for some reason

good, maybe it'll have no ballistae and catapults whatsoever and i won't have to deal with teamkilling fucktards for once

honestly combat wise I think rapier are fine if a bit strong, they're way too cheap though. rapier + heater shield is only 6 points which means you can go full tin can.

I've never truly hated someone before reading this post. I thought I have, but I see now that the mild dislikes I've had don't compare at all to the true hatred I am feeling.
If I knew your address I would drive to your house and murder you. It'd be good for the world to have less people like you in it.

Grad >>>>>>>>>> Taiga >>>>>>>>> Camp > Mountain Peak

This is irrefutable, don't bother disagreeing

Let's face it, not like Torn Banner was using them.
I think a couple of the VAs from Chivalry actually did voices for Mordhau, too.


>...which is alleviated immensely by Dodge.

That little half-inch fart that isn't even enough to avoid a kick?

Battleaxe feels like it has more active frames than a lot of other weapons, which in particular makes canoeing with it very effective.

Grad's dungeons are my favourite part of any map, but people don't fight in them enough.
Taiga is gay.

grad is fucking trash, 90% of the fighting occurs between that small courtyard between the stables and blacksmith. Camp is better since the objectives and locations are more spread out

Short spear and shield has gotten away with genocide by convincing people rapier is the problem instead of itself

Preface that with "hot, rancid shit >>>>>>>>>>"

>having a shitty bow for the purpose of enraging people and baiting them to chase you down recklessly
genius play, enjoy your frags sir

Change the red then, surely?

>No females
>Can't make a Bottomless Knight Waifu

God dammit

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There's a script called Lutebot that lets you play Midi tunes on the lute. The devs approved its use so you won't get banned for it either.

last one

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it's bad, but rapier is worse. Short spear shouldn't be styling all over a real spear.

Who the /triplepan/ bros here?
I mostly flail about throwing my pans at horse niggers as they pass. That or pegging a few enemies and giving them a smack if they grouping up on a team mate.

Attached: 1541877222751.jpg (473x502, 46K)

good. fuck off and ruin some other game waifufag

How the fuck I want
That's sick imma load that fucker up

that is actually really funny but it's still a rapier and shield faggot so I hope your house burns down and you die after hearing your mother die first.

Attached: x18 (2).jpg (310x353, 44K)

these are extremely, extremely bad players

We need shit talking in other languages to add to the cacophony of sound like Italian and Spanish.

>run into some bluefag who is also lost
>he keeps hitting the walls with his Faggot's Sword
well played, you dumb fucker

Note to everyone in the thread: Don't stop moving before you start your kick. Keep holding down W while you press F, rather than stopping, pressing F, and then wondering why your kick missed.

>some retard with 2 frying pans keeps trying to run up to me as I playing crossbow, trying to get a feel for the projectiles in this game
>kill him 5 times in one match with my staff
>he cries in chat about archers
I don't think the bow was the issue for you, "friend"

Attached: giddyup.jpg (975x1055, 349K)

Not other languages (since you'd need fucking subs to understand allied voice commands), but other accents would be nice.
Like how in movies other languages are translated to English, but retain their accent.


Genocide all archerfags

Archers banned servers when

So is the game really worth $10?
That's how much it's selling on Steam.
I'm interested since I like for honor for like a few months.

Am I wrong or is it just super easy to just sidestep these? Best way to deal with shields is to move into their side and have your blade hit them in the back of the head.

Attached: frankick.png (365x571, 197K)

>accented english on your team
>enemy speaks native language
I could settle for that.

How does this play compared to Chivalry? I thought that was okay.

>finally release a morph isn't swing>W>stab or vice versa after 23 hours of gameplay
>it's literally just swing>stab/stab>swing
well fuck me

Anybody using frying pans and then crying is just a dumb fuck. I main frying pans because it's fun and every kill is a trophie. When it comes to archers I usually just throw a pan at them and move on.

>shieldfag runs into a single enemy and turtles
>encounter lasts so long that he 4+ enemies pile up
>they all fuck him to death
Truly, he played himself

scrollwheel up
scrollwheel down
works 90% of the time

>dying to a guy who does 30 damage
found the retard without a helmet
>t. Hookchad, so go ahead and cry about me being a bowfag

What makes the billhook good/better than the Poleaxe? I don't get it

Saw u in the last thread, this pose really brings out the radness of your knight user.

Attached: 55.png (685x938, 796K)

This guy is streaming duels on his twitch.
The server has no password.
Do with this information what you will.

Attached: Untitled.png (1004x29, 6K)


as a person who hasn't used it, I heard it can hook riders off horses

it's not, but I've gotten used to it, and it drags people to you so it fucks up people's timing. It also fucks horseniggers in the ass, so there's that

>inb4 a bunch of losers with clover emblems get wrecked

not your personal army champ

Not quite. You lose every 2v1 as a brawler because you literally take all swings you can’t get out of the way of. However it absolutely crushes maul users because you can start your swing up a full half second after they start theirs and you will connect first, and even a barehanded peasant slapping the chest of a fully plate armored knight is enough to stagger and interrupt their attack in this game. I’ll even switch to fists on some of my non brawler classes that have dodge on them when one on one with a maul user, it cucks them that hard.

That's the plan, ain't it?

You trying to tell me that tying up 4 enemies on your own, for far longer than any one of them would expect is useless?

Cause that's kinda retarded.

i want to get gud with one weapon
which one? longsword?

Fucking gay
look at those gay butterflies

Waraxe+bloodlust, its broken.

>looks up
Why don't you and 5 of your friends try and hit me now, nigger.

