Fuck digital

Fuck digital.

If you buy digital, kill yourself. Physical is better in every way:
>Actually own your game, no one can take it from you or stop you playing it
>You can resell your games whenever you want, as many times as you want
>No one can hack your house and lock you out of your games
>You can lend them to friends or swap games
>It looks nice on a shelf
>In 50 years when Sony's servers are long dead you'll still have access to your games

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Other urls found in this thread:


And fuck digital exlusive games like indies. They're universally garbage ass games anyway, if you enjoy them you're a shit taste retard.

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I'm not as militant as you but I find it so weird how game companies have convinced people to pay for a download. Music industry too.

except the ones that need to connect to the internet

console physical > pc digital > console digital

inb4 " all my collection burned "

I don’t care about your thread I just wanna see more pics like these thanks

>using digital images
>using an online only imageboard service
The state of this place, shaking my head to be honest people of familiar nature

I’m too lazy and sad to leave my house and actually buy the embarrassing games I play.

>except the ones that need to connect to the internet
You mean shit ones

I live in a 1st world country, not the US. If a fire happens in Europe, it's because someone left their burning cigarette in a paper bin. Unlike the US where you don't even have fucking EARTH in your electrics to stop your shit from bursting into flames.

>Fuck digital
God I can only hope

Xcept for steel book collection

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The only part of your bait that succeeds

This nigga poor reselling games and shit

Why do people draw Daisy with dark skin?
Is it just because of Peach's Melee alternate colour?

Digital already won the war unfortunately. Willing to bet next gen is the last one period that uses physical media. So hoard up now.

>wahh my porn isn't 4000 x 3560 I can't fap!
Get a grip, they're plenty big enough.

If a game is sitting on my shelf, and I didn't like it that much, why would I keep it? If I resell two games I don't like, I can buy one I do like. It's not about being poor, it's about being smart you dumb nigger.

in Mario land she's the queen of a desert and in Mario tennis, her first 3d appearance they made her tanned

Daisy always had dark skin, it's only recently Nintendo whitewashed her

Source is Robert Porter.

I kind of agree, but not on this point.
>no one can take it from you or stop you playing it
I got fucking robbed by 2 Koreans. A ton of my GBA games and Mario Kart Wii were stolen from 2 different assholes during high school a long long time ago.

>being dumb enough to buy games you don't like
Do a little homework, retard.

You've never bought a game that got good reviews, looked decent in gameplay, ticked a lot of boxes for you and then you sit down with it and you're bored out of your mind?

Because if you haven't, you clearly don't play a lot of video games or have very high standards.

here are my counter arguments op:

The game you buy on the disc / cartridge isn´t the true game anymore after a while because of patches / addons.

If they´ll lock me out of my games I´ll just pirate them all.

I´ll give you the not being able to resell your games.

Why would you get fucked twice buy reselling old games for 5.50?

Digital>Physical all day everyday. It's cheaper for creators as they don't have to spend extra money on pieces of plastic where an unsold physical copy of a game is money lost. This is why switch is lacking third parties because some idiot at Nintendo thought it would be a good idea to use cartridges despide games of this day and age going up to about 60-100GB.

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No, I haven't, because I know what I'm doing, retard. Apply yourself.

I only buy digital on the MS because they will be here forever.

Never on Nintendo, I've learned my lesson.

Can't comment on Sony, I just avoid their consoles.


Plastic is a big problem in our modern society. By going physical you are adding to the cancer that's killing our planet.

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Low standards confirmed

I live in a 1st world country, they offer 60%-70% back on what they sell it to you for.

the marginal cost on physical games is absolutely minimal. discs cost pennies to press and you're lucky to even get a manual these days.

digital should be cheaper, but it rarely is.

So you think going with discs is a better idea lol?

>The game you buy on the disc / cartridge isn´t the true game anymore after a while because of patches / addons.
Any decent game has less than 2GB of patches, the only games I've come across with massive patches happen to be garbage games.

The only way to play the non downgraded RDR2 is by having a physical copy. Plenty of physical copies have day one builds on them without patches.

Digital should be cheaper than physical across the aisle yet its not. Often around here physical console game sales are objectively better than digital sales which is just sad. Publishers are greedy cunts and that money saved by it being a digital copy should benefit the consumer's wallet yet it doesn't. Video games make more money than ever and greedy cunts just won't ever let us pay less for digital.

>It's cheaper for creators as they don't have to spend extra money on pieces of plastic where an unsold physical copy of a game is money lost.
And I should give a fuck about them why?

>This is why switch is lacking third parties because some idiot at Nintendo thought it would be a good idea to use cartridges despide games of this day and age going up to about 60-100GB.
No, it's because Nintendo are the same old jews they've always been. They own every single fucking empty switch cartridge that gets made, and they charge devs EXORBITANT prices to buy them. Space is an issue, sure, but the bigger issue is Nintendo being jews.

Digital has faster loading times and is more convenient since it's always in your system.

Not that I disagree, but with GaaS, half finished games that have to be patched, multiplayer only games that don't offer player run servers half the time you'll barely own the game once the services that keep them active and up to date go away.

