>literally kills the Ratchet and Clank franchise with one vid
Literally kills the Ratchet and Clank franchise with one vid
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally who
pretty much captured how much of the reboot I disliked
shut up charlie
>Literally who
this. I doubt devs give a fuck about some random guy on Youtube
Type ratchet and clank on youtube and is one of the first vids there, the devs are never gonna go back now
Insomniac themselves said they're not done with Ratchet. So I don't know what you're bullshitting?
insomniac and sony killed him, not a youtuber
He has no real barring on the industry.
Pretty sure Insomniac killed Ratchet and Clank on their own
is it fair to say that the people who watch this shit are more interested in killing time than actually learning anything or being entertained? you might as well turn the radio on and stare into space. it's utterly worthless noise.
you could watch dozens of hours worth of these kinds of videos and come out the other end with no new information beyond what you read in the video titles.
It’s a video version of a Yea Forums thread. So yes, it’s just a time killer for most people.
Isn't that the guy who automatically dismisses a video game if it isn't Devil May Cry?
Degenerate tranny fucker hang yourself.
the big problem I have with his ratchet vid is that there is too much focus on the fluff (music, characters, worlds, etc.) rather than the gameplay. not because I don't think it's important, but I think it lets Ratchet 2016 get off easy.
The gameplay in that game is so fucking bland and dull. It only accounts for like 2 minutes of this hour+ review.
my bf
I am very thankfull for that video
Said everything i was thinking, and insomniac must have seen it with how many views it got, so they might make the next one not shit
Hi Charlie
You're not that important
People who make games have a better idea of how to make games than youtube faggots who talk about them
>doubt devs give a fuck about some random guy
it got over a million views, with most people agreeing
i think they would care about that kind of reaction to their game
then why was it shit you brand cock sucker
if the people who make games are so hood at it why are there no people who make games 2: electric boogaloo
>expect him to destroy DMC5
It was a kino video.
>tfw he's gonna become ultra liberal and stop pandering to Yea Forums for views because he fucked Sue
TGB's opinions on everything are very predictable
Also he's better at complaining about things than praising things. The DMCV review wasn't critical at all, just an hour of gushing.
"based and redpilled" faggots are too obnoxious now, getting tired of their shit after so many years
Not that I disagree, I just think it'll be funny to see his opinions flip-flop because he got his DMC playing >gf
That's true though.
His videos are pretty apolitical, he just parrots Yea Forums elitism.
Make an RE2 video Charlie.
What's wrong with that reasoning?
Wait, is he really dating another guy?
He's just following his own memes at this stage, hes becoming contrarian clickbait
Thats actually pretty based though. But then i remember he memes that RE6 is amazing.
Hi Charlie, I think you look pretty cute!
Call a thing shit, that is an argument.
Good for you
Do you remember how to have an original thought?
>He didn't shit on the game I wanted him to shit on
his dmc5 video was awful
devil may cry 5 is riddled with problems at almost every level - storytelling, campaign structure, level design, pacing, hitboxes, basic controller input issues, sound balancing etc - and is missing key features from previous games like turbo mode yet he presents it at this all encompasingly perfect game
him using footage of the interior of the qliphoth to talk about how amazing the game looked was one of the most unhinged things i've ever seen, literally everyone agrees those levels look and feel like shit and he's dickriding them like a delusional fanboy
Say what you want about the guy being a tryhard, he's 90% right in his 1h30 long video about Ratchet
>deletes his twitter because of meanies and only sticks to instagram
what a wuss
Is that why? Both him and HBH did it at the same time so I figured they were just bought out.
>storytelling, campaign structure, level design, pacing, hitboxes, basic controller input issues, sound balancing etc
and I bet you couldn't even explain in detail why you think it's awful and you're just butthurt some youtube fag didn't validate your shitty opinion
kill yourself virgin
>sucks 20 dicks in the same day
>wahhh why no youtube man shit on game :((((
you have to be 18 to post here kid
>spend years advocating for games having more content and not cutting features from previous games
>doesn't complain when DMC5 comes out with no bloody palace or playable Vergil because muh epic ps2 nostalgia
Post your rank otherwise your DMC opinions are worthless
>Yea Forums gives constant praise to DMC5 since it's release
>Brit releases his video about it
>now all of a sudden Yea Forums hates DMC5 because they're afraid of sounding like fanboys
you people are pathetic
>inb4 Yea Forums is one person
you fags couldn't shut up about how great this game was and how it improved on everything and now that some youtuber said it was great you gotta do the usual Yea Forums thing and claim you never liked it
Yea Forums really is filling with insecure children by the day
e-celebs are not vidya
go to trash or Yea Forums for this garbage
>no bloody palace
Literally already in the game, for free, within a reasonable timeframe.
