Other urls found in this thread:
>white american is a cuck
woah what a shock
But no it's the Irate Gamer that's the bad guy
bro not this shit again
You’re right. Irate gamer is the bad guy
He's the cuckiest gamer you've ever heard...
>comedy from the 1930s has racism in it
gee who would've guessed that one
>couldn't just say it was a product of the time
>it was wrong then
ok retard
>temple of doom is worse than crystal skull because it has problematic stereotypes and a damsel in distress character
>it wasn't funny back then
Then why was it in the three Stooges? Why is there if it wasn't funny?
james rolfe cuck cuckold angry video game nerd avgn
>racism is wrong
Is autism really so vicious that a concept every first world country embraced by nearly 100 years now is all it takes to make you start crying? sheesh.
I had a dream one night where James and Mike were actually in a rough
white supremacist biker gang. I think it was when I found out he has a Judas Priest tattoo
Why does James keep a problematic guy like Mike at his helm then?
You cannot judge the past with the standards of today like you are superior, thats not how it works, people are a product of their time
In 100 years everyone will laugh at how non racist people were in the early 2000s and call us all fucking retards
It's no different from Warner Bros disclaimer on their older cartoons.
>covering his own ass with a completely reasonable disclaimer
not vidya
Go back to Yea Forums
What do I have to do to initiate myself into the nerd crew?
You seem to have conflated "normal" with "right".
There was a time where people threw their shit on the streets. it was gross then, they just didn't know it, so it was normal not right.
Racism was just as hateful and hurtful then, but they didn't know. So it was normal, not right.
No ones calling for all three stooges media to banned, the concession that some of it is wrong as a product of wrong things being normal at the time is the truth.
Never fails to make me laugh. Based Mike.
On a somewhat related note, does anyone have that gif/webm of doug walker in front of a green screen doing the superman pose through the sky? Asking for a friend haha
Are you saying it wasn’t wrong then, /pol/fag?
It was wrong then, just like it was wrong to solve brain problems with an ice pick to the brain.
go back to /int/
Except it was the norm back then and nobody believed it was wrong. That's not a hard concept to grasp. Most people don't question society (4chins doesn't represent the majority btw)
It never was wrong, and never will be.
>threw their shit on the streets
When and where was that?
>James says this
>yet his bf Mieke Matinee makes racist comics
really making me think things user
most of human history in every city to not have indoor plumbing. london was really bad. also india now.
>as a curator of film
any more proof that it is her?
I'm interested
name one more influential movie youtuber than James
>these depictions were wrong then and are wrong today
The subjectivity of that sentence is hilarious.
I thought they buried that shit.
Red Letter Media
made me cringe too but I'm not sure he really meant that. gotta virtue signal to keep viewers happy
I hate nu-James and those fat jew faggots he hangs around with, but I watch almost every video they upload. Am I a cuck?
>cover your back to avoid drama from retards on one side
>get drama from idiots from the other side
Can you faggots move over to the SJW side, pretty please? You got more in common with them.
Considering most of his fans watch him for his video game content, I would say quite a few.
James stopped having a real opinion and a set of balls once he got married.
His wife seems like a real cunt.
>wrong then, wrong now
What does that even mean?
Can anyone give an example of something that was wrong then but not wrong now? Or that was right then but wrong now?
Seems like the phrase is just a convenient way to reconcile the cognitive dissonance of something "not being funny" while it makes you laugh.
You've got to get a tattoo. Of a black spade on your girlfriend/wife.
Sometimes you must play the villain for the greater good.
Only "normal" or "abnormal" are worth anythint.
Something being "right" or "wrong" implies an external objectivity which doesn't exist.
exactly. they get paid, you watch their garbage
What's the problem here? He basically put up a defense against any SJWs that would've said he's promoting racist garbage while still promoting racist garbage.
It's actually a pretty based power move.
There is nothing wrong with being racist. Most of the world is racist. It's only European countries (Including US/CA/AU/NZ) where it is "wrong". Many countries even have outright racist laws on the books, like Israel which is considered a first world country and ally of America.
>tfw no feelings at all about it
Think I might finally be reaching mental adulthood.
Most of James movie content doesn't get a fraction of the views that his gaming content gets. He is primarily a gaming channel but James loves movies more then Vidya so he also puts movie content on his channel (as Cinemassacre started as a movie-site).
There are other youtube film critics/"curators" like Redlettermedia who get more views on their movie related content than James does.
An arabic girl told me people in her country are openly racist against black people and often called them slurs such as slaves. And they'll think you're crazy if you tell them we're all the same and race is only skin deep.
That was a funny joke though, built on the fact that Winston did not appear in basically any of the Ghostbusters games he played. Also the Japanese probably were racist and didn't want darkies in their game.
>nothing wrong with being racist
>like Israel
can you neo nazi fags be any more transparent
I mean it's sort of embarrassing to prostrate yourself like that, but I also don't really care and didn't get mad, so I know that feel.
I specifically chose Israel because it is a FIRST WORLD COUNTRY. I could point out the racist laws in China, Saudi Arabia, Congo, Zimbabwe, Indonesia and other places but everyone's response will be "OF COURSE X IS RACIST, THEY'RE SOME 3RD WORLD COUNTRY!"
Israel is not 3rd world. It is a modern 1st world country that is directly allied and involved with the west yet openly promotes racism. That is my point.
He's just saying this because he doesn't want people to flip shit and say "JAMES ROLFE THINKS THE THREE STOOGES IN BLACK FACE IS HILARIOUS" like they flipped shit when he said he wasn't going to see the female Ghostbusters
No amount of Racial pseudoscience from the 19th century and autistic conspiracy theories about Jews will ever justify racism.
>hate israel but also hate all the people that oppose israel
can we just flood the entire middle east already?
based post, user
I don't hold any autistic conspiracy theories about jews. I do think that AIPAC is bullshit, but that is a secular israeli lobbying party, not some jewish cabal. You think I'm some jackboot wearing nazi because I pointed out that the rest of the world is racist, and only a small fraction of the world's population (that is becoming smaller and smaller comparatively) is against it.