I pity you. This is one of those rare games I could not give less of a shit if I win or lose. In fact I am more likely to quit if my team has some gay 20 man clan join and just roll the other team, as that’s less fun than a drawn out back and forth match. Happened last night actually. 20 people with ‘Hospitilar (x)’. Super gay.

You're using that wrong, newfag.

>decide to try out shield and spear after being subjected to it for 50 hours
>can distract up to three people easily while team mates rush in
>can block off doorways and stairs
>high damaging throwable in a pinch
I feel so unclean and dirty, I need a shower.

longsword is definitely a good start because it's so versatile and the skills you learn with it translate to many other weapons easily
>slashes for crowds
>mordhau for individual armoured enemies
>1 damage pommel throw emote (X+2) for memes and achievements
if you're just starting, the default Knight class has a longsword as well as heavy armor, a dagger you can throw, and a perk which lets you attack for 5 seconds after dying

That looks like shit tho.

Now clue what the fuck I'm doing with mine however.

Attached: knigger.jpg (649x939, 91K)

More like this is retarded.

Actual power ranking:
1. Camp - Only map designed for tug-of-war, relatively balanced, can swing both ways.
2. Mountain Peak - Not balanced at all, but still relatively fluid and open.
3. Taiga - People have no idea how to play it, tons of chokepoints with no way to retake the lead.
?. Grad - Literally 1/4 of a map, only one point is ever active.

I want to knock people into the drink

I'm using it right, newfag.

Whatever you say, newfag. I'm sure that's what the screencaps you saw on /r/Yea Forums made it look like
protip: It's not a simple "never try to do anything as a group ever". If you were here for any year that didn't start with 201 you'd know where it comes from and why it began to be used.

>and it drags people to you
Wait, does it? I'm using it against a bot right now to try it out and it doesn't seem to be doing it. Do you have to R grip it or something? Is it the stab or swing?

>*Oneshots you with a throwing knife headshot and huntsman perk*
Ikuzo, Sekiro!

Attached: 629760_screenshots_20190506045459_1.jpg (1920x1080, 267K)

executioner sword.

Yeah but is he good?

John Unremarkable of Generica

Attached: 20190506201800_1.jpg (1920x1080, 253K)

>protip: It's not a simple "never try to do anything as a group ever"
It's a simple "it's obvious you died to the streamer, got pissed off, and now you want revenge".
You don't want to do it as a group, you want to do it because you got owned. That's incredibly clear.
Not your personal army, newfag.

Get rid of the throwing knife and get a lvl 2 helmet. There's no point having small throwables without huntsman anyway.

I didn't even join the server.
Ruining someone's duels makes less sense to do as a single person.
Keep projecting though.

Do people even parry downwards?
I found myself getting more hits in when doing attacks from downwards than anything else.

executioner sword and short spear

Attached: tpbw.jpg (655x414, 47K)

Nah fuck off m8. Peak and Camp are good. Grad is alright. Taiga is fucking impossible to win as blue.

its good for picking people off when you've hit them once already for 75, and all the medium helmets are ugly

Can you jump over a kick on flat ground?

not a noticeable amount, but check the stats. It has a -170 or something drag, as opposed to knocking people back like most weapons. I think the R grip knocks back as per usual.

>keep projecting
Why would I be projecting? This is really the best you can muster to defend yourself against a completely uninvolved person calling you out for trying to use Yea Forums to fight your battles.

Meanwhile, though I have no reason to be projecting, it's really obvious to see why you would want the server flooded.

There's a wanderer skirt that might work better for the look, and the colors seem kinda bright for someone with presumably no lord to serve, I'd try brown or gray, or at least a less bright thing.

Don't get him into crutches user.

Maps are so horribly unbalanced theres no reason to play shit like frontlines. Also needs more gamemodes.
When Bannerlord comes out, whats left of the community will move to it.

Last I saw it was up to 50k.

Mechanics are tighter but some things don't feel as good and the default controls are just baffling, the stuff you exploit is completely different in this game (literally the opposite of chiv), and both the maps and gamemodes are universally shitty. Overall, probably a better game and the freeform loadout system's a big part of that.

He looks like hes a medieval condom.


Again, didn't even join it, duel servers are for autists.
You can keep saying "it's obvious" but in the end you're just saying that because that's the only reason someone as petty and unimaginative as ~you~ would do such a thing (ie projecting).
Basically take out your tampon and stop using phrases you don't know about and then try to damage control.

t. windmilling executioner fag that considers two enemies for every one ally a goos run

Anybody else having trouble with crashes and model fuckups?
Otherwise very fun I use greatsword and actually kill people.

thanks user.

the core mechanics are tighter which matters most

fluff like new maps and objectives can be added easily

>been playing every free hour since it came out

I'm actually loving this game what the fuck

>mfw some retard charge me with a horse

ubisoft goes steamworks bye bye always on drm

When Bannerlord comes out the servers for this will probably be offline because everyone will be using Windows 34 and it won't be compatible.

and your streak continues

>because that's the only reason someone as petty and unimaginative as ~you~
Nigger you're literally asking us to raid some random's server for you lmao. There's two possibilities here: Either you got your ass handed to you in the server and are seething, or you're fucking a stranger over for no reason.
Neither of those are particularly high ground for calling other people "petty".

how do you feel about bows? i think they are too weak mostly because the flight speed feels so low

>At work and just lurking this thread because I don't want this game to leave my mind
I haven't had this much fun in a long time. I've already racked up 40 hours since launch.

>ctrl+f rapier
>14 results

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>or you're fucking a stranger over for no reason.
For my amusement is a pretty a good reason.

