what happened to overwatch
What happened to overwatch
social communism
>comments disabled
>ratings disabled
nothing, this is always what they intended it to be
>be your true self
>you're not you, you're actually d.va, a hot korean pop star
>CSGO and Overwatch tournaments were held right next to each other in Australia
>The CSGO crowd loudly chanted this so the Overwatch League crowd could hear it
...What DID Australia mean by this?
just havin' a laugh m8
you already know (((who))) is responsible for this
>it's an actual IGN video
shitposting is genetic
>know people don't want this
>know people won't like this
>push it anyway
proof trannies are a ploy used for social engineering
This show is retarded. D.va is one of the easiest cosplays t pull off
Also isn’t the fun part of cosplay showing of the costume you made and are proud of? Not just wearing a costume someone made for you?
You either have people getting swole because of DBZ or you get this shit
>With a one of a kind special jumpsuit straight out of the game
I thought she was supposed to become d.va not her mech
This is fucking repulsive.
This is what happens when you create a game that panders to """"""""""""""""""""everybody""""""""""""""""""""""
>tfw you never fell for the Overwatch meme
You mean what the fuck happened to the trans community?
What is this body type called?
Giving into delusions is how you get 40%
fridge mech
at least she's happy, unlike you miserable fucks
disgusting american culture ""freedom"" to be as degenerate as you want
yeah, I'm sure he is, keep telling yourself that
She says shes's only happy when she plays dress up.
is that a woman?
ffs this is the worst timeline
He's happy until he actually goes to conventions and people think he's doing it as a joke
>tfw you never fell for the Overwatch meme
That's kind of weird. If their game is so good why would they care?
Personally I'd try and duck in between the two venues, CSGO is a game I've loved for years and I think overwatch is tons of fun.
I didn't know William "The Fridge" Perry was into cosplay too. Whiteface even! So progressive!
But I am happy. I'm playing games and laughing at a tranny.
i thought he's one of those self-aware perverts who just don't care
don't tell me he thinks he's a woman and people see him that way
this reminds me of someone and I can't put my finger on it. It was someone from a game or movie.
Kill it. Kill this monster.
What do you mean? They've always been freaks of nature.
So happy there's a 40% chance he'll kill himself.
>making videos like this to try and hide the fact that the world is laughing at them every time they step outside their door
You have a twisted sense of "happy" user
Self-projecting too hard, mate.
I doubt these people really feel good about themselves. Like, how can you not see you're an aberration?
It's not a game but a social statement now. How else can you explain the barren number of updates and complete fuck up of balance
You think IGN would allow someone like that near their offices?
I refuse to believe they didn't know what they were doing when editing the video. The juxtaposition between this walking fridge and D.Va's lithe, athletic figure is too perfect to be an accident.
I think you mean abomination.
wow people who are consistently bullied are depressed and have a higher suicide rate, who would have thought? Simply being trangender doesn't make people suicidal, it's the constant rejection from society
Noi, it just HAS Zits, Pimple, and Rash.
Maybe they should stop being repulsive then.
Don't you ever think that it's pretty damaging to set people up like this?
Look at how the video is gated to wall off and bullying, that's not how you genuinely get someone to feel content with themselves, it's babying them as if they weren't an adult who'll have to face some judgment for their choices
Well if they wouldn't reject society in the first place then there wouldn't be an issue now, would there.
That's uncanny.
>Its just a onesie
Fat people shouldn't be alloqed to cosplay
Wonder what the incel suicide rate looks like.
freedom is important so you can tell who
>not coddled by every facet of society and presumed to be sincere by everyone all the time
try again sweaty
Perfect match
user successfully triggers the sad sacks of Yea Forums
What even did he do
>post-pubescent males deciding to transition to female
>end up looking absolutely horrific and even more unattractive
>demand special treatment because twitter says so
Gee I wonder why greater society looks at them with disgust.
The only place to get a decent match is in Comp, but the community is so shit that the actual meta is getting paired up with people who will stick around and cooperate.
