Wtf happened to this company? What was the fall from grace?
Wtf happened to this company? What was the fall from grace?
Did they really fall from grace? Wrath of the Lich King was catching lightning in a bottle, everything is a ''fall from grace'' compared to that.
Bought by Activision
Unironically that stupid Warcraft of World multiplayer game.
what grace?
One man dared to question.
This, also pandering to the bluehair forever-offended lib crowd. Even if you are progressive enough now, there will always come a time when you are destroyed because you were finally deemed “toxic”.
The only Blizz games I ever liked were SC and WC3. Both were probably flukes given their overall track record.
>cut up a chicken breast
>toast it in some bread and throw some seasoning and melted cheese on it
Yea Forumsincles will never know this feel since they only eat frozen chicken tendies from mommy
They have all their chips on the belief that 'Games as a service works' if their online servers fail they will prove ross was right, if we no longer get to play SC2 and D3 one day because the servers suddenly died. If they pull the plug it will furtherly mean online service IS a fraud.
The same thing that eventually happen to all successful companies
Strip-mined for maximum profit by sociopaths
rent free
Pandering to casuals is what made them fall. Every game. Every single game that panders to casuals just waters down their game and fuck it up.
>says casualization fucks up games and companies
>includes image of the 13th best selling game of all time
Activision merger. Activision is staffed by CEOs who haven't played a single video game in their lives and it shows in all of their policies. Their modern game philosophy is basically making stuff that's as safe as possible, which results in completely bland products which only appeal to the lowest common denominator.
>Wrath of the Lich King was catching lightning in a bottle
I'm a wrath babby and even I know this isn't true. Wrath happened well after the Activision merger and its later patches were absolute shit. It was the start of Blizzard thinking everyone deserved to be a winner and should be able to be in le epin raids, so they started showing retards with participation award epics and completely ruined the expansion's progression.
Early WoW success and activision got to their heads. The fact that they have their own convention kinda shows they're out of touch and think they're above their competitiors
>McDonalds is fine dining
No I'm pretty sure it's just activision you radicalised incel
Never said that, dumbass.
You said that McDonalds is ruined because they sell cheaply made quick food
man I could go for a cheeseburger and some mcnuggets right now
You have no clue what makes modern WoW bad. Stop posting.
Because it sells doesnt make it good retard.
This, any successful company will simply fire anyone who gives a shit about their customers to chase megaprofits
Fuck off wrathbaby. Wrath was the beginning of the end.
when did I ever say that it's good you illiterate troglodyte?
The point of the skyrim post was that "When companies casualize their games, they get ruined, EVERY TIME"
My point was on the contrary, pointing out that even though he claimed that, Skyrim sold hundreds of millions of copies. It's casualized, yes, but it singlehandedly made Bethesda a fortune.
WoW becoming such a massive success along with the Activision merger eventually led them to abandon their core in favor of catering to as many as possible. Which inevitably means bending the knee to outrage culture while higher ups pocket all the profits.
The moment you abandon your core that made you successful is when shit starts hitting the fan, SE is doing the same thing with XIV now and it's just gonna be downhill from here no matter how much people will defend yoshi-p and koji.
You seem to confuse two terms
>ruined as a business
>ruined as a game
It was profitable, but as a game it is a horrible boring piece of lukewarm mashed potatoes.
>op poses a question
>answer it
u mad, shills?
This thread is talking about businesses, so I assume when the post talked about being "ruined" it means businesses.
Cancelling the warcraft point and click adventure game.
How will Boomers ever recover?
That's a fairly mediocre meal.
Why not be a proper man, and roast a whole home-killed chook with brussel sprouts, punkin, kumara and babby taters, with an earl-grey and blue cheese gravy?