Believe it or not, people can do things without needing anger as an impetus.
Calm down.

Rate my seasoned fighter

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Game is fucking stale as shit after a week.

>everyone runs spear/rapier+shield
>horseniggers and retards on ballistas
>chat is a salt-fest 90% of the time
>TKing monkeys for reasons you wont know cause they are autistic and have the temper of a child

Then my short spear, bear trap, firebomb build is doing it's job. Good luck catching me with all that heavy armor, faggot!


People hate your guts, but I don't think they're op at all. I only played one to get the feel for it, but I don't really like it vs wrecking someone with a pike.

You can pick off people with garbage armor and other archers, which is nice, but I think your job is to soften up people for your guys. Landing a 50 damage shot on someone who is fighting your team makes it likely that he goes down when your teammate lands a hit.

I was ending games like 12-5-26 and crap like that. The assists are unreal. The bowfags are annoying, but it's not COD hitscan bullshit so whatever. Just find whomever is bitching about archers is chat (usually a rapierfag, ironically enough) and shoot them more.

>War of the Roses was a better game
All the best games die in obscurity with literally nothing positive said about them.

This is why I wasn't sure if I wanted to even buy Mordhau. As fun as it looks and it's one of the only games with a billhook, I don't know how much I'm going to actually play it after say a week's time.



>mfw wide sweeping horizontal long sword attacks in a 10 man gangbang while playing Frontline
>End up killing 6 enemies and 3 friendlies before an arrow took me down
>Bloodlust is a ridiculous feat


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Why when I hit "randomize" I sometimes get faces with visible teeth while I never manage to open the lips by manually rigging the model?

So in other words you're a hypocrite?
I'm cool as a cucumber, I'm not the one who got owned in a duel server and begged Yea Forums to raid it lmao.


>swing at an axe fag while practically touching him
>Weapon phases through him and I get beheaded

Holy mother of based.
This man gets it.

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>cool as a cucumber

Attached: 1557063136225.gif (300x300, 1.99M)

I won't be playing it any more once Yakuza 2 drops, and again when the new PoE league is out. 26 bucks isn't a lot for many hours of entertainment regardless if I play it for years or whatever. I've played for 29 hours already so that's less than a dollar an hour.

>you now realize the game's current state is the absolute peak
>reddit noobs will cry until all of the most fun shit is removed/rebalanced
>tryhards will master the game in ways that will suck all of the enjoyment out of the game, and anyone who plays long enough will be forced to adapt to some bullshit meta
>women will be added to the game, ruining the somewhat realistic medieval atmosphere with their roastie screams
>niggers and other minorities will be added to the game, further shitting up the game's aesthetics
>DLC and/or microtransactions
enjoy it while it last, boys.

Attached: 1550866166153.jpg (641x530, 51K)

Have some faith, the devs delivered and stayed true to their vision, they didn't give you any reason to doubt them

>frogposter is retarded
Like pottery

Nothing to say so you have to pick at individual words? Thought so.
Here's your last (you), you can have it instead of that raid you wanted.

Maybe if they keep listening to faggots online they might accidentally stumble upon a decent gamemode

"fun shit"
Is this code for rapier and short spear?

Devs had already promised to add a client-side option to remove niggers.

People are already playing like complete faggots and sucking the fun out of the game. I'm looking at you archery spammers, horse homos and people that refuse to take a fight that isn't 4v1 in favor to them.

kill yourself retarded frogposting incel

>>niggers and other minorities will be added to the game, further shitting up the game's aesthetics
the skin tone slider is already in, have you seen it? all the skin tone shades are white, for once

OP I agree. Mordh*u has like 4 maps total and they're all garbage. Chiv maps were great on the other hand.

Other things Chiv did better than Mordh*u: melee animations, archers, netcode, and progression.

Also perks are stupid. Why introduce perks if theres only 2 good ones and the rest are trash?

Attached: archer.png (741x1080, 474K)

Yeah, the frog's terror is already palatable. He'll be left with a broken scroll wheel and no other options to not get fucking wrecked all day.

how do i beat shield

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>ruining the somewhat realistic medieval atmosphere
*clubs u*

Attached: oowLg50[1].png (500x942, 712K)

>Not clover

Attached: 20190504210721_1.jpg (1920x1080, 230K)

They've said that IF they do end up adding female warriors, they'll most likely also add a client side toggle that allows you to literally filter the roasties and turn them into men.

>turned off team colors for a match to see how it plays
>end up killing less teammates than usual

I'd like some secondary objectives on Frontline to spread people out, its too much of a clusterfuck with how small the maps are.

For Skirmish, I'd like it to be 1v1 duels evenly divided into separated arenas. Losers go to spectating balcony, winners move on and a 1v1 is how your team scores a point with everyone else looks on

>When you stab a retarded rapier/shield cosplayer in the face and they get salty about long spear in chat

Attached: kek.jpg (596x628, 46K)

War of the Roses was utter garbage. The whole squad leader mechanics meant other people would spawn in right next to you in the middle of your fight.
The combat system was a simple up, down, left, right attack with blocking up, down, left, right. Just match the block to the attack.
Players with higher level armor could just sit their and tank huge amounts of hits. It took tons of grind to unlock things.
Whatever you are remembering definitely wasn't War of the Roses.
This is how the game actually played:
It was by far the worst melee game.

Are you colourblind?

how do i dagger properly? i'm usually just spamming stab. I try to parry/riposte and counter attack but i get hit before they do. I thought daggers were faster weps??

also what perks should i be using?

