Log on to steam

>log on to steam
>immediately get messaged

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>get on voice chat!

reply with suck my dick faggot I am busy playing 18+ tiddy games


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i just ghost everyone that messages me and if they try multiple times i block them :-)

>immediately remove them from your friend list


>she has friend list auto-log in on

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Haha, yeah, p-people are always messaging me.

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>gets an unusual
>154 new friend requests

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I dont even have an usual, but I was getting upwards of fucking 50 adds from russians till I made my shit private, best choice.

did you just assume my non-binary gender?

Just ignore them. They will stop eventually.

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Kevin Nash was raped at gunpoint in the summer of '92

What's the point of having friends if you don't want to play with them?

>Log on to Steam.
>Nobody messages you.
>Nobody has messaged you for as long as you can remember.

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I wish.

I sit in invisible mode

Kek what a bitch

>not setting your inventory to private or at least friends-only

This guy knows it.

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Do you even accept friend requests?

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Why do people send me friend invites and then never talk to me or play vidya with ever?

kek what a bitch

How come you're bio says you're in SF?
Aren't you that turkish guy living in germany?

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>log on to gog
>have no friends

Feels good.

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You could add some rules to your profile.
>don't try to make small talk when i'm in a game
>don't send friend request when below lv 20
>don't send random game invites for games i'm not currently playing
>don't talk to me when my status is away, it means i'm not on my pc or i'm busy otherwise
>i only accept friend requests from cute anime avatars

I'm glad Yea Forums memes are getting over. Yea Forums stealing have sex and Yea Forums using Nashposting

Just say no or delete.

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>Log onto Steam
>Over 30 messages from sister telling me that she loves me and that she misses me

my only steam friend is my brother

>1 new message
>its just my friend saying good night

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I'll kill myself before I become a BPD-tier rule fag

Add me up losers.

>log onto steam
>message from brother-in-law
>recently got myself a niece
>"h-hey bro, can i come over and couch game some fighters with you?"
>"How's my sister?"
>"oh, she's great, the kid's screaming 24/7 and we can't relax"
>"You can come over, np, let sis' and the kid join aswell"
>"h-ha-ha, damn, something happened we should do this some other day, see ya"
This asshole is trying to run from his responsibility with MY sister by hiding at MY place.
Should I keep up my neutrality game or what?

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Based family first user

Your loss.

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>tfw all my friends want to play Dota only now
>while I enjoy Dota, wish they would be up for playing something different

fuck i'd be willing to buy a 4 pack of a game if my friends would actually play with me

I don't need invisible mode because I have no friends

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>shit nigger I just got home, let me eat something and fap first, then we can play
damn, that was hard