Ah yes, nothing more immersive than floating UI
Ah yes, nothing more immersive than floating UI
>they fell for the shitty mobile apple glass look meme ui
Darkest of days ahead.
Every time you shitpost this game the devs delay it a day.
Wait till you see the in-game marketplace system
Games confirmed trash anyways. Warband was always nostalgiafag garbage. Ugly potato game. Play Mordhau like a real Chad.
>How do you want your game to look like?
>Just like any other diamond UI piece of shit thanks
>game allows you to interface with it
what is this n64 game?
Mordhau is hilarious, I can't believe they release games where visuals are pushed through elongated lens and call it a day. Oh and it has that same facebook tier floating UI.
KEK. The shitty combat takes you RIGHT out of the game.
peecucks will lap it up anyway so w/e lol
>same shitty floaty flailing combat with two moves and none of the actual interesting shit like army management or kingdom sims.
>put it through a bark-worthy fov lense.
lol nty
This. Real chads play Mordhau
t. Incel
Who gives a fuck about the HUD, Mount and blade is quite literally an incel game for self insert power fantasy fags, theHUD wasn’t going to save the fact that this game appeals to the type of virgins who play grand strats. Mordhau is a competitive pvp game for real men.
Year after year, neverending supply of zoomers floods this containment board.
I don't give a shit about the floating UI the interface buttons at the botto.need to be less green
t. incel
Go back to LARPing. Or is the incel next too poor to afford cosplay armor? No seriously if you play this PVE Garbage you’re a faggot, I’d rather be a zoomer Chad that plays Mordhau than a boomer desperately clinging to his single player history fantasies.
>hema dogshit for people who can't into fightan.
kek nigga youve never even seen a puss
just embarrassing
nothing’s more embarrassing than an incel
yikes! it's time for everyone to admit that only japan can make rpgs worth a shit.
>Mordhau exists
>still caring for this “”””game””””
you are
>the Chad Mordhau PvP god
>the virgin mount and blade LARPer
Has a comparison ever been more apt?
keep the cringe coming
Kinda sad that you OBVIOUSLY don’t even like mount and blade yet you’ll desperately defend it when better games like Mordhau exist
I realize he's baiting you, but
>two moves
it's omnidirectional
>>put it through a bark-worthy fov lense.
nobody's forcing you to use high fov
You're right, I don't
They're both PC games and therefore trash kek
You have to be pretty stupid for not realising most people play M&B for the singleplayer and mods.
Ya and single player gamers and people who use mods are typically incels
>le chad game based
>le virgin game cringe
>overlap begins and ends with medieval theme and combat
>you can have one or the other
Literal zoomer tier trash.
>that mobile game UI
Yeah I'll stick to chadhau
>bumhau spam
Games gonna be shit vaporware anyways. UI doesnt matter for a game that doesn't exist. Play Mordhau instead
What IPad game is this?
Ah yes, putting a castle down the slope so you can live in a nice marsh every time there's a bit of rain.
Better yet, let the forest encroach the walls, not only will potential raiders be able to approach unseen, they won't even need a ladder.
Wow this mobile game shit is embarrassing..how the fuck could they fuck it up this hard? Games trash and my hype is dead. Guess I'll be playing mordhau after all
>thinks a world map is a 1:1 accurate representation of the actual thing
You know the US isn't actually 2 inches wide, don't you?
Yep. The devs really dont give a shit anymore. For all the time they spent, this looks like half assed garbage
So the relief should not matter? Why create it then?
To make it look nice? Why do you think?
>we waited 10 years for a iPad port
God smite me.
Ya. Just like the shitty mobile game UI was designed to """look nice"""". Fuck off you are zoomer trash. Go back to fortnite and gacha games
Only fags play Mount & Blade (it even sounds like a homosexual porno, you disgusting faggots), you faggots.
Honestly the only thing I'm "ACTUALLY" excited for in regards to Bannerlord is not the absolute fucking dogshit vanilla, I just want to see what comes in regards to the mods. That's all I do when I play Warband to be honest, the mods that come out of the original game and occasionally the modded multiplayer. Besides that it was a pretty boring experience, especially once you reach lord status.
Turkroaches fucked up. They announced their game as far back as 2012/2013 hyping the ever living fuck out of it, and still expect people to give two shits after all this time. The game is vaporware as this point.