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1. Get in his face > stab morph into kick > knock him off a fucking cliff.
2. Get a buddy to go around and stab him in the ass.
3. If he's backpedaling all day, push him into a corner and then kick the shit out of him.

Rapier and shield

Yeah it’s not so bad. Half the time people are wearing so much chrome you have to hover over them to check anyway, the other half they’re covered in blood, and the other other half they’re one of the default classes which stay color coded. It’s fun to see people’s creations in true color

you wait for your mates to come and gangbang the faggot.

gang-bang him because shieldlfags have serious tunnel vision

Attached: 1556895277916.jpg (900x900, 89K)

Imagine having such shit taste that you actually equip a heater shield with a rapier just because it's easy to play with. These fuckers would swing around a flagpole with a picture of a post-op vagina as long as it was the most powerful item in-game.

>stab morph into kick
what if he backpedals and I miss my kick? pushing him into a corner is not really gonna happen...

this game has absolutely terrible hit detection

That's where the cliff comes in.

>you now realize the game's current state is the absolute peak
>reddit noobs will cry until all of the most fun shit is removed/rebalanced
>tryhards will master the game in ways that will suck all of the enjoyment out of the game, and anyone who plays long enough will be forced to adapt to some bullshit meta

I don't give a fuck about the others, but this is very true. Launch is almost always the peak

>Other things Chiv did better than Mordh*u: melee animations, archers, netcode, and progression.
>melee animations
This is great bait. For the uninformed (no more yous will be given to bait):

>go to steam discussions
>full of people crying how the game is full of racists, bigots, sexists and how they're all toxic
Jesus. How did these people survive older online games? In fact where the fuck were they? No one gave a fuck about "toxicity" a few years back.

While you attack is winding up you do a different attack.
Any slash -> stab
Any stab -> slash
Any slash -> kick
Any stab -> kick
So it is kind of like a feint and a fake out combined into a single move. Stamina intensive though.
Play the tutorial again and they talk you through it.

>not keeping it on and focusing solely on the trannies/grill gamers

In addition to what everyone else has said: If he's not actively attacking you or anyone else, and just backpedaling with shield up, ignore him entirely.
I like how he put "somewhat" in his post specifically for people like you, and you decided to be retarded anyway.

>he doesn't use 3 frying pans
You were right to shame him publicly.

>>women will be added to the game, ruining the somewhat realistic medieval atmosphere with their roastie screams
the screams are already stupid desu

Mercedes is a cutie!
Depends on the weapon, but if you got a decent poke, you can poke with the "UI Arrow" when it's pointing left; you'll do a special poke that you can sidestep and approach to get past the shield. It dosn't always work ofcourse, but it's really good to bypass, especially if you sidestep-apporach from your left side.

Hope you'll understand my ramblings. I dunno if all weapons have this type of poke, but they should have something similar


But people already spread out and ignore the objective as it is.
>For Skirmish, I'd like it to be 1v1 duels evenly divided into separated arenas
Go to a Duel server.

I just bought it, just level 2, and i'm having tons of fun.
Its the kind of game you can't really blame others if you get killed, except that one fuckwad that tks you for fun
The fighting is quite intuitive, but i'm not used at playing with a keyboard so i can't really pull off feints and such, but riposting those rapier spamming faggots is the best. They never expect it

Motherfucker there isn't anything "somewhat realistic" about Cavemen, pan fuckers, and firebombs spammers sprinting around the battlefield while some dude plays Night of Nights on a lute in the background. It's just arbitrarily drawing a line for things YOU find acceptable, even though there are a million other things that violate the same rule.

>I'm looking at you archery spammers, horse homos and people that refuse to take a fight that isn't 4v1 in favor to them.
literally why I just refunded the game.
It is fun if it is a small skirmish where you go 1 vs 2 at most. But those 5 vs 1 while 2 archers shoot at you is just not what I thought I would get into.
Too bad since I really like the rest. But this ruins it for me.
Have fun guys.

just kick them

Attached: milan_picker.png (611x938, 797K)

>walks backwards with shield up, out of reach before the kick makes it out
pssh nothin personel knave

From these threads I gather that once the game finishes downloading I need to look for and help out any allies being pestered by a shieldnigger then throw medkits around if not at that same ally. Is that a correct assumption?

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>Archer fag

haha ew

This, seems like the kick should have a bit more range, or you should be able to shift forward a bit while doing it. Seems to lock you pretty much in place while you perform it which is useless if a shielder has any space at all to backpedal.

>pushing him into a corner is not really gonna happen...
If he's backpedaling he's moving backwards, and the map is an enclosed area with corners. He can't move backwards forever without hitting a wall/"return to the combat zone".
Blame League of Legends for introducing the term. The problem is "toxic" is so vague and meaningless that it began being used to decry simple shittalk in the same breath as people making actual death threats, conflating the two.

"Toxic" is in reality a less foolish, more legitimate-sounding way of saying "anything I don't like" without having to explain why.

Pretty much but always try to be helpful is you see a lone ally getting reamed by a large group.

>everyone runs spear/rapier+shield
You fags blow everything out of proportion. I've seen three people between both teams at the absolute most doing this and they're always middling at best.

The helemts I want is like 6k, and I still only got some rather basic stuff, it sucks that it's such a despairy between prices. The Dark Soul helmet was cool and cheap, but I get bored of it.

It's not quite this, but similar

Attached: bXyhPeHALnUtRhaC_British_Life_Guard_Cavalry_Helmet_0004.jpg (1304x705, 109K)

Find a duel server. No archers, no horses, 1v1 fights. If you want 1v1 duels, go get them. The way you want to play is within your grasp.

wait until you see a decent person do it. There was some faggot the other day who was pretty good, but then he swapped to shield/penis and was just destroying everyone.