starcraft 2
i was so fuckin excited when that first trailer premiered at that korean show. then it was all downhill from there. splitting it into a money grubbing trilogy, shit balance, shit custom tools. game is an absolute joke to this day compared to the mobas that dethroned it
then they try and make their own moba with hots but of course its unbalanced and sucks because blizzard can't design a simple map like dota without injecting all this useless shit that imbalanced the sides to differentiate it for no reason
why is it always the fucking mario kart approach with blizzard. nothing is a true skill match theres always gotta be some kind of rock paper scissors shit so even retards can win a round of overwatch when they couldn't even land a shot in an actual shooter
but when i FIRST realized blizzard hates actual competitive play was when arathi basin first came out in WoW. that fuckin bridge between farm and blacksmith that allowed the horde to get there first every time. there could have been a bridge from stables but that wouldn't have enough "flavor". this post is the result of my lingering salt of never winning battlegrounds as alliance in vanilla
Activision spending millions on buying esports
All the chads/waifus ending up in HotS
Not having Blackthorne in HotS
Activision pushing mobile
Diablo mobile
The activision merge killed the soul of the company
>Cash shop while still charging a subscription fee
>Feature design for convenience which began as far back as TBC
>Completely bland gear choices and few options for character building
>Dumbed down raid and dungeon design, no use of CC, you basically walk a straight line from one boss to another
>Dumbed down resource management with all classes
>Outright deleting abilities because managing more than a three button rotation is too complicated
>Outright deciding what a spec's rotation is for the player instead of letting them experiment
>Mega servers which completely destroyed any sense of community that servers had
There's more, but the point is that the WoW team has been constantly removing mechanical complexity for years and streamlining the game for convenience. You don't need to communicate with people, you don't need to coordinate with them, you don't need to even leave your capital city to reach the maximum level. Wrath introduced this design philosophy and what we're seeing now is a continuation of it years later.
Now they have a product which is about as stimulating to play as watching paint dry, and it shows. Their subscriber count is the lowest it has been in years.
fuck off libtards and get rekt with facts and logic courtesy of ben shapiro.
>Taps mic.
>Deep inhale.
>For a man your age, you're looking pretty good Jack!WELL, ALL THAT STUFF THEY PUMPED IN TO ME HAD TO BE GOOD FOR SOMETHING ... hehe, pumped.
Trial of the crusader patch. Or Naxx 2.0.
Every time I think about coming back I remember I'd have to deal with azerite armor and don't do it. Great system there guys.
Its probably the merger with actishit that did them in
>these video titles aren't from the same channel
some galaxy brain shit right here, who wrote this shit, some fortnight kid with add adhd full of sugar and cocaine?
there is clickbait and whatever the fuck this is
Jews and women. In that order.
Once they realised they could get infinite money from absolute drongos, they were set forever and couldn't give a single fuck about making good games.
Look at the shit they made pre-wow, vs the shit since.
In fact, I'd say wow is the single game to blame for the current state of the industry.
Prior mmos were a niche thing, but wow simultaneously made grindy, cash shop infested, "games as a service" type stuff the norm, and brought gaming into the normieshere.
It's called a joke
Ruining their games trying to force successful e-sports out of them.
Blizzard being stuffed with rainbow-haired freaks which is starting to show in their games. The cultural rot is probably why Activision is calling the shots now.
Making games for accountants, not players.
None of this matters because the games print money; WoW prints more money than ever despite having fewer players than ever.
I just wish they would bury WOW and stop ravaging the good memories of once good series.
I am too old for Blizzard to cater to my interests and even their new target audience doesn't seem to care which leaves it with even less people playing and enjoying it.
That's a shame but I wouldn't expect from business people understand what make games enjoyable for every particular audience
let me point it out for you
I think it was Titan. After that failed they have done little, Overwatch beeing the leftovers from that huge project. They lost senior people and confidence.
Skyrim is the epitome of washed down and casualized
Overwatch being leftover garbage but becoming so successful combined with the success of Hearthstone got them thinking they can just shit out literally any game made with barely any budget by 3 dudes in a basement and print money off that. Unfortunately the average Blizzard fan is so retarded that they're right.
>being so passive aggressive (female behavior) that you don't even do direct quotes because u believe (You)'s are black magic
>pandering to the bluehair forever-offended lib crowd
People will tell you that the moment they and ActiVision started holding hands with each other was the prelude to their fall. In reality it was this combined with many of the old guard leaving the company. But what really started their downfall was them closing Blizzard NORTH.
