New picture of Death Stranding Gameplay, showing Sam(Norman Reedus's character) hiding in a bush
Hideo Kojima Has Just Posted An Off-Screen Gameplay Pic Of Death Stranding
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is this the game where Cuckjima finally gets enough rope to hang himself and after this dogshit flops his career is over?
>9 years into development
>OMG guys a fucking bush
Kojima fanboys are literal straight up Stockholm syndrome victims. Kojima is a total fucking hack. Sony are retarded for funding this fucking faggot and his film school dropout garbage
Does anyone actually care what this hack puts out after the shitshow that was MGSV?
What kind of turbo-cuck would you have to be?
I tried to warn you about these kinds of developers.
based post, user
Don't do it bro
Cant wait to finally see actual gameplay from silent h- i mean death stranding
PC cucks and Nintendies absolutely seething and coping ITT
tone it down a little bit guys, you are trying way too hard
Is this game going to be Duke Nukem Forever?
I can't wait for it to come out and be nothing but walking between cutscenes with no actual gameplay. These faggots are still going to do some sort of mental gymnastics to convince themselves it's a masterpiece.
Well, Duke Nukem Forever had a predecessor. This game doesn't. It just has spoogie trailers with good music
i miss her too
Tfw the true heroes of Death Stranding are unironically Konami's Yakuza CEO, Bobby Kotick, and DarkSydePhil
When is his movie coming out
>we're having a break :)
You know, if he posted work related stuff more often than eating this would probably be less infuriating. Maybe that broken Japanese guy that told him to make at least 1 game before he died wasn't wrong after all.
>still no gameplay
The game will be an instant success, universally praised with a 90+ metacritic and kojima will be introduced to the hall of fame of gaming while you seethe like a miserable retard and die alone and dead
Wow, and that only 1 year after the last trailer.
Wow. 1 pic. After a full year of nothing.
There was an entire gameplay trailer you fucking goof
It wasn't gameplay, it was just more story shit
Why is Death Stranding Yea Forums's biggest sour grapes?
Ah yes, "gameplay". You're like a sleazy business man using the fine print of a contract to defend yourself.
I hate to agree with this but it's most likely what's gonna happen.
It's coming to PC tho
What an extremely homosexual post, can he go back to finishing the game
walking, running and crouching is not gameplay
Why is he so small?
except when its breath of the wild
Disappointment over no ACT 3: Peace, Kojima reinforcing the meme that he's all movies by having literal hollywood actors star in his game.
Oh and that whole Tribeca Film debacle
Enjoy your walking simulator
It's this and Yea Forums's obsession with "MUH TORTANIC AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHH" with literally every game.
Jesus christ. I hope this game gets delayed and worked on more. It's looking like absolute shit
I wouldn't call Death Stranding a Tortantic thing. It's more centered on a single personality(Kojima), and the way his "movie games" and "underwhelming deliveries" piss them off.
Tortanic was rage directed at an incompetent, and very vocal company(Bioware), and actually had tons of gameplay shown leading up to release. The problem was the gameplay was terrible
MGSV was the first good MGS since 3.
>b-b-but it's not a linear corridor sneaking game with 10 hours of cutscenes
Sure, and you enjoy your 20 year old emulations.
>in development for 2 years, most AAA games take 4-5 years to develop
Yea Forums is so fucking jaded about this game, holy shit
TLoU 2: Guaranteed GOTY 2019.
DS: Guaranteed GOTY for the year it comes out.
Sony always wins
I want gameplay you fuck, that's not asking for much.
So wait for Sony to let him show gameplay, you fucking faggot.
There's literally nothing with well designed linear levels. It's better than an empty barren world that's braindead to clear out posts.
Thanks for outing your shit taste
Sure, now it's sony's fault. Koji can do no wrong, right?
My man, he literally said that he cannot show anything because Sony would disconnect him from the funds.
Nah it's dated game design that aged horribly. Take off the nostalgia goggles, gramps
>9 years into development
Caramel, is that you?
>well designed linear levels
>better than an empty barren world that's braindead to clear out posts
Good thing 99% of the gameplay isn't that. God, what a faggot. An ESL shitter too.
The thing about Death Stranding is that the game has this whole narrative around it. That of Kojima being unfairly forced out of Konami, and starting from scratch to deliver a masterpiece.
But fans of Kojima know that he's a ruseman and also had the idea of misinformation shoved down their throat. So, conciously or subconciously, any fan of Kojima will either be skeptical towards the game's meta narrative or view the sob story as precisely that, a story.
In other words, Death Stranding has generated incredible expectations from a jaded fanbase, and by not releasing gameplay trailers and instead being shown elaborate movie trailers they're getting reminded of the Phantom Pain.