Thank god a dude named MaulCop started wrecking more than that guy and we won, though. I think he might be a streamer or something.

I'd keep it just for the 1v1 servers, user. They're adding duel back in soon, apparently, that's where all the actual combat, mindgames, and skill come in anyway.

Getting quite gud with it.

Attached: halberd.jpg (527x909, 91K)

I'm already doing that but it would be nice if the main game mode wasn't so horrendous.

Hey retard, what you have is not a literal "caveman". By logic which works perfectly in the context of the game, it's a dirt poor peasant/hermit who decided to show up to the fight with a tree branch. Same goes for the other things you mentioned.

On the other hand, female knights swinging the same weapons as their male counterparts make sense in no context, and the fucking screeching on death can be heard from every corner of the battlefield and will probably lead to a lot of waifufags making unclothed fapbait for themselves, which will completely and utterly change both the aesthetic and sound of the battlefield way more than just some rare memers will.
Go be a waifufag somewhere else. (With that said, I'm fine with it if there's a toggle to turn it off.)

1v1 duel servers have been real good so far, might get the occational troller, but people tend to just want to 1v1 there.
I've had fun on battlegrounds, but it can be frustrating at times.

Are you that fat irl too?

>steam forum
>most of the posts are about 'toxicity' and/or women in the game
I hate 2019.

Attached: 1419398829480.png (400x353, 236K)

Cute goat

It's just an extra tool to mix things up and hopefully throw them off. First person to fuck up a read loses.

chivalry """""veterans"""" should hang themselves

Attached: 1555157417801.png (479x521, 207K)

>Actually defending cavemen, pan chuckers, firebomb spammers, and bards as normal
Also it's funny how it went from "reality" to "in the context of the game". I don't even care about the female knights, your logic is just flawed, retarded, and hypocritical.

This entire post.
>the helemts
>posts an 1800s pickelhaube
>describes a helmet as "The Dark Soul helmet"
Are you old enough to browse this website, user?

>They're adding duel back
They removed dueling?

if you like that helmet you picked the wrong game

I'm quite fit but i like making fat manly mercs.

Maybe I will come back for that, but (low) chances are that the game might be dead, so I`d rather refund as long as I don't play and buy it again for such a case.

Yeah man, I forgot all those times in reality where a naked peasant wearing a bear pelt showed up with a big tree branch and clubbed 13 knights to death while his buddy in the background was chucking frying pans.

I'm sorry Samuel Johnson

Mordhau is the Dark Souls of helmets

I actually didn't play chivalry that much, nor did I really like it.

Attached: Adam-Jensen1.jpg (677x546, 21K)

It's funny to me hearing everyone on Yea Forums bitch about shields since I asked my friend's dueling clan about using one myself and they all said they were too easy to get around.

based walking tree

Attached: 1526349376212.png (450x880, 411K)

>330 and firebombs and a bunch of perks
>pick up a stabby weapon and go for easy targets
>kda triples
Uhuh, I see...

The logic is watertight. Mordhau is a pastiche of real medieval battlefields which, at a certain point in the medieval period ~600AD, had people running around in furs shirtless. The medieval period had people throwing firepots, and it is far more than likely that bards were present near battlefields because soldiers need entertainment, but even if that is an inaccuracy, it's not one as gaping by comparison.

Because what the medieval period didn't have is ~30% of all troops being female and making r63 loud nigra noises. And that's what's going to happen if/when female knights are added.
Your argument is the equivalent of "Well if someone pissed in the pool over there, that makes it okay to redirect a sewer into it. Clearly you don't care if the water's clean."


>niggers and other minorities will be added to the game, further shitting up the game's aesthetics
Moors and Saracens will only add to the authenticity you absolute knave.

>tfw no advanced dueling guides on youtube
>just want to elevate my play but have no idea where to go from here or how people dodge all my attacks so reliably

Attached: 1539216089641.jpg (720x720, 28K)

oh and

What other game modes do you think could fit in this game?

Attached: 1549347075932.png (717x654, 392K)

There were good guides in steam. Read some and play on duel servers.

No, the logic is not water tight. Your arguement is that "well each of these things happened occasionally in isolation, so it's fine for them to occur en masse here", yet female knights, which occurred very rarely in isolation, are suddenly not allowed by this logic? Female knights aren't allowed because "they didn't compose 30% of troops", but it's fine for club wielding naked peasants to do the same, even though they never did?
The firepots aren't even the crux of the argument, but feel free to continue to nitpick. I'm aware they existed, but you didn't have naked people sprinting around the battlefield throwing a veritable infinite supply of them.

How exactly did a Moor or Saracen get to Mountain Peak or Grad? As it stands everything in the game was present in Europe at some point.
It's a pastiche of European medieval battlefields. Not of the Near Orient.

once you know the various moves no guide is gonna fucking make you better user, it comes down to playtime and practice.

Thank you based user.

>admits there are things in game that tryhards are mastering and abusing to take all the fun away
>calls people who think these things should be rebalanced reddit noobs
What did he mean by this?

Your entire post is just "suspension of disbelief is fine when it supports the thing I like"

Frontline is good and all but I want a proper Attack/Defend mode.

they say they are adding 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 modes

i don't expect it to happen and it would be janky and messy as fuck but i'd love a massive war mode where battles go on for hours, like frontline but 10x larger

Alright so what exactly does the alt grip to don zweihanders and pole maces? Just changes them to fit close quarters combat better?