>if things get rough give up/run away/screw over your comrades/kill yourself
They've built the perfect game for transfags and other hard leftie types.
Why does every tranny look like CWC?
Man people actually think trans people are "bullied" lol
It's more that their delusions get them "YASS QUEEN'D" into an early grave by people who are more concerned about patting themselves on the back than actually trying to help trans people through what is inarguably a mental illness
holy shit society
>it's the constant rejection from society
You know that serves a purpose, right?
Society shuns and rejects the physically and mentally ill for a reason, they're a blight and a burden on society and they weaken it as a whole.
>they are totally sane guys. Cutting a hole in your body or making a flesh stick and having to put things in it so it doesnt heal. Dressing up like a swamp monster and fucking with the already chemical in-balance in your brain for thinking youre a girl. Totally not their fault
Ummm, have a sex sweetie. Not your frankinstein one :)
He posted Pepe.
Are memes illegal now?
>Imagine their fucking waddle
How did we get to this point in society?! When did the world suddenly change to this fucking surreal hellscape that we have been tossed into. This isn't the world I was originally born in.
This is what happens when you let people feed into your utterly delusional self image
Holy shit
wrongthink memes
>Simply being trangender doesn't make people suicidal, it's the constant rejection from society
More straight people are bullied than trans people, yet trans suicide rates are 8x higher.
absolutely aussie
It's the standard "creepy guy" template
America needs to be nuked and firebombed.
That would make the world a better place.
honk honk clown world
what did he do again?
is this the kid that made the :ok_hand: on stage?
As everyone gained access to the internet society accelerated at and extremely rapid rate, too fast to keep itself in check. The resulting carnage came about as people with fringe ideologies and personal beliefs found groups to practice with.
la creatura...
Ok now this is fucking great.
That's a big girl...
It will have literally died out in 5-10 years.
Hang in there user, nature will correct.
Is this a meme?
OW was pozzed from the start.
If you honestly believe you can tell the difference between a fuck ugly chick and a fuck ugly tranny, you've clearly never seen how fucking ugly american women can get.
Pfft, I think you mean Southern California and Eastern New York State. That would eliminate 50% of the world's issues. Take out Seattle & Chicago and that's bumped to 52%.
Then you just have to nuke the major cities of Russia, North Korea, China, and all of Ancient Persia and all the significantly populated areas of Africa.
>tfw he was right
Dude I shit post and make fun of freaks because I'm already fulfilled in other aspects of life. How can anyone be more miserable than them anyway
How are cartoon frogs wrong think?
Because Hillary said so.
This thing reminds me of that American Whatshismane politician, who participated in the election, and had that awkward photo, that was memed into "gimme the delegates", or some shit like that.
But this can't be. These "people" weren't around pre 2006. The most insane we had was Chris Chan, an other is no way he influenced groups like what made that monstrosity.
I'm gonna lose my fucking mind, I'm genuinely getting this dimensional out of body experience guys. Sure, I'll accept that the internet made things accelerate to this point. But this bullshit came out of fucking nowhere.
>implying japshit cartoons aren't as equally damaging and feminizing
At least add japan to the list
the fuck is this shit?
It happened specifically because of sites like twitter and facebook
>These "people" weren't around pre 2006.
Neither were you if this is honestly what you think.
Trannies were a thing in the Weimar Republic too.
It's the system of a rotten society.
How the fuck does a Stand live on after the user dies when it’s a manifestation of the user’s spirit? How did he know his Stand would live on after he died? Why did Notorious BIG bring the user’s fingers onto the plane for seemingly no reason?
The same one who was memes into being the Zodiac Killer, Ted Cruz
>t. born 2000
trannies have been a hot-button topic since the 80's. There was just no fucking information anywhere so most of them ended up as depressed 40 year old married men who shamefully crossdress in secret.
We need social Stalin to gulag all trannies.
kys tranny
Does anyone actually unironically like the tranny movement?