Basically, it's like the hype for the Phantom Pain but this time half the fanbase isn't just not buying into the hype, but actively rebelling against it.
Least that's how I understand it
>20 year old emulations.
objectively superior to 90% of modern "games"
>Release to instant success, universally praised with a 90+ metacritic and kojima will be introduced to the hall of fame of gaming
None of this requires the game to actually be good. Same thing happened with MGSV Which was a Trainwreck. Yet is still commercially successful and critically acclaimed.
Game "journalist" will sniff their own farts about narrative storytelling and other pretentious shit and will give it 10's across the board I have no doubt
Then once again, sony has too much cock im their mouth to think straight. Which platform do you think will get the rebound when sony self-sabotages in the near future?
You do realise there's a PC version too, right?
Surely you're not stupid, right?
Say that to Mirror's Edge
Part of the game is theorizing about it. Fucking JJ Abrams
Even pack mules need a break.
Why gamepur, OP?
You're objectively wrong.
>runs on an engine made by Sony
>on PC
Surely you're not this retarded.
I'm not rebelling, MGSV had amazing gameplay showcases that, at least for me, got me even more hype for the game than the trailers. Hell, even the Sins of the Father trailer had a lot of gameplay to it, and it was all accurate representations of the game.
MGSV's problems lie in the shitty fulton system, shitty story, rehashed content, empty open world, cinematic garbage with a lot waiting, and blocks to progression. Outside of that, gameplay is as smooth as it can be.
The fact that DS has shown nothing but the parts of MGSV that are bad, and no real gameplay yet is what has me so skeptical.
thats a big monitor
I like how no one is talking about the game. Hey, look blue skies. I thought Yea Forums told me this game would be foggy and washed out. Let's hope there's a dedicated weather system, I'm a sucker for those.
>has potential to be as groundbreaking as first mgs
>will probably suck ass like every other game he made in last decade
sonyfaggots barging in with their autistic console wars again
Blow up the image on the right. There's two faint light coming from the background.
You say that like it means literally anything.
He's never gonna finish this game, he's just gonna keep using daddy Sony's bank account to go around the world and meet has-been and new movie stars.
Cope a dope
The entire studio was literally conceived and made a playable game in 2 years nigga. Genuinely, actually fucking cry about it.
Name one (1)((ONE, nothing wrong with me—)) AAA game this gen whos entire studio was made in less than two years but still showed polished gameplay within that time. You quite literally fucking cannot. Period.........
Kojima does it again!
More importantly where is Caramel to explain this AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Well, sure, let's talk about DS itself, none of the interviews, just what we've been shown.
Alternate or Future or Past US is the setting. Lots of religious afterlife imagery involved in the "deliverymen." Quantum Mechanics and what seems like that back to the future thing where someone will fade away in a photo if the timeline is altered. The rain "heals" Sam's wounds by rapidly aging him.
So far the title focuses on whales and fish washed up on the shore. So we can say it's like pollution or something.
However, that doesn't have to be the case. We got rain that ages you rapidly. Maybe some dipshit scientist saved the energy crisis by making rapidly aging rain to turn the flora and fauna into fossil fuels but then it went wrong.
Or maybe the oceans are being purified into fresh water. Fresh water kills salt water whales and fish dead just as easily as polluted does.
The open world gameplay shown seems to some degree "comfy" but also very annoying, with realistic physics and Sam fucking tripping and getting knocked back by water all the time. I imagine folks will get very annoyed about trying to make a long delivery only to slip on some rocks and ruin the whole thing at the last minute.
Hopefully not gone. I like his theories and I think he's a creative dude.
But I can fill in for fake spoilers and theories if you want. Death Stranding is a Yu-Gi-Oh game. The "town" is Domino City. The monsters are trying to drag Sam to the Shadow Realm but they can only slow him down due to them not challenging him to a children's playing card game.
MGSV is what Splinter Cell would be if they still made them. Most here would call it shit I bet.
>At PS experience Kojima had announced that he had partnered with Guerrilla Games, using the engine for development, and had been given the
source code with no contractual obligation." Decima Engine Wikipedia Page.
>Muh engine!!!11
Are you a retard? How could he work on in 9 years ago when he was still at Konami back then?
I just want a jap to make a better movie-game than Naughty Dog
Nope, MGS5 is one of the shittiest most overrated games I've ever played.
It's blatantly obvious the people who made MGS good are no longer with him, since everything he's touched since MGS3 has been absolute shite.
Based. Guy is just sonyfags's Molineaux
>over 70 comments
>no one mentioned OP's amazing tabs
MGSV was half of a great game. Here's how you make it the GOAT.