The fact that you can't actually argue against my point and just keep calling me a nazi is a sign that you either don't understand my point or don't want to actually argue my point. I'm not a nazi. I will never be a socialist. I don't support war. I want people to stay in their countries for the most part, and have white countries for white people, black countries for black people, and so on and so forth. I also support global cooperation among these countries to solve problems like Climate Change and Space Exploration.
My views on race are not based on one being worse or better than the other. I am "racist" because I know race exists and that the races will never truly get along. Even in America which is supposed to be the most mixed society on earth, everyone is VOLUNTARILY segregated. All America has done is create racial tension among its people. Police brutality, riots in inner cities, interracial crime. It is all a result of people who deep down do not really like one another being forced to live together. Slavery was a mistake, and I wish all the blacks stayed in Africa and were never colonized.
you forgot your hitler reaction image
But I hate Hitler. He was a retard and an asshole that ruined the concept of nationalism or racial pride among white people forever. He also killed millions of white people. I am totally against war, so I can't support some guy who waged total war throughout Europe and North Africa.
James, Mike, and the large lad are filming a new wave of American Mafia centered around Nintendo and video game iconography. They will remember him as the kingpin and in 2050 even the hardest niggas in detroit will run screaming when some pasty nerd shows up with a mega man tattoo.
And people were saying he wasn't a cuck anymore
Yeah they call them abeed I grew up in a pretty Arab concentrated part of my state. Abeed means slave and they say it to blacks openly. Slavery is also still alive and well in places like Qatar. Not in some figurative sense they actually have slaves they control. The slaves are the ones doing all the building in those shit holes
It's not like whites didn't make fun of their own race either. Stereotypes of any nature just weren't considered offensive before the 00's. Cartoons are full of them too.
Jews invented the word Racism. Dumbass.
All white boys will repent.
what a shame
I care enough to post this reply expressing confusion as to why people care.
So he states the obvious, ok, what's the point OP?
It was pretty gay
you have little knowledge of history.
>Because to do otherwise would be the same as claiming these prejudices never existed.
I wish the leftist read this.
>the three stooges are ofensive now
what's wrong with white people
>evolution is pseudoscience
>everyone is VOLUNTARILY segregated
I don't know. Sometimes I feel like I grew up in another country than most US anons, because I grew up upper middle class and my affluent neighborhood was full of rich people from all backgrounds. Of course everyone was assimilated, secular/Christian, and around 50% of the neighborhood was white, but we had black neighbors, Hispanic neiighbors, Asian neighbors, Indian neighbors, etc. Examples of my neighbors occupations: Hospital director, superintendent. a COO, and my father who worked on wall street. This was in the northern US of course.
Everybody got along. All the kids hung out together. We invited neighbors to barbecues, we visited each others' houses, the adults shot the shit together. How is this voluntary segregation by anything but wealth?
Is it not instead that the majority of the country has the white people rich and everyone else poor, thus it only seems that there is voluntary segregation?
He could've done it in a less awkward way, but I don't see a problem.
to be fair racist humor never was funny, I only laughed it to fit in, modern times are such a relief
human brains haven't evolved in thousands of years, we're pretty much the same now
Ah i see his wardens, Fat unwashed hair guy and fat non bearded guy are there to ensure he says the things he has to say. Was Fat guy with glasses behind the camera holding his daughter hostage? Jesus Christ did Mike Matei get the better end of the deal.
>I get to play videogames and go on the show once in a blue moon but you can take the cuck
Where I live the whites, chinese, and albanians all have their own neighborhoods, cliques, and places of work and most everyone is lower-middle class.
I think your experience is more likely that the people who become wealthy tend to share values and mindsets more than the people who don't. Like, you don't need to think a certain way to hold a blue-collar job.
kys racist
You must be proud for saying this.
IQ statistics says otherwise.
am I wrong?
This, in America if you’re White you’re expected to be a cuck.
Fuck this faggot for not continuing to go against the grain, didn’t he cuck out in his movie and let his wife fuck his friend with a huge schlong?
>trusting psuedoscience that racists peddle
gullible fool
Stereotypes exist for a reason
Ok, what is the science behind your claim that our brains just stopped evolving one day?
>watching james rolfe post 2010
There are many Japanese scientists who are racist. You are on the bottom rung of society, let the grown ups do the thinking and stick to your pathetic job and attitude
civilization pretty much removed any evolutionary pressure
IQ tests are not repeatable so they are not valid scientific measurements. You can increase your "IQ" by studying for the test, and without studying if you take the test multiple times you can expect different results.
Most selective pressure in the last 10,000+ years has come from child mortality.
I've seen most Stooge episodes but it's been a long time. What racism was there? I remember they'd have a black guy that opens his eyes wide, is that really racist or was there more to it?
not that user but you're right, it's partially a wealth thing (and ultimately a failure of urban planning).
i had to write something for my masters which involved looking at muslim migrant behaviour in the UK and wealth was a primary driver for families moving out of pre-dominantly muslim areas (generally low-income/low-property prices) i.e. if they could afford to move to more affluent areas (read: white), they did.
that said, initial movement into those areas by migrants (as opposed to movement into areas where, for other migrant classes live) was due to support networks. it makes sense to move close to people you know when moving country (which may explain relatively well-off immigrant pockets within cities - these are generally pretty far away from areas with larger concentrations of immigrants).
but again, a lot of this is the result of urban planning from bygone eras which allows for ghettoisation.
Why did they change from four person to three person format? Why did Mike appear for like, two or three episodes and that's it?
blackface, it's really disgusting, you shouldn't really watch it at all, it's better if we forgot that it exists
If we stopped evolving when civilization arose, then how does that make us all the same now? Shouldn't the halting of evolution have preserved the state the races were in at the dawn of civilization?
japanese are no better than whites, need I remind you who Hitler's allies were?