>no vergil
Yes, and? Not every game in a series has to make every prior playable character playable. We got V as a new character option along with the two main boys from 4. I'd have liked Vergil too but it's not exactly as if the devs did anything wrong by not including him.
>different people have different opinions!
what a shocker
>Yea Forums really is filling with insecure children by the day. you people are pathetic
how ironic
No, because he actually likes and plays Silent Hill and Resident Evil among other games
this if you guys are shit then no wonder you don't like it
also what said
Not including it from the getgo is pointless and only served to withhold it from people who wanted to play it earlier
>I'd have liked Vergil too but it's not exactly as if the devs did anything wrong by not including him
Imagine I'm someone who loved playing Vergil in 3 and 4's special editions, I put shitloads of time into him compared to any of the other characters and his playstyle is by far my favorite
Then I see all these trailers for 5 with Vergil in them and get excited to play my favorite character
And then he's not available and has been replaced with some summon character I don't give a shit about, despite having more reason to be playable in the base game than ever before
Cutting content that was available in multiple previous games is a bad thing, don't make excuses like "oh y'know, the game not being as good as it could be is fine, because I waited 10 years to play it so I'm afraid of complaining"
And don't pretend like the dev team wouldn't have wanted him playable if they'd had the time and resources to develop him
I was just kidding but he actually is one? Now i really want him to kill himself.
not that user but you gotta be a disingenuous fag to think Yea Forums never 180s on their opinions the minute they either get too popular or some fucking eceleb comes in and says they liked it
I bet you're one of them
>I-I'm not mad
I see the concept of anonymous image board is just too much for double digit IQ subhumans to understand
>I bet you're one of them
Don't project your weakass bullshit onto me
have sex
I get what you're saying but that still seems silly to only dedicate yourself to just one character instead of utilizing everything the game had to offer. Instead of finding a new interest in getting really good with Dante, Nero or even V you'd rather complain and say the whole game is ruined apparently just because of some exclusions
I'm bummed about Vergil not being in either but I'm not gonna let it be the big deciding factor in whether or not the game is shit, plus there's always the possibility of a SE with more than just Vergil so we'll just have to wait
he's based because he called out kojima for being a hack and pissed off the "LE FUCK KONAMI" redditors in his Silent Hills video
you didn't disprove that Yea Forums constantly flip flops on everything though and the fact you felt the need to respond at all shows what I said hit some sort of nerve
stay mad virgin
State of Play is soon, probably a Going Commando remake coming
>because he fucked Sue
But he didn't.....
not that user but that's true though, Yea Forums is probably the last place you should trust for opinions or insight because 99% of Yea Forums posters are insecure underages that will just change their mind when some eceleb says game good or when too many Yea Forumsirgins say game good you literally cannot deny that
I'm not calling the game bad. I like the game. I'm saying TGB, and by extension a lot of DMC fans I've interacted with, have been making excuses for the needless exclusion of a fan favorite character.
Charlie's been all about not removing content from games for years now, yet when his boyfriend Itsuno cuts a two-time-playable character from DMC5, he doesn't even so much as mention it. He'll cum in his pants over Vergil being the final boss, but he'll neglect the part about him not being playable.
Fuck off with James the golem i am eating here.
>this is your brain on Yea Forums
>he thinks me being bored to tears and posting on a malaysian leaf broidering forum is "hitting some nerve"
>so proud of himself he posts smug frog
you're deluded just like the e-celebs you worship
He was a metroid thread guy before so probably
>tfw still mad at the remake
How could they fuck it up that hard?
PS2 is peak video games westcuck
>make random claim
>everyone on Yea Forums takes it as gospel
I don't care if people flip flop their stance on things as long as they bring up valid arguments
because that's what an anonymous discussion is about, the ideas/arguments, not the people posting them
Vergil has never fucking been playable on initial release in a DMC game EVER you stupid cunt.
>all those trailers with Vergil
>and is missing key features from previous games like turbo mode
Opinion invalidated.
