It's all about the software. A system only sells well if it has strong titles

>It's all about the software. A system only sells well if it has strong titles
>Has a shit load of good games, nobody cares
>Games get ported to Switch, everybody loves the Switch

Explain this.

Attached: wii_u_console_black_32gb_4_large__8.jpg (1747x1080, 154K)

>A system only sells well if it has strong titles
And if people know about them through good marketing.

>most worthwhile titles came halfway into its lifespan
>the good ones that came out at the end were made available on the new Switch console
It's all about launch titles my dudes.

>It's all about the software.
When they say shit like this they assume that the hardware is at least decent which fucking WiiU certainly isn't. Neither is Switch tbн, but people seem to like it for some reason, now that's the real mystery here.

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This is why you don't buy a console during it's life cycle. You never know when it will be dropped and how much games it will get.

>When they say shit like this they assume that the hardware is at least decent
Please, no one gives a shit about hardware unless it's being paraded as a major selling point.

In any case your "mystery" is anything but because the underperformance of the wii u was caused by poor advertising. No amount of good games will matter if no one knows about them.

It had Wonderful 101, Super Mario 3D World and a couple Xenoblade games. Honestly what the fuck else was worth playing on it. Hell I’ve got CEMU installed and I only have like 5 games for the thing.

The wii u had shit marketing, it was confusing to normies and kids who thought it was a wii add on, and it didn't have strong launch titles.
The switch got pretty good marketing, with an amazing game right off the bat with the promise of more, and it was made clear it was it's own thing. Also Nintendo did their sneaky undersupplying tactic at release to generate hype.

>It's all about the software. A system only sells well if it has strong titles
>Has a shit load of good games, nobody cares
Yes, after FIVE years on the market. Too late, it had enough games when it was already dead.
>Games get ported to Switch, everybody loves the Switch
Yeah because they all got ported in the first TWO years, with other new games and more incoming, so the console feels alive and with a future.

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Nintendo did a terrible job at marketing the Wii U.

Most of my normie friends thought it was an accessory for the Wii.

The Switch also has tons of games (both recent and old) that only used to be on non-Nintendo systems, so there's a lot of stuff to play in general. Not to mention indies and niche Japanese games.

>It's all about the software. A system only sells well if it has strong titles

This is a meme answer. It has ALWAYS been about marketing. Most people didn't even know what a Wii U was. The purpose of the switch was not only immediately obvious, it was also heavily marketed to the 18-35 year old crowd.

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Amazing how marketing works, isn't it?

>Garbage launch
>Gamepad is shit (seriously I resent Pikmin 3 for basically forcing it via locking the map, files, and go here function behind it, always used pro controller when available)
>Shit marketing
>Shit OS making boot ups and updates take forever

Bought it for Pikmin 3 and only use it as a Pikmin machine.

>>Games get ported to Switch, everybody loves the Switch
Because people actually own a Switch.

I don't think you understand why the Switch had to get so many Wii U ports, because the originals flopped for being on the fucking Wii U. They needed to get their money back.

People forget that word of mouth is stronger and that was garbage too. No one talked good about Wii U, no one told their friends about how awesome it was, no one liked the gamepad, no kid saw one at their cousin's house and then begged their parents to get them one for christmas, and so on.

That's BS. You don't buy a console when it gets released but during its life cycle or do you love to play 10 years old games and always lack behind?
I got a PS4 last year. I waited and saw all the games it had and all the games I wanted to play. I did the same for the Xbox 360 back then.

Did the price drop? Does it have enough games you care about? Get it and keep yourself busy for quite some time.

Donkey Kong, Bayo and I personally even liked Yoshi. Captain Toad?

>It's all about the software. A system only sells well if it has strong titles

Nope. As the switch demonstrated, it's all about false advertising, false hype, ports of old games people have played a million times and aestheics for the sake of aesthetics

>It's all about the software.
That's not true. Good hardware is important too. And I'm not just talking specs, features and uniqueness matter too. The Wii U didn't have a single good new feature and didn't have better specs than PS4/XB1.
>Touch screen - DS
>2nd screen - DS
>mic - DS
>camera - DSi
>motion controls - Wii
All it had was NFC.

Meanwhile Switch has even better specs than the Wii U AND has a unique feature (hybrid).

Also, the Wii U had a mediocre launch lineup. Mario Maker and BOTW came too late to save it. Star Fox was only meh. Metroid was MIA. Kirby only had a single spinoff

>Good hardware is important too.

tokyo mirage sessions, if you're into that type of game.
Zelda HD remakes.
Fatal Frame (probably unplayable without the gamepad)
Splatoon and MK8, but they've been replaced.
emulators, but that's completely uninteresting to CEMU users

Nope. Saturn had a good software library, yet it's hardware was ass between the cost, controller, complexity, etc... Couldn't even break 10M. Hardware matters

Switch is weaker than the Wii u. It's just somehow it gained better traction.