Attached: 1549833752876.png (680x383, 376K)

Attack Defend mode
>Objective: Battle through checkpoints to King or other objective
Then other team gets
>Objective: Defeat invaders/Defend current objective
>King just gets Objective: Survive

>but it's fine for club wielding naked peasants to do the same,
What fucking game have you been in where 30% of your team were peasants who were all shirtless and all wielding clubs? I genuinely want to know.
Female combatants were literally far less common than shirtless dudes on medieval battlefields, yes.
>but you didn't have naked people sprinting around the battlefield throwing a veritable infinite supply of them
You don't in Mordhau either. You aren't naked and don't have an infinite supply. Keep exaggerating to cover for your lack of argument though.

This. I want proper sieges.

>a massive war mode where battles go on for hours, like frontline but 10x larger
If I leanred on thing from Planetside 2 than you have to create a chokepoint to make this happen. Otherwise people on the slowly losing side will abandon ship an it ends after 20 minutes of full winning team bumrushing 50 percent enemy team.

Clover and Walking Tree are /ouremblems/.

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Read advanced weapon notes.

I really hope they add an option for banner bearer or something, so you can keep your colors no matter what.

Moors and Turks were deep into European regions. Saracens are very closely tied to some of the most important events on the era (and I'm pretty sure the devs already confirmed they want to do Crusade-themed content which would obviously include Arabs).

Most of the games the king would just charge the enemy and die.

My entire post is "suspension of disbelief is possible for small things, like a dirt poor peasant being underdressed or bringing a stick to the battle, but not when an entire 30% of the medieval battlefield is waifubait twink women running around wielding zweihanders and screaming like "

Nice false equivalence fallacy, waifufag

on the subject, i wish the toolbox had more than just the archer thing and spikes

it would be cooler if you could build ladders or even siege towers instead of them just being around the map

I heard he killed a bear with his bare hands

>What fucking game have you been in where 30% of your team were peasants who were all shirtless and all wielding clubs?
They CAN be, just like 30% of your team CAN be females, same as ZERO percent of your team could be either. Why are you allowed to make up arbitrary scenarios that fit your taste, but others are not? Are cavemen fine as long as they never pass an arbitrary amount per team? Would they suddenly be over the line if they did? Either their existence if fine or not, you don't get to choose the numbers.
>You don't in Mordhau either. You aren't naked and don't have an infinite supply
Did you forget that you can constantly refill your supply at ammo boxes? Your only limitation is a small cooldown.

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Attached: billhook.jpg (1024x683, 86K)

Holy fuck I thought I was alone. Fist on brother.

I really hope they add some Outremer-themed maps.

>One post ago
>Criticizes poster for making up a percentage of cavemen to suit his argument
>Very next post
>Makes up statistic to suit his own argument

Attached: 1490295422333.jpg (304x234, 17K)

Female characters will be added and there is NOTHING you fags can do about it.

Attached: uguu.jpg (2136x3204, 610K)

He is tho. He's just

>implying it

Which is apparently enough to confuse you.

>I've arrived for my historically accurate battle, m'lord

Attached: EEhU9pb[1].png (553x934, 751K)

I can turn them off. Go post more on the Steam forums about how I shouldn't be able to, tranny.

>get to the 'push ram' objective on mountain
>turns out the enemy can just recapture the previous point while the enemy team is focused on pushing the ram

Who thought it was a good idea to effectively give one team two separate objectives to defend at the same time? I've only ever been in one match where the ram actually made it to the gate because it constantly gets backcapped and grinds to a halt.

Attached: 1528227647383.png (195x189, 94K)

but you can't turn them off here
and you will be seething

Best part is the devs have already confirmed a client side toggle for them, so there's literally zero reason for people to be sperging out.

The should increase the points limit to 18 imo

As long as they wear helmets so I can pretend they're cute.

>Are cavemen fine as long as they never pass an arbitrary amount per team?
Considering I haven't even seen ONE since release? I would say yes?
>Either their existence if fine or not, you don't get to choose the numbers
Everyone has a limit at which something is acceptable, and you're being intellectually honest to deny that.

Otherwise I can take your argument to its logical conclusion and say that as soon as this game had one slightly inaccurate piece of armor, it would justify dragons, wizards, and Sauron being added to the game, because "you don't get to choose the numbers", amirite?
>Criticizes poster for making up a percentage of cavemen to suit his argument
>Makes up statistic to suit his own argument
Nice false equivalency, yet again. Let me break it down for you, brainlet.
There are percentages of cavemen you can access right now by joining games and seeing for yourself: it's 0.1% of each team. Making up statistics is provably wrong.
Meanwhile there are no statistics of women ingame because they are not added. Making up hypothetical statistics for this might actually end up being right and is thus justified.

The ram and everything like is not the core of the map, it's a mercy kill function. It only exists to end the game faster in the event one team is utterly shitstomping the other.

*turns on filter in settings*
What now fag?

I've been playing for a couple of hours but I feel like I'm getting reamed every match. My last K/D was 9/21. Anyone got some general advice?

This game have Samurai?

Is there a way to bully the plethora of 3/3/3 and 3/3/2 nerds?
I hope it turns them all into fat neckbeards or something.

>Someone runs at you with fists
>Swing because they can't block

>peasant being able to afford blue dyes

Maul to the head

Boring as fuck looks like a NPC. Add some flair and character, Mr. Lame-o.

Attached: sleeping-man-stock-photograph_csp49025597.jpg (450x370, 41K)

scrollwheel up
scrollwheel down

*post waifus in threads*

The Maul oneshots through level 3 helmets.