Trannies and lefties do, but everyone else who is sane fucking hates them. There is a reason TERFs exist, as insane as their beliefs are.
the token 0.0001% of the population, sure
and even they don't genuinely like it but rather support it out of pure political solidarity
When will our time come?
It's probably like 5% of lefties. The rest use them for political purposes, just like they use islam.
Based aussies
aussies operate on another level lmao
I like the movement their flacid penises make when they ride a fat cock.
trannies even ruined crossdressing and faggotry for mentally stable people
the lgbt movement in general ruined a lot of things for dicksuckers and fags
The irony being Islam and Chinks are going to wipe Trannies right the fuck out.
Trannies are holding back the LGB movement. Without those freaks the homos would have been accepted long ago.
I mean, Democrats are getting more and more popular and winning elections around the country and flipping seats, so I'd say so
They should be rejected from society, a delusional tranny who takes a bunch of drugs, destroys their reproductive organs, requires expensive medical treatment for life, and demands special treatment is simply dead weight whose existence hurts everyone.
And they are rejected by normal, healthy people because they are mentally ill freaks. They suicide because they have occasional moments of lucidity where they realize they've mutilated their dicks for nothing and will never pass as a woman, ever. And the only bad thing about this is that the suicide rate isn't 100%.
Bit of a leap in logic there.
You mean it's actually the polar opposite?
Japshit feminizes twinks into crossdressers who later turn to normies as they get older
'murshit """feminizes""" squarejawed linebacker lanklets who curl more than you squat and turns them into gorillas in wigs and no dick
>Oh no I'm not born 30 years ago
Fine, I'll concede that they have been here in a (much smaller) capacity than they are now. I still feel like I've been flung into clown world and I can't escape, so here's my final question.
What the fuck do we do to fix this shit? This horrendous, disgusting degeneracy that has spread like wildfire has to be put to a stop somehow before we stumble into pure Oblivion.
>have a pair of tranny friends (just pill poppers, they know the surgery is a shit meme)
>don't want to think about what they might do when they hit the early 30s
There's nothing about this that isn't incredibly depressing
The Devito
More like what happened to society in general.
Transsexuals have been a thing for well over a century, it was just very difficult for such a tiny portion of the global population to ever meet, so they kept their quirks to themselves. But if 1,000 or so people make contact with each other and are of a similar persuasion, they can support each other and grow their community, even with general opposition from society.
>video from over a year ago
You idiots will stop at nothing to drum up some fake outrage, won't you?
>What the fuck do we do to fix this shit?
You stop making your societies coddling first world shitholes.
Though the absurd economic crashes and wars coming soon will do that on their own.
Lmao, this freak is 100% not happy. It's impossible for these fucking freaks to ever be truly happy (or sane for that matter) and the sooner it kills itself, the better off the human race will be, even if it's brains splattered against the wall is a thimble out of an ocean.
>What the fuck do we do to fix this shit?
It's slowly fixing itself.
This whole “everyone in clown world must be validated at all times” thing is a psy op designed to weaken and eventually destroy the west. Think about the things that people say we must cheer for and honestly wonder if any of it is good for a healthy society.
Self-mutilation and hormones wont make you a woman and it wont make happy
While her behaviour is puzzling to me too, it's undeniable that what she did takes real courage. Sitting around in an alt-right echo chamber and calling her various mean things not so much.
Its the new freshmen fad. Before, it was just going off to college and then coming back home showing how much you matured and grew up and that you were gay now. Its a phase.
Their gone Jim. Just bang them while they look passable and ty to forget them when they start balding and turning fat.
You know exactly (((why)))
>Though the absurd economic crashes and wars coming soon will do that on their own.
Stop getting my hopes up.
You guys always say this and nothing ever happens in the end.
I don't exactly "like" them, but as a non-horrible person, I have to oppose the demonization of them in mainstream media and here.
Hating transgenders is one of the most NPC things you can do. They do not affect you, you're just raging at them because you're told to.
>b-b-but they will take muh free speach
No. Corporations will ban you for personal attacks no matter if it's because you said "tranny" or "christtard", but governments will not imprison you for misgendering.
