If I wanted to fall for the VR meme, would the Pimax 5X Plus be worth it over the Vive Pro? Assume that I am retarded and will only accept one of those two, and also have my own headphones.
If I wanted to fall for the VR meme, would the Pimax 5X Plus be worth it over the Vive Pro...
Probably, but Index shits on both.
Of course. I'm rich and impatient enough to get one of those as a starter, and then upgrade to Index and give the old one to a poorfag that couldn't try VR otherwise.
VR doesn't have enough games to make getting more expensive headsets worth it.
That's...Actually kind of sweet.
Pimax is good but you'll wait a month for shipping so that'll waste most of the time you'd have until Index.
Yeah 5k+ is basically a Pro with wide fov
I had to get one while waiting for Index because the SDE on 2016 Vive is so bad
That said I have it because I backed it, I have no idea how long shipping would take now
once that new half-life game releases for VR everything will change, you'll see
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
>Valve games in current year
lol who cares
What is SDE? I've only ever tried phone VR and a friend's Oculus, so I'm not like, spoiled by a wide FOV yet.
Seeing gaps between pixels
It's why most vr games are physically active and have little reading
To use a desktop with the first Vive/Rift you need to stretch the virtual desktop to fill your entire fov to read anything, it's awful
It's the reason my oculus is collecting dust.
The first version of VR that can remove it, similiar to bending the glas within a smartphone, i'll be the first to preorder one.
Why is Pimax 5k significantly better than Pimax 8k?
5k is displaying native resolution, 8k is using an upscaler to match the panels which diminishes it
& virtual feed
chink shit using misleading branding and big numbers in spec sheets to make it look better than it actually is
Same could be said of consoles but you kids eat that stuff up anyway.
>Same could be said of consoles
Not at all
Yes it can. PS4 literally had one good game for the longest time but Yea Forums would gloat about it.
>PS4 literally had one good game for the longest time but Yea Forums would gloat about it.
There's always early adopters. Everyone with sense waited a couple years. Right now, buying a PS4 or X1 is way more worth it than buying a VR headset.
You convinced me. I ordered a Pimax. Thanks for the civil thread for a change, Yea Forums. I really enjoyed it. :3
I own Switch/PS4/VR and I use my VR way more
Switch is just MHGU/Smash machine
PS4 is a fucking dust collector until Dreams
>I use my VR way more
Yeah I'm sure Beat Saber for the 1000th hour is really fun.
>Beat Saber for the 1000th hour is really fun
not that gay man but it actually is
Been in cockpits more recently really
Is the 5K XR worth the extra money over the5k+?
>this shit capture again
>no Elite Dangerous
>"THE" VR game
still disappoint
How do the meme VR headsets like primax handle controllers? They're steamvr compatible or something? Posting some fresh out of the oven webms meanwhile.
At least add the games I mentioned the last 10 times you posted this.
Why make lists when I can just wait for Anons to
Lists are pointless anyway, no one's going to go through each game on them to find the good stuff if there is any when the culture surrounding VR is visibly poor.
You could say this about any game or sport.
And a silly one I made
>tfw white culture stops you playing vr
You mean aspie culture. Just look at the webms being posted itt about shooting at bouncing hot dogs.
yeah I wanna wedgie these fuckin nerd dweebs
Sneedial Reality
>Will never get above Expert on Beat Saber
It hurts but at least it's exercise.
You would if you put the hours in but at that point the dancing feel goes away anyways and you're just wrist flicking
I use my arms and torso to swing but when blocks are inches about it's tough to keep the momentum.
It's annoying because I'm at the stage of the campaign with the 'minimum hand movement' stages and their goals are stupid high. I don't think they' possible with deliberately cheating and waggling my hands between swings.
>Guys, our vr shilling doesn't work, what can we do to get people to buy our scam
>I know, lets call it a meme like they do, that'll catch em out and bring em around
Why are all VR Porn games so hard to get and setup? I just want to fap to some cute nude girls in VR, not spend hours configuring, installing addons, cracks, mods and other bullshit. Just give me some brainlet-friendly easy to play porn game god damn it!
poke abby