The fat one didn't really contribute much honestly. Was just ugly and said stupid shit. Reminded me a lot of myself honestly, that's why I didn't like him there. I need to watch people smarter than me.
You don't understand science if you believe this.
it did, it's just that some groups got ahead by oppressing other groups
shut up, nobody wants to hear your stupid opinons
So what is you basis for all our brains being the same?
I don't feel like humoring your racist drivel, fuck off.
We separated into different groups before civilization arose, however the only real genetically different groups are those that became isolated by geography. This is why there are 3 races.
Sub-saharan Africans separated from the rest of humanity by the Sahara Desert (trans-Saharan trade only arose in the last 2,000 years)
East/Southeast Asians separated from the rest of humanity by the Gobi Desert, Himalaya mountains, and Siberia. This includes Amerindians who if isolated for another 10,000+ years would have probably developed into a new race but didn't get that much time so they are still part of this racial group.
Caucasoids who are everyone north of the Sahara, West of the Gobi and south of the Himalayas.
Finally though not numerous enough to really count there are Aboriginals who were isolated in Australia.
This separation occurred around 70,000 years ago.
No arguments found
Not all people are the same and there are average differences between racial groups.
Exactly, so how does that make us all the same now?
If you were part of any scientific study, I'd make sure you got expelled for blatant racism.
What the fuck?
What the fuck dose this has to do with his wife??
she's a feminist
everything does.
>guy says racism is wrong
also videogames
Did I just not notice them as a kid or did they stop airing those kinds of episodes on tv in the 90's-00's? It always seemed like harmless humor of 3 idiots getting their shit get kicked in while trying to do simple task.
Is this your first AVGN video or what?
Fucking newfags.
The damsel in distress is the most boring, overused trope in all media. Well criticized.
Well, there's a couple reasons that could fit: 1) They probably didn't air the more racy episodes 2) The racism is normally blackface or stereotyping, nothing too KKK
>racial stereotypes are not funny
why though? why?
Cue the degenerate Yea Forums try hards who hate entire groups of their fellow humans because of the amount of melanin in their skin.
Nothing is more 3rd grade, stunted logic than racism. There's so many reasons to hate people on an individual basis but these inbred dumbfucks choose to parrot what 'Daddy' taught them...
Fuck you ignorant white supremacist shit bags. You embarrass me & every other IQ80+ Caucasian the world over. Goddamn Neanderthals...
>Yea Forums
Nice dogwhistle
Except he didn't say that, he said that racist depictions of people for laughs were wrong. He didn't comment on whether they were funny at the time.
Personally, I don't see what the fuss is about. He could be taking the ultra-spergy SJW route and condemning the 3 Stooges in their entirety for a few of their racist skits or episodes. Instead he's cautioning viewers that the times were different, so was the humor, and it's going to be offensive. Companies do this shit on their products too without even censoring the products. The Woody Woodpecker cartoons are a great example of this. Are you just opposed to any kind of warning what so ever? That's fine, I don't really understand why, because it's not like the warning censors the content.
it just isn't, if you find them funny you need to seek a psychiatrist and get help
Of course its not you idiot. Its five one five eight from pornhub edited with his voice.
>I wanted to bait so hard I even left spaces between my paragraphs of pure unfiltered shitpost
he literally said that they're not funny, you're just trying to justify your own moral failings
anything can be funny if shown in the right way. "it just isn't" literally "just isn't" an argument
>wasnt funny then
>isnt funny now
Wrong. Its still funny.
that just means that you're a piece of shit, seek help
If this doesn't make you laugh, you have no soul.
it just means that I'm not an asshole, you people are sick
>calling others a piece of shit is an entirely healthy attitude
This isn’t funny, just obnoxious.
>The damsel in distress is the most boring, overused trope in all media. Well criticized.
I'm not the one with attitude problems, the fact that you consider your racist inclinations normal is not healthy in any civil society. I'll say it again, seek help, talk to a psych, sort it out, you need help.
he's literally whipped husband.
he has grown up, you evidently haven't
Objectively speaking, it is normal. Whether or not it's right is a different story.
>man up and shut up
>insulting others
>i'm not the one with attitude problems
user you might need help yourself if you can't see that
See, he says they're "not funny whatsoever", but nowhere in the video does he say they were not funny at the time, which is the claim I was responding to.
you're a retard. you're arguing that being the norm makes it right, i hope you don't actually believe this.
right or wrong depends on the context you frame it in. the norm doesn't have anything to do with this in the first place.
it's normal because people like you normalize it, what's so hard about understanding that you people are the problem
again you're making exuses for your own racial biases
I'm not the racist in this thread
This image is some well crafted bait
I've never seen a more disgusting display of a samefagging moraljerk as this dude shitting up the thread for (you)s
entitled bitch
How am I making excuses for my racial biases by directly responding to a false claim with proof that its false? Fact is, AVGN didn't say that they weren't funny at the time. I can be as biased as the sun is bright in the sky, and that would still be the case. My being biased against racists doesn't mean that AVGN said something he didn't say in a video where you can easily see him saying things he did say. I'd really love to hear your explanation for how my refutation of a factually untrue statement constitutes excuse making for my biases. And any way, I'm not racist, so I don't have to make excuses for my biases. I can just have them.
Racism is the standard. It's been a part of every culture throughout history. It's only in the modern west that there's been a move away from it.
Which is good, imo racism is wrong and we're making progress. But there's no denying it's normal. Just as there's no denying violence is normal, or a myriad of other destructive behaviors.
Shitting up an outhouse.
you wouldn't be making excuses for racist jokes, unless you're racist
>yet you continue normalizing racism
you're beyond saving
Who gives a fuck if hes racist?
Who the fuck are you?