Thus the results are as follow:
>Story department in their games hit a really low level compared to their older ones (WoW is the ur-example here since many of the plots rely on people acting like retards)
>Gameplay is either casualizing it, removing features that were good
>In case of RTS games, putting too much emphasis on micro (SCII is the only thing that is infamous for, WCIII's micro isn't shit luckily since the units take time to kill)
>Lack of soul, neuterization, no actual edge and sharpness of their games
>Homogenizing their games in terms of art and tone (at least SCII's art-style isn't fullblown cartoony)
>Forcing their games to become E-Sports-centered
These are but few examples. Probably there will be anons who find more of them.
Mobas have "dethroned" Starcraft 2 because they are team vs team games that are way easier to play both mentally ("I don't have to play my best because my team can carry me", "We lost because the enemy doesn't suck as much as my teammates") and mechanically (macro aspect is not as vast and apm-consuming, most heroes require you to micro a single unit). Starcraft 2 is still the the best and most popular 1v1 game currently alive which says a lot.
>Lack of soul
Aaaaa say no more, you're baiting for replies.
Warcraft 3 is more about micro than Starcraft 2.
People who made the games and genuinely loved them were pushed out by executives. Then replaced with agenda pushing diversity termites who are easy to control because they don't actually care what happens to the game.
Well now they arent even capable of that anymore. Something inside Blizzard stopped working. No games are beeing made, and what they try to develop is stuck in development hell since they must "reinvent" everything and restart development 6 times before they give up.
>Then replaced with agenda pushing diversity termites
iirc with reading some shit about the need for more diversity women in the game itself, the tipping point was legions development cycle going by the article when they wanted to do it.
How trolled are you right now, baby brain?
See: any year post-merger when they needed to “expand the player base”. Pandering to the mentally ill is always easy.
don't forget the usual parasites which appear in every business now, especially HR roasties
So fuck all happened
There was no fall from grace. Blizzard has never made a single good video game.
>Pandering to the mentally ill is always easy.
Could be worse, they could be pandering to Yea Forums. Then again I suppose there is no difference between the mentally ill and Yea Forums
Get a job
The addiction of WoW money, and like a lot of vidya companies, the talent left.
Ppl saying MUH ACTIVISION don't know shit about what they're talking :
Vivendi was exactly the same and closed Blizzard North.
Also WoW was the first game where the story completely sucked.
In what way? SCII is literally not like the previous game (just look what they did with the Protoss, not to mention throwing away the cold war-esque frontier feel for generic epic space opera), Diablo III's gothic horror atmosphere is non-existent (at least DII still had it with the 1st act and the first D was all this) and WarCraft went full retard mode at this point.
Unlike SCII, WCIII's micro is the good kind of micro only due to the units in the game not dying like flies.
Ion sacrificed himself so that we could get Classic, by making retail even worse to the point the only way to save the warcraft franchise was by going back.
Bless his soul.
>away the cold war-esque frontier feel
What the fuck are you talking about? Starcraft is a setting all about open warfare, and what exactly do you mean "what they did with the protoss"? Are you talking gameplay? Story? What?
>get a job
You'd know how many of these mongoloids if you worked within the industry
Which industry? I worked in several places, never had issues with HR.
either that other user is trolling or he's a HR faggot himself
Based classic blizzard player
Stocks and shares.
Unironically, WoW. Almost everyone at Blizzard knew that they've spent too much developing it to the point that Blizzard would be closed like a year after release if it didn't do at least 1M subscribers which was a number completely impossible to reach in their eyes given the MMO market at the time (Everquest, the one with the highest amount of subs, was at like 300k).
That's why you had a ton of people leaving Blizzard before and after WoW's release, they didn't expect WoW to pull those numbers and keep the company afloat.
This is canon now right?
>What the fuck are you talking about?
I swear to God I will find you and...THE FUCKING SETTING!! The setting stopped being what it is.
>what exactly do you mean "what they did with the protoss"?
Turned them from guttural psychic tribals with super tech into sci-fi Draenei. SC1 Protoss had a lot of varied skin and eye colors to boot. Now they are homogenized depending on faction (Khalai have blue skin, blue and gold eyes, Dark Templars are more greyish with green eyes while Tal'Darim are all pale and with red eyes). Which is absolutely retarded since Fenix had crimson red eyes when he was still a Zealot (Zeratul and the Dark Templars too), Artanis had a much darker skin with intense golden eyes, the generic Zealots had turquoise-ish skin and dark-blue eyes when he didn't light them up. Not to mention the High Templar's blood-red glowy eyes of doom.