Actually, you legally own digital games. Though yes, physical is way better.
Because they own the rights to that stuff, as they spent their time and effort developing that digital stuff.
>indies are bad
Corporate slave detected

Why don't you start by killing yourself?

Your existence produces more damage to the environment than 50 jumbo jets do.

I live in Amerikkka Home of the crackas land of the free where you can get an ounce and gun for cheap

>And I should give a fuck about them why?
Because they are the ones making your games and without them you would have to go outside and interact with the real world.

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>Digital has faster loading times
physical games these days install to drive anyway, so that's wrong

>Digital has faster loading times
Lies. Games copy to the HDD these days, Physical ironically runs faster more often than digital does.
>and is more convenient since it's always in your system.
Until your HDD dies, they lock your account or you delete a game to make space.

>physical games these days install to drive anyway, so that's wrong
Thanks for proving my point

To be real I like not getting up to change disk and preloading my games.

>Because they are the ones making your games and without them you would have to go outside and interact with the real world.

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>Lies. Games copy to the HDD these days, Physical ironically runs faster more often than digital does.
HDD is still faster than the system reading off the game disc
>using an HDD instead of an SSD or flash memory

>he buys his limited license to use software in a physical package instead of just getting a code
>actually thinks he "owns" the software in any further capacity for it

lmao are you 65+ years old?

>Actually own your game, no one can take it from you or stop you playing it
>Get jacked games and console
>Can't play games
>>You can resell your games whenever you want, as many times as you want
You can only sell your games once.
>>No one can hack your house and lock you out of your games
See 1
>>You can lend them to friends or swap games
Once games go around $20 or less, there's really no point not to gift it.
>>It looks nice on a shelf
Nice waste of space, just like any DVD/Blu-ray
>>In 50 years when Sony's servers are long dead you'll still have access to your games
In 50 years, homebrew and piracy will still exist to bypass any current restrictions.

You should have mentioned something about Limited Editions for your shelf argument.

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>op faps to cartoons

Do you like being locked out of your games for swearing online?

Do you like being locked out of your games for having your account hacked?

Do you like being locked out of your games because Sony decided they want to shut down their servers?

You're all dumbasses. As long as they're on the same system they're pretty much the same. With that said digital has the convenience of pre-downloads and loading in textures probably a microframe quicker

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>Actually own your game, no one can take it from you or stop you playing it
You don't own the game, retard. You own the license to it, and the data is simply stored on a disc rather than on your system.

>You can resell your games whenever you want, as many times as you want
You can sell your digital games along with the system

>You can lend them to friends or swap games
Who said friends can't play your digital games?

>No one can hack your house and lock you out of your games
They can rob your house though and steal your games.

>In 50 years when Sony's servers are long dead you'll still have access to your games
You're a dum-dum if you don't back up your games.

It's a physical object, I own it.

It's a hell of a lot more my property than your fucking download.

is that way, grandpa.

You're misdirecting your good intent.

It's not the format. It's DRM. Digital is beyond superior in every way - but take anything... and add DRM. You now have a product whose tangible value is worthless, zero.

Then - you get charged actual money, a thing of real value, for this thing of ZERO VALUE.

You're good, you care enough to make this thread. Now care enough not to buy anything with DRM, and make your next thread DRM focused.

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>Get jacked games and console
>Can't play games
If you live around niggers, you get what you deserve.

>You can only sell your games once.
I'm referencing steams refund policy, which is "ohohoho ok but don't do it too much or we'll say no".

>Do you like being locked out of your games for swearing online?
Actually feeling the need to swear online
>Do you like being locked out of your games for having your account hacked?
letting your personal info out into the real world
>Do you like being locked out of your games because Sony decided they want to shut down their servers?
Playing server based games in the first place.

Literally everyone on this site does.

I use discord like everybody else
I have all 3 consoles and a semi-decent pc
if sony get hack I can play xbone or switch on my pc

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>homebrew and piracy will still exist to bypass any current restrictions.
>Digital shit
Kill yourself faggot, go physical or go home. Nothing will replace it.

>You should have mentioned something about Limited Editions for your shelf argument.
Why? Only retards buy anything but the base game, you're a retard aren't you?

dumb nigger

new games are worthless since they sell them to you in pieces anyway. when the servers are all down, you'll most likely be able to pirate them though. still, yes, i love to actually own things i buy.

>Digital already won the war
Except physical still sells significantly more.

Dumb fuck.

By your logic, everything you made or created which is stored electronically isn't yours.

These aren't arguments, they're you whinging "B-But I don't mind being fucked in the ass!"

Why would anyone willingly own an xbone.

>but with GaaS, half finished games that have to be patched, multiplayer only games that don't offer player run servers half the time
No one with taste has ever or will ever play a game as a service

>collecting things that other people created
>when you only get like 10 hours of use for them
This is the consumerist mind at its full

Lady I checked that isn't true in the slightest and most companies are already talking about the digital only near future.

I got all 3 why not

>Corporate slave detected
No, indies are just dogshit.