>racial stereotypes aren't funny
Someone who has never walked into a comedy club
Nowhere did I intend to make excuses for racist jokes. There is no excuse for that kind of behavior. However, at the time in which the Three Stooges was produced, it was more commonly accepted. There is no need for an excuse because it is factual. Simply prefacing these jokes with a warning isn't a bad thing. I don't honestly understand why people are upset at AVGN in this thread. He could have gone militant neo-communist and urged his followers to send hatemail to Warner Brothers until they dug out the film reels and burned them. Instead he was like "hey there's some racist shit in there" and says he doesn't think it's funny or acceptable.
You can disagree with it being funny or acceptable, people have different senses of humor, etc. But there's absolutely nothing wrong with just letting people know "hey, this exists".
If you.love niggers so much go move to Africa
He felt the need to mention it because he wants good goy points
you clearly are making excuses for racism by saying that it used to be funny at some point, therefore justifying its existence, which is if you think about it enabling racist attitudes
Trying to guess people's motivations is foolhardy without some more direct proof of their intentions.
I'm just anti racist, there's literally nothing wrong with being against racism, regardless of the situation.
You're being ridiculous. I refuse to engage in this facetious exercise for a second longer. Whatever you were hoping for, have it. You're Winner!
They're baiting you matey.
It's already is normal. It needs to be denormalized.
Good goy. If you get ten more good goy points you can sleep in the house instead of the cuck shed
San Francisco, yesterday.
>Gets upset over a shitty Mexican webcomic that makes fun of whites not handling spicy food and asks for people to report it
>Also /pol/
>Gets upset when people claim some jokes are racist while still recommending the overall material
Really makes you think
This must be an influence from his wife. Also
WTF! Why are all of my favorite Internet people growing up into responsible, sensible, and tolerant adults?!?
>not being a hypocrite
lol what a loser
the only acceptable racism left in america is racism against whites
karma's a bitch, ain't it?
Okay retard.
Childhood is thinking Curly was the best Stooge. Adulthood is realizing Shemp was the GOAT.
I’m saying they’re far superior despite being racist. So fuck you loser
Surely you mean Joe.
Shouldn't white people have it even better if Karma was real?
there's not going to be any rest for the most genocidal maniacs on this planet
He's growing man tits. You can tell he's picking up eating habits from his landwhale friends.
Mike > Tony > James > Bootsy >>>>>>>>>>>> the other fat fucks
I'm starting to think the whole Politically Correct thing is just a way to avoid getting into trouble with the kikes.
No one actually gives a fuck otherwise. Nigger nigger nigger.
Not really. The only reason things turned out the way they did was because the kikes took control. And they took control by manipulating white people, they didn't actually fight for it and win. Jews will never pick a fight with white people because they know they'll get fucked up.
nice conspiracy theory
Aye we ought kill those jiggaboos to stop them killing each other.
When the kikes are out of the picture people like you will be the first to die, so be ready.
>whites hate other whites because jews
Yes. Most Caucasian ethnic groups are weak. The only except I can think of off the top of my head are the Italians. They're the only ones who have the balls to tell the kikes to go fuck themselves.
Where is the Three Stooges V I D E O G A M E?
Greeks, Romans, Italians were always based. History proves this.
>Greeks, Romans, Italians were always based.
and openly celebrated homosexuality
Lack of brown people therefore lack of disease therefore lack of worry. It was a different time.
pretty sure he's trying to say racism's not OK, even when it was a common thing
>Greeks, Romans, Italians
BTFO by germanic BVLLS
>muh juice
have sex
You can't fire the boss.
What were the jokes though and were they actually funny or not?
>Back then, stuff was racist and that's bad
BRAVO JAMES, someone had to have the balls to say it and it was you! Well done!
OKAY!? now what we argue that James is a cuck and bald and Mike has a 10 incher for 500 posts? someone please change the channel.
It was not, it is not, it will never be. Stereotypes exist for a reason and whether you like it or not, you cannot change reality. Niggers aren't humans, deal with it. When the Summerians, the assyrians, the aztects, the greeks, the romans, the chinese, the indians, the egyptians were building civilizations and advanced humanity beyond comprehension your niggers stayed the same as they are today - niggers. You know what's sad? All those civs spanned for thousands upon thousands of years. You know what's even sadder? That out of africa theory is still believed by some. kys.
I'm really starting to dislike white people desu.
Self flagellation, negrophilia and their delusional belief that races are equal makes them a pathetic group.
a (You) for afford
And yet we're still the best, so cope I guess? I mean, you'll be shot indiscriminately for trying to start shit. Weird flex but ok, whatever you wa t to believe
It just had to be a phoneposter.
is his penis that big because of his heritage
Oh sweet James, stereotypes exist for a reason: they're quite often true
Fucking hell that's actually really good.
Why is he hanging out with fat guys?
>black humor is racist
because he hired the to write and edit his video. because his wife wants him to take care of the kids so she can watch tv
Post pics of his huge dong.
Mike surrounds himself with the balding and obese to seem more attractive.
Old Ebert videos.
the universal horror movies were a sausage fest!
>defending religious people
A waste of our money
or he couldve not brought it up at all because anybody who isnt a fucking brainlet knows things were different back then
>becomes minority
Look at this dude. Also you did jack shit you polturd.
I have kind feeling that he had to say it because of that ghostbusters shitstorm. I don't blame james for it.
i just don't like niggers.
And he was just starting to repair his JUSTness, now he's back to square 1.
>that fat fuck on the right that keeps croaking
Oh come on, he said that so he would not have another shitstorm in his hand.
>actually thinking this
cucked like james
>retard bait
>farms 10 (You)
>tryhard 200 word essay response
Stop being stupid.
based James addressing rather than hiding the prejudices of the past and defending the works that include them anyway as products of their time and important, even entertaining, pieces of film regardless.
>Keep it reddit
several of his viewers are literal children, which he has acknowledged a few times.
Sometimes it feels like you people just think of things to get angry about.