In b4 clickbait "articles" with unverified anecdotes "proving" otherwise.
To be fair, this is almost all Overwatch cosplay even if they're skinny.
Overwatch Cosplay is some of the laziest shit there is.
>life exists
How did he know what his stand could do?
How did anyone know and know how to exploit it?
>comments and like/dislike bar disabled.
Who would've thought?
>What the fuck do we do to fix this shit?
You really don't need to worry about it user,, the dominant societies on the planet don't have a stomach for it and pretty soon they'll rule the west, just limit your exposure to it, don't accept it and make sure to point out to every pro-immigration leftist fucktard that asia and the middle east alike all routinely put trannies and fags to death.
>Nature will correct
>Murricans want to do hormone therapy for kids.
The English Pub Crawler.
I hate the fact that I did but am glad I don't play it unless there's an event. I watch pro players play the game the most now.
>You guys always say this and nothing ever happens in the end.
>In the end
We're talking about generation shifts user, not something that happens overnight, and it's already happening. Open your fucking eyes.
>revoked his streaming privileges
lol what are they gonna do, take down my private website in panama where I can stream whatever the hell I want?
>but as a non horrible person
You're legitimately a terrible human being that's numbed himself to foreign pain for convenience. If you really think mental illness being normalized and ""accepted"" is a positive because "it doesn't affect you", you're a complete piece of shit with sociopathic tendencies and you should seek mental health. Seriously.
>They do not affect you
>Pushing for more diversity hires
>Pushing for more safe spaces
>Pushing for insurance to cover their dick removal operations
>If you stare at one in a public space they start screaming rapist and you get put in jail for hate crimes
Shall not.
You wouldn't even know about them if you didn't browse this place.
If you are actually suffering from this go visit the real world for a month, really.
Doesn't cost me a thing to not be mean to trannies. The world is full of people and groups who I don't like way less than benign tannies, you gamers for example, but even then what am I supposed to do? You are a fact of life, regrettable as that might be, but my best option is to try to accept and even understand to the best of my ability. To ease our coexistence. We're all in this together and our best and only option is to strive to be excellent to each other, so that even when we fall short of that, we're still on the right side of awful.
It’s a fad. Look there are some people with actual mental issues that lead them to believe they are actually the other gender. But the exponential growth in people going for treatment or getting HRT (as evidenced by data in the UK and others) is evidence it is a fad. There is no way the real rate of tranny-ism is 1000x higher than previously thought. The rise of sissy porn and the like also points to autogynephilia being a major cause.
The profile of older men who become trannies too points to the fact that this is merely a sexual fetish and they have license to indulge in it in public.
Put up the white suicide rate.
>calling cosplayers real life heros
I guess the ones who go to children's hospitals and shit are admirable but most are faggots
These people have always existed but corporations are profiting off them now.
The Any% transition
I see them more and more when I'm out and about these days and they disgust me even more seeing them in person then on a screen.
It takes an absurd amount of willpower to hide my disgust if I notice them. They are a blight no matter where they are.
So that's where Hildryn comes from
Oh, they were around but social media didn't validate them until a few years later.
60% happiness rating
>hurr you've never been raped so you don't have a reason to hate rapists.
What kind of ass backward logic is that?
Trannies effect everyone around them and it's a net negative effect.
Fucktards like you who ignore their mentall illness with bullshit "it does not effect me" whilst it goes on to rot away the core of society are just as much a blight as the trannies themselves.
So you''ve given up and just stuck your head in the sand? That makes you an enabler and there's not going to be a place for those like you when the day comes where this degeneracy is behind us as a society. People are going to remember those who got us to this point and allowed it to happen, and betting on them to be merciful and forgiving is a fool's bet.
>hormone therapy for kids
WHY. KIDS SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THIS SHIT. for fucks sake, the only thing kids need to worry about is how to pick their nose and kick a ball. Forcing kids to abandon normal childhood activties will ruin their development, in addition to the fucking hormone pumping.