No, since it was done in the most fan-fiction-esque way that people are ignoring it.
I'll show you who's boss of this gym.
>impossibly long dev times
resulting in:
>inability to create a new IP after the trio of Warcraft/Starcraft/Diablo
>overreliance on WoW
this was the death spiral that resulted in the creative bankruptcy that is Heroes of the Storm, the shit show that is Overwatch, and generally doubling down on shitty new business models. honestly, I don't even blame Activision for pushing it because no RTS should take 7 years to develop.
Blizzard had a window of around 5 years where a solid new IP would keep them relevant, but they poured too many resources into Diablo 3 (not worth it), Starcraft 2 (ultimately not worth it) and WoW (lol), so Overwatch became a soulless fart of a game that only appeals to degenerates.
>Overwatch being leftover garbage but becoming so successful
Stoped reading right there.
sorry you like a shit game
this image really does look like some skeleton in the pits of hell
This is really good bait, gotta admit.
This but unironically.
The game was bad before wrath. End of TBC was really the beginning of the end. S3/S4, Sunwell patch, "badge of justice," removing attunement requirements, nerfing heroics, etc...
granted if you ask my gf, adding flying mounts was the real end.
surprised she still plays. :/
It was never good
This is true, and very short nice summation.
Diablo 2 "world tour" does still have some atmospheric moments in the meme acts though.
>Unlike SCII, WCIII's micro is the good kind of micro only due to the units in the game not dying like flies.
In WC3, there are less units, too. Max cap of 100, most units take at least 2 food, heroes take 5, you'll have like 10ish taken up just with workers for each base you've got, you want a smaller army in general due to the upkeep mechanic, etc...
and of course, having 400hp and dealing/receiving 14 damage per hit is much different than having 40hp and taking 20 per hit (marines vs lurkers for example, in sc:bw). WC3 is not a "look away for 2 seconds and half your army died" game, which made it better for a lot of people than sc. less APM required to compete.
no many uneducated comments in this thread holy shit. blizzard 100% fell from grace. they were once about the gamers and were gamers themselves. now they're ran by corporate goblins and the devs are under their thumb
Bought by Activision. Honestly the day they let Heroes of the smash bros die it was pretty clear they no longer gave a single shit
They got too popular so now everything they do is treated as worse than Hitler. People literally can't even comprehend how their own minds twist their opinions into disgusting hobgoblin shades of their former selves, their very emotions churning into an unrecognizable mash of hate and vitriol. It's actually very sad, these people lose so much and for no real reason. People expect something "special", and when they don't get it, suddenly the thing they care about inverts into the thing they hate the most, they feel an acute sense of betrayal when no betrayal is present. They cannot understand this process, and they never gave their emotions any thought, so it just hits them so suddenly that they have to take it at face value. Critical thought regarding the matter is taken as an even further betrayal, so any who don't immediately agree with their wild accusations and baseless claims are viewed as untrustworthy as well. It all inevitably results in an ever darker downwards spiral, at the bottom of which is the assumption that the thing they used to care about was never good enough to justify how they felt in the first place, as a means of ultimately shielding themselves from their own inadequate grasp of the situation. They don't always hit rock bottom, but when they do it's depressing to watch.
How do people still not fucking know that Blizzard was ruined by the merge with Activision?
What about the setting? You're not making any sense, what do you mean it stopped being what it is? Starcraft started with war in the Koprulu sector and Starcraft 2 continued being about war in the Koprulu sector.
>less APM required to compete
The "APM required to compete" meme has become old. You speak as if your opponents in SC2 are all korean demigods. You can have ~50% winrate in high diamond (top 7% of the ranked player population) with 80-90 apm regardless of your race. You can literally attack move your army around and have a good winrate in plat-low diamond by being on top of macro, making proper units and attacking in the right direction at the right timing. You do have to have 200-250 apm to compete in grandmasters. Guess what, WC3 at the top of the ladder has the same mechanical requirements. Units take a longer time to be killed, but a wounded unit is still a wounded unit. Personally, I hate dancing around neutral creeps which is what WC3 ladder games are all about.