Outdoor plumbing ("plumbing") was very common in most of the western world post-rome and in colonies. It was generally illegal to literally throw sewage out a window, though.
Oh my god he likes niggers im literally shaking what the fuck how could he like the ooga booga men?!
t. faps to peach and doesn't realize Rosalina and Daisy are best princesses
>which he has acknowledged a few times
im sure he says that to make himself feel better. no child wants to watch some balding old man talk about his childhood. its all boomers like himself.
>implying people look to comedy as a way to get their facts
James is dead to me now. My adolescence has officially been ruined.
>concedes that some of their humor was racist but still highly praises them and their accomplishments regardless
>recommends people to check out their body of work in spite of possibly offensive material
what's the problem here it's not like he's saying "we should cancel the three stooges they were problematic" or some shit
jesus fuck you guys are sensitive
>/pol/ upset at literally nothing
what a surprise
There are people who actively try and start shit with strangers in this fucked up clown world. Bring back homogeneity and standards so we can be normal humans again
/pol is actually cringe wtf why do you niggers have to leak your bullshit all over the site like i dont like niggers but shut the fuck up already
They were molded by racism and lived more successful lives due to it. Just stfu cunt
its to avoid him trouble from recommending the three stooges I don't a problem
Reminder that this is objectively true.
>tranny upset at /pol/ again
Like clockwork.
Rent free.
Why did he even make a video about the Stooges if he goes out of his way to say they're unfunny?
what are you literally mad about, james didn't say they were bad people or don't deserve to be recognized or enjoyed because they made some racist jokes. are you fucking retarded?
Wait a second. This threads topic and content doesn't have anything to do with video games!
/pol/fags are so insanely sensitive to anyone that doesn't share their views, jesus christ it's so sad. Bunch of fucking manchildren.
White racism was literally the best thing to happen to blacks. the "pain and suffering" of slaves and later blacks under jim crow laws were the growing pains of civilization which is an evolutionary force that brought blacks up from there mud huts to living, relatively, like kings.
Yeah, but you can’t really compare whites to Mexicans in that respect. Mexicans are literally a cuckold race who’s people were destroyed in a few years by Spanish bulls. Now spics are so pathetic they need to come to another race’s country and their women are obsessed with exotic whites and let them nut inside them every time
>opinions i disagree with
The op is literally from a movie/tv review. And the thread is doused in /pol/ autism
how is this post in v
>modern Yea Forums somehow has a problem with this
take me back.
“as a curator of film” how full of himself is he?
Well, at least Yea Forums finally has its solid reason to hate James
>tfw Mike just become /ourguy/
>tfw we will convince Mike to cuck James and post pictures
didnt this guy make a movie and cast his wife as someone kissing another guy
All he said was that racial stereotypes in movies isnt funny, which is the fact.
Race is the easiest subject to make jokes of and only people with no talent for comedy use them.
wow it's absolutely nothing
>All he said was that racial stereotypes in movies isnt funny, which is the fact.
comedy is subjective nigger
Go get raped by black men, turbo faggot.
Why does Yea Forums flip its shit if anyone even hints at not being a /pol/tard?
Why does everyone have to bring politics into there videos now since 2016. Bunch of niggers.
how is that racist at all? its just a black guy reacting to all the wierd shit going on.
White people aren't cucks. Yea Forums culture has made you cuck obsessives. Grow up.
Are you going to sperg like this every time someone writes the word nigger?
kys nigger
>posting a survey that will attract a specific demographic
kill yourself
Because the Trump campaign shilled mentally-ill social rejects into thinking that they "meme'd a president into office".
They're not just going to leave, and they've never been the type to just lurk.
They own Yea Forums now and if you disagree you're just making it obvious that you're a disgusting tranny.
>Being okay with racism just because you don't like sjws
>not doing any and everything to own the libs
>Angry 'VIDEO GAME' nerd
>does 'GAME' reviews
>which contain racial stereotypes that are not funny whatsoever
He laughed his ass off, snorted like a pig. Any non-whites here, we always laugh at you. Any white person who says otherwise, or claims they're not racist, is lying. I'm white, I know this to be true, and all white people do too. And you know it.
Literally what's wrong with being a liberal?
>AVGN white male is a libtard sjw cuckold
Children like hearing him scream about poo poo pee pee.
This. No other race is racist like whites. White people are the only people left holding back society.
whats wrong with racism though
its literally just an opinion
>Imagine being so butthurt over nothing that you not only make a clip of it, but keep posting threads about it
Fucking pathetic.
>and he's still more successful than you will ever be
giga yike
>an entire thread of """people""" baiting by pretending to be redditors
I thought NA hours were better than this, this is the type of boring garbage I expect from euros.
useless in a real war though
>we're so morally superior for viewing all past events through our 2019 filter that we're totally unable to contextualize or even imagine society being different
it's like me saying commando or predator sucks because arnold sucks now
just because something is a certain way now doesn't invalidate the past
You can find an opinion wrong on a moral level, user.
>Uneducated user is a southern trailer trash hick who hates people because they have a darker shade of skin.
Why is Yea Forums so fucking racist?
Yeah, it attracted Americans.
i would argue that destroying culture is more wrong than saying nigger once in a while
stealth /pol/raid thread
>user hates people because they live in the south
oofa doofa
>giving a shit about maya angelou
he literally had a nigger kiss his wife in his own movie
older avgn is fun to watch but he has fucking sucked for a decade
it's not just him getting married - it's who he got married to and his inability to run his own household
my wife doesn't like 3rd wave feminism and sjw garbage ruining her shows either (like the new charmed)
White people have destroyed a good hunk of others culture.
okay well avgn isnt rental reviews sweetie ;)
such as?
mud huts are not culture btw
Racism is a made up word for useful idiots so they can turn a blind-eye to the not-so-quite literal "progressive" genocide of people whom can't choose to live outside their scope of control. Fuck you
So racism against whites isn't real?
i like how keiran doesn't say anything but that hack the movies faggot is just nodding along
Then you bitched and we gave it back. Then you bitched more because we you wanted clean water back, so we gave that to you too. So now we don't know what the fuck you want and we don't care.
idk you tell me
if it's not real against whites then it's not real at all
kieran browses gore threads on Yea Forums im sure he doesnt care.