They're made by nostalgia blinded 20 somethings who have neither the money, skill or experience to replicate let alone outdo the type of games they grew up on and are now ripping off. There isn't a single indie game made today that holds a candle to the best SNES games.

And if they're not ripping off the SNES, they're making gay little monochrome babbies first "oh it's so deep and artsy" walking sims.

lol, so your broke ass nigga can't buy all 3 consoles to flex like me nigga.

What's with boomer's obsession with "property".
You'll lose it, it'll break, or you'll die at some point anyway.

I dunno man hollow knight was pretty good

Uh oh, somebody hasn't done his research on indie games. Good corporate slave.

>a thing of real value
>something you exchange for money to bring you a small sliver of joy in this miserable existence

ladies and gentleman; America.

>these aren't arguments. they are you whining "B-But I don't mind being fucked in the ass!"
haha... yeah... th-that would be kind of funny wouldn't it?

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literally all Xbox exclusives are available on Windows 10 LMAO

be careful not to verbalise any thought crimes, or discord's trust and safety team might having something to say about that

Get better taste in games

>buy digital
>get faster load times

please stop, I beat the fuck out of my meat yesterday and now it's sore as hell

Us ameritards also get the benefit of not having 1/10th of our monthly data allowance BTFOd by a single game download.

Nice hips

But that's wrong you retard. Digital stores still take upwards of 30% of all sales. The only ones that benefit from digital-only is the server owner. CDs are dirt cheap to produce, especially since they don't even have manuals anymore, and any expenses from Switch cartridges are passed down to customers. Lastly any smalltime developer who doesn't want to take a risk on physical media just goes through Limited Run and their ilk who all do a single batch release based entirely on pre-order demand, so that argument is completely invalid.

Your other statement is also full of shit because the Switch has been swarmed with indie developers ever since they realized that their titles sell better on the Switch than any other platform, meaning the only ones left out are the fucks who crave AAA trash riddled with uncompressed assets that amount to 60-100 GB in the first place.

unironically fuck physical
low iq console user detected
>And fuck digital exlusive games like indies
cringe and shittastepilled AAA is trash

beat it once more my dude.

>Actually own your game, no one can take it from you or stop you playing it
>No one can hack your house and lock you out of your games
Physical theft is a thing you dumb shit
>It looks nice on a shelf
Take up a ton of space after you have a bunch. If you buy a lot of games eventually you run out of storage space
>In 50 years when Sony's servers are long dead you'll still have access to your games

I have all the consoles so your point is?
I copped the limited edition gears of war Xbox and splattoon 2 switch
I just got a normal ps4 tho

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>Disc gets scratched and is unplayable about a year or two after buying physical
>Worrying that maybe 20 years from now the servers may or may not be shut down or an emp goes off and destroys all internet connections throughout the world

pls no

That's a good corporate slave

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>selling your games


>CDs are dirt cheap to produce
Thanks user. the fact that you have to say it costs anything proves my point.

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Digitize everything.
Digitize physical objects to be reproduced in the material world through 3D printing.
Digitize all media so it may be archived for as long as our species exists.
Digitize consciousness to achieve pseudo-immortality and escape this mortal coil.

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>Live in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere
>Still get access to vidya thanks to digital

Fuck you, physicuck.

>It looks nice on a shelf
don't forget it produces shit tons of unnecessary environmental waste and creates the disgusting "collector culture" of people that don't play games

how do you think they got the information onto the physical disks in the first place brainlet?

Digitized consciousness isn't you. It itself is life but it's not you simply a program that thinks it's you. As soon as you're "uploaded" you're essentially killing yourself.

What point? You said that digital is cheaper than physical and I just pointed out multiple times why that's wrong.
You haven't refuted anything you retard.

This, this feels like the cries of someone who has a hard on for being a collector but doesnt touch his collection.

>Disc gets scratched
You literally have to be a massive retard to have your disc get scratched
>Inb4 b-but wha if da console scratch da disc while playing?

How the hell do you scratch disks that fast?
Also, I've had way more digital copies lost than physical.

sorry /vr/ tard fuck physical and fuck collectors

Limiting your perception of a digitized consciousness to uploading a copy of your own is limited in scope. Science must first establish the cause/root/hub of consciousness and convert it into a non-physical entity, and then upload this non-physical consciousness onto the net.

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body made for breeding with animals

Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.

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>b-but in X amount of years the service you are using will be dead and your games gone
I don't believe that
>you can't get hacked and lose your games
You can still get robbed or some natural disaster destroys your shit
>reselling games
If you buy a game you like why not keep it forever, is it really worth it to sell for 5-10 bucks in a few years? If it's a bad game, return it or you can get a refund on digital
You can share your whole library to friends on steam
>displaying your games
OK but some people live in small spaces or have other shit to display with no space left for a gamer shelf.

Are you directing that at me or the OP

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>Actually own your game, no one can take it from you or stop you playing it
>No one can hack your house and lock you out of your games
It's pretty easy to secure most digital games.
>You can resell your games whenever you want, as many times as you want
Until the disc degrades anyway.
>You can lend them to friends or swap games
It's way more of a hassle, but not impossible to exchange digitally.
>It looks nice on a shelf
True, but still an unnecessary waste of space.
>In 50 years when Sony's servers are long dead you'll still have access to your games
You're retarded if you think disc based games will last 50 years without dedicated preservation.