It’s a shame because we used to have a higher level of discourse, but now that we have daily tranny raids from discord, it’s just nonstop shitposting. Thanks retards!
>it’s just nonstop shitposting
So nothings changed
They tried to tamper with the natural flow of time by celebrating april fools in november
Wrath was the beginning of the end for wow. Vanilla was the lightning in the bottle. Wrath brought in too many casuals that bitched until blizzard dumbed down the game.
what happened here?
It's the Valve story all over again. When a company hits a legendary status, the success eats the company from the inside.
What do you do when you have released what many see as industry-defining titles? You follow that up respectably once, maybe twice, but no more than that. Things never get finished because nothing is ever good enough in the face of your previous successes, you reconsider and redesign things over and over again until no one has any idea what they are doing anymore. And when senior people get disillusioned and leave, the entirety of the past creative spirit is 100% gone.
So when you see an opportunity to make boatloads of money with comparatively little effort, you end up taking it.
>Brought by Activision
>Fire all the good developer
>Hire brunch of tranny and blue hair sjw dead weight employee
>Ignore hundred upon hundred of good feed back
>cater to bunch of braindead whining player
>recycle the same old content
This, but in other words, the atmosphere is gone. You had rednecks in space and a mix of Aliens and Predator. You had the feeling of first contact and the unknown. The later games failed to capture this and focused on being fantasy in space.
I can also add that the new art styles really annoy me.
i like bigmacs and big tasties
>big tasties
The redneck aesthetic going away makes sense given the 5 years of relative peace post broodwar. The swarm when dormant while Kerrigan massed power, and the Protoss were trying to recover from the broodwar btfoing. This gave Mengsk time to actually consolidate power and “civilize” Terran space. The Raynor gives up his quest of vengeance for Zerg poon, Kerrigan regaining her humanity, and the entire fallen xel’naga bullshit; is where SC2 jumps the shark.
A legend was born
They grew so fast because of WoW, got too much inertia, lacked the vision to see where the industry was going, wasted tons of time and money on Titan, hired substandard people who pursued terrible ideas and designs like D3’s initial launch, tried to meme an esport league, went full SJW authoritarian recently.
As an example they totally missed out on the MOBA trend - Valve would have bought DOTA (they way they bought TF and CS) but instead Blizzard years late decided to make their own long after the market was saturated. Then they tried to salvage Titan by making a TF2-like (years late) and found themselves incapable of hopping on the BR fad. I mean even EA put out a pretty good one while Blizz can only respond by making a different character gay.
Times change, things change, and they grew. Growth is really good for making money but corporate growth is also inevitably going to transform you into something soulless and completely different from what you originally were. It's just what happens everything gets taken over by shitloads of businessmen and analysts and research idiots.
Death Knights tohugh, most fun class. DK's and Northrend laid in the last puzzle piece for the game world to be ''complete'' though. all lore and all locations afterward are afterthoughts. Metzen=God
That's a bait.
I honestly have no idea why they went with some dindu nuffin stupid orcs for Warcraft movie instead of Lich King story. Normies would love that, hardcore fans would love that, everyone played WoW back in the WotLK and the movie telling whole story of Arthas would be a massive success. Instead we've got some characters nobody knew and cared about. What were they thinking?
Incorrect, BC was the beginning of the end. Once they broke PVP to cater to the whiny fucking cloth wearers thats when they Broken PVP, once they started making raids easier and took away the 40 man requirement thats when they broke PVE, when they added flying that broke OPVP AND OPVE. And on top of that they added more fucking elves to the game. It WAS the defining moment of the fall, everything else after has just been the plummet.
Scourge/Arthas is what allowed Blizzard to reach that bloated size in the first place. Why did they play it safe with Warcraft 1 lore? Did they feel that Arthas couldn't be done justice?
Removing all lewdness, de-sexualizing characters, pretending that slutmogs issomething wrong.
Triggered leftists will respond to this
hard to get the arthas/LK full story in a single movie without boring people with a 3-4 hour slog or compromising the story somehow. a duology would probably work, but planning a movie in multiple parts without knowing how the first will fare is a massive red flag for investors in today's industry.
