Based, fuck wh*tes

Based, fuck wh*tes.

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Fucking nigcels man.

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b-but but BBC why all da white women gone?

based incel

or blackcel if you will

This I'd honestly pretty based
Children are the representation of everything the norms have and we don't

The children need to be attacked if you really want to stick it to them

>black /r9k/

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how long was he kept in the army after menacing to use the fire power against citizen of his own country?

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Oh nonononono bros. What the fuck? I thought that I was the exception and the other blackbros were laid NOOOO

Why can't people just be normal?

Is this literally gorilla tactics? Also lol jealous much nigger?

Putting pussy on a pedestal is just not worth it

Have you seen what the world looks like today?


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We really should just put down all these feral niggers. They benefit no one.

This just proves it’s not a white or black issue, it’s an incel issue. Get rid of incels and lives will be saved.

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Lmao how can bl*cktoids even compete

>having a beard is considered as difficult as having 7 dragonballs
then again theres no niggers in my country 8)

you have to be a psycho to succeed in modern society

You're white though
>not video games

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>black man
>dragonball reference
Every time.

>b-but BBC!

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>Man, how dare she make her own decisions in life and shiiieet?? She belongs to us!
Fucking embarassing, Tyrone.

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reminder that male incel percentage is close to hitting 30% for people under 30

reminder that every time this happened in the past war/rebellin soon followed

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This shocked no one because no one expects black people to act human.

Jesus fucking Christ, it makes me ashamed to even call myself black when I see my own kind act like this. And they wonder why I love listening to death metal over rap.

Fuck this degeneracy is too much

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>blacks get upset when whites date their women
>whites get upset when blacks date their women
So basically, you’re all the same. Really makes ya think

Give examples?

niggers are fucking subhuman

>degeneracy on the rise
>don't want to contribute to it just to get "laid"
>this is somehow bad

Christ. If that was my kid I'd have this guy bite the curb.

Now reverse it and they'll be going "AYY THAT WHITE BITCH GONNA GET THIS DICK"

Blacks usually date obese white women so there's no real need to be jealous. Meanwhile, white men only date the most attractive black women.

Because we let the mentally ill determine what should be normal

Wait why does Yea Forums hate black men?

>rejected by women
>attempts to kill little boy

>Video games

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literally gorilla warfare

cant fucking win

Should unironically bring back public lynchings.

That's correct.

While the whites and blacks are arguing, the Latinos are swooping in and taking all the bitches.

my friend stabbed a couple of kids, including me, when we were in middle school and now no one talks to him

Wait, when did Yea Forums start the reverse "BLACKED" meme? What would we call it ... "BLEACHED"?

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>white anons are out there finding qt weeb blacks gfs
>black anons meanwhile stay in their rooms seething and playing fighterZ

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Fuck wh*te people

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bideo gaem

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Because for some reason you dumb niggers just can't seem to act like humans. Always have to chimp out eventually.


Am I an incel if I’m a virgin became I don’t pursue women at all and barely socialise in general, but would have sex with a girl if she did all the legwork?

Das racist

both of those are correct

wow, is it really that easy for us? shes way prettier than he is
he would be considered average by white girls

literally nothing wrong with these comments, racemixing is a sin

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Kys you wh*teoid cuck lmao

I don't get jealous one bit. As a white man I've been with girls of all races. East asian women are the best.

Not to mention, 9 out of 10 it's fat white chicks that hang with black guys. I'm sorry. I don't care about those. You can have them. Real world is not like Blacked. Those east-european and jewish-american girls get paid very handsomely to do it.

why do you have so many of these screencaps saved?

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Personally. Their hypocrisy and their thug culture.


It's called voluntary celibacy if you're on the other end.

Just like me, I don't crave sex but I wouldn't turn it down given the opportunity, I'm just not going to go out of my way to get it.

>Superior genes

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Feelings of inadequacy brought on by virginity and getting memed to death by BBC.
I unironically post black dick bait all the time just to triggers mutts

Fucking this

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Isn't the man on the right Christian Vieri and jazzmat
Whatever cool

>attractive successful black woman is a trump supporter

>they don't love you they only tolerate you
No, it's black men we hate and, at best, tolerate. Black women are very accepted.

Also nice racism and self-hate, Tyrone.

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games for this feel?

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what is normal?


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Not like they're hard to find friend ;)

user I’m not sure how to say this to you, but you’re weirdo

>even nigs don’t think spain is white

If it makes you feel any better user, you'll most likely find that this stuff comes in every single color ... now I'm wondering if there are any black death metal singers/screamers, or what ever, out there

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lmao I tought whites seethe the hardest about race mixing
this is a whole new level of sad

Nope, black hoes are trash tier and are a major reason the black community is in shambles and that ghetto culture thrives. I've been fucking with Latinas since highschool and not looking back.