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I mean it's a valid criticism when one of the biggest arguments for Physical is the idea that one day you're digital games will go away. At the end of the day entropy consumes all things regardless of how many wojaks you post

What are you smoking?

Data caps are ONLY in North America

Something that only happened to a handful of 5th and 6th gen titles because of poor manufacturing procedures and even then can be circumvented by keeping the discs in a dark environment and not exposed like a retard.
>Physical theft is a thing you dumb shit
Only when you live in a 3rd world country or in a place full of niggers.
>Take up a ton of space after you have a bunch. If you buy a lot of games eventually you run out of storage space
If you can't keep a single bookshelf anywhere in your household, then you need to live in a place that isn't a closet in NYC. Also your argument holds even less weight because your precious games that take up 60-100 GB will instantly fill up the 500 GB - 1 TB space of your precious consoles.
See the first statement.

If you've even had a single disk rot, you're a retard who doesn't know how to take care of his belongings

Sorry if it was worded poorly, but that's what I meant. Digital means a huge blow to my cap.

>Do you like being locked out of your games for swearing online?
>playing online games
>playing online games with randos and not your friends

>Do you like being locked out of your games for having your account hacked?
Most account based systems have two factor authentications so this is literally a non-issue, and if you're too dumb to set this up and your account does get hacked you can literally just fix this shit with a quick email to valve/sony/etc.

>Do you like being locked out of your games because Sony decided they want to shut down their servers?
If you think Sony is going to die in our lifetime you're an idiot.

You seem to ignore all the downsides of physical like LITERAL theft. I've heard it happen all time from friends that they've had their places broken into and had their consoles and games stolen.

>I no longer have to pay 200+ dollars to get a game that primarily released in japan
Thank you digital

They literally don't care. The only time anything happens is if some butthurt twink reports you. None of their rules matters unless someone reports. Which is why you don't go to massive servers where fags like that would reside.

retarded samplenigger

Nice ass

If you don't love every game you own, why bother owning them? I only keep my absolute most loved 15~ games for each console.

Enjoy having your virgin stacks of dvds!

My brother has selves and selves of media. I have zero and I have a music library easily double or triple the size it takes up no space at all. I can carry my entire switch library on the go without swapping cards. Why are those chucks of plastic better?

Digital > Physical

I get games for dirt cheap and they don't clutter my home.

I want to destroy her shit-hole.

>Solar flare EMP's the earth
>We have nothing

I bet you losers even have your music physical

I don't have an *autistic screaming* picture loud enough to fit these posts, so I'm just gonna call you retarded, post a shitty meme and go about my day.

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>Something that only happened to a handful of 5th and 6th gen titles because of poor manufacturing procedures and even then can be circumvented by keeping the discs in a dark environment and not exposed like a retard.
Everything fades with time
>Only when you live in a 3rd world country or in a place full of niggers.
Keep saying that to yourself until it happens to you
>If you can't keep a single bookshelf anywhere in your household, then you need to live in a place that isn't a closet in NYC. Also your argument holds even less weight because your precious games that take up 60-100 GB will instantly fill up the 500 GB - 1 TB space of your precious consoles.
>buy 2TB HDD
>Never have to worry about space again
Also not everyone has space for a bookshelves, but thats not what I was talking about. Your bookshelf will run out of space eventually. As someone who keeps up with game releases that interests him I literally would have no space if I owned every one of my digital games physically.

Are you trying to imply our greatest technology in generations to come won't be impervious to EMPs? Even today we've developed basic radiation shielding for sensitive electric equipment.

>digital games can be delisted
>digital games can have their servers shut down, rendering them gone forever without resorting to piracy as is the case of PSP, PS3 and now Wii
>because your digital purchase is intangible and also nontransferrable, it holds zero value
>digital still costs the same as physical, and can be even more expensive because digital stores usually have little reason to drop the price

The first reason alone is more than enough of a reason to stick to physical whenever possible.

Digitalfags like to scream "disk rot" or whatever but conveniently ignore you can make digital copies of your physical version with none of the bullshit restrictions of a digital purchase.

>actually own your game
Maybe if you only buy games developed before 08. Nowadays you throw your disk into your console and find out its just a license telling the servers you can download all 100gbs of game from the server

How does GOG prevent me from making digital copies? How do pirated games?

It has nothing to do with how good your take care of something. If you want to dig out your old copy of FFVII in 80 years chance are it wont work.

I can smell the ancap shit smell

Yeah go try to buy a physical PC game dipshit. This is about consoles.

Cute butt

>Unlike the US where you don't even have fucking EARTH in your electrics to stop your shit from bursting into flames.
but we do?

imagine the smell

>not buying everything on G2A for next to nothing
>thinking owning boxes stop companies from not letting you play the game

Absolutely kill yourself, enjoy spending 60$ on every new game you want to play to pretty up a shelf that no one will ever see but yourself.

