That will be $30 please
That will be $30 please
Oh no I wont be able to afford food for the month!
Fucking poorfags man $30 is literally nothing
Not that Im buying this because Im not
fake and gay
Why should we care for this when Astral Chain is releasing in August?
>not the trilogy collection
What the FUCK is capcoms problem? Seriously. Their handling of the switch stuff has been shocking.
>expecting good third party support on the Shitch
>Why should we care for this when Astral Chain is releasing in August?
Who? The fact that it's releasing then and I just heard now sure means this shit is DOA
I earn over $100k/year and I haven't spent $30+ on a game in over a decade. Then again, I don't buy Nintendo games anymore because I don't have a console, so maybe that's why.
>Snoyfags lose ANOTHER exclusive
How will they ever recover?
>I have a dick in every orifice of my body preventing me from getting any outside information. This is Nintendo's fault and for that reason the game will flip
Uh huh.
Would you spend 10 bucks on a hot dog?
you're not really putting your money where mouth is then, are you.
you're, partly, to blame for this
So this means Dante in Smash is now a realistic choice. Great.
Switch can’t run DMC3, too graphically intense
It's just fucking DMC1 hahahaha i'm fucking dying
I can buy right now the dmc trilogy + 4 special edition for less than 25 bucks on PS4, and here you're telling me they're selling JUST dmc 1 for 30 bucks?
Is the switch tax real or is capcom stupid?
If it can run on the ps3 then it can run on literally anything.
Because Devil May Cry 1 is still a classic and a game actually directed by Kamiya himself and should be experienced by everyone
Otherwise you can just ignore it if you already played it
The latter.
I mean, this is the same company that delayed MHXX's localisation because they thought it would interfere with sales of World which wasn't on Switch anyway.
>not the trilogy just 1
The absloute state of the shitch
Not on Switch, it can’t even run Dark Souls II, which was a PS3 title. Dark Souls was a yikes already at 30 fps
To be fair, DMC2 wasn't at all good compared to the first one.
Switch is already getting 4 exclusive games this summer
Mario Maker 2
Astral Chain
Daemon X Machina
There's no need for DMC 1 or a trilogy.
I want to laugh on the switch butt that's just sad
That's okay dude, you can let it out I'm not going to judge you, you can say you're disappointed
I have, then I wiped the shit I took from that hot dog with a 20 because I'm not a poorfag.
>Okami and DMC on Switch
Is it seriously going to cost 30?
Plus tip, xir.