Klean and Giru (I swear, he's a little too good) are good to watch for their VoDs to see what they're doing. Steam has some decent guides, but above all else, it's gonna take practice. Even 12 hours in I was sucking chodes hard.

So the point of the objective mode is not to win by completing the objectives but by winning a gigantic clusterfuck Team Deathmatch?

Attached: 1548988898497.png (346x421, 198K)

Took me a good 20-30 hours before I started getting good

>ctrl+f: hitboxes
>2 results

Is everyone liking them fine? I don't know if it's shit servers and laggers from fuck knows where or the hitboxes, but goddamn, I've slid quite some weapons and fists through enemy bodies connecting to nothing.

Attached: Action Man.jpg (292x373, 15K)

Almost every 1h sword can be thrown.
Hitting someone without a helmet will instakill them

Attached: 1553888698120.jpg (2550x2700, 1.25M)

Hitboxes have felt fine to me. But kicking feels a little finnicky.

Go unga bunga when against a group. Assist frequently.

Lmao its like he forgot his pants and went to school in his briefs

>I would say yes?
So cavemen (despite their absurdness) are fine if they don't pass a certain point that YOU deem okay, but female knights do not get that luxury because YOU personally don't deem them okay? Again, your logic is purely hypocritical.
>Everyone has a limit at which something is acceptable
This is not about what you like, this about things being ACCURATE, but I'm glad you decided to show your true colors and admit this is all based purely on what you like.
>Otherwise I can take your argument to its logical conclusion and say that as soon as this game had one slightly inaccurate piece of armor, it would justify dragons, wizards, and Sauron being added to the game, because "you don't get to choose the numbers", amirite?
Nice blatant strawman, and nice job confirmed you don't know how logic works. No, it wouldn't justify those, because none of those have a basis in reality (or in the case of samurai, don't have a basis for participating in battles at this location).
>Making up hypothetical statistics for this might actually end up being right and is thus justified
No, that is literally not how it works because you're saying the made up statistics are ONLY allowed to be in YOUR favor. Why is your prediction of 30% correct, but a prediction of 0, 5, or 10, not? You are free to assume, but you are not free to treat your guess as law.

>clip of person being much better than you
>Whaaaa he's being good at the game in the WRONG way

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Everyone agrees that kicks are worthless and kicks being shit is the main reason for shields being too strong.

Get the halberd and poke distracted people from far away in teamfights.


Attached: huh.png (551x933, 734K)

Holding a majority of the objectives depletes enemy tickets; the more of a majority you have, the faster tickets drain. The idea is to hold as many points as you can and bleed the enemy dry.


Hey its that speed runner from gdq

>t. literally 0.1% of players in the server
meanwhile roastie screams will be audible all over the battlefield as soon as just a few people pick them

By the way, Richard the Lionheart was shot by a crossbow because someone told him to come out of his tent to look at one of the enemy using a frying pan as a shield.

I already said I'm fine with it if there's a toggle. Which they have said is coming.


Try a dueling server for a bit. You'll get bodied at first but it's a really good way to pick up the basics of success.

okay faggots, im telling you hoe to beat a shieldfag who backpedals. when he backpedals you run past him on the shield side of that fag, then kcik it will hit him even if he backpedals

What happens if half your team, or even the entire team, converts to frying pans though? Are they still fine, even though they vastly exceed your quotient for realism? Why are they allowed to do this, but not other unrealistic things that you deem "unworthy"? You either allow things in all numbers, or allow them in none, for you do not get to decide the numbers and need to be content with ALL possible outcomes.
>By the way, Richard the Lionheart was shot by a crossbow because someone told him to come out of his tent to look at one of the enemy using a frying pan as a shield.
Yes, and do you know why he was lured out by that? Because someone using a frying pan on a battlefield was fucking absurd. Your anecdote only enforces the stance that triple frying pan chuckers would not exist in a game touting realism.

>One defender, in particular, amused the king greatly—a man standing on the walls, crossbow in one hand, the other clutching a frying pan he had been using all day as a shield to beat off missiles. He deliberately aimed at the king, which the king applauded; however, another crossbowman then struck the king in the left shoulder near the neck. He tried to pull this out in the privacy of his tent but failed; a surgeon called a "butcher" by Howden, removed it, "carelessly mangling" the King's arm in the process.
>The wound swiftly became gangrenous. Richard asked to have the crossbowman brought before him; called alternatively Pierre (or Peter) Basile, John Sabroz, Dudo,[118][119] and Bertrand de Gourdon (from the town of Gourdon) by chroniclers, the man turned out (according to some sources, but not all) to be a boy. He said Richard had killed his father and two brothers, and that he had killed Richard in revenge. He expected to be executed, but as a final act of mercy Richard forgave him, saying "Live on, and by my bounty behold the light of day", before he ordered the boy to be freed and sent away with 100 shillings.[120] It is unclear whether the King's pardon was upheld following his death. Richard then set his affairs in order, bequeathing all his territory to his brother John and his jewels to his nephew Otto.
What a cool dude.

does anyone knows which is the best horse weapon? Points are not a problem

Attached: smug knight.png (579x533, 158K)

Poleaxe has less range than a greatsword
Halberd has an alt mode that gives you the range of an archer and the damage of a greatsword


read a book fags

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>Richard the Lionheart was shot by a crossbow because someone told him to come out of his tent to look at one of the enemy using a frying pan as a shield
Good. He was a terrible King and Crusader and a disgrace to his father and God. He was a fag too.

>One man using a frying pan on the field of battle justifies frying pans
>One female knight being on the field of battle does not justify female knights

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Best is the lance, which you need to find. On any map where the horses spawn in stables/pens, the lances are right next to them. After that, anything you can couch.