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God I wish that were me

cringe and YIKES

get that smelly cooch out of my face

nice try shill
nobody trusts g2a anymore

PC and hacked consoles: digital > physical
consoles: physical > digital

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wouldn't have happened in a first world country

It's probably expensive to print off nice PC boxes. Is there an article anywhere that gives a rundown of the cost? If every indie dev printed physical releases the games would be $15 higher and wouldn't go on sale. Digital games can afford to go on sale since there's no cost involved with uploading a digital game beyond the initial Steam fee. It sucks, but I can understand it. No one but the lucky few have money for that.

>digital games can be delisted
And you still own said games even if they do. They're still in your library and can be downloaded.
>digital games can have their servers shut down, rendering them gone forever without resorting to piracy as is the case of PSP, PS3 and now Wii
Once again, these games can still be played and downloaded. You can still download PSP/PS3 games
>because your digital purchase is intangible and also nontransferrable, it holds zero value
Who gives a shit, the only thing you should worry about is if it works.
>digital still costs the same as physical, and can be even more expensive because digital stores usually have little reason to drop the price
I see you're ignoring that digital storefronts often have sales with prices that go below physical retail prices

You're an idiot

>source: my ass

>In 50 years when Sony's servers are long dead you'll still have access to your games

50 years later.
>"Oh boy can't wait to play my favorite game"
>"Disc Unreadable? How? I've autistically kept my games in pristine condition."
>"What is disc rot?"

Where do you think that guy lived? Nigeria?

lmao enjoy paying more than 10$ for a game, ill trust them with my life

might as well have if a fire like that broke out

>oh boy I can't wait to play my original copy of the game instead of the Super HD 8K remaster that is available
lmao @ ur life

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Fires can happen anywhere dumbass

Give me one good reason why a 1000x750 image isn't big enough to gap to.

You don't need to zoom in on her nipple to cum.


Move that goalpost for me.

>Everything fades with time
This isn't even an argument and likewise, this same statement can be applied to your precious HDD.
>Keep saying that to yourself until it happens to you
I'm speaking from firsthand experience in the first place, and even then, this is a pointless statement. It's like saying keep saying your HDD won't ever fail, get stolen or corrupted until it happens to you.
>buy 2TB HDD
Congratulations, now you can hold 20 AAA games instead of just 10.
>Also not everyone has space for a bookshelves, but thats not what I was talking about. Your bookshelf will run out of space eventually. As someone who keeps up with game releases that interests him I literally would have no space if I owned every one of my digital games physically.
Good for you for amassing years of Steam shovelware garbage I guess. I won't deny that digital is a godsend for older gen titles thanks to piracy and microSD cards, but for modern consoles being the size they are combined with physical likely seeing the way of the dodo, I'm nabbing every physical version of whatever games I'm interested in when given the chance. My statement still stands that you have to be terrible with space or a complete retard to not be able to fit a bookshelf anywhere in a household.

I love Daisy so much

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Everything falls to time eventually


Of you want a physical release so bad, just make one yourself. They're cheap to make after all, right?

>he thinks physical can't be fucked with
>assumes nothing will ever happen to his physical product
like, i would love to have all that physical trash around but i haven't needed to 'verify' anything besides user accounts
physical/digital can both be fucked in different ways

also this whole thread is bait

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only with electronics not earthed, like all american electronics are. they are not earthed

Who cares about remasters and 8K. It's a meme meant to get you to spend more money to feel hip and up to date..

>And you still own said games even if they do. They're still in your library and can be downloaded.
Oh yes user, let me just buy a PS3, go on the PSN, and purchase JoJo's Bizarre Adventure HD, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 HD, Marvel vs. Capcom Origins, X-Men Arcade, and The Simpsons Arcade.

Oh wait, I fucking can't you retard.

>Actually own your game, no one can take it from you or stop you playing it
Literally can't run games from my old discs due outdated DRM

>let me talk to you about wires being bunched up
>sets shit on fire
but sure, they are grounded and shit

Fat hips

I bet you own Switch

>oh boy I can't wait to play that soulless censored Super HD 8K remaster with horrible textures for $60

>business stop selling things and producing them
>he blames other players for not downloading physical because that totally would have prevented them from being shoved off
go play your arcade cabinets, old man

I hope you don't own a console.

>b-b-but the ten polygon models make it soulful!

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This thing all things devours;
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats mountain down.

>Physical is better in every way
You're exaggerating.
>>Actually own your game, no one can take it from you or stop you playing it
This is true, but only if the game is DRM-free, and many games which come on discs are not.
>>You can resell your games whenever you want, as many times as you want
This is true, but only if they're DRM-free, and many games which come on discs are not.
>>No one can hack your house and lock you out of your games
>>You can lend them to friends or swap games
This is true, but only if they're DRM-free, and many games which come on discs are not.
>>It looks nice on a shelf
This is true. Boxes are nice. I guess people who buy digital games can burn them to discs, buy empty DVD cases, and print custom labels for them, but that would be a completely autistic waste of time.
>>In 50 years when Sony's servers are long dead you'll still have access to your games
Good luck with that disc rot in 50 years. You'll have to make back-ups on your own discs, which you could have done with a DRM-free digital copy.