They are creating childhood longing, depressed, future suicides out of innocent kids.
It's the ultimate "run away from your problems" movement
Why do you think trannies exist? And why do you think 99% of them look like 2/10 men and look even worse as women? It's allways the same fucking thing, men who can't get laid who turn into a woman for the chance of getting sex, it's the endgame an incel reaches when deprived from sex for too long.
The coward response is to turn into a woman, the harder and more brave response would be to get your shit together, get fit and become a chad, of course, nobody wants to do that because it's hard and it's easier to turn into a monster and complain about people
I will never see the tranny movement or any tranny as anything other than a man who failed to be one
Quite the contrary. You're sticking your head in the sand if you think you can just close your eyes to trannies. They're here and we will just have to deal. Your only options are to deal well or poorly, and you're currently doing the latter.
Nice Krogan cosplay
Hey man, I go to college. I can't fucking escape them. They even started cropping up in my highschool, and I'm in the middle of a super conservative area.
It's the best time to do it for a successful transition. If you truly worry about them becoming depressed later in life, I'd look at what you can do to create a society that welcomes them and that doesn't try to amplify their hardship.
cishets SEETHING!!!
I wouldn't say "sex" it's more like feeling validated. If someone is a tranny now, chances are people will tell them "no bully" and social media can profit from them, and they can easily get clout when they feel offended by something which ads insult to injury. This is the world we live in now.
You are never going to have a society that welcomes a butchered dick as much as a functioning pussy.
I don't mean to be vulgar, but it's the truth. Straight men want have relationships with real women.
>I'd look at what you can do to create a society that welcomes them
You treat mental illness, you don't enable or encourage it and you sure as fuck don't force it upon children.
What in the actual fuck is wrong with you.
if you are going to be a girl at least be thin. fat traps never work
Maybe their time will come in the next 100 years.
How about you kill yourself instead of ruining kids' lives. What makes you think some kid who tries on his sister's dress for kicks wants to be a woman for the rest of his life?
I remember putting on a Snow White dress when I was like 6. If my parents' brains were addled with this cancerous propaganda, god knows what could have happened to me. I didn't know what I was doing or the implications. I was a fucking dumbass kid who liked playing with cheese and legos.
Had a lesbian friend, broest of bros. She talked with me about how she ate her girlfriends pussy, also gave me advice and tricks to use with my girlfriend.
She fell for the "you're actually a dude" meme, cut off her tits (also had a pretty nice rack, RIP) and started to do hormones.
Now, he looks as a twink faggot and is always sad. I think he was better as a "she". Also, we stopped talking as much as before even when I was supportive and tried to help with the transition
I'll humor you, sure. EVEN IF the kids don't become disgusting abominations. EVEN IF society I'd completely accepting of them. The kids missed out on their childhood.
While other kids were playing ball, Jimmy was at the therapists. When other kids had fun trading cards and gossiping about games, Jimmy was at home pumping hormones. When other boy's were chatting up how much they liked the girls in the locker room, Jimmy was trying to fit in with the women.
A child denied their childhood fucks them up mentally in the long run. They miss out on key moments during their life. Making friends, learning to read, playing games. These are important milestones that should never be missed for transition therapy and doctors visits.
How do you welcome them into society without just lying? Telling them they're beautiful is just a lie, telling them they're whatever gender they believe is a lie. Literally anytime you're interacting with a tranny, you're lying by trying to be nice. It's fucking awkward, you can't avoid it.
>tfw you never fell for the Overwatch meme
That's fucking bullshit.
Picture is from a "Target" store in the United States.
Strange way to express yourself if you don't want to be vulgar, so even in my infinite understanding I don't think I trust you. You don't have to fuck trannies or even like them. Just being such a dick about it.
It's pretty infantile to think of treatment of mental illness. Now, like you I'm no doctor but I do know that mental health is often about learning to live with what you have rather than chasing cures. Since we don't really belive in lobotomy anymore, there aren't any cures around for many issues people have. What we do have is ways to learn to manage our shit. If being a tranny is an illness and putting on a skirt alleviates the discomfort, then that sounds like a better cure like any pill I know of.