Mordhau is unironically awful.
t. Shitter
>mordhaufags shitting up another thread
god fucking damn it
>being relevant after a couple months
I just hope the troop trees are cool as hell now, I am so hype for bannerlord and the mod scene is gonna be so good. If there isn't a mod called bonerlord like dickplomacy for warband i'll be disappointed as shit.
>being """"hype"""" (zoomer term) for a mobile port
stop trying to fit in faggot
this post is peak cringeworthy
Why would I want to fit in with a bunch of incels who play LARP fantasy games?
>52 posts
>25 posters
stop spamming you god damn retard
Rehook the line and try again, the bait itself is good but you need better delivery.
Wow that is really mobile game tier. I waited over half a decade for this?
>scaled map isn't entirely accurate
>"hurr durr zoomer"
This is some literal autism.
we have reached the point where zoomer faggots are praising mordhau and hating mount & blade
i never thought i'd see this day
But mount and blade has a zoomer ui for mobile games and chadhau is made for based pvp Chads
most of this board is streamer-raised crowd interspersed with social media shills on their daily $4.99 shifts
Eat shit Erdogan, I no longer believe this game even exists.
Dont worry itll come out eventually. For iOS and android
Bros? Wtf this looks like garbage. Should we be concerned? We all waited for so long. I put off my suicide for this game, if it sucks I think that's it for me
This. honestly thought it was a mobile game at first
Maps look like when you open some map editor and randomly pull up a mountain
>not being able to tell what those are without the labels
get on my level
Oh the map was most definitely just randomly generated with no thought put into anything. See This mess is shaping up to be a massive disappointment
>randomly generated
>is the same map used in two games prior
So what you're saying is that they half assed the map creation all the way back since their first games? Honestly makes sense considering they've developed this game for 12000 years now and only have a shitty uninspired mobile port looking game to show for it
Birds-eye view can't be immersive anyway you autistic fuck.
How did they manage to develop one coniferous asset in 10 years development time?
So then it's not a random map? It's been rebuilt on a different engine.
Did you just move the goalposts you cheeky user you?
Yeah, these people who play mordhau are so stupid that, while totally unironically posting about being chads, they somehow don't notice that everyone is shitting on them. That, or it's one shitposter with a proxy.
It's more like investigating why the game looks like zoomer mobile trash, the theory changes and is flexible to new info. It's kind of like peeling away the layers of an onion. A dirty, brown turkroach onion
Stop deflecting to mordhau shill. Address the topic of the OP at hand, which is the blatantly mobile inspired immersion breaking UI. Does it seriously not bother you that they've been spending all this time developing the game yet this is all they have to show for it? Are you seriously that much of a shill?
>stop trying to fit in by praising a game for being competitive
Yea Forums is terrified of competition
this is a board for people who play casual single player games and then call themselves """hardcore"""
>that blatant mobile port UI
>noooo why the fuck isn't my interface obscuring half the screen
Mordhaufags and bannerlordfags shouldn't fight. We are brothers, of one blood, dabbing on all shitters who can't get good and learn to parry.
You're the one that's defending the immersion breaking blatant mobile port iPad UI
>muh radical centrism
Kill yourself fence sitting coward
I wondered what the sun posting autist would latch onto next, I never would have guessed something as niche as Mordhau though.
>all criticism can be blamed on one boogeyman
Take your meds, schizo
>identical posting style
>identical, relentless reposts
>threads about previous obsession suddenly disappear
Sure thing.
>turkish muslim game
WTF did you expect?
Will it come out in 2020?
>muh morhau
Fuck off with your flavor of the month garbage.
found the rat
Mordhau has longevity due to its multiplayer aspect, mount and blade is a literal FOTM that will die out once people get sick of the boring singleplayer
>he thinks hes some savvy detective that can recognize """posting styles"""
We all know you're autistic but you're really overestimating your sleuthing abilities. You're obviously butthurt and just making baseless claims to deflect from valid criticisms. You know that mobile port UI is impossible to defend so you divert to "muh mordhau shills and muh boogeyman"
How much we have to wait friends
Its not coming out
>shitposters have invaded mountain blade threads
How the faithful are tested
Late this year.Stay alive for 6 months.