Attached: physical-vs-digital.png (905x473, 52K)

>downloading physical
>not streaming physical
yOu WoUlDn'T dOWnlOAd a caR??

american electronics are not earthed

Physical games that can be installed and run without a disk/cartridge are patrician tier. Too bad this is usually only possible with hacked consoles.

>This isn't even an argument and likewise
It is when the argument people bring up to most against digital is "but what if the servers go down and you cant download your game in 50 years"
>this same statement can be applied to your precious HDD.
And? My purchase is still safe in the server and I can buy another HDD
>It's like saying keep saying your HDD won't ever fail, get stolen or corrupted until it happens to you.
And? Once again your content is still safe and can be redownloaded. We're talking about the media itself, not the content that plays.
>Congratulations, now you can hold 20 AAA games instead of just 10.
>exclusively buying AAA games
>Implying every AAA game is 100gb even
I've got like 100+ games on my PS4 HDD and I still have space to spare
>Good for you for amassing years of Steam shovelware garbage I guess.
Im not even talking about Steam. Sure that adds on to it, but if I owned every console game I have digitally on physical I still wouldn't have the space. I own and frequently purchase games.

technically the data is physical on your hard drive.

There are more kind of fires then just electric you nog. Any amount of things could cause a fire. Not to mention arson.

>no one can take it from you or stop you playing it
consoles are physical DRM that come with the restriction that current tech such as the types of TVs currently available actually function with it

>a game somehow loses soul when being played at a better resolution

You can buy DRM-free games and burn them to a disc

>playin xbone games on windows 10

We're not talking about purchases games you fucking idiot. We're talking about games YOU ALREADY OWN.

If you're going that route then don't pretend physical games don't go out of circulation and then can only be purchased from some loser for x100 the original price.

You're bringing up a whole other problem and ignoring whats being talked about.

WiiWare moron


>And you still own said games even if they do. They're still in your library and can be downloaded
I think you're genuinely autistic. He didnt say "they're still in the store and can be bought". Hes implying that once you buy a game, you own it. Most of the games you listed can still be downloaded if you've already bought it


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soul vs soul less is "old thing good, new thing bad."

Why the fuck would I argue about games I already own you dipshit? I'm arguing about acquiring games as a newcomer in the first place. Yes, physical games do go out of production eventually but the difference between physical and digital is that at the very least physically can still be LEGALLY acquired once its gone out of production unlike delisted digital games which are gone forever except to those who got it prior to the game being delisted. Also your pointless argument doesn't change the fact that anyone who didn't already own the game digitally prior to getting delisted is now permanently fucked over unless they resort to piracy.

I don't give a fuck about your loser ass who owns a digital copy of a now delisted game when it doesn't benefit me in any conceivable way.

>disc rot
I feel like this would only happen if you live in a microwave and leave your discs lying out in the open, instead of putting them in their cases

>buying any digital product from nintendo when they didn't even have an account based system.
WiiWare is dumb and was always dumb. But PSP and PS3 games can still be easily downloaded.

>buy physical
>it's just a disc with basically nothing on it, still required to download the game and patches before you can play
now you are lucky if you even get that, some companies are starting to just give you a flimsy piece of cardboard with an activation key on it

I see you completely ignored that games that are out of production are sold at insane prices that most people wouldn't bother with.

Thats not how disc rot works

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I know and I fucking hate it.

Soul vs Souless meme is horrible and has done nothing but further that cancer that is this board.

enlighten me

I see you're completely ignoring the part where none of the games listed earlier can be played without resorting to piracy or buying someone's account.


Physical: Soul
Digital: Soulless

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>Why the fuck would I argue about games I already own you dipshit?
Because the post you were replying to was referring to games that you already own

>>In 50 years when Sony's servers are long dead you'll still have access to your games
it's always the console niggers with the shit opinions

Yes OP, physical games are cool and I would love to have a collection on a shelf. You can also play them offline and you can resell or trade if you don't want it anymore. But there are 2 problems with this.

1. It's not easy to find psysical PC games anymore. You won't have this problem if you play on consoles but it's hard to find psysical copies of modern PC games. Even many of them don't have a psysical PC version and are only sold on plataforms like Steam or Epic.

2. Hard copies are more expensive than digital ones. There are not good sales in my shitty third world country to buy them, and they usually cost the double of their digital versions. However, there are good sales on Steam and other plataforms. So, as a middle class student with little earnings, it's easier and more suitable to buy digital copies instead of psysical ones.

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Yeah, apartment fires don't exist in first world countries. Nope.

I never said the contrary. But don't act like one thing is bad, and then act like the other isn't functionally the same.

No one besides a crazy person would buy an old obscure PS2 game for $200+.

Its original use had meaning but as with all memes it quickly devolved into GOOD THING vs BAD THING for the purposes of shitposting

>Sometimes has DRM
It can be worked around in most cases.
>You can't download it again
There are lots of ways to get games without an account and many other online sources for a game.
>transfer of ownership is impossible
All you need is a portable drive to copy the data and basic set up knowledge.