More like fixes, wait till E3
>this character literally everyone expected to be in the game because he's been playable twice before isn't in the game
might as well tell KH3 fans they were stupid for expecting a good game and to just wait until FM comes out to make it good
storytelling: story jumping all over the place feels like contrived padding, too much of the game's story revolves around V's identity which is obvious, lacks stakes towards the end, nero feels redundant for most of the game despite being the main character
campaign structure: constantly swapping between characters is shit and means you can't really get into playing as them for long periods of time, most players will likely have preferences for which character is their most/least favourite meaning that they'll have parts of the game that are roadblocks that make then not want to play etc
level design: what level design lol
pacing: way too much stuff is given to the player and there isn't enough time/content to become aquianted with it, dante for instance has more than twice as much stuff to play around with as nero yet has the same number of levels and gets thrown into a bossfight after obtainig a new weapon. this is such an all encompasing issue that the game has to use the fucking credit sequence as a tutorial for nero
hitboxes: some of the enemies have noticably bad hitboxes (behemoths and queen empusas are the worst examples), these weren't ever issue in previous games
basic controller input issues: locking on is terrible, changing lock on targets is terrible, some "back to forward" moves are inconsistant (like Shadow's guillutine move), royal fork is riddiculously hard to pull off with 100% consistancy, dante's control scheme is poorly thought out as you can't claw grip on an xbox controller and it's really easy to press a different button by leaning too heavilt on a button on the ps4 controller (e.g. pressing right will often register as up)
sound balancing: the music is really quiet compared to everything else, some sounds like charging blue rose are overwhelming. also on the subject of sound the levels which disable your battle music are fucking horrible, soulless experiences
>because that's what an anonymous discussion is about, the ideas/arguments, not the people posting them
Sadly most people on this website dont understand this anymore, I guess thats what happens when get more and more newfags coming because the site is popular, rarther than because they actually like what the site is
i saw your KH3 gameplay Charilie, you're trash
this. I expected him to at least have few minor complaints, I'm one of those annoying DMC fanboys and loved DMC5 but even I acknowledge that 5 has flaws
all of this is 100% correct
friendly reminder that WESTERN GAMES ARE SHIT
wtf, so all traps are literally just lying through instagram trickery?
How is dragons quest? its on sale on steam now but never played any of the previous games
why isn't there a board for you e-celeb obsessed retards yet?
>Charlie thinks V's playstyle is good
This kills wrpgkun
Final Fantasy XV is a Japanese made game, and a majority of the people here shit on it don't they?
Shit tier, it's only fairing slightly better then nu FF. Better off with megaten or Xeno series.
DQ11 is pretty damn good.
I think they should just be banned to /trash/ with the other cocksucking faggots
tgbs is too much of a pleb to appreciate GR
he said he never even finished the first one, and he made a Spiderman PS4 review without covering the swinging mechanics, he said just go watch this other guy's video for that
he's too small brain to get the GR traversal system
Well fellow anons which is the best Ratched and Clank?
For me is R&C:Gladiator
I would say that Insomniac killed the franchise.
holy based!
fuck that boomer series!
>appreciate GR
Because the games suck, literal floating simulator with bad combat and shit tier enemies with a nonsensical story, what the fuck do you do in the world other than play collectathon or """"race""""?
Game is ass cheeks and 2 has the nerve to repeatedly shove in stealth sections, to think they kiked us out of SSD for this trash
100%. I like chucking a video essay on in the background while I do shit. Half the time, I'm not paying attention and half the time, I don't even care about the topic.
for me it 3=4>1>>. I still like 2 though.
Gladiator OST is GOAT
Bloody Palace was out within the first month, get over it. Vergin is a boring piece of shit to play as so nothing of value was lost.
I was expecting it. After all he cannot fucking stop talking about how perfect DMC4 is, and that game is incredibly flawed.
The only Ratchet and Clank I played was Size Matters on the psp. Am I missing out not playing the others?
the perfect ranking
>Dude Ninja Gaiden is bad because no lockon
This is why I never respect anyone whose name is "The *insert country here" Gamer"
2, definitely. It had more of everything compared to 1. 3 on the other hand felt scaled down in ambition and 'formulaic' in a sense. Multiplayer was alright even if I only ever played local 1-on-1 deathmatch with my brother, but Gladiator beat it in that too.
awww yea
The remake is literally zoomerication of the series.