I think that everyone was kinda burnt out on the switch still and not really ready to get back onto Nintendo systems for a while. Especially as this was when the smartphone and tablet market was absolutely exploding. Everyone was buying iPads and shit for Christmas for their kids rather than a nintendo. A 5 year break was enough for normies and casuals to jump aboard again

switch is a handheld. that helps a lot

You do realise the Saturn sold poorly due to poor marketing and lack of a killer app right?
Hardware literally doesn't matter. Why do you think the best selling systems are typically mid to low quality compared to its competitors?

>Switch is weaker than the Wii u
It's not though?
TX1 has a quadcore (8 if the OS allowed it), 64bit 1.9GHz ARMv8 and a GPU w/ 500 GFLOPS of power. Switch gives 3.25GB of RAM to games
Wii U has a tricore, 32bit 1.2GHz PowerPC and a GPU w/ 350 GFLOPS of power. Wii U gives 1GB of RAM to games

>the "the specs are better so it's more powerful" post
The 3DS is "better" than the Nintendo 64 yet can't run any of its games.

Downclocked to 1ghz though. Both CPU and GPU are downclocked to save battery life and stop heat buildup

>It's all about launch titles my dudes.
>switch launch lineup is a wii u port and some shovelware
>retards buy it anyway
what did you mean by this?

>a wii u port
kinda but it works better on the switch because nintendo gave the wii u version shaken baby syndrome

>Saturn had a good software library
the saturn's library was terrible. especially outside of japan.

Not sure if this is bait or legitimately retarded.

The Wii U did have good games.

But it had the second worst hardware Nintendo has ever put out after Virtual Boy.

I only play new games on PC, consoles are exclusives machines for me. Most often old games are better than newer ones, if it isn't the case then the game wasn't good to begin with. My backlog is so long that 1-2 """must have""" consoles exclusives aren't worth my time.

The WiiU Kirby is WAY WAY better than the garbage we got on the Switch. Thanks for reminding me of it. I feel like starting Cemu to play some Kirby.

>game programmed for MIPS architecture can't run on ARM
Software can undo that. We already see that official games are overclocking to 1.75GHz, there's no reason they couldn't go all the way. Also I've used the system with full overclock and it never warned me of overheat

It's all about marketing.
And WiiU is basically a study case of what not to do with a game console in terms of marketing.

>marketing a console with the last console's name first and a single letter/symbol following it
>marketing a console by never showing the console and focusing on the controller/games alone
>making no effort to rectify this at any point in the console's lifespan because you're nintendo and nintendo never acknowledges nintendo's mistakes

i know of 3 people who unironically thought it took nintendo 10+ years to make a new console that wasn't a wii revision. and the fucking switch is closer to a wii than the wii u was with it's wagglecons

>implying people buy consoles for games

My sides are in orbit.

Attached: PS4 Launch.jpg (1024x580, 341K)

>Switch launch titles included Breath of the Wild, a game believed by normies to be one of the best games ever made and on par with the second coming of Christ
>even some parts of Yea Forums defend it with their life
>wii I got assassins creed, call of duty and no first party games
The point is nobody owned a Wii U in the first place.

>how are we going to do the whole "link has a tablet" 2 screens thing on the switch, sir?
>we aren't
>but won't that make the Wii U version the definitive version? especially with how shitty the game is running on switch right now?
>no. We'll patch the switch version later on once we know how to port it over properly. And we're not doing the tablet thing on the Wii U.
>what will the gamepad be for?
>playing the game when you cannot use the TV.
>Sir? What about when you're playing on the TV? Like Wind Waker?
>What about it? Leave me. Bring me my youngest harem girl and a live baby rat.

For sales. it is really all about marketing. You can convince idiots to buy garbage with good marketing.
The Wii U had awful marketing, but fantastic games. By the time it got rolling the LOL NO GAMES meme stuck and no one would buy the thing.
The Switch had much better marketing and recycled the same games.
A strong launch is also very important to the perception of your system.
The Xbox One X is flat out superior to the PS4 Pro. Most normies just play sports games and AAA multiplatform releases. The Xbox can't even make ground with them.

the 3DS has a fuckton of ported N64 games and emulation doesn't just "work" because the specs are better than the emulated machine

what the fuck is wrong with you? who taught you these things? they should be ashamed.

Clearly he was wrong when he said that.

See the PS4 in its first 3 years, absolutely no games and selling like crazy.

fucking kek post

lmao any game that was on PS4 and Xbone was basically a PS4 exclusive after M$ vomited blood onstage and slapped a pricetag on it to canned applause.

