Thoughts on this character? Would it matter if he was removed from the game?
Thoughts on this character? Would it matter if he was removed from the game?
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don't mind me just posting this here for free replies.
Nobody cares
>stumble upon some kass rape art on e621
>kassfag is there, acting like a triggered snowflake
>everyone just shits on him
Not even furries like kassfag
Who is this?
>Would it matter if he was removed from the game?
Those Shrine Quests would be a lot fucking harder to figure out.
I'm pretty sure Kassfag hates furries for that same reason.
>speaking as if you're not a furry
>when you're on a furry porn site
>Yea Forums(nel)
but think of the advertisers
I'm referring to e621 you dumbfuck
Recurring character done right in an open world game. The music he plays naturally draws the player to some point of interest the developers wanted the player to see rather than most games using boring fetch quests.
Tell me Yea Forums, why does he love Kass?
I like Kassfag, he's made furfags afraid to post him. If there were more people like kassfag posting bowser or other popular furfag characters, then they'd leave the board entirely.
He's the only good NPC in the game.
He has a dope theme
He basically personifies BotW's pure, unadultered essence. Going through a storm and barely, suddenly hearing his accordion under all the rain and wind was absolute ludo. It also made me understand how beneficial is the lack of overworld theme sometimes.
>some multiversal flux occurs where multiple worlds cross into each other
>kass exists in this world
>kassfag is arrested for stalking, trespassing, and harassment
>kass then marries a real woman
Hey man, I'm just looking for some good breast expansion art.
Tell me when you find some, I've given up.
>he has a bot that scans the site for Kass images so he can show up and shitpost anywhere Kass is mentioned or posted
La creatura...
Kass was pretty cool; I imagine he’s gonna be in all Zelda games moving forward. If only my fellow field slave tingle was in BotW selling treasure maps
So it's like who Framed Roger Rabbit, but with anime girls.
And the big Cabernet scene is Rei and Asuka trying to outplay each other on the piano while their literal millions of husbanados fight
Someone post the vore audio
8muses for zzz comics and BE story club, other than that searching through Deviantart favorites.
>Furries draw rape art of someone's happily married husband
>vore audio
t. kassfag
Kassfag's already said that due to how absurd the notion of Kass being real is, if Kass became real he either wouldn't be the same Kass that he loves, but if he is then he and Kass would be together because the Kass he's in love with also loves him.
>I'm also a rape survivor
Lmao what a snowflake
Is it weird that I don't see anything wrong with this?
Unless you're kassfag, it's pretty weird.
Kass isn't real, kassfag.
No it actually makes my job of finding faggots to burn a lot easier.
Defending and marrying fictional characters seems normal to you?
I would fuck his bird butt
i find this cute
here's what I think of him:
It isn't to you? 2D love is the purest form of love.
Someone post the imgur
kys kassfag.
>brightly colored and plays music to get your attention
>gives a little story/hint about the shrine
He's honestly just a glorified map marker, a monument with text chiseled on it could have done his job.
Who is more obssessed with their wife/husband
JustinRPG or kassfag
Kassfag. JustinRPG cheats on his waifu
Oh shit, Kassfag is achieving his dream!
Imagine the PR guy getting this email and asking his colleagues around him how he should answer this.
early teen years are some shit
I am somewhat jealous of this, but I'm also self-aware enough to not ever do something like this
A travelling acquaintance be it a bird bard or a beetle salesman, a familiar face as you travel a vast land far and wide, adds a lot to your experience.
His removal could actually be felt as the absence of anyone else in the wide open world, and gives the journey more meaning.
More importantly, his accordion heard in the distance is a good signpost of something of interest to investigate. Most of the time it will lead to a shrine with a nice riddle to finding it, or maybe something as trivial as some rupees. All the game, it keeps the gameplay experience rolling nicely.
Admittedly, you could have just any sort of character playing an accordion in the middle of anywhere, but they did an excellent job of designing such a character with a presence that surpasses his melodies.
Customer service gets a ton of weird emails, wouldn't be surprised if other departments get weird shit too
t. Email agent
He's alright I guess, plays some nice music. Removing him would be a terrible idea as the game is already lacking in content
What does that have to do with this thread?
I thought this guy would have a much bigger presence based on his adoring fan but he's just a regular old side character. It's comfy as fuck running into him though.
>climbing the Gerudo Tower as night falls while his music's playing faintly from above
It was a blood moon too so as I reached the top and finally heard him play at full volume the sky turned red all around us. Pure kino.
He was barely in the game to begin with, so no, I don't think it would matter if he was removed.
Tingle was not a major character in Majora's Mask but he had a big enough impact to become a mainstay. People like these kinds of recurring characters.
I've found that most obsessed waifufags are into minor characters instead of major ones
Rape isn't even real
I can relate
>skin ripped girl has a follow up
what's it called? I only saw the original
he got one of the best remixes in smash
how do I make a bot like that? asking for a friend
You could simplify every NPC into a series of tasks. What made Kass stand out is that he exists as a fellow traveler, and a friendly face who greets you in the wild. In measurable terms, he provides an aura of comfort in unexpected places which provides audio and visual comfort. He probably leaves a stronger impression than any stone would and becomes a significant aspect of what people remember about the game.
One of the few good ones in the entire game.
>one of the few
Remixes in Smash? Yes. Most of them are weak sounding, and inferior to the unaltered originals.
This is mental illness.
Worse than kassfag?
I want to FUCK Kassfag
r u kass?