Just have it be open world but like, with "boss stages" that are enclosed enviroments like the hospital at the beginning. Folks on Yea Forums would be lying if they said they didn't love having Pequod come in with SHE BLINDED ME WITH SCIENCE during an open world mission, there was a lot of fun stuff with the open world game play. It's just that, well, it might be cliche for Mario to go to Bowser's fortress at the end of each area, but it also builds hype for the encounter.
But if you like sausage don't see how it gets made, they say
>yet another faggot who thinks MGS5 is bad while holding MGS1-3 on a pedestal like they're anything more than overrated garbage that only weebs and low iq idiots who are wowed by long cutscenes like
>OP wants to kill himself
I've seen better tabs
Please do not put TLoU masterpiece series next to hackfraud kojimbo garbage.
There's also the PT/Norman Reedus redemption angle.
Who's old enough to have nostalgia for the reveal trailer?
He didn't even want to make 4 or 5 so no wonder they weren't great
Don't you have to actually be working in the first place in order to take a "break?"
I mean, the new trailer is gonna create buzz because Kojima trailers are great. Folks still use Sins of the Father as a meme in their vids. It's a shock, but catchy music and good direction inspire folks.
Reminds me of the world of "Oblivion," which is a good thing. If only it also starred Tom Cruise then it could be Cruisekino instead of fake kino.
I think it's a clear inspiration.
Enjoy playing the exact same barren mission in the same exact location every single time, separated by a tedious collectathon minigame to pad your hours, zero story, zero character development, shit bosses and ugly ass aesthetic you dumb shit taste faggot nigger.
Also feel free to hang yourself for having such an awful opinion, or better yet go choke on Kojima's tiny chink cock while he suckers you into spending another 60 buckeroos on a terrible game lmao.
>anime reaction image
Oh wow you sure showed me. Well thanks for saving my time.
I'm not even gonna bother reading that shit now that I know the kind of retard I'm dealing with.
>Hideous Cuckjima copying hollywood again
Kojima is so bad at time management.
The more I see this guy on twitter, the more I understand Konami's decision to keep him on a leash.
MGSV was a convoluted mess which would've never been finished properly.
The only reason they cut it short was because this guy has no concept of money and would've blown twice the budget given the chance, and it still wouldn't have a decent conclusion.
This guy seems himself as some sort of artistic visionary, going on trips to Iceland and promoting bands with LPs in unfinished games which consist of nothing.
He has shown nothing gameplay related since announcement.
Nothing is known about this game.
This could just as well be a movie.
Stop leaking the final boss!
>anime reaction image
from Japan
PlayStationがお届けする、新情報発表・動画イベント「State of Play」の第2回目の放送が、[日本時間] 5月10日(金) 午前7時に決定しました!
This will go well.
Yeah looking forward to playing this on PC
Just fifteen minutes for the entirety of the Sony event?
Ok, so, the Last of Us 2 gets a spot, and maybe Death Stranding. But that's not a lot of room to operate, and Kojima said his new trailer was 8 minutes
I hope you like outdated Japanese wood instruments and comically large noses
this isn't the E3 replacement you dumb negro. no TLOU2 and probably no death stranding
Are we getting an E3 replacement for Sony?
I stopped caring after MGS4. MGSV got me excited enough to give him one last chance, but he's dead to me now.
You know, when you watch all of the trailers one after the other, it kind of makes sense.
This. Kojimafags are even worse than Smashfags as this point, it's really sad
PS5 has to be announced sometime
>brainlets can't connect with the game unless they see protagonist shoot someone with a gun
Kojima clearly overestimated his american audience.
Every tweet just makes Konami seem more justified in canning his ass.
how narcissistic do you have do be to have a statue of yourself on your desk?
Gonna need a dump truck to collect all the salt in this thread.
It's gonna be comfy.
There's guns in DS but i think they're packages and you'll lose dosh if you use them
it's already comfy, bro. it's already comfy.
Has there ever been a more drawn out release than DS? Not Vaporware like HL3 or Duke Nukem, I mean a release where the teasing went from coy to frustrating
99% of gamepay is sitting in a helicopter waiting for it to land
Imagine perfecting MGS with GZ and then killing it with an empty open-world TPP
Is he okay?
reeeeee stop killing the narrative
Holy shit bushes confirmed in Death Stranding!!
today i will remind them
Kojima is an absolute fucking hack who hasn’t made a good game since MGS3. Fuck this guy and his over budget fake deep shit for neckbeards who want to seem smarter than they actually are.
I hope Sony cuts his ass after this inevitable flop comes out and shows he lost it a long time ago. I played MGS5 like two times and never returned to it. Garbage, and only bought MGS4 out of hype because PS3 was so barren at the time.