The Xbone/PS4 competition isn't even a valid sample for any form of statistic because microsoft went completely pants on head retarded and just threw their marketshare to the wind like grandpa's ashes

PS4 vs. Xbone was like Trump vs. HIllary. It doesn't matter who you like, who was better, who is this or that. One side came onstage and half-assedly said their piece and walked off. The other side went full retard and made it so the smarter move was to choose neither for now and just lie down for a while

>they didn't read the reply chain

I wonder what the fuck is Sony gonna do for the next gen now that Microsoft will have the most powerful console and they won't fuck up again.

>shitload of good games

what are you talking about? the 3DS runs plenty of N64 games when ported properly, the switch runs Wii U games when ported properly..

point and quote exactly what in the reply chain makes "the 3DS can't run N64 games" a not retarded statement.

>The 3DS is "better" than the Nintendo 64 yet can't run any of its games.
If you can't tell how retarded that statement is, you're retarded yourself.

Because it's a handheld, dumbass.

>he thinks anything in this thread makes that particular post not a retarded and completely untrue statement

sorry mate but that's gonna be a hard no from me dawg

xbox already fucked up again when "based phil" decided it didn't need to have any exclusives anymore.

It's all about marketing. In a super saturated market, there are more good games than you have time to play them and money to buy them. The way you get sales is by marketing.

Normies don't care about exclusives, the PS4 will have like 5 exclusives anyway, we will see if normies prefer movies or dudebro shit, but I guess in the end they all buy the consoles to play Destiny, CoD, and whatever the fuck is trendy now, Fortnite I guess.

The Xbox has the huge advantage of the backwards compatibility and game pass also. I would honestly would rather play Halo and Forza than the 8 hour cinematic experiences of Sony.

The Switch is a 3DS successor with Wii U games.

Yet to be educated by you kind fellows on this matter.


That's blatantly wrong given the PS4's launch lineup.

Advertising is important.
It didn't look good, it didn't sound good, and Nintendo didn't push it enough.
So many people didn't even know what it was years into its launch.
I genuinely believe it could have at least hit Gamecube numbers with better marketing.

>Normies don't care about exclusives
the whole xbox brand was built on exclusives like halo and gears. without exclusives, they have nothing.
>The Xbox has the huge advantage of the backwards compatibility
when the only selling point of your console is getting to play old games from your old consoles, that's a problem. and not every game even works with the xbone, it's only a cherrypicked selection of games.

>Yet to be educated by you kind fellows on this matter.
Ported games =/= emulated games. Porting a game to a system with similar capabilities is one thing and is doable as the game is rewritten to the new system, but to emulate a system requires much more horsepower. Emulating PS2 requires a system much more powerful than a PS2 for example.

Has the hacking improved? or do you still need to use the store? i have a used banned wiiu.

>be Wii U
>nogaems at launch
>poorly advertised
>confusing format that was not advertised concisely
>did I mention the advertising was trash

>be switch
>literally GOAT-tier exploration Zelda game at launch
>followed by mainline Mario game shortly after
>advertised very well, appeal was clear from the start
>handheld and home console that you can actually take with you
>basically improvement on the Wii U in every way+ has all its good games
It’s no wonder really.

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educated about what, you fucking goon

>he actually thinks he can make a completely false statement mid-argument and ignore it in favor of the overall argument

Attached: sweet jeff and brella ho.jpg (337x294, 21K)

The library is absolutely terrible. The high points were botw, splatoon, and tropical freeze. The rest of the “best” games were inferior sequels of other games. Those other games are sometimes cool but not great. And there you have it, the correct opinion from me.

>good game

>thinks he can post a le epic maymay and this be his entire point
Reddit, cringe, bluepilled and basic.

>basically improvement on the Wii U in every way
in reality:
>paid online
>no virtual console
>no miiverse
>no backwards compatibility
>no asymmetric multiplayer
>handheld mode is worse than the gamepad
>worse pro controller
>worse touchscreen (so bad, people forget it even has one)
>absolutely does NOT have all of the wii u's good games - where are games like 3d world, wonderful 101, fatal frame, devil's third, etc.?
switch drones are delusional. the only advantage the switch has is a faster ui. the wii u is better in every other way.

>"the switch is weaker than the wii u"
>"uh no it's not, here's the specs and it's clear the switch is more powerful"
>"just because the specs are higher doesn't mean it's more powerful! The 3DS can't run N64 games!"
>"yeah, because N64 games are programmed for an entirely different machine, which is less powerful than the 3DS"
>"you didn't read the reply chain, yikes!"
are you baiting?