They had too much confidence in the franchise and expected first movie to do so well to start a cinematic universe like Marvel (like every fucking blockbuster in the recent years). Probably wanted to do Arthas movie later on.
Trying to make warlords of draenor relevant. It wouldn’t make sense to shill your old stuff to the Chinese audience you grabbed with pandas.
>vanilla, tbc, wrath
>cata, mop, wod
We are 2 imploded circles past failure right now
How about Trilogy?
1: Mal'Ganis VS Lordearon
2: Arthas VS Lordearon
3: Argent Dawn VS Lich King
>Wtf happened to this company? What was the fall from grace?
The people who made the good games for them 15+ years ago either left or were promoted into positions where they aren't making games anymore.
Blizzard has never released a decent game. There was no fall.
an out-of-control/woke social/live support team.
the games are still good - missteps happen.
We don't deserve him, he's too heroic
>People still defend WoW
The redneck part of Starcraft went away the further up you went in ranks, or are you telling me you know a redneck who talks like this.
>Blizzard killed the only fun dev team they had left and abandoned HotS
Would be cool.
Cast Arthas and Jaina Yea Forums
>northrend was the last piece for the world to be complete
can wrathbabies ever stop being the literal worst
but that's a lorewise fact you retard.
broken isles, zandalar, kul'tiras, and pandaria were all canon before wotlk.
these are literally tiny though, and Pandaria is the result of Blizzard grasping at straws and then re-finding their joke race.
>broken isles
WoW completely retconned it. They were supposed to be suramar and where Azshara was.
It's just one line of a meme character ignored by everyone in the story.
WoW turned it into an excuse to appeal to chinese even more.
The ones who killed HOTS were the players not Blizzard
You know I keep hearing "pandern are a joke race" but I never understood why people say that. So why are you saying that panderen are a joke race? When Chen was canon before MoP
>pandaren joke race
Did you even play frozen throne, warcraft 3? Go do that, can't promise the thread still will be here, then come back.
I did play frozen throne, that's why I know Chen was a character before Mist of Pandaria.
The Pandaren, in reign of chaos, was a reskinned furbolg. The tower-defense minigame, where you got Chen from, wasn't canon and was a massive joke in of itself. It was secret side content, and knowing blizzard, secret side content means retardation like Cows, Ponies or idiots running through a maze.
Can you really call it a fall from grace when companies like Bethesda and Gearbox exist? Blizzards biggest problem is they don't make genre defining games anymore, everything they make is just decent.
the zandalari were the biggest troll faction and had an entire empire on an island chain and are the progenitors of every other troll race. zandalar is not small by any means. kultiras was admittedly small, but still big enough to house a large navy and significant enough to be considered its own kingdom like lordaeron and alterac were, so it's not just some bumfuck island. broken isles are small but incredibly lore-significant due to the tomb of sargeras. pandaria was admittedly just a joke that they mined for chinkbait content, i'll give you that.
also i forgot to mention nazjatar in my last post.
>Max cap of 100
And this kinda hurt me. Was kind of a bummer here.
Maybe you should come back once you played the Founding of Durotar campaign in Frozen Throne.
And that map is from?
Pretty sure it wasn't wc3, and in wc2 we fought the forest troll.
why didn't blizzard use that and Broken islands (which is just graves and jungle anyway) for the third xpac? instead we got Catashit.
there was exactly 1 pandaren in wc3, but they're called a "joke" race because blizzard revealed them as a playable race as an april fools joke at one point. i think it was either late vanilla or early TBC, but i don't recall exactly when.
That user is right though. Pandarens started as a joke from one of the artists who liked to sneak them into his artwork. Illidans glaives have pandas on them from this. The Orc campaign in frozen throne made the pandarens real in lore, but they were always side content.
>What were they thinking?