Oh no no no
I am vomit
Fuck (you)
>But this bullshit came out of fucking nowhere.
Beta male incels who failed at life seen all the praise trannys were getting and jumped on the bandwagon for an easy ride. That’s it in a nutshell.
People lie to each other all the time. It's pretty much the foundation of a working society. The question is why you can lie to yourself, your family and friends but only if they're not trannies?
>putting on a skirt alleviates the discomfort
It doesn't though. Suicide rates remain roughly the same before and after surgery. Treatement my ass.
Absolutely based xi poster
Based roos
>our governments literally promote it as propaganda efforts to subvert traditional society so that people become dependent on and identify with the state more than private institutions
>dude you're just paranoid get off Yea Forums for a while
fuck you, you gaslighting fag
Thanks for dropping the /pol/stats but I'll defer to the WHO or actual professionals who work in
the field, rather than biased bullshit fuelled by your toxic masculinity and insecurity.
Despite the muh culture narrative I bet most of it is because of sedentary lifestyles and toxic crap in the food/water supply and environment. Test and sperm counts have been dropping for decades already.
don't care if some bastard wants to cut his own dick off, just keep your weird self-hatred fetish away from my kids
It’s actually worse than freedom to be degenerate. It’s more like “be shunned from society if you’re not a degenerate or fully support degenerates.” It’s full “I love big brother” except instead of big brother it’s guys cutting off their dicks, 9 month abortions, and 8 year old drag queens dancing for money at gay bar. If only you knew how bad things really are.
>People lie to each other all the time.
and that makes it right? and no, I don't lie to my family and friends, I'm a fucking adult. and even if I did lie, it's not like I'm lying literally anytime I'm talking to them, which you have to do anytime you "accept" a tranny.
>literally WHO
imagine being this bluepilled. I bet you think the UN is the next stage of human political development.
>If being a tranny is an illness and putting on a skirt alleviates the discomfort, then that sounds like a better cure like any pill I know of.
We're not fucking talking about putting on a skirt faggot.
We're talking about genital mutilation.
We're talking about pumping children full of fucking hormones completely fucking up their natural development and ruining their childhoods.
We're talking about absolute degenerates indoctrinating people to do all of the above.
Trannies are harmful to themselves and those around them. You don't enable pedophiles, you don't enable drug addicts, alcoholics or rapists, why the fuck are you enabling trannies?
People wouldn't reject you if you weren't a mentally ill freak.
>pushing this shit on kids who have no scope to truly comprehend what kind of fucking life altering lifelong commitment you're signing them up for
It's this kind of shit that makes you look disgusting. As an adult you're free to do whatever the fuck you want with your body, but leave kids who haven't even seen their teen years out of it
Then fucking leave you tranny. You harmful bullshit will kill thousands and you will sit there thinking you did a good thing
Is this a poem?
I'm pretty sure that you do, and that they lie back to you. It's the most natural and human thing to do.
No, I want their mental illness cured.
Gender affirming surgery is really good at this, so far the best option if suicide rate drop is a viable metric.
Although calling it a mental illness is in itself a very NPC thing. You probably think it's a synonym for "delusion" or "insanity", while it's just emotional pain.
This is why I have to support their movement even though I don't have much in common with them.
Criticism of transgender acceptance somehow always ends up being shit like:
>but if we don't punish them for existing, then muh diversity hires!
>somehow transgenders are ruining society in subtle, unmeasurable, unprovable ways and it can only be cured by bullying them to suicide
>slippery slope! soon being male when near a transgender will count as rape!
Even if you were somehow right, it's only rational to oppose everything to stand for.
You're completely delusional.
You're correct but this is phrased like a shitpost
This site is so weird
The WHO is a political organization pushing a narrative, as is the (((actual professionals))). You’ll find that there is little actual fact going on and a lot of theorizing. But maybe you won’t find that out seeing as you evidently believe in “toxic masculinity”, another made up malady that came from Marxist feminist studies departments.