>The thing about Death Stranding is that the game has this whole narrative around it. That of Kojima being unfairly forced out of Konami, and starting from scratch to deliver a masterpiece.
Wasn't Mighty No.9 basically the same narrative?
>unfairly forced
So the Yakuza saved Nintendo, but killed Konami
this i’m going with xbox next gen, i realized I don’t really care for Sony after they’ve gone western, and keep making these stiff boring cinematic games.
Microsoft should just stand between Nintendo and Sony. Focus on actual interactive gameplay and good graphics and let Sony make their boring pretentious shit and stop trying to compete with Sony and their stale garbage.
On top of that, after playing MK11 on PS4 I realized that I can’t stand the dual shock anymore.
Nintendo is scratching my Japanese itch and core first party Sony is only focused on selling boring movie games aimed at SJWs
Not to mention he’s a diva who can’t except the best version of his own game is own a Nintendo platform remade by western developers.
Kojima is a fucking clown
fukushima went to work in SIEJ he worked on Freedom wars
Funny how Murata's name isn't anywhere in this picture
>This could just as well be a movie.
Because a Kojima thread is all about spouting nonsense based on nothing but their anger over MGSV.
This is why all MGS, Kojima and Death Stranding threads should be banned, and mods should rangeban those who post the threads, or post in them.
MGS is over, and yet it's cancerous fanbase has been shitposting for 4 years now, it's time for it to die for good already.
>this i’m going with xbox next gen
Break? when the fuck did he ever working?
Eternal reminder that Death Stranding will be just Spintires but with a human carrying shit and having a very realistically cumbersome inventory that must be managed carefully to navigate natural obstacles.
You can screenshot this and then when the game comes out in 2035, you can wonder - how could this man have known?
I said narrative user, I never said it was true.
Inafune's story shares threads with Kojima's, but he was just one kickstarter fiasco in a time where everyone was getting conned. And he actually produced a product at the end, just, you know, it was non infringing Megaman rather than anything amazing.
MN9 is the tale of a modest Megaman ripoff game with the narrative of Inafune being the soul behind the series. But unfortunately, Dina and the Community managers took up social media presence and poisoned the well - well, the fact that the game was clearly not Megaman! didn't help. But MN9 didn't really disappoint anyone - by the time MN9 was in development people didn't have expectations. Before MN9 people Inafune tried something viral with Megaman Legends 3, which sort of blew up in his and Legends fans face. I actually went to the convention panel when he announced MML3 and while I was hyped my friends were like "Wait did that guy just say you the fans will make the game? That's not gonna work."
DS so far is the tale of a true auteur making something amazing after his unjust firing. He's bringing in the good music, the celebrities, he has a new studio, he's being secretive about the dev process. The aesthetic he's going with is like the Last of Us, the big movie game people think is the best thing ever made. And unlike Inafune and MN9, there's no question Kojima has the resources to make a game that looks good and high budget, it's just that looking good and having a high budget isn't everything.
So there's some common threads with Kojima, Iga, and Inafune, but Iga and Inafune are more crowdfund guys. And while their projects were disappointing, they weren't outright scams like Star Citizen.
It doesn't even have to be Fukushima at this point, Kojima just needs someone to call him on his bullshit and filter out his bad ideas. Kojima has too much clout and his word is taken as god, he's suffering from George Lucas syndrome
>work for a few minutes
>wew, time for a break
>take picture of a hamburger
yeppu, time for a break
>Still have more fun in the older MGS games than MGSV
K-keep me posted
We need to clone Aaron Ehasz and mass produce him for any autuers who feel like they're becoming too post modern
9:00 AM: Wake up.
9:45 AM: Go have breakfast at Sony's buffet.
10:30 AM: Clock in for the day.
10:45 AM: Finish daily production meeting.
11:00 AM: Studio movie time. We are watching a french movie about wet bread.
12:45 PM: Meeting with the gameplay director.
1:00 PM: Time for snack and browsing the internet.
2:00 - 4:00 PM: ~BREAK TIME~
4:00 PM: Lunch time. Must instagram.
5:00 PM: Call (current movie star) to hang out. Sad when he says no again.
5:15 PM: Call Norman instead.
5:30 PM: Work day over! Go to bar. Watch movies. Insist Norman stays. Eat at fancy restaurant. Buy another pair of gaudy designer glasses.
11:00 PM: Get home. Time for movie!
2:00 AM: Go to bed thanking Sony fell for it.
U mad lmao
He's a game director, he has no work beyond telling coders what to do.
No, but you see, the same people who say that MGS games were only good because of the rest of the team worked on it insist that Kojima must make Death Stranding single handedly.
all this thread stinks resentment lmao