Metzen and his orc obsession. They also released WoD at the same time irrc.
fuck this, D&D forgotten realms is my number one universe now.
warcraft rpg, which has admittedly been retconned by this point, but a lot of stuff has been retconned for wow's sake. just trying to show that zandalar has been a location in the world since before wotlk. zandalari emissaries were in vanilla wow as well. the zandalar as it's depicted now is a modern wow convention, though.
a lot of people hate troll content. and to be fair, a lot of troll stuff is just an excuse for blizz to reuse assets. we had sunken temple and ZG in vanilla, ZA in TBC, and then zuldrak, draktharon, and gundrak in wotlk. some speculate the gundrak raid in wotlk was canceled because players were sick of seeing trolls, so making an entire expansion dedicated to them might have been an iffy decision immediately following wotlk.
the lighting is so kino
>people hate troll content
anybody who hates trolls is a fag. Trolls are absolutely based.
>make a game that could be the next Team Fortress 2 with some polish
>never fix the braindead characters
>add more braindead characters
>start pandering to SJW masses instead of focusing on making the game better
>make a rip-off of a class in TF2
>try to expand your stupid tangled mess of a story
There. All you need to know on the FPS side of things.
Like everything if you abuse it it's ruins them.
I can't stand the troll anymore and i used to like them (like pretty much every race).
The whole "WE WUZ" lore is also retarded.
World of Warcraft made them ungodly amounts of money and they eventually stopped caring. Metzen was Blizzard personified, really. He was always a hack but at least before WOTLK he was a hack who put in work. After that he simply stopped giving a fuck.
>What was the fall from grace
WoW in itself was fine, but they couldn't handle being tied to one game that they had to stretch for a humongous playerbase for decades.
Even in tbc they got to the point of new return.
Then allen black, activision.
Modern gaming developer sensibilities also meshed poorly with their games. Insane control of what you say(no chat in hearthstone, just emotes, oh not even "Sorry" anymore, because it was too toxic.
Their paranoid control freak behaviour ruined sc2 custom games.
Goose as Arthas, some bimbo as Jaina, nobody cares about female """"acting"""""
>The whole "WE WUZ" lore is also retarded.
But it fits
Alterac pretty much is Bumfuck in WoW, there are no-shoes mudhuts villages bigger than that
When a company becomes a monopoly, or effective monopoly, its creative types are usually pushed out in exchange for more sales types because you don't need to be creative when you have a monopoly. Then, when they need to compete again, they no longer have the creative types needed to make or improve the products that got them the monopoly in the first place.
I really liked Overwatch but they dropped the ball.
They had literally every single person I know IRL playing and now nobody gives a fuck about it.
All they had to do was release content instead of skins. They've been bad before Overwatch, but that was the final blow.
Nobody really cares about classic WoW.
I know it's a bait, but it fucks the lore so much : The Horde is supposed to be barbaric. The words, the factions, the races, the themes don't make any sense anymore.
Everything is dullified, pussified.
You sound upset, are you by any chance an elf?
You need the average chad you see in those vampire shows.
The beauty of Arthas story line is to see him fucking up everything and keeping digging.
There is no reason for 14.99 monthly sub. They should lower it or get rid of it. When you really think about what you get and the lack of any permanent benefits from subbing, it's pretty much robbery
goldshire only has 2 buildings and the """kingdom""" of lordaeron is literally just the ruins on top of the undercity. wow scaled the size of everything down massively for ease of player navigation.
>experimenting with PvP was bad
Yeah, it had shit balance but it was 100x better than doing fucking BGs over and over. They could’ve handled the druid situation better but arena was a good add in
>broke pve by removing 40 mans
If you think this then you never raided 40mans. It felt grand, sure but dealing and organizing with 24 other people is significantly better then dealing with 39 others. 25 man raids were perfect
I think a majority of people are either wanting a tbc or a wotlk server. only autists want classic
I love troll content, I'd gladly play a game that was nothing but troll content, over the years it accumulated into a nice expansion sized chunk, just adjust the levels
>3 Zandalar zones
>bits of Durotar/Grizzly Hills/Ghostlands etc
>Sunken Temple
>Zul Farrak
>Drak Tharon
>Gun Drak
>4 bfa dungeons
>parts of mogushan vaults
>Zul Aman
>Zul Gurub
>Dazar Alor
>parts of Throne of Thunder
would be sweet
I never got the hype for blizzard games. All of them are carpet tunnel clickfests.