>dickass mercenary captain killed the kid afterwards despite the King's pardon

Attached: 1528651619967.gif (410x412, 861K)

Kings can be real cool dudes. Look up Louis' letter to his son.

>female knight
source, and with proof they were in battle and real soldiers not just a mouth peace like joan of arc

>female knight
No such thing ever. There may have been a few wild bitches on a battlefield, but there was NEVER a female knight.

One is an improvised weapon used by peasants.
The only battle Joan of Arc saw was when she was an anime character.

St. Joan wasn't a knight.

I really hope they do not add female characters. There is a certain kind of boys club aura this game has right now which makes it so much more cocmplete.

>So cavemen
They're not cavemen. They're poor peasants/hermits, drafted into the military, wearing shit clothing wielding shit weapons because it's all they can afford.
>No, it wouldn't justify those, because none of those have a basis in reality
You've already stated you don't consider "cavemen" being present to be realistic, and said it justifies adding female knights.
That means your argument is LITERALLY: "these things in the game are inaccurate, so it doesn't matter if new additions are accurate."
And that means your argument can LITERALLY be taken to the conclusion of adding Sauron and dragons, unless: you admit your argument is retarded, and that one small arguably unrealistic thing doesn't justify the addition of more definitely unrealistic things.

>because none of those have a basis in reality
And neither does a potential 50+% of the soldiers on the battlefield being female.
>Why is your prediction of 30% correct, but a prediction of 0, 5, or 10, not?
They might be correct too, but that doesn't mean 50+% might also be correct, so my argument stands.

They already confirmed they are. Better refund now.

This. The second they ass females waifufags and cam thots will swarm the game and kill it dead.

>80 ping
>swing at someone
>hit doesn't connect despite the weapon model clearly passing through theirs
>go and stand in a corner inside a hut
>get shot by 3 arrows and die
uninstalled and refunded desu

Thankfully they can just be toggled off.

Kinda obscure, so i dont really expect anyone to know the name but there was this one called joan of arc

Attached: 1555803746860.jpg (185x260, 24K)

Not a knight.

>joan of arc


I'm on the same stance on female characters as I was with For Honor, which is who fucking cares. People are already making Astolfo characters with the body sliders.
>but realism
I get it, but how realistic is this game trying to be? For me most realism went out the window when I saw siege towers being used to attack opposing open ground encampments.

>Richard's last act of chivalry proved fruitless when the infamous mercenary captain Mercadier had the crossbowman flayed alive and hanged as soon as Richard died.[123]

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>making Astolfo characters with the body sliders.
What, seriously?

>needing to be a soldier


you don't understand friend:
Yea Forums incels in full denial again
they fear the vagina

Look at that slutty rapier. Those thigh-highs don't lie.

>What happens if half your team, or even the entire team, converts to frying pans though?
And how many games does that happen?
Sub 0.1%?
>Why are they allowed to do this, but not other unrealistic things that you deem "unworthy"?
Simple, because they don't actually do it, and it doesn't actually happen?
Whereas there is a very real chance that if women are added untoggleable they will be a big and noticeable immersion-breaking factor on every single battlefield for the forseeable future?
>Because someone using a frying pan on a battlefield was fucking absurd
Still far, far, far, far, far less absurd than any% of the team being female knights running around in plate is my point, dumbass.

>Joan of Arc
Modern media has completely fucked people's perception of reality.

Attached: knight (male).jpg (1179x940, 87K)

there's your problem. play a real gamemode and see why they're most viable.

True. But since being a soldier or seeing combat has nothing to do with being knighted...not sure the relevance.

>The only battle Joan of Arc saw was when she was an anime character.
The how did she get crossbow'd so many times climbing siege ladders

>Frontline is good and all
lol, no.


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Since you seem to be a bit hard of reading, I'll simplify it even more for you. A peasant showing up to wreck house with his favorite tree branch is NOT realistic enough to fit into a game focused on realism, but is *technically* possible, so it fits within a game that follows a loose enough template of "realism", like Mordhau. By extension of that, anything as equally as ridiculous as a stick wielding caveman, or pan chucking peasant, is ALSO welcome, because they follow the same level of disbelief. The "conclusion" of my argument is not fucking samurais and Sauron, because they do not fit within that realm of disbelief, they extend much further.
>so my argument stands.
No it doesn't, because you are literally making up statistic and treating them as gospel.

that just looks like a manlet you fucking delusional fag

Because knight in the context of this retarded argument is not a title of nobility but rather "BIG FIGHTER IN PLATE WITH BIG WEPON IN THE VIDEO GAME"

Where's the ASOIAF mod?

Attached: 2dC5ApJ.jpg (456x341, 13K)

low test

Not a knight and never fought anyone, dumbass. The most combat she ever saw was getting hit by an arrow and a rock while far away from the actual battle.

>support pack
Well I do admit, the medallion is pretty swanky.

>And how many games does that happen? Sub 0.1%? Simple, because they don't actually do it, and it doesn't actually happen?
Stop dodging the question and answer it. Your current stance is objectively hypocritical and hinges entirely on made up statistics.
>Whereas there is a very real chance that if women are added untoggleable
You mean a near zero chance as devs already promised a client side toggle for them, far in advance of any complaining?
>Still far, far, far, far, far less absurd than any% of the team being female knights running around in plate
It literally is not. Both of them are equally preposterous and retarded, you simply don't like one of them.

Lmao no

You'd have to be really mentally ill, and even then squint pretty hard, to get anything sexual out of that. At a glance on the battlefield it's a guy in armor which is what it is if you look closer too.