Maybe you should get a medical degree and challenge the field. Until then, nobody will give a fuck about what /pol/ told you to think about the issue.
Oh fuck I forgot about Desmond. Holy shit anyone else remember when he was in the same room with a fucking murderer, and the kid looked like he was on rohypnol (which was on the painting in the background!) God I pray that some day the poor kid is pulled away and brought back to normalcy.
It infuriates me that he will never have a proper childhood, and the damage already done cannot be undone.
I can't believe I fell for this bait. Good job.
she looks like she's wouldn't be able to go up a flight of stairs, what part is strong about her?
Not my fault that the difference between your discord echo chamber and the real world is causing you so much cognitive dissonance.
This, pic extremely related
>You're completely delusional.
Do you want me to post pictures of trannies who've had their dicks cut off?
Or parents who've forced children under the age of 10 to take hormones to change their gender?
Fuck off cunt, you're the only one who's delusional. Open your fucking eyes.
He’s right though. Toxic Masculinity is a bad joke. It doesn’t exist.
That's what all seriously ill kids go through
Degenerates aren't often welcomed in society either unless you're the right kind of degenerate.
What if the kids are just gay? They don't need to be butchered if they're just fags.
maybe don't shove your shit down people's throat and they won't get bullied nearly as much.
Guess you'll just have to ask them.
Under social communism Stalin is a tranny
>trannies are constantly bullied and rejected by society
>gamers are constantly bullied and rejected by society but don't have the 40% suicide rate
Maybe if you stopped killing yourself and started rising up you'd be better off
the mothership
>Subtle, unmeasurable, unprovable
Kick and scream all you want user, im the one who was to deal with all of their fuckups, companies especially tech companies stopped hiring the best and instead they're hiring the ones that give them good boy points and PR points, which leaves us with the mess that is trying to deal with these idiots that are a total mess in both work and social enviroments.
>taking a CHILD'S whimsy as an invitation to condition them to develop a severe mental illness and permanently fuck up their bodies so you can virtue signal about ruining the lives of perfectly normal, healthy literal fucking CHILDREN for karma on FUCKING REDDIT
Yikes, an unironic Q-boomer.
>when I was supportive and tried to help with the transition
That is not helping at all.
Sounds like you failed being a bro to her when you let her go through with it
The entirety of the EU is even worse.
You know it's agenda pushing when they disable rating and comments, because they know it's gonna something that nobody wants to see or think it's health.
I don't mind trannies, despite of what this place says, but force fitting that she looks beautiful and specially healthy being fattie is just disgusting. You can tell how desperate this person is for validation because once everybody stops caring, she will just commit seppuku.
>This isn't the world I was originally born in.
It's exactly the same world. You're just getting old, rigid, and you don't like change anymore.
15 years ago you would have been all love and acceptance and lets disrupt.
Now you are uncertain, tired, and cautious, unwilling to allow risks. In short you are past it, and your opinions are now less than useless.
There's a 40% chance she's very not happy
Absolutely based.
This, let kids just play games and have fun. Kids just want to have fun not have political debates.
It’s weird how prevalent trannies on the internet are, but I haven’t seen a tranny here in europe for years. Maybe it’s just an American problem.
>Do you want me to post pictures of trannies who've had their dicks cut off?
Imagine thinking that this is an argument for anything.
Gender affirmation is statistically a massive success, your picked cherries don't change that.
>Or parents who've forced children under the age of 10 to take hormones to change their gender?
For every such child, there are tens if not hundreds of children, teenagers and young adults who killed themselves because they were denied their gender.
Face it: all your opinions are knee-jerk reactions to something you don't want to understand because understanding it would stop your rewarding feelings of hate and rage.
>I hate trannies
>but let me create a million thread and shitposts about trannies
epic posting there lads
He's right, though.
Even without trannies homos are still bugchasing degenerates and pedos
Trannies barely exist IRL, but the much more plentiful alt-righters are obsessed with them.
white pride cap
should I be ashamed for laughing at this?