Lorderon city is small that's true, but the kingdom is large, from Silverpine to EPL, that's quite a bit of towns there, more than across Stomwind kingdom.
What could had been if they started making WoW 2 instead of Titan
What's even sadder is I can see me sitting in that crowd. You all should have heard it live and the mumbles that you couldn't on the VOD.
It's true. They got bloated and lazy. Happens to every successful company.
The key is that when profits are high, investors who aren't interested in the product/health of the company begin to come around.
Since they're not interested in the product or company health, and since they're only interested in taking a cut from the profits of a successful product/company, their expectations and their demands are different from the original investors.
Many early investors have an interest in seeing the company and its promised products come to market. Sure, they still want their cut, but they're less expecting and less demanding, because they see the success of the company and the product as part of their payout.
Later, after all the risk is gone, come the suits, the typical Wallstreet investors who simply see easy money, and then want to keep it that way. The majority of investors no longer care to see the company or products succeed, they simply want their investment to succeed.
It's a cancerous and negative pressure on all manner of businesses. It's why a company like Walmart can go from being "BUY AMERICAN! WE SUPPORT AMERICAN COMPANIES!" in the 80's and 90's, to the biggest importer of foreign goods, and an aggressive point of pressure for manufacturers to move their processes overseas in the late 90's till current day.
Sam Walton, an American patriot couldn't have imagined how destructive his creation would be to American manufacturing.
But that's just one example and there are endless examples. Activision-Blizzard is one, and Epic is another, given the success of Fortnite.
MMOs are garbage.
You hit buttons in an order and your damage scales with gear you find. Nothing you do will ever require you to get any kind of skill or use any kind of reflexes.
Meanwhile at CDPR's PAX panel
Unironically true. WC3/SC was peak blizzard
Epic is weird where there's still the big og guy with loads of money there at the top
So what's up with that mobile trash game? I haven't heard a single thing about it since. Wasn't it supposed to be almost finished?
Where are these from and are there more?
>What could had been if they started making WoW 2 instead of Titan
In February they said it was pretty much done aka another 6 - 9 months before release
They are from there and I assume that's all in the OP
So basically that thing is going be their hype maker for this years Blizzcon? wew..
They will also announce Warcraft Pokemon Go game this Blizzcon.
Good shit brings bland people in.
Bland people make good shit into bland shit.
Bland shit makes good people see room for improvement.
Good shit gets made.
Diablo 4 or next WoW xpac will be the hype maker
>WoW xpac
as if somebody still cares lmao, they might fish more people just rumbling about classic
>Ever liking blizzard
Literally everything theyve ever made was shit or made videogames worse
You underestimate Blizzdrones.
Also if WoW it at his lowest in terms of player is still makes the same money it did during wotlk thanks to the mount shop etc.
There's a source in the lower right.
I think I saved them from one of their deviantarts though.
There are various maps both made in the wc2-wc3 style, and the inferior WoW style.
I wouldn’t be surprised if classic wasn’t even released until after blizzcon. It’s already May and we’ve heard jack shit about a release date
I was on the Yea Forums thread at the time. He asked for suggestions for what to ask on Yea Forums and actually fucking did it. Legend.
SC2's campaign has moments of brilliance as well. Mostly in WoL, a little in LotV.
just like every dev that goes to shit, the root problems always come down to a) desire for money and b) terrible hr departments and hiring practices
They wanted the easy money activision offered, and they started to hire for diversity quotas and shit not related to the actual job instead of hiring, for example, ex everquest top tier players for their wow team, people who have some idea what they're doing and aren't entirely detached from the game and players.
this post is like poetry
>WoW became shit
>Project Titan was the master fuckup, made them realise they were hacks all along
>liking RTS still
>Diablo 3 lol
>OW was a incomplete game
>HS surelly will keep printing money forever!
>Diablo but phones by chinks
They stopped being relevant quite a while ago. Would say project titan was what woke them up
He's talking to the Alliance when he says that, and the Amani said stuff like that too. Trolls be here before any other race.
>project titan
nah it was when MoP started development. Cata showed them that people pretty much were over by Wotlk's ending, so they tried out something new and listen to their fucktard playerbase. We all know how that turned out, so they sucked off chinks, abandoning everything else so they can still make money.