>You can't cum on digital
That's the only reason why you like physical games so much

It depends on the context, a lot of games were made for lower resolutions and remakes/remasters make stupid mistakes 90% of the time.


Hello, Zoomer


Nigga, her first non brown 3D appearance was Party 4, that one came out like 18 years ago... Shame because brown is best, they released some FB gifs that depicted her with brown skin like 2 years ago or so... but she's still white AF in SMP, MT:A and SSBU

Where do you even get game boxes printed on demand? Otherwise you can just make a little box yourself (won't look as nice since it's not printed cardboard, but it'll probably last longer). I do miss manuals though. Very few games on Steam nowadays come with manuals. I can forgive indie devs not being able to afford printing physical editions (those are probably more expensive on-demand), but I'd like manuals to make a comeback so you can just print those off in a giant book for your physical edition.

>>transfer of ownership is impossible
>All you need is a portable drive to copy the data and basic set up knowledge.
"transfer of ownership" doesn't mean file copying.

Physical Pros

Physical Cons
>At some point, you need to be wearing clothes to get your game. Either from the store or the mailbox. No one wants to see your micro-penis and fat flapping in the wind

Digital pros
>No clothes required. Set that micro-penis free

Digital Cons

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Does it matter when the goal and end result are the same?

There is no reason to play an original SNES game on a SNES when you could just emulate it

>playing games on original hardware
>emulating it

i like that picture

Sometimes I forget that some Steam games have PDF manuals.
It matters in that your post was trying to refute a claim which I never made.

Please die

Both are bad, but at least one is the lesser of two evils as physical at the very least gives a person to own said game through legitimate means whereas the latter outright prevents it if we're being objective.

As for your other statement, that's what piracy is thankfully for.

>give me a reason why you play on an actual snes instead of emulating it

You can't pirate a psychical disc.

Pirated media is still digital

So what, why should you care?

I do both. Sometimes, I can't be fucked to get my SNES set up so I emulate.
>playing games on original hardware
Con: Can't get muh Retro cheevs

You didn't give any reasons. You just used a horrible shit meme.

It depends on the system. N64 for example, has extremely shit emulation so games will look very different and they were meant for a lower resolution like I said.

>you can't pirate a physical disc
>physical backups, burned discs, and uploading software do not exist
The point I was trying to make you dense fuck is that both have their ups and downs, but in the end, piratefags get the best of both worlds.

Most N64 games aren't going back to. And the ones that are have been re-released in better formats.

>Actually own your game, no one can take it from you or stop you playing it
False since steam is a thing, and all the other shit like uplay
Also I can own digital just like an old DVD on a hard drive (gog is a thing). No 1 can take away my hdd the same way a DVD so the entire point is irrelevant

>physical backups, burned discs, and uploading software do not exist
You can't copy a PS4 game to another disc and have it work

>but in the end, piratefags get the best of both worlds
Please read the entire statement before posting.

This, pretty much.

People who make these threads like to pretend that all digital games have DRM and all physical games are FOSS.

Here ya go user

Attached: a6b.gif (320x288, 16K)

I know, and thats obvious and doesn't need to be addressed. What needs to be pointed out is the factually incorrect statement, not the true one.

>digitalfags have microdicks
oh no no no

>Most N64 games aren't going back to.
In your subjective opinion.
>And the ones that are have been re-released in better formats.
Nope, re-releases run off emulators themselves which even nintendo couldn't get right and again, these games were designed with a lower resolution in mind just like certain nes/snes games.

Im talking about stuff like Zelda Master Quest on GC/3ds remake or the Star Fox 64 remake

>still posting wojak in 2019

Attached: Wojakposters, take note.png (1483x1151, 448K)

Why should I care what you think? Who are you? You're meat in a tube.

Master Quest on GC was exactly what I was referring to, it's on an imperfect emulator.
The 3DS remakes somewhat ruin the sense of scope since they were originally console games and Star Fox 64 3D killed the soundtrack.

>not studying fire safety and natural disaster prep
This was all this guy's fault. I'm a physical game collector myself and I make sure that my shit is fire safe and that if a natural disaster does happen(especially in my area where earthquakes are common) that I'm prepared for it and that my collection is secure. This guy obviously didn't study the risks of the area he's living in or else this wouldn't have happened, at least not to this degree.

please for the love of god post more daisy

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The only instance where physical is better than digital is in the form of cartridges like the switch and ds. They load way faster so as to not require an install and they're small and can be stored very easily

Otherwise digital is better simply because i can preload a game on release and then play it whenever i want without having to insert a disc

This is the one thread with a bait ass pic that hasn’t devolved into a porn dump. I’m disappointed


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You've never "owned a game" in your entire lifetime. You've owned a licence to use the data on the disc, but you don't own a single 1 or 0 printed on it.
You've also agreed to the terms when buying the product that you're not allowed to sell it. It's illegal.
The disc can get stolen and it can break. You dont' have unlimited copies like a digital release.
It's useless clutter in a plastic box.
When the game servers are dead, you'll be unable to play the game in a playable state or in its definitive form, cause all modern games are released in a broken state and needs to be patched.