White isn't a race.
>All he said was that racial stereotypes in movies isnt funny, which is the fact.
They are.
t. Dave Chapelle
>if it's not real against whites
That would be your argument, since you insist "racism is a made up word" (what word isn't?).
funny too
he got married in fucking 2007, during the GOOD nerd era...
what happen?
the movie wasn't a thing until like 2012-13.
>white man trying to tell other people what is and isnt racially appropriate
UMMM....DOES LIKE NOBODY HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THIS????? uhmmmmm yeah no thx sweetie
Except he's doing a tv show review in the OP clip
wow if you're genuinely that offended by it then maybe you should denounce them entirely instead of
>they were RACIST.
>but they were funny too so whatev lol
I hate this talking out of both sides of your mouth lipservice bullshit
Jon tron said this and SJWs proved him wrong.
God Jon is a retard
except that was fake and he was right
hold on i'll find the actual statistics
>hanging out with a friend at his apartment
>his girlfriend says she doesn't like the show friends because it's sexist
But he wasn't?
how did they "prove him wrong"?
Even minorities hate niggers, get over it
avgn is still based, he doesn't cared about the sonic trailer and said the avengers movies are boring as fuck.
None of that shit has any real world consequences like being a nigger loving cuck.
There is nothing wrong about making fun of stereotypes. It's kino comedy and one of the reasons I love Dave Chappelle this much. Not making fun of stereotypes it's where we get serious.
No comedian ever said ''all niggers need to hang'' or I dunno wtf. James stop being a faggot you spaghetthinigger.
Angry white boys with nothing of value in themselves so they cling to a retarded idea of racial identity to give themselves a feeling of self worth
Ironically its the exact same thinking that leads to certain black people talking about black pharaohs and such
>hold on i'll find the actual statistics
Yeah but what Jon said isn't true, just /pol/shit.
how is it not true?
I unironically hate this "show", it's worse than James and Mike Mondays, James works better doing solo reviews, his godzilla/king kong stuff is kino.
Sounds like his wife helped write this episode, whether James realizes or not. Also, hurr durr comedy from a time period where racism was acceptable has racist stuff in it hurr Wow no shit thanks genius. Good thing you're here to inform all us retards.
Cuphead all over again
>This game borrows its aesthetic from racist cartoons (and that's a bad thing)
>GOAT visual aesthetic 10/10 GOTY
i hold leftist beliefs, occasionally browse reddit, believe racism is bad, and agree with angry video james rolfe
nobody gives a flying fuck about stereotypes except fat white women you pussywhipped trash.
White guilt is just a conspiracy by rich Jews and rich whites to blame everything THEY did on poor whites.
And it worked great, because niggers are so fucking stupid they actually think Cletus and Billy Bob are holdin' out on them with buckets of cash that they're hoarding in their trailer park homes, somehow.
James and Mike mondays would be okay if mike didnt have to pry James to speak. Mike literally carries that show because james says “mmmn hmm”
Max Landis, Red Letter Media, Youtube isn't some secret club.
To let you blast his wife in the ass
>movie youtuber
who fucking gives a shit about "movie youtubers"
Imagine having to pre-emptively quell the tsunami of hatred because you said you watched 3 Stooges when you were a kid. Something's wrong with this picture. Everyone still think it's all good out there in internet land?
Hey man, he's a curator of film
It's honestly sad to me how blatantly estranged Mike and James are, Mike himself is a piece of shit and most definitely mentally ill but it always hurts to watch 2 best friends who built a media brand drift apart publicly.
>link in OP gets me to a soccer match clip
is this supposed to be a new meme or i'm doing it wrong.
I'm amazed his recent Dracula and Godzilla videos didn't come with a disclaimer that those movies have a startling lack of strong womyn and people of color.
im more disappointed that james clearly has no interest in video games. its is disingenuous of him, with having his main role be a gamer.
He has admitted many times he is predominately interested in movies
James sits in a basement that looks like a video game museum, but unironically Mike is a true gamer. He's the real deal, James is just cosplaying.
Yes but most people assume he is a gamer. They ask in comments if he plays modern games. The majority of fans have no idea how clueless he is. And how much he doesnt care about video games whatsoever.
James has a fucking video rental store in his basement that dwarfs all his vidya, he is clearly a movie fan
If only Mike wrote the script to that shitty avgn movie, what was James Cucke thinking?
Who said he wasn't? And he didn't get famous as the Angry Movie Review Nerd. Kinda the whole point of this discussion, I don't know how you missed it.
this is what happens when you get a wife and kids, you are always too tired for playing video games.
Does this amount of mental gymnastic wear you guys out?
id like to see anyone debate that point
>this retarded
self-hating whites should go first, there are some jews I wouldn't mind keeping around.
Mike gave him all those movies. Which they have said in videos. Mike bought them to edit their movie reviews. Then James ended monster madness. Because ... laziness
>Niggers aren't humans
its not up to (you) to decide who is and isn't human
Follow me on this, but Howard Stern divorced his wife in the '90s because she didn't understand that he made them money by being a Radio Talk Show host, and all the inconveniences that came with that. In these videos, you ever hear James say "Yeah, we have to stop now. We have moregames to play today, and I have to leave at 6" or whatever. I strongly, STRONGLY suspect that James is hen-pecked by a wife that fundamentally does not get it through her thick skull how he gets the money to buy their house or their baby diapers. That job should always come first. How much longer can he possibly make them money doing this? Make hay while the sun shines.
he doesnt care about them anyway.
you don't seem human to me.