It worked for furries when SA was still a thing.
You could replace all that gender shit with video games and you'd have the average incel. The kid would probably be objectively happier if they felt like they could actually do something to improve their life situation instead of being told to keep their head down and don't inconvenience other people's opinions.
>Gender affirmation is statistically a massive success
>b-but I can feel better about myself if I say it works...
Wake up and smell the coffee you monster. Stop forcing this shit on people. It is not and will never be acceptable.
Bullshit I lived in San Diegoas as a child we had a lot of trannies there I thought they were disgusting then I think they are disgusting now
>Gender affirmation is statistically a massive success
>For every such child, there are tens if not hundreds of children, teenagers and young adults who killed themselves because they were denied their gender.
Do you have a single fact to back any of that up?
Didn't think so.
>Random user being the most based you could possibly be
Please have my babies user.
I'm sure they are around you more than you know but knows how not to stick out like a sore thumb compared to what you see on the internet.
>No, I want their mental illness cured.
Their mental illness is them identifying as something they're not. How are you curing it by validating their behavior?
Your kike mindgames have no power here.
>Face it: all your opinions are knee-jerk reactions to something you don't want to understand because understanding it would stop your rewarding feelings of self-fellating.
Sounds an awful lot like you.
sucks when you love a game the a shitload of libtards say its politically incorrect. like how they said that wake up get up get out there said retarded which ironically they are
>Making shit up
The post.
Oh how wrong this nigga be. I'm in the prime of my life. 15 years ago I'd be out kicking a ball with the other kids. Tired isn't my MO, and I'm just getting warmed up.
>Gender affirmation
I first asked if she was completely sure. She told me that yes, and gave me an array of reasons. Also went with her to a psychologist (couldn't enter, waited outside) and she was diagnosed gender disphoria, so of course I had to believe it. It's not that I'm a transphobe, but that was really out of the blue, and being already 27 years old, it sounded strange to me (never gave me that impression, she was a tomboy, but a lot of lesbians are) .
As I said, I tried to help as much as I could. Maybe I could have tried to take it off her mind? I don't know if that would be better, also I don't think it's the good thing to do.
The only thing I know is that "he" now doesn't look happy at all, and I think was better before. But maybe when she was a "she" she was masquerading and was miserable inside, and she was lying to me. Now it's like he's avoiding me, and I think that's because I remind him when he was a girl and didn't have these problems.
BTW, it all started because a FtM trans started hanging out with her group of friends (which before of that consisted primarly of lesbian and bisexual girls).
This guy is closeted btw.
It's called being a man
>40% death rate
>picked cherries
>american teenager and neckbeard, the thread
glad to see a bunch of stupid retards have an opinino they know nothing about
keeps me alive knowing there are worse humans than me
>Gender affirmation is statistically a massive success
Ahahahahahahaha, no, statistically it's a great way to ensure they fucking kill themselves.
>The overall mortality for sex-reassigned persons was higher during follow-up (aHR 2.8; 95% CI 1.8–4.3) than for controls of the same birth sex, particularly death from suicide (aHR 19.1; 95% CI 5.8–62.9). Sex-reassigned persons also had an increased risk for suicide attempts (aHR 4.9; 95% CI 2.9–8.5) and psychiatric inpatient care (aHR 2.8; 95% CI 2.0–3.9).
That's not even what that 40% stat you're so hung up on says, retard.
>literally cannot respond to actual evidence
Cope. You are a terrible person, and also a coward.
No ones worse than you tranny.
Having a single opinion in common with women makes you an NPC. Unironically
You've been brainwashed by brain parasites from your filthy animal, catcuck.
thanks for proving my point
posting a lot of retarded tranny shit (without even understanding what being gay is) on a videogame board
at least I will never see you irl
>one study
>study about as old as you
>back then when transgender acceptance was nonexistent
>no comparison to non-reassigned transgenders, only to cisgenders
You aren't trying to understand, you're trying to confirm own biases.