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my only regret as a collector is even though I have friends no is one anywhere near my level. All my friends are casual as fuck. I cant share any of the fun, it all goes over their heads.

>a video game thread is actually arguing about video games
Oh, the humanity!

For me, the thing is that it's still cheaper to get games physically for the first two or three years after release. Games drop to $30 or $20 quickly these days and it takes those years for digital sales to get steeper than that. However this generally means that my backlog is all digital stuff I got for less $10 during some big sale week.

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Having both is nice. I got BotW physical, which is great since I could trade it after I got bored, and I got Smash digital, which is great since I know I'll always want it in my switch

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based wario

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I mean I can just make backups of my PC games. The only time you get fucked is if you're
A console fag.

doesn't change the fact americans don't earth their electronics though

How did one thread make so many nincels seeth?

StuntmanLopez what have you done to me

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>I don't believe that
OnLive, Nintendo Wii Shop, and Desura say differently. If you want to point to "They're too big to fail" then I point you to Toys R' Us.

>that go below physical retail prices
Years and years after physical has been sitting at $20. Sure, they do drop down after a while, but it takes ages for anything to reach physical copy prices and even longer to go under that. PC is the only exception because everything is pretty much digital anyway so they have no real value outside of what Valve sets since they're unlimited.
>Who gives a shit, the only thing you should worry about is if it works.
People who dislike the game? People who want to trade their game with a friend? People who simply want to sell their game?

Source on art?


This is still missing several points.

Physical Pros
>The game is already all on the disk so you don't need to redownload the vast majority of the data (By this I mean patches or DLC) whereas digital has to download all or noting.
>You literally own your game, it can never be taken from you by the game company at all.
>Games go on sale very quickly, you can usually buy any game that isn't by Nintendo for $40 or even $20 only a handful of months after release and those are permanent discounts, not just seasonal sales.
>Allows you to legally obtain copies of games that have otherwise been removed from storefronts, delisted (See Deadpool PS3/360, Driveclub, and all those Activision Platinum games as a quick example), or were never on the service to begin with (See Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 on PS3).

Downloadable Pros
>Can preload your game.
>Doesn't require leaving your home to obtain the game or pay for shipping.

Downloadable Cons
>Games take ages to drop permanently and sometimes are still full price even years after the fact (Just one look at PSN is a very good example, Digimon games still go for $40+ when not on sale).
>Can only be lent to players if you give up the ability to play your own games while they play it (Steam) or illegally letting your friends put your account on their system (PSN and Xbox according to their EULA i.e. sharing accounts) which even then needs to be online just to play the game at all.
>You don't own your game outside of GOG, you own a license that can be taken away at any time.

Having "Can be burned to a disk if you want a physical copy" is also disingenuous for digital because only a handful of Steam games and all GOG games can do this. Everything else can't, especially on the console side of things and it also is duplicating the point of "If it has no DRM, creating a functioning backup requires zero effort"

>It can be worked around in most cases.
Except that's illegal. Arguing against that fact means you now have to dismiss digital's argument entirely because you can just pirate everything and use that as your argument which makes buying digital pointless if you're going to circumvent the law since you should go whole hog instead of half-assing it.

Robaato closed his patreon
Robaato doesn't do commissions no more
Robaato closed his website
Robaato's Twitter is Tone Deaf to people who aren't his butt buddies!


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>buy digital when I want to support devs/publishers
>don't buy when I don't want to
>pirate games I don't want to support the dev, or if I lose access to the game I bought
If I needed shelves with games, I'd print out some boxes and put them there, way cheaper, and I don't have to worry about them being stolen.
Physical media is damn near useless.


Physical is one of the major and best reasons to own a console. PC fags be like "dur hur we better fps and graphics bro", but you are digital cucks. They lose.

>That fucking face

Attached: 1557020104620.png (432x415, 177K)

Robert Shitter once again proving he knows shit about anatomy beyond muhblaquewimmen physique.
>downs eyes

I think they're sexier when they keep the dresses down

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just stop using poor people internet user lmoa

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Even better

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One upside of digital is that it saves physical space.

When is he gonna make flipped versions

>digital games are the most popular form
>preordering is still a thing

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Her skin was noticably darker in the N64 era. It was lightened up when she was redesigned along with the rest of the cast in Mario Party 4.

That's already listed there as "Takes up no space". You could argue it takes up harddrive space but that would also apply to physical now so it's not really fair on either side.

hey physicalfags:

what do you do if there's a fire? you get fucked, that's what. if i have a fire, i just need a new computer and my whole game library is safe

Not digital game exclusive
Not digital game exclusive
Not digital game exlcusive unless offline mode (See diablo3)

The topic is interesting but you had to ruin it with your fanservice posting and your lack of argumentation...
This website will never improve.

Oh yeah, sorry, I missed the image.


The only reason to come to Yea Forums is unfiltered honesty.

And part of that honesty is every minute of the day, every man on here is in the mood to look at sexy anime girls.

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