>Then James ended monster madness. Because ... laziness
He ended it after doing it for 10 years. You have an odd definition of laziness.
his wife has bragged about how they bought a new house with crowdfunded money
Also there's not a single picture of her even with their children where she doesn't look like a massive cunt
Honestly a great message
people liked monster madness, he could still make it. What else is he doing? He literally works on nothing. He does nothing all day. And films with screenwave which takes an hour. Lazy.
Her face has a permanent sour puss. She looks like such an evil sour woman.
He does what Big Daddy Ryan tells him, including AVGN
What's worse is that James has not one but TWO daughters this cunt of a wife is going to brainwash to eventually take advantage of him, sell all his shit when he's too old / cucked to defend himself to buy makeup, clothes and shoes. You can see the slow traincrash of the Rolfe express beginning from now.
life is so unfair
I'm sure she is the first woman James has slept with. He comes across as a whipped little shit who attended special ed classes.
>that WWII era short where the Stooges kill a bunch of Japanese Americans that escaped an internment camp
big fucking cringe
This is a comedy right? I've never seen the three stooges but DAMM that was edgy.
agreed. after he leaves cinemassacre he needs a porn career
how many girls do you think James and Mike have banged
Mike is on his second gf we know about, James has been with the demon harpy since before 2004
>something that was wrong then but not wrong now
Having sex for pleasure. Jerking off. Not going to church. Speaking bad about any superior of yours.
>Or that was right then but wrong now?
Being a sanctimonious bitch. Having a trepanation of skull. Smoking cigs because it's healthy, Unironically believing any advertisements, Being conscripted to Vietnam.
>white dude: "this is show from a different political atmosphere has a different sense of humor that's offensive now"
Does he really think non-whites are that stupid we can't understand older shit had stuff in it making fun of blacks and other races? Mami from Tom & Jerry alongside the other black characters are hillarious to me. What next people can't find Stinkmeaner or Uncle Ruckus funny?
You ever hear of that dude Stepin Fetchit?
You know full well that shit wasn't that funny. And its not because of the edgy racial slurs! You faggot nigger.
You idiots always pick the dumbest things to get offended about.
No I just looked him up though, shits funny
God damn, I can relate to this. Blacks should be considered legally retarded.
Alot of people want the and expect the past to be timeless or some shit and always reflect our values in the present when the truth is humans will always beilve and fight for useless shit and generations later it will be frowned upon by out descendants.
What do you guys think he would say?
>The best skits are the one where those blacks, Or NIGGERS as I like to call them, are completely BFTO.
As his co-hosts laugh and do Nazi salutes while the conversation eventually leads into a topic about how white people are superior?
Why did he need to say anything? That's the issue. Even zoomers know the Stooges and that they came from 80 years ago, there's no need to bring up this sanctimonious 'umm did you know the Stooges was totally racist and unfunny and that's not OK' posturing.
>James "The Cuck" Rolfe is going bald and getting used by his wife
>Mike "Loco Bandito" Matei has a strong hairline and spends time playing video games with his qt girlfriend
Really makes you think.
It's a very old american movie, ofcourse it's going to have some shit in it that your average modern american can't handle. You don't need to put out fucking trigger warnings for it
James should be with a goth girl that likes horror flick. He really got chucked into a bad relationship. Meanwhile Mike gets to fuck hot women
James 1
Mike probably 50
he still endorses the franchise though, its just a small comment he made... what's the big deal? its not like he's saying don't watch it.
Probably just to distance himself from it, People are retarded.
You will absolutely get someone making the connection of
>X likes Y
>Y is racists
>X must also be racist
Just look at this thread, You have people who legitimately think the guy is an SJW because he thought people poking fun at racial stereotypes is racist.
I absolutely agree with you guys that you should be more forgiving towards a generation thing like that I'm just saying giving people a heads up doesn't make you some raging SJW cuck
I wish I was kidding you when I tell you there are going to be people who believe the world was in black and white back then thinking colour hadn't been invented, Never underestimate the stupidity of strangers.
I have seen that they take decisions based on feelings instead of facts
The virgins on this board hate anyone who has the audacity to think we shouldn't hate people just for being black.
No, they're mad because they use Broly instead of Jiren that is totally superior and more funny
Well, they technically did brought it onto themselves over the centuries.
>Why did he need to say anything?
Remember that whole smear campaign when he simply said "I will not review Fembusters because it doesn't appeal to me"?
Same with incels and NEETs
Stereotypes are funny. You zoomers need to get over yourselves. Have a spine for fuck sakes.
Racism is only a problem in the white western world. Go anywhere in the fucking world and you'll see people hating anyone who's different like it's nothing.
I'm not defending it because being racist means being a piece of shit for the most part but it's part of human society.
thats not necessarily true
its HIS wife, not necessarily all wives
As long as he keeps his shitty personal opinions out of the nerd videos. The nerd is a character, the video rental part is James being James.
I mean by problem you mean used as a political weapon
Asians are extremely racist and nobody calls them out
Specially the Chinese
There's not a single picture of his wife where she doesn't look like a venomous cunt
time's a real monster.
she honest to fucking god looks like a 55 year old lesbian
James is no stud but he def could have landed better than this trailer trash
was she a gamer gurl? i don't think he ever gave a story about how he met her or why he wanted to smash her dusty old cunt.
Hello darkness my old friend
>tradition and religion are important
Mike always wins.
They cute.
I wish I had a wife and kids.
he probably married the only woman he ever kissed/fucked
Genuine yikes
Wait, Mike is actually the based one? I thought he was the worst one since he apparently fired Bootsy.
arent darcy and hazel cute??
guy's a legit psycho but he sure did luck out better than James, I also wonder if Mike and James wife have any tension based on mutual dislike after all these years
stop spreading fud
>those tattoos
why does it keep getting worse
Mike is at the very least an autist and at the most a legit sociopath, he fired Bootsy out of jealousy, covered it up, then finally had to come clean and admit he wasn't 'getting along' with him despite Bootsy at least appearing to be as easy-going a guy you could work with
This your standard for 'really good' content?
