>He has the same obsession with videogames in his thirties when he was a teenager
Imagine not growing up Lmao
He has the same obsession with videogames in his thirties when he was a teenager
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aslong as it doesnt get in the way of having your life together and stable its fine
You're like 3o.
Imagine being this faggot Lmao
>$600 dollars worth of controllers around his tv
Because he doesn't have kids or a wife to hang pictures of them there instead
"Growing up" to do what?
"Getting women" as if they are objects to do what? Fuck them and forget about it? Some life. "Getting women" improves your social status amongst those who hi-five people for being "playa"s. Who gives a damn about being more social amongst those vapid wastes of food and employment?
Video games are a great way to have fun, and enjoy things that are availible to you in life. Not only this, but the making of a game is an art form - by playing through, say, an RPG, you are treated to a grand story that is just overwhelmingly more fufilling than going out, fucking some chick, hi-fiving yourself and calling it a night.
because L1 buttons are fucking cursed and are always the first to go
Someone post the cap where they worked out how tall he was by the game cases and he was like 5'5.
it could be worse, he could still be obsessed with chinese cartoons after 18
>tfw no mature bf
You're right, staying indoors and not interacting with human beings in an way is far more fulfilling. That's why you have such an enlightened understanding of things, right?
do these people actually play all these video games?
how many times did you try to kill yourself, tomokoanon?
Can't even hide is fucking cables.
you've posted so much on Yea Forums you little tripfaggot that you're universally hated
on a fucking anonymous board filled with self loathing
you can't really mock others when you have a pedigree like that
>Some anons on Yea Forums actually put women on a pedastal
Once you fucked a few vaginas, it all the same.
Imagine not having a hobby besides shitposting
>Universally hated
You mean people love me because i'm actually a pretty cool guy?
>that name
>"Getting women"
this is the worst decisions man can do . You will waste your time , money and health on one of the most selfish beings on earth and for what ?
That's not fair, his mommy says he's a handsome young man.
All that plastic is gonna end up in the sea some day.
Physical media really needs to just die at this point.
I can't imagine how big of a faggot Gladium is outside this board if he's shitting one of the only good video game channels on YT.
>has a ps4
>no persona 5
Okay what does he do for a living tho?
>it's another chink shills pretend to give a shit about the environment to score points against people who care about consumer rights episode
Yeah!! Fuck the planet i want my worthless stuff i dont touch for years at a time!
This guy is clearly American( ugly, short looks like he was raised on fluorines) so the plastic is probably not going to end up in the ocenab ut rather will be burned
Who gives a shit about earth?
A lot of people as it turns out. Are you retarded?
Fucking manlets
I don't think you call one person by name who loves you
>People still use petroleum
>People still smoke
>People still pollute
Seems like nobody cares.
hahahahahaha never gets old
>Americans take off shoes inside their homes
>ends up making their homes smell like feet
why do they do this?
I lost interest around 23 or 24 but never developed any other hobbies so still come here to shitpost but dont actually play games
Most people in the world don't own cars, nor do they smoke, nor do they pollute.
Anything else?
I never dressed like that even as a teen. He's just a fag.
Most people actually do.
Most people in the world do own cars. You pollute just by using electricity.
checkmate environmentfag.
Cringe but blackpilled
Almost the same, I play them occasionally
Imagine treating console gaming like that.
>stack of ps4 games
>each case is about 14mm, or around 0.55 inches, deep
>standing next to the case at head level, he is exactly 119 cases tall
>14 x 119 comes out to 1,666mm
>converted to inches is 65.6 inches
>he's 5'5-1/2
What are some easy hobbies to take up due to me not liking video games anymore. Keep in mind I hate all nerdy things so no stupid shit like board games.
Console gaming is superior what's the issue?
>Says the guy on the board where people literally cannot sleep because the are "forced" to download a 300 Mb launcher from a company they dont like
We need Chad Warden back to put this "Gladium" faggot in his place.
You can't treat PC gaming like that because there are no physical copies.
I'm 29 now and maybe play 3-4 games a year at most
how small do you think is he? juging from the size of the controler in his hand i would say 5.6
Living your life only to seek hedonistic pleasures inevitably leads to despair.
The hashes don't match up
>most people own ca—
Assuming at least one driver per vehicle: there are 1.2 billion drivers. According to a quick search world population is around 7.3 billion. So it is safe to assume that at least 16.4 percent of people are drivers. The actual number is probably more as often many drivers share cars.
Based retards.
>ugly, short looks like he was raised on fluorines
It's kinda funny when you talk about it faggot
I have a shitty job that I hate, I never had and never will have a girlfriend, so what is there left for me besides gaming? I need at least some pleasure at life. Anticipating upcoming games is like the only reason i have not killed myself yet I have to play VII Remake and Cyberpunk 2077 before I die.
listen my nigga, having a girlfriend is by FAR the most overrated thing a man can strive to have.
I'm not an American
Everyone I know have a car and drives a car, car companies are some of the biggest companies out there with revenues of over 200$ billion like Toyota and Volkswagen, so you can't tell me most people don't use caras because they actually do.
Rock climbing, hiking, traveling, cooking, drawing, painting, making music, lifting, reading, writing, go out with friends, there's so much shit you can do.
And having a girlfriend doesn't really add anything to your life, specially if she's a lazy unmotivated piece of shit like almost all women are, only you can make your life good and exciting, most women would actually drag you down and even deprive you from your vidya if you let them.
That's doesn't change the raw data. Please fuck off retard.
I don't have time for that I work 7 days a week I don't remember when was I free last time.
>I'm not an American
this was meant for
Yeah but when you look like you do does it even matter?
I didn't have an obsession with games until I was 20.
You are a fucking retard just US has 322 million registered cars which is almost entire population US has like 325 millions people.
30 year old Dadanon here, "growing up" is actually fucking gay as shit and as I'm getting older I'm realizing that the idea of being too old for specific hobbies is mostly a literal baby boomer meme to cope with generally being a generation of shitters
>registers by amount of cars.
You're moving the goalposts into fucking space since this will literally include every commercial, industrial, and military vehicle on the road. The original metric for the data is drivers with cars. You have to stop being retarded, I'm begging you.
>only 3 million people are under driving age or too old to drive.
>Blunderfag/Eric talking shit when this is him
That guys Reddit account is basically him posting his thousands of dollars worth of PS4 games and collector's edition boxes stacked high in the room over and over and then arguing with people about it, weird.
half of that pile of game, if not its entirety, was bought from the dollar bin.
Its not me
lmao I've seen enough of your faggot ass reddit posts to know that it's you