Point to where he says this
While I agree that western games are shit and japanese games are great, Yakuza is fucking garbage. The irony of people joking about "god of snoy" when Yakuza 6 is about you LITERALLY raising another man's mixed race child
This. I like hearing people talk but since I'm very lonely I usually leave these playing in the background
Honestly I buy the idea that he wants to say it's perfect just so he can "own" the people who get mad at him for comparing action games to DMC combat just to force it as a golden standard
I mean really he had no issues with
>V's entire play style
>Scores being fucked on stages ending with Urizen fights
>The boring copypasted asset loaded level design of the Qliphot missions
>Dante being even less prevalent than in DMC4
>Nero's breaker system forcing you back into the store to refill your breakers
as sad as that is I admire your honesty
doesn't count since the director is a westaboo
What does he say? Not giving him a view. My guess is he's peak Gen Z youtube intellectual who flexes his nostalgiafaggotry to seem older than he really is. Saying Ratchet and Clank 3 was bad is very tryhard, it doesn't even sound like a believable opinion. I was 15 when 3 was release and already past the point when friends were still talking about Ratchet and Clank, and even I recognize 2 and 3 are pretty much the same in gameplay, and both better overall than 1. And 1 is a peak nostalgiacore game for me because I played the shit out of that demo level obsessively before I played the game, and I've played 1 the most. I've never heard anyone argue that 3 was a bad game.
1-3 and Gladiator are great. Haven't gotten around to the ps3 games yet. Gladiator's story isn't as good though and it's thought of unfairly as not a good game.
>Multiplayer held back single player
>Theme on war instead of commercialism
>Majority of levels are linear instead of multiple paths like 2 and 1
He didn't said it was bad, just disappointing which honestly is fair.
and here's another in case you think i'm just shitposting
Insomniac killed it. This prick did jack shit.
>Not giving him a view
Reminder to use invidio.us
He doesn't say it's bad, just a disappointment coming off R&C2's heels.
I prefer Going Commando to Up Your Arsenal, but his review was not good. I find it hypocritical that he calls this game bad because it sometimes re-uses maps from multiplayer even though Deadlocked, a game that he liked over UYA literally 90% of that game re-uses layouts and assets from the multiplayer. He's also complained about linearity which is majority of Deadlocked as well.
2 > 1 = deadlocked > 3 > aCiT > ToD > Nexus > the rest
been a while since I played some of the ps3 ones though
Size Matters is certainly one of the weakest entries. Poorer level design, poorer weapons, poorer tactile mechanics, just a mediocre experience all around.
The PS2 games are platformer shooter classics, and must plays.
The PS3 games are fine too, ignoring the spinoffs. Give them a try only if you're not bored by the end of the PS2 series.
You can choose from 2 planets at a time and also have your choice of challenges in deadlocked. It's not nonlinear in the same way as the first 2 games, but it isn't as linear as 3 was.
Vergil has never been playable in initial releases, only in SE, retard.
You gotta laugh at how his opinions on action games essentially boil down to 'if it isn't aping DMC3 combat, it isn't good".
>he makey da vido I agree with!!!! insonac BTFO haha
And TotalBiscuit killed the console industry and 60 FPS is the standard. Oh yeah, that didn't happen. Eceleb opinions are irrelevant, they're only useful for marketing towards retards like you who eat it up.
"TotalBiscuit killed the console industry and 60 FPS is the standard" did PCfans legitimately believe this?
It's great, ain't it?
>When the fucker actually had the audacity to say that Nero's "FUCK YOU" was better than Donte's
Two wrongs don't make a right. If Ninja Theory and Capcom both take a shit on the carpet, the situation doesnt get improved on just because Tameem had Thai while Itsuno had Mexican. Neither moment in both games was tasteful.
>Type ratchet and clank on youtube and is one of the first vids there
pcfags that worship e-celebs maybe
Those same threads also had posts being critical of things in the game, only to then be treated to being called a doomsayer or discord tranny in response. Anyone who isnt exactly head over heels with DMC5 cannot be held responsible for how others choose to blindly and endlessly fellate it.
>being so dumb that he misspells shit
>over a million views
Do you *actually* think this is noteworthy? There's a stark contrast between getting attention and getting noticed.
RLM's Star Wars reviews were passed around Hollywood, but I guarantee you know one at Square Enix gives a shit about YouTuber reception for their recent titles. (The same can extend to Insomniac)
>"no" auto-corrected to "know"