What's so hilarious about it?
>a bunch of 3rd world countries are racist so that makes it OK
Wow dude, real fucking convincing
look if it's not funny why the fuck did it make people laugh? nothing should be off limits when it comes to comedy and if you don't agree then kiss my ass
>Explains something like it's not a hard concept to grasp
>Doesn't understand the concept of norm =/= right
Education in the South must be real bad.
she's really giving off that "alabama trailer park" vibe in the top left. james has his taste i guess though she actually looks cuter in these pictures.
She looks good with her daughter at the bottom.
Must be because most of her face is hidden, but still.
Where do you creeps keep findkng photos of his family anyway? Her instagram?
They were the ultimate cucks, they willingly impregnated the natives instead of destroying them.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy.
Good message except saying "they were wrong then". I mean they clearly weren't "wrong then" otherwise you would have never made it in the first place
If the spaniards wiped Mexico clean and created Spain 2.0 in its place the US would be a far FAR better country today.
>humor I don't like is wrong
You are a faggot and should kill yourself if you think this. Holy fuck. Just say you didn't think it was funny. Imagine if someone with a particularly frail constitution clicked on an angry nerd review, was deeply offended, and posted a video saying "Crude, crass, belligerent humor is wrong because of people who act like that in real life" and people were on their side for some dumbfuck clown world reason. They are just fucking jokes. Get off your goddamn high horse and strop virtue signalling.
You guys lost the culture war completely and totally, and now you don't want to reap the consequences which include protecting your brand with PC statements when you work in media.
But instead of blaming the source of the problem you attack the people that have to adapt to survive (Rolfe).
>She made them publicly available
Lol you quoted his post but added a basedface. Got him good user good job
remember during that period where Mike was having a meltdown he made a 'fan' page to himself, deleted it once everyone found out, and then just made another one publicly as himself?
april doesnt play games?
>ugh you icky gross creeps keep creeping grossly in an icky fashion
hey buddy, you just blow in from reddit town?
You're the retards that want those 3rd worlders to come in and replace us all. Racism wont ever end you fucking morons.
Yikes. I'll bet she was the first girl James ever dated and he married her out of desperation.
dont be rude
>i have an obsession with fetuses
Those comments say everything one needs to know.
This shit was always funny, even at 34 years of age it's practically the only gag that always gets me, combined with the music it's perfect. It doesn't beat the one with the oven when they come out with literal afro braids
My country in media is stereotyped way worse than mexicans and nigerians, and I don't give a shit. If something is funny, it is.
>I like all music except opera, country, rap, punk, metal, and screamo
fucking kek
isnt aprils art beautiful?
Did she subconsciously draw Mike?
>getting triggered over a word
Fucking SJW
But a lot of people back then thought it was wrong. Do you think the civil rights movement came out of nowhere?
If you laughed at this that means you hate black people.
>no u
I, like most frequent users of this site, recommend a healthy dose of what we like to call "lurking" before you start posting. enjoy your stay friendo
lel it's fucking Mike
nyeaaaah polly wanna mineycrafta
holy fuck
>i'll suck a dick as long as it's white~~
yeah that's about what I expected from /pol/
No you don't understand. What you think is funny isn't actually funny. What matters is what *I* think is funny, and what I think is wrong, both morally and ethically.
No. You will bend over for me bitch.
I'm an oldfag and I can do and say whatever the fuck I want. Pretend to be retarded? I'm allowed.
Pretend to be a girl? All the time. Gay ass erp? Not a fan, but if necessary....
Point is, you WILL submit to me and you DON'T tell me to lurk more you fucking underage faggot. Lick my balls
Did you cook this pasta yourself?
No i actually made it for him. i'm his gay ass ERP bf and cooking pastas is something we do to bond after unloading in each other's ass.
>478 / 62 / 218 / 4
I fucking hate nu-Yea Forums
How is it Yea Forums's fault that AVGN is in such sad state of disrepair?
>not ellipsis
If not a character in a play/book/movie/game(last 2 subtitles wise) and you use that you need to get shot.
Why cant people grasps the concept of product of their time?
It wasnt made with maliciousness. It was just the norm. Just like how the 2000s and 90s were filled with ur gay jokes n what not
Personally I'm looking forward to a future where we can look back on oversensitive faggot retard bitches as a product of the 2010s, but for some reason I don't think they are free from maliciousness.
Whats funny is America is the least racist country in the world
Everyone is so untrusting and assuming of the worst in people that you are as likely to get backstabed by Tyrone as you would Dan Smith
Tyrone might shoot you
But Dan will probably report you to the IRS or falsely accuse you of something and fan the flames of outrage to destroy your career and get ahead.
Ultra HD cameras were a mistake.
I'd say the nostalgia critic but i'd get laughed the fuck out of existence for his garbage
Who ever made this, nice job. sewing truth bullshit together. would fool the ignorant
They look fine what the fuck is wrong with you?
I don't know about all that, but Vegeta is undefeated against Goku.
James is a fucking cuck
Mike matei is the real AVGN as fall as i can tell
Anyone have the picture of him standing outside a dark house? Some cursed image shit.
>It was wrong then, it is wrong now.
Why does contemporary society try so hard to universalize morality?
Eh, i'll still take Dan Smith. far easier to bust a cap in a nigga's ass and be done with it than do something that would actually require some wit to manufacture even if Dan Smith actually wants to y'know?
I personally find racial stereotypes to be funny, even the white ones. The white girls fuck dogs one is great.
Dude..... dude dude dude... that's not black face my dude....
You really think the civil rights movements was about racial stereotypes in film? Zoomers lol
Same. I also like the white people don't season food one for some reason.
New thread
Not true
I thought it was because some thot got told to move to the back of the bus.
I like the one about Asian women having sideways vaginas.
big if true
Yeah, sunflowers are known for their bright red lips.
meant for