E3 Bingo Thread

Gooooooood morning Yea Forums, it's that time again!

Yea Forums E3 bingo is a board mainstay that i love very much. We made a bingo chart last year that I'm sure many of you have seen and used (if you didn't, that's okay too) so I thought because we started early last year, we will do the same this year. We did a great job getting it all sorted, but it's almost been 12 months, so it's time to get back to work. We got a lot done yesterday, but we still have squares to fill and I feel like we can spice up some of the squares. Feedback is always welcome!

We try to find a good mix of dumb on-stage tropes and actual predictions, and balance those out on the bingo chart so that getting a bingo is a good split between actual fun and classic e3 garbage.

To fill out the card, I need:

Xbox: What was the most ridiculous thing that happened last year?

Bethesda: 3 announcement predictions and 1 trope/dumb thing they do

Square: gib everything

Devolver: gib everything

Ubisoft: 5 tropes/dumb things they do

PC Gaming show: 3 announcements

Nintendo: 2 annoucements, 2 tropes/dumb things they do

On the bonus round. we are looking for any trends that are larger than just a single conference.

Lastly, if you think a square is WRONG, IMPOSSIBLE or just BORING, please let me know and I will see about changing them!

I'm looking forward to your suggestions!
P.S. If you want seperate cards, I will be posting those when they're finished closer to E3, so keep an eye out for that.

Attached: E3_2019_Bingo_Big_WIP.png (5121x3200, 1.83M)

If you hate everything in the 'official' bingo card, here's an empty one to make your own as well

Attached: E3_2019_Bingo_Big_Empty.png (5121x3200, 366K)



4K and ray tracing should be removed, Nintendo will never talk about them.

good point.

>DLC character is Banjo
C'mon there's so many potential reps and you just wanna go with the one? He's as likely as any others that have not been spirit'd/trophy'd.
Make it DLC is a Microsoft Rep, covers Banjo, Steve, Master Chief and makes sense with all the Nintendo X Microsoft stuff.

>Super Mario Maker releasing in a week

It's releasing on the 28th, two weeks after E3, not one.

Ubisoft still thinks people care about Uplay.

Heavy discussion that it might be banjo. We put in Ridley for years despite that being ridiculous. We don't one year and they add him...

Does it already have a date? scrapping that one then

Uplay isn't a part of their conference, it's just there

Need to add Bethesda's card game.

>HL3 confirmed

>It's almost time for e3
Where does the time go?

Attached: being depressed. 2016.png (889x592, 286K)

Shits out literally who indie games like they have diarrhea

Also nintendo
>Rosterfags manage to shit up the E3 sticky

The only card I need.

Attached: e3.png (5121x3200, 727K)

>creates enough expectations for a giant corporate ad show to be disappointed

This your first E3?

Attached: e3.png (500x276, 197K)

This is already in there


guess we can put this in again

pretentious indie puzzle walking simulator

E3 is ded. How many more years does it have before its officially announced?

Give it like 5 years minimum

PC: Persona series, FotNS, Judgement, other Yakuza games, Full Body edition etc.
MAYBE RDR2 though I dont believe it will come to PC
Some other cool shit
Kojima surprise announcement

PC is filled out for now, but I'll have a look and see if there's anything that can be replaced.